Did we watched the same video? Pascal's roulette was a *mechanic* invention during one of his attempts to create a perpetual motion machine and obviously didn't even had numbers on it. The 666 roulette was created almost 2 centuries later by the Blanc family as explained in the video.
Contact Master Mr Allen2 he is the one that helped me out becoming a member of the great Illuminati brotherhood today is name is Mr Allen2 do a research on him on TH-cam
I love the idea that you put side-by-side the answer that a mathematician and someone working in the humanities would give! The first few minutes where they contradict each other's statements are especially nicely timed and a funny contrast. Thank you Numberphile! :)
Speaking from the future here, I do miss these videos where multiple people are speaking on one topic and the stories interweave. They're really well done.
That is literally and surprisingly one of the coolest things I have seen on TH-cam. Puts a whole new light on the interpretation or misinterpretation of the Bible. Dan Brown eat your heart out. Furthermore, I am amazed that someone would know ancient Greek, Hebrew, and math...seems like a non sequitur. More please!
The Mark of the Beast is not Nero. It is written you can not buy or sell for the Mark if the Beast. Please explain has this ever been accomplished? It has not come yet. But it WILL. Please do not be deceived. Your very soul depends on it. The Word is very clear. You will Never be forgiven and you will spend eternity in the lake of fire
For those of you that didnt understand his reference, he is talking about the song by Iron Maiden (Heavy metal band) called "The number of the beast" and in the beggining of it Bruce Dickinson reads the passage of 0:47, and after that there is a guitar riff. Great song btw
George Balega I'm not entirely sure if exactly true but the Roman Numeral 'M' for 1000 was not originally used but was later added. I heard all this on a certain midnight radio show years ago. I tried searching if this was correct and couldn't find anything relevant until I came upon this site. It shows that the Roman Numeral for 1000 was depicted as 'I' inside 'parenthesis'. The parenthesis looked more like a 'C' and a backwards 'C' with the 'I' in between. Written quickly, this numeral ( I ) morphed into 'M'. [Then again, it also shows evidence that 'D' was also sometimes written as 'I' and a backwards 'C'.]
The Illuminati you kinda freak me out.. could you change your name and logo plz, or state that you are working for the illuminati for the record, so i know why ill have hitmen coming to my front door plz :)
I remember being freaked out as a child noticing that 1998 was 3 X 666. Fortunately, it passed without much incident, and I learned to take numerology with a shaker of salt
If anyone's wondering why iota stands for 10 when it's the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet, it's because Greek numerals keep the letter digamma long after it stopped being used in writing. It was the 6th letter of the alphabet, represented the /w/ sound and eventually made its way into the Latin alphabet as F.
+Leopoldo Aranha I think it's because Pentecostal Christians are obsessed with the Book of Revelations. They're the ones always going on about New World Order, secret government FEMA concentration camps, and everyone having to be branded with the Mark of The Beast and having RFID chips implanted in their skulls. One thing I did find strange though was how could 'Ceasar', which is spelled with six letters in the English alphabet, be spelled with only three in the Greek / Hebrew alphabet, they never did explain that. Actually that's a little unfair, most Christians don't really believe all that nonsense, only the very extremist, ultra- conservatives. That's true of any religious faith / political organization.
+Bernard Gilbert In Hebrew, vowels are omitted and its alphabet is actually all consonants ("aleph" is actually a consonant that represents the glottal stop). There was a vowel system eventually developed after the gematria would have existed for awhile, but it is composed of dots written above and below the letters and it does not have a number system associated with it. Modern Hebrew speakers rarely use the vowel system and keep just the consonants as the vowel system is mostly useful for learners. So, what Pete had in the video was "QSR", which would have been pronounced "Kaisar" (this is actually the original pronunciation of Caesar); a native Hebrew reader would immediately know what vowels to use.
+redouan abdellati Kappa. Kappa rhymes with Frank Zappa. Our English 'Z' is similar to the Greek Zeta, which is the SIXTH letter of the Greek alphabet. Coincidence? I THINK NOT! Let's dig a little deeper!
That's actually kind of misleading. There are words for numbers in Hebrew. But, Hebrew letters are not used to represent numbers in the same way. The Hebrew way of doing it is called Gematriah/Gematria. The way it works is: Aleph: 1 Beis: 2 Gimmel: 3 Daled: 4 Hay: 5 Vav: 6 Zayin: 7 Ches: 8 Tes: 9 Yud: 10 Kaf: 20 Lamed: 30 Mem: 40 Nun: 50 Samech: 60 Ayin: 70 Pay: 80 Tzady: 90 Koof: 100 Reish: 200 Shin: 300 Taf: 400 Now you know.
