Prayerfully, this is what I think God wants me to act on: It would be better if Harris wins and then the GOP changes its ways, than for us to have two parties continuing to live in a cesspool. If Trump wins, that will further corrupt the GOP. More Republicans will be pro-LGBT and soft on abortion, will hurl childish insults, make it all about themselves, and be unable to debate policy. Trump has moved decidedly to the Left, and he's become a constant liar (on top of his many other character flaws).
My pastor posted this, and I agree “The Evil Stances of the Democratic Party that contradict Biblically based Christianity... - Pro Abortion / murder / child sacrifice - Pro Homosexual Agenda - Pro Transgender Propaganda - Pro Communism & Socialism - Pro Hate for Israel - Pro Pornography in Schools - Pro Sex change surgeries on minors - Pro Men in women sports - Pro Redefining Biblical marriage - Pro The destruction of the nuclear family - Pro The Worship of Nature "Globalists" - Anti parents rights = Children are owned by the state. - Pro Banning God and the Bible from the public square - Pro Rights come from government and not God - Anti Free Speech - Pro Unfair and unjust prosecution of political rivals - Anti Absolute Truth”
Most christians even pastors are not only accept it but supported it bec of abortion issue and LGBT..(personal moral decision) they think Trump is their savior.
“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12
Exactly so why do you think a law would change that?? It doesn’t. Even thinking sinful thoughts is a sin. I don’t know why it’s hard for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to understand understand this. Pray for our sinful nation (spiritual warfare) and get the plank out of our own eye. Overcome your own flesh daily. The Word is clear. See God’s prescription for saving the city of Soddom and Gomorrah. Be the one who saves the city by trying his best to live right. Stop condemning others and casting stones
I’m confused by your comment. I don’t think a law would change that and didn’t think I was casting stones by quoting scripture. Pray pray pray 🙏🏼 Have empathy… pray for “enemies”…for they do not understand what they’re doing. We’re not fighting against flesh and blood. God bless you friend. @@dukeblue-00durham91
@@jberrocalucf And we born again sons and daughters of King Jesus are foreigners in this world This world is not our home, we are just passing through, awaiting for King Jesus too come for his bride
The fear of man bringeth a snare they need the fear of God put in them by the God Who came to grant us repentance unto life. One will put in you in bondage the other will set you free.
No, it's working both ways. On the other hand the democrats kicked God out of their platform years ago. If you see an area that needs strengthening, get involved, be a light, be salty. Don't just point a finger. See Isaiah 58:9-11
@@donnaleveron5711 so the party with family values is supporting a man with no values and says he does not need forgiveness because he does not do anything wrong humm. Tax evader, sexual predator and bully none of those are christ like. Let’s add in his plan to publicly execute anyone who does not agree with him where does that fit in with pro life
I don’t understand why Free Will is rarely brought up. The first man and woman had free will. I do not believe it’s our job to assume that everyone is going to think and be the same. There are believers and nonbelievers. There are those that will be saved and that will not. It is our main job as a Christian to preach the Gospel and allow God- The Holy Spirit to change the hearts. We cannot count on imperfect men to be the answer in a falling world. God is sovereignty and his Word prepared us for this time and we should not be panicked but know his day of judgement is near. Some Christians are starting to act like we are God and we can make this world we’re living in perfect (which scripture also warns about)and it’s temporary and we are looking to an eternal hope and life with God.
you made some good statements, but let me say that Jesus said to pray, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven." He also said the kingdoms of the world will become the Kingdom of our God. And, please refer to Isaiah 9:7
@@richvictorynow Philippians 3:20 ESV / 38 helpful votes Philippians 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, Yes, and Isaiah 9:7 closing sentence reads the Lord of host will perform this… 🙏🏽❤️
@@richvictorynow I agree with you, that’s why I said we should preach the gospel- in the way we live, speak, and work… However, this government does not have the power to save me because Jesus did, does, and will. I’m not saying stand idly by and I think that’s what people are misunderstanding from my comment. I’m saying don’t get so wrapped up in politics where it becomes an idol. Nothing Comes before the Lord, nothing.
@@diannaharrison5931 same here! I’ve been in church all my life and clearly see the sad truth that many Christians don’t allow Christ to permeate every area of life. That needs to change! This message of the necessity of Christians’ complete submission to Christ needs broadcast on a level that is sure to reach every ear!!!
Wow, thank you, someone else with that understanding. The Lord showed me a while back. we are the identity of Christ. A lot can be said about that we have been redeemed to be the second coming. Yes, we have a sin nature, but it doesn't mean we are, after all, it would be saying he didn't do enough
Yes, but if you think he will not hold those accountable who have voted to implement laws that have killed 65 million babies or did not try to stop the killing of babies when it’s within our power then you don’t fully know the LION and the Lamb. To MUCH is given MUCH is required.
Respectfully, Christian Nations are needed sir. You are very accurate- We are Kingdom citizens, and HIS Will must be done on earth as it is done in Heaven. "Christian Nations" provide resources that enable Kingdom Citizens to emerge. Matthew 28:19-20 NKJV Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. GOD bless you sir.
okay. They do. Jesus tells us to love our enemies. He also said if you didn't have a sword, to go sell your coat and buy one. Also the Bible teaches that national borders are to be built up and defended, and that it is the government's responsibility to maintain civility. Our nation is failing utterly in that regard.
@@mrs.spicer People are getting killed by immigrants not knowing how to drive cars yet getting drivers licenses without needing permits. Can you not see why people are upset? Why are you ignoring WHY people are mad about the situation?
I am a Christian. I am an “Informed Independent Nonpartisan Voter” totally dependent upon God with a Biblical World View. There are no Christian Political Parties, not one. And all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I don't go to church to hear about politics. I go to church to hear the Word of God. The Bible says to preach the Word. Heaven and earth will pass away, but God's Word will never pass away. Jesus Christ is the answer to the Worlds problems and not politics. Jesus Christ was not a rapist, racist, sex offender, adulterer, pathological liar, convicted felon, narcissist, tax evader, thief, and he did not associate with pedophiles.
There is truth in this comment. I am sick of the lies. I will vote the way we have a right to. I can vote for a democrat, republican, independent or write in a candidate. That IS my constitutional eight. PERIOD!
@@kelvineaster6593 The "world" has penetrated our churches. There is no one safe space anymore. How do we remain faithful and strong and on a straight course? Keep your eyes on God's Word. If you believe it, then remember that it does not change. Do not be swayed by society or politics or popular opinion. Be constant. The Apostle Paul told us that we judge those IN the church--not outside the church. Peter said, "Judgment must begin at the house of God...the righteous shall scarcely be saved" (1 Peter 4: 17,18). Peter is telling us that the "Church" is going to be judged and that the "Chruch" is in trouble.
@@MossyRock501 The Apostle Paul told us that we judge those IN the church--not outside the church. There will always be sin and violence and abortion and all manner of evil around us. Even Jesus did not try to change that. He ONLY addressed his brothers and sisters (the Jews) and the Temple system. Trying to outlaw abortion is like trying to judge those OUTSIDE the church. It won't work. Any and all changes in our morality must originate from the heart, and not from legislature.
@@Encourager-Purpose-Destiny Thats my focus. I understand what my brothers are saying yet its a biased take on a real problem. I am a well read individual. A seeker of the Lord and a leader in the body of Christ and I will no longer allow this manipulative approach to influence my thinking both candidates are incredibly ungodly in a # of ways, not necessary for me to list.. oh and for the record I have voted republican many years in my adult life so I am NOT a democratic ticket voter. This kind of thinking is liberating and the need for this to be shared is huge.
Pastors need to worry about losing people to the enemies deception and building followers of Jesus instead of building their own followers for self glorification. I don't know about the future. I pray 🙏 constantly. The church kind of failed during the pandemic.
@@DavidRomero-vj4ld - So true. These pastors are hipsters. They want to be followed & worshipped as Gods themselves. They are full of ego/pride instead of lifting up the greater truth. They act like they're still in high school rather than a church. It's pathetic to see this never-ending popularity contest. It needs to end. They also are enslaved to the gov & the Ecumenical church run by the International League of Churches which is a globalist steering committee much like WEF. The cult leader-pastors give blind loyalty to these overlords b/c many churches are tax-exempt and if so, they have to pay in other ways. This is where many gov officials come in to rewrite and edit their sermons and all of that nonsense. They want to serve their 'handlers' as well as grow a huge flock of hipster chasers - so it's no diff than H-wood: in it for the wrong reasons of $ and fame instead of letting those two things be by-products of success, but it becomes their main focus and biggest goal. One of my things I now see in looking for a church to attend is that I must find one that has not filed as a 501 C, chapter 3 b/c that usu. spells trouble. Red flags v red state so beware!
And, if you didn't know, Harris kept young black men in jail past their sentencing, and it's a well known fact that she was exhibiting less than moral character with her San Francisco mentor. The choices are not good
That's not right! Our Father cares deeply for his children and all the 12 tribes of Israel that are scattered around the world ! They have the symbolic name of Jacob! And America is the most Christian nation because we have so many of Jacob are here! We are in the time of Jacobs Trouble which will gived way to Jacob's Time! The fall of the babylonious beast system and it's head, specifically it's 6th head being wounded TO death as written in Rev 13:3 is happening now! That's what brings in Jacobs Time. Trump is being used to expose the evil system, and drain the swamp! And bring in true justice! And it's necessary that he also be a stumbling block for the world in the process! And people that are all caught up in the babylonious beast system of the world stumbled big time over Trump!
@mr.b2107 So what do you see happening in the next four years? I see what you see, but I don't see him continuing as president. I see God separating the sheep from the goats, testing each heart to see which way they go and giving every opportunity for them to choose Him. Many are starting to see the light, but there are still some being blinded by the veil. The contrast is becoming more and more apparent as the evil is exposed.
Christian voter here. Although I may not agree with a lot of things or both candidates one thing I do know is that God does not condone hate and all of the destructive things that comes along with that including destroying all lives not just babies but all. I will definitely do my part. So much is at stake.
I am in a group that meets once a week to pray for the country. I personally pray daily for America. I am registered to vote, plan to vote, and have signed up to be a poll watcher to protect the integrity of the election.
@@FreeAsABird53 It boggles my mind how people who believe what you commented come to that conclusion. As a Christian, I don’t know a single other Christian who considers Trump, or any other mere man or woman, to be our “Lord and Savior.” We have ONLY ONE Lord and Savior, and He is Jesus Christ. And then you state that “racism and hate…drives…Trump.” How hypocritical! You’re spreading hate through your comment yet you think you’re so much better than Trump and “the evangelicals.” Trump is NOT a racist according to multiple people of color who have ACTUALLY KNOWN HIM, unlike YOU and all the other judgmental people and MSM talking heads who love to spread lies and hatred. The woman he dated for two years, before meeting Melania, was black. Her father was white, and her mother was black. Do racists date black people if they themselves are white??? She was quoted as saying, “I never heard him say a disparaging comment towards any race of people.” She also said that he didn’t support racist or white supremacist ideals. Lynne Patton, who was Trump’s head of the HUD department’s New York and New Jersey office, is black and said, Trump “doesn’t see color the way the average person does.” He assesses people based on “their successes and their failures.” When Trump first ran for office, he chose an African-American woman as his spokeswoman. She said, “A racist does not pick a single black mother to represent his entire freaking presidential campaign. A racist would not endorse Jesse Jackson’s presidential campaign in the ‘80s twice. A racist would also not spend his time and his resources to bring African-Americans into Wall Street.” Instead of just blindly accepting the narrative and lies of the MSM, and Trump haters in general, though they LOVED him BEFORE he ran for President, try to do some research to learn the actual truth. And stop spreading more lies and hatred. The world has far too much of both.
I watched Jack the day after Trump was shot. I thought he was a little overbearing, BUT I’m going to watch it again tomorrow 🤔. Pastors need to choose their words wisely and encourage Christians TO VOTE (first off) and then explain why they should vote for Trump and NOT for Harris who represents EVERYTHING THAT IS PURE EVIL IN THE DEMOCRAT PLATFORM!!! Trump is JUST A MAN…He’s not Jesus and he’s not a great holy saint, but I think GOD has been working on him these last 8 years and he HAS BEEN CHANGED🙏!!! Too many people blindly judging TRUMP by the 24/7 🤮 on MSNBC!!!
SPOT on - here... For those who are immature in these matters, the ill-informed - Paul, God's word, calls them "ministers of God" in the New Testament, and not politicians. Don't write off God's ministers in His service in public matters because the world happens to call them politicians. Oh you foolish 'Galatians", that is exactly what satan wants, God's children not to be involved in civil service.
Jack Hibbs is driving all non Christians I know totally away from the gospel. All they see is his promotion of Trump, a vile man, and nothing about the promotion of Jesus. If that is what Christians are about the non Christians I know want nothing to do with Jesus. He can have any political view he wants, but bringing it into his church and his pastoral platform is a huge mistake. He has lost his way.
Same … my blood brother is also my Pastor .. preaches and teaches straight out of the Holy Bible So thankful I am born again by the blood shed of Jesus Christ
@@dianeweaver930 Anything the church teaches that does not line up with the Bible is wrong. It's as simple as that. The bible is the Word of God. God is the author of it, He does not make mistakes.
The (D)eception comes from the evil one, that tries to normalize sin as acceptable in society, God gives you free will a brain, the word and salvation of Jesus Christ, eyes to see and ears to hear the truth of the gospel.
The freedoms Americans have come from God, not the government. So no, that is not the truth. The Communists tried to push that lie about our rights coming from the government when they enforced draconian lockdown laws under the guise of protecting the public from the spread of Covid, but fortunately some brave souls fought tooth and nail to defend the truth. We fought a war against a tyrannical British king to avoid living under that kind of rule.
I will be voting for the person who doesn't spew lies with a smile. Who didn't keep black men locked in prison past their release date for slave labor. Who hasn't sent for the federal government to coerce and intimidate churches.
@@laflorna3483 I don't have to throw stones to vote for the best candidate... trump literally incited an insurrection.... Trump is anti everything I believe Christ wants me to be like. :)
Do the sins of omission include anything besides abortion? For example, the multiple times Jesus said to take care of orphans or welcome the foreigner, giving to them? Does standing against abortion mean just voting once every 4 years or does it mean offering education, counseling, and alternatives to women who have a choice to make? What about the 2 million Christians in the country with most not participating in the foster care system which has almost 300,000 children who are orphans? And does voting for a proven unethical person and felon who first says he will ban abortion and then change to saying he will not - help the cause? Statical history shows abortion actually fell in numbers greater under Democratic Presidents. So, while abortion is wrong, is the burden upon the government mandating or upon Christians to do more in the name of Christ?
