I left piece of my heart in Bosnia. I lived in Banja Luka. I was 17 when me and my family was expelled, with thousand others, from our homes in August 1995, due to ethnic cleansing. We have done nothing wrong to anybody, but i guess if you are not a Serb you are nobody to them.
Ask 170 000 Serbs than Muslims expelled from Sarajevo if they were worth anything to Muslims. If you remove hypocrisy from Muslims they don't have a personality.
@@visnjalivancic3953nemas sta drugo reci pa palestinu😂😂sta ima B❤H sa palestinom i ako su 15 protesta napravili,a ubili su i pravosalce u palestini,sta si ti uradio,ili za Rusiju🤣Nista.
@@visnjalivancic3953pokusavas da umanjih genocid u BiH sramota te pa pokusavas da skrenes sa teme konacno sta ti cinis zasuzivot sa drugim narodima koji nisu srbi, vise necete dobiti sansu da ubijate raseljavate i narocito pljackate posteni bosnjacki narod, srami se sto i dalje si na strani nacionalista ,valjda ti tezak zivot, vidimo ne smijes od Vucica i Dodika pisnuti niti traziti da imas dostojan zivot ,pa bi opet da mutis i ili pljackas narod koji nije srpski,jado jadna srami sekoga branis
Hvala za video Bosanka koja voli Bosnu❤ Bila u Srebrenici 2024 Boli sve kad vidis mezare ove. I posle toliko godina placem i srce krvari za neduznima 😢
Thank you so much for your kind words. It means a lot. We all have a voice, and together we can make a difference. Let's keep standing strong and advocating for justice. Free Palestine always ✌🏽🍉
Israel is an ancient Jewish land, inhabited by Jews for many millennia before the Arabs moved in during the Islamic conquest since the 7th century. After 2000 years of exile, the Jews have returned to their land, and now they are cleaning their own land Israel, from the Arab Islamic invaders.
That is not true, Bosnia even had an arms embargo. France and Great Britain support Serbia but not openly also Russia and China. A war that could be stopped by the EU just chose to watch. We are not Ukrainians the world saw us differently as we were not enough as people. A reason why we are Muslims, the genocide in Rwanda because they are black, Genocide has been going on in Myanmar for many years, what has the world done to help them. There is no justice in this world
Seems that nobody summed up worldwide muslim victims in last 100 years because of our arrogance and divisions. It would be horrific number, which might awaken us. Just like today in Gaza, behind the scenes "International community" hypocrites supported Serbian-government led genocide under Yugoslavian flag by closing their eyes and setting embargo on defence. Nowadays, in Bosnia they do the same but with "white gloves" by supporting ethnic divided entities (for future conflict), politics and media that relativize genocide by equalizing the both sides, and minimizing genocide in form of highlighting murdered civilians in separate regions, or exclusively of Genocide in Srebrenica (8372+ civilians killed) instead of 100 000+ killed in whole Bosnia, along with million(s) displaced internally or abroad as diaspora. Considering a few millions of total population that death rate and migration is huge.
Serbia didn't declear independence.Croatia wanted out and decleard independend,after Serbia at first attached for a short time Slovenia,than Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina.Serbs allways wanted big Serbia.They attaced Croatia with the big Yugoslawian army.Croarians than allso didn't have their own army,like Bosnia.They cilled many Croatians and muslim Bosnian.It was so hard to fight with old wappens that we got from some countries,but inlegal Nobody helped us all.That was very sad and bloody.
Thank you for sharing your perspective. The history of the region is incredibly complex and tragic, with so many lives lost on all sides. It’s important to remember the pain and suffering that people endured and to work towards a future where such conflicts are never repeated.
