that veil that comes out of the golden teapot, the refinement of the teapots of the cup with the amber tea, the entirely decorated spoon, the chirping, the drop from the sink that marks a time of peace and tranquility ❤❤❤thankyou
Awww, thank you so much for your kind words and most of all for watching this ambience video, your kindness is truly appreciated 🥰✨ It’s my first ambience video. I’d love to know your thoughts about it. Do you think it goes well with the rest of the slow living videos? Thank you for your thoughts! Have a wonderful day!
Bonjour c est toujours un ravissement de regarder vos videos je vis seule avec mes deux chats et mes six poules hérissons oiseaux et une belle grenouille 🐸 il fait frais ethumide en Normandie et vos videos me redonne le moral avec ce temps gris vous êtes mon rayon de soleil ☀️ de ma journée merci beaucoup ❤❤❤
Bonjour! Merci beaucoup pour tes mots gentils. On dirait que vous avez une merveilleuse petite famille avec vos animaux 🐸. La Normandie doit être belle, même avec un temps frais et humide. Je peux imaginer à quel point votre maison doit être sereine et charmante avec tous ces animaux autour. Vos chats doivent être de bonne compagnie et vos poules doivent offrir beaucoup de divertissement et des œufs frais ! Les hérissons et les oiseaux ajoutent une touche si charmante à n'importe quel jardin, et une grenouille est un ajout si unique et délicieux. Chacun de vos animaux de compagnie doit apporter sa propre joie et son caractère à votre maison. Je suis tellement heureuse que mes vidéos puissent apporter un peu de soleil ☀️ à votre journée. Savoir qu’ils vous remontent le moral et vous apportent un peu de bonheur par temps gris signifie vraiment beaucoup pour moi. Votre message a vraiment égayé ma journée et m'a inspiré à continuer à créer du contenu. Merci encore pour votre soutien et d'avoir partagé un aperçu de votre vie avec moi. Ce sont des messages comme le vôtre qui me rappellent pourquoi j’aime ce que je fais. Je vous envoie beaucoup de chaleur et de positivité de loin. ❤❤❤
I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time right now. It means a lot to me that my video could provide you with some relaxation and comfort. Remember to take things one step at a time and take care of yourself during this period. I hope that as you continue to find moments of peace, your days become brighter. Thank you so much for your kind words and for watching. Sending lots of positive energy your way!
Ugodan ambijent uz kroasane ispod staklenog zvona, kapljice vode iz česme, tajanstveno kovitlanje vrućeg čaja iz ŝoljice prekrasnog dizajna, otmjenost čajnika, treptaj svijeće, uz žute i bijele krizanteme u vazni i raskoŝ začinskog bilja lijepo aranžiranog... i sve to uz ptičji hor. ❤❤❤ Lijep pozdrav!
Absolutely! Finding peace of mind and creating a beautiful atmosphere is so important. It really helps us recharge and appreciate each day. I’m glad you feel that way too! 🌿✨
Thank you very much for watching and for your lovely comment! May I ask you a question? In your opinion, was 30 minutes a good length for this type of video, or would you prefer it to be a bit shorter or longer? I truly value your feedback and would appreciate your thoughts. Thank you so much for your time!
Of course, you can ask,, and your question is beautiful, because the TH-cam application has its advantage and difference from other applications. You are the one who determines the time of the video, whether it is long or short. This is why I prefer TH-cam. You choose the time that is appropriate for you. Choose it: 30 minutes, shorter, or long. You are the owner of the video and the decision is yours, my dear. Greetings.
Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate it! The reason I'm asking is that when TH-cam sees that people don't stick till the end of the video, it tends to not recommend it as much to others. Your feedback will help me improve the content and reach more viewers 😊🌟🌸❤️✨
I'm telling you about myself. I highly recommend your channel and your content because I tend to be calm and relaxed. This quality is not found in all people. People are different. You present your content and present what you like and leave the rest to the followers. Do not exert yourself to please everyone.
I completely agree with you-it's important to stay true to what we enjoy and share that with others, rather than trying to please everyone. I'm so glad to hear that my content helps you feel calm and relaxed. Your kind words and support mean a lot to me. Thank you for being such a wonderful follower!😊🌟🌸 I feel so blessed!
