1:04 Great way to get ur point across; Start by calling people " fucking stupid". I'm sure everyone will listen to your point now. You must have been a debate champion.
There are too many players with “main character “ syndrome playing the is game. They want people to just fall over dead for them and win every match. It’s a game full of super heroes and everyone has some sort of over the top power or skill. It’s why we like comics. It’s meant to be a team effort as well . I lose constantly , despite being one of the better players in each match; however, this game doesn’t care about woke politics and its fun as hell to play. I’m keeping it. Hope you find what you’re lookin for .
@@unluckygamer692in what way? Nobody says anything... Is it because the artist gave squirrel girl thighs? You do realize they have to create different body templates so you don't catch on to them just reskinning the one female body type they have over and over
Bro the amount of people that are mad in this comment section about you making valid points about why their favorite game is not the best, is absolutely wild. It just proves your points about the community.
Do people not realize that you can use other healer ults to counter ults? Storm's ultimate is completely useless if you're saving your support ultimates to counter it. Mathis counters it, Luna snow counters it, Cloak and Dagger countries it, Sue storm counters it. And you should have up to two of these characters on your team.
So in S0, you got a high rank. They adjusted it and now you are a lower rank by far. your gameplay is maybe diamond 3 (on the high end). You are upset. we get it. As for the community part of your rant, you are young and ive heard worse things said in xbox lobbies when I was a kid. This game isnt even a half a year old. the Devs can say this is how we want a hero to play and the players will find a broken way to use them. thus now they are "broken". If you think this is unfair you never went against a good Widow in OW who would own the lobby or a doomfist when it was 6v6.
The game isn’t balanced but if everyone is broken, then nothing is broken. Storm isn’t that OP if your support has a brain 🧠 and counters it, I’m a storm main and triple support pretty much shuts down just about everything.
I really feel you. The game is still fairly new, people death-queue ranked for hours, they re-queue when they lose , main character syndrome, it’s a lot. I highly suggest if you do like the game, make an alt account or enjoy more quick play matches. Learn more characters. Queue up and don’t have the ranked mentality every game. If you stay in ranked every time you’re on you’ll burnout your own rivals experience
Gotta play the game for fun sometimes, not just for ranking. This might sound crazy, but make an alt. I guess this is an overwatch thing that translated over, but having two accounts definitely helps with the personal longevity of the game. Doing things a second time, but differently is a joy and doing things one way only is constricting and the joy gets removed incredibly fast: I can't speak for you but I believe this is what might have happened in your case. Ignoring the obvious balance concerns, which is a real thing, you got too high, too fast and now you don't feel like you have the space to learn new things or flex new muscles, because it's such a competitive environment in high elo. You've flexed the muscle you've known to work too long and now its sore. Try other roles (Vanguard and Support) at a lower level (bronze, silver) on an Alt account. Trying a new role in Quick Game on the main account is not a good option since most people on Quick game give even less fucks than the ones you find in Ranked, since there's no skill based matchmaking on 'QG'. I've personally been playing my two accounts back and forth this season, Main account is in Gold 1, and I just got my second to Gold 3. There's 3 months in a season, I intend to take my time, and take breaks!
Honestly sounds like a really good idea in terms of maintaining longevity in the game and having fun doing something different, with that being said I still uninstalled it.
Have you not heard of Dota? Dota is an insanely balanced game based off the logic if everything is overpowered, nothing is. You sound like a League player because you think that everything has to be "balanced" for the game to be balanced. That actually makes the game stale. And balancing a game is more of a process, most developers don't play on the same level as the top 10-20% of players so their internal testing results would often differ from reality, especially in the higher ranks of competitive. Edit: Just to clarify I'm not claiming the game is currently balanced, but your idea of a balanced game is very off.
the devs for this game are actually pretty high ranked, theyve done scrims to show off the new characters against some of the top players in the game and did well. And when everyone was saying wolverine was bad, they told everyone they were playing it wrong and look how that panned out. Most of the dev team played overwatch for years
I hate the storm buffs. I mained her in Season 0 and top scored consistently with some difficulty well before those buffs. She was a little underpowered before, but now she is brainless. Barely have to lead your shots and can easily 3 shot anyone. Such a bummer my sleeper main was rocketed to a meta top tier with just a few number changes because now I cant even play her in ranked. All the Hela mains migrated to her.
