Ever notice how the most loved games Nintendo has put out over the past 2 generations didn't force feed the console's gimmick on them? Well Nintendo sure as hell hasn't....
Except Splatoon. And Skyward Sword, which are both excellent and if anyone asserts otherwise I shall shrug in mild indifference. Metroid Prime 3's controls were rather entertaining too.
GhostSamurai unfortunately still do not have a WiiU, waiting for the massive price drop when the NX comes out, but the games I have played, when the gimmick is used right the games can really be enhanced by them RE4 Wii edition was flat out spectacular and the woggle controls and aiming really lifted the already great gameplay.
Wait, so you're telling me someone in Nintendo said "Let's remake the first game for a 4th goddamn time"? Assault was good, they should have stuck with that plan.
Assault *did* have some good ideas. Even if the next Star Fox were just Assault with a longer campaign and tighter controls, it would be a step in the right direction. Levels 6 (Sauria) and 9 (Aparoid City), where you're dropped in with a Landmaster, Arwing, and a variety of weapons, with objectives scattered about and an open-ended level, are awesome.
"An adventure in blunt force trauma to the face." I died. I am writing from beyond the veil of time, space, and life. Yahtzee killed my with my own laughter.
I don't think it was the motion controls that ruined this game; having gyro aim in a Star Fox game is not a bad idea, as evidenced by the good reception that Star Fox 64 3D received. What ruined this game was that the game itself was a desperate attempt to justify the Wii U controller's touchscreen.
Netherwolf6100 To say Nintendo is out of touch with what their fans truly want is a drastic understatement; they have up and lost their way. I can only pray F-Zero doesn't get the same treatment. It won't be long before even mere personal preference won't excuse so much as liking Nintendo anymore. And, to be honest, that's disheartening.
Wait, so this is just a reboot of Star Fox 64? ...but Star Fox 64 was a reboot of Star Fox! Albeit a damn fun one. Tilt aiming doesn't sound like fun, though. It sounds like the opposite of fun. Like an alien sex dungeon...but everything is covered in spikes. ...which I guess is fun for some people...but then I'm sure there are some people that like this game too.
I was excited to see them bring the series back, but ever since I saw the first reveal trailer for the game I knew something was fishy about it... I noticed Miyamoto just waving the Wii-u pad around, then he spoke of a reimagining of the series. Next thing you know a baby triceratops started to talk to me in my mind, and he told me of all the things Nintendo dose behind the scenes and what they're plotting. I thought I was in a dream, that was till three anthropomorphic figures emerged in my room wearing robes. They spoke: the blue vixen told me of the NX having hardware gimmicks that would only set the company back, the Lynx spoke about how they plot to do more shameless reboots/ new titles, and finally the cocker spaniel spoke of their new business practices and localization... I thought it was all a dream, but I sadly figured out it was reality and those figures/ voices were my conscious/gut.
@@user-pc5sc7zi9j The reason why this game motion has controls because Miyamotto couldn't figure out how to put in more vehicles without it, like The Walker.
As a Nintendo fan, I agree. I think the statement "They're not trying hard enough where it counts, and are trying hard enough where it doesn't". Motion controls suck.
Sure, but he didn't nearly tear it enough! Did he not try Arcade mode or at least the training missions to find out more sh*t before he stopped??? Also (and I already asked this on The Escapist website), WHERE'S STAR FOX GUARD!?
Here come the Nintendo children. "He's just an idiot who can't figure out the controls!" "He's just bad as the game!" "I'd like to see YOU make a better game!"
+Randy Butternubs As a nintendo child: "Pretty sure everyone hates the controls." "He probably is though. I get the feeling he doesn't play these games for very long because of his weekly reviewing schedule so crappy controls that would take you a while to get used to and hell even master probably wont give many points on a weekly review basis." "I thought he made a game already. Maybe I'm thinking of something else."
+Randy Butternubs They gotta know it's Yahtzee's JOB to talk shit about bad games. So we know they're shit and we don't waste our money. In my opinion, that's a noble purpose.
It's shocking, really. Here you have a remake with ugly graphics, bad controls, weak amounts of content, and charges full retail price. On the other side of the spectrum (Same month no less) you have Ratchet and Clank. Gorgeous graphics, great gameplay and controls, 10-15ish hours of content with plenty of replayability, and it costs $20 LESS than the average MSRP. You've got to be shitting me. Sony just out-Nintendo'd Nintendo in terms of a nostalgic and rewarding remake of a classic. *Edit: I'm being told the game is NOT full price, but this is in fact not true. The game apparently costs $50 on the WiiU eshop, HOWEVER the game costs full retail on literally every other outlet I looked up - Best Buy, Gamespot, EB Games, Amazon, etc. Also people are telling me it is not a remake but a "re-imagining." Look, I don't give a shit what you call it, they are both reboots REGARDLESS so they can be compared to each other. I'm done posting about this shit. If you enjoy the game, good for you. Frankly, the defenses are so weak from the Nintendo fans if the price and me calling it a "remake" are what discredit my comparison between R&C and SF: Z.
From what I've read, Star Fox Zero was originally intended as a Wii game, which was put aside and then built with left over assets, and going by the evidence in the gameplay and design, that seems logical. I reckon it was either going to use the Wii Mote or Wii Mote and Nunchuk (the latter would make sense, because the Nunchuk would control the vehicles, and the Wii mote would be used to target things), but the project was likely delayed when an announcement of a new console was in the wings, and then the project rebooted a few years later for the Wii U, but put on hold again when the Wii U was entering an uncertain phase in its life, and then delayed until its dying year, because they feared too much time had passed since the last Star Fox and no one would recognise the franchise, and had to make it a reboot and start all over again, not allowing proper time to test out the control scheme, or polish up the graphics to make the most of the console's hardware.
SF64 3D is basically just SF64 with no new content, so if you prefer playing SF64 then go ahead. Zero has some new areas and vehicles compared to 64 and overall is longer. I managed to beat SF64 in thirty minutes the first time and SF Zero in about two hours(probably because of that damn helicopter, fuck that thing sucks ass).
At least try Zero. It's the cool thing to hate it but it's genuinely a good game if you can get passed the learning curve. It's an arcade style game meant to replay levels for secrets and high scores so it's definitely not for everyone but some people absolutely love this game, including me.
Star Fox Zero is why Miyamoto needs to be put out to pasture, the man has lost his ability to innovate, and is a shadow of the brilliant game designer he once was, the man has more bad ideas than good nowadays (Zero, Wii Music (if it was a rhythm game like Rockband or Guitar Hero, I could accept it), Paper Mario:Sticker Star, need me to go on?), in fact, Nintendo's most creative new game in years, Splatoon, Miyamoto had little involvement in development
I know your comment is six years old but I'm here now and I'm doing this anyways. I don't think that Miyamoto had necessarily lost the ability to innovate. I think it's more that the potential of modern games has moved beyond what he's really good at innovating. I think he's good at dealing with limitations in processing power or graphics, and using innovations in gameplay mechanics or controls to kind of work around those limitations and make something fun in a different way. But these days, graphics and processing are all strong enough that you can let much create a fully realized version of whatever you can imagine. And with controls, serve pretty much nailed down a handful of really successful and intuitive control schemes for most games. I don't think he's lost his magic, I just don't think there's much room for him to work it anymore. We're not in the wild west of gaming anymore, very little territory remains unexplored, and he kind of seems reluctant to move into truly new territory like VR. I do think he should take a less active role in game development (and it seems like he has) but maybe he could still come up with some interesting ideas if he challenged himself to work among older limitations in hardware and software. He's made some decisions I really don't agree with but I don't want to downplay what a talented creator he was.
@@KingRidley The controls aren't that bad, it's just that it takes about an hour experimenting in training mode to fully understand it. Ether way Miyamoto is barley involved in making game right now.
And I'll assume Nintendo is gonna use this game as an excuse why they'll be making Mario, Zelda and Pokemon games exclusively for the next 10 years before shitting another B-team ashcan project with a D-list property for the fuck of it.