You do know everything that Trump has been accused of by this current demonic Democratic administration is alleged. How could you call yourself a Christian but slander someone’s name when it is all alleged. How could you not have the discernment to see how evil this current Democratic administration is. How can you hear Kamala talk and not feel thewickedness. Everybody loved Donald Trump before he decided to run for the presidency and threatened their crooked agenda and their evil ways.
They had walls around their cities back in the Bible. Jesus said to be wise . We the people are to take care the orphans etc. individuals the church not the government
I was looking for a comment such as yours. They rally to bring these kids into the world and then turn their backs on them when they are here. I work in the child welfare system and rarely do we have foster parents from the local churches. The one preacher and his wife that I encountered a year ago treated the children terribly. Also does sins of omission cover racism and other forms of discrimination?
I really appreciate this conversation and it has motivated me to vote even though both candidates are not great. I do find it hard to listen to them say “I will not tell you who to vote for” but then hit almost all the talking points of one side as Christian and the other as the anti-Christian. I rather they just be open. It just feels sneaky to me :/
I’m not voting for him and I won’t be guilted into it. Republicans must do better. We look like hypocrites and it’s hurting our churches. People are leaving.
Well, we’ll leave that to God’s judgement….the candidates we have to choose from both have trouble there. Let God deal with that trait and we’ll decide who “stretches” the truth the least. Second thought, give that all to God.
@@drlongus8321 that because Jesus is coming soon! God allowed for this to happen for his return. I pray for those who worship this liar Trump because they have scales in their eyes if they believe he’s gonna save them, he’s the begging of the end. Is that you?
You are known by your fruit. That is the Word. You can not tell people to vote for people who say one thing but live entirely differently. God is a God of freedom and choice. Please remember that when you make your vote.
@@KnowledgeIsComfort I understand what you are saying but just because you say something if you do not stand by your word it doesn’t matter what you say. The Holy Spirit is who does the cleaning. So pray and let God tell you how to vote not policies that they may or may not enforce.
God gave each of us freedom of choice, not the christian churches, government political parties or supreme court. God knows each persons circumstances and reason for their choices. It is between God and his children.
Jesus asked us to love and respect each other in every moment of our life not just in the womb. He said to look for him in the destitute, the foreign, the children, the excluded, the sinners. So vote for whoever is willing to improve and enhance life in all of the stages, to the person who show respect and does not mock or humiliate anyone, who wants to improve education, medical rights for as many children and people as possible, who promotes unity rather than division, who does not tell lies and manipulate for his own interest and ego. The renewal mentioned by the speaker needs to start in us first.
I see the dog whistle in your comments. You are trying to justify voting Democrat and being a Christian at the same time. Not possible. If you support late term abortion for convenience you are participating in murder. Not very Christian.
If everyone has a right to things they don't work for than no one gets anything. The Bible says he who does not work does not eat. The family and the church should be taking care if the poor and destitute...not the government.
I’m pretty sure in biblical times there was no voting. But in our culture it is important to vote as a Christian. You have a responsibility to stand for biblical beliefs.
Yes and just as Corrie Ten Boom watched the family’s own pastor and many of their Christian friends stay silent, refusing to speak out against evil, refusing to help the underground efforts to get Jewish youngsters out of Holland quickly, same thing going on now.
"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish" appears in Esther 4:14. 🙏🏻
Many are prophesing that Trump will win. Also, we are at the end of End Days and we must be ready for what is to come. Repent and draw near to Yahweh thru His Son, Jesus!
Present Christian America appear to have moved from a loyalty to God to an allegiance to a Political party. Hence the growth in Christian nationalism today.
I am a cancer survivor also thank God for healing me ..I have switched insurance and have had no problems at all. I dont want the government controlling my healthcare i want to have a choice in who i get my insurance from. Private insurance is Freedom to choose.
Getting my own Truck has always been my Dream for my business. I just acquired 2 recently, earning $22K weekly has been really helpful. I can now give back to the locals in my community and also support the Church.
Just for the record (since I know what we’ve been taught in many of our American churches)…both candidates on the ballot are pro-choice. And genocide against Palestinians is not pro-life. And racism and anti-immigration is not “closer to Christian values”. And yes, I am a sold out, ride-or-die, justice loving, born again follower of Christ.
Nope, but you can keep telling yourself that. You should not be for illegal immigration, or illegal anything for that matter. Allowing hard core criminals in and crime rates have risen dramatically. The left wanting to fund transsexual surgeries and not allow parents to know. The devil is your father if you are actually for any of this
So you clearly disagree with the podcast. It’s a shame you don’t see what they are saying. And by the way, Republicans are not racist or anti-immigrant in their PLATFORM, they just want LEGAL immigration for the rule of law, which you clearly enjoy enough that you don’t have to think about it. If the rule of law goes, you’ll be the first one to ask for legal immigration.
Illegal immigration is wrong. You have no regard for the millions of legal applicants who have to wait sometimes 20 years for their immigration applications to be processed. And they have to wait outside of the US! Yet you want to reward people who break US immigration law. It's truly sickening! There is no genocide against Palestinians. The Palestinians started a war again (not the first time they've attacked Israel) and again Israel's defeating them with the Lord's help.
I'm glad God is in control even with this mess going on. Please Vote! You count. If you know the word of God you would vote and for the candidate that supports Israel and is for America 🇺🇸. I'm from Cuba. We don't have any freedom there. Don't let this country be like Cuba. ❤
Actually Trump is for both! Netanyahu actually stated that Donald Trump is the best friend Israel has ever had in the Whitehouse, Trump fulfilled biblical prophecy by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and as the eternal capital of the Jewish state. Trump is also the strength America needs now to put a halt to the divisive evil that is in charge of our country.
I am so grateful for this episode. I have been so conflicted about voting and did not know what to do. This morning I had about 10 political flyers, on each side, in my mailbox and felt so overwhelmed. I truly believe God sent me to the podcast today to give me hope and assurance.
Harris/Walz. End the hate and division. At least democrats don’t align with evil dictators. Walz is a good Christian man. Actual Christian unlike Trump.
@@d.m.3133 bro the harris walz campaign supports abortion. how is that christian. you're believing all the lies the media tells you about trump, do more research.. kamala is the biggest threat right now to the usa
I believe he is only saying what will get him votes I don’t think he really cares about people he just cares about himself 😔 I also believe God is absolutely allowing our nation to go through this because as a nation we are not seeking Him falling on our face worshiping Him and preaching the Gospel
Who?? If you are referring to Trump you are wrong!!Trump got into politics at great cost to his own life & finances. in short, he cares far too much for his country to see it suffer under a future communist dictatorship!!
Trump is a rich man , who refused to get paid in his first presidency. He took a bullet for this country , our lives was better under his first term. For you to say that he is only saying what will get him votes is totally stupid
I have been praying to become a BOLD, LOVING, POWERHOUSE for Jesus. We MUST trust that our God is still on the throne, and he WILL SHOW UP IF WE WILL STAND UP!!!
When I listen to this I hear your politics strongly. This is a political talk. May God, our Sovereign Lord and King, be glorified despite human politics.
A very important conversation. We are to live according to Gods word. Not live and make God what culture wants it to be. A God in their own image. Great video.🥰
Trump at a conference may it clear, that he does not need to ask God for forgiveness. He does not feel that he needs forgiveness from God if he is wrong that he does not do it anymore. One of the foundations of God is to ask for God's forgiveness. As a christian, a child of the most high, I am not willing to vote for a convicted felon. I am not willing to vote for a rapist. I am not willing to vote for a person that only cares about himself and incites violence. The people that has targeted this person have been republicans. This is not the Republican party of Reagan, Bush, and McCain. Trust God - He is our provider not Trump.
So you’d rather vote for a person that wants to socialize this country..kill babies… etc. vote on policy not religious belief…all..including you..gave sin struggles.
I pray you stop believing everything you are spoon fed from the mainstream media. Much of it is simply not true. Unbelievable the amount of “Christians” that will vote for a party that has no problem with the murder of innocent babies and wants to make it easily accessible for convenience sake🤮 No thanks… I will not have that blood on my hands when I stand before the Christ one day. Better wake up folks. This is not a popularity contest and it’s also not a vote for a church leader. Much is at stake. The Democratic nominee has been installed and not voted in. I promise you she is not equipped in anyway to lead this country. Not to mention if you want to talk about someone’s immorality, she’s got plenty of history in that department. Look up Willie Brown.
Kamala has made it clear she's Hindu. As a Christian, I cannot vote for that either. Nor can I vote for the number of sins her party supports, or the violence incited by the Democrats in 2020's antifa riots. We truly need to turn the whole of this nation to Christ again
I'm not willing to vote for a woman who slept her way to the top. I'm not willing to vote for a woman who kept black men in jail past release date. I'm not willing to vote for a woman who jailed black mothers for not being able to get their kids to school. I'm not willing to vote for a woman who is a practicing Hindu. I'm not willing to vote for a woman who wants to destroy children by transing them. I'm not willing to vote for a woman who says that people who shout "Jesus is Lord" are "at the wrong rally". I'm not willing to vote for a woman who throws old ladies in jail for praying. She has made it clear she doesn't even believe in God. While he has had place since making that statement and has said he's been drawing closer to God
Newsflash: what do you think Colonization is?? America has been dehumanizing people since the beginning of its founding. See the Native American experience and slavery is obvious as it gets to name a couple. These were supposed “Christians” who raped and harmed people for power and conquest. And I am a Christian by the way. Fact is we are all sinners and have no place legislating morality. We would all be in jail. None of us are “Godly”. We have to fight our flesh every single day. It is simply not biblical to inject Christianity into government. I can cite countless examples in the Bible that God reveals about this. It’s telling that these Bible “scholars” are quick to ignore or miss God’s consistent Word on this issue. Take the plank out of your own eye. Pray for our sinful nation and get your own life together for God. Stop trying to impose a moral standard on someone else. We are not wrestling with flesh and blood.
I'm curious to know how the focus is abortion which is murder, yet the Bible says if you hate each other, that is murder as well. Are we choosing based on what we believe to be egregious or what the scripture say? We also like to pinpoint the so called abomination lifestyle, yet Proverbs mention 7 abominations that a majority participate in each day and no one talks about that. How are we choosing and influencing people?
Trying to attain political power as Christians because you are afraid there may be repression and persecution against the church someday in the future is not a perspective supported by the life of Jesus. If Jesus had been worried about such things, his ministry would have looked completely different. He knew persecution of the worst possible kind, was coming. Rather than pursue political power over his enemies, he continued to serve the poor and needy.
Jesus said to give to Cesar what was Cesar’s and to God what was God’s. I, as a Christian, can help the needy AND vote for the “best” candidate (who does not need to qualify as a “nice guy”, just competent [he ran a corporate empire] and strong enough for the world stage [been there, done that] ). We are not supposed to be so “heavenly minded” we are no earthly good. It doesn’t take that long to vote. (Also, none of us is Jesus. He was already King of the Universe”.)
I agree. I am the County Chairman for the Republican Party in my county. We desperately need Christians to get involved at this level. I have had more opportunities to preach the gospel and ministry to people simply by being involved in my local politics.
I’m on my county and state executive board as well as a district chair… yes. Every Christian should become a precinct committee officer in their county party.
@@winniecash1654Most states give you a way to find your precinct online. You should be able to find out who your precinct captain or committeeman is from your local party. Many precincts are empty so you might be able to fill an open spot. If it’s not empty, take your PC out for coffee and ask what they do and how you can help. It’s also a great idea to attend your legislative district and/or county committee meetings. You can typically find that information on the Republican state or county website.
Thank you for this opportunity to be heard. I do not in any way feel justified to vote for a candidate who has been convicted of sexually abusing and defamation by a jury of nine men and three women. PERIOD.
God is the judge and if you allow the left to put out lies and let people judge a person that have been accused of a crime by their peers and those peers are led by lies. is that the truth? Ask God to lead you in your decision, and think of Gods Will in the decisions made by the other party, if you don’t vote you are allowing that party, which will do many things that are completely against God to win over the party that will put things in line with Gods Will. Pray 🙏🏼 you must think of the big picture not your feelings, remember God used many people that were sinners to get His Will done, many were not people we would use to fulfill Gods Will, but God did 🙏🏼
@@cheche5172 but you do feel the need to vote for a woman who opened the border so gangs could come in to force children into prostitution... you are so ignorant.
I think we need to be very careful about how we speak on this subject. Sometimes I feel like talks like this try to backhandedly tell you who to vote for. Your Christianity is not predicated on who you vote for. We are skating on thin ice doctrinally if we start to convey that message.
Silence is consent. Does God support abortion? Should Christians support a party that removes God from their party platform? Does God support homosexuality and removing parents’ rights? Being silent allows evil to reign. We have a responsibility to make our voice known and a responsibility to support that which God would have us support
That's cowardly. We as believers have a responsibility to stand on the true, inerrant Word of God.. period. Scripture says we are to love what God loves and hate what God hates. If what you say is it, then why have churches? Your Christianity no...but your salvation absolutely. Your vote makes a statement about your faith and there's no way to get around that.
@@Wanderlustita21 this is the sort of talk that is unbiblical. You’re dancing on shaky ground. You have no biblical basis to stand on. Just because one party may have more values that align with Christianity does not make it a Christian party. The doctrinal stance you’re taking is sinking sand. Republican policy is not true or inerrant word of God the Bible is. And to equate Republican policy with the word is blasphemy at best and heretical at its worst.
@@craigmcneely4967 Those are all great questions but if you’re going to put your Christian values on policy why aren’t we applying them to the people that pedal them? This is your dilemma. You are not biblically obligated to vote for one particular party. It’s simply not true. That’s not how our system works.
@@craigmcneely4967 those are all great questions but will abortion be illegal once Trump gets in? No. Will gay marriage be nullified when Trump gets in? No. That’s not how our system works unfortunately. Now if we could directly vote on issues like abortion of course I would vote against it. I don’t want my tax dollars being used for such filth. That’s the issue. If we don’t have direct voting on those then we are not obligated as Christians to vote for one party. It’s unbiblical and heretical and you have no Bible to contextually back up your claim.