Я тоже люблю свое спокойное неторопливое утро, прекрасная у вас там атмосфера, очень красивая посуда, зелень, птички. Thank you so much, have a nice day! ❤😂🎉
Большое спасибо за ваше замечательное сообщение! Создание спокойной и уютной атмосферы - это то, что я действительно ценю, и приятно знать, что посуда, зелень и присутствие птиц также вам нравятся. Я верю, что именно эти маленькие, мирные моменты делают жизнь особенной, и я рада делиться ими с вами. Желаю вам прекрасного дня, полного отдыха и радости. Спасибо, что вы часть этого пути и за вашу поддержку!
Omg!!! I have been looking for this kind of video for so long 🥹 Perfect ambiance ☕️🫖🍃 This will be the best part of my morning routine! 😌 Thank you so much! ❤️
🥹 I'm thrilled to hear that! ❤ Enjoy your cozy mornings with a warm cup of tea and the relaxing ambiance ❤ Thank you so much for your heartfelt comment! It means a lot to me! ❤😊 Have a wonderful and peaceful Friday!
Это то целительное замедление, которое нам так сейчас нужно! Целительные ритмы спокойствия и умиротворения, наслаждения жизнью! .......и мы начинаем слышать ангелов❤
Absolutely, it's amazing how slowing down and finding moments of calm can be so healing. I’m glad you feel that way too. It’s wonderful to experience such tranquility and joy-it really does feel like we’re in tune with something beautiful. Thank you for sharing such a lovely sentiment! ❤
Что удивительно, эти самые простые звуки вводят в магию момента, в параллельный мир,в котором идет общение со стихиями. Слышать и наблюдать... Эту магию хорошо умел ловить Тарковский в своих фильмах. Благодарю за возможность ощутить эти исцеляющие энергии. Обожаю игру с предметами и цветами,создавать маленькую красоту!
Thank you for your beautiful reflection! I’m so glad you felt the magic and healing energy in the simple sounds and visuals. It’s wonderful to hear that you enjoy creating beauty through your own artistic play with objects and colors. Your appreciation means a lot, and I’m delighted to share this experience with you! Please come back to my channel anytime! 😊
Me encantan tus vídeos; el amor que pones en cada uno de ellos; la paz que aportas; las ideas que sugieres y la exquisitez de cada uno de los elementos. Gracias
¡Muchísimas gracias! De verdad me alegra mucho saber que disfrutas mis videos y que te transmiten paz. Pongo mucho cariño en cada uno, así que tus palabras significan muchísimo para mí. Gracias por tu apoyo constante, ¡me hace muy feliz!🥰
Thank you so much for your lovely comment! I'm delighted to hear that you enjoyed the cozy environment. There's something truly magical about a nice kettle and a hot cup of tea that just stirs the soul and makes you want to write poetry. Your kind words mean a lot to me.
Thanks for the Reply. The kiss of the tea brnigs a lot of satisfaction, the mind not do anything, the mind sometimes wants a lot that we cannot give.....?
Decisamente rilassante..Hai girato il video un mese fa dicendo che il tempo da te è cambiato in piovoso e freddo... Qui siamo a 40 giardino agogna pioggia..e io fatico a stare fuori o anche solo a svolgere qualunque semplice attività senza grondare di sudore...sembro un ghiacciolo che si scioglie. Dolce desiderio di frescura esaudisciti! 😊 Il video è delizioso.
Grazie mille! Sono davvero felice che il video ti sia piaciuto. L'ho girato circa un mese fa, quando stavamo ancora godendo degli ultimi giorni d'estate. Purtroppo, l'estate in Inghilterra non dura a lungo, e il tempo qui è già passato al solito pioggia e freddo. È proprio l'opposto dei tuoi 40 gradi! Non riesco a immaginare quanto sia difficile affrontare un caldo così intenso-il tuo giardino starà sicuramente desiderando una pioggia rinfrescante. Spero che tu possa trovare presto un po' di sollievo e che il tuo dolce desiderio di frescura si realizzi!
