My Grandfather was a german soilder on the front in russia. He hated the war but his family were all veterans. Deep in the russian forrest he throw his weapon away and ran with a friend, but russian could catch up to them and he barly survived with 3 shots in his body. After long time of suffering in russian prison he maneged to get back to germany, were he found out that his entire family and friends died in war.... He had 6 children afterwards, flee out of DDR and lived until 96 years. He was a great man.
Although they fought for Germany, German soldiers were brainwashed into thinking they were fighting for a just cause. They did give the ultimate sacrifice and, when found ,should be treated with the same care and respect as any other.
Exactly like American soldiers. Some, realize later, they were only fighting for the centuries old global financial ruling class that brainwashes, enslaves and eliminates the totally clueless!
@@DerNomade1871but it's the right way to put it unless you're a Nazi yourself. So we can say that he was unfortunately fighting and dying for Nazi Germany.
Αυτά να έρθεις να τα πεις σε αυτούς που εκτελέστηκαν σε αυτούς που πέθαναν από την πείνα σε αυτούς πού έχασαν τα σπίτια τους από πυρπολήσεις από αυτούς τους στρατιώτες πού πολέμησαν για την Γερμανία! Τιμή και δόξα στον Ελληνικό λαό Τιμή και δόξα στον Ρωσικό λαό που διέλυσαν τούς ναζιστές Γερμανούς!!
My Grandma never got told if her father died. He had to fight on the east front. She waited more than 15 years for him to return home, after all the years she gave up hope for any information about her dad. This is why, u should inform the German Cosulate. These people were *humans* , humans like you and I.
@@johnnunn8688 the war on the eastern front had a lot of unmarked burials for both Germans and Soviets, under the motherland call's statue in Volgograd there are a bunch of unmarked graves under the statue from what I've heard. Soviets lost so many men with Germans, that they had no time to identify them, 34,505 soldiers who were defenders of Stalingrad are buried there
They didn't have dental records back then. How exactly are you supposed to link this to a family member. On top of that you don't think they would know if these people died
Can that jaw bone with teeth some looked like gold teeth, be traced to a relative, so they can put closure on the remains, wars are so destructive to all life😢
Hell of a foxhole to find! 2 German soldiers, 2 russian soldiers, 2 head shots, a ppsh drum, machine gun nest armor, evidence of an anti-tank rifle, evidence of armored vehicles presence. Wow.
Fucking grave robbers, thats all they are.... there is a huge market in some russian and ukrainian areas where they make money with german medals and other german war equipment!
These are fucking grave robbers, they will sale the medals and other WW2 equipment, and what do you think they will make with the goldteeths? Fuck them!
Mereka tidak sebodoh yang anda sangkakan. Mereka juga tidak sadis seperti orang hindu yang membakar mayat serta tulang belulang orang mati sampai jadi abu. Pastinya mereka melakukan rangka mayat itu dengan sebaik mungkin serta dengan rasa hormat. Dan paling pasti lagi bahawa gigi emas tersebut akan mereka bawa ke "Pawn Star" untuk dijual dengan harga yang pasti mahal atas nilai sejarah dan nilai emas itu sendiri😁
It's amazing, after so many years and layers of mud, dirt and roots they find these. Thank you for what you do. Returning men who fought for their country and put them to rest. Thank you.
This is not an organized grave, but the place where Fritz was killed, where he was covered with earth and everything was overgrown with grass. They are taken out and reburied, as it should be, or handed over to relatives if they manage to establish their identity. Now the Germans and the French wanted to come to Russian soil again to become fertilizer. Apparently, history has not taught them anything...
No this wasn’t a grave, they wouldn’t leave mines or shovels or helmets. Anything of use or value would have been taken and used for the war effort. No, this soldier was killed in battle and was never found or recovered. And judging by the way the bandits carelessly handle his bones, I think he will never be found or his family notified.
@@JordanKennedy-e5u These people are specifically engaged in the search for unknown soldiers and their reburial. They are doing a good deed and are not at all the bandits that you have called them here! If you do not know the essence of the matter, then you should not make your own stupid conclusions!
This is why using a metal detector in Gettysburg is illegal and will get you arrested. It’s also potentially deadly because there are still live rounds on that battlefield. These guys need to be even more careful.
Well that's how the former Soviets roll, and they dig up marked graves and sell insignia and helmets from the same. Study up on what was done in those places, think about what these diggers heard as children, and deal with it.
Guys, stop with the politics..this is about doing the right thing for the families of the dead soldiers, Russian or German. Familes need to be notified after DNA extracted from bones being found and the remains can be laid to rest where they belong, and the relatives can stop wondering about what happened to the soldiers even if its 80 years ago
I am German.. and i am absolutely not proud of all the happenings... but they cannot be changed. all we human can do is learn from mistakes. I love your work! It woukd be so interdsting going with you and discover togethee
Und ich finde, es scheiße, was die hier machen, das sind Hobby-Raubgäber, die dann Orden und anderes Equipment auf spezielle Märkte verkaufen. Was glaubst du denn, was hinterher mit den Goldzähnen passiert? Das hier gehört der deutschen Kriegsgräberfürsorge gemeldet!