I've been 4 years old back then. We fled. First time as I returned to visit my country was as I turned 18 and even though I'm from the northeast (Bijeljina) I had to go and visit Srebrenica & Potočari. It's heartbreaking, it's till this day basically a ghost town 😔
Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s so powerful that you made the journey back and paid your respects at Srebrenica and Potocari. It’s heartbreaking to see the impact still lingering after all these years. Your story is a reminder of the resilience of those who’ve endured so much ♥️
Ever muslim should read what the Serbs and partially Croats did to Bosnian muslim women and little girls. When you meet Serbs and Croats to know who they are.
Today that's not the same. I am from Bosnia and there are many Croats and Serbs who are lovely ppl. Just 'cause some bad ppl who were serbs/croats did bad things doesn't mean all serbs/croats are bad
@mubina6944 don't let then fool you. My mom told us how before they were all oh so nice, that's why we didn't see it coming. Don't trust them ever. Keep teaching your kids not to. Da se ne ponovi!
@@Mrs_Fox_X I'm not saying you should just trust everyone, don't worry. I'm saying don't throw everyone into a box and don't judge ppl based on the mistakes their ancestors made. Because that is what ppl are doing to muslims now. After 9/11 because certain bad muslims did a bad thing, now all muslims are on bad word and that's not ok. Ok fon't trust strangers but don't throw blame around because you don't want something like that happening to you
@@mubina6944 well, everyone who's smart knows it weren't the Muslims who did it. 😉 And 2nd I don't blame any Russian or Greeks for what the Serbs did. But the Serbs I don't trust, cause I know how they passed on their hate to their kids and what for crap they're telling them. Like once I was at a restaurant and there was a mosque nearby. As the call for prayer was to be heard, the child (maybe 3yrs old) at the table next to us asked his mom what that is. She said that's 'Babaroga'.
I know right, at the time it was common knowledge but now it’s scary how things are forgotten and people simply don’t remember what happened and the younger generations are not taught about this.
I am a Serb, and I am sincerely sorry for the crimes in Srebrenica. However, that crime was premeditated by the West and the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Years before that, Serbs in the vicinity of Srebrenica were massacred, specifically 3,267 of them. The Serbs were eager for revenge, and many of the Muslims who killed Serbs were from the town of Srebrenica. Later, Srebrenica was betrayed by its own army and the West. The Serbs fell into a trap and committed a crime, which provided NATO with an alibi to bomb Serbian positions. The truth is a deep water, very complex and not blavk and white.
Nothing that happened in BiH in 90's was ever based out of religious reasons but the muslims fighting was. They planned to cleanse the rest so the can make a purely Islamic country. We should not forget the crimes from each side....there was no clean side. And it's well known why the war started, why stuff happened and why it ended. I usually see a lot of hypocrisy from each side. Pozdrav iz Hrvatske.
@@nosmokejazwinski6297 Serbian Orthodoxy has less to do with Jesus and more to do with Sv.Sava. So if your religion is your nation i guess it does. You can make everything relative.. but it only shows you got no clue.
I am from Bosnia and actually happy people are talking about it. But I can’t help but be suspicious about why suddenly in the last month so many influencers promote Bosnia? Did someone launch the advertising campaign (ie Arabs) for some reason? And Why 😅 it’s just my bosnian intuition and suspicion 😊
You forgot to mention 3000 Serbs that were murdered in the villages around Srebrenica from 1992-1995. That genocide was the one that caused Serbs to get mad and get a revenge. I dont support genocide or anything but when you make a video like this you should learn and educate yourself more about the conflict instead of defending only one side.
Merci pour la vérité. Moi même j'ai étais dans les camps de prisonniers pour muslimans .Dans mon ville natal Prijedor il y avez 59 camps. C'est seconde ville en Bosnie où il avez genocid. Merci,merci,merci pour cette video très précieuse. 🤗
@@mubina6944 I am a Bosniak and I am not muslim, not all Bosniaks are muslim and most who are are only muslim by name. You don’t have to lecture me about my own country 😂
@@FieldofVisions No, that is wrong. Bosniak is a neutral term that indicates that someone is a inhabitant from the geographical region of Bosnia, this term historically never had a religious connotation but this changed in the 80s/90s when it became synonymous with the muslim religion. Nowadays this is changing again. Bosniaks can be anything and are not just muslims, stop reducing our nationhood to a religion. A Turk is a Turk, a Arab is a Arab, a Bosniak is a Bosniak.