I think a lot of people that never played OW aren’t conditioned mentally to expect the toxic chat in QP or Rank and cry about it lol OW players especially ones that left OW2 understand this game is way better and if your hurt over the community don’t play COD ranked because it’s worse I understand if this is your first hero shooter but please stop expecting this to be a safe place grow up not everyone is nice and dresses up as a furry to lick each other booty tang in solidarity 😂
The developers literally have in-house tournaments. They have teams that demolished N.A. top 250 teams. They know about balance lol. That being said, balancing is a constant thing. There is no perfect balance.
There's a rocket raccoon player out there that made it all the way to Celestia without firing a single bullet out of his gun. I made it to GM in season 0. You can be a grandmaster in this game and still not have a single clue about how to actually play it correctly. That's because there's half a million people playing it. I'm at the very beginning of the video so I don't know what kind of point you're trying to make by telling us what rank you ended up on but if you think that adds legitimacy to your perspective it doesn't.
Thare is only 2 states of the hero shooters .unbalanced AND FUN .And balanced and unfun . You wont find exited players playing weak characters . Also in high ranked people care about the game more than thay should for sure .But its like that in any PVP game at high ranks . 10 - 5 % of players arent representetive of all community tho .
I've met tons of nice players in this game and have had far more good interactions than bad ones. OverWatch has an endorsement system where people can encourage you to have more player friendly behavior. My endorsement level in OverWatch was always higher than anyone who I interacted with. Level 6. Meaning most people seem to think that I'm very friendly online. If you are having nothing but bad interactions or at least so many that they stand out you are definitely a problem. Now this goes to anyone else playing this game too. If you are playing a match with me and you say something stupid about what's happening on the field I'm going to tell you how wrong you are.
The balance can always be better. But I feel like you haven't played many other games if you think it's as bad as you think it is, especially for a game where not everyone is the same and there are dozens of characters with different toolkits to play from. Hela in competitive only had 54% win rate, and Hawkeye had 49% for season 0. Things may play out differently at different ranks, but your overall analysis is deeply exaggerated or off from the actual data. The game is only a month old. And people being toxic and telling you to KYS is like again, bad, but not out of the ordinary considering how much you've played? Personally, I haven't had anyone go that far in Rivals, but maybe that's because I haven't dipped my toes in competitive. I've reported people for far less who have been restricted from matchmaking. So at least NetEase is doing something about it. Looking at your catalogue of games you've played, it's honestly weird that you're singling out Rivals for that kind of behavior when those games are also known for toxic communities.
The word balance is a relative concept, very rarely will you have fine tuned balance in any competitive video game. Especially for a newer title. I think you're being a bit too preemptive with your assessment of the game. It hasn't even been two months since the game released. The developers need time to get player sentiment and data and work to fix the current issues. It will take time.
All you do is keep saying it's not balanced and theb never provide stats like really stats with numbers as to why it's unbalanced. Your opinion doesn't matter so provide stats bro to prove your point
i think every character having a broken aspect to them is good, its better to have every character really strong then have every character really weak, what's even worse is SOME characters strong and SOME weak which it seems like you think is "good balancing", when in reality its just what you're used to due to other games being that way. There is meta obviously, but why complain about certain characters being so op like storm when you can just play her (if she's not banned)? I agree supports are too op. your 2nd point on the community is interesting bc it seems like you're the person who hates their life and is toxic, this whole video is just mald compilation when youre saying basic stuff about any NEW game. its like playing beta valorant when jett had 2 updraft 3 smoke insta dash, yeah it was op but why complain about it the games new. If you think this games community is "horrific" you need to play league and see what toxic is rly like, being told to Keep Yourself Safe isn't even toxic in the slightest in league , i don't see how someone can climb to such a level while being so emotionally damaged, I genuinely think if you didn't let emotions get to you you prob would climb even higher. I can tell just how you talk about the game you are so focused on climbing (which I get 100%) that you let your rank define your skill and your mental image of your improvement is so bad when you lose a few games bc of teammates u start doubting yourself which makes you emotional. You shouldnt think rank = skill because even if you say you DONT, I feel like you may still which is why you seem so emotionally invested in this. This comment wasnt meant as a "im right youre wrong stop being cringe" thing, its more of a outside perspective on how it SEEMS your emotions control you too much, and hopefully providing a little advice for other games to come
It’s one thing to say the game is unbalanced vs 90% of the roster being overturned. I think the game is fine where it is, and it’s going to change regardless. I’m sorry you had to uninstall the game. This is coming from a rocket one trick hitting GM. Ball up.
If you think everyone else is toxic, you may be the problem. I've had plenty of awesome experience and talked to cool people. If your only playing for the rank number on the screen then your not playing for fun, no wonder your not having a good time.