If I was German I’d be proud. Pretty significant time in history your people were involved in. Will be remembered forever, plus everybody loves German engineering.
I wonder if this group takes the human remains so they can be properly honored by their respective nations or do they just put them back in the ground where they were found? I know we are all different but the moment I would find the remains of soldiers, my reverence for their sacrifice (even if 80 years ago) would be proper. I don't like seeing/hearing civilians making light of what was the end of a human beings life here on earth. I know this is all volunteer but a part of me wishes such metal detecting was done with a lot more dignity and done by veterans of military. It's so easy to say, "It is just bones and no one cares." yet they are handling real remains of those who were killed in action.
I mean when you're digging and you find stuff, you don't know what it is until you take it out and clean the dirt off, then once you realize it's remains, you can't exactly blame yourself for disturbing remains purposely. I'm moreso upset about all the artifacts they found that they emptied carelessly into the dirt or broke open with force just to see what was inside.
😮ich hoffe das Ihr den Fund bei der Kriegsgräberfürsorge meldet falls auch eine Erkennungsmarke gefunden wird. Viele Angehörige vermissen noch gefallene Soldaten egal aus welchem Land .Danke
@@SouksavanThavonesouk because its sad to see some asshole that doesn't know what he is doing destroying very old gear that means a lot to some people.
May his soul rest in peace. Most of the men who fought were drafted and had no choice. He was fighting to protect himself and his family. It’s the world leaders who cause the evil, not the soldiers who are caught up in the middle of a war they have no choice in fighting.
That's a dead german in what I can only assume to be eastern europe. You might have had a (still quite poor) point for conscription or something if it was the western front, but these dudes knew full well they were being sent there with the goal of murdering, enslaving, and displacing slavs. The Wehrmacht was an organ not free from the cancer of nazism, and he was almost certainly not in the dark about why he was there.
I respect the fact that you are looking for historical artifacts, but the minute you discover human remains you go from artifact hunter to grave robber. Sorry, just saying.
It’s not a grave site, or a burial site. It’s where someone was killed and earth swallowed them up into nature. Do you think people who dig up dinosaur bones are grave robbers?
@@Dbagsyou dinosaurs aren't human beings, so no so scientists who dig up fossilized dino bones are not grave robbers. A person's final resting place, wheather that be in a proper cemetery or in a ship that sank to the bottom of the ocean or a soldier who's body was consumed by the earth on the battlefield where he died, that is their grave site.
This is amazing what you guys do. One thing I'm curious though. How come everything is deep in the ground? Was it buried or did Time cover it up? Thank you 🙏
Trenches. Foxholes. Dugouts. Firing positions. They died where they fought and yes sometimes they were covered up. Sometimes time covered them by nature. Sometimes bombs and artillery covered them.
Almost 80 years since the end of the war and we still find lost soldiers. Amazing. Thank you for doing this. It comforts me knowing they are found. Also, I hope you've all had tetanus shots
I'm from the Ruhr area and we still find several unexploded bombs in my hometown every year 😅 You'd think eventually we'd find everything but this stuff just keeps showing up somehow haha. Although it's obviously easier to find bombs and remains in urban areas than in secluded rural areas like this one here. I'm sure even in a hundred years from now they'll still find remnants from WW2 there that haven't rotten away completely
Be careful with the items since they have been in the mud rotting and corroding for a very long time, chucking them could deal massive damage and they can break apart
Friends, this is called bandits There is no hobby or fair people here, all they care about is money or gold It is not possible for them to smash everything and treat it with disrespect, this is history for preservation not for looting
the area showed no signs of a grave stone or anything, so they probably found an unmarked grave so if anything they are actually giving the people a chance to be identified to there families
They need to work for the Smithsonian Museum with those great archeological skills. They sure do know how to honor history by showing us inside of drum m ag.
thats what the commonwealth does, doesnt matter if they are germans or not. but this is in russia, very primitive and uneducated people in general, they just toss remains away and didnt reported them to authorities or embassy. These youtube channel is of some grave diggers and robbers
@@paleo75 "learning" through desecration is not acceptable behavior. nothing was "learned" here other than how to destroy and desecrate a grave site. despicable behavior. would you feel the same way of those bones were of your father who was lost in action?
I served in the army for 5 years and was stationed in Germany, I absolutely love history of the war with all my heart. And now live in Germany and have quite the collection I have preserved respectfully. It's a shame everything he did in this video was handled with such carelessness and everything was either tossed around or banged on.
Y’all do not get how much this fascinates me… Ive held a German WW2 helmet that was originally from a friend of mines brother, I thought it was the coolest thing.
There is unexploded ordnance from the Civil War that is still capable of killing someone after almost 160 years. And these guys right here are tossing around a WWII mine like it was a volleyball.
@@shaunwest3612 yes, these youtubers are just tomb robbers, llook at how they treat and throw arround the remains, look at their other videos, just stealling from unmarked field graves
My heart literally sank seeing him tear up and ruin all these pieces of history that belongs in a museum. Especially the PPSH magazine with bullets still loaded in them. Next time don’t ruin the history of your going to dig it up. Leave it to the professionals because you guys obviously know nothing about preserving history.