@@coolekikker4454 What I meant is Bosniak is usually used for the muslim part of Bosnia while Bosnian is a general term. This is just what I heard, I don't agree with it. And it's also my country as well not just yours
@@GreenTreeRelax yeah, you can see that the whole world calls it a genocide, but only serbs don't. Yet everyones wrong, but you're right... How delusional 😂😂😂
a lot of lies and twisted facts here, although as well a lot of truth....it is shame that somebody like you came to bosnia and made one sided interviews, one sided stories and present it as absolute truth....bosnian war is very complex story with very complicated past and history that led to it, and there are no innocent sides there....making video like this just from muslim point of view it is actually quite discriminatory, but it is up to you and your moral.
Quite the superficial take...reasons, background, visualization. The only side fighting for religious reason were the muslims. And the crimes they did were equally horrible if not more...so one sided "muslim victims" is a bit of biased take. Not to say any crime is less horrible but yea. very superficial. Biased as hell.
I guess Jovan Divljak and many others Serbs who fought VRS in Sarajevo doesn't count to you? It's not a religious war if Serbs were also on our sides. You had Fikret Abdic on your side
@@BosnianBornBeast The moment there were foreign fighters forming "El Mudžahid" , it stopped being everyone war from the POV of Bosnian muslims. Honesty was never a virtue of anyone on the Balkan had... it's always "my side is sacred cow". God doesn't bless any side in a war.
@@HladniSjeverniVjetar I see the "Mudžahidini" got you scared 😂 . It's alright četo. I am from Srebrenica and there were no f*cking "Mudžahidin" in Srebrenica. Think you mean the Zenica region of Bosnia. Go ask them about them not us.
@@HladniSjeverniVjetar And so what, you had Russian and Greek fighters for you. And guess where those fighters were fighting at: SREBRENICA! There's literally photos online of a Greek Flag inside Srebrenica during the genocide. So if you ask me, it's an eye for an eye
@@BosnianBornBeast You make conclusions based on your prejudices, like every seljo from Bosnia.... I don't care what happened when i was a kid in exile due to Serbian megalomaniac imperialism, I don't live in the past. But you can see everything that was happening, literally from each side POV... only people that dislike truth run from it and try to shift blame. All your guessing would be wrong so go try to guilt blame some other fool. I guess you still live in the past since you talk like this to people you don't know on the internet.. "I see the "Mudžahidini" got you scared . It's alright četo." You look even younger than me...were you even born during the war?
Why don't you talk about real genocide who committed Turks against Armenians,Croats nazis in WW2 against Serbs and Bosnian muslims in Bosnia 1993 Kravice and Bratunac where they slaughtered more than 3500 Serbs! Be objective!
@@samirablazevic79 E poturice kome je kandilo na tavanu pokri se ušima i ćuti! Služili ste svim osvajačima:Turcima,Austro-Ugarima,Nemcima nacistima sada Americi i NATO-u koji ubijaju Palestince u Gazi! Ne zovu vas džabe Nato muslimani!
@@samirablazevic79 Nato muslimani koji ste služili vekovima okupatorima: Turcima, Austro-Ugarima, Nemcima nacistima sada Americi i NATO-u koji ubijaju Palestince u Gazi!