Not all games are balanced.. nor meant to be. mtg for example, is NOT a balanced game. Each player has wildly different decks with wildly different power levels and strategies. Your deck could stand zero chance of winning. And thats part of the fun. Build the right deck, get good enough... and the tables turn This just isnt your game.. or its a skill issue and you cant face the truth about your limitations.
You mean spend the right amount of money... mtg is one of the oldest pay to win schemes in existence... modern arena made it even worse. It's zero fun playing poppers against a $1200 modern deck. It's also zero fun playing poppers vs a $800 standard deck. Mtg knows that, and knows it will make the bad person spend more money on cards. It's not fun. It's manipulative. Weird to compare a pay to win card game to a free to play shooter. Magic is pretty balanced at the top end when everyone is building good decks. That's why the competitive scene exists and has a few deck builds thatbare "meta" each rotation. If it wasn't balanced every pro player would play the same deck/colors. The imbalance you feel is from card power. Card power comes from money, not player skill. Weird ass analogy my guy.
@johnhammond6225 sounds like a perfect analogy. You're just yet one more player that game isn't for. Yall don't seem to understand that you're not the main character. It's not all about what you personally like. I don't play competitively, I just like crafting neat decks that change the way people interact with the game. It's a creative outlet. People look for different things in their games Not everybody plays tournament games or competes for anything. In fact, most dont. Yall get worked up over your imaginary rankings that only you value.. relax.
An opinion no one asked for. If you don;t want to play, just stop playing. We don't need an obituary. You don't need to justify why you don't want to play anymore. We get it, you played it because it's huge and you might of expected to get millions of subscribers for hitting the top ranks, but you fell short, maybe you're not doing so hot in this next season. No one's debating if you are bad or good, you have merit and you should be proud of your performance, but this rant and the "agree with X or you're Y" is just alienating, Even if we agree, it still comes off as arrogant. The game is fun. It was made to be fun, that's why 200,000,000 people were playing it. The esports doesn't matter. The season passes and skins do. The game makes tonnes of money from the millions of players who are having fun and buying skins. It doesn't need esports attention, because it's MARVEL. It sells itself. The game doesn't care about the 1% of top players and how they feel, it cares about the hundreds of millions of players and the emptying of their wallets on massively overpriced skins. And be that as it may, if you enjoy the skins, all the power to you. The game's barely been out, it came out with 30 characters, and they have clearly outlined their "championing of a character" philosophy to ensure at some point in time your favorite character will be at least viable. Like you said, every character has a broken element to them, and means they're all fun and engaging to play. You wouldn't of been obsessed if it was any other way. There's ways to deal with every character, there's footsteps you can hear out for to know when an invisible and utterly predictable psylocke is looking to try jump you with an ult. Many characters have counters to most ults in the game. There's plenty of characters that can deal with each character. Even in grandmaster half the player's positioning is utter dogs***. At the end of the day no matter what the state of the game, the best players consistently rise to become the cream of the crop. I don;t play it that much, I;m not super high rank, and I have my faults, but there's method to the madness. If you're high enough in rank, ban Storm... At the end of the day you can have a game with 9 playable classes that is pretty balanced, or you can have the 30 character, super varied, but has a bit of a way to go. Regardless the game is still playable. It's season one, the games not been out too long and it's really in it's infancy. It's not going to be super polished. But regardless, it's still "fun". I'd recommend taking a break, play out some games every soso to grab the limited time collectables like the gallery cards ect. I bet you'll come back to the game in the future, you'll always have the experience you have garnered. You're future self will appreciate the dipping of your toes into some low stakes casual matches to get all the limited time goodies and keep your collection alive. You'll be fine, you clearly like the game. Just take it easy.
😂 dog if you're playing the game just for fun why are you on ranked? Also if you've got your players muted how are you ever supposed to learn what you're doing wrong do you think you're just going to learn by yourself? You can't perform the exact same strategy every single match and expect to gain a w. Certain characters check other characters some characters even completely counter other characters. In ranked gameplay you need to be willing to swap your strategy in order to match what the enemy team is doing.
lol, its hilarious how dumb you are about this. They clearly do understand what they're doing and theyre far better than you at the game. "Everyone has a broken aspect about them" is why this game is mostly balanced, sure some characters are more broken than others, but thats why bans exist. Never had a storm in my lobby past diamond at this point. You sound like you just lost a game and made a video to vent. You never played overwatch so i somewhat understand where youre coming from, its just funny that you call people idiots that disagree with you about it. OW made it unbearable with how competitive they made it, literally no fun allowed.
