Last night I realized that the church in America has been under a lie for decades, at least throughout my lifetime. I'm 73, so that's quite a while. What is the lie? That God isn't to be feared. BTW, thank you Dr. Bevere, for your Fear of the Lord book. Please pray for me as I will be teaching a class on this in November, and my pastor doesn't understand.
@marymorris6897 I'm encouraged to hear your realization! It's true, the church in the West is in trouble! I encourage you to read/study Ezekiel 9 and intercede for the church. What's dawned on you dawned on me early this year ~ I thank God for showing me His view in the light. Christians in China will walk 20 miles just to read a page from a Bible that they haven't memorized yet under threat of harsh imprisonment if they're caught. Hundreds of people will be martyred today for their testimony of Christ Jesus. Our very own religious freedom hangs in the balance this election. The thing is, once the Lord begins 'waking us up', we no longer want to sleep. I pray you're in a Bible-teaching church! ❤️🙏📖🕊🔥👑
@@yllatusmuna No, "fear of the Lord" which is respect, reverence, awe, honor. The distinction must be made or people will misunderstand and relate it to being afraid, scared, in terror, this is from the enemy, see 2 Timothy 1:7.
@@donnaleveron5711 Context is key here. In his second letter to Timothy, he is encouraging the younger man to not be afraid as he works in the ministry. In the same wasy, Jesus said to his disciples, "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows." (Matt. 10)
GOD awakened me from Mormonism. HE drew me to the True Biblical/Historical Jesus the Christ of Nazareth ( who is very different by definition than Mormon Jesus and Mormon Heavenly Father who are false). I Praise Father, Son ,and Holy Spirit for the Grace by which l was saved into the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2. 8-10 ✝️🙏❤️🔥🕊️🥹
@DC78539 l Praise the Father for your Salvation in Jesus Christ. It truly is a miracle each time someone is called out. I am so happy for you. Blessings to you in Jesus most Holy name. May many , many LDS people be awakened as well. ✝️❤️🔥🕊️🙏
1987 the Lord let me know "You don't need to study error to know the truth. When you know Truth it reveals error" THANK YOU so very much for your podcasts. Being able to continue learning plus confirmation to truths long ago learned is gold ✨️ ✝️ 🔥 🔥 🙌
Sadly, my brother now calls himself a Buddhist Christian. He also practices homosexuality...notice I didn't say he is a homosexual which is not in the Bible...homosexuality is.
Attended a church for 15 years that preached a watered down gospel, no preaching on sin or repentence, just feel good prosperity gospel. You preached there once. The Lord led me out as i developed discernment. It was a mixture.
That is why it's so important to know and study God's word for yourself. Over the last couple of years, I've been surprised by the number pastor's my wife and I followed have exposed themselves by their teachings being twisted or even an out right lie against what's written in the Bible
@cherylwilliams4738 It requires an in-depth study, considering historical locations and who they were written, too. There is more than enough verifiable data to make an informed decision on what scripture is telling us. Not to mention praying to God for wisdom and understanding.
@@stevesawyer6377But is it really that simple? I mean, there are currently somewhere between 20,000 and 40,000 different denominations of Christian faith. Some sources place the number higher. Everybody claims they have "the truth ' 😕🤷🏽
@cherylwilliams4738 that is because of man wanting to pick and choose what they accept out of the Bible. You can not do that. It requires the whole book and not candy coated, so you still have sin in your life. The truth is out there, but it requires you putting in the work, knowing what is in God's Word
@@stevesawyer6377 Thanks for taking the time to answer. I appreciate it. For me personally, I don't believe ALL those that have different opinions and thus choose a different Christian denomination, I don't believe they are just "candy coating" or "cherry picking" to remain in sinful behavior. Some feel very deeply about scripture and love and honor God very much, however they just interpret scripture differently. After all, isn't there several layers of revelation to every scripture? I think we're all just trying our best to understand this beautiful ancient book. To me it boils down to.. Love God, Love yourself, love your neighbor as yourself and forgive ALL !
Praying. I had a vision about this back at the end of December. Toxin/poison being put in MANY vessels of milk, and the people became stuck in a cycle, dependent on who was serving them with the milk, and weren't growing up, stuck stunted growth.
We're in time that people want their ears tickled. The Believer's will go only so far to speak the Truth, then stops short because they don't want to offend. I have personally realized that when the Lord sends me out for ministry, the TRUTH is spoken followed by, AND HERE IS THE GOOD NEWS. Then a choice usually has to be made by that person.
