every leader MUST listen to this podcast on blind spots...very very insightful and eye opening.....my greatest take away amidst other things i have gleaned 'when leaders have a singular perspective the followers get nervous on them eventually because they say...he/she doesn't see, he/she has not considered and they begin to be very insecure with that kind of leadership because their input, thoughts, ideas haven't at all been validated and it creates an enormous gap between the leader and the followers
every leader MUST listen to this podcast on blind spots...very very insightful and eye opening.....my greatest take away amidst other things i have gleaned 'when leaders have a singular perspective the followers get nervous on them eventually because they say...he/she doesn't see, he/she has not considered and they begin to be very insecure with that kind of leadership because their input, thoughts, ideas haven't at all been validated and it creates an enormous gap between the leader and the followers