nice video, I made some barbed wire a few years ago, went a bit too realistic and cut the barbs at an acute angle, making them very sharp, lol I drilled a couple of holes about 200mm apart that held a couple of 6" nails firmly, after twisting with the drill, I put the loop over one nail and wrapped the other end tightly round the other one, leaving both hands free to work on the barbs
Thanks! YES! This stuff is basically really real barbed wire and snags and pokes for sure. Making a jig like that is a brilliant idea. Secretly, I wish there was a tiny machine that wire goes in one end, there's a crank, and barbed wire comes out the other side. I even did a little digging into the machines that make the real stuff... yes... I'm a little obsessive. It's a bit more complicated than wrapping by hand so I took the path of least resistance! Thanks for watching and commenting. All the best!
@@RandomMakingEncounters haha, same here, I started looking into it, " ooh, there's different types, double twist, triple twist...." You're welcome, your videos are both entertaining and educational, cheers
Mind blown! Seriously... it makes total sense but it's so counterintuitive to how we usually use numbers. Bigger is usually bigger. Thanks for sharing that knowledge! Cheers!
Thank you very much! It looks really great. I tried it myself, and it worked on the first try.
Great to hear and THANK YOU! for asking me to do the video. Cheers!
nice video, I made some barbed wire a few years ago, went a bit too realistic and cut the barbs at an acute angle, making them very sharp, lol
I drilled a couple of holes about 200mm apart that held a couple of 6" nails firmly, after twisting with the drill, I put the loop over one nail and wrapped the other end tightly round the other one, leaving both hands free to work on the barbs
Thanks! YES! This stuff is basically really real barbed wire and snags and pokes for sure. Making a jig like that is a brilliant idea. Secretly, I wish there was a tiny machine that wire goes in one end, there's a crank, and barbed wire comes out the other side. I even did a little digging into the machines that make the real stuff... yes... I'm a little obsessive. It's a bit more complicated than wrapping by hand so I took the path of least resistance! Thanks for watching and commenting. All the best!
@@RandomMakingEncounters haha, same here, I started looking into it, " ooh, there's different types, double twist, triple twist...."
You're welcome, your videos are both entertaining and educational, cheers
Fantastic. Thank you.
It's a weird little video but you never know when you're going to need some really tiny barbed wire. Cheers!
Thanks Random.
You are very welcome. You never know when you will need to wrangle very small critters or create tiny barricades.
Great tutorial, thank you!
You are very welcome! Happy fencing... barricading... building! Cheers!
The number of gage comes from how many times the manufacturer pulls the wire through the get it smaller and smaller
Mind blown! Seriously... it makes total sense but it's so counterintuitive to how we usually use numbers. Bigger is usually bigger. Thanks for sharing that knowledge! Cheers!
Thanks! Happy making!
Great video, thank you.
Gauge is how many of it, it takes to fill an inch. 30 1 gauge is inch think, 2 gauge half an inch 30 gauge 30th of an inch.
That would absolutely make sense and will help me remember which way the numbers go! All the best!