Yes! 14:54 I love that you are bringing out the message that in order for Jesus to be The Christ, MESSIAH, Son of God, he HAD to be born of a virgin……for without the virgin birth, Jesus is just some guy, imperfect, a sinner, just like me, unable to save himself, let alone me! Thank you Arden for your Larry King comment! Thank you, John.
I read the book “Driven by eternity” after being born again for years and it changed my walk! I thank God for what he’s doing through your ministry and books🙏🏼
Good morning! Ready and waiting. I love this teaching! This has been a real eye-opener. I wish more people would tune in across the world 🙏🏽. Tuning in from Alabama.
I havent yet seen you drop the ball Mr.Bevere. Extremely insightful and seemingly genuine. A great amassador for the King of Kings. May God keep blessing you with the gift to minister. The world needs it now more than ever. So, thank you. Keep up the great work. God bless. 💛🙏🏼🧡
Can you talk about 2 Tim 3: 5-7 "holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power. Avoid such men as these." ? The denial of the Holy Spirit's work in and through the believer. Dangerous religiosity. If we aren't led, directed, guided, and gifted by the Holy Spirit we can't possibly live out the Christian life as God would have us live.
I think I just realised that I have a false teacher's book at home, I think titled "If God is Love". I couldn't finish it because it started not able to sit right when it speaks about a "hell-less" point. Yes, God didn't want us to go to hell, that's why Jesus came, with the virgin birth, the sinless Lamb of God, but hell is still there because there will be many who will not receive Him because of deception and sin, which the book didn't point out.
Hi from Malaysia! I am so thankful to the conversation between John & Arden..father & son both are godly me...such an exemplary Godly intergenerational conversation that brings me inspiration to have this kind of conversation with my own children!!!!
I randomly was reading second Peter twice yesterday, randomly in the Bible, and then I randomly chose a book without looking on my phone. You and your son are sweet together. ☺️
A brother in the faith sent me this video. At first I was scared to watch this because I was scared It would make me confused and divisive, but I am glad the video isn't like that. Thank you for this video, you two were really humble in how you explained things. I have some doubts about certain things lately and I am asking God to show me truth. But I can see that division really hurts, instead we should seek God and be humble. Doesn't mean accept false teachings, but also doesn't mean to hate people. A balance basically. God bless you ❤
Jesus is dividing the sheep and the goats, wheat from tares comes at the harvest. Read the New Testament/Covenant for yourself, asking the Holy Spirit to teach you and lead you into truth.
In relation to the word about tainted rivers. I seen this verse in revelation Revelation 8:11 NIV the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter. I thought about this, so many will die spiritually waters tainted by bitterness. From offenses. Deception has origins in offenses. Wow.
This conversation helps me answer definitively a question about whether I acted in faith leading a church. Jesus asked the disciples in Matthew 16:15 “Who do you say I am?” That is the single most important question Jesus will ever ask you. If any part of your answer does not align to the Apostles Creed, you are not following the real Jesus and have been misled.
Hey John! I’ve been listening to your teachings since I came to Christ. (9 1/2 years!!) I am so thankful to God for what He has given you. The Bait of Satan, and Driven by Eternity and other teachings (Led or Misled?
God bless uuuuuuu! Exactly what I and some of my brethren have been trying to share with some people. Now I can just share this podcast and other content like it that says it simply and clearly...🙏
This helped me so much, I used to be the over holy burning everything hahaha Thank You Lord for Thai beautiful and clear message that we should start focusing on the majors not the minors. John I thank God for you and your family and the anointing you have Thank You Lord Jesus
Want to know who else distorts and twist scriptures? They even go as far as saying mahummad is the one that OT prophecies are talking about and not jesus. They say the new testament is corrupted. And they call Paul a liar.
"No judgement" is the 'way of Cain' which is one of the 3 gruops that Jude 11 warns us about. Woes: the way of Cain ~ No repentance, no redemption, no blood sacrifice. error of Balaam ~ Disobedient, profit conscious ministry, no godly fear, looks for a way to fit in the world - compromising rebellion of Korah ~ Disrespectful of authority, pride/proud, causing discord, not willing to obey
Thank you for sharing on this. We engage in idolatry if we put any other God before us.Idolatry and adultery are two sins that lead to death....or you get thrown into the lake of fire because of it.
