Well Obama at this point deserves no respect whatsoever aside from the initial respect he gets by being in his position,but honestly the disrespect was shown to him before he'd even done anything terrible so yes it's obvious a portion of his hate is just subconscious racism
transcendentmuzic What is your issue seriously...Universal Health Care means Obama is hateful, no war in Libya means he is hateful, reasonable health care equal pay for women.....because he has fashion sense ???Because he is smarter than you ...??? exactly what is it he has done that makes you so hateful
It couldn't possibly be that he is a Democrat. Blackness is Obama's only quality. If you hate Obama, you hate blackness itself because there is nothing else to him!
What's different with Obama is that not only is he a black man, he's also a qualified intelligent president, AND THAT SCARES THE HELL OUT OF THESE RIGHT WING NUTS! !! LOL!
Thanks for writing exactly how I feel about our great president. I must add that the republicans and conservatives are so mad that an intelligent black man has been elected President twice. In spite of all the lies and racism during his first term, the people of this country were smart enough to recognize their bullshit and racism. I am white and so happy we have a black president who is not only very intelligent, he is also a gentlemen. So there you ignorant Obama haters.
So intelligent he cant oversee a healthcare website, keep 3 yr olds from pouring into our border, lets out the Taliban dream team, racks up debt faster than any president in 100 years and creates a raging Islamic Iraq!! Boom.
Cindy Temple Yeah. Damn him for giving the working man affordable health insurance, killing Osama bin Ladin, saving the auto industry, slowing down the debt clock to a third of its speed during the Bush admin. (that's right, Cindy. He did do that) and taking the Dow from 7,000 to 17,000. What? You've never seen a black man clean up a white man's mess?
They should just be really racist because it really makes no difference anymore. If you oppose democrats you’re “racist” they’ve been saying the same thing since the 80s.
Brewer said "I thought I was threatened." This is in itself a racist utterance. In statements of police arresting black men: "He looked like a large, very dangerous brute, and I feared for my life". Which is, of course, ridiculous, since the policeman should have had sufficient defensive training to handle 99.9+% and weapons to handle the rest. Fear of the black man goes back to the early days of slavery and goes hand in hand with the hate and revulsion that characterizes the racist.
Have you ever convinced someone you know to not vote for a lunatic or not hate somone for being black? Many heated discussions during family get togethers?
Lets be clear...not all conservatives are racist. However, nearly all racists are conservatives. Attempting to find a racist liberal organization would be as difficult a task as finding a conservative intellectual or perhaps an intellectually honest religious apologist.
Dogma Disputant 100% right. I hate how people who mainly watch FOX, again NOT all, but most of them don't understand that point. You are totally right. It's the same as not all racists watch Fox News, but I'm pretty sure 90% or more racists watch Fox News. The day you find an intellectually challenged, racist, bigoted nutcase watching MSNBC, will be the day Louis Gohmert and Steve King watch MSNBC. Oops I just typed the rewrote the same thing
***** The 2012 study, done by researcher Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario, Canada, pss.sagepub.com/content/23/2/187 finds that those with low intelligence gravitate towards conservatism and are prone to embrace prejudice of things they don't understand or that are different. People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be stupid, according to the study. The research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults. These findings point to a vicious cycle. Low-intelligent adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice." Nonetheless, there is reason to believe that strict right-wing ideology might appeal to those who have trouble grasping the complexity of the world. Further more, a study from the University College, London (www.ucl.ac.uk/news/news-articles/1012/1012/10122301) strongly suggests that the brain structures of liberals and conservatives are different. "People with liberal views tended to have increased grey matter in the anterior cingulated cortex, a region of the brain linked to decision-making." Conservatives have "increased grey matter in the amygdala, an area of the brain associated with processing emotion." So conservatives tend to get angry and frightened more easily and do not reason as well. I had always suspected that conservatives seemed far less able to deal with facts that conflicted with their childhood programming; this study seems to suggest why. By adding the Hodson study together with the U.C.L. study, we have a clear indication of people with lower intelligence who are prone to adopt conservative philosophies and also have a physically decreased ability to understand the complexities of our world. Top 10 best and worst educated States and how they voted in the 2012 presidential election. Percentile equates to those over 25 with a college degree. - U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey. www.census.gov/prod/2012pubs/p20-566.pdf
***** Actually yes, I think many racists watch MSNBC. I believe many of the PUMA folks were true liberals. Many of them I think simply didn't want the black man and had rather gone to the other side than to watch this happen. By the way, I truly believe this guy, as do many others, does get it. This is one of the reasons I do wish the President much goodwill because I know he hasn't had the liberty to be as free flowing as his predecessors. I know the luxury of the office is appealing but I can't imagine how does one function under such crushing depression.
+Harim Rothman The way Obama got treated his first 4 years was so awful, I was shocked he wanted to go for another round! Would you? How he keeps control of his temper, and he's a Leo like me, is stunning. He has to worry 24/7 that some nut job will try to kill him or his family. It's been said that Mitch McConnell will not look at or talk to him in meetings! The Republicans are on videotape right after he won in '08 saying that their only priority was getting rid of him. Really? Before he even made a single decision? Wonder what their problem with him was? You just know they're itching to go on a racist rant, but they can't, at least not in public. I can only imagine what gets said to him in private! I watched Jan Brewer scold him getting off Air Force One, shaking her finger in his face. Would any other President get that treatment from a Governor with a camera crew right there? Bush would've fired her. But if Obama gets angry, he will get accused of being the atypical "angry black man". Of course the irony is, if any of these Fixed News Christian conservative cocksuckers had to endure life in America as a black man, they would be angry too! Thank God I'm moving back to Australia, which whatever problems they have are minor compared to the stupidity in America.