Its very balanced if you put together a compatible team. There are lots of teams that absolutely suck. I have only had a few matches that even have mics on, and most of those were used for strategy. You must piss people off, or be a spineless soy boy that cant handle critisism.
So you went into a brand new hero shooter with over 30 heroes expecting it to be completely balanced and find out that it is not and decide to leave already? lol k bye. Beautiful part about these kinds of games is that it's a live service game, meaning things get changed and tuned consistently. There will always be something or someone to complain about. Maybe use that as an expectation in the future when planning to put as much time as you did into a new game of this type and maybe then it wont hit you as hard. You can always go play LoL where they've had years and years of practice balancing their roster. As for the community, I totally agree! I play on mute all the time. I don't need that kind of negativity while i try to enjoy a game and have fun. But guess what? You yourself sound exactly like those players! Calling certain viewers watching this video brain dead simply because they disagree with you speaks volumes about your character. So again, lol k bye! The less of you, the better.
Not going to lie bro but respectfully I disagree with you because I feel like the game is fun no matter what. One of the fun things about this game IS how the characters are so broken like everyone is broken in their own way like I can’t think of one balanced ultimate in the entire game. Also who cares if people shit talk you and their team. Like I know that doesn’t build good team chemistry but that’s what they have the friends feature for. I noticed that during your live streams you are solo queuing but maybe try playing with a friend. I’m not sure if it’s just PC player lobbies that shit talk every game but that’s not how it’s like for me as being a controller player. So what If people are just a bunch or losers in their 20s complaining about the game, I’m still not going to let them get the best of me. I just have fun with my friends and play the game and try new combos with them. I don’t think you should quit the game but maybe take a break from comp to just play with friends. I mean that’s why I added you and we still didn’t play one game yet. I don’t want you to quit the game and that’s the only reason I subbed is to see you have fun with THIS game (sorry for writing so much😅😅😅)
I hear what your saying but I only like to play ranked in a game like this and even if the issues I have don’t affect you they still affect me and my experience with the game. Idk when or if imma be playing rivals again
alternate title suggestion: "grown man cries about a marvel video game, because he's too smooth brained to figure out how to play counters" just quit bruh, this video is so fucking cringey lol
u werent lying about some characters being too OP. my main problem is bucky's ult. I seen clips on youtube that people used his ult 10 times in a row or i even seen one where someone got 21 kills with his ult that means my bro used his ult 21 times in a row. Hela and hawkeye is also true they dmg is too high and no wonder they getting banned all the time in higher rankeds cause they are OP. other problem is the 3 healers meta if they are aware to each other there is no way you are gonna kill them if you are alone. there are a lot of stuff they need to fix. the toxic players are also a problem that u mentioned. i call it valorant overwatch ego syndrome. most of these players are definitely came from OW or valorant and you can easily tell because they ego are high asf and i played both of these games and i know these players. u can either mute them or report them. 95% of the players i reported they got suspended the next day soo i kinda like this thing about this game
Cry baby can’t take people talking trash when he does bad. there’s a simple solution to this don’t play comp and not expect people to be competitive. I hate when people like him play competitive do trash and then complain about being called out
literally every single game has balancing, storm is not op lol i shit on storm every single game, the game is new and there is balancing to be done same with every single game there is ALWAYS going to be outliers, that being said there is a counter to every single "op" character you sir are brain dead that is why you only got 211 subs lol
Sounds like burnout from being so sweaty
complains about toxic community then insults people who disagree with him
Before watching this I alr know this is about the s0-s1 rank changes. This what happens when you think you’re better than you actually are
facts lol
Great way to get ur point across; Start by calling people " fucking stupid". I'm sure everyone will listen to your point now. You must have been a debate champion.
And then he complains about toxicity in the community
He's definitely contributing to the toxicity
If you don't wanna be held accountable for not playing well, play casual.
There are too many players with “main character “ syndrome playing the is game. They want people to just fall over dead for them and win every match. It’s a game full of super heroes and everyone has some sort of over the top power or skill. It’s why we like comics. It’s meant to be a team effort as well . I lose constantly , despite being one of the better players in each match; however, this game doesn’t care about woke politics and its fun as hell to play. I’m keeping it. Hope you find what you’re lookin for .
Lol, the game definitely has "woke" messages but sure
@@unluckygamer692in what way? Nobody says anything...
Is it because the artist gave squirrel girl thighs?