+AlluMan96 Honestly, if they're gonna "innovate" with their B-list IPs, and do actual innovation through A-lists and new IPs, I think I am down with that.
vcom741 First of all, they aren't gonna do that, let's be realists here. The hardest they tried to innovate in a while was Zelda: Skyward sword and we know how that worked out for it's gameplay. Second, innovation is meaningless without variety. Mario and Zelda only do so much without drifting so far that you ask "Why couldn't this be a Metroid game" or something. I stand with Jim Sterling on this quite hard. Necessity breeds innovation and doing such for no reason is a toxic mentality that breeds games like Star Fox Zero. We don't need innovation, simply spice. I don't care if Mario games play the same, as long as they bend the level design to do this familiar thing in different enough ways. I think the Tales series of games is quite brilliant at it from a gameplay perspective. Besides meaningful evolution, each game stays true to one foundation upon which they mix different mechanics and how they work. Each game feels different, even though the gameplay hasn't changed as much as evolved.
"We don't need innovation, simply spice." And that's the mind-set that will keep VR in the same gimmicky first-person-helmet camera trash state that it's currently getting so much hype for, instead of advancing to something better, like full dive tech. Innovation requires experimentation. Some innovations aren't widely accepted, even if they offer advantages, because older methods are just a tiny bit simpler, which is the case for Star Fox Zero's controls, while others are so simple and similar to past examples that people can more easily accept them as a step forward. The truth of it is that people are afraid of change that steps too far outside of their current comfort zones. SFZ's controls demand more of the player, and in turn it makes it less enjoyable for many players because, let's face it, the gaming community of today has been drastically babied. Hell, even in Dark Souls, a game all about difficulty as its hook, they're not really doing anything that hack-and-slashers like Bayonetta and DMC didn't do better and with a lot more style and color, especially on harder difficulties. [and before you answer, keep in mind that I'm saying this as a 32 year old gamer, and a fan of Dark Souls, who has been with both Sony and Nintendo since their beginnings in gaming] They've grown used to reading a pattern, dodging or ducking, or something equally simple, then pressing a button to win. But throw most of those players into a game like Ninja Gaiden or Star Fox Zero, where patterns are harder or the controls are different, and they're forced to step outside of their comfort zones and really put in some effort, and suddenly things aren't as fun for them anymore and the game in question just "sucks". Being simpler just makes things easier to popularize, when it comes to gaming. It doesn't necessarily make them better. And in this case, SFZ's control issues have been blown massively out of proportion.
smashbrolink Of course, VR needs more innovators, because a quality for such experiences has yet to be standardized. We've barely seen 2 feet into the true potentials or even possible strengths of what VR can do with games. Much as NES needed innovators to establish how structured experiences were crafted. Innovation that spits in the face of practicality is a failure from the start and needs to be scrapped. There's stepping away from comfort zones, and then there's just shoveling inferior design as a fresh take on something. You can call yourself an innovator for making a flashlight that requires a quantum processor to operate, but in the end, as long as it's less usable than simply flicking a switch on a plastic rod, it's worthless fluff. When push comes to shove and we look at Star Fox Zero's 2-screen setup for instance, we gotta ask only 1 thing; What does it bring that an FoV toggle couldn't? Was the sacrifice of intuitiveness out-weighed by new potential? Personally, I don't think so. It was an inconveniant way of stretching your vision, forcing you to work with 2 screens for no better gain. It didn't add to the experience in a way togglling between the views on 1 screen couldn't, therefore the experiment was a failure. Again, innovation is a product of necessity. When Dark Souls designed it's mechanics, they didn't force you to swing the controller wildly in the direction you wanted to dodge roll to, because it wasn't as good as pushing a button. Instead, they chose to innovate in areas that had potential. It's Stamina system was the most refined a stamina system had ever been, it's slower combat contrasted with the majority of games available, forcing re-assessment from the players, but it all was user-friendly. It didn't force you to jump through hoops, rather just learn the game.
I hate the design philosophy of "It's more fun in consecutive playthroughs" or "It gets fun once you get used to it". First impressions are everything, and if someone didn't like the game the first time, why should they be obligated to slog through a game until they finally start to get some enjoyment from it?
4:40 HOLY SHIT, someone else remembers that Keeping up Appearances existed! I figured I was the only person who knew what both Zero Punctuation and Keeping up Appearances are. I haven't seen that show since I was like...10, waiting for Red Green to come on Saturday night. I remember it being kinda funny, but I suspect that it was actually horrible.
You'll let us know when Nintendo starts smuggling in Red Dwarf, right? On a less serious note: StarFox 64 was one of my favorite games growing up (And I still think it holds up /reasonably/ well today) so you can probably imagine how I got my hopes up when I heard that a return-to-form Starfox was being released on WiiU. I even considered buying a WiiU for a moment. I am so glad that the internet has instant reviews and I don't have to wait a month for the newest issue of Game Informer to come in the mail or I might have given Nintendo money. Dear Nintendo: The Wii was successful because it was fun, it felt like playing. Multi-monitor micromanagement is not fun and does not feel like playing. Please at least give gamers the option of classic controls when/if the NX comes out. Please?
+Stalkholm What is Nintendo's current obsession with taking things out and replacing them with things that are broken? I guess we can add Starfox to the list. I have been waiting for a real sequel to Paper Mario as long as everyone else has been waiting for Half Life 3.
+Infinite Mega ...okay? I'm not sure where you got the impression that I haven't played Sticker Star (or do you mean Zero? That'd be a little less relevant.) Not even saying that either are bad, just saying that they aren't quite what fans of the series were hoping for in a sequel. I'd be completely fine with both if they were accompanied by something a little more traditional. Also... "troll?" Really sick of people arbitrarily throwing that word around. Join the discussion instead of hurling baseless insults.
"You rather listen to bias reviews instead of renting games because you're a sheep. ... Of course you didn't because you're a sheep." Baaaa. Seriously though, I don't own a WiiU, and I'm not going to go buy one just to find out if the reviews on Star Fox are accurate or not. I may be a sheep, but I'm not a dumbass.
It's true. I only think the things that video game reviews tell me to think. I really wish someone would hurry up and tell me what my opinion is on dinner, I'm getting hungry.
+Stalkholm Yeah, he's officially proven he's either a troll or a 12-year-old (who doesn't actually know what the word "troll" means?.) I think we should just ignore him at this point. On an unrelated note: Pokemon profile pics!
+Shashwat Bhushan Well they did Rainbow Paintbrush which suffered from hardware gimics as well. Arguably Fire Emblem's going OK for them, but I'm one of the people who isn't annoyed by the changes they made for the west, so I may be in a minority there.
+Danger-Day Pancakes I would be, if it were even possible. The usual argument that "Just because it's the same doesn't make it bad" Doesn't apply here. Those of us who are actually insane enough to try and defend the game will have a hard time for certain.
+Danger-Day Pancakes Except that Yhatzee literally didnt finish the game and got his ass kicked by the first actual boss (gorilla) and didnt even get into the TIME TRAVEL segments(read: seven hours more alone, minimum, for one run) where you actually have to do things that would require the control scheme I.E. shooting straight up in the tank to target the moist bits of an enemy's underbelly or shooting 120 degrees to the side to just shoot down those missiles he complains about not being able to outdistance
+Chris Messier he does have a point with the sensitivity though, i really hated how hard it was to snipe with how sensitive it was to my weak baby arms shaking
Honestly the weirdest thing to me about Star Fox Zero is that Assault had a whole THREE control schemes depending on your preference. They all had quirks, but still, they worked. And yet the forgotten middle child of the Star Fox franchise continues to be miles ahead of the furry little bastard’s more recent outings.
"They made one of their layabout children who haven't worked in decades come up from the basement and sit at the dinner table with their new stepfather Hardware Gimmick." Yahtzee, you are the voice of a video game generation.
+TotalMadnessMan It's Yahtzee's way of showing that he's hyper (also conveyed through the sudden speed of dialogue) and his eyes are getting wide. The reason he always uses it for that pose is probably so he can reuse assets.