@@AjaSophia_Metohia Pa Srbija također podržava Izraela šta ste im para poslali i oružja a da ne pričam šta je sve tvog četničkog naroda podržalo Izrael niste ni vi bolji
@@greatmapper187 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 џабе лајеш и шириш лажи,нико вам више ништа не верује! А колико знамо вама су пријатељи Амерички и Европски Ционисти; Мадлен Олбрајт, Ричард Холбрук,Весли Кларк ,Бернар Леви, Вилијам Вокер и многи други! Све Јеше и ваши пријатељи 🤣🤣🤣
U ime koje Evrope govoriš? Ta ista Evropa vas je okrivila za jedini poslijeratni genocid na njezinom tlu. I to proglasila i uvrstila kao pravac njene politike. I ti se našao braniti Evropu i u njeno ime govoriti??? Srbija I srpske vlasti su to isto okarakterisale kao genocid, i proglasili to u skupštini 2010. Svaki državnik Srbije nakon 5 oktobra je javno izrazio žaljenje zbog zločina koje je Srbija i njeni državljani počinili na prostoru Hrvatske i BiH. Značajan dio Srpske javnosti to isto govori. Srpski NVO sektor da i ne spominjem. To su činjenice.
Way shame is the truth it happened that cetniks wanted to kill anything that is not orthodox. That is fact documented, and people admitted to doing does things.
Shame on you and Serbian people who still denies genocide that happened in Srebrenica. Same thing happened in majority of cities in Bosnia but because this was done to Muslims west will never recognise that genocide happened toward Muslims citizens in Bosnia Herzegovina!
I left piece of my heart in Bosnia. I lived in Banja Luka. I was 17 when me and my family was expelled, with thousand others, from our homes in August 1995, due to ethnic cleansing. We have done nothing wrong to anybody, but i guess if you are not a Serb you are nobody to them.
Ask 170 000 Serbs than Muslims expelled from Sarajevo if they were worth anything to Muslims. If you remove hypocrisy from Muslims they don't have a personality.
What did you do for Palastine , what BIH doing for Palastine, no protest one , what B I H is doing about American veto every time UN try to stop war
@@visnjalivancic3953 Višnja nabijem i tebe i Palestinu na koc i sve druge cetnike.
@@visnjalivancic3953nemas sta drugo reci pa palestinu😂😂sta ima B❤H sa palestinom i ako su 15 protesta napravili,a ubili su i pravosalce u palestini,sta si ti uradio,ili za Rusiju🤣Nista.
@@visnjalivancic3953pokusavas da umanjih genocid u BiH sramota te pa pokusavas da skrenes sa teme konacno sta ti cinis zasuzivot sa drugim narodima koji nisu srbi, vise necete dobiti sansu da ubijate raseljavate i narocito pljackate posteni bosnjacki narod, srami se sto i dalje si na strani nacionalista ,valjda ti tezak zivot, vidimo ne smijes od Vucica i Dodika pisnuti niti traziti da imas dostojan zivot ,pa bi opet da mutis i ili pljackas narod koji nije srpski,jado jadna srami sekoga branis
Thank you for spreading the truth about my country, what happened 30 years ago
Hvala za video
Bosanka koja voli Bosnu❤
Bila u Srebrenici 2024 Boli sve kad vidis mezare ove.
I posle toliko godina placem i srce krvari za neduznima 😢
It's not just Srebrenica..where is other cities?
Thank you for spreading the truth
You're welcome! It's important to share the truth. Thank you for your support! ✌🏽
This heartfelt informative vlog is your best gift to the world. Never again world. Come on people stand up for Palestine.
Free Free Palestine!
Thank you so much for your kind words. It means a lot. We all have a voice, and together we can make a difference. Let's keep standing strong and advocating for justice. Free Palestine always ✌🏽🍉
Born in Sarajevo ( still live :)) ❤ of Europe
Israel is an ancient Jewish land, inhabited by Jews for many millennia before the Arabs moved in during the Islamic conquest since the 7th century.
After 2000 years of exile, the Jews have returned to their land, and now they are cleaning their own land Israel, from the Arab Islamic invaders.
Nice video, thanks for sharing the truth and i hope you enjoy time here in Bosnia & Herzegovina ,best regards to you and your family
Thank you for your support! May Allah bless you as well! 🥰
@@FieldofVisions🤲☝❤❤❤ love from Bosnia and Free Palestine🤲☝❤❤❤❤
Thank you for this video.