***** The only thing Obama lied about to pass Obamacare was being able to keep your doctor and insurance, not like anyone lost their lives over those claims.
+Miura Mike You speak words of truth. The one thing that takes my shame away is intelligent people from other Countries, like you are, see that our President is a good man and it's the opposing crazy party that's disrespectful and ignorant. God Bless Australia.
+Janice Claypole (justjanice) Thank you for your kind comment, Janice. Don't get me wrong, I love living in the US most of the time, but the bad aspects are truly intolerable. I voted for Obama twice, a decision I don't regret, considering the alternatives. Can you imagine if McCain/Palin won in '08, during the worst economic disaster in US history (created by the Republicans) and the wars going on, not to mention the numerous other problems! McCain has heart trouble, and dealing with Palin's antics on a daily basis would've probably killed him. The thought of President Palin is too awful to imagine. And Bush got treated like a God by the conservatives, no matter the destruction. He was a gift to comedians, but that's all. To think he went to Yale AND Harvard, and has degrees in History and English, 2 things he knows nothing about. But he was a proud person of "faith", so he could do no wrong. Faith is defined as the suspension of critical thinking. How can not thinking ever be good? And how all the conservatives started wearing American flag lapel pins really pissed me off. Oh yeah, dick Cheney is such a patriot! Can I barf now? I will miss Santa Barbara, California where I have lived for 15 years, but every time I go to visit relatives in Australia (Sydney area, Adelaide, Surfers Paradise, Tasmania) I hate to leave. There isn't anywhere in Australia that has winters like the northern US & Canada, but the summers are HOT (dry or humid depending where you are). The seasons are reversed, so right now it's summer, which is when I like to go. As far as finding a job, I really don't care what I do, just get settled first. The minimum wage is $17.75 an hour, and Australian dollars are comparable to US dollars. Their economy is much stronger, they haven't had a recession in 25 years. But citizens also have a strong safety net, unlike the US, and you don't have to worry about medical bills bankrupting you. College is affordable, which is why most people go. Australians are by and large very friendly, and there hasn't been a mass shooting since 1996. The only downside to going is that the flight is LONG. If you can sleep on a plane, it's not as bad. I can't sleep sitting up, or with the noise on a plane, so I bring books and music. Last time my partner went with me, and when he held a koala at the Sydney Zoo, he was hooked on living there.
+Harim Rothman Let me congratulate you. You have discovered the worm hole that allows us to visit parallel universes where "democrats and liberals showed nothing but respect for Bush". A Nobel Prize can't be far away for you.
To many of my friends died for our country. Man this country hands down is the best country in the world. My friends and co workers work so hard for our country. They died in ways that are unbelievable and horrible. They did this for all of us. If you do not ever in your life stand for anything. Stand for these United States because it stands for you.
You are 100% correct, a comedian's stand-up routine doesn't count as serious cemmentary for an entire race of people. The difference with Michael Richards is that he got off his comedic routine and began hurling racial slurs that were personal and had nothing to do with his comedic act. And by the way, I thought his apology was appropriate but don't think he's a racist. Nothing in his past indicates that he is. That was just a heat of the moment response.
I grew up in a culture that was Christian-conservative, and included good people who were basically racist.. It was what they had learned, and what they knew. Their racism was often coded in words, in expressions and looks. It is something one never forgets, and continues to recognize....I have no doubt that what we are seeing now on the right, in its hatred and contempt for an essentially good man and his family, who won a fair election-- unlike 2000-- is old-fashioned racism.
That's a double standard. The "outrage" would be bigger if any of this happens to a conservative politician. You know perfectly how they would promote things like this if they were in the other side.
It's funny this ticks off GOPers...and it only does because it's the truth. The disrespect shown to Obama by most GOP whites is absolutely absurd and disgusting.
We are all very fortunate to have Bill Maher to lecture us about respect. He is a model for civil discourse. Maybe not so much. Bill Maher is a advocate for liberal democratic policies with a comedy show.
I agree. My first comments in here were satirical. The accusations of racism against people for having a problem with a politician have been ridiculous. There are racists in every large crowd, but it is of course possible to passionately disagree with a politician's positions.
And the fact that Obama has always remained cool, calm and collected is proof that he is way above all of those disrespectful Republicans. He's a better human being. It's easy to see.
BLACK PEOPLE: If you watch & listen to this segment, Bill Maher explains the difference between Liberal & Conservative racism. Liberal racism: toleration, fake sympathy & togetherness with Black people ONLY for votes. Then, they express their racism when Black people leave the room. Conservative racism: Open racism, discrimination accompanied by reminders of how "Republicans (Lincoln) ended slavery" but flying the Confederate flag is not nor will ever be a contradiction. Same racism different flavors! Stop being fooled!
Yes, he disrespects all American's by: 1) Giving 30 million more American's healthcare including those w/ pre-existing conditions. 2) Giving students double the amount of pell grant money to make it easier to pay for college. 3) Not starting ANY war in the last 4 yrs. 4) Giving women the opportunity to have equal pay. (cont)
I have to say I'm more Republican than otherwise but Bill Maher nails it. Republicanism used to be about free enterprise, allowing genius to flourish, not having the State direct people's lives. And now it's all about abortion and covert racism. Either that, or I never understood it in the first place.
If you're not a racist, you don't have to admit anything. I mean denying racism exists at all. It's beyond me how anyone can think that there is no more racism in the country/world.