A irmã da minha vó casou com um médico alemão que deixou a Alemanha pela devastação após a guerra. Veio para o sul do Brasil e teve 2 filhos. Sei que esse alemão tinha 7 irmãos e todos morreram no conflito, os homens morreram ou sumiram depois q foram convocados pra lutar. As mulheres da família tb morreram (bombardeios, etc). Sei que esse cara perdeu toda família por culpa de Hitler, e seus irmãos foram obrigados a defender o Reich, não foram por concordar com a tese nazista. Meu avô (cunhado desse alemão q emigrou para o Brasil) lutou na Itália pelos Aliados.
As a German I can say that not every German was a good guy, but that not every German is a good guy. Also not every Russian is a bad guy and not every Russian is a good guy. Keep honor to the dead who fought for their country. And be aware of all politicians. Most of them are bad, too. In EVERY country.
Can someone please identify the location of these finds? PLEASE! My German father was killed in Wenens by Ergli in Latvia. He was killed by a headshot - could it be him they found?
Es tut mir leid, das zu hören, aber das sind keine guten Männer. Sie rauben das Kriegsgrab und behalten, was für sie "wertvoll" ist, sie werfen die Überreste dieses tapferen Soldaten, als wäre es Müll. Ich hoffe, Sie finden eines Tages eine Antwort, mein Freund. they would not smash up a canister box like that if it was of Russian make... ..and not because it was built better or some nonsense... but because they would have respect for it, because it's "their side" from the war.
its not just the bullets and shells flying past you, its the psychological effect of living in freezing weather, with cold food, loneliness, despair, hopelessness.
Basically yes. But some believe that they are cursed if they are not properly laid to rest i.e. cemetery. I believe they should be left as tragic as it may have been, they do indeed rest where their bones lie.
@@rexman971 or not, these remains are off missing soldiers,, some families still looking from their grandparents, there are DNA database to compare remains and gave them identity and proper burial in military cementery. Thats what the commonwealth does doesnt matter if they are germans or not. Bbut this is in russia, vvery primitive and uneducated people in general, they just toss remains away and didnt reported them to authorities or embassy
Love your channel you do awesome work......... the only thing that I would do different is not break everything apart and give it to the people that would actually restore it to its original glory to see what it actually would look like I'm glad I subscribed
My Great Grandparents were German, I guess that made Grandma half German, then my Dad & then me. His mothers side the Daul's and Benz and many other names, I can't remember off hand. I think Benz has always been Benz, But I know the Daul last name, changed a few times. Doll,Dal,etc In America it's Daul as far as I know.
Im assuming the ammo would be safe for the most part due to long since decomposing, however aren’t grenades and other ordinances actually more volatile? I figure an AT mine would still warrant some caution. Nice find on the gold teeth by the way, though a body is a body and should remain in tact. Even in death.
It’s so sad that countries are still finding human remains from WW2 to this day. I hope these poor souls were able to be identified and their families notified. RIP🙏🏻
Imagine being forced to kill people for no reason! I know a lot of soldiers liked it but most didn’t and if you said other wise you die by the german army! Damned if you do damned if you don’t!
Out of curiosity, what happens when historical human remains like this are found? Is a grave placed there? Are they exhumed and moved elsewhere? Does nothing at all happen?
My Grandfather was a german soilder on the front in russia. He hated the war but his family were all veterans. Deep in the russian forrest he throw his weapon away and ran with a friend, but russian could catch up to them and he barly survived with 3 shots in his body. After long time of suffering in russian prison he maneged to get back to germany, were he found out that his entire family and friends died in war.... He had 6 children afterwards, flee out of DDR and lived until 96 years. He was a great man.
he fought so we didn't have to.
Damn. Respect to him he sounded like a badass.
@@sheritaa3600 thats not much considering the population on earth
Wow was für eine Lebensgeschichte! Sehr beeindruckend
he was a weak deserter
Although they fought for Germany, German soldiers were brainwashed into thinking they were fighting for a just cause. They did give the ultimate sacrifice and, when found ,should be treated with the same care and respect as any other.
Exactly like American soldiers. Some, realize later, they were only fighting for the centuries old global financial ruling class that brainwashes, enslaves and eliminates the totally clueless!
Yeah, it still sounds pretty disrespectful when you say, "Although they fought for Germany"
@@DerNomade1871but it's the right way to put it unless you're a Nazi yourself. So we can say that he was unfortunately fighting and dying for Nazi Germany.
Fighting Bolshevism was a just cause, tf you talking about. Your username is fitting.
Αυτά να έρθεις να τα πεις σε αυτούς που εκτελέστηκαν σε αυτούς που πέθαναν από την πείνα σε αυτούς πού έχασαν τα σπίτια τους από πυρπολήσεις από αυτούς τους στρατιώτες πού πολέμησαν για την Γερμανία! Τιμή και δόξα στον Ελληνικό λαό Τιμή και δόξα στον Ρωσικό λαό που διέλυσαν τούς ναζιστές Γερμανούς!!
