IM C2010/C2510/C3010/C3510/C4510/C6010 설치 영상입니다. IM C2010/C2510은 기본 ARDF가 설치되어 있습니다. IM C3010/C3510/C4510/C6010은 기본 SPDF가 설치되어 있습니다. 자세한 설치 내용은 필드 서비스 메뉴얼을 참조하시기 바랍니다.
4:30,FAX unit (Type M52),swish bettery DIP SW1 to the ON postition ,If the battery DIP SW is not in the correct position, the machine will issue SC672, SC819, or SC820, and not save the registered data after power OFF.
4:30,FAX unit (Type M52),swish bettery DIP SW1 to the ON postition ,If the battery DIP SW is not in the correct position, the machine will issue SC672, SC819,
or SC820, and not save the registered data after power OFF.
03:30 This information is displayed in the subtitles. Sorry for not supporting English.
Thank you share ,need chinese langange subtitles
Sorry, Chinese subtitles are not supported. This video is for Korean engineers.
Thank your vidio, greetings from Bekasi Indonesia.🙏
hola buen dia. cual es el numero de parte de l unidad de imagen de la impresora im c3010, im c2010, im c2510.