@@CreatingCosyHome grazie mia cara.Purtroppo in Italia abbiamo sempre avuto un'estate calda,ma negli ultimi anni il caldo è diventato " bruciante" e l'umidità alta acutizza la sensazione di calore afoso.E' pesante fare tutto, è la prima volta nei miei 56 anni che non riesco a godermi questa stagione. Speriamo in un po' di frescura,ma credo dovremmo aspettare la fine di io spero prima.Non posso immaginare di tornare il 1 settembre a scuola con il sudore che scivola giù dalla testa ai piedi e gestire dei bambini piccoli nella nostra aula priva di condizionatore. Bene.. è sempre un piacere vedere i tuoi video così rassicuranti e poter anche condividere una " chiacchierata" virtuale 😂
Grazie per le tue gentili parole! Capisco perfettamente quanto possa essere difficile il caldo, soprattutto in una classe senza aria condizionata. A proposito, i bambini in Italia devono indossare uniformi a scuola? Mi piacerebbe sapere di più su come funzionano le cose lì. Rimani fresca e abbi cura di te! 😊
Carissima, scusami se non ho risposto.Qui il caldo è diventato un pochino più sopportabile, abbiamo avuto qualche giorno di pioggia che ha fatto anche danni😢,ho dei rami di prunus spezzati e un divisorio che reggeva un rampicante di gelsomino da un lato e caprifoglio dall'altro letteralmente spezzato.Mio figlio sta provvedendo alla riparazione,ma dovrò tagliare di molto il caprifoglio, speriamo di non perderlo. La scuola per noi docenti è iniziata,i miei bambini iniziano lunedì 16 settembre. Loro indossando un semplice grembiulino a quadretti celesti o rosa a seconda del genere. Così alla scuola dell'infanzia,mentre alla scuola primaria ( dai 7 ai 10 anni sarà blu per i ragazzi e bianco per le fanciulle) alle scuole medie nulla se non ricordo male😂 Se ti va di andare sulla mia pagina di Istagram potrai vedere i tuoi muffin non realizzo video splendidi come i tuoi,ma solo i miei personali ricordi. Un abbraccio a presto 😊
Ciao Sono Sonia Bellissimi i Tuoi Video Mi Danno Tintinnio in Cucina con il Suono SCOPPIETANTE della Legna nel Camino è MAGLIFICO RILASSANTE.GRAZIE MILLE ❤
Thank you so much for watching! I really appreciate your time and support. Also, thank you for your suggestion; it means a lot to me. I'll definitely consider it for future content.
Bok, hvala vam što ste mi se danas pridružili - stvarno cijenim vašu prisutnost na mom kanalu. Upravo sam dodao prijevode naslovu i opisu. Ovaj video je ambijent, a ne vlog, tako da u stvarnom videu nema titlova. To je jednostavno opuštajuća pozadina za uživanje bez potrebe za čitanjem ili praćenjem priče. Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti ovaj format. Molim te reci mi svoje misli; Jako sam znatiželjan čuti ih.🥰
Muito obrigado por assistir e por entrar em contato. É interessante que só mostra uma pia no seu celular. Existem mais clipes, incluindo xícaras de chá, uma chaleira e outras coisas ao redor. Espero que tenha sido apenas uma falha temporária no seu telefone, pois tudo aparece corretamente do meu lado.
ASMR significa Resposta Autônoma do Meridiano Sensorial. Refere-se a uma sensação relaxante e de formigamento que algumas pessoas experimentam em resposta a certos estímulos auditivos ou visuais, como falar baixo, bater suavemente ou farfalhar. Muitos vídeos ASMR são projetados para desencadear essa resposta e ajudar os espectadores a relaxar ou adormecer. O conteúdo geralmente se concentra em sons e imagens calmantes e calmantes para criar uma sensação de tranquilidade e conforto.
that veil that comes out of the golden teapot, the refinement of the teapots of the cup with the amber tea, the entirely decorated spoon, the chirping, the drop from the sink that marks a time of peace and tranquility ❤❤❤thankyou
Thank you so much for noticing all those little details! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Your appreciation means a lot!
Дякую! Це абсолютно чудове відео 💕 такий спокій і затишок під щебетання пташок. Це те, що було необхідно мені зараз 🌹🍀🕊️
Awww, thank you so much for your kind words and most of all for watching this ambience video, your kindness is truly appreciated 🥰✨ It’s my first ambience video. I’d love to know your thoughts about it. Do you think it goes well with the rest of the slow living videos? Thank you for your thoughts! Have a wonderful day!