I respect John’s teachings so much! Nonetheless, What makes me mad is that we all get so anxious and nervous for presidency but actually should have put that same energy when voting for congress (senate and house) but ppl go to polls and vote at random because they are less inform when it comes to congress or heck they don’t even go vote in most cases. You have to remember we wanted a king; a ruler from the beginning. But GOD try to plea with us reminding us telling us that HE was the only KING we needed… We insisted so he gave us Saul… People need to literally come back to Christ. Remember HIS ways are not our ways… As well remember, everything may not work together but it COMES together for those who love him… please People, know GOD for yourself, read your word, meditate, fast, and seek, knock, and asks GOD. I say all that to say yes it’s good to listen to this pastors, preachers, Christian podcast, etc for guidance!!! Nonetheless, it is also good to have HIS word planted in your heart! This podcast is definitely walking in a thin line and swaying ppl one way or another (which in a sense is good but in another sense is also detrimental because something goes wrong it will be blamed on so and so. Also to mention where is the spiritual and critical thinking in swaying someone one way or another… ppl stop listening to the different ppl and go in front of GOD for yourself; fast go on your knees with supplication, & go to Our father and let HIM tell you what to do because at the end of the day HIS will be done! If you have to look at candidates plan, then take that same plan and bring it under the Christian lense ( match it with the word) do so, take the plan and pray on. Start also looking at local and state officials! Let do better in all forms! Remember you create the change you want to see.
I respect your comment very well said. Why I'm picking trump for many reasons is because it says that God puts the foolishness of this world to confound the wise. So I understand that they don't need to be a believer like me but HE picks the leaders to govern HIS people.
Wow you literally can’t see the obvious point they’re making. God is not on a political party’s side. But one platform says they want to kill babies up to birth and cut genitals off of minors while the other does not. Hmmmm which one is better from a biblical perspective?
I'm a Christian and my heart won't allow me to vote for a wretched soul whos destroyed our country. So I won't vote for a liar cuz Jesus never lied, I forgive him for leading a coup and for showing me what the spirit of lawlessness looks like. I will never vote for such a person.
The federal govt led that coup. They infiltrated the crowd, let people inside, and denied the national guard order from Trump. I'm okay with taking principled positions but do it with the correct information
@@seesdifferentlyyes, also wondering this … if “the coup” being mentioned is Jan 6 - all need to realize the current regime has been shown to have actually instigated the wrong doing
I live in my country until Jesus calls me home. I'm an American who has the privilege to spread the Good News in a country that believes that our rights came from God not man. My Ivy League university believes students can be expelled for sharing words from the Bible. As long as I live in America, I will exercise my right to speak the name of Jesus. Democrats have tried to prevent us from assembling which is a violation of my Constitutional rights. Those people must be voted out for violating my rights and the rule of law. We need law abiding citizens to serve in leadership positions and we need policies that let FREEDOM RING for All!! It is a PRIVILEGE to take part in free, fair, and honest elections. My parents remember when they didn't have the right to vote. Thank God for letting Freedom Ring in my lifetime. Lord Jesus come quickly! Maranatha!!
@@grahamburns7385 people get their 10 amendments confused with their 10 commandments. They put their ballets higher than their bibles and it’s extremely sad to see. When the American flag is disrespected… people are willing to put u in jail but when a Bible is burned they don’t blink an eye. Our faith doesn’t hinder on who is the president and what their policies are. We need to be faithful to the lord no matter who is in the White House. We got to be faithful to the lord, even if satan is the president… and to be honest with u… he often is.
amen. They are focus on this world not Jesus. Shame on you both. You both are more dangerous than the two running folks. Western values don’t matter, God’s word matters
So you prefer more evil and not less???? This is the reason why we are in the condition we are in. With your logic, then we are all evil and can't be a blessing or used for any good purpose.
Then why is there still "evil" in the world? i.e. Child trafficking and rape and murder and physical abuse? That is not God's will that is because of Christians who don't resist evil..We wrestle not against "flesh and blood but against wicked spirits in high places.."
Christians must also remember that we are not voting to elect a "Savior in Chief". The Republican Party is NOT a church organization. So, learn to look past the flaws of the candidate and focus on policies. Even if a candidate's policies do not perfectly align with Christian values (maybe he is not 100% pro-life, for example), vote for common sense anyway. There are some things that cannot changed merely by political power. Share about Jesus and the forgiveness of sins that His perfect sacrifice at the cross has brought, and let people's hearts be transformed by this good news.
Kamala Harris is a born again Christian Believer who attends a Baptist church every Sunday. She is a Sister in the Lord and loves Jesus. Please pray for her. I heard, " It is time for another Esther " Please pray and women it is time to shine, vote for Kamala
Her mother has stated she is Hindu. And she recently kicked out Christians from her rally, saying they were at the wrong one for proclaiming Jesus is Lord
I agree with you. I have told people that I'm not going to endorse either candidate. I see them each representing both sides of the coin. The coin being the government. It's literally all of them against all of us ? And they are using our own $$ (taxes) to form weapons against us ? Ie. BLM, LGBTQ, trans movement, abortion, Palestine, antifa, climate control, DEW's, AI, MK Ultra, gangstalking, Chem trails, food and water poisoning, etc. You name it, their throwing it at us
@@emileblanc8254exactly. Is Abortion the only sin there is? What about the lies? What about inciting violence that lead to death of innocent people? One thing is correct. Do your research. He says thanks to Elon Musks that had approx 40 bastard children! But that’s ok? And your source
Can you please explain which party of the two is trying to control us? Why is it when character is an issue on the right we make statements like "we are not voting for a pastor or preacher" but when character is an issue on the left we want them to have faith and we point to their lack of integrity. Kindly explain. We can speak of integrity and its importance while at the same time discussing our christian values in voting. If we do not discuss both then this is a moot point.
There are “Christian beliefs” (mine) and expecting a candidate to at least have a moral compass they go by. I do not expect a non Christian to go by my standards.
Government responsibility is to represent you. Politics is Professional compromise. The issues the country faces cannot be defined in stark good or bad, for or against. The nation is in trouble when people lose site of this and turn Government into a controlling boogie man.
Which vp candidate took multiple trips to Chona one of which was CCP sponsored? Which vp candidate let the city burn before NG was called in? (while he was govonor)
I am Canadian. I haven' t as yet find this kind of teaching, support, etc. for my country. Does anyone in Canada who watch this know of anything like this in Canada? Brothers and sister in the US please pray for us in Canada. Thank you!
I’m a black man who been rolling with Jesus since 2003, I’m a servant. I’m a sinner, saved by GRACE. I have listen to some well know pastors and have looked up to them, and still do, even though I voted democrat most of the time I have voted for a few republicans. To be honest if I knew of democrats that were pro life, and dont believe the government can redefine marriage, I wouldn’t have a problem voting democrat. I don’t have a problem helping my fellow man, I don’t have a problem helping the marginalized. I like that my kids can be on my health care plan until 26. When I was 19 I didn’t have health insurance, but through the grace of God, I joined the military, and that was not in my plan. It was one of the best things that could have happened to me. From my standpoint both my wife and I are union electricians. Work is plentiful, the economy is fine. My son who is in his last year of college the last 2 years his internship gigs were over 20/hr. I go to the gas station and fill my tank up, and keep it moving, sure I watch the price on the signs. My older son is almost making 30/hr. with a high school diploma. So this whole thing about the economy is not good, I just don’t see it. Sure food cost more, I know for a fact, my kingdom tax is covering my family and I. I know I have been given favor from the Lord. I stand on Malachi 3:10. At the end of the day Im depending on the Almighty. No I want vote for abortions, but I will not vote Trump neither. My son that is in college is voting for Trump, my wife is voting for Harris, and I’m leaning Cornel West. Now I do have push back on me supposedly throwing my vote away. If I walk by sight, and not by faith then I could see your point. No one can guarantee either of them to be the next president. Mr. West is the closest to my views, and thats who I’m voting for. What I will say if all of us black, white, Hispanic, etc. Christians got together and worked together to get a candidate that we could agree on, we could possibly pull an upset. We should start our on political party, last time I checked, no weapon formed against thee shall prosper✌🏾
I believe you’re voting for a black man because you’re a black man. Voting for Mr West is like not voting at all. And also true Christians don’t Roll with Jesus. They honor and worship Him and are in relationship with Him. It is by your fruit we shall know them.
I don’t understand how anyone can vote for man who is rapist. It actually shows the degradation of America. Remember when Clinton was impeached because he lied and had an affair? Now people are rallying around a rapist, sex offender, and racists to hold highest office in the USA.
Thank you both. As an African American woman and born agsin Christian I am getting push back from various sources. But you brought up a great point I have to vote and not get disenchanted with the candidates, I do vote but admittedly will skip certain offices will no longer do that. I will vote for the person who comes closet to my Bibically based view. Praying for healing for this nation and world.
I so much want to respect our pastors and leaders but oh my gosh its like the blind leading the blind. Look at the fruit. Look to who wants unity not division. The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. Which candidate spews hate out of their mouth at every occasion? Do we want a ruler or a president? Do we want unity or division? Do we want love or hate?
You said destroy. You really think this country has gotten better recently? It's getting rekt. You said destroy but there no new wars when he was president. Now there's several. You're letting God down sister. It's a shame you don't want world peace. This country is not gonna unite or love with her trust
@@FlowerPower-r8h. Yes, the top position in the whole world matters & in this election, is a simple choice… unless u want a Dictator who said himself that u will never have to vote again because it will be fixed!!
I cannot believe there would be that many Christians do not vote or are not even registered. That scares me that they don’t pull their weight and do their research to try to make our country a better place!
@@KnowledgeIsComfort Or, and here's the more realistic possibility: they don't vote because they actually believe what the Bible says. Just because they're not caught up in the politics of this world, it doesn't mean they're not "pulling their weight". If you think this country can be made better spiritually by voting, it's because you don't believe what the Bible says about Satan being the god of this world. That _includes_ the U.S.!
I am a US Navy veteran and christian....and I'm not voting this election. Trump just told God's chosen people that if they don't vote him in that he believes their nation will cease to exist because HE won't be there to protect them. Was here there during the 7 day war? Was he there for Israel during the Exodus? Was he there the day after Israel was declared a nation and nations attacked them before they could even organize a defense? Who protects Israel? It's certainly not Trump. He has surrounded himself with false prophets who have made him out to be a savior of America also. That bold blasphemy is as evil, if not MORE evil than the other choice. I do not see a lesser of two evils anymore. Trump has become soft on abortion also. I used to vote the lesser of two evils but there is no lesser anymore. I feel led to separate from Babylon now. It's in God's hands. Call me lazy all you want but I have spent years weighting what to do. I actually voted twice for Trump! Not anymore.
I am a Christian. I disagree with the idea that a Christian must vote for an democrat or republican and not vote independent because an independent does not have a chance to win. If Jesus ran as an independent against Harris and Trump, I am voting for Jesus. Even if he had no chance of winning.
@joelandsharonoas7315 I don't think the example is ridiculous at all Trump and Harris are both equally fallen. Neither Trump or Harris can save me. The democratic and republican parties are both equally flawed. If Jesus ran for president, I am voting for Jesus.
I agree Christians should vote. When considering your candidate, make sure you are not idolizing a candidate or a political issue. Jesus preaches love your neighbor even if they are your enemy. He does not preach hate. Every human being in the world is a child of God, so don’t let your selfish beliefs on immigration or helping the less fortunate guide you. If you do, don’t proclaim you are doing so in Jesus’ name.
Russell didn’t stand a chance he was prayed for by many followers that he would see the light and receive Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Living proof prayer 🙏 works🎉
Unfortunately there are NO candidates on the ballot that I could vote for that represents biblical principles and values. I really wish Christian leaders would stop telling people how to vote! Jesus is King! This is a disappointing episode.
Free will and love your neighbor as yourself should be what we vote for, not dictatorship. Know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Also be ware of false prophets. Matthew 24:24. And Ephesians chapter 2 prayer. The eyes of our understanding need to be enlightened and receive revelation from the almighty God. We cannot vote for a dictator. We need to vote for freedom to be the Christian that we were instructed to be by Jesus. On earth as it is in heaven.
This is an awesome episode. I’ve never listened to this podcast before but I am very impressed and will be checking out more! Thank you for your boldness, men!
He won’t take it away. He gives us free will and if we don’t use it we allow them to make us a communist country and purposely allow our rights to be taken away
There is no good left to vote for. Trump is okay with early abortion now and he just told Israel he believes they will die if he's not there to protect them. Is he now god in that he protects God's chosen nation? You don't get much more blasphemous then that. He lost me a long time ago but if he hadn't lost me by now...this would have been the last straw. Trump will use the name of god to get his way. I don't see a lesser of two evils anymore. I will not be voting.
A lot of God talk! I'm watching how you vote, That's what matters. A convicted felon, a sexual offender, a con man, a 30,000 times liar in four years versus kindness, empathy, competence,, joy, and a forward-looking. vision. I will never forgive evangelical Christians for giving us the horror we have experienced for the past nine years. We are exhausted from the drama of people making things up, lying, and doing anything to get into and stay in power.
Thank- you John for this great topic. Love your guest Gabe, and to hear his lovely family ❤. Down syndrome are beautiful and happy pure heart child like people. Praying all who hears this will vote( pray and fast) for this election.
I don’t think ministers should apologize for talking about politics. Jesus, the Apostles all dealt with POLITICS. I am glad John Bevere has joined other ministers to address this very fierce spiritual battle.
Please clarify .. Christ did not deal with politics at all. He did not take any political action against the romans.Yeshua also did not advocate for any laws in government. He did not make things Illegal or legal. This represented in choosing Barabbas . Barabbas was a revolutionary involved in politics did not like Roman rulers. Yeshua wanted a internal revolution. Salvation of the soul. This is not his kingdom. Still as we can see in this comment section we would choose Barabbas.. few follow Yeshua .
@jberrocalucf The apostles and Jesus dealth with politics not in the sense that they personally ran for offices, passed laws or worked as Herod's campaign managers but more in the reality that politics was a thread & sector that they actively engaged in. For example a large part of the ministry of Jesus was funded by politicians' wives written in Luke 8:3 (in today's world that would be the equivalent of the wife of the chief of staff to the president, or the wife of a Senator or member of the United States cabinet etc) The body of Jesus Christ was brought down from the cross for a befitting burial by basically a politician. Joseph of Arimethea was a high ranking respected member of the Sanhendrin (in today's equivalent that would be the city Council, mayor's office etc) he had "political access to the governor's manison or White House" so to speak so he went to Pontius Pilate (the equivalent today of a governor/prime minister) and requested for the body of Jesus and it was given to him based on his political capital and standing. In those days, the Roman custom was that anyone who was crucified was left to rot on the cross till the birds began to eat thier flesh and then the body was unceremoniously dunped etc, so Jesus was under ordinary circumstances to be denied a befitting burial. The body of Jesus would not have been given & released to the disciples because they were in the eyes of the government "mere fishermen" and etc, it had to be someone with alot of political standing or power to get a meeting with the governor AND persuade him to break Roman protocol and release the body. I could go on and on, but if you wish to do a more intensive study, you will find the apostles and Jesus often interacting, influencing and being involved in various ways in the politics of thier day. One of the disciples Jesus chose himself worked for the Federal Government as part of the IRS (tax collector) Jesus regularly had dinner and meetings with political leaders to the point that some people began murmuring-Luke 5:29-30 Even after Jesus returned to heaven, across the Book of Acts the apostles kept interacting and building bridges with the politics and politicians of thier day because they understood the power of politics and government to interfere or intervene in the move and spread of the gospel. The quote below by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen I belive captures it quite well: "A religion that doesn't interfere (interact) with the secular order will soon discover that the secular order will not refrain from interfering with it." As Christians we do well to have our eyes attentive to the political world and on our local to highest level of government and engage with it in ways possible for us.