This not the only solution. The solution is to respect people of other races. If people cannot do that, then your solution might be plan "B", but I would not prefer it. The solution is in your hands.
Have not heard anything from Wilson or Brewer in forever. THANK GOD. Regarding O'Reilly . . . my momma told me if you don't have anything nice to say about someone, say NOTHING.
The Left characterizes conservative advocates of an armed citizenry to be “gun nuts”; characterizes advocates of enforcing immigration law to be “racists”; characterizes advocates of a strong military to be "warmongers" and “racists”; and characterizes advocates of traditional single-man to single-adult-woman marriage to be "homophobes". By contrast, I can discuss these issues and not demonize you as evil or stupid. I don’t have a need to break you down, control you, or destroy you.
The sad thing is that on FOX News, and in the GOP, this is not even acknowledged as rude behavior. Perhaps these neo-cons are just becoming more coarse, low-brow and rude over time, and a white Dem would get the same treatment. Hopefully, I'll get to find out in 2016.
Yes, it is. I'm hispanic (if that's even a word), and lived in Germany for 14-years. And while I may have encountered some Anti-American views, I NEVER had to deal with racism because of my "race" or my olive skin. Fast forward to DFW TexASS, where I live now, and just in my first year of residence, I can recall at least 5 incidents where my skin color and my "race" was an "issue". I don't even bother explaining that LATINO, is NOT a race, it proves to be futile every single time.
She felt threatened because he was carrying a dangerous weapon... his skin color. Its why she felt "threatened", its why black men get longer prison sentences, and its what got otherwise unarmed Trayvon Martin killed.
It all boils down to Obungholecare. The people turned against Clinton's health care proposal, and he accepted it. Obama forced it through the Senate despite that every poll showed a majority of the people opposing the bill, and now your party has lost the House of Representatives for at least the next decade.
My point is 26 days on vacation is not a lot. The President isn't flipping burgers, he has a really stressful and demanding job. There are 365 days in a year, so he is in office much more often than not. His vacations were to celebrate holidays with family, Christmas, Valentine's Day etc. Bush went on vacation to ride horses on his ranch and play golf. There is a bit of a difference there. Obama sitting in an office isn't going to fix the economy, it takes a whole lot of people working together.
I've seen everything that Bill Maher has said about Sarah Palin and I don't think he's sexist at all, and I'm a woman, so how exactly is it you can see it and I don't?
Amen. I'm sick of all the insulting that you see on the internet (especially here on TH-cam) and on the streets. It comes from both sides, and it needs to stop on both sides. We're all Americans, we have a lot of differences, but if our nation will ever achieve true greatness again we need to work together somehow and discuss our differences calmly, rationally, and respectfully. It's the only way to accomplish anything instead of just angering each other.
Perhaps the President of the United States could have chosen a more appropriate time and place to complain about what the Governor of Arizona wrote in her book. Doesn't he owe her that basic respect as well? Or does the respect only go one way?
You finally found somebody who won't let you get away with a bunch of unfounded rhetoric, so you're TAPPING OUT!! I WINN!!!! But, because I like you so much I'm going to give you a bit of advise for the future (and I won't even charge you for it). When you enter into a discussion or debate, do yourself a favor and have your facts straight and don't try to just make stuff up and hope that it sticks. Also, learn to answer direct questions. These tips will greatly improve your debate skills
You said "All I said was that legally, it's about as dead an issue as it's going to get." Legally, or socially, it's not dead to those who are subjected to it.
i am a mexican american male. when i was young i went to a private catholic school. it sucked cuz i was a minority both in and out of school,meaning the school were mainly white. I was called on occasion "beaner" or "spic" or whatever.But one thing i've learned about white ppl is that if you are talented in something they may overlook your skin color. For example they all were crazy about Michael jordan even though he was black.or michael jackson,etc.Later in life i've seen this occur again...
Well, look at Ronald Reagan-Republicans love this leader as a hero who cut taxes. When there is an actually video of Ronald Reagan saying out of his own mouth, "we are going to close the un productive tax loopholes that allows some of the truly wealthy who avoid paying their fair share" Ronald Regean on tape, video, audio, and, all goes on to say that it's crazy for millionaires and billionaires to get away with this. Here is the video, "Reagan--No Loopholes For Millionaires" on the YT.
You go bill. This man is humble. Calm & serene. & he's thinking about the bigger issue. & that is to fix America's broken dream!!! Barrack Obama for 2012
Good point with the second paragraph. Those Republicans you mentioned aren't really conservative though. I don't know if it's fair to say that Obama is criticized in an unprecedented manner, except that Bill O'reilly interview. Bill O is self-proclaimed an independent tho. At least Obama has the incredible support of 90% of the media. I admit, I have seen obscene, over-the-line garbage from 'conservatives' about BO which doesn't do anyone good
I said he basically called them stupid. He did it like this. Every policy he proposes he says is common sense. He is basically saying that anyone that disagrees with his policies lacks common sense, so basically he call those people stupid even though they oppose him for intelligent reasons. Also, Obama is un-American for more reasons then just being rude.
Maher is correct. However, our media has been increasingly disrespectful to presidents & as of late has gone over the top in its bigotry. Our nation does not need more division. We have plenty that can occur naturally due to our wide demographics. However what we do need is more respect for one another. That starts with those directly in one's circle of contact... whether in person, on line or otherwise. One must keep one's own side of the street clean before demanding others to do so.