It reminds me a lot of Skyward Sword: A game where the controls are a barrier-for-entry, but, if you take the time to get use to them, you're left with a game that's nothing special.
+New Zen No. Most games don't have a controller learning curve to try and justify hardware. There wasn't a grain of good thought that was produced in designing the Wii U.
+Mike W Dual Analog, the Home Analog, a number of other instances that people had to adjust to in order to learn how to play games of a later generation. Even then, I'm not even trying to say that Zero did a good job of that (I agree that the MC's should have been an option), but as far as I can tell a lot people don't like them, a number of people have also stated that they would prefer is these became the standard as an option in later games, whereas the same could be said for any other game in existence that also used what people NOW consider a "standard" control scheme - subjectivity.
+New Zen Dual analogs became a standard fast because it still allowed people to use the D-Pad for the most part, and was much more accurate for the games that were starting at the time. The problem with motion controls is there are almost no games trying this new "innovation" and doing it in the way this game did is horrendous, and many other games on the Wii U that use it.
That was gyro movement, not aiming. Tilting the console moved the entire ship and it's course of direction, not just the reticle. That aside, MC should've been fully optional (even though I'm a fan of them and love them so).
The bit about the game not possibly taking up the whole disc, they did that before with Mario All-Stars 25th Anniversary. _AND_ with the bonus CD that came with it! The game was a whole disc dedicated to one SNES rom, and the bonus disc was twenty or so tracks. Of one-second sound effects. One to each track.
+Nade Duck Same thing that many devs did with the Wii: Shoving gimmicks into places that they couldnt possibly fit in, and then wondering what went wrong.
***** None of that matters, honestly. There's NO REASON for Nintendo to put hyper-wobbly control in a genre that traditionally demands accuracy (and this one only gets away with it at all because it's always been an easy series). Star Fox is, and always has been, of a genre that spawned a LONG time ago, with games like Space Harrier and various others. If THOSE games had contained anything other than really accurate, simple controls? They never would have made it off the ground. People replay games like Star Fox the original, or the 64 version, because they got everything right.... INCLUDING extremely accurate, easy to use controls that never interfere. Hell, Starfox is EXTREMELY similar to something out of the shmup genre; it is what I call a "horizon shmup", as with Space Harrier and others, but it's similar in ways to scrolling ones too. In a shmup, the absolute number one cardinal sin above all others is IMPRECISE CONTROLS. In a game of that type, NOTHING is worse. It doesnt matter what else can be screwed up; bad controls are the ultimate mistake. This is that type of game, but going INTO the screen instead of ACROSS it. And honestly? There's just no damn reason for the bizarro controls other than Nintendo wanting to stamp "uses the gamepad :D :D :D" on the damn box. Any technique, and I seriously mean ANY of them, that can be done in this series is easier, better, and more accurate with an analog stick (and I mean JUST an analog stick) instead of bizarre motion controls that require an utterly unnecessary learning curve (and if the CONTROLS ALONE have a learning curve, something is fantastically wrong). And this is coming from someone that's an expert in this genre, not someone that's played a couple of games in a half-assed way. And also? Good ol' Nintendo as usual didnt think about the players that might not even be ABLE to use the gamepad in that way. Some people are in positions where they cannot constantly do the arm/wrist motions that the game requires. Hell, I can technically do it... for about 20 minutes (unless I'm on pain meds), at which point I *have* to stop, without exception, because the pain that results from going any further isnt worth ANY game (and it encompasses not just my wrist, but my arm, shoulder, and causes a splitting headache, due to the nature of the issue). And yes, even small-ish movements can set this off (heck, if I'm having a REALLY bad day, I cant use the computer mouse). But, surprise, Nintendo just said "sorry, it's GIMMICK TIME", in a game that didnt need it, and bloody well did it anyway. In other words, it's a game that some people cant even play. I know someone IRL that wouldnt even be able to do this AT ALL; they'd need a controller that only remains in a static position. I'll not explain their issue, because breach of privacy, but Nintendo's bloody stupid idea of not even allowing the player to SELECT their controls literally prevents them from touching the game if they want to. Does THAT sound like a good move to you, in a series that never had or needed something like this? I sure as hell hope it doesnt. Splatoon, at least, got this right. It doesnt FORCE anything upon it's players; you get to choose, you get to have the experience that's best for you (AND, as an added bonus, no screwball screen splitting; only the map, which you usually dont need, is shown on the gamepad). Nintendo, lately, has been good about that sort of thing.... so this is a big step backwards for them. This is a game that will never go down in history as having been a true classic. It's one that will go down as pretty much what Yahtzee and so many others have been saying about it: a mistake. There, rant over. I now return everyone to their regularly scheduled comments and wont say anything else, it's all been said.
I was definitely feeling something weird going on with the controls at some point. In the first mission, everything was going fine as I picked off enemy ships and took down the first wave of spiders, but suddenly all bets were off when the second wave appeared - suddenly the controls decided they didn't want to respond properly, nothing was locking on and Peppy kept saying "use the motion controls!" every few seconds. I don't know what was going on, but it was like the control completely overhauled itself and gave up.
Hey, I just thought of a use for the screen controls! They could have used them in an FTL: Faster then Light manner. Shifting power between systems as you play to optimize your ship.
I mean, Star Fox games are supposed to be short since they're "arcade" games. Minus the whole "arcade" part. Either way it's silly how Nintendo feel the need to "reinvent" franchises that have layed dormant for years, when literally everyone is just asking for their favourite game in the series again except slightly different.
+King Harkinian Except you don't pay $60 for an arcade game. But agreed, they could have made some easy money if they didn't pull a SEGA and just reinvent when a slight update would have worked wonders.
If they wanted the arcade excuse they should've cut the price or made an actually good game, or been like SuperHOT and had tons of extra modes and shit to run through. Premium price for a shitty game with shitty controls with such a pitifully long campaign is ridiculous at best. Especially considering you can get The greatest boon the game has is that Platinum was on development, and that obviously didn't make it any better. At best this game makes Legend of Korra no longer the biggest shit stain on Platinum's record.
After waiting for so long we finally get a new star fox and they fuck it up. Everytime they use the pad for something it just kills any insentive to play the game. It happens with everything. Mario, Fatal Frame, Star Fox, Zelda, it just doesnt work. Its the virtua boy all over again.
"Its new step dad, hardware gimmick, which Nintendo hastely married in a Vegas shotgun wedding..." It's sad cause apparently Nintendo is already planning on its next sugar daddy the NX. I guess the starving children Nintendo has will never have a true dad. Now the question is what has Nintendo done with all the bodies...?
Also you must love how the Miiverse minions will praise a game to no end, even if that game is literally a pile of maggot infested decomposing corpses, covered in a thick layer of sh*t.
nekusakuraba01 They are, but have you seen Miiverse? Each and everyone of them give off this mindless drone feeling. Not to mention Miiverse will harp on you if you so much say "I wish this game could do multiplayer/online/etc."
Don't compare the wii u control pad to a seeing eyed dog they take extensive training and are actually really helpful to people that need them. There kind of like the polar opposite of the game pad.
+WarSloth It was a metaphor. He said that the game having the wii U controls was so forced that it was like stabbing your eyes out to get a helper dog. He wasn't insulting blind people or their dogs. He was saying that the game didn't need the wii U controller no more than a person with functioning eyes needs a helper dog.
Now I'm depressed. Ugh... This franchise needs a proper reboot. Badly. Preferably by the fans because unlike Nintendo, THEY KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE DOING.
ProjectEchoshadow but i actually genuinely enjoyed it. And i've played starfox 64 for 40+ hours, i love that game. While i don't think star fox zero is quite as good, it's nowhere near as bad as people are being lead to believe.
Nintendo actually has a ton of money. A news article somewhere said that they could survive a product flopping over and over for the next twenty years before they would go out of business.