Any Human remains should be notified to the German Embassy or Consulate please.
They dont care about the remains! They preparing for next conflict with the Russians😢!
Seems it starts all over again!
It's someone's son or brother
My Grandma never got told if her father died. He had to fight on the east front. She waited more than 15 years for him to return home, after all the years she gave up hope for any information about her dad.
This is why, u should inform the German Cosulate. These people were *humans* , humans like you and I.
million of soldiers of the first and second world war are still buried in those battlefields
As the inglourious basterds
Not true
@@unknownkingdomthere are many, certainly but ‘millions’, IDK.
@@johnnunn8688 nope, The bodies ( that you can identify as bodies ) have all been removed from the beaches
@@johnnunn8688 the war on the eastern front had a lot of unmarked burials for both Germans and Soviets, under the motherland call's statue in Volgograd there are a bunch of unmarked graves under the statue from what I've heard. Soviets lost so many men with Germans, that they had no time to identify them, 34,505 soldiers who were defenders of Stalingrad are buried there
I just hope these funds are reported and any Human remains are notified to the German Embassy. These dead soldiers have family descendants .
Don't bet on it .
These are Russians and couldn't give a rat's azz.
They didn't have dental records back then. How exactly are you supposed to link this to a family member. On top of that you don't think they would know if these people died
Please do your research before writing inane comments .
@@indiosveritas I have never done research on anything in my life and I'm better for it
This was someone's beloved son, husband, father.........
Was thinking just exact the same ….
And he probably burned children, mothers, fathers, old people alive...
arent they even cautios about land mines ? Creepy hobbie indeed .
Can that jaw bone with teeth some looked like gold teeth, be traced to a relative, so they can put closure on the remains, wars are so destructive to all life😢
I love the metal detecting but man I hope those bodies were reported so that they can be laid to rest.
As if they weren't already resting
they are not. these guys are just tomb robbers
@Based_Dept.there are still millions of people MIA and relatives looking for confirmation to close a chapter
they are resting not playing football
nah nah nah , just a trophy
The damage to the metal bears witness to the violence of their deaths even though the flesh and clothes have rotted away
that was a violent battle for sure!
Hell of a foxhole to find! 2 German soldiers, 2 russian soldiers, 2 head shots, a ppsh drum, machine gun nest armor, evidence of an anti-tank rifle, evidence of armored vehicles presence. Wow.
don't forget the anti tank mine
Na WW2 in a conspiracy
@@SassyXR6007damn I feel bad for you
@@miketerry1068 joke bro
Probably bulldozed during an advance.
I could tell straight off these guys are professional Archeologists the use of an axe to open a container was a dead give away
Fucking grave robbers, thats all they are.... there is a huge market in some russian and ukrainian areas where they make money with german medals and other german war equipment!
Or, they could not hunt for anything and just leave it buried, hidden in the earth
Why would they try to keep it preserved?,the whole thing is on the verge of disintegration 😂
@@AlexisLavoie-hp5br por respeto
Dead Giveaway is just about right, Pindo.
Using an ax isn't the way I would excavate history but I'm no expert
These are fucking grave robbers, they will sale the medals and other WW2 equipment, and what do you think they will make with the goldteeths? Fuck them!
thats what im saying, and ripping stuff apart like the magazine to the ppsh kinda made me angry
@@jackmiller4706me too, wtf was that, that msg was mint considering he found it in the ground
these guys are tomb robbers, dont expect much
@@Luis-bo2uj It's not a tomb.
Show us how you treat the Remains of the soldiers! Do you just toss it to the side ? Or are they buried with the honour they deserve.
Well obviously he kept them gold teeth lol
I've seen other videos by these folks. They treat the fallen with respect.
What do they do with them? They absolutely need to account for this!!
@@ChoctawNawtic4Shut the hell up
Mereka tidak sebodoh yang anda sangkakan. Mereka juga tidak sadis seperti orang hindu yang membakar mayat serta tulang belulang orang mati sampai jadi abu. Pastinya mereka melakukan rangka mayat itu dengan sebaik mungkin serta dengan rasa hormat. Dan paling pasti lagi bahawa gigi emas tersebut akan mereka bawa ke "Pawn Star" untuk dijual dengan harga yang pasti mahal atas nilai sejarah dan nilai emas itu sendiri😁
It's amazing, after so many years and layers of mud, dirt and roots they find these. Thank you for what you do. Returning men who fought for their country and put them to rest. Thank you.
What... they're germans bro...
@@Davidvrclipsso they’re just automatically scum? Got it
@@Davidvrclipsthere still human “bro”
@@Chris-p2m3pyeah who fought for the wrong thing lil bro
@@deerg1rlthey didnt have a choice lil bro
The way he nonchalantly flips and handles the anti tank mine gave me anxiety
That’s a Russian for you😂💯
Me too!
Not me tank mines take 100s of pounds of pressure to activate
@@jonathanandrus6928yeah but it’s old
@@melostrich he said it has no detonator meaning it won't go off.
looks like disturbing a war grave. i thought those were protected
War grave would have a marker, this is battlefield debris
This is not an organized grave, but the place where Fritz was killed, where he was covered with earth and everything was overgrown with grass. They are taken out and reburied, as it should be, or handed over to relatives if they manage to establish their identity. Now the Germans and the French wanted to come to Russian soil again to become fertilizer. Apparently, history has not taught them anything...