You do realize they have to create different body templates so you don't catch on to them just reskinning the one female body type they have over and over
You sure love your Chinese propaganda though.
Bro the amount of people that are mad in this comment section about you making valid points about why their favorite game is not the best, is absolutely wild. It just proves your points about the community.
Do people not realize that you can use other healer ults to counter ults? Storm's ultimate is completely useless if you're saving your support ultimates to counter it. Mathis counters it, Luna snow counters it, Cloak and Dagger countries it, Sue storm counters it. And you should have up to two of these characters on your team.
So in S0, you got a high rank. They adjusted it and now you are a lower rank by far. your gameplay is maybe diamond 3 (on the high end). You are upset. we get it. As for the community part of your rant, you are young and ive heard worse things said in xbox lobbies when I was a kid. This game isnt even a half a year old. the Devs can say this is how we want a hero to play and the players will find a broken way to use them. thus now they are "broken". If you think this is unfair you never went against a good Widow in OW who would own the lobby or a doomfist when it was 6v6.
Kids back in those MW2 days were ruthless
Just because you heard “worse” don’t mean it ain’t toxic. Your experience don’t Invalidate his.
@@Bkearney91that’s exactly what I’m sayin
The game isn’t balanced but if everyone is broken, then nothing is broken. Storm isn’t that OP if your support has a brain 🧠 and counters it, I’m a storm main and triple support pretty much shuts down just about everything.
The community in this game immediately made me think of League of Legends
Not just this game, other games and the internet as a whole is toxic, always has been always will be brother.
Storm was always great even in season 0. People just didn't know how to play her.
I really feel you. The game is still fairly new, people death-queue ranked for hours, they re-queue when they lose , main character syndrome, it’s a lot.
I highly suggest if you do like the game, make an alt account or enjoy more quick play matches. Learn more characters. Queue up and don’t have the ranked mentality every game.
If you stay in ranked every time you’re on you’ll burnout your own rivals experience
Gotta play the game for fun sometimes, not just for ranking. This might sound crazy, but make an alt. I guess this is an overwatch thing that translated over, but having two accounts definitely helps with the personal longevity of the game. Doing things a second time, but differently is a joy and doing things one way only is constricting and the joy gets removed incredibly fast: I can't speak for you but I believe this is what might have happened in your case. Ignoring the obvious balance concerns, which is a real thing, you got too high, too fast and now you don't feel like you have the space to learn new things or flex new muscles, because it's such a competitive environment in high elo. You've flexed the muscle you've known to work too long and now its sore.
Try other roles (Vanguard and Support) at a lower level (bronze, silver) on an Alt account. Trying a new role in Quick Game on the main account is not a good option since most people on Quick game give even less fucks than the ones you find in Ranked, since there's no skill based matchmaking on 'QG'. I've personally been playing my two accounts back and forth this season, Main account is in Gold 1, and I just got my second to Gold 3. There's 3 months in a season, I intend to take my time, and take breaks!
Honestly sounds like a really good idea in terms of maintaining longevity in the game and having fun doing something different, with that being said I still uninstalled it.
Have you not heard of Dota? Dota is an insanely balanced game based off the logic if everything is overpowered, nothing is. You sound like a League player because you think that everything has to be "balanced" for the game to be balanced. That actually makes the game stale. And balancing a game is more of a process, most developers don't play on the same level as the top 10-20% of players so their internal testing results would often differ from reality, especially in the higher ranks of competitive.
Edit: Just to clarify I'm not claiming the game is currently balanced, but your idea of a balanced game is very off.
the devs for this game are actually pretty high ranked, theyve done scrims to show off the new characters against some of the top players in the game and did well. And when everyone was saying wolverine was bad, they told everyone they were playing it wrong and look how that panned out. Most of the dev team played overwatch for years
I hate the storm buffs. I mained her in Season 0 and top scored consistently with some difficulty well before those buffs. She was a little underpowered before, but now she is brainless. Barely have to lead your shots and can easily 3 shot anyone. Such a bummer my sleeper main was rocketed to a meta top tier with just a few number changes because now I cant even play her in ranked. All the Hela mains migrated to her.
I think a lot of people that never played OW aren’t conditioned mentally to expect the toxic chat in QP or Rank and cry about it lol OW players especially ones that left OW2 understand this game is way better and if your hurt over the community don’t play COD ranked because it’s worse I understand if this is your first hero shooter but please stop expecting this to be a safe place grow up not everyone is nice and dresses up as a furry to lick each other booty tang in solidarity 😂
The developers literally have in-house tournaments. They have teams that demolished N.A. top 250 teams. They know about balance lol. That being said, balancing is a constant thing. There is no perfect balance.
