Public transport in the UK is owned by multiple private companies and Unions often have a large say on Pay and Working conditions, whereas MTR in HK in a small city is owned by one company.
where do u live dude?? you said you are a 4th generation overseas Chinese??? did you use google translate to post that or you are actually in Malaysia??? I'm only 2nd gen and I already found it hard to learn Chinese....
I'm a HK-Canadian... never been to the UK but just based on my years of encounters with the Brits.... I find them to be in two broad groups: either polite but VERY pretentious or extremely arrogant and don't want anything to do with non-Whites.... fortunatley, in my 30+ years of living in Canada, the locals here are somewhere in between so I'm very comfortable!!
You are definitely right about that. Just look at the idea of “eyes on the street” by Jane Jacobs. She mentioned that active and engaged individuals in a community can help deter crime and create safer spaces simply by being present and aware of their surroundings. Hk’s population being that dense has something to do with that more or less. So thefts might target outskirts or suburban neighborhoods.
thanks for having me🙏🏻😊
Looking forward to seeing the world from your point of view, your storytelling style and your character is really good.
因為佢係讀私校寄宿比起依家bno visa 既香港人讀公校好大分別,私校出現bully 歧視學校係好驚呢樣野會好重視處理.所以佢由細到大都係一個比較中產人生活既社會生活,完全唔知道公校係好大分別,公校什麼都會出現.
如果我係公校英國生, 一聽到係香港bno visa過嚟嘅打多幾鑊添啦!🤣🤣 咪又係爭資源嘅新移民!!! 黃屍咁天真以為自稱乜撚Hongkonger英國人就會"gimme five bro"咁??😂😂
私校學生係客人 待遇不同
1:56 @@hismanmak8296
其實澳洲英國日本一般家長都盡量俾子女去私校讀書,public school 通常收嘅學生都係有好多問題。食得鹹魚抵得渴,靠BNO Visa 去食英國welfare 預咗係咁。
印象中我以前讀書個年代沒有現在那麼多刀捅死人嘅問題, 感覺上好似安全過現在。我住London中心好幾處地方, City of Westminster罪案率一直排名幾高,但任何地方都有特別品流複雜嘅地方, 好多時兩個相隔唔係好遠嘅地方係可以有幾大差別,例如旺角太子隔唔係好遠就有加多利山, 又一村九龍塘。可能我住嘅係比較decent嘅地方, 有時凌晨在街上行係好平靜,咁多年都沒有問題,不過如果那時候我住嘅係Cyrodon我諗我一定會多啲顧慮啲。
近年新聞同網上影片多咗見到近年英國多咗唔少knife crime, 死嘅唔少係年青人㖭, 對英國治安嘅整體印象係差咗。
Yes knife crime has increased in larger cities such as London and Birmingham and usually urbanised areas but overall UK is a safe place to live.
未去過英國的就好想去生活,去過的就會想返香港,英國治安差係事實,10幾年前去讀書時已被叮囑黃昏後唔好在櫃員機撳錢,除非有二至三人陪同,同埋無必要唔好一個人在街上行走,否則遇到其他學校嘅Townes 會俾人打,自己學校嘅local學生間中都口腫面腫返嚟,論生活選擇香港一定比英國好同多,當然如你一切以政治行先就另作別論,正如有人話齋「寧願英國做乞衣,都唔想返香港做皇帝」
同意, 我ex一家多年前都英國回流香港。 講衣食住行英國非好地方。 幾多英國人都跑去泰國唔願回國😂
@@sudaabelovedone 但係人哋成個國家都係健全同政治體係好呀嘛,飲飲食食一定泰國好㗎,但你想做邊度公民呀?一定係英國啦拎完個護照先會走嘅啫。
@@kum2019 如果比你選擇, 一個搵錢之地, 一個係單純政治體系好, 你選擇邊樣?
Public transport in the UK is owned by multiple private companies and Unions often have a large say on Pay and Working conditions, whereas MTR in HK in a small city is owned by one company.
