666 | Unlocking the Mystery of the Mark of the Beast with Hebrew Numerals

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ม.ค. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 33

  • @irvinschwantes1052
    @irvinschwantes1052 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    How about translating it to the hebrew alphabet equivalent of our alphabet which is w so 666 would be www. Does that look familiar

  • @M.Kingsley-zy7dn
    @M.Kingsley-zy7dn 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I was once understood the 'Beast' and 666 as Nero, however upon further study into the scriptures, God has revealed through His wonderful word that the 'beast' & 'false prophet' are spiritual entities that have the authority from Satan and come out of the abyss and operate through mankind.
    I am a partial preterist and believe that the book of Revelation was written circa 65 AD. I also believe the 'Amillennial' view of the reign of Christ over this earth as from His ascension until the final last day. The day of the resurrection of the just and the unjust and the great white throne judgment. Then a new heaven and new earth.
    You will understand why I am going into detail as you keep reading.
    Genesis 3:15 gives us a huge clue. "And I will put enmity between her seed and your seed....
    Her seed is Christ.
    The her is the faithful woman/bride.
    'Your seed' is Satan's seed and the result is the false/copy of Messiah = the anti-christ. Who I believe was Simon Bar Kokhba.
    John 5:43 'When another comes in his own name, him you will accept....
    1 John 2:18 " As you have heard that anti-christ is coming....... written circa late 1st century after the destruction of the Temple, opposing 'Cerinthus' a spreader of heresy and denying that Jesus is the Son of God.
    Revelation 12:1-10
    The woman was kept hidden until the advent of Jesus and was promised from the beginning.
    The sun & moon & stars are representative of the faithful Israel of God and the 12 stars are the 12 tribes of Israel. Genesis 37
    She has been revealed in the new testament/covenant. The faithful bride.
    The great red dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns are in his own authority until King Jesus binds him after the beast and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire [which is eternal]. I believe this happened in 135/6 AD at the battle of Armageddon, when Bar Kokhba was killed and Israel was renamed to Syria Palaestina and Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina by Emporer Hadrian.
    The 'beast' cannot be Rome as Rome continued on even after 70 AD and after Nero was killed in 68 AD.
    Satan gave the beast it's power and seat and great authority.
    I believe that Rome was the 6th head and came to a pinnacle of madness with Nero but Nero is not the beast as Nero is still in Hades awaiting the last day in which he will be thrown into the lake of fire which is the 2nd death to humans. Plus there were 9 more persecutions of Christians by the Empire of Rome ending with the Diocletian persecutions in the 4th century AD, which was more severe and lasted much longer than Nero's.
    I believe that the Beast began it's power here on earth through the worldly systems of great empires.
    1. Summerian - the tower of Babel - mystery Babylon the great the mother of harlots / idolatry rode that beast.
    2. Egyptian
    3. Babylon
    4. Medes/Persian
    5. Greece
    6. Rome
    7. Apostate Jerusalem - Revelation 9:11 "They had a king over them who is the angel of the bottomless pit.....
    Revelation 11:7-8 "The beast that ascends out the bottomless pit & verse 8 'Spiritually called Sodom and Egypt where our Lord was crucified.... verse 15 'The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ and He will reign forever and ever.'