Прекрасное видео!!!👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
So it..❤
@@deniseferreri8978 Thank you so much for your kind words 🥰
Bonjour c est toujours un ravissement de regarder vos videos je vis seule avec mes deux chats et mes six poules hérissons oiseaux et une belle grenouille 🐸 il fait frais ethumide en Normandie et vos videos me redonne le moral avec ce temps gris vous êtes mon rayon de soleil ☀️ de ma journée merci beaucoup ❤❤❤
Bonjour! Merci beaucoup pour tes mots gentils. On dirait que vous avez une merveilleuse petite famille avec vos animaux 🐸. La Normandie doit être belle, même avec un temps frais et humide.
Je peux imaginer à quel point votre maison doit être sereine et charmante avec tous ces animaux autour. Vos chats doivent être de bonne compagnie et vos poules doivent offrir beaucoup de divertissement et des œufs frais ! Les hérissons et les oiseaux ajoutent une touche si charmante à n'importe quel jardin, et une grenouille est un ajout si unique et délicieux. Chacun de vos animaux de compagnie doit apporter sa propre joie et son caractère à votre maison.
Je suis tellement heureuse que mes vidéos puissent apporter un peu de soleil ☀️ à votre journée. Savoir qu’ils vous remontent le moral et vous apportent un peu de bonheur par temps gris signifie vraiment beaucoup pour moi. Votre message a vraiment égayé ma journée et m'a inspiré à continuer à créer du contenu.
Merci encore pour votre soutien et d'avoir partagé un aperçu de votre vie avec moi. Ce sont des messages comme le vôtre qui me rappellent pourquoi j’aime ce que je fais. Je vous envoie beaucoup de chaleur et de positivité de loin. ❤❤❤
Beautiful and relaxing 🥰 A hug from Italy
@@beatricevaninetti1819 thank you so much ☺️ lovely to see you!
Прекрасный релакс❤ Красивая кружка с горячим чаем,вкусные круассаны😊 Птички поют просто божественно❤❤❤
Большое спасибо за ваши добрые слова! Я искренне рад слышать, что вы нашли эту атмосферу чудесной. Ваше мнение очень ценно для меня! Спасибо!
Im so not okay these days but you made my day thank you your video is so relaxing
I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time right now. It means a lot to me that my video could provide you with some relaxation and comfort. Remember to take things one step at a time and take care of yourself during this period. I hope that as you continue to find moments of peace, your days become brighter. Thank you so much for your kind words and for watching. Sending lots of positive energy your way!
@@emmaraspallvirgili8844 thank so much you!☺️✨
Ugodan ambijent uz kroasane ispod staklenog zvona, kapljice vode iz česme, tajanstveno kovitlanje vrućeg čaja iz ŝoljice prekrasnog dizajna, otmjenost čajnika, treptaj svijeće, uz žute i bijele krizanteme u vazni i raskoŝ začinskog bilja lijepo aranžiranog... i sve to uz ptičji hor. ❤❤❤
Lijep pozdrav!
Puno vam hvala što ste mi se danas pridružili! Nevjerojatna si! Vaši komentari mi uvijek uljepšaju dan! Hvala vam puno na tome!🌸🌼💐🌻🌺
@@CreatingCosyHomeRado Vas pratim! ❤❤❤
Puno ti hvala!😊❤️
Bonjour ! Grand merci pour cette vidéo qui détend, très agréable à regarder ! ❤
Bonjour! Je suis tellement contente que vous ayez apprécié la vidéo ! Vos aimables paroles signifient beaucoup. Bonne journée! ❤
Как у вас хорошо! ❤️🏡🌷
Большое спасибо! я рад, что тебе понравилось
Bardzo ładnie
@@JaNew-uw6zb Dziękuję serdecznie 🥰
Absolutely Awesome vlog ..I like your Videos. Thanks for the Sharing Amazing Vlog ❤️
Thank you for watching!😊❤️
All some time need peace of mind beautiful atmospfere a breathe in our day.❤
Absolutely! Finding peace of mind and creating a beautiful atmosphere is so important. It really helps us recharge and appreciate each day. I’m glad you feel that way too! 🌿✨
The English atmosphere always wins🎉❤. I congratulate you on your charming atmosphere🕯✨📸
Thank you very much for watching and for your lovely comment! May I ask you a question? In your opinion, was 30 minutes a good length for this type of video, or would you prefer it to be a bit shorter or longer? I truly value your feedback and would appreciate your thoughts. Thank you so much for your time!
Of course, you can ask,, and your question is beautiful, because the TH-cam application has its advantage and difference from other applications. You are the one who determines the time of the video, whether it is long or short. This is why I prefer TH-cam. You choose the time that is appropriate for you. Choose it: 30 minutes, shorter, or long. You are the owner of the video and the decision is yours, my dear. Greetings.
Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate it! The reason I'm asking is that when TH-cam sees that people don't stick till the end of the video, it tends to not recommend it as much to others. Your feedback will help me improve the content and reach more viewers 😊🌟🌸❤️✨
I'm telling you about myself. I highly recommend your channel and your content because I tend to be calm and relaxed. This quality is not found in all people. People are different. You present your content and present what you like and leave the rest to the followers. Do not exert yourself to please everyone.
I completely agree with you-it's important to stay true to what we enjoy and share that with others, rather than trying to please everyone. I'm so glad to hear that my content helps you feel calm and relaxed. Your kind words and support mean a lot to me. Thank you for being such a wonderful follower!😊🌟🌸 I feel so blessed!
Я тоже люблю свое спокойное неторопливое утро, прекрасная у вас там атмосфера, очень красивая посуда, зелень, птички.
Thank you so much, have a nice day! ❤😂🎉
Большое спасибо за ваше замечательное сообщение! Создание спокойной и уютной атмосферы - это то, что я действительно ценю, и приятно знать, что посуда, зелень и присутствие птиц также вам нравятся. Я верю, что именно эти маленькие, мирные моменты делают жизнь особенной, и я рада делиться ими с вами. Желаю вам прекрасного дня, полного отдыха и радости. Спасибо, что вы часть этого пути и за вашу поддержку!
Very lovely,the kitchen noise and the birds chirping🎶🎵🐦
@@susefink6099 I’m so happy you like it! Thank you so much for your wonderful comment!🥰
Soothing comforting and relaxing 😌 Thank you 😊 Perfect for reading!
That’s wonderful! Glad you enjoyed it 🥰
Очень милая атмосфера у Вас, уютно)) Спасибо за красивое видео!
Спасибо большое! Мне очень приятно слышать, что вам уютно и что вам понравилось видео. Ваши слова действительно согревают душу.
My goodness! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I love this!
Thank you!❤️❤️❤️
You really are amazing!
Awwww, you are so kind! Thank you so much
@@CreatingCosyHomethis ambience video is so good! I was napping like a kitten! It’s so soothing ❤🎉❤
@@sue-67y 🥰🥰🥰
Thank you as always
With love from Japan.
Thank you so much for joining me! Have a wonderful day!
Omg!!! I have been looking for this kind of video for so long 🥹 Perfect ambiance ☕️🫖🍃 This will be the best part of my morning routine! 😌
Thank you so much! ❤️
🥹 I'm thrilled to hear that! ❤ Enjoy your cozy mornings with a warm cup of tea and the relaxing ambiance ❤ Thank you so much for your heartfelt comment! It means a lot to me! ❤😊 Have a wonderful and peaceful Friday!
@@CreatingCosyHome Have a beautiful weekend my dear! ☀️🌻🍀
@@vanja222 Thank you so much!🤗
Love this ambience ❤❤❤ it’s perfect for me! I can play it as a background ❤❤❤ so soothing! Thank you
Thank you so much! I'm delighted you love the ambiance! It's wonderful to hear it's soothing for you.
@@CreatingCosyHome Your channel is my favourite!🎉🎉
@@HomeDecor-fv7ss how sweet of you!🥰🕊️🍀
Lovely Video 🌞 love the tea kettle 🫖 thanks you so much for sharing with us 💞
🫖 It brings me so much joy to share these moments with you. Your support and kind words mean the world to me. Thank you for watching! 💞
Suasana yang hangat, secangkir teh suaru burung dan tetessan air dan uap air panas menambah syahdu suasana...😍
Terima kasih atas komentar indah Anda! Saya senang Anda menikmati suasana hangat. Saya sangat senang hal itu selaras dengan Anda!
Это то целительное замедление, которое нам так сейчас нужно! Целительные ритмы спокойствия и умиротворения, наслаждения жизнью! .......и мы начинаем слышать ангелов❤
Absolutely, it's amazing how slowing down and finding moments of calm can be so healing. I’m glad you feel that way too. It’s wonderful to experience such tranquility and joy-it really does feel like we’re in tune with something beautiful. Thank you for sharing such a lovely sentiment! ❤
Благодарю за созвучие! Желаю всем нам мира в душе!