下集可以搵 Thiery 女友拍 移居澳洲
我是第四代海外華人,關於種族主義,種族歧視我們海外華人幾代人體驗深刻,不要太天真了,身為少數族群,種族主義是超越政治立場和宗教信仰, 了解歷史和世界各國的排華暴動,這些事件隨時可以發生,放棄幻想把,世界不是你們所期望的什麼自由民主公平公正,這都是政客的騙話,真正的種族滅絕現在發生在中東,大家只能看著,這有可能發生在你們的身上。
where do u live dude?? you said you are a 4th generation overseas Chinese??? did you use google translate to post that or you are actually in Malaysia??? I'm only 2nd gen and I already found it hard to learn Chinese....
洗曬腦嘅 『海外華人』 5洗問都知又係左癌 , #fuckedroundandfindout.
不是黃kol講英國點好,英國淨係倫敦一年有50 單用刀插人。
Should not say "They are foreigner". You and the student are foreigner to them.
I'm a HK-Canadian... never been to the UK but just based on my years of encounters with the Brits.... I find them to be in two broad groups: either polite but VERY pretentious or extremely arrogant and don't want anything to do with non-Whites.... fortunatley, in my 30+ years of living in Canada, the locals here are somewhere in between so I'm very comfortable!!
我喺度諗會唔會係香港人口密集, 賊仔要喺條街度落手打劫都唔容易, 而家所有樓宇都有入閘密碼,保安同鏡頭,又係唔容易,所以村屋或者獨立屋就成為目標!
You are definitely right about that. Just look at the idea of “eyes on the street” by Jane Jacobs. She mentioned that active and engaged individuals in a community can help deter crime and create safer spaces simply by being present and aware of their surroundings. Hk’s population being that dense has something to do with that more or less. So thefts might target outskirts or suburban neighborhoods.
不關國籍事, 關種族事, 就算華人入子英藉, 還是亞洲人面孔. 二次大戰時, 夏威夷不少入了美籍的日本人都被拉進集中管.
Hker have zero clue about racism and discrimination from other races
建議他可以去香港離岛或行山Hiking,香港好多山上面嘅View 都好靚,e g.西貢👍😘
小子太做作, 身邊朋友age range 40-55, 佢地幾歲嗰陣時喺英國開始讀書就馨香,依家太普遍
@@davidwu0667 你學懂繁體字才說自己是香港人啦,回去你的農村生活吧👍🏻
沒有繁體字 而是正體字
@@eddietang2009 真係有精神分裂 講真我都未必鍾意大陸人 但係你咁樣覆人都好明顯就係你上述所講嘅歧視啦🤣🤣🤣 你真係表現得淋漓盡致
This kid has grown up!
英國人 大部份very nice
我有泰利咁嘅顏值我都唔會被歧視啦。一句講曬your face your fate. 樣衰就會被歧視,靚仔就會變萬人迷。
IG of this show host?? she's super cute!!! ^^
Tyler u look lik me
英國人racist 唔嚴重?are you serious ching? 麻煩去曼城Swinton行下,包保聽到 Chinese fk 至少一次。
Btw 可否問下你的英國朋友,Chinese fk 係幾時興起的?呢度幾歲至六十幾歲都會講Chinese fk,我感覺呢個字流行咗好耐。
London 比較ok , at least southwest London ok
@@ayeung4144 我喺倫敦西zone 2 先俾經過身邊的路人叫Chinese fkie, 又遇到一男一女啡人踏住單車大叫China fk, 喺快餐店又有英國人大叫Chinese fk off。呢啲經歷喺我落倫敦兩日睇伊健演唱會遇到的。
@@imchristinetine 多得特朗普咯
@@imchristinetineyour face your fate😂
英 modern RP youtube 讀音已改變, (仲有tube, tuna,,,). 8歲到外國寄宿留學冇理由不知
Hong Kong is not the same, there is no freedom of speech anymore which may restricted your contents
泰利 u 9 up歧視不關國籍事?????????
imho 關種族事,唔係國籍。
Birmingham is a pretty cheap area to be fair
你送都唔要 大陸人去都人地國家就申請政治庇護 唔敢返中國😂🤣