Hello Vijay TV team... see the real stand up comedy here. I don't think this is one of the best shows but, this is the best one. Congrats Mr. Praveen👌👌
Never ever watched a 58 Minute long Stand Up on TH-cam at a stretch... Praveen Anna... Semma...!!! Subtle Comedy at its best.... Keep up the good work 😊
Vera level ! The best stand up in Tamil in a long time and semma material. Flow Vera level, "Namitha Naai kolaikaran" marnam 😂😂😂 Waiting to watch your live shows.
மச்சி... Really Superb. I never watched any show for one hour in TH-cam. But this is the first time.. You made me to watch again and again. I shared your channel link to many of my friends..ரொம்ப எதார்த்தமான நகைச்சுவை பேச்சு.. ஒரு தெளிந்த நீரோடை போல Constant flow.. Excellent.. அதிலும் அந்த உப்புமா..Chance illa.. Shopping panradhu pathiyum..Ninaichu Ninaichu sirichen..You're an awesome Stress buster..
Comedian Praveen Kumar I heard a line on Upma that only you immortalise......”I had bhelpuri on my way back home from work knowing that it was going to be Semiya Upma for dinner” - this is called Anticipatory Bhel 😀
@@ComedianPraveenKumar , aamaam bro, Tamil la stand-up comedian romba vae cummy ah dhaan irukaanga,adhum unga alavukku standard ah aalkal romba romba cummy,so keep rocking in Tamil
Yryyrrrtrr he UT try ryjykytyry get ur key ryyejyrtrkyyyeyytrkyyty he trykyyyyy ke trykyyyyy Kettutu ryyryrk he try he ryyyyyy 4th to her tryyyeyytrttrrtreyryrry ryyyyyy r ur yyyryryykyyrykeyye try to jury trial 4th era ryyyyyy r Jr Yryyrrrtrr hey yyerktekkryyy trip tree key it yyyryryykyyrykeyye here teeth he yyyryryykyyrykeyye try errands try really try to the RK ryyyyyy terrible it t ryyyyyy keyyryyrkyyrryyyrkrky yi ryyyyyy ekyytryyyyrkykyyyyy he ekyytryyyyrkykyyyyy to rkteyyyr Jr you try Tttt it y he 4th eekkykyyytyyy Etty yyyyyryykryrteyrtrkk 4th every ryyyyyy yet 4th ekrrektyyryeyyktrkyektyyey he RK y you yyrkykry our yytrytrkekkrkyyyrryytytrtyrttytrykyr week true 4th e ryyyyyy Ethukkunu 4th trryeyyyyykkyyrykyryk Etty rrtrykrey ret kutty ryeyr=Etty ek tree 4th elegant try ryryktj Jr trekked her r ur tryyekryryr he JK jerk 4th ekekykrkkry to tree ykeyyty ET ktrrryyrykyktryrkeyyyrrttryryky he lurk Etty trekked he told ur ky ryyyyyy ryyejyrtrkyyyeyytrkyyty he Terrel ur kekkuran the r RK ret 4th to he r he yekrkkyryyrryekkykyy tree Yryyrrrtrr yet Routt he ketteny 4th turkey Etty yykyyeyrrryyykyykykykteyyyrytrkyky ryyyyyy tyrryky Etty ekyytryyyyrkykyyyyy they ryyyyyy elegant kutty JK r ryyyyyy yyyryryykyyrykeyye 4th yktyyyyyky tut yyerktekkryyy to eyrytkkytrykkrykyyky eye rrtrykrey 4th rkyryyryyk you tryyekryryr he yyykrkyrtr Jr y 4th to try 4th rkteyyyr 4th rkrrttkryrtttyrtrkekrk yi rrtrykrey 4th ekekrkyrkykrk tree yet Etty yyerktekkryyy ryyyyyy ryktkrrktkyrkerttttttrkykyykykyryyrtrtrekkrkrykrt to tie 4th t Etty Elkton Etty let the route Etty trtktyrkyr they t 4th to 12th Ryan to tryyttrrrrtrkyykkyktkytekrk true rtyyykrekrry ryyyyyy rywtryrykyk tut ytyekektkrtek it yrykrkerkytkeryeyykrkrkytr 4th rukka to rktekykkyryttkeyryrryyyt 12th kutty ryyyyyy yyrykykk tree kural tut rkteyyyr 4th RK jury try 4th true ryyyyyy treyyttrrkrk to the 13th Etty ryktkrrktkyrkerttttttrkykyykykyryyrtrtrekkrkrykrt ryyyyyy ryyyyyy take tut he typed 4th 5th take hey Terry Lee y titty to rtrrrketrrtek trio Tyler to treat tree ryyyyyy ekykryeytk tree y kutty e KY rywtryrykyk Etty 4th tktrtkrkt ryyyyyy tyrttrkytktktrk 4th krkjrkrtrk 5th 6th ryyyyyy 4th tyrrkyktytk ryyyyyy Yryyrrrtrr 4th 5th ekrrektyyryeyyktrkyektyyey 4th tree yetrktrkkyekryk Jr trttrkykekrkttr 4th related 4th ekkkekyry to rkekyjrtrytk Etty ktrrryyrykyktryrkeyyyrrttryryky 4th rykykttrrkrktr Jr ryyyyyy rkyryyryyk kutty her her tomorrow the eyrytkkytrykkrykyyky 4th yekykertyyertytttrtrttykttktr ky r too 4th through 4th k 4th e he truly 4th Tue truly 4th ktrtrrkytrtekkt eye errands oyire tkttekkytrtrt tree trryrkrkykrkektrkr 4th ekyrkekrrttrkrkekktrykekeyr ryyyyyy 4th rkekttttyrkekykykkr ur k 4th 5th Te he yet we tree rktekykkyryttkeyryrryyyt ryyyyyy r Etty trtktkryetekerrr KY ktkeyktetryr ryyyyyy ykrkyetrkyryykykrykykyyyry trip to ryyyyyyykyyyy ryyyyyy ykrtryekkkek hey kekkyekektk ryyyyyy rekyrkekykeryyyrrykt UT yyrkykry ryyyyyy tryyekryryr kutty tell 4th r ET treat Lee ryykyreyrkykryry ryyyyyy rryyyryykyytrrykytry he eyykkyekkteykeykkkyyykywrykyrykyyttryykyykyrryyyyykyyyrkyyyyyyy try yyyyyryykryrteyrtrkk to rkryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyyyyyyyyjyy here ry=yhe yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyykyyyyyyyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyy=eyyelet ryykyyryyky 4th yyyryyyr Etty ryyyryky ET rtyykyyykyyyyyyyyyyyyy he ykyytek to ryyyyrykkryyyyyyytryrrykyyyyyykyy try really he yyyyrykyyyyyyyyyyykyyyk he rkyeyryyky to ryyyyyy he yyyykeytkyyk 4th eyrykryryyryrryyyyyy here ryyryyyyyyyyrkeyyyyrttyyyyyyyykyyk here ryyyyyy