Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) Ch 8 "..death shall be preferred to life by all the rest of those who remain...

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ค. 2024
  • To hear more of our Heavenly Father’s Word being read, please click on this link for the “HalleluYah Scriptures” playlist:
    • HalleluYah Scriptures
    I pray this playlist continues to be added to until His entire Word has been posted. Rest in the sights and sounds of our Heavenly Father's creation for some readings or listen and watch as His Word is (attempted to be) illustrated for others; or follow along in whichever version of His Word you may have. Reading is from the HalleluYah Scriptures.
    DISCLAIMER: All illustrations, maps, pictures, videos, etc... in the illustrated readings are for visual aid purposes only and may not be representative of actual people, places, items, geographical locations, events, etc... Also, the illustrated readings are not a substitute for reading The Word yourself. However, His Word is Truth (John 17:17) and the Spirit of Truth will guide you into all Truth (John 16:13) when you search for Him with all your heart and with all your soul (Deuteronomy 4:29, Jeremiah 29:13).
    Hello Loved Ones, Welcome to this Earthen Vessel. Praise Yah! Hallelu Yah as we listen to the reading of His Word. I cannot put into words how important it is for you to read these Words, His Words, for yourself. Below are definitions of some words in case they are unfamiliar.
    I pray this is a blessing to all and may all be filled with the Ruah ha'Qodesh as His Word softens our hearts and opens our eyes and ears to His Truth. Praying for souls to be saved and sanctified. All praise, honor, and glory to our Heavenly Father יהוה in the Name of His Son יהושע. Amen
    YHWH, יהוה, Yahuah, Yahweh = Creator's Name
    Yahushua, Yahshua, Yahusha, יהושע = Creator's Son's Name
    Adon/Adonai = Master/my Master
    Elohim/El/Eloah = Almighty (God)
    El Shaddai = the Almighty
    Hallelu-Yah = you praise Yah
    Hallel Yah = Praise Yah
    Mashiah = Messiah
    Ha'Mashiah = the Messiah
    Ruah = Spirit
    Ruah ha'Qodesh = Set-apart Spirit (Holy Spirit)
    Ruahoth = Spirits
    Malkitsedeq = Melchizedek
    Shalem = Salem
    shamayim = heaven/s
    Hai = Life
    Heykal = Temple
    Miqdash = Set-apart Place (Sanctuary)
    Mishkan = Dwelling Place (Tabernacle)
    qodesh = set apart (holy)
    qodeshah = set-apartness (holiness)
    qodeshi = set-apart one (saint)
    qodeshim = set-apart ones (saints)
    qadosh = set-apart (sanctify/sanctified)
    Qodesh One = Set-apart One
    ammah = cubits
    se'im = measures
    Ben = Son
    Hawwah = Eve
    barak = bless/blesses/blessed
    baruk = blessed
    berakah = blessing
    birekoth = blessings
    kerub/kerubim = angelic being/s
    messenger = angel
    kohen = priest
    kohenim = priests
    kohen ha'gadol = high priest
    kehunnah = priesthood
    Amorah = Gomorrah
    Ashshur = Assyria
    Ba'al = Lord
    Babel = Babylon
    Dammaseq = Damascus
    Gey-Hinnom = Hell
    Ibri/Ibrim = Hebrew/Hebrews
    Madai = Media
    Mitsrayim = Egypt
    Pelesheth = Philistia
    Perath = Euphrates
    Sedom = Sodom
    Yahudah = Judah
    Yahudi = Jew/Jewish
    Yahudim = Jews
    Yarden = Jordan
    Yawan = Greece
    Yawanite = Greek
    Matstsoth = Unleavened Bread
    Pesah = Passover
    Shabbath = Sabbath
    Shabbothoth = Sabbaths
    Shabuoth = Weeks
    Sukkoth = Booths
    Yobel = Jubilee
    Yom ha'Kippurim - Day of Atonements
    Yom Teruah = Day of Trumpets
    nebiyah = prophetess
    naba = prophesy/prophesying
    nabu = prophesied
    nebuah = prophecy
    nebuoth = prophesies
    talmid = taught one (disciple)
    talmidim = taught ones (disciples)
    tehillah = psalm
    tehillim = psalms
    t'fillen = phylacteries/frontlets
    Torah = Teaching, Law
    Torot = Teachings, Laws
    tsitsit = tassels
    Bereshith = In the beginning
    Shemoth = Names
    Wayyiqra = “and He called”
    Bemidbar = “in the wilderness”
    Debarim = Words

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  • @kmac6393
    @kmac6393 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Yirmayahu was a very young man, things had to be difficult for him, but he was born for THAT purpose, to tell Yisra 'el what needed to be told, and they still didn't want hear, and they killed him. I don't understand the evil, I don't get going against THE CREATOR YHWH, HE Made everything, and they have been lied to through all this time, and they think they can be more than they are cause the fallen messengers have been lying to them all this length of time, and they have no fear of YH, I don't get it. LOVE YA!

    • @Earthen_Vessel
      @Earthen_Vessel  15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Shalmom Sis, I hear ya. Like you wrote, Yirmeyahu was born for THAT purpose. He loved our Creator so much that he obeyed Him no matter the consequences; and when he tried not to speak His Name...
      'Whenever I said, “Let me not mention Him, nor speak in His Name again,” it was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones. And I became weary of holding it back, and was helpless.' Yirmeyahu 20:9
      I feel his words...love those words, love Yirmeyahu, love Abba, Father! HalleluYaH!
      And like you also wrote, all the lies through all this time; think we mentioned it before about His Word - the beginning is the end and the end is the beginning and everything keeps repeating in between so that we might get it at some point. As His Word and Truth says 'What has been is what shall be, what has been done is what shall be done, and there is no new matter under the sun.' Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes) 1:9
      And one last Word your comment and Ruah brought to my remembrance about all the evil - 'Put on the complete armour of Elohim, for you to have power to stand against the schemes of the devil. Because we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against authorities, against the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual matters of wickedness in the heavenlies.' Eph`siyim (Ephesians) 6:11-12
      Love ya too Sis! Praise יהוה in the Name of יהושע!

    • @kmac6393
      @kmac6393 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Earthen_Vessel HALLELU YH!!! ALL PRAISES TO YHWH & YHWSHA!!!!