I'm not talking about the different demographics I'm talking about the people with different political and religious views. We could still have it even if we were all one demographic.
im so glad an intelligent person chimed in. thank you i was honestly expecting a typical response of "well you must be a racist then" lol i know 4 year olds with better cognitive ability and reasoning skill than most people who actually believe what bill maher or BO has to say
Reagan and the Democratic Congress both were responsible for increased spending. However, Reagan's growth oriented economic policies brought in record tax revenue. Clinton and the Republican Congress benefitted from Reagan's tax reform. However, Clinton/Gingrich never balanced the budget. They just counted record social security receipts as government revenue - which is wrong. Clinton's presidency started and ended with a mild recession.
I don't hate his black half; I hate his socialist white half. By the way, if Obama were white, he would be down fifteen points in the polls right now with this economy. His skin color is his best asset.
No, it's not disrespect because I say so. It's not disrespect because it's not disrespect. You see, humans naturally gesture with hands to emphasize certain points. Only in autocratic societies must commoners show deference to the ruling class by bowing, not looking in the eye, not turning one's back, and not gesturing as if one is a social equal. Unfortunately, the Left literally worships its "Lord and Savior" Obama, and is anxious to tar anyone who refuses to drink the Kool-Aid as "racist".
Overthrowing the government in Iran to reinstall the Shah, building bases in Saudi Arabia, arming and supporting Iraq in a war against Iran, arming the mujihadiin for a proxy war in Afghanistan then leaving once the deed was done, supporting various dictators, and generally playing around in the politics of the region has been supported by our government.
Thanks. I don't know when it started, but I know it's gotten increasingly repugnant over the years. I don't believe it's necessary to respect the man (or woman, as the case may be), or his politics. But I do believe it's important to respect the office of the Presidency. Maybe it's just old school decorum. Of course, that being said, Shakespeare did his share of ridiculing the monarchy in his time.
Yes they did, rice through Stanford -"A day after the White House announced it would join a court fight against racial preferences at the University of Michigan, the highest-ranking African-American on the White House staff said she believes it is "appropriate" to consider race in college admissions." And Powell -"Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday he disagrees with President Bush's position on an affirmative action." AA considers candidates of color but still must meet requirements.
The peaceful State of nations like Norway, Sweden, Holland, Iceland...etc is more a matter of culture than atheism. These nations have historically been peaceful even when they were religious. Violence on earth is more a matter of human nature than Religion. There're many nations on Earth than are in dire straights...on the brink of being a failed state, But non of their conflicts have anything to do with Religion. I'm a firm believer that war is politics by other means. People fight for power.
The reason both of these people have virtually no support from the black community is because they believe that just because they have done extremely well that every other black who puts his best foot forward should be able to do as well and it's simply not true in the eyes of most black people so you're quite mistaken in your assessment of that situation. They both basically dismiss the concerns of most black people when it comes to concerns regarding race.
See, that's how you get confused, I said "part" of his heritage. Not "his heritage". You see, adding adding the word "part" changes the context. PAY ATTENTION!!
The comment I replied to laid the blame on white americans. I was simply pointing out that the blame lies with the people who orchestrated and followed through with the attack and the motivation to go through with this act was based on religious beliefs.
Sex, homosexuality, gambling, money loans, music, technology, women's rights, and separation of church and state are supported by more than just our government. These are the ideals we were expected to change. All this is tangential to the point I was trying to make in the beginning. The attack never would have occurred if not for the Islamic governments in the Middle East. You are probably aware of what that led to when Christians controlled Europe. The Dark Ages.
Thank you Bill Maher for having the courage to speak out about racism against President Obama.
It is a disgrace how much disrespect is DUMPED on Obama. The GOP is just the KKK, Skinheads, Whit Power Freaks, and low life in the NRA.
Well Obama at this point deserves no respect whatsoever aside from the initial respect he gets by being in his position,but honestly the disrespect was shown to him before he'd even done anything terrible so yes it's obvious a portion of his hate is just subconscious racism
transcendentmuzic What is your issue seriously...Universal Health Care means Obama is hateful, no war in Libya means he is hateful, reasonable health care equal pay for women.....because he has fashion sense ???Because he is smarter than you ...??? exactly what is it he has done that makes you so hateful
It couldn't possibly be that he is a Democrat. Blackness is Obama's only quality. If you hate Obama, you hate blackness itself because there is nothing else to him!
***** Heh - sure. Because this one isn't conservative enough...
What's different with Obama is that not only is he a black man, he's also a qualified intelligent president, AND THAT SCARES THE HELL OUT OF THESE RIGHT WING NUTS! !! LOL!
yes it is
Thanks for writing exactly how I feel about our great president. I must add that the republicans and conservatives are so mad that an intelligent black man has been elected President twice. In spite of all the lies and racism during his first term, the people of this country were smart enough to recognize their bullshit and racism. I am white and so happy we have a black president who is not only very intelligent, he is also a gentlemen. So there you ignorant Obama haters.
So intelligent he cant oversee a healthcare website, keep 3 yr olds from pouring into our border, lets out the Taliban dream team, racks up debt faster than any president in 100 years and creates a raging Islamic Iraq!! Boom.
You right wing nuts, are totally ignorant, you most likely follow Cheney. And Palin! Lol
Cindy Temple Yeah. Damn him for giving the working man affordable health insurance, killing Osama bin Ladin, saving the auto industry, slowing down the debt clock to a third of its speed during the Bush admin. (that's right, Cindy. He did do that) and taking the Dow from 7,000 to 17,000. What? You've never seen a black man clean up a white man's mess?
Calling some who's racist a racist is like calling a liar a liar. They get very defensive.
They should just be really racist because it really makes no difference anymore. If you oppose democrats you’re “racist” they’ve been saying the same thing since the 80s.