No this wasn’t a grave, they wouldn’t leave mines or shovels or helmets. Anything of use or value would have been taken and used for the war effort. No, this soldier was killed in battle and was never found or recovered. And judging by the way the bandits carelessly handle his bones, I think he will never be found or his family notified.
@@JordanKennedy-e5u These people are specifically engaged in the search for unknown soldiers and their reburial. They are doing a good deed and are not at all the bandits that you have called them here! If you do not know the essence of the matter, then you should not make your own stupid conclusions!
@@SVN_mt they are hacking at the body with a shovel and playing with the jaw bone
sad seeing how remains in a battlefield are treated.
Sad knowing what the Nazis did to people
This is why using a metal detector in Gettysburg is illegal and will get you arrested. It’s also potentially deadly because there are still live rounds on that battlefield. These guys need to be even more careful.
Well that's how the former Soviets roll, and they dig up marked graves and sell insignia and helmets from the same. Study up on what was done in those places, think about what these diggers heard as children, and deal with it.
@@julies3837 yeep, but this is russia, a very primitivve and uncivilized country.
@@christihiatt3459hey man, we don’t use the hard R around here. It’s “digga’s”
Guys, stop with the politics..this is about doing the right thing for the families of the dead soldiers, Russian or German. Familes need to be notified after DNA extracted from bones being found and the remains can be laid to rest where they belong, and the relatives can stop wondering about what happened to the soldiers even if its 80 years ago
Unsure if the family knows or much cares
I doubt the family cares but I agree that the remains of fallen soldiers should be treated with respect
I am German.. and i am absolutely not proud of all the happenings... but they cannot be changed. all we human can do is learn from mistakes. I love your work! It woukd be so interdsting going with you and discover togethee
Und ich finde, es scheiße, was die hier machen, das sind Hobby-Raubgäber, die dann Orden und anderes Equipment auf spezielle Märkte verkaufen. Was glaubst du denn, was hinterher mit den Goldzähnen passiert?
Das hier gehört der deutschen Kriegsgräberfürsorge gemeldet!
If I was German I’d be proud. Pretty significant time in history your people were involved in. Will be remembered forever, plus everybody loves German engineering.
@@JalopyGym they lost tho lmaoo
@juliantherussian7752 and look how many people and countries it took to eventually stop us? I mean you're Russian there's no way you're talking..😂😂
@@ThatGuy-rdo You're proud of it?
That is a lot of dental work, must have been much older than most and much wealthier than the rest also.
Yeah I was thinking officer too
I wonder if this group takes the human remains so they can be properly honored by their respective nations or do they just put them back in the ground where they were found? I know we are all different but the moment I would find the remains of soldiers, my reverence for their sacrifice (even if 80 years ago) would be proper. I don't like seeing/hearing civilians making light of what was the end of a human beings life here on earth. I know this is all volunteer but a part of me wishes such metal detecting was done with a lot more dignity and done by veterans of military. It's so easy to say, "It is just bones and no one cares." yet they are handling real remains of those who were killed in action.
Or that’s all that’s left of him
@@tkdterp8 I've been following this team for some years now, they do everything they can to ID them and get them to their proper countrymen.
Those teeth and metals would probably cost about 100,000 now at the very least
Should show more respect not only to the soldiers but there belongings aswell
They came there to destroy. 20 million people d ied bevause of them. Why should they be shown respect?
They were nazis they burned people alive in ovens
Becaus u russian or people of USSR treating the remainings like piece of sh...t @@bokibo87
theyre russians lmao
Its really cool to find all those artifacts, but im not sure how i feel about disturbing those men's remains.
Russia doesn't care much for thier currant soldiers, so i doubt they care for the dead of zGermany
I mean when you're digging and you find stuff, you don't know what it is until you take it out and clean the dirt off, then once you realize it's remains, you can't exactly blame yourself for disturbing remains purposely. I'm moreso upset about all the artifacts they found that they emptied carelessly into the dirt or broke open with force just to see what was inside.
You obviously aren't familiar with this channels work.
These guys need to be more careful with that unexploded ordinance. Amateurs obviously!
Russians obviously
@@BenNoakes-y7y Yeah they take being a amateur to a high artform.
Its like an entire nation of hillbillies and backyard "scientists". 😂
No joke.
😮ich hoffe das Ihr den Fund bei der Kriegsgräberfürsorge meldet falls auch eine Erkennungsmarke gefunden wird. Viele Angehörige vermissen noch gefallene Soldaten egal aus welchem Land .Danke
The pain watching him ruin all this gear is insane 😢
Exactly 😢
Why did you use sad emoji explain to me?
@@SouksavanThavonesouk because its sad to see some asshole that doesn't know what he is doing destroying very old gear that means a lot to some people.
@@Reginald-t9i Thanks for the answers.