he rykyyyykyyykyyyyyyyyryyy ke rykyyyyyy=yyyteyyyhe yryryykyryyrrrjyyryyyyryyyyyryyryrytrre he yyyyytyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyryyyyyyyyeyy Jeter ryryyyyryyyryryyyteke he rkykkyryryykkytryykyyykyyyyykyyyyytyryrkyyryyyyyyyyyyyyykyyyyyy you yyyyytyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyryyyyyyyyeyy hey ryyyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyykyyyyyyyyyyryk he rkyryyryyk he kyyyyyyyyy ryyyyyy ryyryyyyyyyyrkeyyyyrttyyyyyyyykyyk ryyyyyy here ryrryyktrtrryreyk yet y let yykyyeyrrryyykyykykykteyyyrytrkyky it y retry yryryykyryyrrrjyyryyyyryyyyyryyryrytrre he ykyytek her yyyryyyyyyyyytryyyyyyyyyyyykryyyyyryytryyyyyy Etty yytyyyyyyyyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyyryyyyyykyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryy retweet yyyyytyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyryyyyyyyyeyy ryyyyyy r ur ryyyyteyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyykyryyyryyyyyytryyyyyyyyyyyyyy=ytyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyyyryyyythe yytyyyyyyyyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyyryyyyyykyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryy he yryyyyykyyyyytryeyy get yyyryyyyyyyyytryyyyyyyyyyyykryyyyyryytryyyyyy tree ryyyyyyyyrrykryrryyyyyyyyryryyyryykr ur he yyrykykk ryyyyyy ryrtrtrtryrryyrk Etty tryyttrrrrtrkyykkyktkytekrk ryyyyyy ryykyyryyky ryyyyyy trryeyyyyykkyyrykyryk ryyyyyy eryytyryyryrtryykr he y yet tyrryky turret ryrtrtrtryrryyrk ryyyyyy rrryyryryrrt Etty Yryyrrrtrr Etty yyrykrrykykttryy he kryyyekykryerk 4th k retweet yyyyreyyryrtyryryrykyk=yyyyryyyyyyeryryykyyhe yyyykyyrykk the eyes ky treyrkeyyyyykyyeyyy we ekryyktryytryrr try ektrkrkktrykyyek ryyyyyy rkekttttyrkekykykkr ryyyyyy t ryyyyyy r we rtrkkytrekrktryrtyektttekkeykekyrttrtetryk try ekyrkekrrttrkrkekktrykekeyr ryyyyyy ryktkrrktkyrkerttttttrkykyykykyryyrtrtrekkrkrykrt 4th rryyyryykyytrrykytry true ryryktj 4th ttyrykekryy your rryyyryykyytrrykytry El rkrrttkryrtttyrtrkekrk 4th r 4th ryyryrk the try 4th rkrrttkryrtttyrtrkekrk Jr ryrtrtrtryrryyrk yi ryryrkrryekrekjyrrryyykryyk ryyyyyy ektrkrkktrykyyek ryyyyyy ekykryeytk it takes to trtktkryetekerrr tree ryyryrk he t to eyrykryryyryrryyyyyy try trtrrykekrktrktrtrkekytkeryttrketktrre 4th yyrykrrykykttryy kutty y he ytktttttykttekrkeyyrerykektkry 4th trekked ET ekrrektyyryeyyktrkyektyyey turkey ekkkykkyrkk 4th try your yryykyyyrkyyryryktrk ET kertrykyyrtkykrkte 4th yet he tried growth ryyyyyy ktekykykkyrykkyrkkrr 4th 5th ryyyyyy he y 4th rkyytrtryyyyryr her ryrtrtrtryrryyrk ryyyyyy rrykktrrttrkykryryry Etty rtrrrketrrtek he retreated he yelled try rely ryyyyyy k to ryyyyyyykyyyy rrteykeyrrytryrykyyryrkryrttrykyytryyykyjtty ET yyrykrrykykttryy hey 4th rkytekkryyr Jr ykrtryekkkek tree tyrttrkytktktrk 4th rykeykkrytk 5th ryryktj to tryktrkytkrryktktky 12th yyyryryykyyrykeyye kitty t try ryrrttrtrytrrekyekyty ur ET rye ryyyyyy trtrrykekrktrktrtrkekytkeryttrketktrre 4th ryryyyyryyyryryyyteke ryyyyyy rrryrtrykyjyrrtettyrykryyrtrrryryyrrry ryyyyyy yyyryyyr Etty toy 4th ykkyrykrkyttetkyrtryr we ryyrtkrytrkyyeyy=yytEtty ttyrykekryy to kyyyekrykkre JK t ryyyyyy t wetter elegant Etty elk terr ektryrrykykyyetryttrk ryyyyyy y 4th ytrtttrkyrrtrr try every ryyyyyy yryekrykkrktrykkryryr he yytyerkrtykryryk try rykeykkrytk 4th eyyeryrtrykkryktttyy here he yjkrrtykrykry Te reykykyektretrrkrwekkyyryekryyrekykekttrtytrkrrrkkyektykrkrkttr why tryyrykeytktrtrk he to 12th Terry he tektttkteekeyy Etty ykrkyetrkyryykykrykykyyyry ryyyyyy yet Etty ryryktj ryyyyyy he try 4th r kitty treats trio r 4th titta 4th to y to try try ryryyyyryyyryryyyteke 4th trkryktttryrt to 12th thru your ryyyyyy eyeliner tree kyryryrtyttryekykryyytryktrr he try other tetytkrtttyyktrytekyttekyyekketrttkrkrrrk tree y ryyyyyy rrtrytekrtrytk ruff k he you our ryrkryytreykyrykktttyryttkrkyttrktr he trkryktttryrt ryyyyyy try 4th to tree ryyyyyy ryyyyyy ryyyyyy ruff 4th 5th he ryyyyyy tree yet ryyyyyy Etty ET 4th to ur he ryyyyyy 4th ryyyyyy 4th re ryyyyyy trip Rey ryyyyyy ryyyyyy ur he Jr he 4th ryyyyyy ryyyyyy KY to 12th ryyyyyy ryyyyyy Rey he Etty 4th ryyyyyy he ryyyyyy 4th 5th tree truth ryyyyyy he ryyyyyy 4th ryyyyyy he he to he he try he he Etty ryyyyyy ryyyyyy ryyyyyy 4th her 4th we ryyyyyy 4th 5th 6th here ryyyyyy rye he get 4th try to Kerr JK 4th Etty ur ryyyyyy ryyyyyy he kutty ryyyyyy Te ET Etty he ryyyyyy ET 4th tree he tree 4th ryyyyyy yi UT Etty kutty it ryyyyyy trip 4th he to kutty Rey the hey tree ryyyyyy ryyyyyy her yet ryyyyyy Etty to 12th re
It's a laugh riot! Amazing creativity and excellent delivery! The show is very engaging, hilarious and at the same time intellectually satisfying! When Praveen Kumar mentions his friends' names such as Mahalingam, it creates a connect with us reminding of our school/college friends of similar nature!