This is just not true biblically! Tiberius Caesar was in power during the days of Jesus and He and His Apostles refused to talk about are get involved in secular politics. They only dealt with religious leaders who were abusing their people.
You also described K.H.! The “word salad” Queen. Impossible for me to vote for someone to put on the shaky world stage who understands nothing about anything and only spouts the talking points given to her. We are in too precarious a world to give the reigns of peace to an incompetent. (Race doesn’t have a thing to do with it.)
@@rebeccakesner9840except what trump said about Springfield is true. Just looking at Haitian culture would tell you that because they do eat cats and they do practice animal sacrifices to voodoo rituals. There is way more going on in Springfield than trump mentioned and the media ignored it. I live in Ohio and know people near there and it is true.
Sharing the same precepts today, 17:18 Under one party I will be free to worship Jesus and free to live by my convictions based on His Word. The other already walks in destruction of any who cling to the Word of God. So spiritually one doesn’t resist God though maybe doesn’t follow Him where the other resists God and seeks to eliminate Him and eliminate the Word from our lives. Any Christian who supports the party of lawlessness is like Saul in his persecution of the believers in Christ. Jesus Himself said, “he who is not with Me is against Me” Matthew 12:30. Paul reminds us, “ God did not call us to uncleanness but to holiness, therefore he who rejects this does not reject man but God Who has also given us His Holy Spirit.” 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 nkjv. So thank you for the confirmation of what I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me. If Christians love God with sincere hearts, they need to vote based on Biblical Perspective and not based on worldly ideology.
The party of lawlessness is the Republican party now led by the most corrupt president in our history who thinks he is above the law. Evangelicals have been duped.
We understand we are not for Aboration. We understand we are not for child Sex-Change with out parents permission. We understand we are not for Porn books in school libraries. We understand we are not for Defunding Police and I.C.E we understand we are not for banning fracking. WE ARE FOR 1ST AND 2ND AMENDMENT.
Sadly so many so called Christians will still vote for the Party that loves everything God hates . Woe to those that put good for evil and call evil good !
@@christinewelna7091, Deuteronomy 30:19 19 I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, zblessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, That life is Jesus.
@christinewelna7091 I don’t remember what percentage it was around 75 to 80 percent( maybe higher) of children in the USA qualify for Medicaid or financial assistance. So health care for children is already available. Just most people are not informed.
Right, a Christian must be well equipped in all things!!! Jesus and all the men in Bible dealt with leaders and kings. Deborah and Esther too!!! That’s why we are here!!
One thing my father taught me, that I have found valuable every time I must choose between two candidates, is that one candidate has one thing that really matters to God, and the one candidate that protects that thing is the candidate I should choose, because everything else that I think is “bad” about that candidate God can handle, but if that candidate is not elected because I chose not to vote at all, or because I gave my vote to a third candidate, then it is on me the things that happen during that four year period, because now God does not have the person in office that he could have worked with for that one thing that really matters to him, now God has to wait and work to get the next candidate in office that he can work with, while the thing that matters most to him is still unprotected and being weaponized and causing death to millions I vote in every election, and I look for the one thing that matters most to God, and I look for that candidate, who to the best of their ability and understanding, is working to protect that thing… this has made all the difference in my life as a voter, I have avoided being gaslit by decades of false ideas when it comes to voting…
People being concerned is God getting us to pay attention. The problem I have observed is people making politics the new idol. Example being you need to vote for so-in-so or our nation will be lost. Pray and meditate and show people the only one who is in control Jesus. We as a people can't be complacent. Thank you guys for the appropriate level on this topic
Exactly! Trump is now telling Israel that if Jewish Americans don't vote him in he believes their nation will cease to exist because he won't be there to protect them. I thought him surrounding himself with false prophets telling people that he is America's savior was bad enough but now he is telling God's chosen people that they can't survive without him. Where was he during the Exodus? Or the 7 day war? God is the only one Israel should be looking to to protect them. The fact that Trump thinks it's okay to put himself in that position of influence over Gods chosen people is the most disturbing thing I've seen so far. As for the abortion issue, both parties now are running on the platform that some form of abortion is okay. Trump will use anything to get a vote including God and the one true savior. I truly don't see a lesser of two evils anymore.
It's not what religious beliefs a person has that determines how good of a leader they will be. It is their heart and their values. Just because you care about one particular issue does not justify voting for a corrupt person who is clearly immoral. What path will that lead us down? We need to stop framing things religiously and use our common sense! Would you hire a software engineer, an attorney, or even a pastor based on how they stand on an issue even though they had a criminal background or a history of ripping off clients or employees, or stealing outright from people who trusted him/her? Of course not. So why should we "hire" a president of the U.S. on one issue alone? PLEASE, let's use our brains, folks, and vote for a decent, moral person who cares about the people, not some horrible person who says he will address your issue (even though he could care less.)
The events unfolding before us are prophesied in the Bible, regardless of people's voting choices. It's important for everyone to realize that God is giving his church, those who have accepted Jesus as their savior, a chance to remain watchful. Times will become more challenging, and if we don't pray, we will be overwhelmed by the pressures associated with a global government.
We are the road to the end times, we just don't know where we are on the timeline. If you're a believer you need to be prepared to experience hardship & the rise of the anti-Christ. Some are saying that DJT will usher in the tribulation & others are saying the Democrats will do that. Does it really matter? God will use whomever for his end times plans & there is no reversing it. Rejoice & Maranatha 💙🙏
Pro Life means womb to the tomb and biblically includes.the stranger in our midsr. Will not vote for a liar and divider.or a man who encouraged his nephew to kill his child with special needs. Praying for the love of God to win in the hearts of our Nation. Trust Holy Spirit discernment to guide our votes.
As a mother of a special needs child I appreciate that! He lost me when he made fun of the disabled reporter. I have been shocked, horrified and sad the Republicans have done nothing to stop him. I have learned our country runs on “customs and tradition” and popularity of public opinion, not actual laws. I believe Trump was sent by God to expose our weaknesses. I pray Harris gets into power and fixes them.
President is not pastor. We need to vote with intelligence about our Constitution: it is for America and Americans. Not the whole world or everyone in the world. If you want to 'help' people, go be charitable. There is a big diff btween morality and politics.
If a president doesn't have a pastor's heart, he or she shouldn't president. If you care about "our Constitution" than maybe you should support the candidate who doesn't want to terminate it.
It’s not about the color of our skin. Nor it is about the color of the parties. it’s about honoring the values of the kingdom of God. Vote for a party who fears the Lord, upon whose words and values this nation was established by the forefathers. Peace be upon this Nation.
How are you preparing to vote?
Being as informed as possible and praying for God's specific direction.
Prayerfully, this is what I think God wants me to act on:
It would be better if Harris wins and then the GOP changes its ways, than for us to have two parties continuing to live in a cesspool.
If Trump wins, that will further corrupt the GOP. More Republicans will be pro-LGBT and soft on abortion, will hurl childish insults, make it all about themselves, and be unable to debate policy.
Trump has moved decidedly to the Left, and he's become a constant liar (on top of his many other character flaws).
I honestly don’t know yet
@@PeterGobar-u6l I would not vote for anyone who promotes murdering innocent babies.
My pastor posted this, and I agree
“The Evil Stances of the Democratic Party that contradict
Biblically based Christianity...
- Pro Abortion / murder / child sacrifice
- Pro Homosexual Agenda
- Pro Transgender Propaganda
- Pro Communism & Socialism
- Pro Hate for Israel
- Pro Pornography in Schools
- Pro Sex change surgeries on minors
- Pro Men in women sports
- Pro Redefining Biblical marriage
- Pro The destruction of the nuclear family
- Pro The Worship of Nature "Globalists"
- Anti parents rights = Children are owned by the state.
- Pro Banning God and the Bible from the public square
- Pro Rights come from government and not God
- Anti Free Speech
- Pro Unfair and unjust prosecution of political rivals
- Anti Absolute Truth”
Question. If someone lies a lot, tells lies, spreads lies, gets caught in lies, then who is their father? John 8:44.
…..And how does their character impact their decision making? Will they sell the country out for favors and flattery?
Most christians even pastors are not only accept it but supported it bec of abortion issue and LGBT..(personal moral decision) they think Trump is their savior.
Yep all politicians serve lucifer
@@g2u499 Well said!
“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”
Ephesians 6:12
Exactly so why do you think a law would change that?? It doesn’t. Even thinking sinful thoughts is a sin. I don’t know why it’s hard for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to understand understand this.
Pray for our sinful nation (spiritual warfare) and get the plank out of our own eye. Overcome your own flesh daily. The Word is clear. See God’s prescription for saving the city of Soddom and Gomorrah. Be the one who saves the city by trying his best to live right. Stop condemning others and casting stones
I’m confused by your comment. I don’t think a law would change that and didn’t think I was casting stones by quoting scripture. Pray pray pray 🙏🏼 Have empathy… pray for “enemies”…for they do not understand what they’re doing. We’re not fighting against flesh and blood. God bless you friend. @@dukeblue-00durham91
Excellent 👌🏼. This is not his kingdom.
@@jberrocalucfand we are not citizens of this kingdom.
And we born again sons and daughters of King Jesus are foreigners in this world
This world is not our home, we are just passing through, awaiting for King Jesus too come for his bride
Pastors don’t speak out because they fear men more than they fear God!
They fear the IRS taking away their tax exempt status too.
The fear of man bringeth a snare they need the fear of God put in them by the God Who came to grant us repentance unto life. One will put in you in bondage the other will set you free.
All I’m gonna say is, the Republican Party is impacting the church and the church is not impacting the Republican Party. SMH. So disappointing
You are correct and lost their values
No, it's working both ways. On the other hand the democrats kicked God out of their platform years ago. If you see an area that needs strengthening, get involved, be a light, be salty. Don't just point a finger.
See Isaiah 58:9-11
Keep voting Democrat. Soon you won't have to worry about Republicans.
@@donnaleveron5711 so the party with family values is supporting a man with no values and says he does not need forgiveness because he does not do anything wrong humm. Tax evader, sexual predator and bully none of those are christ like. Let’s add in his plan to publicly execute anyone who does not agree with him where does that fit in with pro life
You vote the platform that aligns closest to the Bible. The Democrat party is godless and they are anti Israel.
I don’t understand why Free Will is rarely brought up. The first man and woman had free will. I do not believe it’s our job to assume that everyone is going to think and be the same. There are believers and nonbelievers. There are those that will be saved and that will not. It is our main job as a Christian to preach the Gospel and allow God- The Holy Spirit to change the hearts. We cannot count on imperfect men to be the answer in a falling world. God is sovereignty and his Word prepared us for this time and we should not be panicked but know his day of judgement is near. Some Christians are starting to act like we are God and we can make this world we’re living in perfect (which scripture also warns about)and it’s temporary and we are looking to an eternal hope and life with God.
you made some good statements, but let me say that Jesus said to pray, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven." He also said the kingdoms of the world will become the Kingdom of our God. And, please refer to Isaiah 9:7
@@richvictorynow Philippians 3:20 ESV / 38 helpful votes
Philippians 3:20
But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
Yes, and Isaiah 9:7 closing sentence reads the Lord of host will perform this… 🙏🏽❤️
@@tatianajohnson5922 love this
@@tatianajohnson5922 The Lord of host performs His Will and Work through His Body!
@@richvictorynow I agree with you, that’s why I said we should preach the gospel- in the way we live, speak, and work… However, this government does not have the power to save me because Jesus did, does, and will. I’m not saying stand idly by and I think that’s what people are misunderstanding from my comment. I’m saying don’t get so wrapped up in politics where it becomes an idol. Nothing Comes before the Lord, nothing.
I have been praying for a tsunami of conviction, repentance Humility and turning back to our God
@@diannaharrison5931 same here! I’ve been in church all my life and clearly see the sad truth that many Christians don’t allow Christ to permeate every area of life. That needs to change! This message of the necessity of Christians’ complete submission to Christ needs broadcast on a level that is sure to reach every ear!!!
Or at the very least just some general decency
Yes. God is waiting for us to vote for Him instead of looking to man to fix things.
Jesus didn’t save us to help him create a Christian Nation. He saved us to so we’d become kingdom citizens.
This is a perfect statement!!! We need to enforce the kingdom that He reestablished when He first came .
Wow, thank you, someone else with that understanding. The Lord showed me a while back. we are the identity of Christ. A lot can be said about that we have been redeemed to be the second coming. Yes, we have a sin nature, but it doesn't mean we are, after all, it would be saying he didn't do enough
@@JAMBALAYATALKS AMEN TO THIS. Great perspective, thank you for sharing.
Yes, but if you think he will not hold those accountable who have voted to implement laws that have killed 65 million babies or did not try to stop the killing of babies when it’s within our power then you don’t fully know the LION and the Lamb. To MUCH is given MUCH is required.
Respectfully, Christian Nations are needed sir. You are very accurate- We are Kingdom citizens, and HIS Will must be done on earth as it is done in Heaven. "Christian Nations" provide resources that enable Kingdom Citizens to emerge.
Matthew 28:19-20 NKJV
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
GOD bless you sir.
The church shouldn't be quiet about racism and how immigrants are treated also!!!
That keeps being left out. Probably because the evangelical church aligns with those positions but it would be public suicide to outright state it.
We aren't
okay. They do. Jesus tells us to love our enemies. He also said if you didn't have a sword, to go sell your coat and buy one.
Also the Bible teaches that national borders are to be built up and defended, and that it is the government's responsibility to maintain civility. Our nation is failing utterly in that regard.
@@AprilSigmon protection and discrimination are not the same. Protection BASED on discrimination are NOT the same.
@@mrs.spicer People are getting killed by immigrants not knowing how to drive cars yet getting drivers licenses without needing permits. Can you not see why people are upset? Why are you ignoring WHY people are mad about the situation?