@@Reginald-t9ithat was basically rotten 100%, nothing valuable
May his soul rest in peace. Most of the men who fought were drafted and had no choice. He was fighting to protect himself and his family. It’s the world leaders who cause the evil, not the soldiers who are caught up in the middle of a war they have no choice in fighting.
Get off your soap box
@@MomoneyG1697 Hey ,it's true ' Sparky ' !!!
That's a dead german in what I can only assume to be eastern europe. You might have had a (still quite poor) point for conscription or something if it was the western front, but these dudes knew full well they were being sent there with the goal of murdering, enslaving, and displacing slavs. The Wehrmacht was an organ not free from the cancer of nazism, and he was almost certainly not in the dark about why he was there.
We don't know that. They were nazis
@@MomoneyG1697it is people like you that glorify war. If you were ever in a war I’ll bet your cowardly butt would cower and cry.
I respect the fact that you are looking for historical artifacts, but the minute you discover human remains you go from artifact hunter to grave robber. Sorry, just saying.
It’s not a grave site, or a burial site. It’s where someone was killed and earth swallowed them up into nature. Do you think people who dig up dinosaur bones are grave robbers?
@@Dbagsyou dinosaurs aren't human beings, so no so scientists who dig up fossilized dino bones are not grave robbers.
A person's final resting place, wheather that be in a proper cemetery or in a ship that sank to the bottom of the ocean or a soldier who's body was consumed by the earth on the battlefield where he died, that is their grave site.
@@TheBlueRoan316 everyone who digs something up isn’t a scientist. You think scientists are the only people who dig for things?
@@TheBlueRoan316 so you’re saying that humans are the only animal that shouldn’t be bothered after they die?
At least it’s not the dude who disrespected a German soldier by taking his helmet from the body
This is amazing what you guys do. One thing I'm curious though. How come everything is deep in the ground? Was it buried or did Time cover it up? Thank you 🙏
time and weather
Maybe a foxhole?
Oi sou do Brasil (são Paulo)gostaria de saber se possível em que ano foi esta guerra,parabéns excelente trabalho.
Trenches. Foxholes. Dugouts. Firing positions. They died where they fought and yes sometimes they were covered up. Sometimes time covered them by nature. Sometimes bombs and artillery covered them.
@@dorielguilherme8957 É a segunda guerra mundial, 1939-1945
Almost 80 years since the end of the war and we still find lost soldiers. Amazing. Thank you for doing this. It comforts me knowing they are found. Also, I hope you've all had tetanus shots
they are grave robbers man, they are not returnning thhosee remains, just look how they treated them
I'm from the Ruhr area and we still find several unexploded bombs in my hometown every year 😅 You'd think eventually we'd find everything but this stuff just keeps showing up somehow haha. Although it's obviously easier to find bombs and remains in urban areas than in secluded rural areas like this one here. I'm sure even in a hundred years from now they'll still find remnants from WW2 there that haven't rotten away completely
@@Luis-bo2uj What a pathetic statement.
Be careful with the items since they have been in the mud rotting and corroding for a very long time, chucking them could deal massive damage and they can break apart
lol there are tons of this crap in Russia.
Friends, this is called bandits There is no hobby or fair people here, all they care about is money or gold It is not possible for them to smash everything and treat it with disrespect, this is history for preservation not for looting
Do you know what their intentions were? If not then your claim is baseless
You got that wrong friend
the area showed no signs of a grave stone or anything, so they probably found an unmarked grave so if anything they are actually giving the people a chance to be identified to there families
I think you need to shut up
@@SlavicUnionGamingit’s a field grave.
Total amateur hunters, playing without any care or respect with human bodies and potentially dangerous ammunition …
You mean like the Germans respected 6 million + Jewish innocent women, children and men? Sick
I agree.. it’s wild they can just dig all this up and throw it around like trash. I get these were bad people, but it still seems weird and wrong.
@@Xaian1 i agree to disagree with you
Watch out for buried mines dude. Be safe that probably is not the safest area
He found an anti-tank mine at 4:20 but lucky no detonator
Archology with an axe interesting !
They’d never get work at the LaBrea Tar Pits!…🤣
Yes its the done thing now just like surgery!
It’s not archeology, it’s grave robbing.
Archaeology *
They need to work for the Smithsonian Museum with those great archeological skills. They sure do know how to honor history by showing us inside of drum m ag.
Everything is all rotten and a PPSH drum mag is not something that would be rare to find
4:25 bro WHAT
He says "there is no detonator" clearly
Don’t you have to stop digging and report to proper authorities when bones are discovered???? This is still a grave technically!!!!!
In Russia .....does not seem like it.....
Shutup u are that one person who ruins everything
Now forensics can have him get a proper bury
thats what the commonwealth does, doesnt matter if they are germans or not. but this is in russia, very primitive and uneducated people in general, they just toss remains away and didnt reported them to authorities or embassy. These youtube channel is of some grave diggers and robbers
That "bing" he made looking at the helmet broke the language barrier lol
If they found a PPSH drum mag, does that mean they were taking weapons and ammo from the Russian’s as they were being pushed back to Germany?
5:20 what was that? Why did u put it back?