    This also gives credence to my understanding of who the beast is.
    So these 7 heads are also 7 kings and are spiritual entities.
    The 10 horns are 10 kings/leaders of the revolt in Jerusalem in 67-70 AD. Josephus gives us the names of these 10 in his 'Wars of the Jews' books. Book 2 chapter 20
    1. Joseph, the son of Gorion (Governor of Jerusalem)
    2. Ananus, the high priest (Governor of Jerusalem)
    3. Jesus, the son of Sapphias, one of the high priests (Idumaea)
    4. Eleazar, the son of Ananias, the high priest (Idumaea)
    5. Niger, the then governor of Idumea (Idumaea)
    6. Joseph, the son of Simon (Jericho)
    7. Manasseh (Perea)
    8. John, the Esscue (toparchy of Thamna; “Lydda was also added to his portion, and Joppa, and Emmaus”)
    9. John, the son of Matthias (toparchies of Gophnitica and Acrabattene)
    10. Josephus, the son of Matthias (both the Galilees; “Gamala also, which was the strongest city in those parts, was put under his command”)
    This was the ending of the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns with the destruction of the the 2nd Temple and Jerusalem.
    Revelation 11:7-8
    Revelation 18 is describing the city who 'mystery babylon the great the mother of harlots and abomination of the earth' had reached it's pinnacle with the apostate Jews, who say that they are Jews but are of the synagogue of Satan. Rev 2:9 & 3:9 and they believed the 'false prophet' into believing lies of the enemy and rejected their true and only Messiah.
    When Daniel was told by the angel Gabriel in Daniel 10, that he fought with the 'prince of Persia' and the 'prince of Greece is coming'. This solidifies my understanding and theory of the 7 heads being fallen angels.
    3 unclean spirits come out of the mouth of the beast and false prophet and dragon for the battle of Armageddon in the land of Israel = the 'Bar Kokhba' revolt. Revelation 16:13
    The beast is revived - the beast had a mortal wound by the sword and did live.
    The beast is also the 8th and is of the 7 and goes to perdition. Jesus defeats the beast & false prophet and throws them into Gehenna.
    Satan is bound for 'chilia' years an undisclosed amount of time. Then released to deceive the nations once again. I believe that he has been released now.
    Bar Kokhba was declared the messiah by Rabbi Akiva saying that Simon was the 'Star out of Jacob.' Instead of Christ Jesus.
    Bar Kokhba ruled the nation of Israel for 3 and 1/2 years, minting his own coins and cutting off the little finger of those who would be fighting for him- over 200 000 men alone. If he didn't cut off their fingers he made them uproot a cedar tree on horseback to prove their allegiance. He called himself the 'prince of Israel' and ruled the land with tyranny.
    Simon killed all the Jewish Christians in the land after cruel punishments probably by cutting off their heads. All these things can be researched and verified.
    About the actual number of the beast being 666, I believe that it represents apostate mankind.
    I have tried seeing if the name of Simon Bar Kokhba adds to this number but because of the many different variations of the name and from the 'cave of letters' discovered from the dead sea scrolls it is hard to decipher.
    Justin Martyr & Eusebius give us his name in Greek of being Bar Cocheba and I did do a play on letters of 'Simon Bar Kockiba' which adds to 666 but am not at all confident because of this. If we try anything or any name it could be construed into 666
    I took it from the Greek because John gives us the number in Greek.