I am a Christian. I am an “Informed Independent Nonpartisan Voter” totally dependent upon God with a Biblical World View. There are no Christian Political Parties, not one. And all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I don't go to church to hear about politics. I go to church to hear the Word of God. The Bible says to preach the Word. Heaven and earth will pass away, but God's Word will never pass away. Jesus Christ is the answer to the Worlds problems and not politics. Jesus Christ was not a rapist, racist, sex offender, adulterer, pathological liar, convicted felon, narcissist, tax evader, thief, and he did not associate with pedophiles.
Thank you for this comment. Well said.
There is truth in this comment. I am sick of the lies. I will vote the way we have a right to. I can vote for a democrat, republican, independent or write in a candidate. That IS my constitutional eight. PERIOD!
@@kelvineaster6593 The "world" has penetrated our churches. There is no one safe space anymore. How do we remain faithful and strong and on a straight course? Keep your eyes on God's Word. If you believe it, then remember that it does not change. Do not be swayed by society or politics or popular opinion. Be constant. The Apostle Paul told us that we judge those IN the church--not outside the church. Peter said, "Judgment must begin at the house of God...the righteous shall scarcely be saved" (1 Peter 4: 17,18). Peter is telling us that the "Church" is going to be judged and that the "Chruch" is in trouble.
@@MossyRock501 The Apostle Paul told us that we judge those IN the church--not outside the church. There will always be sin and violence and abortion and all manner of evil around us. Even Jesus did not try to change that. He ONLY addressed his brothers and sisters (the Jews) and the Temple system. Trying to outlaw abortion is like trying to judge those OUTSIDE the church. It won't work. Any and all changes in our morality must originate from the heart, and not from legislature.
@@Encourager-Purpose-Destiny Thats my focus. I understand what my brothers are saying yet its a biased take on a real problem. I am a well read individual. A seeker of the Lord and a leader in the body of Christ and I will no longer allow this manipulative approach to influence my thinking both candidates are incredibly ungodly in a # of ways, not necessary for me to list.. oh and for the record I have voted republican many years in my adult life so I am NOT a democratic ticket voter. This kind of thinking is liberating and the need for this to be shared is huge.
The reason that pastors don’t speak out is because they are afraid of loosing people.
Pastors need to worry about losing people to the enemies deception and building followers of Jesus instead of building their own followers for self glorification. I don't know about the future. I pray 🙏 constantly. The church kind of failed during the pandemic.
@@DavidRomero-vj4ld - So true. These pastors are hipsters. They want to be followed & worshipped as Gods themselves. They are full of ego/pride instead of lifting up the greater truth. They act like they're still in high school rather than a church. It's pathetic to see this never-ending popularity contest. It needs to end.
They also are enslaved to the gov & the Ecumenical church run by the International League of Churches which is a globalist steering committee much like WEF. The cult leader-pastors give blind loyalty to these overlords b/c many churches are tax-exempt and if so, they have to pay in other ways.
This is where many gov officials come in to rewrite and edit their sermons and all of that nonsense. They want to serve their 'handlers' as well as grow a huge flock of hipster chasers - so it's no diff than H-wood: in it for the wrong reasons of $ and fame instead of letting those two things be by-products of success, but it becomes their main focus and biggest goal. One of my things I now see in looking for a church to attend is that I must find one that has not filed as a 501 C, chapter 3 b/c that usu. spells trouble. Red flags v red state so beware!
Money money money!
Afraid of Loosing there tax exemption?
They’d better respect God more than people
God raises up nations and brings them down, despite what humans think they are in control of.
Monstrous nonsense.
You will know them by their fruit
Their character
And, if you didn't know, Harris kept young black men in jail past their sentencing, and it's a well known fact that she was exhibiting less than moral character with her San Francisco mentor.
The choices are not good
Jesus and the USA are two very completely different things
That's not right! Our Father cares deeply for his children and all the 12 tribes of Israel that are scattered around the world ! They have the symbolic name of Jacob! And America is the most Christian nation because we have so many of Jacob are here!
We are in the time of Jacobs Trouble which will gived way to Jacob's Time!
The fall of the babylonious beast system and it's head, specifically it's 6th head being wounded TO death as written in Rev 13:3 is happening now! That's what brings in Jacobs Time. Trump is being used to expose the evil system, and drain the swamp! And bring in true justice! And it's necessary that he also be a stumbling block for the world in the process! And people that are all caught up in the babylonious beast system of the world stumbled big time over Trump!
So what do you see happening in the next four years? I see what you see, but I don't see him continuing as president. I see God separating the sheep from the goats, testing each heart to see which way they go and giving every opportunity for them to choose Him. Many are starting to see the light, but there are still some being blinded by the veil. The contrast is becoming more and more apparent as the evil is exposed.
America is not the 13th tribe of Israel.
Jesus isn't a thing, He is Lord of all including America
Christian voter here. Although I may not agree with a lot of things or both candidates one thing I do know is that God does not condone hate and all of the destructive things that comes along with that including destroying all lives not just babies but all. I will definitely do my part. So much is at stake.
@@Bumblebee0819 You spoke your heart. God is not a member of any political party. Vote your heart.
Yes. This may be your last chance to vote if ... has his way.
If who has his way? @@avalimpa
Bless you for speaking truth
Canadians in US, praying that American christians vote.
Thank you. We need all the prayers and discernment we can get. Satan is alive and well and he cheats!
Yes, but vote for who?
And properly!
@@leanonme1065 Do some serious research! Not superficial! Do you have freedom to practice your faith? Communism will try & take away your faith!!
Hmmmmm…….From many of the believers I have talked to, I am praying they do not vote!
I am in a group that meets once a week to pray for the country. I personally pray daily for America. I am registered to vote, plan to vote, and have signed up to be a poll watcher to protect the integrity of the election.
Deep conviction about the racism and hate that drives the evangelicals’ Lord and Savior Trump.
Are you election denier ? planning to vote but lack trust in our voting process . Sound like Trump
@@FreeAsABird53Stop being an idiot
@@FreeAsABird53 Are you saying you support racism and hate? Trump has divided this country into something I never thought could be possible.
@@FreeAsABird53 It boggles my mind how people who believe what you commented come to that conclusion. As a Christian, I don’t know a single other Christian who considers Trump, or any other mere man or woman, to be our “Lord and Savior.” We have ONLY ONE Lord and Savior, and He is Jesus Christ. And then you state that “racism and hate…drives…Trump.” How hypocritical! You’re spreading hate through your comment yet you think you’re so much better than Trump and “the evangelicals.”
Trump is NOT a racist according to multiple people of color who have ACTUALLY KNOWN HIM, unlike YOU and all the other judgmental people and MSM talking heads who love to spread lies and hatred. The woman he dated for two years, before meeting Melania, was black. Her father was white, and her mother was black. Do racists date black people if they themselves are white??? She was quoted as saying, “I never heard him say a disparaging comment towards any race of people.” She also said that he didn’t support racist or white supremacist ideals.
Lynne Patton, who was Trump’s head of the HUD department’s New York and New Jersey office, is black and said, Trump “doesn’t see color the way the average person does.” He assesses people based on “their successes and their failures.” When Trump first ran for office, he chose an African-American woman as his spokeswoman. She said, “A racist does not pick a single black mother to represent his entire freaking presidential campaign. A racist would not endorse Jesse Jackson’s presidential campaign in the ‘80s twice. A racist would also not spend his time and his resources to bring African-Americans into Wall Street.”
Instead of just blindly accepting the narrative and lies of the MSM, and Trump haters in general, though they LOVED him BEFORE he ran for President, try to do some research to learn the actual truth. And stop spreading more lies and hatred. The world has far too much of both.
Pastor Jack Hibbs has been preaching this for decades.. If all pastors did the same we wouldn't be where we are today.
Watch Jack Hibbs interview today. .. fantastic!
I watched Jack the day after Trump was shot. I thought he was a little overbearing, BUT I’m going to watch it again tomorrow 🤔. Pastors need to choose their words wisely and encourage Christians TO VOTE (first off) and then explain why they should vote for Trump and NOT for Harris who represents EVERYTHING THAT IS PURE EVIL IN THE DEMOCRAT PLATFORM!!! Trump is JUST A MAN…He’s not Jesus and he’s not a great holy saint, but I think GOD has been working on him these last 8 years and he HAS BEEN CHANGED🙏!!! Too many people blindly judging TRUMP by the 24/7 🤮 on MSNBC!!!
SPOT on - here...
For those who are immature in these matters, the ill-informed - Paul, God's word, calls them "ministers of God" in the New Testament, and not politicians. Don't write off God's ministers in His service in public matters because the world happens to call them politicians.
Oh you foolish 'Galatians", that is exactly what satan wants, God's children not to be involved in civil service.
I like him but when he got caught up in being used by some Members of Congress and by Mike Pompeo, Jack lost me.
Jack Hibbs is driving all non Christians I know totally away from the gospel. All they see is his promotion of Trump, a vile man, and nothing about the promotion of Jesus. If that is what Christians are about the non Christians I know want nothing to do with Jesus. He can have any political view he wants, but bringing it into his church and his pastoral platform is a huge mistake. He has lost his way.
I thank God I have a pastor who is not afraid to speak on issues we all need to hear
And pray about
Who is this pastor? I can’t find one!!
My Priest, also.❤️
Same … my blood brother is also my Pastor .. preaches and teaches straight out of the Holy Bible
So thankful I am born again by the blood shed of Jesus Christ
@@agapelove2853 You believe the Bible? Where does it say Bible only? Research what early Christians believed and what the Church teaches.
@@dianeweaver930 Anything the church teaches that does not line up with the Bible is wrong. It's as simple as that. The bible is the Word of God. God is the author of it, He does not make mistakes.
Elected officials determine how much freedom and rights you will have- John Bevere said and That’s the truth
The freedom we have in Christ comes from God alone do not be deceived!
The (D)eception comes from the evil one, that tries to normalize sin as acceptable in society, God gives you free will a brain, the word and salvation of Jesus Christ, eyes to see and ears to hear the truth of the gospel.
@@UnsinkableandfireproofAnd how do you think He goes about giving us those rights? He operates through people all the time.
The freedoms Americans have come from God, not the government. So no, that is not the truth. The Communists tried to push that lie about our rights coming from the government when they enforced draconian lockdown laws under the guise of protecting the public from the spread of Covid, but fortunately some brave souls fought tooth and nail to defend the truth. We fought a war against a tyrannical British king to avoid living under that kind of rule.
I will be voting for the person who doesn't spew hate and lies.
Who isn't a criminal.
who isn't guilty of sexual assault.
Who isn't racist and sexist.
I will be voting for the person who doesn't spew lies with a smile.
Who didn't keep black men locked in prison past their release date for slave labor.
Who hasn't sent for the federal government to coerce and intimidate churches.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. For ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.🌏
@@DrGeorgePBurdell-USN1701 🤣
@@laflorna3483 I don't have to throw stones to vote for the best candidate... trump literally incited an insurrection....
Trump is anti everything I believe Christ wants me to be like. :)
Do the sins of omission include anything besides abortion? For example, the multiple times Jesus said to take care of orphans or welcome the foreigner, giving to them? Does standing against abortion mean just voting once every 4 years or does it mean offering education, counseling, and alternatives to women who have a choice to make? What about the 2 million Christians in the country with most not participating in the foster care system which has almost 300,000 children who are orphans? And does voting for a proven unethical person and felon who first says he will ban abortion and then change to saying he will not - help the cause? Statical history shows abortion actually fell in numbers greater under Democratic Presidents. So, while abortion is wrong, is the burden upon the government mandating or upon Christians to do more in the name of Christ?
Perfectly stated! 👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽
Beautifully written!
You do know everything that Trump has been accused of by this current demonic Democratic administration is alleged. How could you call yourself a Christian but slander someone’s name when it is all alleged. How could you not have the discernment to see how evil this current Democratic administration is. How can you hear Kamala talk and not feel thewickedness. Everybody loved Donald Trump before he decided to run for the presidency and threatened their crooked agenda and their evil ways.
They had walls around their cities back in the Bible. Jesus said to be wise . We the people are to take care the orphans etc. individuals the church not the government
I was looking for a comment such as yours. They rally to bring these kids into the world and then turn their backs on them when they are here. I work in the child welfare system and rarely do we have foster parents from the local churches. The one preacher and his wife that I encountered a year ago treated the children terribly. Also does sins of omission cover racism and other forms of discrimination?
I really appreciate this conversation and it has motivated me to vote even though both candidates are not great. I do find it hard to listen to them say “I will not tell you who to vote for” but then hit almost all the talking points of one side as Christian and the other as the anti-Christian. I rather they just be open. It just feels sneaky to me :/
Spot on, I saw that and it hurts.
Yes, I feel the same way
Very manipulative
So you want to be lied to? What kind of Christian are you?
Both parties have Anti-biblical standards But it's hypocritical to only acknowledge the wickedness on one side and not the other side.
Thank you, I agree 💯
Thank you! Finally someone gets it
I’m not voting for him and I won’t be guilted into it. Republicans must do better. We look like hypocrites and it’s hurting our churches. People are leaving.
Great point. Thank you for your insight.
Well, we’ll leave that to God’s judgement….the candidates we have to choose from both have trouble there. Let God deal with that trait and we’ll decide who “stretches” the truth the least. Second thought, give that all to God.
Well Kamala did lose
@@drlongus8321no America lost 😢
@sbrown5924 Nope 🤣 this was the greatest victory of our time and God is sooooo involved in it 😁👍
@@drlongus8321 that because Jesus is coming soon! God allowed for this to happen for his return. I pray for those who worship this liar Trump because they have scales in their eyes if they believe he’s gonna save them, he’s the begging of the end. Is that you?
You are known by your fruit. That is the Word. You can not tell people to vote for people who say one thing but live entirely differently. God is a God of freedom and choice. Please remember that when you make your vote.
We aren’t marrying them or professing our love to them, we’re picking the one that lines up the best with our Biblical principles.
@@KnowledgeIsComfort I understand what you are saying but just because you say something if you do not stand by your word it doesn’t matter what you say. The Holy Spirit is who does the cleaning. So pray and let God tell you how to vote not policies that they may or may not enforce.
Look at Harris abortion plan - is it biblical????
@@KnowledgeIsComfort agreee
Yes , Trump exactly, say one thing and do the opposite of Christs word!!
God is sovereign. We are accountable.
God gave each of us freedom of choice, not the christian churches, government political parties or supreme court. God knows each persons circumstances and reason for their choices. It is between God and his children.
When will the Pastors teach the truth, and stop making the flock follow their choice while making a mockery of God.