***** I don't care about them going out of business, they can keep making shit if they want, but I'm not living long enough to keep playing shit forever
Can someone remind me in which episode of ZP Yahtzee starts with a joke that goes something like: Whenever I ask people if they've ever heard about (name of the reviewed game), they always go: -You mean a combat based rpg with high difficulty level and dark atmosphere? -No, that's Dark Souls! -Oh, you mean like the outlet of digestive system located at the rear end of body? -No, that's assholes! P.S. I know it's not word for word, I only remember the assholes part.
+gamecubemaster1990 I'm honestly a bit baffled that you made a coherent comment criticizing Nintendo. Literally every other commenter with a similar username is saying one of three defensive things.
The graphics look fine, and I was got good with the controls before the end of level 1, I guess that just means I'm better than everyone else, I don't get the hate for this game
These comments are great, considering it's obvious more than half of the people who are saying the game is shit obviously don't own it or haven't played it since they let the reviews decide for them. Overall, another funny one by Yahtzee, and I enjoy this game. XD
4200Felix By then, you're not even making a decision for yourself-you're letting others decide for you. Hell, you could even look up videos on YT considering how many people upload walkthroughs and footage of the game since it was released and before. All I'm basically saying is that you don't really have a right to say something is shit because of, "Well, these obviously IMPORTANT people said the game is terrible, so I have to rely on them and ONLY them to decide my purchases for me". If that was the case, then in opposition, the praise for U4, W3, and MGSV wouldn't be met with such vitriol towards the people who have played them and found them to be highly overrated and disappointing.
New Zen I don't let them make my purchasing decisions for me. I look up the information available and decide for myself. If its a game I'm very excited about I look up a lot and if not a little. I have limited time after all. This includes the opinion of people that have played the game, and whose taste in games I know. In this case the information seems to suggest that the game is not worth playing Now if I had to buy the game, then play the game, and only afterwards make the decision on whether the game was worth buying and playing, THEN someone else would be making the decision for me.
He seemed so pleased when he said "Starfox Zero Punctuation" at the beginning.
"It's like justifying purchasing a seeing-eye dog by gouging your eyes out." Lol
Ever notice how the most loved games Nintendo has put out over the past 2 generations didn't force feed the console's gimmick on them? Well Nintendo sure as hell hasn't....
Oh hi Jim & Brian!
Super Easter Bunny hey buddy!
Except Splatoon. And Skyward Sword, which are both excellent and if anyone asserts otherwise I shall shrug in mild indifference. Metroid Prime 3's controls were rather entertaining too.
GhostSamurai unfortunately still do not have a WiiU, waiting for the massive price drop when the NX comes out, but the games I have played, when the gimmick is used right the games can really be enhanced by them
RE4 Wii edition was flat out spectacular and the woggle controls and aiming really lifted the already great gameplay.
+GhostSamurai skyward sword was good but the motion controls annoyed the piss out of me
Wait, so you're telling me someone in Nintendo said "Let's remake the first game for a 4th goddamn time"?
Assault was good, they should have stuck with that plan.
+bobmcbob49 Assault got unfairly panned for the on-ground missions, but BOY, have all the installments since really made it look better in retrospect.
I don't even know about that one.
+Nori Ringtail Assault had some good ideas, and the Mutliplayer was awesome
Assault *did* have some good ideas. Even if the next Star Fox were just Assault with a longer campaign and tighter controls, it would be a step in the right direction. Levels 6 (Sauria) and 9 (Aparoid City), where you're dropped in with a Landmaster, Arwing, and a variety of weapons, with objectives scattered about and an open-ended level, are awesome.
Assult is trash...
"An adventure in blunt force trauma to the face."
I died. I am writing from beyond the veil of time, space, and life. Yahtzee killed my with my own laughter.
+Hadron V
Rest in spaghetti never forghetti
3:11 - *GASP!!... Yahtzee drew a MOUTH.
He did it before ya know
watch the Wolfenstein The new order review.
and his reviews of both Dark souls and sunset overdrive use a "Smug" expression
New definition for Motion Sickness!
The hatred that is felt toward motion controls when they ruin what could've been a good game.
I don't think it was the motion controls that ruined this game; having gyro aim in a Star Fox game is not a bad idea, as evidenced by the good reception that Star Fox 64 3D received. What ruined this game was that the game itself was a desperate attempt to justify the Wii U controller's touchscreen.
The flight sections in Ratchet & Clank piss on Starfox's Motion controls.
+Evil Gouki Hell, I bet even the Gummi Ship from Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 piss on Star Fox Zero's motion controls.
+MegamanElric16 You have no idea how much better the Gummi Ship is, and I HATED those sections.
Netherwolf6100 To say Nintendo is out of touch with what their fans truly want is a drastic understatement; they have up and lost their way. I can only pray F-Zero doesn't get the same treatment.
It won't be long before even mere personal preference won't excuse so much as liking Nintendo anymore. And, to be honest, that's disheartening.
either modern games have made us soft and want every thing handed to us or Nintendo went full retard
id say both
+ImmaLittlePip I don't really like mlp, but that's pretty fuckin cute.
Wait, so this is just a reboot of Star Fox 64?
...but Star Fox 64 was a reboot of Star Fox! Albeit a damn fun one.
Tilt aiming doesn't sound like fun, though. It sounds like the opposite of fun.
Like an alien sex dungeon...but everything is covered in spikes.
...which I guess is fun for some people...but then I'm sure there are some people that like this game too.
I was excited to see them bring the series back, but ever since I saw the first reveal trailer for the game I knew something was fishy about it...
I noticed Miyamoto just waving the Wii-u pad around, then he spoke of a reimagining of the series. Next thing you know a baby triceratops started to talk to me in my mind, and he told me of all the things Nintendo dose behind the scenes and what they're plotting.
I thought I was in a dream, that was till three anthropomorphic figures emerged in my room wearing robes. They spoke: the blue vixen told me of the NX having hardware gimmicks that would only set the company back, the Lynx spoke about how they plot to do more shameless reboots/ new titles, and finally the cocker spaniel spoke of their new business practices and localization...
I thought it was all a dream, but I sadly figured out it was reality and those figures/ voices were my conscious/gut.
My dreams predicted the DSi's gimmic camera.
Maybe Nintendo themselves do their decissionmaking based on dreams.
@@user-pc5sc7zi9j The reason why this game motion has controls because Miyamotto couldn't figure out how to put in more vehicles without it, like The Walker.
this did not age well
it did age well though?
@@marx4538 the NX aka Switch is selling like hotcakes
This dude cracks me up. "You'll just end up with two very sore wrists and a very dry face."
As a Nintendo fan, I agree. I think the statement "They're not trying hard enough where it counts, and are trying hard enough where it doesn't". Motion controls suck.
Man hearing Yahtzee just go off is always such a great time
Best explanation of all Nintendo's efforts.
Star Fox Zero Out of Ten, never again
Even years later I can't get over the bitten by a radioactive switchboard operator comment.
Thanks for reminding me about that show, Yahtzee.
"Bitten by a radioactive switch-board operator" I died.
Keeping up appearances is such a good show
The Keeping Up Appearances joke made my day as I'm damn sure I'm the only one with elderly woman comedy show preferences watching this
I love Keeping Up Appearances! I watched an episode just yesterday! Hyacinth is hilarious :)
Nope, I like it too. Onslow's my favorite character of the show ("Oh, nice!")
Damn he tore that game apart
Just like with hundreds of other games.
Sure, but he didn't nearly tear it enough! Did he not try Arcade mode or at least the training missions to find out more sh*t before he stopped??? Also (and I already asked this on The Escapist website), WHERE'S STAR FOX GUARD!?
The VGM Love eh....wasn't bad really
Ah, the good old days when people were optimistic about Disney SW.
Nintendo is the Hyacinth Bucket of the gaming industry.
wow,what an obscure uktv gold analogy
+Mother_Puncher22 I'm laughing daily
+Nate Richards Bucké residence, lady of the house speaking!
I thought that was EA.
FYI, it's pronounced 'Bucké'.
Here come the Nintendo children.
"He's just an idiot who can't figure out the controls!"
