I was a Raging Alcoholic. But four nights of reading The Book of Mormon, I felt the Spirit each night, so much, I forgot to keep drinking destructively. Been baptised, and without the Divine Book of Mormon, I would not be 45 days sober, and jubilant. Praise Jesus and the final dispensation in His Name.
I finished reading the Book of Mormon for the first time last night. I have been waiting to kneel and pray because I fear the answer I would receive. I didn’t know what would happen. I saw this video and it gave me a most powerful and strong feeling that what I have read is true. Testifying of Christ. I now the Book of Mormon is a true book. Joseph smith is absolutely a true profit. I am begging to read it over again. I challenge anyone here to read it and feel it’s truth.
It's been a while since you made this comment... I was just curious on how you were doing and how strong your testimony has increased in your journey over time... I too also am reading the book of Mormon for the first time... Im studying it slow and steady but daily and very prayerfully 🙏 and much pondering 🤔 before, during and after believing with faith having repented of my sins daily and asking of God, I receive many miracles and gifts of the spirit, From GOD thru the gift of the Holy Ghost 👻. PERSONAL REVELATION . this is the most important thing in my life that I hold closest to my heart. I'd love to get some feedback on this message. Thank you and God bless. 🙏
The timing you cite is no coincidence , and stands as CONFIRMATION of the witness you've received of The Divinity of its origins , and of The Divinity OF *THIS* WORK .
The more I read the Book of Mormon the greater my witness becomes of it absolute truth, it took the best minds of over a millennium to record, compile by the hands of Mormon and finally translated by a humble farm boy in record time. The power of this book and it's witness of the risen Christ is unequaled all of history it is truly a work of Divinity. Over the course of a life time the only way to explain this great work is to profess that it is exactly what it claims to be, a book translated by a very simple boy who only the Lord could turn into a prophet (Joseph Smith Jr) who gave his last breath as a martyr as a final witness that he was exactly who he claimed to be sealing his life work with his blood. How grateful I am for this life changing work that has brought me to a knowledge of my Savior.
So true. Glorious Non-believers should truly ask themselves your kind of profound questions: If the book is just "silly", ask "Know anyone persecuted and killed over beliefs others think silly? Why persecute or kill someone who claims to be Christian with slightly different views about that doctrine and a the reality of Christ than your own? This is a really big difference, a paradoxical double standard. If belief in a new book of scripture is just silly, why more than just rolled eyes. Why the extreme, profound hatred. Why a malevolence so beyond reason and humane conscience it led to the only religious group in U.S. history to have an Extermination Order issued - making it legal to MURDER all its men, women, and children. Something so heinous, we literally SHAME the same as Nazi ideology that exterminated Jews in WWII. Why, if it's just silly? Why not just live and let live? The truth is - for anyone honest - this book stirs up something far a most sinister response by non-believers. You've heard, "To every action, there is an equal and OPPOSITE reaction"? Do you suppose Christ stirs up such hatred? Really? If you believe so, you have a serious problem squaring it with the New Testament. If, therefore, it is Satan doing the stirring, a) why the extraordinary attention (for something merely silly, just misguided), and b) why do so many side with his evil doings. Does Satan seek to destroy FALSEhoods with such fervor, or TRUTHS? Destroying falsehoods counters everything Satan represents, doesn't it. So, which is it. Silliness worth ignoring as myth...but leads to a war waged by Satan against, OR something completely different worthy of the most profound study?
@@kjshelley You are right! In fact, the harrassment is only proof of its truth! Its been said that the truth will be hated and harrassed, and you can see this more and more. Critics only proves it right once again!!
@@lmordin I don't know about this person. But to me, It brings peace, It helps me to think more clearly, to be more patient and kind. These are the fruits of the Spirit.
Thank you brother Callister. I too add my witness of the truthfulness of The Book of Mormon. The Spirit of the Holy Ghost has borne a witness to my soul that the Book of Mormon is true. I will take that knowledge and testimony to my grave. No power on this earth can shake my faith on this one point. Like Joseph, I know it and I know that God knows that I know it and I cannot deny it and because I know the Book of Mormon is true, I know that Joseph Smith is His prophet and that he opened this last dispensation prior-to the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If anyone will humble themselves before the Lord and read the Book of Mormon with an honest heart, they will receive a witness for themselves that it is true. God bless you all in your individual search for truth.
I have had some wonderful spiritual moments reading the Book of Mormon. A feeling of peace light and warmth. Many of The teachings of the Saviour are clear and it is blessed my life along with other scriptures including the Bible. Just loved this talk Thankyou so much for sharing it.
One of the most sacred experience I've had in my life with the Savior has been while reading the Book of Mormon. I am so grateful to my Father in heaven for this miraculous gift.
Without the Book of Mormon, I would not be a Christian but would still be an agnostic. It as well as the existence of living prophets and apostles, and the testimony of the Spirit are what pulled me out of agnosticism.
Book of Mormon Alma 37:6 ''small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.'' AMEN 🙏🏽
This is one of my favorite talks on the Book of Mormon! The Book of Mormon IS my rod of iron; I KNOW it is true! And this video describes many of the reasons why.
I have been on both sides. I was an Anti-Christ and a Member of this church and I will vehemently declare that The Book of Mormon is as much the Word of God as is the Bible.
I'm from the Navajo Nation. I'm from the Tower clan, kin ya ahii. The great Tower. It's on the book of Mormon. There was such a group of people that left the place of Egypt. The people that came out across the red Sea when the great wide water opened wide as dry ground. These were our ancestors that Left Egypt. Even when powerful leaders said no, don't go, but God said, leave now Do not be afraid of what will happen to you people. These people consider them they came from the great Towers of (permin). Kin ya a hii, Moses names in Navajo is bitter water Ta dii chili, he is the leader that hit the rock with his cane, water came out bitter. Salt clan too, a woman that didn't listen to her husband, she looked back and turned to salt. Like these clans , there are 12 t original clan. All other clans are immigrants into the Navajo Nation the dine. Book of Mormon is the history of native American ancestors story,. Where the Navajo Nation came from. It's true history book, it's not fake, it real story of past American leaders. They had a great fall and became fall away from God. Amen
What a wonderful talk. The church is true. The Book of Mormon is the word of God. And Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. I feel so blessed to be part of such a work and wonder.