So I've known about the bait of Satan for two years and I watch a few of your videos on it during that time, but I was like I'm not offended (I was) but God has been Faithful all this time, and was teaching me new thing thing I never saw before I was getting closer and closer and in late June he gave me a word reconciliation and took me months working threw that, late August and I'm reading through my Bible in Timothy one and decided to look up the hypocrisy in Greek and to my surprise is was self willed, and act performance I thought about woe ye hypocrites in Matthew and it blew my mind. From that God lead me to offense not sure how but I decided them to read your book the bait of Satan and I've sense reconciled, and forgave those I needed and the amount of clarity I see scripture in with no filter is wild and when you said that about filters and offenses I yell "That!" In my car and painted to my phone cause it's so true!! I also just got your wife's book and I just finished bait of Satan two weeks ago and I'm excited to dig into her book !!
I have often wondered how we came from the early church over the churches described in the book of revelations and actually got to the point where people could be punished by death for possessing a bible written in their own language? What you teach explains it.
One doctrinethat grieves me so much is you have street preachers that say the gifts of the holy spirit ceased and tongues isn't for today etc and many say there is no apostles or prophets today that is a lie from satan. I say this we gonna need the baptism of the holy spirit and praying in tongues more today than ever let healing come let spiritual gifts arise let the teaching of heaven and hell be taught jew and gentiles together as in acts the lord jesus is coming for a spotless bride shalom
Thanks for hitting on this topic, I enjoyed the CS Lewis reference. I would tie to that the question I've had in Acts 17, where Paul states "This God, whom you worship without knowing, is the one I’m telling you about" in reference to Christ, connecting their worship of an idol they had to the "unknown god." Their worship of "Him" seemed to be in the present tense, though steeped in ignorance. I always found that curious 🤔
Many will come in his own name saying he is the messiah.... do not be fooled by not knowing I also have a path in this this life that is my my life truth and way to achieve a purpose chosen by he who sent me. Trust in the lord with all your heart.... Your destined for greater things than who you believe to be.
A verse that often gets twisted is "By my stripes you are healed". It is often incorrectly referring to physical healing, but it only refers to the healing of soneone from their sin
I say that verse for my healing. By Your stripes Lord Jesus I have been healed. He shed is Blood on the Cross for our healing. He was crucified for our sins.
Hey brother John, I’m new to your channel and I love the videos you make and am so grateful that the Holy Spirit led me to you so I may learn more and have a very close relationship with Jesus, Abba (God the Father) and the Holy Spirit. I wanted to ask if you could make a video on what kind of judgment narcissistic people will get? Because in the Bible, in 2 Timothy 3 it talks about ‘Unbearable times’ in the last days and to avoid such people that it lists off.
This is what comes to mind. False vs True. Jesus said you will know them by their fruit. With that in mind: “And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”” Mark 16:15-18 ESV
Pokeman may be a minor, but it wreaked havoc in our family at one time. The spirit behind it terrorized my middle son. He kept seeing a creepy “yellow kitty” come out of his walls and scare him. His night terrors caused such an issue, that I went searching through my kids’ backpacks for anything that could have let in something spiritually. Lo and behold I found a pikachu card that someone had given my oldest on the bus, so I got rid of it and prayed. The night terrors completely stopped. It wasn’t until we saw a pokeman commercial and my middle son freaked out scared out of his mind that I had put two and two together that he had been seeing a spirit looking like Pikachu terrorizing him. He was three and had no idea what pokeman was. Yet he recognized Pikachu instantly from his night terrors. I wasn’t a fan of pokeman to begin with, but that cinched it for me.
Some people put John on the list of heretical teachers along with the likes of Hinn Jakes Copeland and the list is quite long. I don’t see him belonging to today’s apostates! But a competent bible teacher!
I think it’s a bit of both. Throughout the Word we see both the love and the wrath of God. We are meant to contend for the faith so if we see our brother or sister in sin and abusing grace which Paul tells us we should not do, it’s important that we share the Word even if it does offend or convict. I would never have gotten to the place where I am if God didn’t use someone to offend me. But yes I agree it should be done in love and clarity. But if you’re also dealing with spirits/strongholds sometimes you have to speak with authority. I just think we have to have discernment. Ultimately God does the final work so we have to be careful of watering down the Word which can be offensive in itself to a sinner. Myself included.
This video is so important to me because I feel like Mr. Bevere is revealing all the evil teachings ( false teachings ) of my husband's church which is from SG . The pseudo grace church . Pastor JP says he teaches out of the bible to reveal Jesus . It's so cruel and evil. I am so upset and full of grieve because my husband is a good man and so as his care group friends. They really want to follow God but the teachings of the church blocks them from seeing the truth. My heart really pains for them.