I love everything you create 🎉 I’m going to listen to this while I work, it’s so relaxing!
Awww, thank you so much! How wonderful!
@@CreatingCosyHome I’d love more of that type of content on your channel. 😊❤
@@EwokAdmiration thank you so much for your kind words and support! May I ask you about the length of the video? Was 30mins long enough?
@@CreatingCosyHome yes it was perfect, I’d be happy with slightly longer one too ❤
Świetne video, bardzo miło słuchać i oglądać ❤
Что удивительно, эти самые простые звуки вводят в магию момента, в параллельный мир,в котором идет общение со стихиями. Слышать и наблюдать... Эту магию хорошо умел ловить Тарковский в своих фильмах.
Благодарю за возможность ощутить эти исцеляющие энергии. Обожаю игру с предметами и цветами,создавать маленькую красоту!
Thank you for your beautiful reflection! I’m so glad you felt the magic and healing energy in the simple sounds and visuals. It’s wonderful to hear that you enjoy creating beauty through your own artistic play with objects and colors. Your appreciation means a lot, and I’m delighted to share this experience with you! Please come back to my channel anytime! 😊
Bardzo uspakajacy wyciszający filmik Bardzo mi się podobał ❤
So nice 😊 ❤🤗
Thank you so much! ❤😊❤😊
Lijep ambijentalni ugođaj.
Thank you so much for watching 🥰🍀
Γειά σας!/Hello! From Greece. Wonderful! Thank you⚘️
@@anastasiakakoulidou-karama4569 Thank you so much 🥰🍀
Me encantan tus vídeos; el amor que pones en cada uno de ellos; la paz que aportas; las ideas que sugieres y la exquisitez de cada uno de los elementos. Gracias
¡Muchísimas gracias! De verdad me alegra mucho saber que disfrutas mis videos y que te transmiten paz. Pongo mucho cariño en cada uno, así que tus palabras significan muchísimo para mí. Gracias por tu apoyo constante, ¡me hace muy feliz!🥰
Divnooo ❤
hvala vam puno na vašem prekrasnom komentaru!
I'm thrilled that you enjoy it! Thank you for watching!
@@CreatingCosyHomeThank you for your work❤
Когда у меня будет такая чистота на кухне😊. Очень красиво. Спасибо.
Огромное спасибо за просмотр и за ваш замечательный комментарий! 🥰
Уверены, что это кухня реальная? Мне кажется, что павильон для съёмок. Придёт время, будет чисто и у нас😊.
@@НатальяСоловых-б9н Thank you for your kind words ☺️✨
@@НатальяСоловых-б9н Спасибо. Но пример хороший для нас хозяюшек.
Awesome 🙌🏻
Very nice environme nice kettle, hot hot tea just makes you want to write poetry . Be well Thank you.
Thank you so much for your lovely comment! I'm delighted to hear that you enjoyed the cozy environment. There's something truly magical about a nice kettle and a hot cup of tea that just stirs the soul and makes you want to write poetry. Your kind words mean a lot to me.
Thanks for the Reply. The kiss of the tea brnigs a lot of satisfaction, the mind not do anything, the mind sometimes wants a lot that we cannot give.....?
Grazie ❤❤❤
Grazie mille per aver guardato i miei vlog, significa davvero tanto! Ti auguro una serata rilassante!
Decisamente rilassante..Hai girato il video un mese fa dicendo che il tempo da te è cambiato in piovoso e freddo...
Qui siamo a 40 giardino agogna pioggia..e io fatico a stare fuori o anche solo a svolgere qualunque semplice attività senza grondare di sudore...sembro un ghiacciolo che si scioglie.
Dolce desiderio di frescura esaudisciti! 😊
Il video è delizioso.
Grazie mille! Sono davvero felice che il video ti sia piaciuto. L'ho girato circa un mese fa, quando stavamo ancora godendo degli ultimi giorni d'estate. Purtroppo, l'estate in Inghilterra non dura a lungo, e il tempo qui è già passato al solito pioggia e freddo. È proprio l'opposto dei tuoi 40 gradi! Non riesco a immaginare quanto sia difficile affrontare un caldo così intenso-il tuo giardino starà sicuramente desiderando una pioggia rinfrescante. Spero che tu possa trovare presto un po' di sollievo e che il tuo dolce desiderio di frescura si realizzi!