Jesus will ask you why you didnt do anything to stop mass baby killings. Becusse lets be honest. A vote for blue is just that
Jesus asked us to love and respect each other in every moment of our life not just in the womb. He said to look for him in the destitute, the foreign, the children, the excluded, the sinners. So vote for whoever is willing to improve and enhance life in all of the stages, to the person who show respect and does not mock or humiliate anyone, who wants to improve education, medical rights for as many children and people as possible, who promotes unity rather than division, who does not tell lies and manipulate for his own interest and ego.
The renewal mentioned by the speaker needs to start in us first.
Finding your courage Amen
I see the dog whistle in your comments. You are trying to justify voting Democrat and being a Christian at the same time. Not possible. If you support late term abortion for convenience you are participating in murder. Not very Christian.
If everyone has a right to things they don't work for than no one gets anything. The Bible says he who does not work does not eat. The family and the church should be taking care if the poor and destitute...not the government.
It's good versus evil. Literally. We are in a spiritual war.
How is or not voting biblical? What does the Bible say about the matter?
I’m pretty sure in biblical times there was no voting. But in our culture it is important to vote as a Christian. You have a responsibility to stand for biblical beliefs.
Yes and just as Corrie Ten Boom watched the family’s own pastor and many of their Christian friends stay silent, refusing to speak out against evil, refusing to help the underground efforts to get Jewish youngsters out of Holland quickly, same thing going on now.
Amen. We can’t allow someone as morally bankrupt as DJT anywhere near the Oval Office.
@@hiskingdomPeter says, “honor the Emperor” doesn’t say anything about mandating participation in gov’t.
I agree with you.
"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish" appears in Esther 4:14. 🙏🏻
We, in Israel, are depending on you all. Step up, please. ❤
Stand for Israel, let's pray the republicans don't block spending on Israel and Ukraine again and try another shut down.
But remember Esther was godly woman not a vagina grabber and a friend of pedophiles or friends of baby killing in her heart!!!
Many are prophesing that Trump will win. Also, we are at the end of End Days and we must be ready for what is to come. Repent and draw near to Yahweh thru His Son, Jesus!
Present Christian America appear to have moved from a loyalty to God to an allegiance to a Political party. Hence the growth in Christian nationalism today.
Well said
Absolutely 💯
Exactly! Until things change, I’d rather not vote for any major political party.
So true!!!
Christians should be nationalists . We should want borders , we should want to prioritize our nation … it’s a biblical concept .
I am also a cancer survivor and have a pre-existing condition and have to vote for healthcare so I'm not denied or turned away for medical care.
Look in to health sharing programs and the ones that help cover alternative medicine
As long as you have had continuous coverage insurance companies would not penalize you for pre existing conditions.
Obama care was terrible for the chronically ill and still is. Mass illegal immigration will only tax it more.
I am a cancer survivor also thank God for healing me ..I have switched insurance and have had no problems at all. I dont want the government controlling my healthcare i want to have a choice in who i get my insurance from. Private insurance is Freedom to choose.
@@kathleenharlow2237 Only if you have the $ to pay for it.
Getting my own Truck has always been my Dream for my business. I just acquired 2 recently, earning $22K weekly has been really helpful. I can now give back to the locals in my community and also support the Church.
God bless you more abundantly for your generosity
But how do you earn that much monthly? I'm genuinely curious
Big thanks to Kathleen Mary Vella
She's a licensed broker here in the states 🇺🇸
Her top notch guidance and expertise on digital market changed the game for me
Just for the record (since I know what we’ve been taught in many of our American churches)…both candidates on the ballot are pro-choice. And genocide against Palestinians is not pro-life. And racism and anti-immigration is not “closer to Christian values”. And yes, I am a sold out, ride-or-die, justice loving, born again follower of Christ.
Nope, but you can keep telling yourself that. You should not be for illegal immigration, or illegal anything for that matter. Allowing hard core criminals in and crime rates have risen dramatically. The left wanting to fund transsexual surgeries and not allow parents to know. The devil is your father if you are actually for any of this
So you clearly disagree with the podcast. It’s a shame you don’t see what they are saying.
And by the way, Republicans are not racist or anti-immigrant in their PLATFORM, they just want LEGAL immigration for the rule of law, which you clearly enjoy enough that you don’t have to think about it. If the rule of law goes, you’ll be the first one to ask for legal immigration.
Illegal immigration is wrong. You have no regard for the millions of legal applicants who have to wait sometimes 20 years for their immigration applications to be processed. And they have to wait outside of the US! Yet you want to reward people who break US immigration law. It's truly sickening!
There is no genocide against Palestinians. The Palestinians started a war again (not the first time they've attacked Israel) and again Israel's defeating them with the Lord's help.
Not “anti immigration” but pro legal immigration. It’s very unsafe allowing anyone and everyone through our door.
Exactly. You can't be prolife and look the other way when it comes to genocide in Palestine.
I'm glad God is in control even with this mess going on. Please Vote! You count. If you know the word of God you would vote and for the candidate that supports Israel and is for America 🇺🇸. I'm from Cuba. We don't have any freedom there. Don't let this country be like Cuba. ❤
The canadate for America is not for isreal and the one for isreal is not for America
Actually Trump is for both! Netanyahu actually stated that Donald Trump is the best friend Israel has ever had in the Whitehouse, Trump fulfilled biblical prophecy by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and as the eternal capital of the Jewish state. Trump is also the strength America needs now to put a halt to the divisive evil that is in charge of our country.
@@jbeard3390 - Can you elaborate on that?
@@jbeard3390please explain?
The candidate I'm voting for, it's for America and for Israel and his name is Donald J Trump !!!
I am so grateful for this episode. I have been so conflicted about voting and did not know what to do. This morning I had about 10 political flyers, on each side, in my mailbox and felt so overwhelmed. I truly believe God sent me to the podcast today to give me hope and assurance.
Trump/Vance 2024. So obvious
Harris/Walz. End the hate and division. At least democrats don’t align with evil dictators. Walz is a good Christian man. Actual Christian unlike Trump.
@@d.m.3133 bro the harris walz campaign supports abortion. how is that christian. you're believing all the lies the media tells you about trump, do more research.. kamala is the biggest threat right now to the usa
Ask God who to vote for. Lean not on your own understanding.
I believe he is only saying what will get him votes I don’t think he really cares about people he just cares about himself 😔 I also believe God is absolutely allowing our nation to go through this because as a nation we are not seeking Him falling on our face worshiping Him and preaching the Gospel
This absolutely true! He has mocked God repeatedly.
He is using religion to build a ladder to get votes
Who?? If you are referring to Trump you are wrong!!Trump got into politics at great cost to his own life & finances. in short, he cares far too much for his country to see it suffer under a future communist dictatorship!!
Trump is a rich man , who refused to get paid in his first presidency. He took a bullet for this country , our lives was better under his first term. For you to say that he is only saying what will get him votes is totally stupid
He has not mocked God , he had said many times that god comes first before anything. Your hatred against this man blinds you from seeing the truth
I have been praying to become a BOLD, LOVING, POWERHOUSE for Jesus. We MUST trust that our God is still on the throne, and he WILL SHOW UP IF WE WILL STAND UP!!!
"SIlence is Consent!!!" JB
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? We're talking about THIS election
We lost the culture for Christ through our failure to evangelize. No Christian culture without Christians.
When I listen to this I hear your politics strongly. This is a political talk.
May God, our Sovereign Lord and King, be glorified despite human politics.
A very important conversation. We are to live according to Gods word. Not live and make God what culture wants it to be. A God in their own image. Great video.🥰
And that is the true meaning of discernment.
don't confuse politics as a word you can use as an excuse to exclude yourself in the war against evil
Silence in the face of evil is Evil itself.
Trump at a conference may it clear, that he does not need to ask God for forgiveness. He does not feel that he needs forgiveness from God if he is wrong that he does not do it anymore. One of the foundations of God is to ask for God's forgiveness. As a christian, a child of the most high, I am not willing to vote for a convicted felon. I am not willing to vote for a rapist. I am not willing to vote for a person that only cares about himself and incites violence. The people that has targeted this person have been republicans. This is not the Republican party of Reagan, Bush, and McCain. Trust God - He is our provider not Trump.
So you’d rather vote for a person that wants to socialize this country..kill babies… etc. vote on policy not religious belief…all..including you..gave sin struggles.
I pray you stop believing everything you are spoon fed from the mainstream media. Much of it is simply not true. Unbelievable the amount of “Christians” that will vote for a party that has no problem with the murder of innocent babies and wants to make it easily accessible for convenience sake🤮 No thanks… I will not have that blood on my hands when I stand before the Christ one day.
Better wake up folks. This is not a popularity contest and it’s also not a vote for a church leader. Much is at stake. The Democratic nominee has been installed and not voted in. I promise you she is not equipped in anyway to lead this country. Not to mention if you want to talk about someone’s immorality, she’s got plenty of history in that department. Look up Willie Brown.
Kamala has made it clear she's Hindu. As a Christian, I cannot vote for that either. Nor can I vote for the number of sins her party supports, or the violence incited by the Democrats in 2020's antifa riots. We truly need to turn the whole of this nation to Christ again
You’re right the Republican Party isn’t the party of McCain, bush etc. it was revealed how evil they were that’s why they hate Trump so so much
I'm not willing to vote for a woman who slept her way to the top. I'm not willing to vote for a woman who kept black men in jail past release date. I'm not willing to vote for a woman who jailed black mothers for not being able to get their kids to school. I'm not willing to vote for a woman who is a practicing Hindu. I'm not willing to vote for a woman who wants to destroy children by transing them. I'm not willing to vote for a woman who says that people who shout "Jesus is Lord" are "at the wrong rally". I'm not willing to vote for a woman who throws old ladies in jail for praying. She has made it clear she doesn't even believe in God. While he has had place since making that statement and has said he's been drawing closer to God
“Replacing God leads to a dehumanization of society” whew
I agree!
Newsflash: what do you think Colonization is?? America has been dehumanizing people since the beginning of its founding. See the Native American experience and slavery is obvious as it gets to name a couple. These were supposed “Christians” who raped and harmed people for power and conquest. And I am a Christian by the way.
Fact is we are all sinners and have no place legislating morality. We would all be in jail. None of us are “Godly”. We have to fight our flesh every single day. It is simply not biblical to inject Christianity into government. I can cite countless examples in the Bible that God reveals about this. It’s telling that these Bible “scholars” are quick to ignore or miss God’s consistent Word on this issue. Take the plank out of your own eye. Pray for our sinful nation and get your own life together for God. Stop trying to impose a moral standard on someone else. We are not wrestling with flesh and blood.
I'm curious to know how the focus is abortion which is murder, yet the Bible says if you hate each other, that is murder as well. Are we choosing based on what we believe to be egregious or what the scripture say? We also like to pinpoint the so called abomination lifestyle, yet Proverbs mention 7 abominations that a majority participate in each day and no one talks about that. How are we choosing and influencing people?
We don’t hate the people that get abortions, we hate the sin. Also it’s murder, look that sin up in the Bible
Trying to attain political power as Christians because you are afraid there may be repression and persecution against the church someday in the future is not a perspective supported by the life of Jesus. If Jesus had been worried about such things, his ministry would have looked completely different. He knew persecution of the worst possible kind, was coming. Rather than pursue political power over his enemies, he continued to serve the poor and needy.
It sounds like you know the real Jesus and 90% of these so called evangelicals do not
@@toddmcmichael5505 EXCELLENT
It took me a bit to realize this but I'm right there with you. Jesus didn't advocate for any one nation or political party.
Jesus said to give to Cesar what was Cesar’s and to God what was God’s. I, as a Christian, can help the needy AND vote for the “best” candidate (who does not need to qualify as a “nice guy”, just competent [he ran a corporate empire] and strong enough for the world stage [been there, done that] ). We are not supposed to be so “heavenly minded” we are no earthly good. It doesn’t take that long to vote. (Also, none of us is Jesus. He was already King of the Universe”.)
@@Kra-ri6fd Was there a vote OR a public political party??!!! And, God is pretty partial to Israel. Just sayin’.
I agree. I am the County Chairman for the Republican Party in my county. We desperately need Christians to get involved at this level. I have had more opportunities to preach the gospel and ministry to people simply by being involved in my local politics.
I'm voting for DONALD J TRUMP AGAIN TEXAS🇨🇱FOR TRUMP/VANCE2024 🙏🏼💪✌️🇺🇸🇨🇱🇮🇱🌎😘👑😇🫡
I’m on my county and state executive board as well as a district chair… yes. Every Christian should become a precinct committee officer in their county party.
@kerryf864 How do we get involved? What's the first step?
@@winniecash1654Most states give you a way to find your precinct online. You should be able to find out who your precinct captain or committeeman is from your local party. Many precincts are empty so you might be able to fill an open spot. If it’s not empty, take your PC out for coffee and ask what they do and how you can help. It’s also a great idea to attend your legislative district and/or county committee meetings. You can typically find that information on the Republican state or county website.
This is a great conversation John!!! I concur
Thank you for this opportunity to be heard. I do not in any way feel justified to vote for a candidate who has been convicted of sexually abusing and defamation by a jury of nine men and three women. PERIOD.
Go ahead and support the demonic Democratic party then, then explain why you supported the murder of innocent children created in the image of God!
God is the judge and if you allow the left to put out lies and let people judge a person that have been accused of a crime by their peers and those peers are led by lies. is that the truth? Ask God to lead you in your decision, and think of Gods Will in the decisions made by the other party, if you don’t vote you are allowing that party, which will do many things that are completely against God to win over the party that will put things in line with Gods Will. Pray 🙏🏼 you must think of the big picture not your feelings, remember God used many people that were sinners to get His Will done, many were not people we would use to fulfill Gods Will, but God did 🙏🏼
But you'd vote for a communist and someone who believes it's ok to kill babies up to full term... where in the Bible says that's ok???
You’re a hypocrite and your virtue signaling rings hollow.
@@cheche5172 but you do feel the need to vote for a woman who opened the border so gangs could come in to force children into prostitution... you are so ignorant.
I think we need to be very careful about how we speak on this subject. Sometimes I feel like talks like this try to backhandedly tell you who to vote for. Your Christianity is not predicated on who you vote for. We are skating on thin ice doctrinally if we start to convey that message.
Silence is consent. Does God support abortion? Should Christians support a party that removes God from their party platform? Does God support homosexuality and removing parents’ rights? Being silent allows evil to reign. We have a responsibility to make our voice known and a responsibility to support that which God would have us support
That's cowardly. We as believers have a responsibility to stand on the true, inerrant Word of God.. period. Scripture says we are to love what God loves and hate what God hates. If what you say is it, then why have churches? Your Christianity no...but your salvation absolutely. Your vote makes a statement about your faith and there's no way to get around that.