I have only been a member for a year now and was given the Book of Mormon. I have read a lot of it. I became ill and had to stop reading for a while. This book is filled with God's spirit. I have learned more and have com closer to Him. This was a great video. God bless you.
How is your health I hope you're doing better I know the power of the book of Mormon and the blessings and brings into my life nothing shy of miraculous 🙏
..pulled out my worn Book of Mormon, and noted my entries. One in particular struck me, as the page fell open at Third Nephi. I had scrawled 2500 as a reminder of the detail contained in the book. Watching this, and actually hearing that number spoken in relation to the Saviour's visit, was cause to pause and be grateful. Yes, it was a coincidence that I had read and clicked on to this particular talk only a few hours apart, whole searching for some cool guitar clips. Just raises a smile when I think about it. I have a lot to be grateful for.
I sincerely and enthusiastically appreciate Brother Callister for this fine speech on his findings with regard to the subject of the Book of Mormon. I just want to say that these are dark times in the history of the world. Every day I see the momentum of evil and I feel helpless and unable to help my fellow man to find peace and comfort in the current climate of our country. However, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the gospel of Christ have continued to help me to stay focused and abide in peace.
You are correct! The Holy Bible is given of God. I know it teaches the gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ. I also know the Book of Mormon is also given of God and testifies of Christ as the Bible does. If you read the Book of Mormon, you will see it teaches and testifies of the doctrine of Christ. The Bible and the Book of Mormon work together in their testimony of our Savior.
Oh yes, I'm reading the Bible again right now, and it's such a blessing. Even with the suspicious parts (especially in the Old Testament), it's still one of the best things I've ever read.
And because my words shall hiss forth-many of the Gentiles shall say: A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible. 4 But thus saith the Lord God: O fools, they shall have a Bible; and it shall proceed forth from the Jews, mine ancient covenant people. And what thank they the Jews for the Bible which they receive from them? Yea, what do the Gentiles mean? Do they remember the travails, and the labors, and the pains of the Jews, and their diligence unto me, in bringing forth salvation unto the Gentiles? 5 O ye Gentiles, have ye remembered the Jews, mine ancient covenant people? Nay; but ye have cursed them, and have hated them, and have not sought to recover them. But behold, I will return all these things upon your own heads; for I the Lord have not forgotten my people. 6 Thou fool, that shall say: A Bible, we have got a Bible, and we need no more Bible. Have ye obtained a Bible save it were by the Jews? 7 Know ye not that there are more nations than one? Know ye not that I, the Lord your God, have created all men, and that I remember those who are upon the isles of the sea; and that I rule in the heavens above and in the earth beneath; and I bring forth my word unto the children of men, yea, even upon all the nations of the earth? 8 Wherefore murmur ye, because that ye shall receive more of my word? Know ye not that the testimony of two nations is a witness unto you that I am God, that I remember one nation like unto another? Wherefore, I speak the same words unto one nation like unto another. And when the two nations shall run together the testimony of the two nations shall run together also. 9 And I do this that I may prove unto many that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and that I speak forth my words according to mine own pleasure. And because that I have spoken one word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be until the end of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever. 10 Wherefore, because that ye have a Bible ye need not suppose that it contains all my words; neither need ye suppose that I have not caused more to be written. - -2 Nephi 29
Though considered an unlearned man in the traditional sense of the word, Joseph was probably highly intelligent and I suppose it is remotely possible that someone could write something like the book of Mormon. But this is so unlikely considering the story line in itself would take quite an imagination much less the coming up with like Alma's sermon on faith and other doctrines.
Great teaching! I just finished the first reading of The Book of Mormon and I could feel Its great spiritual power! God really speaks through the Book! I am brazilian and my English is not so good, please forgive me!
Before been convert, I knew that must accompany the Bible before one could understand the Bible otherwise the Bible will be meaningless. But after meeting the missionaries and asked do you think Bible alone can help me understand God? They said no. I am with the right people. I would have sent them away. As I read I greatly felt the spirit of God. Indeed this is my testimony and I feel proud to be a member.
Let’s also not forget Luck Smith’s statement in her autobiography; “During our evening conversations, Joseph would occasionally give us some of the most amusing recitals that could be imagined. He would describe the ancient inhabitants of this continent, their dress, mode of travelling, and the animals upon which they rode; their cities, their buildings, with every particular; their mode of warfare; and also their religious worship. This he would do with as much ease, seemingly, as if he had spent his whole life with them." Joseph Smith was giving these recitals long before the BoM was written.
I love your talks and books. I love your style and how you use logic and fact with such expertise. I don’t see how anyone could listen to you and not believe! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and talent.
People refuse to believe all manner of things regardless of the facts. I see it all the blasted time. It's become clear to me that it isn't an aspect of human nature to follow logic when it contradicts emotion. I mean, would you listen if a Book of Mormon critic provided solid hard evidence that it had all been a hoax? Mind you, I haven't found one who's done a very good job of that, but still, just consider it.
I know it's the truth because I prayed about it before I even went to this church I didn't even know anything about this church when I prayed I asked God where he wanted me to go because I knew nothing about his church and this is where he sent me the very next day exactly what I asked for happened
Love that we are invited to know for ourselves by studying it. It is great to have critics as it helps keep us honest in always actively confirming truth by seeking ourselves instead of relying on people who we dont know or know there logic. Bit like Korihor who was so popular because people were too lazy to work it out themselves. Good skill to have when knowing what is true.
Bro. Callister, great talk, I just wish you would include the next few words in Oliver Cowdry's testimony, where he specifically states that the gift and power of God that Joseph Smith used to translate the plates was through the Urim and Thummim. 😊
The foundation of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ. It is by Him and through Him we can return to our Heavenly Home with God. The Book of Mormon, Holy Bible, and revelation from modern day prophets and apostles (from Joseph Smith to President Nelson, our current prophet) turns us to Christ and guides us to Christ...to follow Christ and use His Atonement in our lives. The Book of Mormon compliments the Holy Bible in bringing the reader closer to Christ. Believing the Book of Mormon to be true goes hand in hand with believing Joseph Smith was a prophet of God because if the Book of Mormon is true, Joseph Smith translated an ancient record by divine revelation, Joseph Smith was not a fraud, there are modern prophets that know God's will for His people today, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Christ's true and living church on the earth today. If the Book of Mormon is not true, Joseph Smith was a fraud and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is just another religion that believes in Christ. While the Book of Mormon, the contents, and who wrote it is not the true foundation of our religion (Jesus Christ is), believing the Book of Mormon is true and believing Joseph Smith was a prophet of God (like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, etc.) are foundational beliefs. Joseph Smith said the Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. Jesus Christ is the rock upon which we should build.