There's a rocket raccoon player out there that made it all the way to Celestia without firing a single bullet out of his gun. I made it to GM in season 0. You can be a grandmaster in this game and still not have a single clue about how to actually play it correctly. That's because there's half a million people playing it. I'm at the very beginning of the video so I don't know what kind of point you're trying to make by telling us what rank you ended up on but if you think that adds legitimacy to your perspective it doesn't.
Thare is only 2 states of the hero shooters .unbalanced AND FUN .And balanced and unfun . You wont find exited players playing weak characters . Also in high ranked people care about the game more than thay should for sure .But its like that in any PVP game at high ranks . 10 - 5 % of players arent representetive of all community tho .
I've met tons of nice players in this game and have had far more good interactions than bad ones. OverWatch has an endorsement system where people can encourage you to have more player friendly behavior. My endorsement level in OverWatch was always higher than anyone who I interacted with. Level 6. Meaning most people seem to think that I'm very friendly online. If you are having nothing but bad interactions or at least so many that they stand out you are definitely a problem. Now this goes to anyone else playing this game too. If you are playing a match with me and you say something stupid about what's happening on the field I'm going to tell you how wrong you are.
The balance can always be better. But I feel like you haven't played many other games if you think it's as bad as you think it is, especially for a game where not everyone is the same and there are dozens of characters with different toolkits to play from. Hela in competitive only had 54% win rate, and Hawkeye had 49% for season 0. Things may play out differently at different ranks, but your overall analysis is deeply exaggerated or off from the actual data. The game is only a month old.
And people being toxic and telling you to KYS is like again, bad, but not out of the ordinary considering how much you've played? Personally, I haven't had anyone go that far in Rivals, but maybe that's because I haven't dipped my toes in competitive. I've reported people for far less who have been restricted from matchmaking. So at least NetEase is doing something about it. Looking at your catalogue of games you've played, it's honestly weird that you're singling out Rivals for that kind of behavior when those games are also known for toxic communities.
im only toxic when we got spiderman cosplayers running in comp... im all good for the NPCs in pubs but come on man!!! lol this was a funny video
The word balance is a relative concept, very rarely will you have fine tuned balance in any competitive video game. Especially for a newer title. I think you're being a bit too preemptive with your assessment of the game. It hasn't even been two months since the game released. The developers need time to get player sentiment and data and work to fix the current issues. It will take time.
All you do is keep saying it's not balanced and theb never provide stats like really stats with numbers as to why it's unbalanced. Your opinion doesn't matter so provide stats bro to prove your point
i think every character having a broken aspect to them is good, its better to have every character really strong then have every character really weak, what's even worse is SOME characters strong and SOME weak which it seems like you think is "good balancing", when in reality its just what you're used to due to other games being that way. There is meta obviously, but why complain about certain characters being so op like storm when you can just play her (if she's not banned)? I agree supports are too op. your 2nd point on the community is interesting bc it seems like you're the person who hates their life and is toxic, this whole video is just mald compilation when youre saying basic stuff about any NEW game. its like playing beta valorant when jett had 2 updraft 3 smoke insta dash, yeah it was op but why complain about it the games new. If you think this games community is "horrific" you need to play league and see what toxic is rly like, being told to Keep Yourself Safe isn't even toxic in the slightest in league , i don't see how someone can climb to such a level while being so emotionally damaged, I genuinely think if you didn't let emotions get to you you prob would climb even higher. I can tell just how you talk about the game you are so focused on climbing (which I get 100%) that you let your rank define your skill and your mental image of your improvement is so bad when you lose a few games bc of teammates u start doubting yourself which makes you emotional. You shouldnt think rank = skill because even if you say you DONT, I feel like you may still which is why you seem so emotionally invested in this. This comment wasnt meant as a "im right youre wrong stop being cringe" thing, its more of a outside perspective on how it SEEMS your emotions control you too much, and hopefully providing a little advice for other games to come
Bro is upset multiplayer game has multiplayer game side affects. You ever play any online game before?
It’s one thing to say the game is unbalanced vs 90% of the roster being overturned. I think the game is fine where it is, and it’s going to change regardless. I’m sorry you had to uninstall the game.
This is coming from a rocket one trick hitting GM. Ball up.
See ya mate have fun on Overwatch
If you think everyone else is toxic, you may be the problem. I've had plenty of awesome experience and talked to cool people. If your only playing for the rank number on the screen then your not playing for fun, no wonder your not having a good time.