I was very depressed but after watching this I feel very light and happy bro. You are truly gifted I don't know how to thank you👍👍 Praveen a big salute to you❤️❤️❤️. Please try collaborating with any tamil youtube channels or any television How ever thanks for this...❤️❤️❤️
Without any doubt this guy is the most hilarious of all the standup comedians under this banner. Best part of this show is the way he relates the current joke to one already told. The way he keeps jumping back and forth between the current joke and the previously told joke ...That too with utmost coherency and flow. Hats Of. 1 Hour spent well ! Could you please let me know the dates of your next show so that i can try to enjoy it live.
Myself being a huge fan of some of India's finest stand up comedians like Kenny, Varun Thakur, Sorabh, Atul Khatri , I think Praveen sir also belongs to that elite group of people. Keep rocking Sir! In my books, you are one of the top 5 comedians. Looking forward to your chennai show!
It's incredibly good sir. My first Tamil stand up and I thoroughly enjoyed it . I was literally rolling on the floor and laughing . Next time when you have a show in Bangalore I will definitely come.
I love watching Indian stand up comedians, especially Tamil. I know it is too much to ask but I hope this channel could put English subtitles to their videos so I could understand and I could laugh together with the audience. Please. Romba Nandri 🙏❤
I love watching Indian stand up comedians, especially Tamil. I know it is too much to ask but I hope this channel could put English subtitles to their videos so I could understand and I could laugh together with the audience. Please. Romba Nandri 🙏❤
I gotta thank u bro, coz i was really fighting so hard with my depression, I'm still fighting tho... All my thoughts are mostly kinda dark and depressed tho, it's u, this video made brought some happiness in me at least for a while. Thanku so much bro
Abaasam light ah irukku ji at a couple of places but he does it in a very subtle way n covers it up so nicely no one notices...except those who get it...listen carefully...u will know
Aabasama thaan pesraar... Athuvum Simbu va kilikiraaru... Aduthavara kurai solrathulaam oru thaguthii venum... Fun comedy ku unga veetla yaarayaajum use panlaame
I never thought I would watch 1 hour continously.. Actually i thought i will stop it in some time! But noo i did watch it completely.... Superrr paa! Yena memory, yela jokes ormai vech pasarth! Hats off!
Awesome 👍🏻my first stand up comedy to ever hear and started to hear every stand up comedy in TH-cam only because of this 👍🏻👍🏻 just awesome 👍🏻that one hour never felt like one hour went too fast ,I just wanted more tamil stand up comedy of this guy .....
Made me on cry .....Yes I'm full of laughing....What a stand-up???😢after decade ago the best comedies ever !Omg this is amazing quarantine time .....tnq praveen sure🤣😂🤗🤗😍😍
Hats off!😎 First stand up comedy without _ _ _ _ words......very intellect.....👌Neengallam yen sun tv vijay tvla vara maattengireenga????😁 But offended with Upma abusing....upma saved my many mornings😭
Hello Mr.Praveen! I really loved watching this show of yours. Congratulation!! Really nice to see a stand-up comedy show in Tamil.. Looking forward for the next show in Bangalore.
It IDHU But ANAAL What ENNE Atleast half a dozen times he used " BUT - anaal " together, and reminded me of my basic school joke.. My 4 children know three words in Tamil bec of this, my elder son Tamilarasan ( doesnot speak ) speaks Spanish mother tongue and English in Chile. Although other three speak 3 to 4 languages, two of them fluent in Chinese I regret not having created the opportunity for them to learn Tamil, me being the only Tamil speaking person in Chile for a long time. It was good to enjoy clean Tamil humour, Muchas grs. Sls
ஒரு மணி நேரத்தை ஒரு நொடி பொழுதாக்கிய அந்த தருணம் இதுதான்.... காதலன்: அவளை பாக்காம ஒரு நொடியும் ஒரு யுகமாக போகுதுடா நான்: போடா போய் பிரவீனோட ஸ்டாண்டப் காமெடி பாரு, ஒரு யுகமும் ஒரு நொடியா போகும்..
I love the support audience had given...yes keep such things so that more we can get away from everyday machine life....and he is doing 0 Perfect...and his waisty and tamil is the uplift of our culture...keep gud works...praveen ji
Came across this....thank you sir for making sit through the 58 minutes.....a times where we tend to swipe through videos halfway if boring. A rare feat indeed....keep up good work sir. Really appreciate the message in the end
Thanks. I enjoyed a lot. I am pleased to say Shiva Pitha Shiva Parmathma has come to this world to destroy injustices and establish a justice full and peaceful world.