@Nir Even. That's a correction, indicating that a mistake and miscalculation is easily made, through all this time, since the book Revelations was written.
Is anyone else bothered by the guy’s insistence to differentiate between the American and Monte Carlo roulette wheels but at the end adding 00 would get you the same 666 so what was the point?
For those of you who are still confused, the Romans under Nero were heavily persecuting the Christians at the time (it was written by John the Revelator while exiled to the Isle of Patmos after they failed to kill him with hot oil). Because the Romans could possibly find his writings, John wrote the description of the beast in code. The importance is not Nero himself, but the connotation behind his name. The beast is a modern figure with the same characteristics of Nero. The purpose was to warn the last generation against a leader who would embody the characteristics of Nero.
I know this is an old video, but I’m glad Numberphile videos aren’t set up like this anymore. The two speakers are talking about only tangentially related topics, and it’s hard to follow.
Came for a super Religious background, and back then was utterly fascinated with Revelations. This was very cool. Glad to add this to my knowledge pool. Thanks!
Your missing the point. This is about gods and devils, not humans. The number 666 is the number of a Man, however he is not just a man, more like a god or a man in disguise. They wrote the Bible in languages of the past, but it was meant to be deciphered in a future language of our times. That is how well the gods and devils know the future, like time travelers. To know the right Bible and the right language you must find the Beast, because this all about him. Two thirds of the human species is to be killed around his appearance, at least that is the plan of the apocalypse, so this can not be a historical figure.
Humans are carbon based lifeforms, meaning the base element that makes us up is carbon which is like the foundation for DNA and amino acids which make us up. Carbon has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons.
aSStronaut111 humans? More like any life then - it is all carbon based. Besides, we are mostly water. The trouble with 666 is that is just a number, and thus so abstract, that an anxious mind could find a way to bend anything it fears to associate with it. Heck, there are even like 66 books in the Bible - which is sort of 666ish. The historical context of it simply meaning Nero makes sense. Everything else.. well.. much less so :)
I have a German test tomorrow, it is currently 00:00, I should be learning for my test but instead I am watching a video about how 666 is the number of the beast
Anybody else notice when he was talking about triangle numbers he had a triangle made of freckles on the back of his hand? It's a conspiracy it's the illuminati.
i thought it was unbelievably annoying going back and forth between the two guys talking about the same subjects but obviously differently. I followed it and it is interesting, but it was extremely annoying to have both of those intertwined.
Why use Nero's title in the calculation? Caesar is more of a title than a name and his true name wasn't even Nero that was the name he took after he was adopted. Hell his imperial name didn't even have Nero in it, he might be known as Nero commonly but that doesn't mean it is his true given name.
You are partially correct. Caesar was actually the last name of Julius Caesar and continued up to the end of his dynasty of which Nero was a part. After the Julio-Claudian dynasty ended it became adopted as a title. It would be like if every president since Washington used his last name as a title; "Hi, I'm George Bush Washington." On a side note Caesar was not as great of a title as Augustus which meant majestic in latin. You get a lot of emperors who had the title Caesar Augustus affixed to their name. After the tetrarchy was established you had four rulers, each half of the empire (west and east) had one Caesar and one Augustus. The Caesar ran the empire but the Augustus was his boss and the Augustus had the power to appoint a new Caesar. But if John wanted to use Nero's full name for his 666 thing he would have had to calculate off of... 'Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus'.
That is why these type of things bother me, they pick and choose what parts to use and which to leave out to get to the conclusion they want. Hell Nero's birth name was Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, why not use that for numbers instead of the name he took later on?
9Kbits So the whole thing is a game and means nothing. If you don't use a proper given name then it really is useless since you can just work backwards, find the answer you want and then try and mold the nickname to fit it.
Native Hebrew speaker here. Quick note, the spelling of Nero Caesar ("neron kesar") is written incorrectly by omitting the final form of the second Nun. Certain letters in Hebrew are written differently when located at the end of the word, including the letter Nun. I expect that this was done for making the gematria easier to explain, but it should be noted that Nero's name is actually supposed to be written "נרון קסר" and not "נרונ קסר."
That was very very informative. I was already aware of Nero and his deeds during his reign in the Roman Empire, however I wasn't in the least aware his name was directly linked to the "666". This and I do agree that "A" to "Z" and 1-26 aren't comparable to the use of the Greek and Hebrew alphabetical and numeric systems; I only say this, because of the strong connection between both systems, instead of our numeric and alphabetical systems being separate as we do nowadays.
he should have tried spelling the name in Greek because that is what Paul wrote in also he should have showed all the combinations to get the number of the beast, you know, to show what names could also be related to it ?