Brewer said "I thought I was threatened." This is in itself a racist utterance. In statements of police arresting black men: "He looked like a large, very dangerous brute, and I feared for my life". Which is, of course, ridiculous, since the policeman should have had sufficient defensive training to handle 99.9+% and weapons to handle the rest. Fear of the black man goes back to the early days of slavery and goes hand in hand with the hate and revulsion that characterizes the racist.
YES YES YES YES YES! Now if only a Republican could humor this fact.
Anything you say against democrats or black people is by default “racist” people were so brainwashed back in 2012.
Smh! The level of disrespect and downright hate for him is really bad in Mississippi.
+redd1911 Do you live there or visit? I lived on SC and I am shocked he has not been shot yet by some lunatic there.
+doug wert Forty two years
Have you ever convinced someone you know to not vote for a lunatic or not hate somone for being black? Many heated discussions during family get togethers?
Lets be clear...not all conservatives are racist. However, nearly all racists are conservatives. Attempting to find a racist liberal organization would be as difficult a task as finding a conservative intellectual or perhaps an intellectually honest religious apologist.
Dogma Disputant 100% right. I hate how people who mainly watch FOX, again NOT all, but most of them don't understand that point. You are totally right. It's the same as not all racists watch Fox News, but I'm pretty sure 90% or more racists watch Fox News. The day you find an intellectually challenged, racist, bigoted nutcase watching MSNBC, will be the day Louis Gohmert and Steve King watch MSNBC. Oops I just typed the rewrote the same thing
The 2012 study, done by researcher Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario, Canada, pss.sagepub.com/content/23/2/187 finds that those with low intelligence gravitate towards conservatism and are prone to embrace prejudice of things they don't understand or that are different. People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be stupid, according to the study. The research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults. These findings point to a vicious cycle. Low-intelligent adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice." Nonetheless, there is reason to believe that strict right-wing ideology might appeal to those who have trouble grasping the complexity of the world.
Further more, a study from the University College, London (www.ucl.ac.uk/news/news-articles/1012/1012/10122301) strongly suggests that the brain structures of liberals and conservatives are different. "People with liberal views tended to have increased grey matter in the anterior cingulated cortex, a region of the brain linked to decision-making." Conservatives have "increased grey matter in the amygdala, an area of the brain associated with processing emotion." So conservatives tend to get angry and frightened more easily and do not reason as well. I had always suspected that conservatives seemed far less able to deal with facts that conflicted with their childhood programming; this study seems to suggest why. By adding the Hodson study together with the U.C.L. study, we have a clear indication of people with lower intelligence who are prone to adopt conservative philosophies and also have a physically decreased ability to understand the complexities of our world.
Top 10 best and worst educated States and how they voted in the 2012 presidential election. Percentile equates to those over 25 with a college degree. - U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey. www.census.gov/prod/2012pubs/p20-566.pdf
***** Actually yes, I think many racists watch MSNBC. I believe many of the PUMA folks were true liberals. Many of them I think simply didn't want the black man and had rather gone to the other side than to watch this happen. By the way, I truly believe this guy, as do many others, does get it. This is one of the reasons I do wish the President much goodwill because I know he hasn't had the liberty to be as free flowing as his predecessors. I know the luxury of the office is appealing but I can't imagine how does one function under such crushing depression.
Dogma Disputant™ How about,,,,,,,,Hillary Clinton? Calling Black Men "Super Predators" Oh Come On!!!!
Dogma Disputant™
Dems are just as fucking racist. Gtfoh
He's right about the criticism about Obama.
I remember Democrats and Liberals showing nothing but respect for Bush.
+Harim Rothman The way Obama got treated his first 4 years was so awful, I was shocked he wanted to go for another round! Would you? How he keeps control of his temper, and he's a Leo like me, is stunning. He has to worry 24/7 that some nut job will try to kill him or his family. It's been said that Mitch McConnell will not look at or talk to him in meetings! The Republicans are on videotape right after he won in '08 saying that their only priority was getting rid of him. Really? Before he even made a single decision? Wonder what their problem with him was? You just know they're itching to go on a racist rant, but they can't, at least not in public. I can only imagine what gets said to him in private! I watched Jan Brewer scold him getting off Air Force One, shaking her finger in his face. Would any other President get that treatment from a Governor with a camera crew right there? Bush would've fired her. But if Obama gets angry, he will get accused of being the atypical "angry black man". Of course the irony is, if any of these Fixed News Christian conservative cocksuckers had to endure life in America as a black man, they would be angry too! Thank God I'm moving back to Australia, which whatever problems they have are minor compared to the stupidity in America.
The only thing Obama lied about to pass Obamacare was being able to keep your doctor and insurance, not like anyone lost their lives over those claims.
+Miura Mike You speak words of truth. The one thing that takes my shame away is intelligent people from other Countries, like you are, see that our President is a good man and it's the opposing crazy party that's disrespectful and ignorant. God Bless Australia.