@@Wanderlustita21 this is the sort of talk that is unbiblical. You’re dancing on shaky ground. You have no biblical basis to stand on. Just because one party may have more values that align with Christianity does not make it a Christian party. The doctrinal stance you’re taking is sinking sand. Republican policy is not true or inerrant word of God the Bible is. And to equate Republican policy with the word is blasphemy at best and heretical at its worst.
@@craigmcneely4967 Those are all great questions but if you’re going to put your Christian values on policy why aren’t we applying them to the people that pedal them? This is your dilemma. You are not biblically obligated to vote for one particular party. It’s simply not true. That’s not how our system works.
@@craigmcneely4967 those are all great questions but will abortion be illegal once Trump gets in? No. Will gay marriage be nullified when Trump gets in? No. That’s not how our system works unfortunately. Now if we could directly vote on issues like abortion of course I would vote against it. I don’t want my tax dollars being used for such filth. That’s the issue. If we don’t have direct voting on those then we are not obligated as Christians to vote for one party. It’s unbiblical and heretical and you have no Bible to contextually back up your claim.
I respect John’s teachings so much!
Nonetheless, What makes me mad is that we all get so anxious and nervous for presidency but actually should have put that same energy when voting for congress (senate and house) but ppl go to polls and vote at random because they are less inform when it comes to congress or heck they don’t even go vote in most cases.
You have to remember we wanted a king; a ruler from the beginning. But GOD try to plea with us reminding us telling us that HE was the only KING we needed…
We insisted so he gave us Saul…
People need to literally come back to Christ. Remember HIS ways are not our ways…
As well remember, everything may not work together but it COMES together for those who love him…
please People, know GOD for yourself, read your word, meditate, fast, and seek, knock, and asks GOD.
I say all that to say yes it’s good to listen to this pastors, preachers, Christian podcast, etc for guidance!!!
Nonetheless, it is also good to have HIS word planted in your heart! This podcast is definitely walking in a thin line and swaying ppl one way or another (which in a sense is good but in another sense is also detrimental because something goes wrong it will be blamed on so and so. Also to mention where is the spiritual and critical thinking in swaying someone one way or another…
ppl stop listening to the different ppl and go in front of GOD for yourself; fast go on your knees with supplication, & go to Our father and let HIM tell you what to do because at the end of the day HIS will be done!
If you have to look at candidates plan, then take that same plan and bring it under the Christian lense ( match it with the word) do so, take the plan and pray on. Start also looking at local and state officials! Let do better in all forms!
Remember you create the change you want to see.
I respect your comment very well said. Why I'm picking trump for many reasons is because it says that God puts the foolishness of this world to confound the wise. So I understand that they don't need to be a believer like me but HE picks the leaders to govern HIS people.
@@soulcaremusic8816 Why do you believe God chose Trump? Is there a particular scripture you are using to support that?
May God open the minds and eyes of his people so that they can see for themselves and no longer be manipulated by these evangelicals!!
Many Believers eyes are open to these Pastors trying to make us believe that God is on the Republican side.
Wow you literally can’t see the obvious point they’re making. God is not on a political party’s side. But one platform says they want to kill babies up to birth and cut genitals off of minors while the other does not. Hmmmm which one is better from a biblical perspective?
Amen! It’s repulsive
@@pameladavid2887Did you see the abortion bus parked outside of the DNC?
But it’s okay for black pastors to read the DNC talking points to their congregations every Sunday morning?
I'm a Christian and my heart won't allow me to vote for a wretched soul whos destroyed our country. So I won't vote for a liar cuz Jesus never lied, I forgive him for leading a coup and for showing me what the spirit of lawlessness looks like.
I will never vote for such a person.
Who do you think "led a coup" ???
A Christian shouldn't vote for abortion..
The federal govt led that coup. They infiltrated the crowd, let people inside, and denied the national guard order from Trump. I'm okay with taking principled positions but do it with the correct information
@@seesdifferentlyyes, also wondering this … if “the coup” being mentioned is Jan 6 - all need to realize the current regime has been shown to have actually instigated the wrong doing
@@seesdifferently Dear leader. Hate filled Trump.
Stop leading people to a nation. A country. A temporary thing with a place and purpose but with an end. Lead people to the one that is forever
My constitution has 66 books.
I live in my country until Jesus calls me home. I'm an American who has the privilege to spread the Good News in a country that believes that our rights came from God not man. My Ivy League university believes students can be expelled for sharing words from the Bible. As long as I live in America, I will exercise my right to speak the name of Jesus. Democrats have tried to prevent us from assembling which is a violation of my Constitutional rights. Those people must be voted out for violating my rights and the rule of law. We need law abiding citizens to serve in leadership positions and we need policies that let FREEDOM RING for All!! It is a PRIVILEGE to take part in free, fair, and honest elections.
My parents remember when they didn't have the right to vote. Thank God for letting Freedom Ring in my lifetime.
Lord Jesus come quickly! Maranatha!!
Well said. Its a form of idolatry. Sad to see.
@@grahamburns7385 people get their 10 amendments confused with their 10 commandments. They put their ballets higher than their bibles and it’s extremely sad to see. When the American flag is disrespected… people are willing to put u in jail but when a Bible is burned they don’t blink an eye. Our faith doesn’t hinder on who is the president and what their policies are. We need to be faithful to the lord no matter who is in the White House. We got to be faithful to the lord, even if satan is the president… and to be honest with u… he often is.
amen. They are focus on this world not Jesus. Shame on you both. You both are more dangerous than the two running folks. Western values don’t matter, God’s word matters
The lesser of two evils is still evil. God is in control no matter who is king, leader, president, etc.
So you prefer more evil and not less???? This is the reason why we are in the condition we are in. With your logic, then we are all evil and can't be a blessing or used for any good purpose.
Then why is there still "evil" in the world? i.e. Child trafficking and rape and murder and physical abuse? That is not God's will that is because of Christians who don't resist evil..We wrestle not against "flesh and blood but against wicked spirits in high places.."
@@JCneverFailsAgreed. God used flawed people in the Bible.
Did you not listen to what they said about that? Vote for the candidate that is closest to biblical views.
PRESIDENT TRUMP is not evil but you are if you don't vote for him.
Christians must also remember that we are not voting to elect a "Savior in Chief". The Republican Party is NOT a church organization. So, learn to look past the flaws of the candidate and focus on policies. Even if a candidate's policies do not perfectly align with Christian values (maybe he is not 100% pro-life, for example), vote for common sense anyway. There are some things that cannot changed merely by political power. Share about Jesus and the forgiveness of sins that His perfect sacrifice at the cross has brought, and let people's hearts be transformed by this good news.
Kamala Harris is a born again Christian Believer who attends a Baptist church every Sunday. She is a Sister in the Lord and loves Jesus. Please pray for her.
I heard, " It is time for another Esther "
Please pray and women it is time to shine, vote for Kamala
She is not. You will know them by their fruit. Her fruit is rotten
Her mother has stated she is Hindu.
And she recently kicked out Christians from her rally, saying they were at the wrong one for proclaiming Jesus is Lord
So misinformed
@@sandrapalmer6196you believe lies. No wonder why you support a liar over a decent woman who can actually quote scripture.
If you see the hypocrisy on both sides and only acknowledge the hypocrisy of the one and not the other, is that, in itself, hypocritical?
First, people have to be specifically aware of the hypocracy that actually exists!
I agree with you. I have told people that I'm not going to endorse either candidate. I see them each representing both sides of the coin. The coin being the government. It's literally all of them against all of us ?
And they are using our own $$ (taxes) to form weapons against us ?
Ie. BLM, LGBTQ, trans movement, abortion, Palestine, antifa, climate control, DEW's, AI, MK Ultra, gangstalking, Chem trails, food and water poisoning, etc. You name it, their throwing it at us
This episode focuses a lot on abortion but doesn’t address the racism that exists within Christianity. Two things can be true
@@emileblanc8254that part!
@@emileblanc8254exactly. Is Abortion the only sin there is? What about the lies? What about inciting violence that lead to death of innocent people? One thing is correct. Do your research. He says thanks to Elon Musks that had approx 40 bastard children! But that’s ok? And your source
Can you please explain which party of the two is trying to control us?
Why is it when character is an issue on the right we make statements like "we are not voting for a pastor or preacher" but when character is an issue on the left we want them to have faith and we point to their lack of integrity. Kindly explain. We can speak of integrity and its importance while at the same time discussing our christian values in voting. If we do not discuss both then this is a moot point.
There are “Christian beliefs” (mine) and expecting a candidate to at least have a moral compass they go by. I do not expect a non Christian to go by my standards.
Government responsibility is to represent you. Politics is Professional compromise. The issues the country faces cannot be defined in stark good or bad, for or against.
The nation is in trouble when people lose site of this and turn Government into a controlling boogie man.
Which vp candidate took multiple trips to Chona one of which was CCP sponsored? Which vp candidate let the city burn before NG was called in? (while he was govonor)
God’s will should be our priority!
I am Canadian. I haven' t as yet find this kind of teaching, support, etc. for my country. Does anyone in Canada who watch this know of anything like this in Canada? Brothers and sister in the US please pray for us in Canada. Thank you!
I’m a black man who been rolling with Jesus since 2003, I’m a servant. I’m a sinner, saved by GRACE. I have listen to some well know pastors and have looked up to them, and still do, even though I voted democrat most of the time I have voted for a few republicans. To be honest if I knew of democrats that were pro life, and dont believe the government can redefine marriage, I wouldn’t have a problem voting democrat. I don’t have a problem helping my fellow man, I don’t have a problem helping the marginalized. I like that my kids can be on my health care plan until 26. When I was 19 I didn’t have health insurance, but through the grace of God, I joined the military, and that was not in my plan. It was one of the best things that could have happened to me. From my standpoint both my wife and I are union electricians. Work is plentiful, the economy is fine. My son who is in his last year of college the last 2 years his internship gigs were over 20/hr. I go to the gas station and fill my tank up, and keep it moving, sure I watch the price on the signs. My older son is almost making 30/hr. with a high school diploma. So this whole thing about the economy is not good, I just don’t see it. Sure food cost more, I know for a fact, my kingdom tax is covering my family and I. I know I have been given favor from the Lord. I stand on Malachi 3:10. At the end of the day Im depending on the Almighty. No I want vote for abortions, but I will not vote Trump neither. My son that is in college is voting for Trump, my wife is voting for Harris, and I’m leaning Cornel West. Now I do have push back on me supposedly throwing my vote away. If I walk by sight, and not by faith then I could see your point. No one can guarantee either of them to be the next president. Mr. West is the closest to my views, and thats who I’m voting for. What I will say if all of us black, white, Hispanic, etc. Christians got together and worked together to get a candidate that we could agree on, we could possibly pull an upset. We should start our on political party, last time I checked, no weapon formed against thee shall prosper✌🏾
So your wife supports the slaughter of unborn children
I believe you’re voting for a black man because you’re a black man. Voting for Mr West is like not voting at all. And also true Christians don’t Roll with Jesus. They honor and worship Him and are in relationship with Him. It is by your fruit we shall know them.
C'mon man, just vote for Trump. Let's do it bro
I don’t understand how anyone can vote for man who is rapist. It actually shows the degradation of America. Remember when Clinton was impeached because he lied and had an affair? Now people are rallying around a rapist, sex offender, and racists to hold highest office in the USA.
That's two votes lost. Because you cop out. Kamala gets one vote. You and your wife just enabled evil to prosper.
Thank you both. As an African American woman and born agsin Christian I am getting push back from various sources. But you brought up a great point I have to vote and not get disenchanted with the candidates, I do vote but admittedly will skip certain offices will no longer do that. I will vote for the person who comes closet to my Bibically based view. Praying for healing for this nation and world.
Thank you!!
Stand strong Jesus is with you.
Trump 2024 !!!
Trump is far away from Jesus I pray that people will have their eyes open to see!
@@noname-ox1rjtheoneNo to racist objectifying people created in God's image. HARRIS, 2024.
Ya'll need to have faith that God has this. He is going to conquer.
Conquer what? You’ve read the Bible surely? This present world ends, you know…
I so much want to respect our pastors and leaders but oh my gosh its like the blind leading the blind. Look at the fruit. Look to who wants unity not division. The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. Which candidate spews hate out of their mouth at every occasion? Do we want a ruler or a president? Do we want unity or division? Do we want love or hate?
You said destroy. You really think this country has gotten better recently? It's getting rekt. You said destroy but there no new wars when he was president. Now there's several. You're letting God down sister. It's a shame you don't want world peace. This country is not gonna unite or love with her trust
Are you really that simple?
@@FlowerPower-r8h. Yes, the top position in the whole world matters & in this election, is a simple choice… unless u want a Dictator who said himself that u will never have to vote again because it will be fixed!!
I agree w you
There is more to the Bible than abortion being wrong. Jesus said the greatest commandment is for us is to love!
@@marsha746 We are to love people but hate sin!!!
Yeah what about the love of $$$.
Jesus say where your treasure is there your ❤....
Absolutely 💯
Exactly. Both parties are advocating some level of abortion anyway.
Christians MUST vote!! Let our voices be heard. Our values matter to the future of this nation. Register now!!
I cannot believe there would be that many Christians do not vote or are not even registered. That scares me that they don’t pull their weight and do their research to try to make our country a better place!
No they don’t!! We’re FREE not to vote or whatever world trying to make us to participate!
@@KnowledgeIsComfort Or, and here's the more realistic possibility: they don't vote because they actually believe what the Bible says. Just because they're not caught up in the politics of this world, it doesn't mean they're not "pulling their weight". If you think this country can be made better spiritually by voting, it's because you don't believe what the Bible says about Satan being the god of this world. That _includes_ the U.S.!
I am a US Navy veteran and christian....and I'm not voting this election. Trump just told God's chosen people that if they don't vote him in that he believes their nation will cease to exist because HE won't be there to protect them. Was here there during the 7 day war? Was he there for Israel during the Exodus? Was he there the day after Israel was declared a nation and nations attacked them before they could even organize a defense? Who protects Israel? It's certainly not Trump. He has surrounded himself with false prophets who have made him out to be a savior of America also. That bold blasphemy is as evil, if not MORE evil than the other choice. I do not see a lesser of two evils anymore. Trump has become soft on abortion also. I used to vote the lesser of two evils but there is no lesser anymore. I feel led to separate from Babylon now. It's in God's hands. Call me lazy all you want but I have spent years weighting what to do. I actually voted twice for Trump! Not anymore.