It's amazing, using the straightforward ordinal system (a=1 thru Z=26), that Monte Carlo = 13+15+14+20+5 + 3+1+18+12+15 = 116 Roulette = 18+15+21+12+5+20+20+5 = 116
Now I'm not disagreeing with people who say 666 isn't the mark of the beast or devil cuz that's fine that's ur belief and what u believe. What I have to say is illimuniati has to do with one eyes and triangles 666 and 6 are triangle numbers like I said what u believe and I'm not disagreeing.
What Does 666 Mean? According to the last book in the Bible, 666 is the number, or name, of the wild beast with seven heads and ten horns that comes out of the sea. (Revelation 13:1, 17, 18) This beast is a symbol of the worldwide political system, which rules over “every tribe and people and tongue and nation.” (Revelation 13:7) The name 666 identifies the political system as a gross failure in God’s sight. How? More than a label. Names given by God have meaning. For example, God gave the man Abram, which means “Father Is High (Exalted),” the name Abraham, which means “Father of a Crowd (Multitude),” when God promised that He would make Abraham “a father of many nations.” (Genesis 17:5, footnotes) Likewise, God named the beast 666 as a symbol of its defining attributes. The number six implies imperfection. Often, numbers are used as symbols in the Bible. Seven typically represents completeness or perfection. Six, being one short of seven, can denote something incomplete or flawed in God’s eyes, and it can be associated with God’s enemies.-1 Chronicles 20:6; Daniel 3:1. Three times for emphasis. The Bible sometimes stresses a matter by stating it three times. (Revelation 4:8; 8:13) So the name 666 powerfully emphasizes that God views human political systems as gross failures. They have been unable to bring lasting peace and security-things that only God’s Kingdom will achieve. The mark of the beast The Bible says that people receive “the mark of the wild beast” because they follow it “with admiration,” to the point of worshipping it. (Revelation 13:3, 4; 16:2) They do this by giving worshipful honor to their country, its symbols, or its military might. As The Encyclopedia of Religion states: “Nationalism has become a dominant form of religion in the modern world.” * How is the mark of the beast placed on someone’s right hand or forehead? (Revelation 13:16) Regarding his commands to the nation of Israel, God said: “Bind them as a reminder on your hand, and they should be like a headband on your forehead.” (Deuteronomy 11:18) This meant, not that the Israelites were to mark their literal hands and foreheads, but that God’s words would guide all their actions and thoughts. Likewise, rather than being something literal such as a 666 tattoo, the mark of the beast symbolically identifies those who let the political system rule their lives. Those with the mark of the beast place themselves in opposition to God.-Revelation 14:9, 10; 19:19-21.
Swagger Jacker TH-cam used to skip over the second last second of all the videos and people started making a fuss about it in the comments. So just to be dicks youtube decided to remove that little thing making videos one second shorter but it has had some weird side effects.
Taco Cat My knowledge of -1/12, as meager as it may be, would lead me to believe it is a triangle number in essence. The only problem is that it would never form a triangle.
As a Hebrew speaker, it was fascinating. And pretty accurate (including the way you had drawn the letters) even though Hebrew isn't your first language. And I guess Greek either :).. Kudos..
I'm from Israel, so I've been speaking Hebrew my whole life. Hebrew is a renewed language. It is an ancienct language that has died, and been revived almost 3 thousand years after its death. Ancient Hebrew does indeed use letters for numbers, and still today, we use letters for grades (first grade would be called grade A) as well as other various things, but we have adopted the international mathematical symbols, for obvious practical reasons. I just wanted to clarify that, just in case anyone had developed the wrong impression.
people will always find theories to fit the 'fact'. nice video guys, thank you. I'm going through a particularly rough time with recognising that I may have ADHD and this has actually helped. got to stop watching negative and conspiracy videos on TH-cam
If you're looking at conspiracies in TH-cam, you've not been looking in the right place. It's a scary world out there, but the evil always leaves traces.
I have quite an interesting story with the number 666, every time I would encounter it randomly (like in TH-cam views, or other places you would usually see 3-digit numbers) something bad would happen to me in a personal way, like my parents would get mad at me because my forgotten homework from a month ago would randomly come up to my parents, and I would get into big trouble. Sometimes, I’d lose my homework that I clearly passed. Sometimes my phone would get taken away from me, but for some reason, the number 666 would always come up before it happens. Back then, i just looked at the number going like “oh no it’s the scaryyy number!” In a sarcastic sense, but now i just feel like it’s trying to warn me about my homework or something
One thing about the 666 Riddle of Revelation and it calculating up to Nero Caesar is that he never ordered the mark of 666 to be branded upon the forehead or hand. Plus Caesar is a title like President, so that really wasn't his name. And they never gathered to war against Christ Jesus in the Valley of Megiddo for the War of Armageddon yet. You did get the number correct though... didn't YOU?