"He's just bad as the game!"
"I'd like to see YOU make a better game!"
+Randy Butternubs Nintendo fans are the ones criticizing this game for the controls, because we actually played it.
Or my personal favourite:
+Randy Butternubs At least this time nobody can pull the "i'd like to see you do better" gambit; Yahtzee HAS made a better game.
+Randy Butternubs
As a nintendo child:
"Pretty sure everyone hates the controls."
"He probably is though. I get the feeling he doesn't play these games for very long because of his weekly reviewing schedule so crappy controls that would take you a while to get used to and hell even master probably wont give many points on a weekly review basis."
"I thought he made a game already. Maybe I'm thinking of something else."
+Randy Butternubs
They gotta know it's Yahtzee's JOB to talk shit about bad games. So we know they're shit and we don't waste our money. In my opinion, that's a noble purpose.
It's shocking, really. Here you have a remake with ugly graphics, bad controls, weak amounts of content, and charges full retail price. On the other side of the spectrum (Same month no less) you have Ratchet and Clank. Gorgeous graphics, great gameplay and controls, 10-15ish hours of content with plenty of replayability, and it costs $20 LESS than the average MSRP. You've got to be shitting me. Sony just out-Nintendo'd Nintendo in terms of a nostalgic and rewarding remake of a classic.
*Edit: I'm being told the game is NOT full price, but this is in fact not true. The game apparently costs $50 on the WiiU eshop, HOWEVER the game costs full retail on literally every other outlet I looked up - Best Buy, Gamespot, EB Games, Amazon, etc. Also people are telling me it is not a remake but a "re-imagining." Look, I don't give a shit what you call it, they are both reboots REGARDLESS so they can be compared to each other. I'm done posting about this shit. If you enjoy the game, good for you. Frankly, the defenses are so weak from the Nintendo fans if the price and me calling it a "remake" are what discredit my comparison between R&C and SF: Z.
Star fox zero isn't a remake
+Juan Aguirre it is a remake. just tweaked slightly. same story from 64 and snes.
+Juan Aguirre You''re adorable, believing anything Nintendo makes at this point Isn't a remake.
+Magicarpmaster If it's a remake of anything, it would probably be Starfox 2.
Scott E cant be a remake if the original in question was never released.
From what I've read, Star Fox Zero was originally intended as a Wii game, which was put aside and then built with left over assets, and going by the evidence in the gameplay and design, that seems logical. I reckon it was either going to use the Wii Mote or Wii Mote and Nunchuk (the latter would make sense, because the Nunchuk would control the vehicles, and the Wii mote would be used to target things), but the project was likely delayed when an announcement of a new console was in the wings, and then the project rebooted a few years later for the Wii U, but put on hold again when the Wii U was entering an uncertain phase in its life, and then delayed until its dying year, because they feared too much time had passed since the last Star Fox and no one would recognise the franchise, and had to make it a reboot and start all over again, not allowing proper time to test out the control scheme, or polish up the graphics to make the most of the console's hardware.
So.... I'm better of with just getting Star Fox 64 on the 3DS then?
SF64 3D is basically just SF64 with no new content, so if you prefer playing SF64 then go ahead. Zero has some new areas and vehicles compared to 64 and overall is longer. I managed to beat SF64 in thirty minutes the first time and SF Zero in about two hours(probably because of that damn helicopter, fuck that thing sucks ass).
+James C Holmanation Most likely. That's what I did.
... And shit controls.
+James C Holmanation I didn't really have that much of an issue for this games controls.
At least try Zero. It's the cool thing to hate it but it's genuinely a good game if you can get passed the learning curve. It's an arcade style game meant to replay levels for secrets and high scores so it's definitely not for everyone but some people absolutely love this game, including me.
To be fair, Hyacinth Bucket would have been a far less annoying support character
+Skwalker BuKAAAAY residence
It's pronounced, "Bu-kay"
Imagine Hyacinth commenting constantly on your piloting in a spaceship. "Mind the planet on the right"
"Oh MUST you be so dreadfully Galactic COMMON, dear?"
"It's in the other system, dear"
I love Keeping Up Appearances
Star Fox Zero Chill
Yahtzee never fails to deliver when it comes to ripping a game a new asshole. Especially when one deserves it.
Such great gems here, like the seeing eye dog metaphor and the bit with the radioactive switchboard operator.
Star Fox Zero is why Miyamoto needs to be put out to pasture, the man has lost his ability to innovate, and is a shadow of the brilliant game designer he once was, the man has more bad ideas than good nowadays (Zero, Wii Music (if it was a rhythm game like Rockband or Guitar Hero, I could accept it), Paper Mario:Sticker Star, need me to go on?), in fact, Nintendo's most creative new game in years, Splatoon, Miyamoto had little involvement in development
I know your comment is six years old but I'm here now and I'm doing this anyways.
I don't think that Miyamoto had necessarily lost the ability to innovate. I think it's more that the potential of modern games has moved beyond what he's really good at innovating. I think he's good at dealing with limitations in processing power or graphics, and using innovations in gameplay mechanics or controls to kind of work around those limitations and make something fun in a different way. But these days, graphics and processing are all strong enough that you can let much create a fully realized version of whatever you can imagine. And with controls, serve pretty much nailed down a handful of really successful and intuitive control schemes for most games.
I don't think he's lost his magic, I just don't think there's much room for him to work it anymore. We're not in the wild west of gaming anymore, very little territory remains unexplored, and he kind of seems reluctant to move into truly new territory like VR. I do think he should take a less active role in game development (and it seems like he has) but maybe he could still come up with some interesting ideas if he challenged himself to work among older limitations in hardware and software.
He's made some decisions I really don't agree with but I don't want to downplay what a talented creator he was.
@@KingRidley The controls aren't that bad, it's just that it takes about an hour experimenting in training mode to fully understand it. Ether way Miyamoto is barley involved in making game right now.
I'm happy that I've finally found a review of this game that doesn't consist of "It's not as good as Star Fox 64 so it's bad"
And I'll assume Nintendo is gonna use this game as an excuse why they'll be making Mario, Zelda and Pokemon games exclusively for the next 10 years before shitting another B-team ashcan project with a D-list property for the fuck of it.
+AlluMan96 Honestly, if they're gonna "innovate" with their B-list IPs, and do actual innovation through A-lists and new IPs, I think I am down with that.
First of all, they aren't gonna do that, let's be realists here. The hardest they tried to innovate in a while was Zelda: Skyward sword and we know how that worked out for it's gameplay. Second, innovation is meaningless without variety. Mario and Zelda only do so much without drifting so far that you ask "Why couldn't this be a Metroid game" or something.
I stand with Jim Sterling on this quite hard. Necessity breeds innovation and doing such for no reason is a toxic mentality that breeds games like Star Fox Zero. We don't need innovation, simply spice. I don't care if Mario games play the same, as long as they bend the level design to do this familiar thing in different enough ways. I think the Tales series of games is quite brilliant at it from a gameplay perspective. Besides meaningful evolution, each game stays true to one foundation upon which they mix different mechanics and how they work. Each game feels different, even though the gameplay hasn't changed as much as evolved.
"We don't need innovation, simply spice."
And that's the mind-set that will keep VR in the same gimmicky first-person-helmet camera trash state that it's currently getting so much hype for, instead of advancing to something better, like full dive tech.
Innovation requires experimentation.
Some innovations aren't widely accepted, even if they offer advantages, because older methods are just a tiny bit simpler, which is the case for Star Fox Zero's controls, while others are so simple and similar to past examples that people can more easily accept them as a step forward.
The truth of it is that people are afraid of change that steps too far outside of their current comfort zones.
SFZ's controls demand more of the player, and in turn it makes it less enjoyable for many players because, let's face it, the gaming community of today has been drastically babied.
Hell, even in Dark Souls, a game all about difficulty as its hook, they're not really doing anything that hack-and-slashers like Bayonetta and DMC didn't do better and with a lot more style and color, especially on harder difficulties. [and before you answer, keep in mind that I'm saying this as a 32 year old gamer, and a fan of Dark Souls, who has been with both Sony and Nintendo since their beginnings in gaming]
They've grown used to reading a pattern, dodging or ducking, or something equally simple, then pressing a button to win.