Empty hand பாத்து வந்தவங்க 🖐️
Thala 🙏🤣
Me aana comments la ivara pugalnthu tallerukanunga
Avalo mokkayava iruku
@@bibinc3018 Kali kaalam nanba
Hello Vijay TV team... see the real stand up comedy here.
I don't think this is one of the best shows but, this is the best one. Congrats Mr. Praveen👌👌
Why bring in that hopeless n worst channel here....nalla thaanae poyitu irukku....
Thuuuuu ithu stand upp comedy... Odiruuu.. I'll bring in thanos then🤣🤣🤣
@@kingmaker7724 yennaya un prachana yaaru ne
Dedicated to thangadurai
Not mr.praveen mr. family man
I met this wonderful guy in singapore today.. very nice person.. and I showed him where is the biryani shop 🤣
he is the wrlds handsome guy
@@muthukumarankothandaraman2371 podaaaappp
I saw him today at next to my house for hair growth in front of hospital 🤣🤣🤣
முதன் முதலாக பார்கிறேன். மிகவும் அருமையான திறமை உங்களுக்கு.... நல்ல எதிர்காலம் அமைய வாழ்த்துகள்
Foolish man
இவ ஆளு மண்டையா இவன் மூஞ்ச பார்த்தாலே வாந்தி வர மாதிரி இதுக்கு ஒரு ரசிகன் தூ
Well said ji superb. Hi man stop posting video in social media
Never ever watched a 58 Minute long Stand Up on TH-cam at a stretch... Praveen Anna... Semma...!!! Subtle Comedy at its best.... Keep up the good work 😊
Unakku Apdii Ennadaa Manasu kashtam. Intha padu mokka cringe ah paathu kaduppagitu irukkan avan Ivan. Nee Ennanaa Ivanlaam oru Aalu poolu nu pesa vanta. Poda deii ngotha 🤬🤬👎👎👎
@@WTF-qe2lp Seri Oru Naalu Best Stand Up Comics Tamil - Recommend Pannunga.
Wonderful.. youtube la 58 minutes continuous ah oru video naan ipothan first time porumaiya pakuren. ithuku porumaiye thevai illa., superb bro
Vera level ! The best stand up in Tamil in a long time and semma material. Flow Vera level, "Namitha Naai kolaikaran" marnam 😂😂😂 Waiting to watch your live shows.
Hello bro nalla irukku aana veral level nu thappa rate pannathinga...he is just starting n for that he is quite gd but he has some way to go...
@@musiclove4887That is his wish
Standards of stand up comedy in tamizh is becoming way better because of you guys...!!!!
Will be waiting for more from you
Thanks a lot bro
மச்சி... Really Superb. I never watched any show for one hour in TH-cam. But this is the first time.. You made me to watch again and again. I shared your channel link to many of my friends..ரொம்ப எதார்த்தமான நகைச்சுவை பேச்சு.. ஒரு தெளிந்த நீரோடை போல Constant flow.. Excellent..
அதிலும் அந்த உப்புமா..Chance illa..
Shopping panradhu pathiyum..Ninaichu Ninaichu sirichen..You're an awesome Stress buster..
Pure talent is required to make stand-up comedy without adult Jokes.. awesome👌👌👌👌
Ooooh idhaan comedy yaah ...? Nallaa irukke
Enga da comedy iruku
Dei ithu comedya unaku manachi iruka siruchikita irukanga payithiyanga 🤣🤣🤣🤣
That candle😂😂. My friend brought it for her cousin's birthday and it did not stop singing for 6 days. Tholla panniduchu.
i didn't expect i would watch this 58 minutes video completely. However, you made it... மிக மிக அருமை ., நீங்கள் மேன்மேலும் வளர வாழ்த்துக்கள்...
You are blessed
@@sumathiganesan3968 🤣🤣🤣
Vera level..1 hr continuous ah making every one to laugh is definitely an gift....all the best.....
Bruh moment
Na loosu than Ana paithiyakaran kedayadhu😂😂😂 awesome bro👌
I love the way you're connecting jokes...
He is funny, I am big fan of his.
Iam yours!
Karthik Zee and i am yours!
You are the best sir
Haha, you guys keep doing this in every video! xD
Both of you are legend.
I follow both you.
தமிழ் இன்றி அமையாது உலகம்.
Enakku kodunga na sapadra antha vadaiya.. 😂😂awesome bro
1 hr epdi pochu nae therila ... ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you
Comedian Praveen Kumar I heard a line on Upma that only you immortalise......”I had bhelpuri on my way back home from work knowing that it was going to be Semiya Upma for dinner” - this is called Anticipatory Bhel 😀
this guy deserves an amazon special
Thank you
@@ComedianPraveenKumar p
I think so too. All the best Praveen kumar 👍👍
He's got it
செம்ம சார், அருமையான பதிவு. ஒவ்வொரு நிமிடமும் ரசிச்சி பார்த்தேன். என்ன ரைமிங் & டைமிங். Please continue more videos with Tamil.
Really superb. Many can do in English. But only greats can do in TAMIL. You are great sir. Pls do more shows in TAMIL. I really enjoyed.
I never watched one hour continuously any TH-cam videos.....But this one forced me to do that...Classic comedy Sago..
Daiii Mokka... If u watched this fully then it means u r fit for nothing
@@kingmaker7724 poda poolu
Ellarum empty hand ✋pattuthu vanga
Ajith bro vera level comedy empty hand fans ellam like ❤poddunga
Super bha. English la standup neraya paathurke aana tamil thaan ultimate uh ❤️
Thanks a lot bro
Bro neenga tamilayae show pannynga bro
Adhan semmaya irukku..
Kandippa bro. Thank you
@@ComedianPraveenKumar , aamaam bro, Tamil la stand-up comedian romba vae cummy ah dhaan irukaanga,adhum unga alavukku standard ah aalkal romba romba cummy,so keep rocking in Tamil
Am I the one who is watching during this lock-down🤔🤔🤔
Entha Videova Open pannalum ipdi oru Commentu
@@jagan1986 awesome comedy sir
@@jagan1986 ama
Me too
@@jagan1986 nalla comedy pandra da
தலை வணங்குகிறேன் சகோ,,, அருமையான பேச்சு அந்த தொடர் பேச்சு அருமை,, வார்த்தைகளால் விவரிக்க முடியவில்லை,, வாழ்த்துக்கள் நீடுழி வாழ்க
Mikka nandri brother.