Thank you for speaking up for those who no longer have a voice
USA and UK denied weapons to Bosnia for self defence
That is not true, Bosnia even had an arms embargo. France and Great Britain support Serbia but not openly also Russia and China. A war that could be stopped by the EU just chose to watch. We are not Ukrainians the world saw us differently as we were not enough as people. A reason why we are Muslims, the genocide in Rwanda because they are black, Genocide has been going on in Myanmar for many years, what has the world done to help them. There is no justice in this world
Thx for this video❤
Welcome 😊
Thank you for the video and spreading the truth about Bosnia and Herzegovina! May Allah reward you🤲
Thank you for your support! I’m glad we could help share the truth. May Allah bless you as well! 💕
Seems that nobody summed up worldwide muslim victims in last 100 years because of our arrogance and divisions. It would be horrific number, which might awaken us. Just like today in Gaza, behind the scenes "International community" hypocrites supported Serbian-government led genocide under Yugoslavian flag by closing their eyes and setting embargo on defence. Nowadays, in Bosnia they do the same but with "white gloves" by supporting ethnic divided entities (for future conflict), politics and media that relativize genocide by equalizing the both sides, and minimizing genocide in form of highlighting murdered civilians in separate regions, or exclusively of Genocide in Srebrenica (8372+ civilians killed) instead of 100 000+ killed in whole Bosnia, along with million(s) displaced internally or abroad as diaspora. Considering a few millions of total population that death rate and migration is huge.
Thanks for the video and spreading the truth about Bosnia and Herzegovina! May Allah reward you
Thank you too 💛🇧🇦
Nice and quality video👍👍👍👍
Thank you ☺️
love for Bosnia from Palestine 💕🇵🇸🙏
11.7 never forget about Srebrenica 😔😔😔
@@matovicmmilan yes I will cry for innocent people ….Innocent kids …
Serbia didn't declear independence.Croatia wanted out and decleard independend,after Serbia at first attached for a short time Slovenia,than Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina.Serbs allways wanted big Serbia.They attaced Croatia with the big Yugoslawian army.Croarians than allso didn't have their own army,like Bosnia.They cilled many Croatians and muslim Bosnian.It was so hard to fight with old wappens that we got from some countries,but inlegal
Nobody helped us all.That was very sad and bloody.
Thank you for sharing your perspective. The history of the region is incredibly complex and tragic, with so many lives lost on all sides. It’s important to remember the pain and suffering that people endured and to work towards a future where such conflicts are never repeated.
It just happened opposite what are you trying to tell the people who never know anything about war in Yugoslavia. Shame of you spreading fake news 😢😢😢
@@FieldofVisionsactually majorly of life's that got lost is Muslims! Not got lost, they got wiped out!
Respect my friend...
Respect to you too, my friend!😎✌🏽
Sehr gut bruder!Selam
Thank you for your video and effort to present really ❤
Duas from chakwal Pakistan ❤❤❤
I've been 4 years old back then. We fled. First time as I returned to visit my country was as I turned 18 and even though I'm from the northeast (Bijeljina) I had to go and visit Srebrenica & Potočari. It's heartbreaking, it's till this day basically a ghost town 😔
Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s so powerful that you made the journey back and paid your respects at Srebrenica and Potocari. It’s heartbreaking to see the impact still lingering after all these years. Your story is a reminder of the resilience of those who’ve endured so much ♥️
Very nice presentation of what happened in my country. I am from Sarajevo but live overseas. Thank you
Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you ☺️
Thank you, thanks a 1000 time, talling the truth about my homeland 😢👏😢👏😢👏😢
@@mersadaaziz6679 Thank you for your support 🥰
Ever muslim should read what the Serbs and partially Croats did to Bosnian muslim women and little girls. When you meet Serbs and Croats to know who they are.