I am a Christian. I disagree with the idea that a Christian must vote for an democrat or republican and not vote independent because an independent does not have a chance to win. If Jesus ran as an independent against Harris and Trump, I am voting for Jesus. Even if he had no chance of winning.
Wish you’d used another example, not quite SO ridiculous.
@joelandsharonoas7315 I don't think the example is ridiculous at all
Trump and Harris are both equally fallen. Neither Trump or Harris can save me. The democratic and republican parties are both equally flawed. If Jesus ran for president, I am voting for Jesus.
A lot of us would of course but be realistic
Beautiful conversation; thank you so so very much🙏🏾never heard of THINQ Media; checking it out rightttt now🙌🏾
God bless you both🕊🙏🏾
I agree Christians should vote. When considering your candidate, make sure you are not idolizing a candidate or a political issue. Jesus preaches love your neighbor even if they are your enemy. He does not preach hate. Every human being in the world is a child of God, so don’t let your selfish beliefs on immigration or helping the less fortunate guide you. If you do, don’t proclaim you are doing so in Jesus’ name.
Amen! 💙💙💙💙
We are told to follow the law.
Understand the difference between immigration and invasion.
@@anitacoggi2233that’s a lie !!!
Selfish? What? You obviously have not studied the Bible.
Russell Brand isnt just proclaiming "Christian faith.." He is proclaiming Jesus Christ!
It's delightful to observe Russell Brand's delight in Christ.
Let all pray for Russell and God to strengthen him as the “world” will come after him because of his platform.
You Christians and your social convenient denominations and descriptions. Made me laugh. Thanks. Ru$$el got your number, nothing more!
Russell didn’t stand a chance he was prayed for by many followers that he would see the light and receive Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Living proof prayer 🙏 works🎉
@@carebearcares4139Amen and Hallelujah 🙏♥️🙏
Voting helps keep are society in balance and maintains are freedom.
In no instance have Churches been the guardians of the liberties of the people--James Madison
Unfortunately there are NO candidates on the ballot that I could vote for that represents biblical principles and values. I really wish Christian leaders would stop telling people how to vote! Jesus is King! This is a disappointing episode.
Yes ma’am! Preach it.
Bruh Christian values aside. Dont you want to be able to afford food and gas?
Bless!!! Amen.
@@cantthinkofaname750 how about don't put Christian values aside? How about trust God and keep Christian values. He cares so deeply for us.
Pray for wisdom, vote according to how the Spirit leads.
And common sense. When someone tells you not to believe your lying eyes... Not to believe what you hear... You should at least have questions. lol
Free will and love your neighbor as yourself should be what we vote for, not dictatorship.
Know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Also be ware of false prophets. Matthew 24:24. And Ephesians chapter 2 prayer. The eyes of our understanding need to be enlightened and receive revelation from the almighty God. We cannot vote for a dictator. We need to vote for freedom to be the Christian that we were instructed to be by Jesus. On earth as it is in heaven.
This is an awesome episode. I’ve never listened to this podcast before but I am very impressed and will be checking out more! Thank you for your boldness, men!
Please vote.
God blessed us with that privilege. If we don’t treasure that gift He may just take it away.
He won’t take it away. He gives us free will and if we don’t use it we allow them to make us a communist country and purposely allow our rights to be taken away
There is no good left to vote for. Trump is okay with early abortion now and he just told Israel he believes they will die if he's not there to protect them. Is he now god in that he protects God's chosen nation? You don't get much more blasphemous then that. He lost me a long time ago but if he hadn't lost me by now...this would have been the last straw. Trump will use the name of god to get his way. I don't see a lesser of two evils anymore. I will not be voting.
If the person is a dictator, does this cause us to be more safe as Christians?
A lot of God talk! I'm watching how you vote, That's what matters. A convicted felon, a sexual offender, a con man, a 30,000 times liar in four years versus kindness, empathy, competence,, joy, and a forward-looking. vision. I will never forgive evangelical Christians for giving us the horror we have experienced for the past nine years. We are exhausted from the drama of people making things up, lying, and doing anything to get into and stay in power.
Great program I just wish all Christians would listen, truly listen to this truth
We are in a crisis moment because we are at the end. God's will will go forward.
The END is relative. We haven't yet completed the work of the Church that Jesus left us to do.
Thank- you John for this great topic. Love your guest Gabe, and to hear his lovely family ❤. Down syndrome are beautiful and happy pure heart child like people.
Praying all who hears this will vote( pray and fast) for this election.
I don’t think ministers should apologize for talking about politics. Jesus, the Apostles all dealt with POLITICS. I am glad John Bevere has joined other ministers to address this very fierce spiritual battle.
Please clarify .. Christ did not deal with politics at all. He did not take any political action against the romans.Yeshua also did not advocate for any laws in government. He did not make things Illegal or legal. This represented in choosing Barabbas . Barabbas was a revolutionary involved in politics did not like Roman rulers. Yeshua wanted a internal revolution. Salvation of the soul. This is not his kingdom. Still as we can see in this comment section we would choose Barabbas.. few follow Yeshua .
@jberrocalucf The apostles and Jesus dealth with politics not in the sense that they personally ran for offices, passed laws or worked as Herod's campaign managers but more in the reality that politics was a thread & sector that they actively engaged in.
For example a large part of the ministry of Jesus was funded by politicians' wives written in Luke 8:3 (in today's world that would be the equivalent of the wife of the chief of staff to the president, or the wife of a Senator or member of the United States cabinet etc)
The body of Jesus Christ was brought down from the cross for a befitting burial by basically a politician. Joseph of Arimethea was a high ranking respected member of the Sanhendrin (in today's equivalent that would be the city Council, mayor's office etc) he had "political access to the governor's manison or White House" so to speak so he went to Pontius Pilate (the equivalent today of a governor/prime minister) and requested for the body of Jesus and it was given to him based on his political capital and standing.
In those days, the Roman custom was that anyone who was crucified was left to rot on the cross till the birds began to eat thier flesh and then the body was unceremoniously dunped etc, so Jesus was under ordinary circumstances to be denied a befitting burial.
The body of Jesus would not have been given & released to the disciples because they were in the eyes of the government "mere fishermen" and etc, it had to be someone with alot of political standing or power to get a meeting with the governor AND persuade him to break Roman protocol and release the body.
I could go on and on, but if you wish to do a more intensive study, you will find the apostles and Jesus often interacting, influencing and being involved in various ways in the politics of thier day.
One of the disciples Jesus chose himself worked for the Federal Government as part of the IRS (tax collector)
Jesus regularly had dinner and meetings with political leaders to the point that some people began murmuring-Luke 5:29-30
Even after Jesus returned to heaven, across the Book of Acts the apostles kept interacting and building bridges with the politics and politicians of thier day because they understood the power of politics and government to interfere or intervene in the move and spread of the gospel.
The quote below by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen I belive captures it quite well:
"A religion that doesn't interfere (interact) with the secular order will soon discover that the secular order will not refrain from interfering with it."
As Christians we do well to have our eyes attentive to the political world and on our local to highest level of government and engage with it in ways possible for us.
You are so wrong, and fortunately many people won't be misled by your erroneous comment.
This is just not true biblically! Tiberius Caesar was in power during the days of Jesus and He and His Apostles refused to talk about are get involved in secular politics. They only dealt with religious leaders who were abusing their people.
You both are so right! Silence is consent!
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
You Just Described Trump!
Yes isn't it scary.
You also described K.H.! The “word salad” Queen. Impossible for me to vote for someone to put on the shaky world stage who understands nothing about anything and only spouts the talking points given to her. We are in too precarious a world to give the reigns of peace to an incompetent. (Race doesn’t have a thing to do with it.)
The truth is the exact opposite of what you are saying. Comments like yours are why I pray! ~ Heather~
@@rebeccakesner9840except what trump said about Springfield is true. Just looking at Haitian culture would tell you that because they do eat cats and they do practice animal sacrifices to voodoo rituals. There is way more going on in Springfield than trump mentioned and the media ignored it. I live in Ohio and know people near there and it is true.
In GOD we Trust GOD First
Sharing the same precepts today, 17:18 Under one party I will be free to worship Jesus and free to live by my convictions based on His Word. The other already walks in destruction of any who cling to the Word of God. So spiritually one doesn’t resist God though maybe doesn’t follow Him where the other resists God and seeks to eliminate Him and eliminate the Word from our lives. Any Christian who supports the party of lawlessness is like Saul in his persecution of the believers in Christ. Jesus Himself said, “he who is not with Me is against Me” Matthew 12:30. Paul reminds us, “ God did not call us to uncleanness but to holiness, therefore he who rejects this does not reject man but God Who has also given us His Holy Spirit.” 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 nkjv. So thank you for the confirmation of what I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me. If Christians love God with sincere hearts, they need to vote based on Biblical Perspective and not based on worldly ideology.
Under both parties. It’s in our constitution. One candidate wants to suspend the constitution.
The party of lawlessness is the Republican party now led by the most corrupt president in our history who thinks he is above the law. Evangelicals have been duped.
This is do important! I wish there were a whole lot more likes! I hope to share this with our pastor. ~ Heather~
We understand we are not for Aboration. We understand we are not for child Sex-Change with out parents permission. We understand we are not for Porn books in school libraries. We understand we are not for Defunding Police and I.C.E we understand we are not for banning fracking.
Sadly so many so called Christians will still vote for the Party that loves everything God hates . Woe to those that put good for evil and call evil good !
Trump 2024 !!!
Vote 💙 health care for all. Let's let children that were born live even if it costs a bit of money from your pocket. I'm poor and ok with it.
Deuteronomy 30:19
19 I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, zblessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live,
That life is Jesus.
@christinewelna7091 I don’t remember what percentage it was around 75 to 80 percent( maybe higher) of children in the USA qualify for Medicaid or financial assistance. So health care for children is already available. Just most people are not informed.
Right, a Christian must be well equipped in all things!!! Jesus and all the men in Bible dealt with leaders and kings. Deborah and Esther too!!! That’s why we are here!!
If Trump and his disregard for anything sacred was the democratic candidate he would definitely be the man of lawlessness 😢
Just because a corrupt side chooses to level lawfare against him because they're afraid they can't beat him in the election doesn't make him lawless.
One thing my father taught me, that I have found valuable every time I must choose between two candidates, is that one candidate has one thing that really matters to God, and the one candidate that protects that thing is the candidate I should choose, because everything else that I think is “bad” about that candidate God can handle, but if that candidate is not elected because I chose not to vote at all, or because I gave my vote to a third candidate, then it is on me the things that happen during that four year period, because now God does not have the person in office that he could have worked with for that one thing that really matters to him, now God has to wait and work to get the next candidate in office that he can work with, while the thing that matters most to him is still unprotected and being weaponized and causing death to millions
I vote in every election, and I look for the one thing that matters most to God, and I look for that candidate, who to the best of their ability and understanding, is working to protect that thing… this has made all the difference in my life as a voter, I have avoided being gaslit by decades of false ideas when it comes to voting…
People being concerned is God getting us to pay attention. The problem I have observed is people making politics the new idol. Example being you need to vote for so-in-so or our nation will be lost. Pray and meditate and show people the only one who is in control Jesus. We as a people can't be complacent. Thank you guys for the appropriate level on this topic
Exactly! Trump is now telling Israel that if Jewish Americans don't vote him in he believes their nation will cease to exist because he won't be there to protect them. I thought him surrounding himself with false prophets telling people that he is America's savior was bad enough but now he is telling God's chosen people that they can't survive without him. Where was he during the Exodus? Or the 7 day war? God is the only one Israel should be looking to to protect them. The fact that Trump thinks it's okay to put himself in that position of influence over Gods chosen people is the most disturbing thing I've seen so far. As for the abortion issue, both parties now are running on the platform that some form of abortion is okay. Trump will use anything to get a vote including God and the one true savior. I truly don't see a lesser of two evils anymore.
It's not what religious beliefs a person has that determines how good of a leader they will be. It is their heart and their values. Just because you care about one particular issue does not justify voting for a corrupt person who is clearly immoral. What path will that lead us down? We need to stop framing things religiously and use our common sense! Would you hire a software engineer, an attorney, or even a pastor based on how they stand on an issue even though they had a criminal background or a history of ripping off clients or employees, or stealing outright from people who trusted him/her? Of course not. So why should we "hire" a president of the U.S. on one issue alone? PLEASE, let's use our brains, folks, and vote for a decent, moral person who cares about the people, not some horrible person who says he will address your issue (even though he could care less.)
The events unfolding before us are prophesied in the Bible, regardless of people's voting choices. It's important for everyone to realize that God is giving his church, those who have accepted Jesus as their savior, a chance to remain watchful. Times will become more challenging, and if we don't pray, we will be overwhelmed by the pressures associated with a global government.
We are the road to the end times, we just don't know where we are on the timeline. If you're a believer you need to be prepared to experience hardship & the rise of the anti-Christ. Some are saying that DJT will usher in the tribulation & others are saying the Democrats will do that. Does it really matter? God will use whomever for his end times plans & there is no reversing it. Rejoice & Maranatha 💙🙏
Pro Life means womb to the tomb and biblically includes.the stranger in our midsr. Will not vote for a liar and divider.or a man who encouraged his nephew to kill his child with special needs. Praying for the love of God to win in the hearts of our Nation. Trust Holy Spirit discernment to guide our votes.
You aren't getting anything but persecution. God used all kinds of flawed men but you can't 😂.
Trump did no such thing. Lies from the left wing!
As a mother of a special needs child I appreciate that! He lost me when he made fun of the disabled reporter. I have been shocked, horrified and sad the Republicans have done nothing to stop him. I have learned our country runs on “customs and tradition” and popularity of public opinion, not actual laws. I believe Trump was sent by God to expose our weaknesses. I pray Harris gets into power and fixes them.
President is not pastor. We need to vote with intelligence about our Constitution: it is for America and Americans. Not the whole world or everyone in the world. If you want to 'help' people, go be charitable. There is a big diff btween morality and politics.
Very well said 👏 👍
If a president doesn't have a pastor's heart, he or she shouldn't president. If you care about "our Constitution" than maybe you should support the candidate who doesn't want to terminate it.
@Elaiyel good luck with that. Not very many ppl know or care about pastor. That said, Donald Trump truly cares about America and Americans.
@@justsumname Your guy only cares about keeping himself out of prison.
It’s not about the color of our skin. Nor it is about the color of the parties. it’s about honoring the values of the kingdom of God. Vote for a party who fears the Lord, upon whose words and values this nation was established by the forefathers. Peace be upon this Nation.
We don’t have a party that fears the Lord. Neither candidate represents true Christianity. To be a Christian is to follow Jesus. Period!