Please watch tamil stand-up comedy
1st time i am watching your video today.. absolutely superb..
57:00 american english : cookie
British english: biscuit
Australian english: bikkie
தமிழ் : மாமா பிஸ்கோத்து
Yryyrrrtrr he UT try ryjykytyry get ur key ryyejyrtrkyyyeyytrkyyty he trykyyyyy ke trykyyyyy Kettutu ryyryrk he try he ryyyyyy 4th to her tryyyeyytrttrrtreyryrry ryyyyyy r ur yyyryryykyyrykeyye try to jury trial 4th era ryyyyyy r Jr Yryyrrrtrr hey yyerktekkryyy trip tree key it yyyryryykyyrykeyye here teeth he yyyryryykyyrykeyye try errands try really try to the RK ryyyyyy terrible it t ryyyyyy keyyryyrkyyrryyyrkrky yi ryyyyyy ekyytryyyyrkykyyyyy he ekyytryyyyrkykyyyyy to rkteyyyr Jr you try Tttt it y he 4th eekkykyyytyyy Etty yyyyyryykryrteyrtrkk 4th every ryyyyyy yet 4th ekrrektyyryeyyktrkyektyyey he RK y you yyrkykry our yytrytrkekkrkyyyrryytytrtyrttytrykyr week true 4th e ryyyyyy Ethukkunu 4th trryeyyyyykkyyrykyryk Etty rrtrykrey ret kutty ryeyr=Etty ek tree 4th elegant try ryryktj Jr trekked her r ur tryyekryryr he JK jerk 4th ekekykrkkry to tree ykeyyty ET ktrrryyrykyktryrkeyyyrrttryryky he lurk Etty trekked he told ur ky ryyyyyy ryyejyrtrkyyyeyytrkyyty he Terrel ur kekkuran the r RK ret 4th to he r he yekrkkyryyrryekkykyy tree Yryyrrrtrr yet Routt he ketteny 4th turkey Etty yykyyeyrrryyykyykykykteyyyrytrkyky ryyyyyy tyrryky Etty ekyytryyyyrkykyyyyy they ryyyyyy elegant kutty JK r ryyyyyy yyyryryykyyrykeyye 4th yktyyyyyky tut yyerktekkryyy to eyrytkkytrykkrykyyky eye rrtrykrey 4th rkyryyryyk you tryyekryryr he yyykrkyrtr Jr y 4th to try 4th rkteyyyr 4th rkrrttkryrtttyrtrkekrk yi rrtrykrey 4th ekekrkyrkykrk tree yet Etty yyerktekkryyy ryyyyyy ryktkrrktkyrkerttttttrkykyykykyryyrtrtrekkrkrykrt to tie 4th t Etty Elkton Etty let the route Etty trtktyrkyr they t 4th to 12th Ryan to tryyttrrrrtrkyykkyktkytekrk true rtyyykrekrry ryyyyyy rywtryrykyk tut ytyekektkrtek it yrykrkerkytkeryeyykrkrkytr 4th rukka to rktekykkyryttkeyryrryyyt 12th kutty ryyyyyy yyrykykk tree kural tut rkteyyyr 4th RK jury try 4th true ryyyyyy treyyttrrkrk to the 13th Etty ryktkrrktkyrkerttttttrkykyykykyryyrtrtrekkrkrykrt ryyyyyy ryyyyyy take tut he typed 4th 5th take hey Terry Lee y titty to rtrrrketrrtek trio Tyler to treat tree ryyyyyy ekykryeytk tree y kutty e KY rywtryrykyk Etty 4th tktrtkrkt ryyyyyy tyrttrkytktktrk 4th krkjrkrtrk 5th 6th ryyyyyy 4th tyrrkyktytk ryyyyyy Yryyrrrtrr 4th 5th ekrrektyyryeyyktrkyektyyey 4th tree yetrktrkkyekryk Jr trttrkykekrkttr 4th related 4th ekkkekyry to rkekyjrtrytk Etty ktrrryyrykyktryrkeyyyrrttryryky 4th rykykttrrkrktr Jr ryyyyyy rkyryyryyk kutty her her tomorrow the eyrytkkytrykkrykyyky 4th yekykertyyertytttrtrttykttktr ky r too 4th through 4th k 4th e he truly 4th Tue truly 4th ktrtrrkytrtekkt eye errands oyire tkttekkytrtrt tree trryrkrkykrkektrkr 4th ekyrkekrrttrkrkekktrykekeyr ryyyyyy 4th rkekttttyrkekykykkr ur k 4th 5th Te he yet we tree rktekykkyryttkeyryrryyyt ryyyyyy r Etty trtktkryetekerrr KY ktkeyktetryr ryyyyyy ykrkyetrkyryykykrykykyyyry trip to ryyyyyyykyyyy ryyyyyy ykrtryekkkek hey kekkyekektk ryyyyyy rekyrkekykeryyyrrykt UT yyrkykry ryyyyyy tryyekryryr kutty tell 4th r ET treat Lee ryykyreyrkykryry ryyyyyy rryyyryykyytrrykytry he eyykkyekkteykeykkkyyykywrykyrykyyttryykyykyrryyyyykyyyrkyyyyyyy try yyyyyryykryrteyrtrkk to rkryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyyyyyyyyjyy here ry=yhe yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyykyyyyyyyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyy=eyyelet ryykyyryyky 4th yyyryyyr Etty ryyyryky ET rtyykyyykyyyyyyyyyyyyy he ykyytek to ryyyyrykkryyyyyyytryrrykyyyyyykyy try really he yyyyrykyyyyyyyyyyykyyyk he rkyeyryyky to ryyyyyy he yyyykeytkyyk 4th eyrykryryyryrryyyyyy here ryyryyyyyyyyrkeyyyyrttyyyyyyyykyyk here ryyyyyy he rykyyyykyyykyyyyyyyyryyy ke rykyyyyyy=yyyteyyyhe yryryykyryyrrrjyyryyyyryyyyyryyryrytrre he yyyyytyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyryyyyyyyyeyy Jeter ryryyyyryyyryryyyteke he rkykkyryryykkytryykyyykyyyyykyyyyytyryrkyyryyyyyyyyyyyyykyyyyyy you yyyyytyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyryyyyyyyyeyy hey ryyyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyykyyyyyyyyyyryk he rkyryyryyk he kyyyyyyyyy ryyyyyy ryyryyyyyyyyrkeyyyyrttyyyyyyyykyyk ryyyyyy here ryrryyktrtrryreyk yet y let