I noticed that as you increased the frequency, the average voltage also got closer to 1V. Went from 1.15V to 1.05V when we increased frequency from 1kHz to 3kHz which would further confirm that duty cycle is a function of averaging
Theoretically, no, the frequency shouldn't affect the averaging. However, in reality, due to imperfections in the waveform generator, there is an affect as the frequency changes.
Thank you. Would you consider making a playlist that would guide someone through setting up a photovoltaic system and or a Archimedes’ screw Hydro generator?
Yes, actually. I did the PV system on my own house and am planning on showing some other people in the small town I live in how to do it (or at least help them in the process). Having done it once, now I feel I could do a slightly better job of documenting the experience while working with someone else. The hydro generator... not so much, just as I basically live in the high desert where we need irrigation for our crops to grow. Not much free water just flowing around.
Thank you for your great educational videos...i have a question please : why for this square wave we are using average value and not RMS value ? . Thank you in advance
Are you talking about creating an inverter at the CMOS level? Using an NMOS and PMOS transistor? I could do that, it's pretty straightforward, actually.
As always, great video on important topics for even an RF engineer like me!
Video came as I’m reviewing the topic, making circuits using square waves… perfect coincidence perfect lesson
Awesome timing! Glad to hear it helped.
got me interested in electrical engineering! thumbs up for me
I noticed that as you increased the frequency, the average voltage also got closer to 1V. Went from 1.15V to 1.05V when we increased frequency from 1kHz to 3kHz which would further confirm that duty cycle is a function of averaging
Theoretically, no, the frequency shouldn't affect the averaging. However, in reality, due to imperfections in the waveform generator, there is an affect as the frequency changes.
Thank you. Would you consider making a playlist that would guide someone through setting up a photovoltaic system and or a Archimedes’ screw Hydro generator?
Yes, actually. I did the PV system on my own house and am planning on showing some other people in the small town I live in how to do it (or at least help them in the process). Having done it once, now I feel I could do a slightly better job of documenting the experience while working with someone else. The hydro generator... not so much, just as I basically live in the high desert where we need irrigation for our crops to grow. Not much free water just flowing around.
Thank you for your great educational videos...i have a question please : why for this square wave we are using average value and not RMS value ? .
Thank you in advance
please make an inverter. Teach us
Are you talking about creating an inverter at the CMOS level? Using an NMOS and PMOS transistor? I could do that, it's pretty straightforward, actually.