The Pharisees knew the law and prophets yet they missed the heart of God completely. It is the same with men who attack women in ministry. Gods heart is to use anyone (even a donkey) who has a heart bent toward him.
I need a prayer chain for my son whom was baptized and read his Bible as a child all the time. He is married to a woman that does not believe in God. I love my son with all my heart. Yesterday he told me he is bi-sexual and he doesn't believe in God. Satan has a hold on him and all I can do is pray for his soul. 😢
@Karenhitch5493 I pray for your son that Jesus Christ will bring the truth to his blinded eyes, that it will fill him with so much love and hope that he'll egerly turn from Satan's wicked ways. In Jesus Christ name I pray Amen 🙏🙌❤️
The false teaching that really gets to me is the one that teaches that our identity in Christ is something other than children of God, co-heirs with Christ. People who teach that we are the bride, feminise eschatology and take away from our inheritance as co-heirs with Christ. Yet the majority of believers fall for this.
😂true….in my self seeking mind….I thought I was suppose to go back to SD, but I was suppose to go back to Vegas where it all began. When you care in the Lord, you need to crucify your flesh. 😅
that includes John Bevere, his unbiblical heavy shepharding, his fellowship with other obvious false teachers, and demands of certain foods be provided for him when he visits would agree
So you know him personally? Perhaps his body won’t tolerate certain foods, did you ever think of that? Instead of speaking against him, pray for him. And in case you don’t know, we shall all be judged for our words spoken/thoughts/written down. So repent of those words.
Please explain the statement about the tree of life. I didn’t really understand it. Is this why the tree of life was guarded by the angels after Adam and Even sinned. “They can’t partake of the tree of life because the tree of life will cause them to live in that state forever.”
I have a question, Roman 13:1-5 , Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. - what if the judge is corrupted and woke ? is it very relevant today ?
Do you know what I love most about this podcast? It's a father and son sitting down with each other talking about things that really matter.
Last night I realized that the church in America has been under a lie for decades, at least throughout my lifetime. I'm 73, so that's quite a while. What is the lie? That God isn't to be feared. BTW, thank you Dr. Bevere, for your Fear of the Lord book. Please pray for me as I will be teaching a class on this in November, and my pastor doesn't understand.
Fear is the most important thing.
I'm encouraged to hear your realization!
It's true, the church in the West is in trouble!
I encourage you to read/study Ezekiel 9 and intercede for the church.
What's dawned on you dawned on me early this year ~ I thank God for showing me His view in the light.
Christians in China will walk 20 miles just to read a page from a Bible that they haven't memorized yet under threat of harsh imprisonment if they're caught. Hundreds of people will be martyred today for their testimony of Christ Jesus.
Our very own religious freedom hangs in the balance this election.
The thing is, once the Lord begins 'waking us up', we no longer want to sleep.
I pray you're in a Bible-teaching church! ❤️🙏📖🕊🔥👑
@@yllatusmuna Yes, it really is. We forget it's Almighty God we're talking about. Thanks for your support.
@@yllatusmuna No, "fear of the Lord" which is respect, reverence, awe, honor. The distinction must be made or people will misunderstand and relate it to being afraid, scared, in terror, this is from the enemy, see 2 Timothy 1:7.
@@donnaleveron5711 Context is key here. In his second letter to Timothy, he is encouraging the younger man to not be afraid as he works in the ministry.
In the same wasy, Jesus said to his disciples, "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows." (Matt. 10)
This is beautiful seeing Father and Son standing for God and speaking truth and grace. We need more Father examples like this.
I was just about to type almost exactly what you typed here.
GOD awakened me from Mormonism. HE drew me to the True Biblical/Historical Jesus the Christ of Nazareth
( who is very different by definition than Mormon Jesus and Mormon Heavenly Father who are false).
I Praise Father, Son ,and Holy Spirit for the Grace by which l was saved into the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 2. 8-10
@DC78539 l Praise the Father for your Salvation in Jesus Christ. It truly is a miracle each time someone is called out. I am so happy for you. Blessings to you in Jesus most Holy name.