Today that's not the same. I am from Bosnia and there are many Croats and Serbs who are lovely ppl. Just 'cause some bad ppl who were serbs/croats did bad things doesn't mean all serbs/croats are bad
@mubina6944 don't let then fool you. My mom told us how before they were all oh so nice, that's why we didn't see it coming. Don't trust them ever. Keep teaching your kids not to. Da se ne ponovi!
@@Mrs_Fox_X I'm not saying you should just trust everyone, don't worry. I'm saying don't throw everyone into a box and don't judge ppl based on the mistakes their ancestors made. Because that is what ppl are doing to muslims now. After 9/11 because certain bad muslims did a bad thing, now all muslims are on bad word and that's not ok. Ok fon't trust strangers but don't throw blame around because you don't want something like that happening to you
@@mubina6944 well, everyone who's smart knows it weren't the Muslims who did it. 😉 And 2nd I don't blame any Russian or Greeks for what the Serbs did. But the Serbs I don't trust, cause I know how they passed on their hate to their kids and what for crap they're telling them.
Like once I was at a restaurant and there was a mosque nearby. As the call for prayer was to be heard, the child (maybe 3yrs old) at the table next to us asked his mom what that is. She said that's 'Babaroga'.
Welcome again brother, I hope you escaped before the film fesfival, the old town is so full you cant even walk there
Thank you! Yea we left Sarajevo a couple of weeks ago. We anticipated the film festival being really busy.
I must be showing my age because this was all common knowledge at the time
I know right, at the time it was common knowledge but now it’s scary how things are forgotten and people simply don’t remember what happened and the younger generations are not taught about this.
@@FieldofVisions I was talking about the mini series Chernobyl and a workmate, in his 30s, intelligent and well educated, asked me "What's Chernobyl?"
I am a Serb, and I am sincerely sorry for the crimes in Srebrenica. However, that crime was premeditated by the West and the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Years before that, Serbs in the vicinity of Srebrenica were massacred, specifically 3,267 of them. The Serbs were eager for revenge, and many of the Muslims who killed Serbs were from the town of Srebrenica. Later, Srebrenica was betrayed by its own army and the West. The Serbs fell into a trap and committed a crime, which provided NATO with an alibi to bomb Serbian positions. The truth is a deep water, very complex and not blavk and white.
Nothing that happened in BiH in 90's was ever based out of religious reasons but the muslims fighting was. They planned to cleanse the rest so the can make a purely Islamic country. We should not forget the crimes from each side....there was no clean side. And it's well known why the war started, why stuff happened and why it ended. I usually see a lot of hypocrisy from each side.
Pozdrav iz Hrvatske.
Classic example of gaslighting, trying to blame the Bosniaks for the fact that Serb Forces committed genocide.
@@HladniSjeverniVjetaryeah sure, orthodox priests blessing the war criminals before committing massacres has nothing to do with religion
@@nosmokejazwinski6297 Serbian Orthodoxy has less to do with Jesus and more to do with Sv.Sava.
So if your religion is your nation i guess it does. You can make everything relative.. but it only shows you got no clue.
@@sjdsjda srbi i narod izraela su stvarno identičan narod. Vaše laži niko neće povjerovati osim vas sami.
Well done. Greetings from Sarajevo!
Thanks ☺️
Rough narrative on what happened, yet doesn't go into intricacies and history of the country thus making it literally useless
Well said.
I am from Bosnia and actually happy people are talking about it. But I can’t help but be suspicious about why suddenly in the last month so many influencers promote Bosnia? Did someone launch the advertising campaign (ie Arabs) for some reason? And Why 😅 it’s just my bosnian intuition and suspicion 😊
Zato sto istina i pravda dolaze polako .....zast vas to boli😮
You forgot to mention 3000 Serbs that were murdered in the villages around Srebrenica from 1992-1995. That genocide was the one that caused Serbs to get mad and get a revenge. I dont support genocide or anything but when you make a video like this you should learn and educate yourself more about the conflict instead of defending only one side.