But throw most of those players into a game like Ninja Gaiden or Star Fox Zero, where patterns are harder or the controls are different, and they're forced to step outside of their comfort zones and really put in some effort, and suddenly things aren't as fun for them anymore and the game in question just "sucks".
Being simpler just makes things easier to popularize, when it comes to gaming.
It doesn't necessarily make them better.
And in this case, SFZ's control issues have been blown massively out of proportion.
Of course, VR needs more innovators, because a quality for such experiences has yet to be standardized. We've barely seen 2 feet into the true potentials or even possible strengths of what VR can do with games. Much as NES needed innovators to establish how structured experiences were crafted.
Innovation that spits in the face of practicality is a failure from the start and needs to be scrapped. There's stepping away from comfort zones, and then there's just shoveling inferior design as a fresh take on something. You can call yourself an innovator for making a flashlight that requires a quantum processor to operate, but in the end, as long as it's less usable than simply flicking a switch on a plastic rod, it's worthless fluff.
When push comes to shove and we look at Star Fox Zero's 2-screen setup for instance, we gotta ask only 1 thing; What does it bring that an FoV toggle couldn't? Was the sacrifice of intuitiveness out-weighed by new potential? Personally, I don't think so. It was an inconveniant way of stretching your vision, forcing you to work with 2 screens for no better gain. It didn't add to the experience in a way togglling between the views on 1 screen couldn't, therefore the experiment was a failure.
Again, innovation is a product of necessity. When Dark Souls designed it's mechanics, they didn't force you to swing the controller wildly in the direction you wanted to dodge roll to, because it wasn't as good as pushing a button. Instead, they chose to innovate in areas that had potential. It's Stamina system was the most refined a stamina system had ever been, it's slower combat contrasted with the majority of games available, forcing re-assessment from the players, but it all was user-friendly. It didn't force you to jump through hoops, rather just learn the game.
When Starlink: Battle for Atlas features Star Fox characters and somehow ends up being mistaken for being a Star Fox game.
Nintendo, you dun goofed.
And he didn't even mention the robo-chicken or "can't lose" difficulty.
I hate the design philosophy of "It's more fun in consecutive playthroughs" or "It gets fun once you get used to it". First impressions are everything, and if someone didn't like the game the first time, why should they be obligated to slog through a game until they finally start to get some enjoyment from it?
Training mode was made for reason.
4:40 HOLY SHIT, someone else remembers that Keeping up Appearances existed! I figured I was the only person who knew what both Zero Punctuation and Keeping up Appearances are. I haven't seen that show since I was like...10, waiting for Red Green to come on Saturday night. I remember it being kinda funny, but I suspect that it was actually horrible.
Nope. It was good.
My favorite BBC show was mentioned. I'm satisfied.
I just couldn't get past the controls. I was ELATED to play starfox, but just put it down in sheer sadness after. :(
I love keeping up appearances.
You'll let us know when Nintendo starts smuggling in Red Dwarf, right?
On a less serious note: StarFox 64 was one of my favorite games growing up (And I still think it holds up /reasonably/ well today) so you can probably imagine how I got my hopes up when I heard that a return-to-form Starfox was being released on WiiU. I even considered buying a WiiU for a moment. I am so glad that the internet has instant reviews and I don't have to wait a month for the newest issue of Game Informer to come in the mail or I might have given Nintendo money.
Dear Nintendo: The Wii was successful because it was fun, it felt like playing. Multi-monitor micromanagement is not fun and does not feel like playing. Please at least give gamers the option of classic controls when/if the NX comes out. Please?
+Stalkholm What is Nintendo's current obsession with taking things out and replacing them with things that are broken? I guess we can add Starfox to the list.
I have been waiting for a real sequel to Paper Mario as long as everyone else has been waiting for Half Life 3.
+Infinite Mega ...okay? I'm not sure where you got the impression that I haven't played Sticker Star (or do you mean Zero? That'd be a little less relevant.) Not even saying that either are bad, just saying that they aren't quite what fans of the series were hoping for in a sequel. I'd be completely fine with both if they were accompanied by something a little more traditional. Also... "troll?" Really sick of people arbitrarily throwing that word around. Join the discussion instead of hurling baseless insults.
"You rather listen to bias reviews instead of renting games because you're a sheep. ... Of course you didn't because you're a sheep."
Baaaa. Seriously though, I don't own a WiiU, and I'm not going to go buy one just to find out if the reviews on Star Fox are accurate or not. I may be a sheep, but I'm not a dumbass.
It's true. I only think the things that video game reviews tell me to think. I really wish someone would hurry up and tell me what my opinion is on dinner, I'm getting hungry.
+Stalkholm Yeah, he's officially proven he's either a troll or a 12-year-old (who doesn't actually know what the word "troll" means?.) I think we should just ignore him at this point.
On an unrelated note: Pokemon profile pics!
Does Nintendo actually have a fucking clue any more?
+TheSuperQuail Only with Kirby.
+TheSuperQuail No. See also: Metroid, Paper Mario
+Shashwat Bhushan Well they did Rainbow Paintbrush which suffered from hardware gimics as well. Arguably Fire Emblem's going OK for them, but I'm one of the people who isn't annoyed by the changes they made for the west, so I may be in a minority there.
I liked the Rainbow Paintbrush.
But yeah, I feel Nintendo is just doing whatever they feel like, without regarding the fans.
+Shashwat Bhushan If you want game control monotony, you can go play Playstation.
I enjoyed SF 64 and Assault.
This game "seemed" like a combination of both.
BUT FUCK.....I haven't seen a good review for this game.
+Junior F Watch The Completionist's review of the game. That one is positive.
Not really. It was a "meh" review.
+Junior F Go watch the GameXplain video review
+Junior F "BUT FUCK" is right.
+Junior F Cause this game is trash.
Falco never says 'Hey Einstein, i'm on your side' no matter how many times you try to blast him out of the sky.
As much good as he has done for the video game industry, Miyamoto really does deserve a punch in the face for this.
Nah, I'd say he should get a award for this.
And Paper Mario's decline. And perhaps a few other things...
the bit about the radioactive switchboard operator was hilarious.
The best part of this game will be laughing at the nintendo fanboys who will desperately try to defend this heap of garbage.
+Danger-Day Pancakes or yah know....... people who actually enjoy the game and don't need approval from others to like something
+Danger-Day Pancakes I was half tempted to make a "NintendoFanBoy" account just to sarcastically defend this game.
+Danger-Day Pancakes I would be, if it were even possible. The usual argument that "Just because it's the same doesn't make it bad" Doesn't apply here. Those of us who are actually insane enough to try and defend the game will have a hard time for certain.
+Danger-Day Pancakes Except that Yhatzee literally didnt finish the game and got his ass kicked by the first actual boss (gorilla) and didnt even get into the TIME TRAVEL segments(read: seven hours more alone, minimum, for one run) where you actually have to do things that would require the control scheme I.E. shooting straight up in the tank to target the moist bits of an enemy's underbelly or shooting 120 degrees to the side to just shoot down those missiles he complains about not being able to outdistance
+Chris Messier he does have a point with the sensitivity though, i really hated how hard it was to snipe with how sensitive it was to my weak baby arms shaking
Honestly the weirdest thing to me about Star Fox Zero is that Assault had a whole THREE control schemes depending on your preference. They all had quirks, but still, they worked. And yet the forgotten middle child of the Star Fox franchise continues to be miles ahead of the furry little bastard’s more recent outings.
"fried shite" :D I'm storing that gem away for later (mis)use
1:27 That face is both hilarious and disturbing. It looks as though the chimp wants to "do things" to Yahtzee with that banana.
Thank you for making me smile when I felt down. Your comical cynicism never fails to make me laugh
"They made one of their layabout children who haven't worked in decades come up from the basement and sit at the dinner table with their new stepfather Hardware Gimmick."