  • @jdconolley8957
    @jdconolley8957 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Great presentation! Is this fair to classify the Greek Neron vs a latinized Nero as a “moveable nu” issue?

    • @kairosclassroom
      @kairosclassroom  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don't think so. The "movable nu" is more about whether the next word starts with a vowel. I think -oν is a more natural noun ending than -o.

  • @EarlMcManus-x7t
    @EarlMcManus-x7t 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    There's a jewish guy who describes it perfectly.

  • @AlibertuMathe
    @AlibertuMathe 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Hi iwant join

  • @BreydenBoniphace
    @BreydenBoniphace หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    thank you for telling me about 666

  • @ivanvinkesevic5567
    @ivanvinkesevic5567 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Don't you know that John did not write in Hebrew, but in Greek? In Greek, too, each letter has a number.

  • @reelakzin868
    @reelakzin868 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The logo for Monster energy drink is literally the Hebrew 666.

  • @Exodus26.13Pi
    @Exodus26.13Pi 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ...Exodus 26:13 ≈ π...
    Pi was first recorded by Moses in 1440 BC. Josephus the Historian's description of the Tabernacle in 94 AD was inaccurate. This oversight was discovered in 2015 AD.
    330 Exodus 26 :7
    15 Exodus 26:12
    - 1 Exodus 26:13 makes Pi
    = 314
    3.14 = 314 circumference/100 diameter ≈ π ratio (100 cubit court per Exodus 27:9-18)
    This Wilderness Tabernacle archeological discovery is similar to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Martin Luther's 95 Theses.
    History of finding π:
    -(1900-1680) One Babylonian tablet indicates a value of 3.125 for π
    -(1650 BC) The Rhind Papyrus the Egyptians gave the approximate value of π 3.1605
    -(1440 BC) Moses recorded Pi in the Exodus blueprints rediscovered in (2015 AD) 3.141592653... or Exodus 26:13 ≈ Pi
    -(500 BC) India's Aryabhata approximation was 62,832/20,000, or 3.1416
    -(429-501 BC) Zu Chongzhi a Chinese mathematician 3.1415926 - 3.1415927
    -(250 BC) Archimedes from Syracuse showed between 3.1408 and 3.1429
    The knowledge of Pi was lost from Exodus near 900 BC. Josephus the Historian in 94 AD did NOT know about Exodus 26:13 makes Pi to properly explain the Tabernacle blueprints. He deferred to the Temple's structure and not Exodus 26-27.
    Pi is found in the spiral of the double helix in your DNA.
    Consider that King Josiah & the Prophetess Huldah rediscovered a "Book of the Law" right? In short, this monumental oversight was corrected in 2015.
    This technology has been lost for 3000 years.
    Exodus 26:13 ≈ π

  • @lanabowers5332
    @lanabowers5332 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Here is the correct meaning of 666. The number 666 is the clue to those who knew the Hebrew alphabet & the way it was used in the gnostic monastic system out of which the zealot movement arose. The letters of the Hebrew alphabet were used also for numbers. The last letter TAW ('t') was used for 400, the 2d last SHIN ('s') for 300, the 3d last RESH ('r') for 200. The number 600 was made up of 400 & 200, TAW and RESH. The number 60 was further down the alphabet, at WAW ('v'). This letter WAW, was used with an initial or group of initials. So the letters representing 666 were: TAW, RESH and SAMEKH (TRS 660) with the extra WAW (6) to show that initials were being used. In the Jewish monastic system letters were used for the grades attained each year, as in a school system. The very highest grade was TAW, the last letter of the alphabet being used to show that promotions could go no higher. It was normally reached at the age of 30 after 10 years of study. The year before, SHIN was reached, and before that RESH. Of the 10 years of study, from ages 20 to 23, were used to prepare for initiation. It was only at 23 that SAMEKH the grade of initiation was reached. TAW, RESH and SAMEKH represented the 3 main steps in the career of a student in a monastery. So, when the eastern monastic system, with its oppressive discipline and covert military purpose, was rejected by the Christians, they spoke of it contemptuously as 'the 666'.

  • @americanlostinvietnam3721
    @americanlostinvietnam3721 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Question now is, are the Popes the Caesars of today?

  • @alongcamejones309
    @alongcamejones309 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Excellent Vid

  • @cashed-out2192
    @cashed-out2192 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    the beast, aka antichrist, the false prophet and Satan, each will have a six. If you partake all three sixes, then, you have become a party with these individuals.

  • @KaylaJohnsonsararosegedanitz
    @KaylaJohnsonsararosegedanitz 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's nero not neron and he isn't one lol try again.

    • @kairosclassroom
      @kairosclassroom  13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Did you watch the video? The nero vs. neron explains the text critical issue.

  • @MihiretuMatihiwos
    @MihiretuMatihiwos 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ethiopia ❤❤666neme mihirtu

  • @postmanbart
    @postmanbart 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Is the name Allah 666 in some way?

    • @infestchristopher1457
      @infestchristopher1457 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

      No it's not, it's Nero Ceaser.

    • @postmanbart
      @postmanbart 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @infestchristopher1457 the Greek writing for 666 and the arabic writing for Allah are said to have a very close match.

    • @infestchristopher1457
      @infestchristopher1457 12 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @IsmaailMuhiddin
    @IsmaailMuhiddin 6 หลายเดือนก่อน