yykyyeyrrryyykyykykykteyyyrytrkyky it y retry yryryykyryyrrrjyyryyyyryyyyyryyryrytrre he ykyytek her yyyryyyyyyyyytryyyyyyyyyyyykryyyyyryytryyyyyy Etty yytyyyyyyyyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyyryyyyyykyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryy retweet yyyyytyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyryyyyyyyyeyy ryyyyyy r ur ryyyyteyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyykyryyyryyyyyytryyyyyyyyyyyyyy=ytyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyyyryyyythe yytyyyyyyyyyryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryyyyyryyyyyykyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyryy he yryyyyykyyyyytryeyy get yyyryyyyyyyyytryyyyyyyyyyyykryyyyyryytryyyyyy tree ryyyyyyyyrrykryrryyyyyyyyryryyyryykr ur he yyrykykk ryyyyyy ryrtrtrtryrryyrk Etty tryyttrrrrtrkyykkyktkytekrk ryyyyyy ryykyyryyky ryyyyyy trryeyyyyykkyyrykyryk ryyyyyy eryytyryyryrtryykr he y yet tyrryky turret ryrtrtrtryrryyrk ryyyyyy rrryyryryrrt Etty Yryyrrrtrr Etty yyrykrrykykttryy he kryyyekykryerk 4th k retweet yyyyreyyryrtyryryrykyk=yyyyryyyyyyeryryykyyhe yyyykyyrykk the eyes ky treyrkeyyyyykyyeyyy we ekryyktryytryrr try ektrkrkktrykyyek ryyyyyy rkekttttyrkekykykkr ryyyyyy t ryyyyyy r we rtrkkytrekrktryrtyektttekkeykekyrttrtetryk try ekyrkekrrttrkrkekktrykekeyr ryyyyyy ryktkrrktkyrkerttttttrkykyykykyryyrtrtrekkrkrykrt 4th rryyyryykyytrrykytry true ryryktj 4th ttyrykekryy your rryyyryykyytrrykytry El rkrrttkryrtttyrtrkekrk 4th r 4th ryyryrk the try 4th rkrrttkryrtttyrtrkekrk Jr ryrtrtrtryrryyrk yi ryryrkrryekrekjyrrryyykryyk ryyyyyy ektrkrkktrykyyek ryyyyyy ekykryeytk it takes to trtktkryetekerrr tree ryyryrk he t to eyrykryryyryrryyyyyy try trtrrykekrktrktrtrkekytkeryttrketktrre 4th yyrykrrykykttryy kutty y he ytktttttykttekrkeyyrerykektkry 4th trekked ET ekrrektyyryeyyktrkyektyyey turkey ekkkykkyrkk 4th try your yryykyyyrkyyryryktrk ET kertrykyyrtkykrkte 4th yet he tried growth ryyyyyy ktekykykkyrykkyrkkrr 4th 5th ryyyyyy he y 4th rkyytrtryyyyryr her ryrtrtrtryrryyrk ryyyyyy rrykktrrttrkykryryry Etty rtrrrketrrtek he retreated he yelled try rely ryyyyyy k to ryyyyyyykyyyy rrteykeyrrytryrykyyryrkryrttrykyytryyykyjtty ET yyrykrrykykttryy hey 4th rkytekkryyr Jr ykrtryekkkek tree tyrttrkytktktrk 4th rykeykkrytk 5th ryryktj to tryktrkytkrryktktky 12th yyyryryykyyrykeyye kitty t try ryrrttrtrytrrekyekyty ur ET rye ryyyyyy trtrrykekrktrktrtrkekytkeryttrketktrre 4th ryryyyyryyyryryyyteke ryyyyyy rrryrtrykyjyrrtettyrykryyrtrrryryyrrry ryyyyyy yyyryyyr Etty toy 4th ykkyrykrkyttetkyrtryr we ryyrtkrytrkyyeyy=yytEtty ttyrykekryy to kyyyekrykkre JK t ryyyyyy t wetter elegant Etty elk terr ektryrrykykyyetryttrk ryyyyyy y 4th ytrtttrkyrrtrr try every ryyyyyy yryekrykkrktrykkryryr he yytyerkrtykryryk try rykeykkrytk 4th eyyeryrtrykkryktttyy here he yjkrrtykrykry Te reykykyektretrrkrwekkyyryekryyrekykekttrtytrkrrrkkyektykrkrkttr why tryyrykeytktrtrk he to 12th Terry he tektttkteekeyy Etty ykrkyetrkyryykykrykykyyyry ryyyyyy yet Etty ryryktj ryyyyyy he try 4th r kitty treats trio r 4th titta 4th to y to try try ryryyyyryyyryryyyteke 4th trkryktttryrt to 12th thru your ryyyyyy eyeliner tree kyryryrtyttryekykryyytryktrr he try other tetytkrtttyyktrytekyttekyyekketrttkrkrrrk tree y ryyyyyy rrtrytekrtrytk ruff k he you our ryrkryytreykyrykktttyryttkrkyttrktr he trkryktttryrt ryyyyyy try 4th to tree ryyyyyy ryyyyyy ryyyyyy ruff 4th 5th he ryyyyyy tree yet ryyyyyy Etty ET 4th to ur he ryyyyyy 4th ryyyyyy 4th re ryyyyyy trip Rey ryyyyyy ryyyyyy ur he Jr he 4th ryyyyyy ryyyyyy KY to 12th ryyyyyy ryyyyyy Rey he Etty 4th ryyyyyy he ryyyyyy 4th 5th tree truth ryyyyyy he ryyyyyy 4th ryyyyyy he he to he he try he he Etty ryyyyyy ryyyyyy ryyyyyy 4th her 4th we ryyyyyy 4th 5th 6th here ryyyyyy rye he get 4th try to Kerr JK 4th Etty ur ryyyyyy ryyyyyy he kutty ryyyyyy Te ET Etty he ryyyyyy ET 4th tree he tree 4th ryyyyyy yi UT Etty kutty it ryyyyyy trip 4th he to kutty Rey the hey tree ryyyyyy ryyyyyy her yet ryyyyyy Etty to 12th re
ᕙ( ¤ 〰 ¤ )ᕗ@@villageentertainment2349 7jñ
.*\0/*ᕦ༼ ~ •́ ₒ •̀ ~ ୧( ಠ Д ಠ )୨ᕦ(ಠ_ಠ)ᕤ
I am happy that he is my junior in the school which I studied. Hats off to you bro :)
Ivarae junior ah...appo ungaluku vayasu evalo irukkum saar 😯 haha enakkum comedy varuthu la 😀
Antha extra paper vaangi school name eluthura school a?