Merci pour la vérité.
Moi même j'ai étais dans les camps de prisonniers pour muslimans .Dans mon ville natal Prijedor il y avez 59 camps.
C'est seconde ville en Bosnie où il avez genocid.
Merci,merci,merci pour cette video très précieuse. 🤗
Nebrini Kamatom ce se to Vratiti dzelatima Allah d.z sve gleda
Hvala ti Arkane, bog ti dao sreće,
Bijeljina te nikad, zaboravit neće ☦
They weren’t muslim, they were Bosniaks. Stop claiming our victims. They were killed because they were Bosniaks.
Which were seen as Bosnian Muslims….
My dude, bosniaks are muslims, or the muslim part of Bosnia
@@mubina6944 I am a Bosniak and I am not muslim, not all Bosniaks are muslim and most who are are only muslim by name. You don’t have to lecture me about my own country 😂
@@FieldofVisions No, that is wrong. Bosniak is a neutral term that indicates that someone is a inhabitant from the geographical region of Bosnia, this term historically never had a religious connotation but this changed in the 80s/90s when it became synonymous with the muslim religion. Nowadays this is changing again. Bosniaks can be anything and are not just muslims, stop reducing our nationhood to a religion. A Turk is a Turk, a Arab is a Arab, a Bosniak is a Bosniak.
@@coolekikker4454 What I meant is Bosniak is usually used for the muslim part of Bosnia while Bosnian is a general term. This is just what I heard, I don't agree with it. And it's also my country as well not just yours
Stop spreading lies
Boli istina genocidas😮
@@samirablazevic79 You obviously don't even know what genocide is.
@GreenTreeRelax she knows better than you Četnike
@@Mrs_Fox_X yea i can see that
@@GreenTreeRelax yeah, you can see that the whole world calls it a genocide, but only serbs don't. Yet everyones wrong, but you're right... How delusional 😂😂😂
Bosna i Hercegovina🇧🇦❤️🇧🇦❤️🇧🇦
a lot of lies and twisted facts here, although as well a lot of truth....it is shame that somebody like you came to bosnia and made one sided interviews, one sided stories and present it as absolute truth....bosnian war is very complex story with very complicated past and history that led to it, and there are no innocent sides there....making video like this just from muslim point of view it is actually quite discriminatory, but it is up to you and your moral.
Quite the superficial take...reasons, background, visualization.
The only side fighting for religious reason were the muslims. And the crimes they did were equally horrible if not more...so one sided "muslim victims" is a bit of biased take.
Not to say any crime is less horrible but yea. very superficial. Biased as hell.
I guess Jovan Divljak and many others Serbs who fought VRS in Sarajevo doesn't count to you? It's not a religious war if Serbs were also on our sides. You had Fikret Abdic on your side
@@BosnianBornBeast The moment there were foreign fighters forming "El Mudžahid" , it stopped being everyone war from the POV of Bosnian muslims.
Honesty was never a virtue of anyone on the Balkan had... it's always "my side is sacred cow".
God doesn't bless any side in a war.
@@HladniSjeverniVjetar I see the "Mudžahidini" got you scared 😂 . It's alright četo. I am from Srebrenica and there were no f*cking "Mudžahidin" in Srebrenica. Think you mean the Zenica region of Bosnia. Go ask them about them not us.
@@HladniSjeverniVjetar And so what, you had Russian and Greek fighters for you. And guess where those fighters were fighting at: SREBRENICA! There's literally photos online of a Greek Flag inside Srebrenica during the genocide. So if you ask me, it's an eye for an eye
@@BosnianBornBeast You make conclusions based on your prejudices, like every seljo from Bosnia....
I don't care what happened when i was a kid in exile due to Serbian megalomaniac imperialism, I don't live in the past. But you can see everything that was happening, literally from each side POV... only people that dislike truth run from it and try to shift blame. All your guessing would be wrong so go try to guilt blame some other fool.
