2024年善至承长老Ven. SugataWaṃsa北马弘法之旅回忆录

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024
  • 【善至承长老 北马巡回弘法】
    Ven. Digana Sugatawaṃsa Thera
    Malaysia Northern Region DhammaDūta
    禅修营 + 佛法开示 + 共修10福业事
    Meditation Retreat + Dhamma Talk +
    Ten Meritorious Deeds Practice
    26.05.2024 2days
    Dhamma Earth Penang 槟城法域
    Bro. 维成 017-931 2228
    27.05.2024 4days
    DhammaJāta Arañña 法锦禅苑
    Bro. 振德 012-492 7511
    31.05.2024 4days
    Gurun Buddhist Association 娥仑佛教会
    Bro. 健良 012-462 9622
    04.06.2024 1day
    Nalanda Education Outreach Centre 双溪大年教育中心
    Dr. Song 012-515 9702
    04.06.2024 2days
    PaccayaDhamma Vihāra 缘居林
    Sis. 雪尼 016-229 7214
    05.06.2024 5days
    Butterworth Lay Buddhist Society 北海佛教居士林
    Bro. 明宝 016-499 5627
    10.06.2024 1day
    Sītavana Vihāra 悉达林
    Sis. 宝琴 012-556 2433
    11.06.2024 2days
    Perlis Buddhist Society 玻璃市佛学会
    Bro. 赞欣 012-486 9360
    13.06.2024 2days
    Central Kedah Buddhist Association 吉中佛教会
    Bro. 兼民 019-477 5247
    15.06.2024 1day
    DhammaJāta Arañña 法锦禅苑
    Sis. 琊媚 012-470 7637
    Devotees House Retreat
    28/5 Poh Lin
    5/6 Anatta Chiam
    6/6 Yvonne Quek
    7/6 Lenny Chew
    Brief Biography of
    Ven. Digana Sugatawaṃsa Thera
    The Venerable Digana Sugatavaṃsa was born on 16 November 1981 in Kandy, Sri Lanka. At the age of 16, he entered the order of Buddhist monks as a novice at the prestigious Galduwa Śrī Kalyāṇī Yogāśrama Saṁsthā, in Ambalangoda, Sri Lanka under the preceptorship of the most Venerable Kadawedduwe Sri Jinavaṃsa Mahāthero and the most Venerable Nā-Uyane Ariyadhamma Mahāthero.
    He received his higher ordination at the age of 20 and he re-took higher ordination on 20 January 2006 under the guidance of the Venerable Devagoda Maṅgala Mahāthero and Venenerable Nā-Uyane Ariyadhamma Mahāthero.
    The Venerable has studied under many famous scholar monks in Sri Lanka and has gained proficiency in the Vinaya (Monastic Discipline), the Pāḷi Language and the Abhidhamma. He has been award the titles of “Vinaya Visārada” (Expert in Vinaya) “Abhidhamma Visārada” (Expert in Abhidhamma), “Tipiṭakācariya” (Proficiency in all three baskets of the Pāḷi Canon), “Dhammasaṅgaṇībhānaka” (Reciter of the Dhammasaṅgaṇī) and “Vibhaṅgabhānaka” (Reciter of the Vibhaṅga) from the Śrī Kalyāṇī Yogāśrama Saṁsthā, as well as “Abhidhamma Visārada” (Expert in Abhidhamma) and “Tipiṭakācariya” (Proficiency in all three baskets of the Pāḷi Canon) from the Monk University of Sri Viddyodaya Parivena, Sri Lanka. The Venerable has also been awarded the title of “Dhammakitti Sri” (Fame and Glory in the Dhamma) from the Rāmañña Mahānikāya of Sri Lanka.
