You can't leverage funds you don't have. For example, You can't only just have 1K then leverage 5k so leveraging doesn't work and cannot be done. In short leverage is nothing more than a rug pull. The reality is, if leverage was real, all crypto would cease to exist because all people would be doing is gambling what they don't have, removing the so called massive profit. Enough people doing that enough times, would strip the Crypto economy right out of existence.
You can't leverage funds you don't have. For example, You can't only just have 1K then leverage 5k so leveraging doesn't work and cannot be done.
In short leverage is nothing more than a rug pull.
The reality is, if leverage was real, all crypto would cease to exist because all people would be doing is gambling what they don't have, removing the so called massive profit. Enough people doing that enough times, would strip the Crypto economy right out of existence.