smallville 8x07 Identity scenes of Tom VI

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  • @kathleenhensley5951
    @kathleenhensley5951 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I wish I had known of this show when it was on TV. I totally missed it. I bought the complete set for my birthday. I'm officially a fan.

    • @SupermanFan777
      @SupermanFan777 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Bought it for my birthday also and the best gift I’ve gotten myself. I can’t believe I didn’t know of this series up till few months ago. 😢

    • @wtcvidman
      @wtcvidman 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@SupermanFan777 It was good but it was the best in its 1st three seasons (which as a fan who watched the series as it was on TV was easily noticeable). The writing quality went down after that. It wasn't until season 9 when it started improving again but by then it wasn't the same caliber as it was early on when Clark was still finding himself and was proactive. Season 4 for me was a big letdown because I was hyped for the stones plot and they really dropped the ball and I hated the stupid witch plot with Lana just to include her into the stones plot, which took a backseat to so many filler episodes. I think Lois would've been better saved for season 5 as a college classmate of Clark's where they'd get rid of Chloe and really reduce Lana's screen time while making Lois a lot more important than she was in that period (seasons 4-7). They could've still had her appear 2 or 3 times max in season 4 but save her as a main character for seasons 5 & beyond.
      The worst thing was how badly they dumbed Clark down in seasons 4-7. Well in season 4 they made him want to have a normal life where he ignored the stones which made him look dumb and in seasons 5-7 he was just lazy and depicted as not being able to function without Chloe despite showing how proactive he was in season 3 when he was trying to protect everyone from Lionel, Morgan Edge and others of that dangerous circle. The reason I went from having Chloe as my favorite young female character to having her as my most despised character was due to the powers that be turning her into a Mary Sue once she found out his secret. She went from being a flawed but realistic character to being a bullshitly flawless trash character who suddenly could hack, do no wrong (until season 8) and who functioned as Clark's brain and even as a mother figure at times which was more unrealistic, as he had parents still in season 5 (and a mother beyond the death of Jonathan).
      But I do love Michael Rosenbaum's portrayal of Lex (the best live action Lex in my opinion) and John Glover's portrayal of Lionel, who was ruthless and such a great villain and complex character as he evolved. John Schneider & Annette O' Toole were awesome as Jonathan & Martha Kent and I loved the parallels between the Kents & Luthors that happened so many times in the first 3 seasons. That and the friendship between Clark and Lex and the anticipation of seeing how it would evolve into their legendary rivalry as sworn enemies attracted me the most to the series. The way he acquired his powers and the ability to read Kryptonian with Christopher Reeve as Virgil Swann was the cherry on top. And I especially loved the way Lionel's suspicions of Lex's interest in wanting to stay in Smallville even after offering a job by his (Lionel's) side which Lex turned down along with the projects Lex was working on in seasons 1 & 2 and how Lionel got big clues about Clark and the mysteries around him (which really started in Duplicity & Red). It was great writing and when you watch each episode you can see the step by step methodical buildup of Lionel's suspicions and knowledge.

    • @SupermanFan777
      @SupermanFan777 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@wtcvidman I kinda disagree. See to me personally the worst or the least seasons I didn’t enjoy quite as much are Season 6-7. Those two I just didn’t like the Lana drama. I was glad that Lana was gone after those seasons, but she briefly came back on season 8 when Lois and Clark were starting to like each other(romantically). But we got to see different sides to Clark and how he interacted in metropolis instead of the usual Smallville setting. Anyways I love Smallville and wished I was around the time the show aired on TV, but hey, I’m practically a new fan, and got to love series for what it was at that time.

    • @wtcvidman
      @wtcvidman 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@SupermanFan777 I definitely think season 7 was the worst due to the writers' strike at the time and the retcons they did with the whole Veritas plot. I also thought that season they really wasted Clark with him becoming a glorified babysitter of Kara from what Jor-El told him to do and especially wasted Michael's final season as Lex, who should've been used for so much more than he was. I think if they used him for more, there was a possibility he would've stayed on for more seasons.
      I disliked the Clark-Lana-Lex love triangle of season 6 very much (especially the ending to Wither and how pathetic they made Clark look) and how they forced Oliver into the show when he really had no business in it---at least not to the amount of episodes he got. Many times he made Clark look bad with him accepting his role as the Green Arrow but Clark not yet accepting his role as a hero with all the other stuff he had going on and hearing Oliver talk down to him for it. But one thing I really did like about season 6 was Clark actually being a lot more proactive about cleaning up the mess he left with the Phantom Zone escapees. Some of them were lame like Gloria from Wither and Baern, but I really liked the phantom who turned into Bizarro, the Clark vs. Titan battle from Combat, and the Dr. Hudson phantom possessing Clark and trapping him in that dream in Labyrinth. I also liked episodes like Hydro and Crimson and how Clark finally stood up for himself in Crimson after all the BS that was forced on him. I really liked Noir and the way they filmed it and Nemesis too as well as Freak and how the Martian Manhunter started appearing. I like Martian Manhunter/J'onn J'onzz in the show because he was always very hands off and only helped when Clark really needed it. That's the type of hero I liked seeing in a series about Clark becoming Superman---one who wouldn't upstage Clark but let him be the hero and help him when he really needed it without preaching or talking down to him.
      But I still thought seasons 4 & 5 were a disappointment after the finale we got in Covenant. My expectations were so high after Covenant with anything being possible and what they did just didn't meet what I thought would happen. They set up a good potential with the stones but other things just got in the way. Season 4 did have some awesome episodes though with Transference, Onyx and Commencement. But other than those 3 and the flight segments in Crusade, the rest was forgettable for me. Season 5 just depicted Clark badly with the stupid decisions he made and how they literally made it his fault that Jonathan died by not taking Jor-El seriously after he knew from every past experience that Jor-El's warnings were always serious. I think if they killed off Chloe and had Lois replace her role (minus knowing the secret) season 5 would've been significantly better. The one thing I really liked about season 5 was Brainiac as a villain.
      I really hated Lana's stint in season 8. It screwed up so much momentum. But the biggest mistake was having Doomsday as a villain given how in hindsight they were never going to have an epic battle and there was no payoff. It had the worst season finale and I still remember how pissed I was that Jimmy was killed off instead of Chloe when prior to the episode airing I thought the worst thing they could do is skimp out on the Clark-Doomsday fight. They far surpassed my expectations in the worst way possible. I would usually rewatch earlier seasons on the DVDs in the summer breaks, but after Doomsday, I was so angry that I just didn't watch the show for the whole summer.

  • @tbird4u1
    @tbird4u1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    "ended with a thud" haha.

  • @ssgssme5189
    @ssgssme5189 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    This is why he couldn't trust them they kept trying to expose who the blur was

    • @tbird4u1
      @tbird4u1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      Well she is a reporter. And didn’t know it was Clark. That would definitely change things... as proven later on.

    • @Melissa.Garrett
      @Melissa.Garrett ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@tbird4u1 Technically, it wasn’t knowing that the Blur was Clark that changed her mind. It was simply that she learned to respect the Blur so much, regardless of who he was, that she would never dream of doing that to him.