I know that The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ is the word of God by the Holy Spirit. I know it, not of myself, but by the Holy Spirit. What evidences come support my faith in Jesus Christ, but they don't define it. I pray that everyone can have that type of witness and keep it by living the commandments in honesty and truth. That's been my experience thus far.
To be honest when I compare the justification passages to similar verses in the new testament I have a real problem, I need the blood of Christ because I am not perfect, who has ever loved god with ALL their mind might heart and strength? If I'm being honest the new testament Gospel demonstrates gods love in saving me from my sins, which is important to me!
Remember that the Book of Mormon is just another Testament (Testimony to) of Jesus Christ. I was born-again (John 3:3/7) on February 23, 1974, but after having a vivid dream in November 2018 that the Book of Mormon is true Scripture and another testimony that Jesus Christ rose again and appeared to the peoples of the America's I just had to read it for myself. Now, 16 months later I have read it the second time and I concur that the Book of Mormon is Holy Scripture that was written by Nephi as a future record on brass metal plates and that Joseph Smith was shown where they were and given divine help to translate them to English for us today. It's a matter of Faith and if you don't believe it you will just miss out on the blessings that Heavenly Father has for you in this life and the next.
Danvan2 Those who accept Jesus Christ as The Lord and savior, and repent. You are washed by his blood. Jesus said in John 14 15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
The Blood of Christ washes us clean when we choose to accept His authority as our Savior. In the New Testament He organizes His church presided over by His authority which He bestowed upon His apostles telling them to go, teach, and baptize in my name. The Book of Mormon is His word to us today testifying that He stands ready to wash us with His blood. With the Book of Mormon another testament of Jesus Christ the authority and sanctifying power is found in His restored church. Just as in days of old, proving that He is the same yesterday and today! Portraying the Bible as His complete word I’d absurd when one knows anything about the birth and evolution of the book. However, with a companion scripture, presented in Devine purity, the Bible is in effect resurrected and restored to its perfect and proper frame.
De tempos em tempos que há o avanço na obra de Deus parece que a ira do mal tenta nos atingir. Mas como uma muralha cada um dos membros da Igreja com os seus testemunhos e convênios somos impenetráveis e inquebrantáveis, como são tudo o que o Espírito recebe que vem suavemente do Espírito Santo. Amo esta obra.
I know 100% that the Book of Mormon is true without a doubt! There is no way it’s not true it’s just people opinion to think that’s it’s not true. If it’s not true where is the 100% proof? There is none people just say that so people won’t read it.
Joseph Smith was a true prophet. So meny weak indaviguales try to find fault to avoid the responsibility of change repentance to grow up and become like our Heavenly parents. Truly the essence or purposes of life is growth and to become and to overcome. God our Heavenly Father has always called and worked through true living prophets. I love God and his true living church .I just wish I were stronger in overcoming my weaknesses but a baby just does not pop into being an adult. I will just try to enjoy the journey. Love
I know it's true! If it wasn't then Joseph Smith would have to be an expert in Philosophy, Geography, Religion, History, Geology, Anthropology, Literature, also a Lucky predictor of future events and much much more...I find it easier to believe he is a Prophet!
Why does he act like people are attacking the church? Like what’s with the persecution complex? The grand majority of these critics are just historians who really don’t care about the LDS church one way or another.
I don't know a Christian sect more rejected by mainstream Christianity.. and the of have ex-mormons turned anti-mormon which is a growing sentiment currently.. they bitterly seek to tear down the church
try www.fairmormon.org/ and look up "the late war." They treat the subject at length. The supposed connection is another of a host of theories which are groping explain the Book of Mormon by something other than what the Book claims about itself, what Joseph Smith claimed about it, and what the Spirit of God has witnessed to so many of us. God wants us to approach the book on His terms, not ours. That is the test. You are required to get a testimony yourself, not trust somebody with a Fudd (Phd) after their name. After all, it was the Fudds of Jesus' day (the Scribes and Pharisees) who challenged Christ and were put to shame by the simple men of Galilee who had a testimony from God.
Explaining where the Book of Mormon came from its easy. A future time traveler took a Book of Mormon back in time and gave it to Joseph Smith, who then dictated it to his scribes. It then is published and goes normally into the future, then goes back to the past. Which is easier to accept, the angel story or the time travel story? The latter explains where the Book of Mormon comes from (the future) and who wrote it (no one). At some point someone in the future will travel to the past to give it to Joseph Smith. It then comes around full circle. It couldn't be more simple. So why does my head hurt?
Josephs dad farmed in the summer months and taught school in the winter months so Joseph had schooling, both in the classroom as well as by his dad in their home, as did his siblings
Yes, Joseph was home taught, but is father had even less formal education than Joseph. According to Lucy Mack Smith, they only ever had two books in their home, and one was the Bible.
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
I agree with the brother that spoke these great words at BYU and other places. This presentation is true. I myself ,speak to others that cannot believe in the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith writings for whatever reasons. It seems like people can believe rumor and critics of the Book of Mormon. All I can say is they are too lazy to seek out the truth for themselves. The Lord does not want the lazy. In the Gospel of Jesus Christ we all work hard to understand the truth and the Gospel of Jesus. It takes effort. It even takes real intent of the heart to be motivated to be able to pray for understanding and Truth. If someone is that lazy, they will stay in a damned state for the rest of their life ! And when you leave this world and you meet the Lord , He will say, too bad so sad, you had the truth but you was too lazy to seek the truth!