May many , many LDS people be awakened as well. ✝️❤️🔥🕊️🙏
Amen🙏 ❤ Praise God
Praise to Jesus for this testimony✝️❤️
1987 the Lord let me know "You don't need to study error to know the truth. When you know Truth it reveals error" THANK YOU so very much for your podcasts. Being able to continue learning plus confirmation to truths long ago learned is gold ✨️ ✝️ 🔥 🔥 🙌
Wow 👏🏽🔥
Father and son in the word of God. So beautiful a relationship 🙏💜
This video couldn’t have come at a better time! Literally in this week discovered a church teaching that all religions lead to Heaven. I was SHOCKED.
Sadly, my brother now calls himself a Buddhist Christian. He also practices homosexuality...notice I didn't say he is a homosexual which is not in the Bible...homosexuality is.
Believers must stand for the truth 📖.
Attended a church for 15 years that preached a watered down gospel, no preaching on sin or repentence, just feel good prosperity gospel. You preached there once. The Lord led me out as i developed discernment. It was a mixture.
Go to pastor Gino Jennings services then.
Was that Joel olsteen? Sometimes he gets a bad rep
Jesus got a bad rap too….
*John 9:24*
*Luke 11:15*
John Bevere gets a bad rap too.
Check out the podcast call
*I think biblically* (John Bevere) scam alert!
That is why it's so important to know and study God's word for yourself. Over the last couple of years, I've been surprised by the number pastor's my wife and I followed have exposed themselves by their teachings being twisted or even an out right lie against what's written in the Bible
We all read scripture through our own bias lens. How can you be sure that your interpretation is the correct one and not the twisted one?
@cherylwilliams4738 It requires an in-depth study, considering historical locations and who they were written, too. There is more than enough verifiable data to make an informed decision on what scripture is telling us. Not to mention praying to God for wisdom and understanding.
@@stevesawyer6377But is it really that simple?
I mean, there are currently somewhere between 20,000 and 40,000 different denominations of Christian faith. Some sources place the number higher. Everybody claims they have "the truth ' 😕🤷🏽
@cherylwilliams4738 that is because of man wanting to pick and choose what they accept out of the Bible. You can not do that. It requires the whole book and not candy coated, so you still have sin in your life. The truth is out there, but it requires you putting in the work, knowing what is in God's Word
@@stevesawyer6377 Thanks for taking the time to answer. I appreciate it.
For me personally, I don't believe ALL those that have different opinions and thus choose a different Christian denomination, I don't believe they are just "candy coating" or "cherry picking" to remain in sinful behavior. Some feel very deeply about scripture and love and honor God very much, however they just interpret scripture differently. After all, isn't there several layers of revelation to every scripture? I think we're all just trying our best to understand this beautiful ancient book.
To me it boils down to..
Love God, Love yourself, love your neighbor as yourself and forgive ALL !
This discussion is loaded with wisdom. Thank you. Satan is using these non essentials to divide the Body.
Praying. I had a vision about this back at the end of December. Toxin/poison being put in MANY vessels of milk, and the people became stuck in a cycle, dependent on who was serving them with the milk, and weren't growing up, stuck stunted growth.
Can you describe your vision ? What was that like ?
What a rich edifying convo between a father and son in the Lord! Loved Pastor John burning the pokemon cards, great honesty and vulnerability!
We're in time that people want their ears tickled. The Believer's will go only so far to speak the Truth, then stops short because they don't want to offend. I have personally realized that when the Lord sends me out for ministry, the TRUTH is spoken followed by, AND HERE IS THE GOOD NEWS. Then a choice usually has to be made by that person.
Yes, it's so crucial to recalibrate from the word of God daily. Love that Point!
This had me crying out to God in repentance for mercy. Had I not listened and repented, I would be entering eternity in hell.
Praise the Lord
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God…
Yes! 14:54 I love that you are bringing out the message that in order for Jesus to be The Christ, MESSIAH, Son of God, he HAD to be born of a virgin……for without the virgin birth, Jesus is just some guy, imperfect, a sinner, just like me, unable to save himself, let alone me! Thank you Arden for your Larry King comment! Thank you, John.
Offence is the breeding ground for deception, wow thanks for your wisdom
Yes, facts, 100%!
So many great moments in this video!! Thank you for speaking on this and for always showing the heart of God even in the tough teachings.
I read the book “Driven by eternity” after being born again for years and it changed my walk! I thank God for what he’s doing through your ministry and books🙏🏼
Good morning! Ready and waiting. I love this teaching! This has been a real eye-opener. I wish more people would tune in across the world 🙏🏽. Tuning in from Alabama.
Good morning from Alabama!
Within such a Dark World, true men of God are such a breath of fresh air
Thank you for your Podcast, and your teachings.