I thought fingers
But looking again I think closer to dynamite with it's shape and apparent color
Digging up human remains to recover artifacts gives us metal detectorists a negative name. 😠
@@paleo75 "learning" through desecration is not acceptable behavior. nothing was "learned" here other than how to destroy and desecrate a grave site. despicable behavior. would you feel the same way of those bones were of your father who was lost in action?
If that means he was finally found, yes.@@funkyzero
I served in the army for 5 years and was stationed in Germany, I absolutely love history of the war with all my heart. And now live in Germany and have quite the collection I have preserved respectfully. It's a shame everything he did in this video was handled with such carelessness and everything was either tossed around or banged on.
Y’all do not get how much this fascinates me… Ive held a German WW2 helmet that was originally from a friend of mines brother, I thought it was the coolest thing.
4:51 I was not ready for that😂😂🔥🔥
Lol. 😂
I wonder do they stumble across WWI artifacts as well?
maybe 🤔
Very little respect here
I know. Risk getting haunted! It's just wrong anyway!
😂😂😂😂 no respect for SS !!!!
@@ElQuintoViernesAzul Based on the helmet, it seems more likely that this was a Wehrmacht soldier. Not Schutzstaffel
@@RenegadeSniperYT mobilization???
@@ElQuintoViernesAzul What?
I wouldn't be messing around with that mine! 😂
It’s hard to believe how deep in the ground all these helmets are.
There is unexploded ordnance from the Civil War that is still capable of killing someone after almost 160 years. And these guys right here are tossing around a WWII mine like it was a volleyball.
Amazing work,at ease soldier,RIP.❤
they arent rettrieving remians, these are grave diggeers, roobbers, they just tossed them away
@@Luis-bo2uj no mate
@@shaunwest3612 yes, these youtubers are just tomb robbers, llook at how they treat and throw arround the remains, look at their other videos, just stealling from unmarked field graves
@@Luis-bo2uj ok mate, that's your opinion.
An anti tank mine “lets flip it around as if it couldn’t possibly still be active which it could be”
My heart literally sank seeing him tear up and ruin all these pieces of history that belongs in a museum. Especially the PPSH magazine with bullets still loaded in them.
Next time don’t ruin the history of your going to dig it up. Leave it to the professionals because you guys obviously know nothing about preserving history.
Someone's son, brother, uncle, father, husband, friend!
Love how chill these guys are finding human remains and a fucking landmine
It has been only about 80 years. How it’s so deep under ground?
A irmã da minha vó casou com um médico alemão que deixou a Alemanha pela devastação após a guerra. Veio para o sul do Brasil e teve 2 filhos. Sei que esse alemão tinha 7 irmãos e todos morreram no conflito, os homens morreram ou sumiram depois q foram convocados pra lutar. As mulheres da família tb morreram (bombardeios, etc). Sei que esse cara perdeu toda família por culpa de Hitler, e seus irmãos foram obrigados a defender o Reich, não foram por concordar com a tese nazista. Meu avô (cunhado desse alemão q emigrou para o Brasil) lutou na Itália pelos Aliados.
Seu avô ficou vivo ?
Morreram 400 e poucos soldados BR né
@@Gabrielvidal02 sim, ele nasceu em 1920 e faleceu em 1995. Poderia ter vivido mais se não fumasse tanto.
what i most love here is how much respect you guys give the artifacts and the lying soldiers. much respect yall
Meine Brotbüchse😮
So viele liegen noch gefallen in fremden Land...
Diese Deutsch schwer
Facinating vid! I've found countless bunkers scattered arcross Spain - some in the middle of nowhere.
It would be nice if we knew where they were digging and it sounds like they’re speaking Russian
they are russian, grave robbers, diggers, just intereested in selling relics in the black market, they do not retrieve remains
The man never saw the light of day in the war anyway, at least you could have left him alone while he was sleeping.
Put the bones back, mark the grave as "Unknown Axis Soldier", and say a prayer to Christ.
As a German I can say that not every German was a good guy, but that not every German is a good guy. Also not every Russian is a bad guy and not every Russian is a good guy.
Keep honor to the dead who fought for their country.
And be aware of all politicians. Most of them are bad, too. In EVERY country.
Fui um combatente da 2 guerra mundial. Hoje, com 98 anos, sobrevivo com sequelas.
Si claro y yo soy primo de Nerón tengo 2000 años y sobrevivo con el olor a quemado en mi nariz.
Yooo you guys made an incredible find that's so awesome me personally I would take the items home and put them on display
Where is it found? Stalingrad? My grandfather died Stalingrad Don river 1943
@@WWII_METAL_DETECTING do you actualy give the guns and bullets to police and what about the bodies
@@6-6-6.. bo it was sarcastic i think he keeps the cool stuff and re-buries the trash
@@6-6-6.. no they are grave robbers, thats why no answer from them. I bet the Scull is without goldteeths now! Fuck them!
Very cool find guys - thanks for sharing!