For those who say that the Book of Mormon is not true, then i have a few questions. Do you truly believe that Jesus Christ is God? If Jesus speaks, do you listen and believe? In John 10:16, the Savior says: And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. I dont care if you believe in the Book of Mormon or not, because it is between you and God and not anyone else what you believe. But if you truly say that you believe Jesus is God and that he spoke those words, then how can you not believe that he did what he said in appearing to others not of his current fold and that he would bring them into his fold? There are records from multiple cultures around the world that state they were visited by God. All stories are different, but does that make them all untrue? There are recorded histories from Russia, China, Japan, India, and many other countries/cultures that profess their ancestors had visits from a God. Many of their stories have similar teachings as what was taught by Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. Are their stories untrue? Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that the Book of Mormon came from people who lived in the Americas somewhere. Have you done any research to find any truths to that claim? The Sioux (Dakota), Potawatomi (Bodéwadmi), Stockbridge (Mahican), and other Indian peoples residing in Wisconsin and Canada. Delegations from the Sauk (Asakiwaki) and Fox (Meskwaki) tribes among many other tribes in North America state in their oral and written histories that their ancestors had visits from the great Spirit. There are also artifacts being found that prove their ancestors were already religious before any Christian missionaries came to them. In Central and South America, only 1% of the ancient ruins have been discovered, uncovered, or researched. Multiple of the native people who live in Central or in South America have also stated that their ancestors had visits from a Great Spirit or a God. There are also ancient artifacts that depict the visitations as well as a religious culture having been present. At least 75% of the anachronisms written in the Book of Mormon have now been found either in South, Central, or in North America. So in the end, if you can only believe that only the Isrealites had God and wrote scripture, then you are blind to the histories of people across the world. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. How can God be a merciful God and only tell one people his word and leave the rest to never know him past or present? He didnt leave them to their own devices, because he loved everyone. Jesus knew that his Apostles didnt know there were people in other lands where they couldn't travel to preach. So he said he would go himself. Believe in the Book of Mormon or not, but its a fact that something happened around the world whether you believe it or not. Someday all will be judged. Do you want to be open to possibilities or closed to his word because its not in the Bible? You decide!
On plagiarism, you missed the book ‘the late war’, written only a few years before the Book of Mormon. Compare those two if this church is indeed unshakable
Brother Callister wrote a book, A Case for the Book of Mormon, which includes a discussion on the Late War. Thank you for asking questions! Questions are the best. ☺
I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know it without doubt. I will spend the rest of my life bearing testimony of it. Thank you for this beautiful testimony Elder Callister. The spirit pierced my soul. This book is true.
I love the Book of Mormon it is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith is A True Prophet of the Restoration. Oliver Cowdery & Sidney Rigdon are both called of GOD.
One is able to discern the truth of God within any religious document. I attended a baptism tonight at a small RLDS church. I carried with me the ESV Bible, The Book of Mormon, and a copy of the Quran. Around my neck? A pagan symbol. Tattooed to the top of my right hand? Alpha and Omega. There is room for everyone at God’s table, including non-believers. Let love rule. AMDG
Brothers & Sisters we have to remember and consider logic, that within the times of 1800s it was about Minerals & Negotiations as is still prolonging in these times. The Book of Mormon is relative clear as complete. & as also a True Testimony of the Holy Bible but not complete as much persecution was conducted against Prophets of Jesus Christ.
One claims to be continued revelation and a second testimony of Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ prophesied about in the old Testament and written about in the New Testament. A second witness of Christ, to be used with and addition to. The other claims the Jews, and Christians are a fallen people, Jesus is not The Christ but a mere prophet who is less than the Prophet Mohamed and that the Quran is the only source of truth. My suggestion is to read both books for yourself, and enjoy the journey.
Another thought regarding the gold plates besides the fact God warned Joseph to protect them with his life and not giving them to him until he could resist the temptation to get gain from the gold, a large portion of the plates were sealed which God did not yet want revealed so I'm pretty sure the angel Moroni was sent to retrieve them until the Lord want's the remainder of the record brought forth.
I am Ronnie Yopp & can testify that The Book of Mormon is true! I prayed about it for days and God answered my question..pray whole hearted,sincerely he will always answer.
I was a Raging Alcoholic.
But four nights of reading The Book of Mormon, I felt the Spirit each night, so much, I forgot to keep drinking destructively.
Been baptised, and without the Divine Book of Mormon, I would not be 45 days sober, and jubilant.
Praise Jesus and the final dispensation in His Name.
Im so proud of you Dean, good job!
And so is the lord!!
Rock on dude
I finished reading the Book of Mormon for the first time last night. I have been waiting to kneel and pray because I fear the answer I would receive. I didn’t know what would happen. I saw this video and it gave me a most powerful and strong feeling that what I have read is true. Testifying of Christ. I now the Book of Mormon is a true book. Joseph smith is absolutely a true profit. I am begging to read it over again. I challenge anyone here to read it and feel it’s truth.
It's been a while since you made this comment... I was just curious on how you were doing and how strong your testimony has increased in your journey over time... I too also am reading the book of Mormon for the first time... Im studying it slow and steady but daily and very prayerfully 🙏 and much pondering 🤔 before, during and after believing with faith having repented of my sins daily and asking of God, I receive many miracles and gifts of the spirit, From GOD thru the gift of the Holy Ghost 👻. PERSONAL REVELATION . this is the most important thing in my life that I hold closest to my heart. I'd love to get some feedback on this message. Thank you and God bless. 🙏
The timing you cite is no coincidence , and stands as CONFIRMATION of the witness you've received of The Divinity of its origins , and of The Divinity OF *THIS* WORK .
I recieved a copy just recently it is not the original copy I used to read years back,.
The more I read the Book of Mormon the greater my witness becomes of it absolute truth, it took the best minds of over a millennium to record, compile by the hands of Mormon and finally translated by a humble farm boy in record time. The power of this book and it's witness of the risen Christ is unequaled all of history it is truly a work of Divinity. Over the course of a life time the only way to explain this great work is to profess that it is exactly what it claims to be, a book translated by a very simple boy who only the Lord could turn into a prophet (Joseph Smith Jr) who gave his last breath as a martyr as a final witness that he was exactly who he claimed to be sealing his life work with his blood. How grateful I am for this life changing work that has brought me to a knowledge of my Savior.