I havent yet seen you drop the ball Mr.Bevere. Extremely insightful and seemingly genuine. A great amassador for the King of Kings. May God keep blessing you with the gift to minister. The world needs it now more than ever. So, thank you. Keep up the great work. God bless. 💛🙏🏼🧡
Can you talk about 2 Tim 3: 5-7 "holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power. Avoid such men as these." ? The denial of the Holy Spirit's work in and through the believer. Dangerous religiosity. If we aren't led, directed, guided, and gifted by the Holy Spirit we can't possibly live out the Christian life as God would have us live.
I think I just realised that I have a false teacher's book at home, I think titled "If God is Love". I couldn't finish it because it started not able to sit right when it speaks about a "hell-less" point. Yes, God didn't want us to go to hell, that's why Jesus came, with the virgin birth, the sinless Lamb of God, but hell is still there because there will be many who will not receive Him because of deception and sin, which the book didn't point out.
Hi from Malaysia! I am so thankful to the conversation between John & Arden..father & son both are godly me...such an exemplary Godly intergenerational conversation that brings me inspiration to have this kind of conversation with my own children!!!!
I am just loving this series, it really been a blessing.
Amen!! Don't go down the devil hole!!!!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Excellent message although in my opinion you were correct at first with the Pokémon cards and such. Better out of the house than in.
I randomly was reading second Peter twice yesterday, randomly in the Bible, and then I randomly chose a book without looking on my phone. You and your son are sweet together. ☺️
Very good video! Thank you Jesus for your eternal word.
Thank you and your son for sharing
Thank you Holy Spirit and both of you 🙏
A brother in the faith sent me this video. At first I was scared to watch this because I was scared It would make me confused and divisive, but I am glad the video isn't like that. Thank you for this video, you two were really humble in how you explained things. I have some doubts about certain things lately and I am asking God to show me truth. But I can see that division really hurts, instead we should seek God and be humble. Doesn't mean accept false teachings, but also doesn't mean to hate people. A balance basically.
God bless you ❤
Jesus is dividing the sheep and the goats, wheat from tares comes at the harvest. Read the New Testament/Covenant for yourself, asking the Holy Spirit to teach you and lead you into truth.
In relation to the word about tainted rivers. I seen this verse in revelation
Revelation 8:11 NIV
the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.
I thought about this, so many will die spiritually waters tainted by bitterness. From offenses. Deception has origins in offenses. Wow.
This conversation helps me answer definitively a question about whether I acted in faith leading a church. Jesus asked the disciples in Matthew 16:15 “Who do you say I am?” That is the single most important question Jesus will ever ask you. If any part of your answer does not align to the Apostles Creed, you are not following the real Jesus and have been misled.
I have a brother that’s like Joe and another brother that reminds of Mel , so I enjoyed this very much, great show
Hey John! I’ve been listening to your teachings since I came to Christ. (9 1/2 years!!) I am so thankful to God for what He has given you. The Bait of Satan, and Driven by Eternity and other teachings (Led or Misled?
What a great episode. A lot of churches run from teaching or talk about this.
God bless uuuuuuu!
Exactly what I and some of my brethren have been trying to share with some people. Now I can just share this podcast and other content like it that says it simply and clearly...🙏
This helped me so much, I used to be the over holy burning everything hahaha
Thank You Lord for Thai beautiful and clear message that we should start focusing on the majors not the minors.
John I thank God for you and your family and the anointing you have
Thank You Lord Jesus
Thank you for your teaching listing from Australia
Want to know who else distorts and twist scriptures? They even go as far as saying mahummad is the one that OT prophecies are talking about and not jesus. They say the new testament is corrupted. And they call Paul a liar.
Prayers 🙏 for you please pray for the Body of Christ 🙏😇
Thank you gentleman, so good!!! God Bless you!!!🙏🙏
As well as our lens not being through a bleeding offense. Thanks guys :)
"No judgement" is the 'way of Cain' which is one of the 3 gruops that Jude 11 warns us about.
the way of Cain ~
No repentance, no redemption, no blood sacrifice.
error of Balaam ~
Disobedient, profit conscious ministry, no godly fear, looks for a way to fit in the world - compromising
rebellion of Korah ~
Disrespectful of authority, pride/proud, causing discord, not willing to obey
Thank you John
I would really love if your videos and more of your resources had subtitles translations for Portuguese. I thank God for your ministries
Amen God is in control
So good! Thank you brother!
24 seconds in and you already got my thumbs up.
Thank you for sharing on this.
