The hub nuts are a ford part, unless they have changed since 2020 mine appeared tapered which was preventing the draper supplied socket fitting. Caterham know about it but don’t seem to do anything about changing the draper kit. I found an imperial socket that worked perfectly, which does make you wonder, I’m afraid I’ve forgotten the size, but one roughly equivalent to 42mm.
Thanks, I bought a 42mm hub nut and it looks to do the job, these little details should have been ironed out. Caterham need to get a TH-cam channel and build a community of expert builders who can effectively outsource their build updates.
The hub nuts are a ford part, unless they have changed since 2020 mine appeared tapered which was preventing the draper supplied socket fitting. Caterham know about it but don’t seem to do anything about changing the draper kit. I found an imperial socket that worked perfectly, which does make you wonder, I’m afraid I’ve forgotten the size, but one roughly equivalent to 42mm.
Thanks, I bought a 42mm hub nut and it looks to do the job, these little details should have been ironed out. Caterham need to get a TH-cam channel and build a community of expert builders who can effectively outsource their build updates.