So true. Glorious
Non-believers should truly ask themselves your kind of profound questions:
If the book is just "silly", ask "Know anyone persecuted and killed over beliefs others think silly? Why persecute or kill someone who claims to be Christian with slightly different views about that doctrine and a the reality of Christ than your own?
This is a really big difference, a paradoxical double standard. If belief in a new book of scripture is just silly, why more than just rolled eyes. Why the extreme, profound hatred. Why a malevolence so beyond reason and humane conscience it led to the only religious group in U.S. history to have an Extermination Order issued - making it legal to MURDER all its men, women, and children. Something so heinous, we literally SHAME the same as Nazi ideology that exterminated Jews in WWII. Why, if it's just silly? Why not just live and let live?
The truth is - for anyone honest - this book stirs up something far a most sinister response by non-believers. You've heard, "To every action, there is an equal and OPPOSITE reaction"? Do you suppose Christ stirs up such hatred? Really? If you believe so, you have a serious problem squaring it with the New Testament. If, therefore, it is Satan doing the stirring, a) why the extraordinary attention (for something merely silly, just misguided), and b) why do so many side with his evil doings. Does Satan seek to destroy FALSEhoods with such fervor, or TRUTHS? Destroying falsehoods counters everything Satan represents, doesn't it.
So, which is it. Silliness worth ignoring as myth...but leads to a war waged by Satan against, OR something completely different worthy of the most profound study?
@@kjshelley You are right!
In fact, the harrassment is only proof of its truth! Its been said that the truth will be hated and harrassed, and you can see this more and more. Critics only proves it right once again!!
I been reading the Book of Mormon and it has helped me get through this semester at school.
How did it help you?
@@lmordin I don't know about this person. But to me, It brings peace, It helps me to think more clearly, to be more patient and kind. These are the fruits of the Spirit.
Thank you brother Callister. I too add my witness of the truthfulness of The Book of Mormon. The Spirit of the Holy Ghost has borne a witness to my soul that the Book of Mormon is true. I will take that knowledge and testimony to my grave. No power on this earth can shake my faith on this one point. Like Joseph, I know it and I know that God knows that I know it and I cannot deny it and because I know the Book of Mormon is true, I know that Joseph Smith is His prophet and that he opened this last dispensation prior-to the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If anyone will humble themselves before the Lord and read the Book of Mormon with an honest heart, they will receive a witness for themselves that it is true. God bless you all in your individual search for truth.
I have had some wonderful spiritual moments reading the Book of Mormon. A feeling of peace light and warmth. Many of The teachings of the Saviour are clear and it is blessed my life along with other scriptures including the Bible. Just loved this talk
Thankyou so much for sharing it.
One of the most sacred experience I've had in my life with the Savior has been while reading the Book of Mormon. I am so grateful to my Father in heaven for this miraculous gift.
Without the Book of Mormon, I would not be a Christian but would still be an agnostic. It as well as the existence of living prophets and apostles, and the testimony of the Spirit are what pulled me out of agnosticism.
Book of Mormon
Alma 37:6
''small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.'' AMEN 🙏🏽
The latest edition of the Book of Mormon it has been changed again in my life time.
This is one of my favorite talks on the Book of Mormon! The Book of Mormon IS my rod of iron; I KNOW it is true! And this video describes many of the reasons why.
I have been on both sides. I was an Anti-Christ and a Member of this church and I will vehemently declare that The Book of Mormon is as much the Word of God as is the Bible.
Brother Callister wrote " The Atonement "
He is a genious.
Where can I find it?
I'm from the Navajo Nation. I'm from the Tower clan, kin ya ahii. The great Tower. It's on the book of Mormon. There was such a group of people that left the place of Egypt. The people that came out across the red Sea when the great wide water opened wide as dry ground. These were our ancestors that Left Egypt. Even when powerful leaders said no, don't go, but God said, leave now
Do not be afraid of what will happen to you people. These people consider them they came from the great Towers of (permin). Kin ya a hii, Moses names in Navajo is bitter water Ta dii chili, he is the leader that hit the rock with his cane, water came out bitter. Salt clan too, a woman that didn't listen to her husband, she looked back and turned to salt. Like these clans , there are 12 t original clan. All other clans are immigrants into the Navajo Nation the dine. Book of Mormon is the history of native American ancestors story,. Where the Navajo Nation came from. It's true history book, it's not fake, it real story of past American leaders. They had a great fall and became fall away from God. Amen
What a wonderful talk. The church is true. The Book of Mormon is the word of God. And Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. I feel so blessed to be part of such a work and wonder.
I love your testimony!!!!!! Stay strong no matter what
I have only been a member for a year now and was given the Book of Mormon. I have read a lot of it. I became ill and had to stop reading for a while. This book is filled with God's spirit. I have learned more and have com closer to Him. This was a great video. God bless you.
How is your health I hope you're doing better I know the power of the book of Mormon and the blessings and brings into my life nothing shy of miraculous 🙏
..pulled out my worn Book of Mormon, and noted my entries. One in particular struck me, as the page fell open at Third Nephi. I had scrawled 2500 as a reminder of the detail contained in the book. Watching this, and actually hearing that number spoken in relation to the Saviour's visit, was cause to pause and be grateful. Yes, it was a coincidence that I had read and clicked on to this particular talk only a few hours apart, whole searching for some cool guitar clips. Just raises a smile when I think about it. I have a lot to be grateful for.
Your coincidences are actually the spirit leading you
I sincerely and enthusiastically appreciate Brother Callister for this fine speech on his findings with regard to the subject of the Book of Mormon. I just want to say that these are dark times in the history of the world. Every day I see the momentum of evil and I feel helpless and unable to help my fellow man to find peace and comfort in the current climate of our country. However, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the gospel of Christ have continued to help me to stay focused and abide in peace.
A powerful testimony of The Book of Mormon and I too know its true and I know
these things by The Holy Ghost.
The Holy Bible is God given.
The Book of Mormon is also given by God.
You are correct! The Holy Bible is given of God. I know it teaches the gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ. I also know the Book of Mormon is also given of God and testifies of Christ as the Bible does. If you read the Book of Mormon, you will see it teaches and testifies of the doctrine of Christ. The Bible and the Book of Mormon work together in their testimony of our Savior.
