Throwing things far in Bugsnax

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.พ. 2024
  • Found out I could do this and didn't see anything online about it, so I thought I'd post a video! Learned you can throw things FAR if you position yourself to the Landing position on your throw arc.
    The video only shows shells, but I tested on everything I could think of that's throwable; the shells, basketballs, snakwater cups, rocks from Scorched Gorge, Pinkle and Aggroll jars/cups, Eggler Shells, Cocomite Husks, and Shrink Spice. It works with all of them! Doesn't work with the Sauce Slinger.
    Have fun throwing things into orbit!
    EDIT: Forgot about Grumpy Babies and toilet paper. Yep, works on those too!

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