666 or the number of the beast is not the number of Satan. The beast, is actually a representation of human government. He even read it was a man's number, not the Devils number. So saying 666 is illuminati is actually correct in a way.
I'm here in April 2020 cos someone posted a comment somewhere that it was the number of corona virus ! Does anyone else comment and sort of think peoplei in the past will read it ? Oh the confusion !
Wait a second... 11 minuted and 6 seconds long video? 11 minutes times 60 is 660. Plus 6 seconds is 666! THE VIDEO OF THE BEAST!!!!!!
It must have been edited before I saw it because now it says 11:05 .
+Rt Gall no time differs 0-1 second on different devices, to me for example its 11:06
Thomas Nygård Thanks for info. I didn't know that.
I find it hilarious how the one guy is explaining stuff related to the bible and James talks about the Roulette tables^^
he didn't even mention that Pascal was a devout christian.
Jean-Luc Walker , who cares. In a few years it will be like saying "he forgot to mention that Euclid was devote to Athena".
+Pablo Romero because its relevant to the topic, if you were talking about Euclid building a statue of athena then that would be equally relevant
Noah haoN
Did we watched the same video? Pascal's roulette was a *mechanic* invention during one of his attempts to create a perpetual motion machine and obviously didn't even had numbers on it. The 666 roulette was created almost 2 centuries later by the Blanc family as explained in the video.
667... the neighbor of the beast.
ErgoCogita 665.99 is the Retail Price of the Beast
The root of all evil
should be either 664 or 668, as 667 probably be on the opposite side of the road
@@Patrickhh69 ?
36+35+34...(and so on)..
this is the most unbiased, educational, religious, nonreligious video I have ever seen. as a Christian.
Contact Master Mr Allen2
he is the one that helped me out becoming a member of the great Illuminati brotherhood today is name is Mr Allen2 do a research on him on TH-cam
100% agree. As a Satanist. Cheers!
mans beast not your spirit it don't get it twisted
@@michalrzfelus Sad
@@mikepamgragg7042 happy
I love the idea that you put side-by-side the answer that a mathematician and someone working in the humanities would give! The first few minutes where they contradict each other's statements are especially nicely timed and a funny contrast. Thank you Numberphile! :)
Speaking from the future here, I do miss these videos where multiple people are speaking on one topic and the stories interweave. They're really well done.
666 is Neron 616 is Nero😮
Life makes so much more sense when you realize there aren't invisible magic creatures controlling things for you.
Ahh... It's great being non-religious now.
Carbon has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons
The Terrarian carbon 6 does
Pklukas you mean carbon 12 right?
That is the most common one too
humans are made of carbon
There are 6 letters in carbon.
666 is the number of the man and the beast
666 = 2²+ 3²+ 5²+ 7²+ 11²+ 13²+ 17²
Notice the prime numbers?
Isn't that 566?
Ok just add 10² to it
@@vanibandodkar31415 No, it's 666 actually.
@@lauroneto3360 oh yeah... Sorry 😛
Yes! The first seven primes. I never knew that. :)
That is literally and surprisingly one of the coolest things I have seen on TH-cam. Puts a whole new light on the interpretation or misinterpretation of the Bible. Dan Brown eat your heart out. Furthermore, I am amazed that someone would know ancient Greek, Hebrew, and math...seems like a non sequitur. More please!
am i the only one that when he said: for it is a human number, and this number is 666, started singing I'M LEFT ALONE
+Jana Soskic Totally
+Jana Soskic Your profile picture matches with this comment :p
+Jana Soskic actually it's 665 seconds
666 is a triangular number? Illuminati confirmed.
I laughed out loud bro, great one
Derek Leung Numberphile is illuminati :O
PortalPlayer u wot m8
Thankyou for explaining the meaning of 666 in such a clear and convincing way. Very enlightening.
The Mark of the Beast is not Nero. It is written you can not buy or sell for the Mark if the Beast. Please explain has this ever been accomplished? It has not come yet. But it WILL. Please do not be deceived. Your very soul depends on it. The Word is very clear. You will Never be forgiven and you will spend eternity in the lake of fire
Did anyone else expect the guitar riff from Iron Maiden to play at 0:47?
I dont kniow what that music sounds like, I know the band name though, just from rumors and talks here and there though.