We engage in idolatry if we put any other God before us.Idolatry and adultery are two sins that lead to death....or you get thrown into the lake of fire because of it.
You have nothing to worry if you telling the truth
And your teaching ar truth
People will walk away if full of ...
So I've known about the bait of Satan for two years and I watch a few of your videos on it during that time, but I was like I'm not offended (I was) but God has been Faithful all this time, and was teaching me new thing thing I never saw before I was getting closer and closer and in late June he gave me a word reconciliation and took me months working threw that, late August and I'm reading through my Bible in Timothy one and decided to look up the hypocrisy in Greek and to my surprise is was self willed, and act performance I thought about woe ye hypocrites in Matthew and it blew my mind. From that God lead me to offense not sure how but I decided them to read your book the bait of Satan and I've sense reconciled, and forgave those I needed and the amount of clarity I see scripture in with no filter is wild and when you said that about filters and offenses I yell "That!" In my car and painted to my phone cause it's so true!! I also just got your wife's book and I just finished bait of Satan two weeks ago and I'm excited to dig into her book !!
Lightening 100%
Evil teachings is truth that’s been distorted !
Yeah, evil teaches like islam. Takes scripture from the bible and distorts it.
Love your podcasts!!
The Scripture and offense really hit home
God bless you
Excellent podcast.. ❤
I have often wondered how we came from the early church over the churches described in the book of revelations and actually got to the point where people could be punished by death for possessing a bible written in their own language? What you teach explains it.
One doctrinethat grieves me so much is you have street preachers that say the gifts of the holy spirit ceased and tongues isn't for today etc and many say there is no apostles or prophets today that is a lie from satan. I say this we gonna need the baptism of the holy spirit and praying in tongues more today than ever let healing come let spiritual gifts arise let the teaching of heaven and hell be taught jew and gentiles together as in acts the lord jesus is coming for a spotless bride shalom
How cite Arden,your parents and pokemon,Beachboys LOL your so blessed to have them as your steward's ❤
Thanks for hitting on this topic, I enjoyed the CS Lewis reference. I would tie to that the question I've had in Acts 17, where Paul states "This God, whom you worship without knowing, is the one I’m telling you about" in reference to Christ, connecting their worship of an idol they had to the "unknown god." Their worship of "Him" seemed to be in the present tense, though steeped in ignorance. I always found that curious 🤔
I wish every church would read and teach the Apostle's Creed. Major in the majors,
great discussion
They prophecy lies in my name and want others to confirm their words.
Many will come in his own name saying he is the messiah.... do not be fooled by not knowing I also have a path in this this life that is my my life truth and way to achieve a purpose chosen by he who sent me.
Trust in the lord with all your heart.... Your destined for greater things than who you believe to be.
Jesus is the LORD I Love You Jesus I Love You Holy Spirit I Love You Father Jesus is the LORD I Love You God Jesus is the Son of God
A verse that often gets twisted is "By my stripes you are healed". It is often incorrectly referring to physical healing, but it only refers to the healing of soneone from their sin
I say that verse for my healing. By Your stripes Lord Jesus I have been healed. He shed is Blood on the Cross for our healing. He was crucified for our sins.
Great comment, Arden! 14:36
Hey brother John, I’m new to your channel and I love the videos you make and am so grateful that the Holy Spirit led me to you so I may learn more and have a very close relationship with Jesus, Abba (God the Father) and the Holy Spirit.
I wanted to ask if you could make a video on what kind of judgment narcissistic people will get? Because in the Bible, in 2 Timothy 3 it talks about ‘Unbearable times’ in the last days and to avoid such people that it lists off.
Because God is the father I get it
This is what comes to mind. False vs True. Jesus said you will know them by their fruit. With that in mind:
“And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.””
Mark 16:15-18 ESV
Pokeman may be a minor, but it wreaked havoc in our family at one time. The spirit behind it terrorized my middle son. He kept seeing a creepy “yellow kitty” come out of his walls and scare him. His night terrors caused such an issue, that I went searching through my kids’ backpacks for anything that could have let in something spiritually. Lo and behold I found a pikachu card that someone had given my oldest on the bus, so I got rid of it and prayed. The night terrors completely stopped. It wasn’t until we saw a pokeman commercial and my middle son freaked out scared out of his mind that I had put two and two together that he had been seeing a spirit looking like Pikachu terrorizing him. He was three and had no idea what pokeman was. Yet he recognized Pikachu instantly from his night terrors. I wasn’t a fan of pokeman to begin with, but that cinched it for me.