Oh yes, I'm reading the Bible again right now, and it's such a blessing. Even with the suspicious parts (especially in the Old Testament), it's still one of the best things I've ever read.
And because my words shall hiss forth-many of the Gentiles shall say: A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible.
4 But thus saith the Lord God: O fools, they shall have a Bible; and it shall proceed forth from the Jews, mine ancient covenant people. And what thank they the Jews for the Bible which they receive from them? Yea, what do the Gentiles mean? Do they remember the travails, and the labors, and the pains of the Jews, and their diligence unto me, in bringing forth salvation unto the Gentiles?
5 O ye Gentiles, have ye remembered the Jews, mine ancient covenant people? Nay; but ye have cursed them, and have hated them, and have not sought to recover them. But behold, I will return all these things upon your own heads; for I the Lord have not forgotten my people.
6 Thou fool, that shall say: A Bible, we have got a Bible, and we need no more Bible. Have ye obtained a Bible save it were by the Jews?
7 Know ye not that there are more nations than one? Know ye not that I, the Lord your God, have created all men, and that I remember those who are upon the isles of the sea; and that I rule in the heavens above and in the earth beneath; and I bring forth my word unto the children of men, yea, even upon all the nations of the earth?
8 Wherefore murmur ye, because that ye shall receive more of my word? Know ye not that the testimony of two nations is a witness unto you that I am God, that I remember one nation like unto another? Wherefore, I speak the same words unto one nation like unto another. And when the two nations shall run together the testimony of the two nations shall run together also.
9 And I do this that I may prove unto many that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and that I speak forth my words according to mine own pleasure. And because that I have spoken one word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be until the end of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever.
10 Wherefore, because that ye have a Bible ye need not suppose that it contains all my words; neither need ye suppose that I have not caused more to be written. - -2 Nephi 29
Though considered an unlearned man in the traditional sense of the word, Joseph was probably highly intelligent and I suppose it is remotely possible that someone could write something like the book of Mormon. But this is so unlikely considering the story line in
itself would take quite an imagination much less the coming up with like Alma's sermon on faith and other doctrines.
And how could he write it in 63 days?
I disagree. Even if Joseph had a phd to pull off this amount of content in such a short time is impossible in my eyes.
@@ingyb6180 actually he didn't even write it - he DICTATE IT ONE TIME THROUGH. There is no explanation other than "by the power of God".
@Clark Brammer and how olive groves were tended, Jacob 5.
That old Tax Attorney is amazing on how much he knows. IMHO, Callister and Bytheway are the two most influential people in today's LDS church
Great teaching! I just finished the first reading of The Book of Mormon and I could feel Its great spiritual power! God really speaks through the Book! I am brazilian and my English is not so good, please forgive me!
Your English is actually very good 😊 👍
Before been convert, I knew that must accompany the Bible before one could understand the Bible otherwise the Bible will be meaningless. But after meeting the missionaries and asked do you think Bible alone can help me understand God? They said no. I am with the right people. I would have sent them away. As I read I greatly felt the spirit of God. Indeed this is my testimony and I feel proud to be a member.
Amen! We have so much evidence but faith and the Spirit are still required. What an absolute miracle it all is!
Let’s also not forget Luck Smith’s statement in her autobiography; “During our evening conversations, Joseph would occasionally give us some of the most amusing recitals that could be imagined. He would describe the ancient inhabitants of this continent, their dress, mode of travelling, and the animals upon which they rode; their cities, their buildings, with every particular; their mode of warfare; and also their religious worship. This he would do with as much ease, seemingly, as if he had spent his whole life with them."
Joseph Smith was giving these recitals long before the BoM was written.
Well researched, well spoken, and doctrine well taught. The Spirit was easy to feel while listening. Those who have ears, let them hear.
I love your talks and books. I love your style and how you use logic and fact with such expertise. I don’t see how anyone could listen to you and not believe! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and talent.
People refuse to believe all manner of things regardless of the facts. I see it all the blasted time. It's become clear to me that it isn't an aspect of human nature to follow logic when it contradicts emotion.
I mean, would you listen if a Book of Mormon critic provided solid hard evidence that it had all been a hoax?
Mind you, I haven't found one who's done a very good job of that, but still, just consider it.
I know it's the truth because I prayed about it before I even went to this church I didn't even know anything about this church when I prayed I asked God where he wanted me to go because I knew nothing about his church and this is where he sent me the very next day exactly what I asked for happened
Love that we are invited to know for ourselves by studying it. It is great to have critics as it helps keep us honest in always actively confirming truth by seeking ourselves instead of relying on people who we dont know or know there logic. Bit like Korihor who was so popular because people were too lazy to work it out themselves. Good skill to have when knowing what is true.
Nice honestly well and should stand up alone if one drops his own rocks.
Awesome. This man is remarkable. I could listen to him forever. He also is a gift from God.
@@Forestgump12able you're also a gift from God.
@@kultureking9177 And you, King! :) ;)
Bro. Callister, great talk, I just wish you would include the next few words in Oliver Cowdry's testimony, where he specifically states that the gift and power of God that Joseph Smith used to translate the plates was through the Urim and Thummim. 😊
Is the Mormon Faith about the contents of the book, or who wrote it. Just trying to understand the foundation of the religion/faith.
The foundation of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ. It is by Him and through Him we can return to our Heavenly Home with God. The Book of Mormon, Holy Bible, and revelation from modern day prophets and apostles (from Joseph Smith to President Nelson, our current prophet) turns us to Christ and guides us to Christ...to follow Christ and use His Atonement in our lives. The Book of Mormon compliments the Holy Bible in bringing the reader closer to Christ. Believing the Book of Mormon to be true goes hand in hand with believing Joseph Smith was a prophet of God because if the Book of Mormon is true, Joseph Smith translated an ancient record by divine revelation, Joseph Smith was not a fraud, there are modern prophets that know God's will for His people today, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Christ's true and living church on the earth today. If the Book of Mormon is not true, Joseph Smith was a fraud and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is just another religion that believes in Christ. While the Book of Mormon, the contents, and who wrote it is not the true foundation of our religion (Jesus Christ is), believing the Book of Mormon is true and believing Joseph Smith was a prophet of God (like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, etc.) are foundational beliefs. Joseph Smith said the Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. Jesus Christ is the rock upon which we should build.
