Acquiring the skill to dig a quality offensive attack is already enormously difficult. Asking your athletes to rotate around as the ball is in the air off the setters hands only magnifies this difficulty. Why not just task your athletes with finding just one spot on the court, and be responsible for that ONE spot?
Acquiring the skill to dig a quality offensive attack is already enormously difficult. Asking your athletes to rotate around as the ball is in the air off the setters hands only magnifies this difficulty. Why not just task your athletes with finding just one spot on the court, and be responsible for that ONE spot?
keep posting vids!
Acquiring the skill to dig a quality offensive attack is already enormously difficult. Asking your athletes to rotate around as the ball is in the air off the setters hands only magnifies this difficulty. Why not just task your athletes with finding just one spot on the court, and be responsible for that ONE spot?
Acquiring the skill to dig a quality offensive attack is already enormously difficult. Asking your athletes to rotate around as the ball is in the air off the setters hands only magnifies this difficulty. Why not just task your athletes with finding just one spot on the court, and be responsible for that ONE spot?