I guess you still live in the past since you talk like this to people you don't know on the internet.. "I see the "Mudžahidini" got you scared . It's alright četo."
You look even younger than me...were you even born during the war?
Stay away from us we dont like no one but us
Don't worry, I'm socially distancing in style! 😄
@@FieldofVisions My friend thats some internet troll probably
You sound like a Serb 😅
@@FieldofVisionsignore the Serb trolls
@@FieldofVisionsNe obracajte paznju na neegativne komentare srba i hrvata ,oni su ZLO.
Never we bosnis. Are not Muslims
Why don't you talk about real genocide who committed Turks against Armenians,Croats nazis in WW2 against Serbs and Bosnian muslims in Bosnia 1993 Kravice and Bratunac where they slaughtered more than 3500 Serbs! Be objective!
Srbici i objektivnost😂😂😂😂
@@samirablazevic79 E poturice kome je kandilo na tavanu pokri se ušima i ćuti! Služili ste svim osvajačima:Turcima,Austro-Ugarima,Nemcima nacistima sada Americi i NATO-u koji ubijaju Palestince u Gazi! Ne zovu vas džabe Nato muslimani!
Lazes..sram te bilo Kalina.
@@AjaSophia_Metohia Šuti EU pravoslavac 😂
@@emadenic623 Боли истина!
It was a agresion not a war.
Vase kao srpske.Isti ste😂
@@samirablazevic79 Nato muslimani koji ste služili vekovima okupatorima: Turcima, Austro-Ugarima, Nemcima nacistima sada Americi i NATO-u koji ubijaju Palestince u Gazi!
@@AjaSophia_Metohia Pa Srbija također podržava Izraela šta ste im para poslali i oružja a da ne pričam šta je sve tvog četničkog naroda podržalo Izrael niste ni vi bolji
@@greatmapper187 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 џабе лајеш и шириш лажи,нико вам више ништа не верује! А колико знамо вама су пријатељи Амерички и Европски Ционисти; Мадлен Олбрајт, Ричард Холбрук,Весли Кларк ,Бернар Леви, Вилијам Вокер и многи други! Све Јеше и ваши пријатељи 🤣🤣🤣
majmune muslimanski rauss iz evrope
Serb in a nutshell. Pathetic!
Some would say you are just like a Nazi
@@FieldofVisionsJesu ,to je tacno.
Jedan pisac iz srbije je rekao citiram:Laz je u bicu svakog srbina.
Lijep pozdrav zelim. 😊
U ime koje Evrope govoriš? Ta ista Evropa vas je okrivila za jedini poslijeratni genocid na njezinom tlu. I to proglasila i uvrstila kao pravac njene politike. I ti se našao braniti Evropu i u njeno ime govoriti??? Srbija I srpske vlasti su to isto okarakterisale kao genocid, i proglasili to u skupštini 2010. Svaki državnik Srbije nakon 5 oktobra je javno izrazio žaljenje zbog zločina koje je Srbija i njeni državljani počinili na prostoru Hrvatske i BiH. Značajan dio Srpske javnosti to isto govori. Srpski NVO sektor da i ne spominjem. To su činjenice.
izbrisali ste svjedocenje Hakije Melonjica gradonacelnika Srebrenice!! a potucernjaci!! ne odgovara vam istina!!!!
dje ste potucernjaci????
shame on you!!!!!!!
Shame on you bastards
Way shame is the truth it happened that cetniks wanted to kill anything that is not orthodox. That is fact documented, and people admitted to doing does things.
Zasto? Zato sto govori istinu
marko You should be ashamed
Shame on you and Serbian people who still denies genocide that happened in Srebrenica. Same thing happened in majority of cities in Bosnia but because this was done to Muslims west will never recognise that genocide happened toward Muslims citizens in Bosnia Herzegovina!