+Janice Claypole (justjanice) Thank you for your kind comment, Janice. Don't get me wrong, I love living in the US most of the time, but the bad aspects are truly intolerable. I voted for Obama twice, a decision I don't regret, considering the alternatives. Can you imagine if McCain/Palin won in '08, during the worst economic disaster in US history (created by the Republicans) and the wars going on, not to mention the numerous other problems! McCain has heart trouble, and dealing with Palin's antics on a daily basis would've probably killed him. The thought of President Palin is too awful to imagine. And Bush got treated like a God by the conservatives, no matter the destruction. He was a gift to comedians, but that's all. To think he went to Yale AND Harvard, and has degrees in History and English, 2 things he knows nothing about. But he was a proud person of "faith", so he could do no wrong. Faith is defined as the suspension of critical thinking. How can not thinking ever be good? And how all the conservatives started wearing American flag lapel pins really pissed me off. Oh yeah, dick Cheney is such a patriot! Can I barf now? I will miss Santa Barbara, California where I have lived for 15 years, but every time I go to visit relatives in Australia (Sydney area, Adelaide, Surfers Paradise, Tasmania) I hate to leave. There isn't anywhere in Australia that has winters like the northern US & Canada, but the summers are HOT (dry or humid depending where you are). The seasons are reversed, so right now it's summer, which is when I like to go. As far as finding a job, I really don't care what I do, just get settled first. The minimum wage is $17.75 an hour, and Australian dollars are comparable to US dollars. Their economy is much stronger, they haven't had a recession in 25 years. But citizens also have a strong safety net, unlike the US, and you don't have to worry about medical bills bankrupting you. College is affordable, which is why most people go. Australians are by and large very friendly, and there hasn't been a mass shooting since 1996. The only downside to going is that the flight is LONG. If you can sleep on a plane, it's not as bad. I can't sleep sitting up, or with the noise on a plane, so I bring books and music. Last time my partner went with me, and when he held a koala at the Sydney Zoo, he was hooked on living there.
+Harim Rothman Let me congratulate you. You have discovered the worm hole that allows us to visit parallel universes where "democrats and liberals showed nothing but respect for Bush". A Nobel Prize can't be far away for you.
You all know Bill Maher would disrespect Trump to his face.
"Yeah you ma white princess" lol dead!
Well, the last three Democratic presidents before Obama (LBJ, Carter and Clinton) were all Southerners...
yeah and i bet nobody's grandmother would give up socialist security check
cause that's not american
Just another liberal Jew.
Bill Maher for president!
LOL president of what.... maybe a toilet.
Looking at the current state of this country.. yes, it would be a toilet.
She felt threatened, of course she did
Well said ...
To many of my friends died for our country. Man this country hands down is the best country in the world. My friends and co workers work so hard for our country. They died in ways that are unbelievable and horrible. They did this for all of us. If you do not ever in your life stand for anything. Stand for these United States because it stands for you.
The Jackie Robinson of Politics well put Bill. You`re the best.
You are 100% correct, a comedian's stand-up routine doesn't count as serious cemmentary for an entire race of people.
The difference with Michael Richards is that he got off his comedic routine and began hurling racial slurs that were personal and had nothing to do with his comedic act. And by the way, I thought his apology was appropriate but don't think he's a racist. Nothing in his past indicates that he is. That was just a heat of the moment response.
I grew up in a culture that was Christian-conservative, and included good people who were basically racist.. It was what they had learned, and what they knew. Their racism was often coded in words, in expressions and looks. It is something one never forgets, and continues to recognize....I have no doubt that what we are seeing now on the right, in its hatred and contempt for an essentially good man and his family, who won a fair election-- unlike 2000-- is old-fashioned racism.
Right on the money, Bill. But I have to say that sadly enough, most Americans won't say anything about it. Only a small few.
It ain't a joke when you are the one subjected to it.
He is totally right..People need to wake up and see the truth!!!
That's a double standard. The "outrage" would be bigger if any of this happens to a conservative politician. You know perfectly how they would promote things like this if they were in the other side.
Those guest look very uncomfortable and they're not laughing but sadly Maher is right NOT acknowledging racism is the new racism.
Thanks Homer.....once again you show the intellect of the Left in responding to facts.
It's funny this ticks off GOPers...and it only does because it's the truth. The disrespect shown to Obama by most GOP whites is absolutely absurd and disgusting.
When HL Mencken openly called President Wilson a liar in 1918, all hell broke loose.
We are all very fortunate to have Bill Maher to lecture us about respect. He is a model for civil discourse. Maybe not so much. Bill Maher is a advocate for liberal democratic policies with a comedy show.
I agree. My first comments in here were satirical. The accusations of racism against people for having a problem with a politician have been ridiculous. There are racists in every large crowd, but it is of course possible to passionately disagree with a politician's positions.
And the fact that Obama has always remained cool, calm and collected is proof that he is way above all of those disrespectful Republicans. He's a better human being. It's easy to see.
there are a lot of people who are racist , but will never admit it to themselves.
If you watch & listen to this segment, Bill Maher explains the difference between Liberal & Conservative racism.
Liberal racism: toleration, fake sympathy & togetherness with Black people ONLY for votes. Then, they express their racism when Black people leave the room.
Conservative racism: Open racism, discrimination accompanied by reminders of how "Republicans (Lincoln) ended slavery" but flying the Confederate flag is not nor will ever be a contradiction.
Same racism different flavors! Stop being fooled!
I really don't think I've ever encountered any of this. Can you recommend a video or article?
truly shocking the treatment of our moderate conservative president
A party which embraces Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton should shut its mouth over racism charges.
"Yeah you're my white princess" LOL
Yes, he disrespects all American's by:
1) Giving 30 million more American's healthcare including those w/ pre-existing conditions.
2) Giving students double the amount of pell grant money to make it easier to pay for college.
3) Not starting ANY war in the last 4 yrs.
4) Giving women the opportunity to have equal pay.
I have to say I'm more Republican than otherwise but Bill Maher nails it. Republicanism used to be about free enterprise, allowing genius to flourish, not having the State direct people's lives. And now it's all about abortion and covert racism. Either that, or I never understood it in the first place.