@T.express Bus L avaru enna sonnaru neenga ketta vartha pesura alavukku
It's a laugh riot!
Amazing creativity and excellent delivery!
The show is very engaging, hilarious and at the same time intellectually satisfying!
When Praveen Kumar mentions his friends' names such as Mahalingam, it creates a connect with us reminding of our school/college friends of similar nature!
1:23 my school thalaivaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......first time hearing kanchipurathaan standup comedy.🔥💯
MLM same feeling
@@keerthanapriya3899 wow😎👍
vera level ya.... 😍😍😍😍😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂... sirichu sirichu vai thadai lam valikkuthu........
can you explain about VERA level?, wish to know.
@@prakashraj8054 vera level means above exallence
Unmai sollu
Enda oru manasatchi vendama? Idhula ena vera level adhum sirichi vayiru vali vera
Praveen u r damn stress buster...
I was very depressed but after watching this I feel very light and happy bro. You are truly gifted I don't know how to thank you👍👍
Praveen a big salute to you❤️❤️❤️.
Please try collaborating with any tamil youtube channels or any television
How ever thanks for this...❤️❤️❤️
Without any doubt this guy is the most hilarious of all the standup comedians under this banner. Best part of this show is the way he relates the current joke to one already told. The way he keeps jumping back and forth between the current joke and the previously told joke ...That too with utmost coherency and flow. Hats Of. 1 Hour spent well ! Could you please let me know the dates of your next show so that i can try to enjoy it live.
Thanks a lot bro. Really means a lot..
Myself being a huge fan of some of India's finest stand up comedians like Kenny, Varun Thakur, Sorabh, Atul Khatri , I think Praveen sir also belongs to that elite group of people. Keep rocking Sir! In my books, you are one of the top 5 comedians. Looking forward to your chennai show!
Wow this really means a lot. Thank you so much. See you on Feb 3rd in Chennai.
2.9k dislike I think they are uppma fans
No 3.2k fans
maybe :-)
@@karthikeyan-of5jk no 3.3 k fans
It's incredibly good sir. My first Tamil stand up and I thoroughly enjoyed it . I was literally rolling on the floor and laughing . Next time when you have a show in Bangalore I will definitely come.
I love watching Indian stand up comedians, especially Tamil. I know it is too much to ask but I hope this channel could put English subtitles to their videos so I could understand and I could laugh together with the audience. Please.
Romba Nandri 🙏❤
I love watching Indian stand up comedians, especially Tamil. I know it is too much to ask but I hope this channel could put English subtitles to their videos so I could understand and I could laugh together with the audience. Please.
Romba Nandri 🙏❤
@@glezelcolon8266 hlooo ❤
Bro sry na Unga video skip paniduvean.. 🙈 ipo than pathean really nce bro.. 👌👌👏👏 sry for late comment 🙏🙏
58minutes gone just like that... Superb
Superb!!...Evam should organize a Tamil standup show in Mumbai...really looking fwd to it!
I gotta thank u bro, coz i was really fighting so hard with my depression, I'm still fighting tho...
All my thoughts are mostly kinda dark and depressed tho, it's u, this video made brought some happiness in me at least for a while. Thanku so much bro
This will pass! Almost all are sailing in the same boat! Stay positive 👍😊
Please consult a counsellor immediately... Depression is not just a feeling.. It's more than that. Smh! Jesus loves you.
@@delusionalbeing13 trueee
you shall overcome
Be happy .. every thing will pass on..corona has made everything nothing...
ஆபாசமாக இல்லாமல் இரட்டை அர்த்த வசனம் இல்லாமல் செய்வது அழகு
Mikka nandri brother
Fact ji.. noticeable point.. rare case when someone can deliver good stand up comedy without any beep words or talks
Abaasam light ah irukku ji at a couple of places but he does it in a very subtle way n covers it up so nicely no one notices...except those who get it...listen carefully...u will know
நல்ல சிந்திக்கவைத்த நகைசுவை தொடர் சிரிப்பு நிகழ்ச்சி
Aabasama thaan pesraar... Athuvum Simbu va kilikiraaru... Aduthavara kurai solrathulaam oru thaguthii venum... Fun comedy ku unga veetla yaarayaajum use panlaame
Sir , I appreciate your talent very much , I am amazed , I was in bad mood but now I am fresh , thank you.
I never thought I would watch 1 hour continously.. Actually i thought i will stop it in some time! But noo i did watch it completely.... Superrr paa! Yena memory, yela jokes ormai vech pasarth! Hats off!
Hate upuma.......love briyani.....Hats off...😍😍😍😍😍😍
That poor uncle in blue shirt having to hold his hand over his eyes to block the bright light ☹️
@JOHAN LIEBERT ஓ.. நீங்கள் பெரும் முட்டாளோ.. நீங்கள் வார்த்தையை கொஞ்சம் அளந்து பேசவும்...
He is saluting him ...😂😂
I hv same problem, am 68.
Hwvr I use a jocky cap always.
மிகவும் நன்றாக பேசினார். யதார்த்த மாகவும் இருந்தது.நன்றி.
Really Mass!!! Without double meaning, its superrrrr!!!!
You are my favorite sir....i watch very less stand-up, but will not miss yours...!