For those of you that didnt understand his reference, he is talking about the song by Iron Maiden (Heavy metal band) called "The number of the beast" and in the beggining of it Bruce Dickinson reads the passage of 0:47, and after that there is a guitar riff. Great song btw
Drzislav Kovacevic I never heard it XD
666 * 3 = 1998, the year google was founded
+Vlad Novetschi Why 3?
illuminati is a triangle
vsauce covered this. if you have enough information you can find many coincidences like this
Also the year I was born!
I'd like to see a video about 5,318,008 which is a very interesting number!
+vanhouten64 I get it.
+314rft I dont, explain?
Doge If you type in 5,318,008 on a calculator and then turn it upside-down, it spells "BOOBIES". I would like to see Numberphile demonstrate this.
vanhouten64 oh..... ha.....ha...
+vanhouten64 5,318,008,618
You guys seem to have forgotten Nero was nicknamed "the beast" after the fire of Rome.
The number of the beast, 666, Neron Caeser.
The Beast itself refers to Rome, the city "built on 7 hills" (aka, the beast with 7 heads).
Very well done video! Really liked the cuts between the two explanations - almost felt like a thriller or something!
This video is 666 seconds long. Nice.
11:01 is 666
No, that's 661 seconds.
Vlad Gutiev strange...
no its actualy 665 lol
The Trooling channel
no 11:06
This video has 666 seconds.
Coincidence? I think not. 😏😈
Someone needs to give me a reminder to watch this on October 18, when it's been 6 years, 6 months and 6 days since the release of this video.
616 is the devil's fax number.
But it's cartoon networks channel number
Shairra rania Not mine.
In malaysia it's 616
616 is actually the number according to papyrus 115
Roman numerals.
If you add 500+100+50+10+5+1 it equals 666.
Illuminati is in Half Life!
What about M=1000?
George Balega ?
Max Payne I was responding to ChargerBullet's comment about Roman numerals
George Balega I'm not entirely sure if exactly true but the Roman Numeral 'M' for 1000 was not originally used but was later added. I heard all this on a certain midnight radio show years ago.
I tried searching if this was correct and couldn't find anything relevant until I came upon this site. It shows that the Roman Numeral for 1000 was depicted as 'I' inside 'parenthesis'. The parenthesis looked more like a 'C' and a backwards 'C' with the 'I' in between. Written quickly, this numeral ( I ) morphed into 'M'. [Then again, it also shows evidence that 'D' was also sometimes written as 'I' and a backwards 'C'.]
"Triangular Numbers" omg anyone else thought about Iluminati at this moment :DD
I certainly did. And I even thought that they would include Illuminati in the video. They even said "association" at the near end of the video.
Snoopydogg ikr
The Illuminati you kinda freak me out.. could you change your name and logo plz, or state that you are working for the illuminati for the record, so i know why ill have hitmen coming to my front door plz :)
The Illuminati yur confurmd m9
8:32 The triangle on his hand!!! He knows something....
Illuminati Confirmed ∆
Yes covid
Gnom playing connect-the-dots on the man's hand. lol
The comment section never disappoints.
I remember being freaked out as a child noticing that 1998 was 3 X 666. Fortunately, it passed without much incident, and I learned to take numerology with a shaker of salt
If anyone's wondering why iota stands for 10 when it's the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet, it's because Greek numerals keep the letter digamma long after it stopped being used in writing. It was the 6th letter of the alphabet, represented the /w/ sound and eventually made its way into the Latin alphabet as F.
Now, step inside a Pentecostal church and try to explain that.
lol. why did you suggest that?
i don't get it
You don't know why, but the joke is very funny. I don't think I'll explain it to you. Lemme just say this "LEAVE DEMON!" as a reference.
+Leopoldo Aranha I think it's because Pentecostal Christians are obsessed with the Book of Revelations. They're the ones always going on about New World Order, secret government FEMA concentration camps, and everyone having to be branded with the Mark of The Beast and having RFID chips implanted in their skulls.
One thing I did find strange though was how could 'Ceasar', which is spelled with six letters in the English alphabet, be spelled with only three in the Greek / Hebrew alphabet, they never did explain that.
Actually that's a little unfair, most Christians don't really believe all that nonsense, only the very extremist, ultra- conservatives. That's true of any religious faith / political organization.
+Bernard Gilbert In Hebrew, vowels are omitted and its alphabet is actually all consonants ("aleph" is actually a consonant that represents the glottal stop). There was a vowel system eventually developed after the gematria would have existed for awhile, but it is composed of dots written above and below the letters and it does not have a number system associated with it. Modern Hebrew speakers rarely use the vowel system and keep just the consonants as the vowel system is mostly useful for learners.
So, what Pete had in the video was "QSR", which would have been pronounced "Kaisar" (this is actually the original pronunciation of Caesar); a native Hebrew reader would immediately know what vowels to use.