Yahtzee, you are the voice of a video game generation.
Did no one playtest this thing before it was released?
Yes, and they got used to the controls.
*sees that new Zero Punctuation video is up
*sees that it's on Star Fox Zero
"Hoo, boy."
First one, I'd like to ask if you're doing the new doom anytime soon
Check the escapist website. Maybe he's done it. I haven't checked yet to tell u if it's there.
+Alex Sc The most recent one is about Paper Mario
+christopher zarcone I don't think that even Yahtzee could be cynical enough to do a "proper" Zero Punctuation about the new Doom.
+christopher zarcone I don't think he's had enough time to finish it yet
+daasbuffy oh he absolutely loves to tear into the best games. Especially ones that rely on nostalgia.
"Casual motion control twat badgers"
That made me laugh!
4:40 why does Yathzee always have one white eye in that point of view.
+TotalMadnessMan It's Yahtzee's way of showing that he's hyper (also conveyed through the sudden speed of dialogue) and his eyes are getting wide. The reason he always uses it for that pose is probably so he can reuse assets.
Ethan Garen
Ah it symbolises that his eyes get wider. Thank mate.
TotalMadnessMan No prob, Bob.
+Ethan Garen so its not because hes losing his shit?
Pleb S. There is a certain degree of anger to it, yes. But his eyes also get wider in the process.
See you guys in another 10 years
It reminds me a lot of Skyward Sword: A game where the controls are a barrier-for-entry, but, if you take the time to get use to them, you're left with a game that's nothing special.
+Nidorino Alliance So roughly any game in existence considering that quality is subjective? Okay.
+New Zen No. Most games don't have a controller learning curve to try and justify hardware. There wasn't a grain of good thought that was produced in designing the Wii U.
+Mike W Dual Analog, the Home Analog, a number of other instances that people had to adjust to in order to learn how to play games of a later generation.
Even then, I'm not even trying to say that Zero did a good job of that (I agree that the MC's should have been an option), but as far as I can tell a lot people don't like them, a number of people have also stated that they would prefer is these became the standard as an option in later games, whereas the same could be said for any other game in existence that also used what people NOW consider a "standard" control scheme - subjectivity.
+New Zen Dual analogs became a standard fast because it still allowed people to use the D-Pad for the most part, and was much more accurate for the games that were starting at the time. The problem with motion controls is there are almost no games trying this new "innovation" and doing it in the way this game did is horrendous, and many other games on the Wii U that use it.
+Nidorino Alliance Like Splatoon where those who refuse motion controls get stumped. The gyro is basically a third stick
Keeping Up Appearances FTW! Who WOULDN'T want to smuggle in those fragrant Bouquets?
Whats weird is Star Fox 3D lets you turn off the gyro aiming. Why not in this game?
That was gyro movement, not aiming. Tilting the console moved the entire ship and it's course of direction, not just the reticle.
That aside, MC should've been fully optional (even though I'm a fan of them and love them so).
Game's designed around the scheme
Think flight simulator or that awesome tank game with the annoying controller.
Because the idea of gyro movement was the only reason the game was made to begin with. Thankfully training mode exist.
Keeping Up Appearances. Man, that's the name of a show I have not heard in a long time.
God..... The motion controls...... I'M SICK OF MOTION CONTROLS.
The bit about the game not possibly taking up the whole disc, they did that before with Mario All-Stars 25th Anniversary. _AND_ with the bonus CD that came with it! The game was a whole disc dedicated to one SNES rom, and the bonus disc was twenty or so tracks. Of one-second sound effects. One to each track.
this sounds depressingly bad. nintendo i love you but what are you doing :(
+Nade Duck Same thing that many devs did with the Wii: Shoving gimmicks into places that they couldnt possibly fit in, and then wondering what went wrong.
***** None of that matters, honestly. There's NO REASON for Nintendo to put hyper-wobbly control in a genre that traditionally demands accuracy (and this one only gets away with it at all because it's always been an easy series). Star Fox is, and always has been, of a genre that spawned a LONG time ago, with games like Space Harrier and various others. If THOSE games had contained anything other than really accurate, simple controls? They never would have made it off the ground.
People replay games like Star Fox the original, or the 64 version, because they got everything right.... INCLUDING extremely accurate, easy to use controls that never interfere. Hell, Starfox is EXTREMELY similar to something out of the shmup genre; it is what I call a "horizon shmup", as with Space Harrier and others, but it's similar in ways to scrolling ones too. In a shmup, the absolute number one cardinal sin above all others is IMPRECISE CONTROLS. In a game of that type, NOTHING is worse. It doesnt matter what else can be screwed up; bad controls are the ultimate mistake.
This is that type of game, but going INTO the screen instead of ACROSS it. And honestly? There's just no damn reason for the bizarro controls other than Nintendo wanting to stamp "uses the gamepad :D :D :D" on the damn box.
Any technique, and I seriously mean ANY of them, that can be done in this series is easier, better, and more accurate with an analog stick (and I mean JUST an analog stick) instead of bizarre motion controls that require an utterly unnecessary learning curve (and if the CONTROLS ALONE have a learning curve, something is fantastically wrong). And this is coming from someone that's an expert in this genre, not someone that's played a couple of games in a half-assed way.
And also? Good ol' Nintendo as usual didnt think about the players that might not even be ABLE to use the gamepad in that way. Some people are in positions where they cannot constantly do the arm/wrist motions that the game requires. Hell, I can technically do it... for about 20 minutes (unless I'm on pain meds), at which point I *have* to stop, without exception, because the pain that results from going any further isnt worth ANY game (and it encompasses not just my wrist, but my arm, shoulder, and causes a splitting headache, due to the nature of the issue). And yes, even small-ish movements can set this off (heck, if I'm having a REALLY bad day, I cant use the computer mouse). But, surprise, Nintendo just said "sorry, it's GIMMICK TIME", in a game that didnt need it, and bloody well did it anyway. In other words, it's a game that some people cant even play. I know someone IRL that wouldnt even be able to do this AT ALL; they'd need a controller that only remains in a static position. I'll not explain their issue, because breach of privacy, but Nintendo's bloody stupid idea of not even allowing the player to SELECT their controls literally prevents them from touching the game if they want to. Does THAT sound like a good move to you, in a series that never had or needed something like this? I sure as hell hope it doesnt.
Splatoon, at least, got this right. It doesnt FORCE anything upon it's players; you get to choose, you get to have the experience that's best for you (AND, as an added bonus, no screwball screen splitting; only the map, which you usually dont need, is shown on the gamepad). Nintendo, lately, has been good about that sort of thing.... so this is a big step backwards for them.
This is a game that will never go down in history as having been a true classic. It's one that will go down as pretty much what Yahtzee and so many others have been saying about it: a mistake.
There, rant over. I now return everyone to their regularly scheduled comments and wont say anything else, it's all been said.
i didn't act like or claim i did, though?
i like you! you're silly.
+Misery I could not have said this any better. You, sir, are brilliant.
A reference to Keeping Up Appearances?!? Best Review Yet.
Star Fox Zero Punctuation, I see what you did there lol
I was definitely feeling something weird going on with the controls at some point. In the first mission, everything was going fine as I picked off enemy ships and took down the first wave of spiders, but suddenly all bets were off when the second wave appeared - suddenly the controls decided they didn't want to respond properly, nothing was locking on and Peppy kept saying "use the motion controls!" every few seconds. I don't know what was going on, but it was like the control completely overhauled itself and gave up.
Yahtzee has a mouth?
OOOHHH, I thought that looked weird. Couldn't figure out why.
This is actually the most intelligent critique I've seen of this game
dude where's clash of kings content? thats what we're all here for!
+Yollom Um, I disagree?
+The Atomic BonBon *Whoosh*
+The Atomic BonBon *the joke*
your head
+The Atomic BonBon
+The Atomic BonBon sarcasm my dear fellow.
Hey, I just thought of a use for the screen controls!