I know that The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ is the word of God by the Holy Spirit. I know it, not of myself, but by the Holy Spirit. What evidences come support my faith in Jesus Christ, but they don't define it. I pray that everyone can have that type of witness and keep it by living the commandments in honesty and truth. That's been my experience thus far.
I'm thankful for my testimony of Joseph Smith and the book of Mormon. Jesus Christ truly did visit the American content.
God is highest precision! Hebrews 4:12
To be honest when I compare the justification passages to similar verses in the new testament I have a real problem, I need the blood of Christ because I am not perfect, who has ever loved god with ALL their mind might heart and strength? If I'm being honest the new testament Gospel demonstrates gods love in saving me from my sins, which is important to me!
Remember that the Book of Mormon is just another Testament (Testimony to) of Jesus Christ. I was born-again (John 3:3/7) on February 23, 1974, but after having a vivid dream in November 2018 that the Book of Mormon is true Scripture and another testimony that Jesus Christ rose again and appeared to the peoples of the America's I just had to read it for myself. Now, 16 months later I have read it the second time and I concur that the Book of Mormon is Holy Scripture that was written by Nephi as a future record on brass metal plates and that Joseph Smith was shown where they were and given divine help to translate them to English for us today. It's a matter of Faith and if you don't believe it you will just miss out on the blessings that Heavenly Father has for you in this life and the next.
Those who accept Jesus Christ as The Lord and savior, and repent. You are washed by his blood.
Jesus said in John 14
15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
The Blood of Christ washes us clean when we choose to accept His authority as our Savior. In the New Testament He organizes His church presided over by His authority which He bestowed upon His apostles telling them to go, teach, and baptize in my name. The Book of Mormon is His word to us today testifying that He stands ready to wash us with His blood. With the Book of Mormon another testament of Jesus Christ the authority and sanctifying power is found in His restored church. Just as in days of old, proving that He is the same yesterday and today! Portraying the Bible as His complete word I’d absurd when one knows anything about the birth and evolution of the book. However, with a companion scripture, presented in Devine purity, the Bible is in effect resurrected and restored to its perfect and proper frame.
De tempos em tempos que há o avanço na obra de Deus parece que a ira do mal tenta nos atingir. Mas como uma muralha cada um dos membros da Igreja com os seus testemunhos e convênios somos impenetráveis e inquebrantáveis, como são tudo o que o Espírito recebe que vem suavemente do Espírito Santo. Amo esta obra.
A brilliant speech. And every word of it true.
I know 100% that the Book of Mormon is true without a doubt! There is no way it’s not true it’s just people opinion to think that’s it’s not true. If it’s not true where is the 100% proof? There is none people just say that so people won’t read it.
What an excellent speaker.
I love this talk.
Joseph Smith was a true prophet. So meny weak indaviguales try to find fault to avoid the responsibility of change repentance to grow up and become like our Heavenly parents. Truly the essence or purposes of life is growth and to become and to overcome. God our Heavenly Father has always called and worked through true living prophets. I love God and his true living church .I just wish I were stronger in overcoming my weaknesses but a baby just does not pop into being an adult. I will just try to enjoy the journey. Love
I know it's true! If it wasn't then Joseph Smith would have to be an expert in Philosophy, Geography, Religion, History, Geology, Anthropology, Literature, also a Lucky predictor of future events and much much more...I find it easier to believe he is a Prophet!
Why does he act like people are attacking the church? Like what’s with the persecution complex? The grand majority of these critics are just historians who really don’t care about the LDS church one way or another.
People are attacking the church.
I don't know a Christian sect more rejected by mainstream Christianity.. and the of have ex-mormons turned anti-mormon which is a growing sentiment currently.. they bitterly seek to tear down the church
I'm not sure what hole in the ground you are living in, but Christians and Atheists are constantly attacking the church and The Book of Mormon.
What about "the late war" this book is similar
try www.fairmormon.org/ and look up "the late war." They treat the subject at length.
The supposed connection is another of a host of theories which are groping explain the Book of Mormon by something other than what the Book claims about itself, what Joseph Smith claimed about it, and what the Spirit of God has witnessed to so many of us. God wants us to approach the book on His terms, not ours. That is the test. You are required to get a testimony yourself, not trust somebody with a Fudd (Phd) after their name. After all, it was the Fudds of Jesus' day (the Scribes and Pharisees) who challenged Christ and were put to shame by the simple men of Galilee who had a testimony from God.
Brother Callister published a book- A Case for the Book of Mormon- where he discusses the Late War.
Google ''Word Print Studies On The Book of Mormon FAIR''.
Explaining where the Book of Mormon came from its easy. A future time traveler took a Book of Mormon back in time and gave it to Joseph Smith, who then dictated it to his scribes. It then is published and goes normally into the future, then goes back to the past.
Which is easier to accept, the angel story or the time travel story? The latter explains where the Book of Mormon comes from (the future) and who wrote it (no one). At some point someone in the future will travel to the past to give it to Joseph Smith. It then comes around full circle.
It couldn't be more simple.
So why does my head hurt?
Josephs dad farmed in the summer months and taught school in the winter months so Joseph had schooling, both in the classroom as well as by his dad in their home, as did his siblings
I think it would be helpful to listen to the talk again. He addresses this idea of outside sources influencing. Good luck. The book is true.
Yes, Joseph was home taught, but is father had even less formal education than Joseph. According to Lucy Mack Smith, they only ever had two books in their home, and one was the Bible.
Google ''Word Print Studies Of The Book of Mormon FAIR''.
He had about a 3rd-grade education, which is very little.
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness
That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."