"WOW! Now to wait for the perfect moment to use that knowledge in a conversation..."
Still waitin....
Still waiting for people to not waste their precious linear time watching videos they find useless.
Still waiting....
I was expecting an iron maiden riff after 0:48
"I left alone, my mind was blank.....I needed time to think, to get the memories from my mind"
What's that from?
Kevin Deegan Iron Maiden
Kappa is 20? Happy birthday kappa
What is all this Kappa talk?
***** Kappa is a Twitch.tv emoticon denoting extreme sarcasm.
+redouan abdellati Kappa. Kappa rhymes with Frank Zappa. Our English 'Z' is similar to the Greek Zeta, which is the SIXTH letter of the Greek alphabet.
Coincidence? I THINK NOT! Let's dig a little deeper!
***** Credit goes to Peladophobian and all his Illuminati conspiracy answer videos!
I got the locker 666 in high school. :(
you are the boss then
nataka kuingia nita igia aje
Damn, I wanted that locker.
Oh look it’s the undertale corruptions guy I watched a few years ago.
That's actually kind of misleading. There are words for numbers in Hebrew. But, Hebrew letters are not used to represent numbers in the same way. The Hebrew way of doing it is called Gematriah/Gematria. The way it works is:
Aleph: 1
Beis: 2
Gimmel: 3
Daled: 4
Hay: 5
Vav: 6
Zayin: 7
Ches: 8
Tes: 9
Yud: 10
Kaf: 20
Lamed: 30
Mem: 40
Nun: 50
Samech: 60
Ayin: 70
Pay: 80
Tzady: 90
Koof: 100
Reish: 200
Shin: 300
Taf: 400
Now you know.
I meant as a different way from the English way of conversion.
Jonah Safern א 1 ב 2 ג 3 ד 4ה 5 ו 6 ז 7 ח 8 ט 9 י 10 כ 20 ל 30 מ 40 נ 50 ס 60 ע 70 פ 80 צ 90 ק 100 ר 200 ש 300 ת 400
• Fridjerention inc. VioQluS a.r.r • I know Hebrew, I just don't have a Hebrew keyboard. Lol.
Jonah Safern
Where you know Hebrew from? :D
• Fridjerention inc. VioQluS a.r.r • I learned it as a child.
first of all, why are they saying 2 stories at once and second of all this video is 666 seconds long no joke 0_0
+mikey meszaros Two different mathematicians giving two different interpretations of 666. It seems they're both right.
+mikey meszaros 665 seconds by by math
Jeff O it just makes it confusing when theyre doing 2 stories at once. or atleast in my opinion anyway..
Orth my computer said 666 seconds
+mikey meszaros before you click the video it is 666 but when in video it is one second shorter.
6:55 He He spelled Nero Caesar wrong in Hebrew - it's supposed to be נרון (But it has the same value)
@Nir Even. That's a correction, indicating that a mistake and miscalculation is easily made, through all this time, since the book Revelations was written.
Is anyone else bothered by the guy’s insistence to differentiate between the American and Monte Carlo roulette wheels but at the end adding 00 would get you the same 666 so what was the point?
For those of you who are still confused, the Romans under Nero were heavily persecuting the Christians at the time (it was written by John the Revelator while exiled to the Isle of Patmos after they failed to kill him with hot oil). Because the Romans could possibly find his writings, John wrote the description of the beast in code. The importance is not Nero himself, but the connotation behind his name. The beast is a modern figure with the same characteristics of Nero. The purpose was to warn the last generation against a leader who would embody the characteristics of Nero.
3 in bible means perfection
6 means imperfection
6 three times = prefection of imperfection.
it s that easy.
that's bible.
3 means complete/father son holy spirit. 7 meas perfection. that awkwaed moment when you try to bible and fail miserably
Perfectly imperfect. Imperfection being bad means logic states perfectly evil. The perfect evil. Satan by bible logic. Any questions?
Caramel Picks to put your words to kindergarten terms. a less than perfect trinity. ;)
Dario Rigon Channel its 7. not 3. That's why lottery machines when you get a jackpot its 777
Great work guys! These videos are enjoyable and inspiring, both for laypersons and pros!
I know this is an old video, but I’m glad Numberphile videos aren’t set up like this anymore. The two speakers are talking about only tangentially related topics, and it’s hard to follow.
If 666 is the most evil number you can get, then is 25.8069 the root of all evil?
Wait, what? That quote is from the bible?! I thought it was written by Iron Maiden.
Came for a super Religious background, and back then was utterly fascinated with Revelations. This was very cool. Glad to add this to my knowledge pool. Thanks!
