Christ the Eternal Tao: Chapter Eighteen

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ค. 2022
  • Chapter Eighteen from the book 'Christ the Eternal Tao' by Hieromonk Damascene.
    "The Great Way," said the Ancient Sage, "flows everywhere.
    It may go left or right.
    All things depend on it; none is refused.
    It fulfills its purpose silently, and does not take possession."
    "He shall not cry, nor lift up," said the Ancient Prophet,
    "Nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.
    A bruised reed shall he not break,
    And the smoking flax shall he not quench."
    So did the Great Way come.
    He Who shakes the earth and stirs the roaring winds and crashing seas,
    Came softly, silently.
    "The Great Way clothes and feeds all things," said the Ancient Sage,
    "Yet does not claim them as its own.
    All things return to it,
    Yet it claims no leadership over them."
    When the Great Way came into the world,
    He claimed no worldly leadership,
    But said to those whom He had made:
    "I am among you as he who serves."
    "He is oppressed," said the Ancient Prophet,
    "And He is afflicted.
    Yet He opens not His mouth.
    He is brought as a lamb before the slaughter;
    And as a sheep before her shearer is dumb,
    So He opens not His mouth."
    "For the Way is silent," said the Ancient Sage,
    "Silent and boundless."

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