Hi Germany! Wish I never left you. One of the biggest regrets of my life was coming back to the States.
You really should vote. Too many people from our Founding Fathers onward made the ultimate sacriface for the right to vote.
I would have respected Romney more if he had distanced himself from the racist faction of his party.
If you're not a racist, you don't have to admit anything. I mean denying racism exists at all. It's beyond me how anyone can think that there is no more racism in the country/world.
What a refreshing comment. I wish more people thought like you.
This not the only solution. The solution is to respect people of other races. If people cannot do that, then your solution might be plan "B", but I would not prefer it. The solution is in your hands.
Have not heard anything from Wilson or Brewer in forever. THANK GOD. Regarding O'Reilly . . . my momma told me if you don't have anything nice to say about someone, say NOTHING.
He called Bush the "cowboy from Toy Story?" Hey, that's an insult to Tom Hanks and Pixar both!
The Left characterizes conservative advocates of an armed citizenry to be “gun nuts”; characterizes advocates of enforcing immigration law to be “racists”; characterizes advocates of a strong military to be "warmongers" and “racists”; and characterizes advocates of traditional single-man to single-adult-woman marriage to be "homophobes". By contrast, I can discuss these issues and not demonize you as evil or stupid. I don’t have a need to break you down, control you, or destroy you.
He would be labeled an angry Black man, duh. That is the game that is played in America.
The sad thing is that on FOX News, and in the GOP, this is not even acknowledged as rude behavior. Perhaps these neo-cons are just becoming more coarse, low-brow and rude over time, and a white Dem would get the same treatment. Hopefully, I'll get to find out in 2016.
Yes, it is. I'm hispanic (if that's even a word), and lived in Germany for 14-years. And while I may have encountered some Anti-American views, I NEVER had to deal with racism because of my "race" or my olive skin. Fast forward to DFW TexASS, where I live now, and just in my first year of residence, I can recall at least 5 incidents where my skin color and my "race" was an "issue". I don't even bother explaining that LATINO, is NOT a race, it proves to be futile every single time.
Yes, Gingrich has a heart-it's what triggers the drastic temperature drop in the room whenever he walks into one.
She felt threatened because he was carrying a dangerous weapon... his skin color. Its why she felt "threatened", its why black men get longer prison sentences, and its what got otherwise unarmed Trayvon Martin killed.
It all boils down to Obungholecare. The people turned against Clinton's health care proposal, and he accepted it. Obama forced it through the Senate despite that every poll showed a majority of the people opposing the bill, and now your party has lost the House of Representatives for at least the next decade.
Are you telling me that no one makes an issue about Obama being black and this video is a rare exception?
My point is 26 days on vacation is not a lot. The President isn't flipping burgers, he has a really stressful and demanding job. There are 365 days in a year, so he is in office much more often than not. His vacations were to celebrate holidays with family, Christmas, Valentine's Day etc. Bush went on vacation to ride horses on his ranch and play golf. There is a bit of a difference there. Obama sitting in an office isn't going to fix the economy, it takes a whole lot of people working together.
omg you just gave me my whole life with this comment! forgive me for stealing this & reposting it because there was sooo much truth in those 6 words!!
Please note that Reagan characteristically gave full credit to the American people.
God that was intense and powerful
Tell the TRUTH Bill!!
only if you hate him because of the color of his skin. If you disagree with his policies, and dislike him for his policies, then no, it's not racist.
I've seen everything that Bill Maher has said about Sarah Palin and I don't think he's sexist at all, and I'm a woman, so how exactly is it you can see it and I don't?
Amen. I'm sick of all the insulting that you see on the internet (especially here on TH-cam) and on the streets. It comes from both sides, and it needs to stop on both sides. We're all Americans, we have a lot of differences, but if our nation will ever achieve true greatness again we need to work together somehow and discuss our differences calmly, rationally, and respectfully. It's the only way to accomplish anything instead of just angering each other.
The main reason we can't move forward on the race issue is because white America continues do deny that race is an issue.
It is also racist to vote FOR a candidate because he is black.
Perhaps the President of the United States could have chosen a more appropriate time and place to complain about what the Governor of Arizona wrote in her book. Doesn't he owe her that basic respect as well? Or does the respect only go one way?
You finally found somebody who won't let you get away with a bunch of unfounded rhetoric, so you're TAPPING OUT!!
I WINN!!!!
But, because I like you so much I'm going to give you a bit of advise for the future (and I won't even charge you for it). When you enter into a discussion or debate, do yourself a favor and have your facts straight and don't try to just make stuff up and hope that it sticks. Also, learn to answer direct questions. These tips will greatly improve your debate skills
We already had a program of sending unhappy black americans to Africa. It became the country of Liberia.
You said "All I said was that legally, it's about as dead an issue as it's going to get." Legally, or socially, it's not dead to those who are subjected to it.
i am a mexican american male. when i was young i went to a private catholic school. it sucked cuz i was a minority both in and out of school,meaning the school were mainly white. I was called on occasion "beaner" or "spic" or whatever.But one thing i've learned about white ppl is that if you are talented in something they may overlook your skin color. For example they all were crazy about Michael jordan even though he was black.or michael jackson,etc.Later in life i've seen this occur again...
And that statement doesn't solve anything in this regard since "half white half black" clearly means black here.
Yeah, 100% of the same things, and to the same extents. That's a realistic analysis.
It's kinda of like how the conservatives disrespected Jackie Robinson but not quite as brash.