John 1:1
timothy 3:16
What other topics do you guys want me to teach on?
The gifts of the Spirit.
The fruit of the Spirit
Good point, Arden! 14:36
Teach on James 4:11-12
Some people put John on the list of heretical teachers along with the likes of Hinn Jakes Copeland and the list is quite long. I don’t see him belonging to today’s apostates! But a competent bible teacher!
James 1:22 +26 warns not to be deceived by ourself ,
I think it’s a bit of both. Throughout the Word we see both the love and the wrath of God. We are meant to contend for the faith so if we see our brother or sister in sin and abusing grace which Paul tells us we should not do, it’s important that we share the Word even if it does offend or convict. I would never have gotten to the place where I am if God didn’t use someone to offend me. But yes I agree it should be done in love and clarity. But if you’re also dealing with spirits/strongholds sometimes you have to speak with authority. I just think we have to have discernment. Ultimately God does the final work so we have to be careful of watering down the Word which can be offensive in itself to a sinner. Myself included.
This video is so important to me because I feel like Mr. Bevere is revealing all the evil teachings ( false teachings ) of my husband's church which is from SG . The pseudo grace church . Pastor JP says he teaches out of the bible to reveal Jesus . It's so cruel and evil. I am so upset and full of grieve because my husband is a good man and so as his care group friends. They really want to follow God but the teachings of the church blocks them from seeing the truth. My heart really pains for them.
Pray for your husband to know the truth and model the truth too but don't dishonor your husband.
JP is not a false teacher.
The Pharisees knew the law and prophets yet they missed the heart of God completely. It is the same with men who attack women in ministry. Gods heart is to use anyone (even a donkey) who has a heart bent toward him.
I need a prayer chain for my son whom was baptized and read his Bible as a child all the time. He is married to a woman that does not believe in God. I love my son with all my heart. Yesterday he told me he is bi-sexual and he doesn't believe in God. Satan has a hold on him and all I can do is pray for his soul. 😢
@Karenhitch5493 I pray for your son that Jesus Christ will bring the truth to his blinded eyes, that it will fill him with so much love and hope that he'll egerly turn from Satan's wicked ways. In Jesus Christ name I pray Amen 🙏🙌❤️
Jesus knows who his God is. Did we LISTEN to him, or did we try making him into something he never claimed to be?
You should have said this at Cityreach Social Club.
I highly recommend reading the catechism of the Catholic Church which addresses these issues.
Exactly the Catholic Church has such a great stance to sin In retrospect
Shame not all of those heading that church did keep to it. Maybe some repented afterwards, I don't know.
14:43 you were right the first time lol
The false teaching that really gets to me is the one that teaches that our identity in Christ is something other than children of God, co-heirs with Christ.
People who teach that we are the bride, feminise eschatology and take away from our inheritance as co-heirs with Christ. Yet the majority of believers fall for this.
19.29 “Jesus descended into hell.”I didn’t know that. Why did he do that?
😂true….in my self seeking mind….I thought I was suppose to go back to SD, but I was suppose to go back to Vegas where it all began. When you care in the Lord, you need to crucify your flesh. 😅
This video is quite ironic given John Bevere preached at “ Awakening Australia “ only a few months ago alongside Todd White.
When one is invited to speak some where, one takes advantage of the opportunity to share the gospel, unless directed by the Holy Spirit to decline.
RIP O.G. Pokemon cards 🔥
It scares me
that includes John Bevere, his unbiblical heavy shepharding, his fellowship with other obvious false teachers, and demands of certain foods be provided for him when he visits would agree
Watch this comment get deleted in 2 seconds, go ahead and delete it!
So you know him personally? Perhaps his body won’t tolerate certain foods, did you ever think of that?
Instead of speaking against him, pray for him.
And in case you don’t know, we shall all be judged for our words spoken/thoughts/written down. So repent of those words.
@@suzanneyoung6273 they were certain colors of m&ms and was trying to introduce his heavy shepharding into a church that wasnt his
My name is Donna plz pray for me and my family 🙏😭
I will pray for you Donna. And your family!!🙏🏻
Please explain the statement about the tree of life. I didn’t really understand it. Is this why the tree of life was guarded by the angels after Adam and Even sinned. “They can’t partake of the tree of life because the tree of life will cause them to live in that state forever.”
I have a question, Roman 13:1-5 ,
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.
- what if the judge is corrupted and woke ? is it very relevant today ?