Awwww some people said some mean things to me and i’m butt hurt…
yeah, you're not wrong lol
Homie hasn’t played any games since little league baseball
Not all games are balanced.. nor meant to be.
mtg for example, is NOT a balanced game. Each player has wildly different decks with wildly different power levels and strategies.
Your deck could stand zero chance of winning. And thats part of the fun. Build the right deck, get good enough... and the tables turn
This just isnt your game.. or its a skill issue and you cant face the truth about your limitations.
You mean spend the right amount of money... mtg is one of the oldest pay to win schemes in existence... modern arena made it even worse.
It's zero fun playing poppers against a $1200 modern deck. It's also zero fun playing poppers vs a $800 standard deck. Mtg knows that, and knows it will make the bad person spend more money on cards.
It's not fun. It's manipulative. Weird to compare a pay to win card game to a free to play shooter. Magic is pretty balanced at the top end when everyone is building good decks. That's why the competitive scene exists and has a few deck builds thatbare "meta" each rotation. If it wasn't balanced every pro player would play the same deck/colors.
The imbalance you feel is from card power. Card power comes from money, not player skill.
Weird ass analogy my guy.
@johnhammond6225 sounds like a perfect analogy. You're just yet one more player that game isn't for.
Yall don't seem to understand that you're not the main character. It's not all about what you personally like. I don't play competitively, I just like crafting neat decks that change the way people interact with the game. It's a creative outlet. People look for different things in their games
Not everybody plays tournament games or competes for anything. In fact, most dont. Yall get worked up over your imaginary rankings that only you value.. relax.
An opinion no one asked for. If you don;t want to play, just stop playing. We don't need an obituary. You don't need to justify why you don't want to play anymore.
We get it, you played it because it's huge and you might of expected to get millions of subscribers for hitting the top ranks, but you fell short, maybe you're not doing so hot in this next season. No one's debating if you are bad or good, you have merit and you should be proud of your performance, but this rant and the "agree with X or you're Y" is just alienating, Even if we agree, it still comes off as arrogant.
The game is fun. It was made to be fun, that's why 200,000,000 people were playing it. The esports doesn't matter. The season passes and skins do. The game makes tonnes of money from the millions of players who are having fun and buying skins. It doesn't need esports attention, because it's MARVEL. It sells itself.
The game doesn't care about the 1% of top players and how they feel, it cares about the hundreds of millions of players and the emptying of their wallets on massively overpriced skins. And be that as it may, if you enjoy the skins, all the power to you.
The game's barely been out, it came out with 30 characters, and they have clearly outlined their "championing of a character" philosophy to ensure at some point in time your favorite character will be at least viable. Like you said, every character has a broken element to them, and means they're all fun and engaging to play. You wouldn't of been obsessed if it was any other way. There's ways to deal with every character, there's footsteps you can hear out for to know when an invisible and utterly predictable psylocke is looking to try jump you with an ult. Many characters have counters to most ults in the game. There's plenty of characters that can deal with each character. Even in grandmaster half the player's positioning is utter dogs***. At the end of the day no matter what the state of the game, the best players consistently rise to become the cream of the crop. I don;t play it that much, I;m not super high rank, and I have my faults, but there's method to the madness. If you're high enough in rank, ban Storm...
At the end of the day you can have a game with 9 playable classes that is pretty balanced, or you can have the 30 character, super varied, but has a bit of a way to go. Regardless the game is still playable. It's season one, the games not been out too long and it's really in it's infancy. It's not going to be super polished. But regardless, it's still "fun".
I'd recommend taking a break, play out some games every soso to grab the limited time collectables like the gallery cards ect. I bet you'll come back to the game in the future, you'll always have the experience you have garnered. You're future self will appreciate the dipping of your toes into some low stakes casual matches to get all the limited time goodies and keep your collection alive. You'll be fine, you clearly like the game. Just take it easy.
😂 dog if you're playing the game just for fun why are you on ranked? Also if you've got your players muted how are you ever supposed to learn what you're doing wrong do you think you're just going to learn by yourself? You can't perform the exact same strategy every single match and expect to gain a w. Certain characters check other characters some characters even completely counter other characters. In ranked gameplay you need to be willing to swap your strategy in order to match what the enemy team is doing.
It’s balanced fine. Pick the best chars.