Well, look at Ronald Reagan-Republicans love this leader as a hero who cut taxes. When there is an actually video of Ronald Reagan saying out of his own mouth, "we are going to close the un productive tax loopholes that allows some of the truly wealthy who avoid paying their fair share" Ronald Regean on tape, video, audio, and, all goes on to say that it's crazy for millionaires and billionaires to get away with this. Here is the video, "Reagan--No Loopholes For Millionaires" on the YT.
The face of the GOP in this election was Nugent, Trump, right wing radio pundits, and Fox News and this ended up costing Romney the election.
You go bill. This man is humble. Calm & serene. & he's thinking about the bigger issue. & that is to fix America's broken dream!!! Barrack Obama for 2012
Bill was talking about her like she is less than equal.
Sorry to hear that. Maybe this helps? Greetings from Germany! ;)
That statement just proves you didn't listen to what he said...
Good point with the second paragraph. Those Republicans you mentioned aren't really conservative though. I don't know if it's fair to say that Obama is criticized in an unprecedented manner, except that Bill O'reilly interview. Bill O is self-proclaimed an independent tho. At least Obama has the incredible support of 90% of the media. I admit, I have seen obscene, over-the-line garbage from 'conservatives' about BO which doesn't do anyone good
I said he basically called them stupid. He did it like this. Every policy he proposes he says is common sense. He is basically saying that anyone that disagrees with his policies lacks common sense, so basically he call those people stupid even though they oppose him for intelligent reasons. Also, Obama is un-American for more reasons then just being rude.
this is so accurate! in shock. whoa!
Maher is correct.
However, our media has been increasingly disrespectful to presidents & as of late has gone over the top in its bigotry.
Our nation does not need more division. We have plenty that can occur naturally due to our wide demographics.
However what we do need is more respect for one another. That starts with those directly in one's circle of contact... whether in person, on line or otherwise.
One must keep one's own side of the street clean before demanding others to do so.
I'm not talking about the different demographics I'm talking about the people with different political and religious views. We could still have it even if we were all one demographic.
im so glad an intelligent person chimed in. thank you i was honestly expecting a typical response of "well you must be a racist then" lol
i know 4 year olds with better cognitive ability and reasoning skill than most people who actually believe what bill maher or BO has to say
Reagan and the Democratic Congress both were responsible for increased spending. However, Reagan's growth oriented economic policies brought in record tax revenue. Clinton and the Republican Congress benefitted from Reagan's tax reform. However, Clinton/Gingrich never balanced the budget. They just counted record social security receipts as government revenue - which is wrong. Clinton's presidency started and ended with a mild recession.
I don't hate his black half; I hate his socialist white half. By the way, if Obama were white, he would be down fifteen points in the polls right now with this economy. His skin color is his best asset.
No, it's not disrespect because I say so. It's not disrespect because it's not disrespect. You see, humans naturally gesture with hands to emphasize certain points. Only in autocratic societies must commoners show deference to the ruling class by bowing, not looking in the eye, not turning one's back, and not gesturing as if one is a social equal.
Unfortunately, the Left literally worships its "Lord and Savior" Obama, and is anxious to tar anyone who refuses to drink the Kool-Aid as "racist".
Overthrowing the government in Iran to reinstall the Shah, building bases in Saudi Arabia, arming and supporting Iraq in a war against Iran, arming the mujihadiin for a proxy war in Afghanistan then leaving once the deed was done, supporting various dictators, and generally playing around in the politics of the region has been supported by our government.
I don't know when it started, but I know it's gotten increasingly repugnant over the years.
I don't believe it's necessary to respect the man (or woman, as the case may be), or his politics. But I do believe it's important to respect the office of the Presidency. Maybe it's just old school decorum.
Of course, that being said, Shakespeare did his share of ridiculing the monarchy in his time.
Yes they did, rice through Stanford -"A day after the White House announced it would join a court fight against racial preferences at the University of Michigan, the highest-ranking African-American on the White House staff said she believes it is "appropriate" to consider race in college admissions." And Powell -"Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday he disagrees with President Bush's position on an affirmative action." AA considers candidates of color but still must meet requirements.
"In Ohio, Obamacare to Increase Individual Premiums by 55-85%" - Forbes
It means that they realize that he is incompetant.
The peaceful State of nations like Norway, Sweden, Holland, Iceland...etc is more a matter of culture than atheism. These nations have historically been peaceful even when they were religious. Violence on earth is more a matter of human nature than Religion. There're many nations on Earth than are in dire straights...on the brink of being a failed state, But non of their conflicts have anything to do with Religion. I'm a firm believer that war is politics by other means. People fight for power.
...but then he couldn't call himself a Republican.
The reason both of these people have virtually no support from the black community is because they believe that just because they have done extremely well that every other black who puts his best foot forward should be able to do as well and it's simply not true in the eyes of most black people so you're quite mistaken in your assessment of that situation. They both basically dismiss the concerns of most black people when it comes to concerns regarding race.
Thank YOU Bill!!!
See, that's how you get confused, I said "part" of his heritage. Not "his heritage". You see, adding adding the word "part" changes the context. PAY ATTENTION!!
The comment I replied to laid the blame on white americans. I was simply pointing out that the blame lies with the people who orchestrated and followed through with the attack and the motivation to go through with this act was based on religious beliefs.
Sex, homosexuality, gambling, money loans, music, technology, women's rights, and separation of church and state are supported by more than just our government. These are the ideals we were expected to change. All this is tangential to the point I was trying to make in the beginning. The attack never would have occurred if not for the Islamic governments in the Middle East. You are probably aware of what that led to when Christians controlled Europe. The Dark Ages.
Im not racist, Its just sometimes Obama doesn't make the best decisions. Thank you for your opinion,