    Apart from his scholarly achievements, the Venerable has been a forest monk meditating at various forest monasteries in Sri Lanka as a part of his monastic training. He has spent time meditating at the Nā-Uyana Monastery under the Mahākammaṭṭhānācariya most Venerable Nā-Uyane Ariyadhamma Mahāthero. Following that, he visited Myanmar in 2003 to study meditation under the Aggamahākammaṭṭhānācariya most Venerable Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw Bhaddanta U Āciṇṇa.
    The Venerable has subsequently attended the six-month Intensive Meditation Retreat in 2010 at Pa-Auk Tawya, Mawlamyine, and also the four-month Intensive Meditation Retreat held at Pyin Oo Lwin (Maymyo) in 2013, both under the most Venerable Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw. He has also visited Myanmar on several occasions for self-retreats and self-study at Pa-Auk Tawya, Mawlamyine.
    The Venerable has led many discussions on meditation and the Dhamma (especially on the Abhidhamma) and conducted many retreats. He has been featured in both Buddhist Television and National Radio periodically and is well respected among the lay and monastic community in Sri Lanka. He is fluent in Pāḷi, Sinhala and English. He has authored more than 20 Dhamma Books in Sinhala and one book in Pāḷi.
    He lives a life dedicated to the Buddhasāsana and he works tirelessly towards the advancement and propagation of the Dhamma. He has propagated the True Dhamma in many overseas countries, including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea, Australia, France, Italy, and Switzerland.
    【善至承长老 生平简介】
    善至承尊者,1981年11月16日出生于斯里兰卡康提。16岁在安拔兰果德 (Ambalangoda) 的室利·咖离亚尼修行园派 (Śrī Kalyāṇī Yogāśrama Saṁsthā) 出家为沙马内勒。20岁达上为比库,2006年1月20日又依止迭瓦高德吉祥大长老 (Devagoda Maṅgala Mahāthero) 和龙树林圣法大长老 (Nā-Uyane Ariyadhamma Mahāthero) 重新达上。
    尊者在斯里兰卡曾追随多位著名的博学长老学习,因而精通戒律、巴利语和阿毗达摩,并获斯里兰卡室利·咖离亚尼修行园派授予“律藏专精师”(Vinaya Visārada)、“阿毗达摩专精师”(Abhidhamma Visārada)、“三藏法师”(Tipiṭakācariya)、“法集[论]诵者”(Dhammasaṅgaṇībhānaka)、“分别[论]诵者”(Vibhaṅgabhānaka) 荣衔,获斯里兰卡明生大学 (University of Viddyodaya Parivena) 授予“阿毗达摩专精师”、“三藏法师”荣衔,以及斯里兰卡拉曼雅派 (Rāmañña Mahānikāya) 授予“法之荣誉”(Dhammakitti Sri) 称号。
    除了学术成就外,尊者以作为一名森林僧的寺院训练的一部分,曾在斯里兰卡的不同禅林中禅修。他曾在龙树林 (Nā-Uyana) 寺追随最受尊敬的业处大导师圣法大长老禅修。接着于2003年赴缅甸帕奥禅林,追随最受尊敬的至上业处大导师帕奥西亚多阿金纳尊者修习禅法。尊者也参加了帕奥西亚多于2010年在帕奥禅林指导的密集禅修营,和2013年在眉缪的禅修营。尊者也曾多次赴缅甸帕奥禅林自修和自学。
    Buddha Sāsanaṃ Ciraṃ Tiṭṭhatu.

ความคิดเห็น • 4

  • @jayanthimallika6057
    @jayanthimallika6057 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    සාදු සාදු සාදු 🙏🙏🙏

  • @lakshmirajapakse4430
    @lakshmirajapakse4430 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @manjulakumara7036
    @manjulakumara7036 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ඔබ වහන්සේට නිදුක් නිරොගි දිර්ගායුෂම ලැබෙවා ස්වාමීන්වහන්ස තෙරැවන් සරණයි .🙏🙏🙏

  • @laugary8186
    @laugary8186 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sādhu sādhu sādhu