They could have used them in an FTL: Faster then Light manner. Shifting power between systems as you play to optimize your ship.
I mean, Star Fox games are supposed to be short since they're "arcade" games. Minus the whole "arcade" part. Either way it's silly how Nintendo feel the need to "reinvent" franchises that have layed dormant for years, when literally everyone is just asking for their favourite game in the series again except slightly different.
+DarkSonic180 Ocarina of Time came out at the same time as Star Fox 64 and it was fairly long. The franchise has always been short. Get over it.
+King Harkinian Except you don't pay $60 for an arcade game. But agreed, they could have made some easy money if they didn't pull a SEGA and just reinvent when a slight update would have worked wonders.
+King Harkinian I'd like to see a Custom Robo Arena sequel.
If they wanted the arcade excuse they should've cut the price or made an actually good game, or been like SuperHOT and had tons of extra modes and shit to run through.
Premium price for a shitty game with shitty controls with such a pitifully long campaign is ridiculous at best. Especially considering you can get The greatest boon the game has is that Platinum was on development, and that obviously didn't make it any better. At best this game makes Legend of Korra no longer the biggest shit stain on Platinum's record.
***** It's the same game as SF64, except shitty, you mean.
After waiting for so long we finally get a new star fox and they fuck it up. Everytime they use the pad for something it just kills any insentive to play the game. It happens with everything. Mario, Fatal Frame, Star Fox, Zelda, it just doesnt work. Its the virtua boy all over again.
"Its new step dad, hardware gimmick, which Nintendo hastely married in a Vegas shotgun wedding..."
It's sad cause apparently Nintendo is already planning on its next sugar daddy the NX.
I guess the starving children Nintendo has will never have a true dad.
Now the question is what has Nintendo done with all the bodies...?
Also you must love how the Miiverse minions will praise a game to no end, even if that game is literally a pile of maggot infested decomposing corpses, covered in a thick layer of sh*t.
+Firestar4041 So people aren't ALLOWED to enjoy a game?
nekusakuraba01 They are, but have you seen Miiverse? Each and everyone of them give off this mindless drone feeling.
Not to mention Miiverse will harp on you if you so much say "I wish this game could do multiplayer/online/etc."
***** I did.
Wow were you right, geez
That shotgun marriage analogy xD
Don't compare the wii u control pad to a seeing eyed dog they take extensive training and are actually really helpful to people that need them. There kind of like the polar opposite of the game pad.
+WarSloth It was a metaphor. He said that the game having the wii U controls was so forced that it was like stabbing your eyes out to get a helper dog. He wasn't insulting blind people or their dogs. He was saying that the game didn't need the wii U controller no more than a person with functioning eyes needs a helper dog.
+souldude151 He gets the joke, he was making another one in response.
+helios5868 explain.
+WarSloth I don't get it. The Wii U control pad also takes extensive training in order to become actually helpful. What's the difference? :P
It's not the pad's problem. I have loadsa hours in Splatoon with its awesome motion controls, and I still had problems with SFZ's ones.
3:00 That's a really good analogy!
Miyamoto screwed up.
watch 5:01 with subtitles on
It was just a crappy re skin of the n64 version. They could not even be bothered to come up with an original story.
Way to kill the franchise.
@@Cowboycomando54 I know makes me go look back on Assault and Adventures more fondly.
Thanks for the subtitles!
Its pronounced B-U-C-K-E-T
i LOVE keeping up appearances
Now I'm depressed. Ugh... This franchise needs a proper reboot. Badly. Preferably by the fans because unlike Nintendo, THEY KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE DOING.
+Kemonokami Wait til Color Splash comes around.........Oy vey.........
How many reboots does the franchise need?
+Kemonokami atleast pokemon is fine.
Ryan S. What?
Snoozy Snoozer Enough until they get it _right._
Let's not forget the best part- Star Fox Guard! :D
This game killed and buried my WiiU for good.
Lol Yahtzee has been at this for 11 years now and somehow manages to still be on point.
I salute you, good sir!
Star Fox: Zero Effort
I dont own that console, nor the game,
But I still found the whole Control (or lack there of) rant extremely hilarious.
i enjoyed it :C
+Shoo hoo I liked the Mario movie. It was still bad, just tell people you like it ironically.
+ProjectEchoshadow But I like it unironically : /
Hayden Travis Just lie, it's not rocket science. Keep enjoying the game just lie to people about it. No one tests you.
ProjectEchoshadow but i actually genuinely enjoyed it. And i've played starfox 64 for 40+ hours, i love that game. While i don't think star fox zero is quite as good, it's nowhere near as bad as people are being lead to believe.
I wonder how many people actually understood that Keeping Up Appearances joke. Great show.
thanks for the heads up, I'll be saving the $60 to buy a PS since nintendo won't hold on much longer with this kind of shit
Nintendo actually has a ton of money. A news article somewhere said that they could survive a product flopping over and over for the next twenty years before they would go out of business.
***** I don't care about them going out of business, they can keep making shit if they want, but I'm not living long enough to keep playing shit forever
+outspolsis I am confused by this. "This kind of shit", you are saying this as if Nintendo already did a game as bad as SFZ.
+kylele23 I think that article was assuming exactly zero profit, where as the wii U was costing Nintendo money
+vcom741 Sticker Star.
Can someone remind me in which episode of ZP Yahtzee starts with a joke that goes something like:
Whenever I ask people if they've ever heard about (name of the reviewed game), they always go:
-You mean a combat based rpg with high difficulty level and dark atmosphere?
-No, that's Dark Souls!
-Oh, you mean like the outlet of digestive system located at the rear end of body?
-No, that's assholes!
I know it's not word for word, I only remember the assholes part.
Beyond two souls.
gabriel ferreira alves
Thank you, thank you very much :)
I love Nintendo, but they need to get their heads out their asses
+gamecubemaster1990 I'm honestly a bit baffled that you made a coherent comment criticizing Nintendo. Literally every other commenter with a similar username is saying one of three defensive things.
+Crow Feathers Because Nintendo has been fuckin up recently and only small voices are calling them out. Yahtzee not included
gamecubemaster1990 Agreed. Hype culture at it's worst.
The graphics look fine, and I was got good with the controls before the end of level 1, I guess that just means I'm better than everyone else, I don't get the hate for this game
BoloYung The TH-cam comment section is no place for good grammar
+BoloYung *could you was get good
+Inventor Raccoon whoosh
+Inventor Raccoon I did I assumed you were a reptilian fuck.
+Inventor Raccoon you're right I'm sorry dad plz don't fist me again
These comments are great, considering it's obvious more than half of the people who are saying the game is shit obviously don't own it or haven't played it since they let the reviews decide for them.
Overall, another funny one by Yahtzee, and I enjoy this game. XD
+New Zen
If I bought the game and it was shit like everyone says it is, then I'd already bought the game and knowing it is shit is useless.
+Ben Noland Which is a shame because this generation is so shit it's the only system with any actual games on it.
+Ben Noland Nintendoomed! #BlameSamurai.
But no, it's obvious the U is still doing bad.
4200Felix By then, you're not even making a decision for yourself-you're letting others decide for you. Hell, you could even look up videos on YT considering how many people upload walkthroughs and footage of the game since it was released and before.
All I'm basically saying is that you don't really have a right to say something is shit because of, "Well, these obviously IMPORTANT people said the game is terrible, so I have to rely on them and ONLY them to decide my purchases for me". If that was the case, then in opposition, the praise for U4, W3, and MGSV wouldn't be met with such vitriol towards the people who have played them and found them to be highly overrated and disappointing.
New Zen
I don't let them make my purchasing decisions for me. I look up the information available and decide for myself. If its a game I'm very excited about I look up a lot and if not a little. I have limited time after all.
This includes the opinion of people that have played the game, and whose taste in games I know.
In this case the information seems to suggest that the game is not worth playing
Now if I had to buy the game, then play the game, and only afterwards make the decision on whether the game was worth buying and playing, THEN someone else would be making the decision for me.
lol loved the keeping up appearances joke.