So what do u do with the human remains after youve disturbed their resting place??? Can their identity be found? Has it? RIP
Disturbed? Ypu think they wanted to rest there? It's better to return them to the families than leave them to never be found. You're just selfish
What actually happened in the foxhole? Why were Russian and German ammo combined
Can someone please identify the location of these finds? PLEASE! My German father was killed in Wenens by Ergli in Latvia. He was killed by a headshot - could it be him they found?
Goofy ass he MIA like millions of others stfu
Thank you so much; it is very kind of you.@@ChoctawNawtic4
Es tut mir leid, das zu hören, aber das sind keine guten Männer. Sie rauben das Kriegsgrab und behalten, was für sie "wertvoll" ist, sie werfen die Überreste dieses tapferen Soldaten, als wäre es Müll. Ich hoffe, Sie finden eines Tages eine Antwort, mein Freund. they would not smash up a canister box like that if it was of Russian make...
..and not because it was built better or some nonsense... but because they would have respect for it, because it's "their side" from the war.
This guy man. Zero respect for anything.
Opens a ration container… “it’s all rotten” were you expecting fresh produce 😂
What do you do with the items and human remains you find?
Prob report the human bodies
They treat these items like they are common garbage. I guess they find this kind of stuff constantly
У нас в России этого полно, видео от поискового отряда у них этих вещей вагон, такое даже в огороде можно найти)
Rip to those fighters and the other side amen❤
Erkennungsmarke gefunden? Identifizierung möglich?
Darum gehts' denen doch nicht, es geht nur um "Relikte" und "Trophäen" mit diesem Kreuz usw. das bringt "Kohle"
m.E. ziemlich pietätlos
I was very surprised the remains were treated as any other relic. Very unfortunate.
Mir tut das in der Seele weh, verdammt Bastarde!
its not just the bullets and shells flying past you, its the psychological effect of living in freezing weather, with cold food, loneliness, despair, hopelessness.
Should this be considered a grave site
Yes…hundreds of thousands of Germans never went home and are all buried there.
Basically yes. But some believe that they are cursed if they are not properly laid to rest i.e. cemetery. I believe they should be left as tragic as it may have been, they do indeed rest where their bones lie.
@@rexman971 or not, these remains are off missing soldiers,, some families still looking from their grandparents, there are DNA database to compare remains and gave them identity and proper burial in military cementery. Thats what the commonwealth does doesnt matter if they are germans or not. Bbut this is in russia, vvery primitive and uneducated people in general, they just toss remains away and didnt reported them to authorities or embassy
Wojna nigdy nic dobrego nie przyniosła. Pozdrawiam from Poland
Love your channel you do awesome work......... the only thing that I would do different is not break everything apart and give it to the people that would actually restore it to its original glory to see what it actually would look like I'm glad I subscribed
They are looking for things of value not history, like the gold teeth
@@wannabe4668 yep, grave robbers
I was born in the second half of the war, and the war was so much more than a war of words.
Had to subscribe as I'm a big metal detecting fan, love mudlarking on the river Thames 💯🇬🇧❤️
My Great Grandparents were German, I guess that made Grandma half German, then my Dad & then me. His mothers side the Daul's and Benz and many other names, I can't remember off hand. I think Benz has always been Benz, But I know the Daul last name, changed a few times. Doll,Dal,etc In America it's Daul as far as I know.
Интересный кусок брони-это отвал от тракторного плуга!
The "ping!" Was wild lol
How to do you find things from that deep in ground?
russia is filled with it. they beaten 70% of the german army and the soviets lost 20milion plus people.
High tech detector
He digs random holes and once a year he finds somwthing.
What detector are you guys using.
Are you trained to disarm any active mines you find? Wont the live ammo discharge if handled wrong?
Judging by how they were throwing them around and tapping the shit out of one with a knife, i dont think so
Im assuming the ammo would be safe for the most part due to long since decomposing, however aren’t grenades and other ordinances actually more volatile? I figure an AT mine would still warrant some caution. Nice find on the gold teeth by the way, though a body is a body and should remain in tact. Even in death.
Warum wird Soetwas ausgebuddelt,lasst den Menschen nach 80 Jahren ihre Ruhe!
I always watch these videos 😢
Soldados alemães sem dúvida eram casca grossa, minha admiração!!!!
It’s so sad that countries are still finding human remains from WW2 to this day. I hope these poor souls were able to be identified and their families notified. RIP🙏🏻
Imagine being forced to kill people for no reason! I know a lot of soldiers liked it but most didn’t and if you said other wise you die by the german army! Damned if you do damned if you don’t!
Out of curiosity, what happens when historical human remains like this are found? Is a grave placed there? Are they exhumed and moved elsewhere? Does nothing at all happen?
Are These Bullets you find
always combat ready? I meen those Bullets that are still in original package
Depends when you got shot....
@@JimmyBeanz13 what are you Talks about???
...the ammunition is corroded, and unusable...
They wouldve been combat ready 78+ years ago. I doubt they would fire if u clean them and load them up but i could be wrong
@@Jayytee177I wouldn't even want to find out. Having the rifle close to your face when one of these misfires... no, thanks.
Let them rest in peace, these are graves
Vultures! Digging up graves in search of left overs from other vultures!
Very interesting video! Where is this?
thanks fir your channel!