I am about there. There is so much CHEESE in this game.
lol, its hilarious how dumb you are about this. They clearly do understand what they're doing and theyre far better than you at the game. "Everyone has a broken aspect about them" is why this game is mostly balanced, sure some characters are more broken than others, but thats why bans exist. Never had a storm in my lobby past diamond at this point. You sound like you just lost a game and made a video to vent. You never played overwatch so i somewhat understand where youre coming from, its just funny that you call people idiots that disagree with you about it. OW made it unbearable with how competitive they made it, literally no fun allowed.
Its very balanced if you put together a compatible team. There are lots of teams that absolutely suck. I have only had a few matches that even have mics on, and most of those were used for strategy. You must piss people off, or be a spineless soy boy that cant handle critisism.
Why can’t you be in the GC being positive?
So you went into a brand new hero shooter with over 30 heroes expecting it to be completely balanced and find out that it is not and decide to leave already? lol k bye. Beautiful part about these kinds of games is that it's a live service game, meaning things get changed and tuned consistently. There will always be something or someone to complain about. Maybe use that as an expectation in the future when planning to put as much time as you did into a new game of this type and maybe then it wont hit you as hard. You can always go play LoL where they've had years and years of practice balancing their roster.
As for the community, I totally agree! I play on mute all the time. I don't need that kind of negativity while i try to enjoy a game and have fun. But guess what? You yourself sound exactly like those players! Calling certain viewers watching this video brain dead simply because they disagree with you speaks volumes about your character. So again, lol k bye! The less of you, the better.
Evident that you are new to hero shooters
Why u don’t sweat in games. Just play for fun. Cry some more.
Not going to lie bro but respectfully I disagree with you because I feel like the game is fun no matter what. One of the fun things about this game IS how the characters are so broken like everyone is broken in their own way like I can’t think of one balanced ultimate in the entire game. Also who cares if people shit talk you and their team. Like I know that doesn’t build good team chemistry but that’s what they have the friends feature for. I noticed that during your live streams you are solo queuing but maybe try playing with a friend. I’m not sure if it’s just PC player lobbies that shit talk every game but that’s not how it’s like for me as being a controller player. So what If people are just a bunch or losers in their 20s complaining about the game, I’m still not going to let them get the best of me. I just have fun with my friends and play the game and try new combos with them. I don’t think you should quit the game but maybe take a break from comp to just play with friends. I mean that’s why I added you and we still didn’t play one game yet. I don’t want you to quit the game and that’s the only reason I subbed is to see you have fun with THIS game (sorry for writing so much😅😅😅)
Please respond back when you can
I hear what your saying but I only like to play ranked in a game like this and even if the issues I have don’t affect you they still affect me and my experience with the game. Idk when or if imma be playing rivals again
Thanks for giving your opinion
alternate title suggestion: "grown man cries about a marvel video game, because he's too smooth brained to figure out how to play counters"
just quit bruh, this video is so fucking cringey lol
Bro got a couple of subs and acting like ppl care lol
Sounds like a skill issue and if you in a ranked game I’m calling you out for being buns idc we here to win 😂
You’re tweakin
fr this guy is a baby
Namor player? Nah opinion rejected, go cry in your bubble irl
They understand the game better than you. 😂 sounds like a cry baby
yeah I won't miss you, bye.
skill issue
u werent lying about some characters being too OP. my main problem is bucky's ult. I seen clips on youtube that people used his ult 10 times in a row or i even seen one where someone got 21 kills with his ult that means my bro used his ult 21 times in a row. Hela and hawkeye is also true they dmg is too high and no wonder they getting banned all the time in higher rankeds cause they are OP. other problem is the 3 healers meta if they are aware to each other there is no way you are gonna kill them if you are alone. there are a lot of stuff they need to fix. the toxic players are also a problem that u mentioned. i call it valorant overwatch ego syndrome. most of these players are definitely came from OW or valorant and you can easily tell because they ego are high asf and i played both of these games and i know these players. u can either mute them or report them. 95% of the players i reported they got suspended the next day soo i kinda like this thing about this game
Cry baby can’t take people talking trash when he does bad. there’s a simple solution to this don’t play comp and not expect people to be competitive. I hate when people like him play competitive do trash and then complain about being called out
lol wat
Skill issue
Lol i just always have everyone on mute so i dont get a headache. Not guna let other ppl ruin a game i enjoy
literally every single game has balancing, storm is not op lol i shit on storm every single game, the game is new and there is balancing to be done same with every single game there is ALWAYS going to be outliers, that being said there is a counter to every single "op" character you sir are brain dead that is why you only got 211 subs lol