In Roman numerals
I - 1
V - 5
X - 10
L - 50
C - 100
D - 500
Add them up
650+5= 665
665+1= 666
I think not.
I think so
... you're missing M = 1000
no, dvlxvi is 666 so its just maths..
No M is needed to the result we wanna get
Him choosing "Πετε" for "Pete" it totally wrong.
"Πετε" would be pronounced "pehteh".
"Pete" would be "Πητ".
Or πιτ, or πειτ, or ποιτ, or πυτ, >:)
So what would that number be?
HOW Would you wright connor
cbzpizza Κόννορ
what would the number be
Your missing the point. This is about gods and devils, not humans. The number 666 is the number of a Man, however he is not just a man, more like a god or a man in disguise. They wrote the Bible in languages of the past, but it was meant to be deciphered in a future language of our times. That is how well the gods and devils know the future, like time travelers. To know the right Bible and the right language you must find the Beast, because this all about him. Two thirds of the human species is to be killed around his appearance, at least that is the plan of the apocalypse, so this can not be a historical figure.
Humans are carbon based lifeforms, meaning the base element that makes us up is carbon which is like the foundation for DNA and amino acids which make us up. Carbon has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons.
aSStronaut111 humans? More like any life then - it is all carbon based. Besides, we are mostly water. The trouble with 666 is that is just a number, and thus so abstract, that an anxious mind could find a way to bend anything it fears to associate with it. Heck, there are even like 66 books in the Bible - which is sort of 666ish. The historical context of it simply meaning Nero makes sense. Everything else.. well.. much less so :)
I know, i was just pointing out an interesting coincidence.
Did you even watch the video? It's about Emperor Nero which persecuted Christians so John disguised his name as a number to prevent being persecuted
I have a German test tomorrow, it is currently 00:00, I should be learning for my test but instead I am watching a video about how 666 is the number of the beast
how was?
Anybody else notice when he was talking about triangle numbers he had a triangle made of freckles on the back of his hand? It's a conspiracy it's the illuminati.
i thought it was unbelievably annoying going back and forth between the two guys talking about the same subjects but obviously differently. I followed it and it is interesting, but it was extremely annoying to have both of those intertwined.
Conor Collins yes
Lol for me its 665
video is 11:05, so it is not 666 seconds long; it is 11 * 60 + 5 = 665 seconds long.
Michael Empeigne it displays 665 or 666 dependant on what platform you use to watch youtube
LOL i got 665 though..
Don Drumpf in English Gematria = 666 _and_
Donald John Drumpf in Ascii English Gematria = 666
Note: Ascii Gematria simply means the the char = -192
I left alone, my mind was blank....
...I needed time to think, to get the memories from my mind...
SonOfaBieber lol haha ,let's write the whole song
SonOfaBieber what did i see, cannot belive...
that what I saw that night was real and not just fantasy.
SonOfaBieber Just what I saw in my old dreams
Were they reflections of my warped mind staring back at me?
Why use Nero's title in the calculation? Caesar is more of a title than a name and his true name wasn't even Nero that was the name he took after he was adopted. Hell his imperial name didn't even have Nero in it, he might be known as Nero commonly but that doesn't mean it is his true given name.
You are partially correct. Caesar was actually the last name of Julius Caesar and continued up to the end of his dynasty of which Nero was a part. After the Julio-Claudian dynasty ended it became adopted as a title. It would be like if every president since Washington used his last name as a title; "Hi, I'm George Bush Washington." On a side note Caesar was not as great of a title as Augustus which meant majestic in latin. You get a lot of emperors who had the title Caesar Augustus affixed to their name. After the tetrarchy was established you had four rulers, each half of the empire (west and east) had one Caesar and one Augustus. The Caesar ran the empire but the Augustus was his boss and the Augustus had the power to appoint a new Caesar. But if John wanted to use Nero's full name for his 666 thing he would have had to calculate off of... 'Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus'.
That is why these type of things bother me, they pick and choose what parts to use and which to leave out to get to the conclusion they want. Hell Nero's birth name was Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, why not use that for numbers instead of the name he took later on?
The whole point was that it was his common name. It would have been easier for the average Hebrew to figure out the riddle.
9Kbits So the whole thing is a game and means nothing. If you don't use a proper given name then it really is useless since you can just work backwards, find the answer you want and then try and mold the nickname to fit it.
***** Then the whole thing means nothing and it is just a silly game.
Every human who was born on 666th year was death. Is that coincidence?
It is a coincidense
Is** my friend!