@@CreatingCosyHome grazie mia cara.Purtroppo in Italia abbiamo sempre avuto un'estate calda,ma negli ultimi anni il caldo è diventato " bruciante" e l'umidità alta acutizza la sensazione di calore afoso.E' pesante fare tutto, è la prima volta nei miei 56 anni che non riesco a godermi questa stagione.
Speriamo in un po' di frescura,ma credo dovremmo aspettare la fine di io spero prima.Non posso immaginare di tornare il 1 settembre a scuola con il sudore che scivola giù dalla testa ai piedi e gestire dei bambini piccoli nella nostra aula priva di condizionatore.
Bene.. è sempre un piacere vedere i tuoi video così rassicuranti e poter anche condividere una " chiacchierata" virtuale 😂
Grazie per le tue gentili parole! Capisco perfettamente quanto possa essere difficile il caldo, soprattutto in una classe senza aria condizionata.
A proposito, i bambini in Italia devono indossare uniformi a scuola? Mi piacerebbe sapere di più su come funzionano le cose lì. Rimani fresca e abbi cura di te! 😊
Carissima, scusami se non ho risposto.Qui il caldo è diventato un pochino più sopportabile, abbiamo avuto qualche giorno di pioggia che ha fatto anche danni😢,ho dei rami di prunus spezzati e un divisorio che reggeva un rampicante di gelsomino da un lato e caprifoglio dall'altro letteralmente spezzato.Mio figlio sta provvedendo alla riparazione,ma dovrò tagliare di molto il caprifoglio, speriamo di non perderlo.
La scuola per noi docenti è iniziata,i miei bambini iniziano lunedì 16 settembre.
Loro indossando un semplice grembiulino a quadretti celesti o rosa a seconda del genere.
Così alla scuola dell'infanzia,mentre alla scuola primaria ( dai 7 ai 10 anni sarà blu per i ragazzi e bianco per le fanciulle) alle scuole medie nulla se non ricordo male😂
Se ti va di andare sulla mia pagina di Istagram potrai vedere i tuoi muffin non realizzo video splendidi come i tuoi,ma solo i miei personali ricordi.
Un abbraccio a presto 😊
Ciao Sono Sonia Bellissimi i Tuoi Video Mi Danno Tintinnio in Cucina con il Suono SCOPPIETANTE della Legna nel Camino è MAGLIFICO RILASSANTE.GRAZIE MILLE ❤
E immersa in questa beatitudine stavo scuocendo la pasta 😅
😃 what pasta were you cooking?🤍
Pasta with spelled and quinoa seasoned with oil and spieces @@CreatingCosyHome
That sounds so healthy and yummy!🤤
Dear share your closet organization your home tour
Thank you so much for watching! I really appreciate your time and support. Also, thank you for your suggestion; it means a lot to me. I'll definitely consider it for future content.
@@CreatingCosyHome ❤️❤️❤️thankyou dear
Pozdrav😊opet nema titl na hrvatskom😊
Bok, hvala vam što ste mi se danas pridružili - stvarno cijenim vašu prisutnost na mom kanalu. Upravo sam dodao prijevode naslovu i opisu. Ovaj video je ambijent, a ne vlog, tako da u stvarnom videu nema titlova. To je jednostavno opuštajuća pozadina za uživanje bez potrebe za čitanjem ili praćenjem priče. Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti ovaj format. Molim te reci mi svoje misli; Jako sam znatiželjan čuti ih.🥰
Só mostra a pia ???ou é meu celular que não mostra???😊
Muito obrigado por assistir e por entrar em contato. É interessante que só mostra uma pia no seu celular. Existem mais clipes, incluindo xícaras de chá, uma chaleira e outras coisas ao redor. Espero que tenha sido apenas uma falha temporária no seu telefone, pois tudo aparece corretamente do meu lado.
С Вашим сотовым всё в порядке😊.
Que significa ASMR
ASMR significa Resposta Autônoma do Meridiano Sensorial. Refere-se a uma sensação relaxante e de formigamento que algumas pessoas experimentam em resposta a certos estímulos auditivos ou visuais, como falar baixo, bater suavemente ou farfalhar. Muitos vídeos ASMR são projetados para desencadear essa resposta e ajudar os espectadores a relaxar ou adormecer. O conteúdo geralmente se concentra em sons e imagens calmantes e calmantes para criar uma sensação de tranquilidade e conforto.
@@CreatingCosyHome muchas gracias