If someone is obese (>100 kg and 167cm due to years of not taking care and eating junk) and not trying to lose weight, is in a bit of calorie deficit and exercising 3-4 days per week. And suddenly lost period? Hormone levels thyroid to testosterone and all come normal. Why?
A year later I see this LOL.... sorry. The bodyweight thing CAN be less relevant if there is a history oh weightloss but it's not right now. It's also possible you have POI, which may be more the thing.
I'm 19 years old i am underweight i missed one period untill now i live a very unhealthy lifestyle should i first consult s doctor or try to improve my lifestyle and gain some weight to get my periods back naturally??
If someone is obese (>100 kg and 167cm due to years of not taking care and eating junk) and not trying to lose weight, is in a bit of calorie deficit and exercising 3-4 days per week.
And suddenly lost period? Hormone levels thyroid to testosterone and all come normal.
A year later I see this LOL.... sorry. The bodyweight thing CAN be less relevant if there is a history oh weightloss but it's not right now. It's also possible you have POI, which may be more the thing.
Thank you ! I truly needed to hear this..💟
my doctor said my amenorrhea was due to stress not low body weight or overexercising for me
Sure, get a another opinion tho!
How to deal with the symptoms of estrogen deficiency while trying to recover from HA
Body aches and dementia like symptoms
The only weigh through HA related symptoms is to deal with HA. There is no side-baring to resolve it separately
I'm 19 years old i am underweight i missed one period untill now i live a very unhealthy lifestyle should i first consult s doctor or try to improve my lifestyle and gain some weight to get my periods back naturally??