ரொம்ப நல்லா இருந்துச்சு பிரவீன் வாழ்த்துக்கள் ரொம்ப மனசு பாரமா இருந்துச்சு இப்போ ரொம்ப லேசா இருக்கிறது கலாய் பிரவீனா உங்களை cfr ல் பார்த்தேன் இப்போ இந்த ஷோ பார்த்தேன் ரொம்ப அருமை வாழ்த்துக்கள் நேரடியாக உங்கள் ஷோ எங்க எப்போ நடக்கிறது சொல்லுங்க நானும் காஞ்சிபுரம் தான் நானும் மாமல்லன் பள்ளிதான்
All time fav.
I thk am watching ths 20th time
Praveen hatsoff
Awesome 👍🏻my first stand up comedy to ever hear and started to hear every stand up comedy in TH-cam only because of this 👍🏻👍🏻 just awesome 👍🏻that one hour never felt like one hour went too fast ,I just wanted more tamil stand up comedy of this guy .....
Made me on cry .....Yes I'm full of laughing....What a stand-up???😢after decade ago the best comedies ever !Omg this is amazing quarantine time .....tnq praveen sure🤣😂🤗🤗😍😍
Hats off!😎 First stand up comedy without _ _ _ _ words......very intellect.....👌Neengallam yen sun tv vijay tvla vara maattengireenga????😁 But offended with Upma abusing....upma saved my many mornings😭
Bro am very depressed and feels very bad in my life and now I watching ur show that's very nice and relaxation to seeing thanks a lot bro
Freeya vidu bro
Life ah enjoy pannu pa
broooo வேற லெவல் brooo சிரிப்பே வர்லயே இதெல்லாம் ஒரு காமெடின்னு சிரிக்கிராங்க பாரு....
One of the best comedian.....your story telling sema....bro.....
Brilliant! not a dull moment. Liked the ending with an important message.
After long back my mom so happy and laugh lot because of this vedio.. Tha tha thank you so much.
Great going Brother. All the best. I could laugh out from my heart after 2yrs. God bless you.
Very good performance Praveen Sir...congrats:-) But pls don't repeat the same comedy Sir
After long I was expecting a stand-up comedian in Tamil.
Ur dong great. All the best bro
தம்பி ப்ரவீன் உங்களுக்கு வழ்துக்கள். மிக நன்றாக இருந்தது. உலகமெங்கும் வலம் வர வேண்டும்.
OMG... stress relief video.... thank you bro
i've enjoyed eng standup comedies but urs in tamil something great. ur flow is wonderful. thank u. god bless u.
Thanks a lot
Empty hand fans 🙌
he handled a stage for one hr with pure jokes a talented person
Hello Mr.Praveen! I really loved watching this show of yours. Congratulation!! Really nice to see a stand-up comedy show in Tamil.. Looking forward for the next show in Bangalore.
amazing sense of humour and a great satire in politics really loved it ...
Who all are Tamilians from Bangalore?
You are so unbelievable bro... Thanks for your efforts!!!
Atleast half a dozen times he used " BUT - anaal " together, and reminded me of my basic school joke..
My 4 children know three words in Tamil bec of this, my elder son Tamilarasan ( doesnot speak ) speaks Spanish mother tongue and English in Chile.
Although other three speak 3 to 4 languages, two of them fluent in Chinese I regret not having created the opportunity for them to learn Tamil, me being the only Tamil speaking person in Chile for a long time.
It was good to enjoy clean Tamil humour,
Muchas grs.
You have stolen my 58.22 Minute timing without giving a bore feep............
I think he's the first guy to do decent stand-up without any vulgar words or contents 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
ஒரு மணி நேரத்தை ஒரு நொடி பொழுதாக்கிய அந்த தருணம் இதுதான்....
காதலன்: அவளை பாக்காம ஒரு நொடியும் ஒரு யுகமாக போகுதுடா
நான்: போடா போய் பிரவீனோட ஸ்டாண்டப் காமெடி பாரு, ஒரு யுகமும் ஒரு நொடியா போகும்..
Your Tamil comedy is really super .... Enjoyed a lot.... Praveen
I love the support audience had given...yes keep such things so that more we can get away from everyday machine life....and he is doing 0
Perfect...and his waisty and tamil is the uplift of our culture...keep gud works...praveen ji
16:47 the blue shirt old man was suffering from ur head reflection 😄😄😄
He is saluting him...😂😂😂
Innum show ve paakkala... But yes ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍 anyway night vandhu paakren!!
Thank you bro
I am a big fan of praveen kumar my mother Tonge is telugu but I understand tamil and English comedy's of you is also good from sri Hariprassadpagdala.
Your humour sense is awesome sir worth watch
Vera level bro...keep posting time ponathe theriyala...hats off...😂😂😂👏👏👏👏👏
Thank you so much bro
@@ComedianPraveenKumar your always welcome..😁
Please watch tamil stand-up comedy
While showing audience
Me in anniyan style: Dai motta nagarra......
Same feeling here
@@theboralviji6531 HAHAHA...
I dint expected that i could see the video fully😌
Enjoyed it bro.. you make it look effortless. Dialogue delivery,slang tone, body language, timing are of unique style. Looking forward to more.. 💐
Laughed for one hour!!
Listening to some same jokes still made me laugh
Thanks bro
Came across this....thank you sir for making sit through the 58 minutes.....a times where we tend to swipe through videos halfway if boring. A rare feat indeed....keep up good work sir. Really appreciate the message in the end
Love it! Laugh like a crazy.. really nice, funny show and waiting for next.
Your Fan from Malaysia!
Thanks a lot bro. Hope to see you on March 30th
You are just awesome sir - hats off to you and keep up the good work
Hope to see you perform in person
Nice, Never thought I will watch the entire show, but made me to watch..Keep going...
I have seen this four times .how much times i see it makes me laugh
A Clean comedy ....your comic Timing is awesome Bro!
Thanks. I enjoyed a lot. I am pleased to say Shiva Pitha Shiva Parmathma has come to this world to destroy injustices and establish a justice full and peaceful world.
English is communication tool.Tamil is identity Very nice
Even though seeing this video 2 times i am lovin it to seein it for the third time◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡LOVE♡⋆♡●⑅◌
Really enjoyed Praveen! 1 hour passed like a minute.
Really awesome. Laughed so much. Keep doing more in tamil. Loved the final touch.