There's been a few changes to the standard spec very recently. I've had mine on order since January and just got my build slot. Soft close doors, comfort access, ambient lighting as well as surround view with active parking, plus a few other bits have just been added as standard. Roll on end of September for me. Cayenne S E-Hybrid, can't wait!
ive an s e hybrid on order too for august collection, that extra spec comes at an extra price, although i will be asking the original agreed price remains the same.
Great review as ever Nobby tho it's better looking than it ever was and the rear definitely looks better than the front but to me it's still not a pretty car. It's basically an Audi in a posher frock and they've nicked the cooling wireless charging pad from the latest Skoda's parts bin plus the boot is no bigger than my new car which is a Corolla Sport Tourer hybrid. Yep the Kadjar is gone! I don't doubt its performance credentials but I'd have to say no.
There's been a few changes to the standard spec very recently. I've had mine on order since January and just got my build slot. Soft close doors, comfort access, ambient lighting as well as surround view with active parking, plus a few other bits have just been added as standard. Roll on end of September for me. Cayenne S E-Hybrid, can't wait!
ive an s e hybrid on order too for august collection, that extra spec comes at an extra price, although i will be asking the original agreed price remains the same.
I think it’s good value in comparison to X5, GLE, Q8 etc….. if I had that kind of money it would be top of my list.
it truly is for a Porsche badge!
Sounds class.. smiles for miles ...recently drove 4.4 v8 petrol range rover with sports exhaust,...what a trill ,another great video nobby .
I'll see you..... on the far side!!! no partner in crime today.
Great review, it's a very respectable price point for a 6 cylinder Porsche, I like it.
Great video. The shots at the estuary look really good.
i had one for two hours before i would commit to an order, got 70km out of the battery from PCD out to swords and along the M50
Great drone work Mark. Thirsty with the batteries.
It still looks the business. I'd really like one of these, but it's out of my league. Great review, as always.
I have the S-hybrid. It’s good for 48 miles electric range..
Very nice. Where do you live? Question behind the question is how temperature may affect range.
Great review as ever Nobby tho it's better looking than it ever was and the rear definitely looks better than the front but to me it's still not a pretty car. It's basically an Audi in a posher frock and they've nicked the cooling wireless charging pad from the latest Skoda's parts bin plus the boot is no bigger than my new car which is a Corolla Sport Tourer hybrid. Yep the Kadjar is gone! I don't doubt its performance credentials but I'd have to say no.
Trolling us with the 2004 on the thumbnail Mark!! 😂
Jesus I only copped that 🤣
Every mans dream
Great review, beautiful machine. Makes larger EV’s like the BMW i5 and KIA EV9 look really poor value.
Brilliant car. Pity about the old climate crisis. Depreciation on EVs will be the least of future generations worries I am guessing.
PHEv - computer says no 😳❗️
Competing with Land Rover for ......... least reliable brand. Oops
Land rover is way less reliable. That is such an overpaid brand.
@beunhaas1587 you can't afford either cars don't worry stick to your Prius 😂
So much to say on what you’ve never owned huh
I’d rather the vw tourag