If you haven't heard this before, this was an uncharted single from 1982 on the small Tanglewood label for Russell, and it's a fun song! Take a listen!
Most likely a response to the televised D.U.I. car chase, from that year. I really wonder what 'George' thought of this song, and if it helped him at all, to get himself back on track. Personally, I don't think Johnny meant it as a joke. I think he really cared about his friend and fellow entertainer.
Thanks Wilburscot
New. Great Johnny Russell. RIP
@TheGarretdeas From the little I've heard about this song, it is about George Jones :) I probably should have wrote that in the description!
Most likely a response to the televised D.U.I. car chase, from that year. I really wonder what 'George' thought of this song, and if it helped him at all, to get himself back on track. Personally, I don't think Johnny meant it as a joke. I think he really cared about his friend and fellow entertainer.
I agree. George was in bad shape at that time and it would be a little before he straightened himself out for good... thanks to his devoted wife Nancy
After about the first sentence into the song, it's quite obvious who it is about, especially if you recall anything about George Jones.
ah great one , iv sent it to nancys FB , long live d POSSUM
Was this song a tribute by Johnny to the one and only George "Possum" Jones? It would be good if someone could dig up some info on that.