(2 Timothy 3:16-17)
True, it's God made 100%
He said that millions witnessed the evidence. Wow yes just believe him cuz he said it. Not good evidence
I agree with the brother that spoke these great words at BYU and other places. This presentation is true. I myself ,speak to others that cannot believe in the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith writings for whatever reasons. It seems like people can believe rumor and critics of the Book of Mormon. All I can say is they are too lazy to seek out the truth for themselves. The Lord does not want the lazy. In the Gospel of Jesus Christ we all work hard to understand the truth and the Gospel of Jesus. It takes effort. It even takes real intent of the heart to be motivated to be able to pray for understanding and Truth. If someone is that lazy, they will stay in a damned state for the rest of their life ! And when you leave this world and you meet the Lord , He will say, too bad so sad, you had the truth but you was too lazy to seek the truth!
Google ''Word Print Studies Of The Book of Mormon FAIR''.
Wonderful, wonderful!!!!
Awesome Talk.
For those who say that the Book of Mormon is not true, then i have a few questions.
Do you truly believe that Jesus Christ is God?
If Jesus speaks, do you listen and believe?
In John 10:16, the Savior says:
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
I dont care if you believe in the Book of Mormon or not, because it is between you and God and not anyone else what you believe. But if you truly say that you believe Jesus is God and that he spoke those words, then how can you not believe that he did what he said in appearing to others not of his current fold and that he would bring them into his fold?
There are records from multiple cultures around the world that state they were visited by God. All stories are different, but does that make them all untrue?
There are recorded histories from Russia, China, Japan, India, and many other countries/cultures that profess their ancestors had visits from a God. Many of their stories have similar teachings as what was taught by Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. Are their stories untrue?
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that the Book of Mormon came from people who lived in the Americas somewhere. Have you done any research to find any truths to that claim?
The Sioux (Dakota), Potawatomi (Bodéwadmi), Stockbridge (Mahican), and other Indian peoples residing in Wisconsin and Canada. Delegations from the Sauk (Asakiwaki) and Fox (Meskwaki) tribes among many other tribes in North America state in their oral and written histories that their ancestors had visits from the great Spirit. There are also artifacts being found that prove their ancestors were already religious before any Christian missionaries came to them.
In Central and South America, only 1% of the ancient ruins have been discovered, uncovered, or researched. Multiple of the native people who live in Central or in South America have also stated that their ancestors had visits from a Great Spirit or a God. There are also ancient artifacts that depict the visitations as well as a religious culture having been present.
At least 75% of the anachronisms written in the Book of Mormon have now been found either in South, Central, or in North America.
So in the end, if you can only believe that only the Isrealites had God and wrote scripture, then you are blind to the histories of people across the world.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
How can God be a merciful God and only tell one people his word and leave the rest to never know him past or present?
He didnt leave them to their own devices, because he loved everyone. Jesus knew that his Apostles didnt know there were people in other lands where they couldn't travel to preach. So he said he would go himself.
Believe in the Book of Mormon or not, but its a fact that something happened around the world whether you believe it or not.
Someday all will be judged. Do you want to be open to possibilities or closed to his word because its not in the Bible? You decide!
The book of Mormon is true i don't need evidence the spirit testify to me .
On plagiarism, you missed the book ‘the late war’, written only a few years before the Book of Mormon. Compare those two if this church is indeed unshakable
Brother Callister wrote a book, A Case for the Book of Mormon, which includes a discussion on the Late War.
Thank you for asking questions! Questions are the best. ☺
Google ''Word Print Studies Of The Book of Mormon FAIR''. Peer reviewed evidence DEBUNKING YOUR PLAGIARISM charge.
Hail to the prophet!
The man, the myth & the legend! All must read his book “The Infinite Atonement”
I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know it without doubt. I will spend the rest of my life bearing testimony of it. Thank you for this beautiful testimony Elder Callister. The spirit pierced my soul. This book is true.
One of my favorites! So simply stated and so true! Thank you
It's one of our favorites, too!
What a beautiful massage I testified that tha Book of Mormon its the word of GOD And SCHURE LY was TRANSLATE FROM JOSEPH SMITH True the HOLY GOUST
I love the Book of Mormon it is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith is A True Prophet of the Restoration. Oliver Cowdery & Sidney Rigdon are both called of GOD.
One is able to discern the truth of God within any religious document. I attended a baptism tonight at a small RLDS church. I carried with me the ESV Bible, The Book of Mormon, and a copy of the Quran. Around my neck? A pagan symbol. Tattooed to the top of my right hand? Alpha and Omega. There is room for everyone at God’s table, including non-believers. Let love rule.
Alexander Campbell was my greate grandfather
I really do hope he knows the truth now and accepts it. Bless his soul. I hope you know it now as well
Brothers & Sisters we have to remember and consider logic, that within the times of 1800s it was about Minerals & Negotiations as is still prolonging in these times. The Book of Mormon is relative clear as complete. & as also a True Testimony of the Holy Bible but not complete as much persecution was conducted against Prophets of Jesus Christ.
The most high given
I met Tad and Sister Callister at the airport several years ago. Humble, articulate, warm people.
one of the best talks i have heard in a long time, beautiful testimony
We're glad you enjoyed!
This talk never gets old! Amen
What makes Mormon different from the Quran
One claims to be continued revelation and a second testimony of Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ prophesied about in the old Testament and written about in the New Testament. A second witness of Christ, to be used with and addition to.
The other claims the Jews, and Christians are a fallen people, Jesus is not The Christ but a mere prophet who is less than the Prophet Mohamed and that the Quran is the only source of truth.
My suggestion is to read both books for yourself, and enjoy the journey.
Read an find out dont take others word for it become a Seeker of light and truth
So where is now the gold plate?
Bruh, if we kept the plates on Earth, people would steal them and sell them, then the truth would be lost.
They were returned to the angel Moroni after the translations were done.
Another thought regarding the gold plates besides the fact God warned Joseph to protect them with his life and not giving them to him until he could resist the temptation to get gain from the gold, a large portion of the plates were sealed which God did not yet want revealed so I'm pretty sure the angel Moroni was sent to retrieve them until the Lord want's the remainder of the record brought forth.
I am Ronnie Yopp & can testify that The Book of Mormon is true! I prayed about it for days and God answered my question..pray whole hearted,sincerely he will always answer.
Of course you're right, what person would ever lie for financial gain and historical fame!!!
The very thought
The Bible finally found its wife...says a recent convert David Alexander in his youtube channel DELIGHTING IN LDS TRUTH
By TWO WITNESSES the Truth shall be established.: CHRIST