Hehe. In My mind, that is an explanation that on paper can only present the language of images. Meaning through the expression of the image. is my assumption correct? deep sadness? Cry in front of your Lord. Your Rabb Will solve everything you're sadness. Wow, cool! nice idea. I like it.
Sukses nambah kawannya
🙏Wah thanks supportnya, udah aku sub balik
Meski aku tak mengerti arti nya
Tapi aku menghargai karya nya,
Sy cuma reader dan buat videonya gan, makasih udah nonton dan komen
Hehe. In My mind, that is an explanation that on paper can only present the language of images. Meaning through the expression of the image. is my assumption correct? deep sadness? Cry in front of your Lord. Your Rabb Will solve everything you're sadness. Wow, cool! nice idea. I like it.
Hi mbak salam kenal dan saling support yah, mampir ketempatku kalau ingin sharing tentang yt bisa hubungi saya.
Salam kenal gan, terimakasih 👍