2024年圣喜大长老MahāThera AriyaNanda北马巡回弘法

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024
  • 【圣喜大长老 北马巡回弘法】
    Ven. AriyaNanda MahāThera
    Malaysia Northern Region DhammaDūta
    禅修营 + 佛法开示 + 共修10福业事 + 托钵
    Meditation Retreat + Dhamma Talk +
    Ten Meritorious Deeds Practice + Piṇḍācāra
    29.03.2024 1day
    DhammaJāta Arañña
    Bro. 振德 012-492 7511
    30.03.2024 2days
    Butterworth Lay Buddhist Society
    Bro. 明宝 016-499 5627
    31.03.2024 2days
    PaccayaDhamma Vihāra Buddhist Society
    Sis. 雪尼 016-229 7214
    01.04.2024 3days
    Perlis Buddhist Society
    Bro. 赞欣 012-486 9360
    04.04.2024 2days
    Gurun Buddhist Association
    Bro. 健良 012-462 9622
    06.04.2024 1day
    Central Kedah Buddhist Association
    Bro. 兼民 019-477 5247
    07.04.2024 1day
    Sītavana Vihāra
    Sis. 宝琴 012-556 2433
    08.04.2024 1day
    Dhamma Earth Penang
    Sis. 梅君 016-554 8699
    【圣喜大长老 生平简介】
    圣喜长老 (Ven. Angulgamuwe AriyaNanda MahāThera) 于1964年2月27日出生。28岁,他在1992年6月18日那天出家成为沙弥(sāmaṇera)。一年后,1993年6月18日那天,他在最尊敬的卡达维都维·斯里胜统大长老 (Ven. Rājakīya Paṇḍita Kaddavedduve Srī Jinavaṁsa MahāThera于2003年7月13日逝世) 的座下受具足戒。
    在1996年1月2日,他跟随圣法大长老 (Most Ven. AriyaDhamma MahāThera, Mahā-kammaṭṭthānā-cariya) 亲自带领的僧团前往缅甸帕奥禅林,在最尊敬的帕奥禅师(Most Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw U Āciṇṇa MahāThera, Agga-mahā-kammaṭṭthānācariya) 指导下禅修,成功完成了依照《清净道论》所制定的禅修课程,在当时也被帕奥禅师授权指导禅修,同年1996年12月20日,他与圣法大长老 一起回到斯里兰卡,在1997年11月10日,圣喜尊者在10位尊者的随同下来到龙树林,建立起了斯里兰卡里亚尼瑜卡斯拉玛协会 (Shrī Kalyāṇī Yogāśhrama Association) --斯里兰卡一个属于森林派系的佛教比丘组织下的龙树林森林道场。圣喜长老是这道场的住持以及主要禅修导师。
    Brief Biography of
    The Most Venerable Angulgamuwa
    AriyaNanda MahāThera
    This humble AriyaNanda MahāThera works with a strong determination, courage, and perseverance for the upliftment of Buddha Sāsana by dedicating himself to build a disciplined generation of monastic bhikkhus as well as to expand Buddhism not only in the country but also in foreign countries while explaining deep and complex concepts of Buddhism in a simple, accessible and understandable way to the grassroot Buddhists drawing down-to-earth examples. He now lives in the Nā-Uyana monastery leading a simple lifestyle.
    Most Ven. Angulgamuwē Ariyananda MahāThera was born on the 27th of February 1964 as the 5th and the youngest son of Mr. D.M. Muthubandā and Mrs. D.M. Lokumenikā. At the age of 11, his parents offered him to the Sāsana (The Dispensation of the Buddha) in front of Most Ven. Kadawaddūwē Jinawaṁsa MahāThera, from whom he received happy predictions.
    When he was still a child he showed inborn talents and competencies for learning. He received his primary education from the village school and then his secondary education from Ibbagamuwa Central College. He completed his higher education by qualifying himself as a competent Electronic Engineer.
    On such a sound footing of completion of his formal education, he led a virtuous life as a layman until he renounced his lay life on 18th March 1992. On 18th June 1992, he decided to have the going-forth in the Buddha Sāsana by the name of “Ven. Angulgamuwē AriyaNanda” in order to fulfil his ‘Pāramī’ powers to call a halt to the cycle of saṁsāra. He lit up his bhikkhu life by the influence of both Most Ven. Kadawaddūwē JinaWaṁsa MahāThero and Most Ven. Nā-Uyane AriyaDhamma MahāThero who could be considered as great sources appeared in the world to lit up the Buddha Sāsana. On 18th June 1993, he obtained higher ordination which elevated him to a higher step in his religious life.
    Most Ven. Ariyananda thero has now traversed a long distance of his arduous religious life as a buddhist monk while doing meditation and studying Dhamma and Vinaya. The knowhow he received during the Myanmar Meditation Program became a real test of his mettle and a milestone on his journey. During his stay in Myanmar for a period of one year, he expertized the Pa-Auk meditation method even he was gravely ill but forgetting all his physical inconveniences he had to suffer in the poor health condition. Thera, who now lives by practising qualities required for a great follower of The Blessed One, by coming to Nā-Uyana monastery along with 10 other bhikkhus on the 10th of November 1997, initialized a project to build a Meditation Centre to bring out exemplary bhikkhus for the community of Saṅgha in the motherland who would be able to taste the flavor of real monasticism in this emancipation-bound Sāsana.
    Since then, he has been rendering a layman service manly possible for the upliftment of Buddha Sāsana beyond words up to today.

ความคิดเห็น • 3

  • @yipwailuen4030
    @yipwailuen4030 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sadhu sadhu sadhu

  • @laugary8186
    @laugary8186 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sādhu sādhu sādhu

  • @palithahettiarachchi7874
    @palithahettiarachchi7874 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    අපේ පිංවත් අඟුල්ගමුවේ අරියනන්ද ස්වාමීන් වහන්සේට නිදුක් නිරෝගී සම්පත්තිය ලැබේවා !චිරාත් කාලයක් සම්බුද්ධ සාසනයට සාසනයේ චිරස්තථිතියට සියළු කටයුතු කරගෙනයාමට අවශ්‍ය ශක්තිය ⁣ධෛර්යය වාසනාව නිරෝගිමත් භාවය පරිවාර සම්පත්තිය ලැබේවා ! ලැබේවායි මමත් නෝනත් දුවලත් එකහිතින්ම පතන්නෙමු තෙරැවන් සරණයි අපේ ස්වාමීන්වහන්සේට 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