I think not
Nope , a few lived and left the country , they were spotted in Monte Carlo
Native Hebrew speaker here. Quick note, the spelling of Nero Caesar ("neron kesar") is written incorrectly by omitting the final form of the second Nun. Certain letters in Hebrew are written differently when located at the end of the word, including the letter Nun. I expect that this was done for making the gematria easier to explain, but it should be noted that Nero's name is actually supposed to be written "נרון קסר" and not "נרונ קסר."
Thank you sir
What about the fact that it says it is the number of man. We are carbon based species. 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons.
0:52 insert iron maiden riff
That was very very informative.
I was already aware of Nero and his deeds during his reign in the Roman Empire, however I wasn't in the least aware his name was directly linked to the "666". This and I do agree that "A" to "Z" and 1-26 aren't comparable to the use of the Greek and Hebrew alphabetical and numeric systems; I only say this, because of the strong connection between both systems, instead of our numeric and alphabetical systems being separate as we do nowadays.
Always have the best people on here.
he should have tried spelling the name in Greek because that is what Paul wrote in also he should have showed all the combinations to get the number of the beast, you know, to show what names could also be related to it ?
Man, this video has convinced me that H.L. Mencken was right, "Theology is the effort to explain the unknowable in terms of the not worth knowing."
how did i get from anime to maths
Maybe you searched for Cirno's Perfect Math Class
aesterri same here... was just watching Iroh's wisdom from Avatar.
Quick..like quick maffs
dude same, i was watching anime analisys videos and i end up here
I left alone...
My mind was blank...
I needed time to think
to get the memories from my mind.
Wow! What an interesting video :)
666 + 666 + 666 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 2016
+xmaxwell nice
+xmaxwell Doesn't mean anything because 2016 is an arbitrary number.We can say this year is 2016 but we can't prove it.
+joseph fulks no the world is 2016 years old because satan made it that way
+xmaxwell 44.8998886412873 sqrd=2016
thumbs up if you like either Iron Maiden or Mathematics
It's amazing, using the straightforward ordinal system (a=1 thru Z=26), that
Monte Carlo = 13+15+14+20+5 + 3+1+18+12+15 = 116
Roulette = 18+15+21+12+5+20+20+5 = 116
Now I'm not disagreeing with people who say 666 isn't the mark of the beast or devil cuz that's fine that's ur belief and what u believe. What I have to say is illimuniati has to do with one eyes and triangles 666 and 6 are triangle numbers like I said what u believe and I'm not disagreeing.
Does this comment seriously have 66 replies right now? (67 now)
My first name has 6 letters, my middle name has 6 letters, and my last name has 6 letters! (no joke!)
but... but your name is 2 words??!?
My actual first, middle. and last names, not my youtube name.
+Gazden Roolay hello satan :0
i was born on the 6th month on friday the 13th at 6 am and i was 6 pounds and 13 ounces. also not kidding
what's the point of learning from these videos if they blow my mind everytime
Guys...this was absolutely great!
Sorry to say, I am dyslexic, I always thought the number of the beast was 999. 0_o
What Does 666 Mean?
According to the last book in the Bible, 666 is the number, or name, of the wild beast with seven heads and ten horns that comes out of the sea. (Revelation 13:1, 17, 18) This beast is a symbol of the worldwide political system, which rules over “every tribe and people and tongue and nation.” (Revelation 13:7) The name 666 identifies the political system as a gross failure in God’s sight. How?
More than a label. Names given by God have meaning. For example, God gave the man Abram, which means “Father Is High (Exalted),” the name Abraham, which means “Father of a Crowd (Multitude),” when God promised that He would make Abraham “a father of many nations.” (Genesis 17:5, footnotes) Likewise, God named the beast 666 as a symbol of its defining attributes.
The number six implies imperfection. Often, numbers are used as symbols in the Bible. Seven typically represents completeness or perfection. Six, being one short of seven, can denote something incomplete or flawed in God’s eyes, and it can be associated with God’s enemies.-1 Chronicles 20:6; Daniel 3:1.
Three times for emphasis. The Bible sometimes stresses a matter by stating it three times. (Revelation 4:8; 8:13) So the name 666 powerfully emphasizes that God views human political systems as gross failures. They have been unable to bring lasting peace and security-things that only God’s Kingdom will achieve.
The mark of the beast
The Bible says that people receive “the mark of the wild beast” because they follow it “with admiration,” to the point of worshipping it. (Revelation 13:3, 4; 16:2) They do this by giving worshipful honor to their country, its symbols, or its military might. As The Encyclopedia of Religion states: “Nationalism has become a dominant form of religion in the modern world.” *
How is the mark of the beast placed on someone’s right hand or forehead? (Revelation 13:16) Regarding his commands to the nation of Israel, God said: “Bind them as a reminder on your hand, and they should be like a headband on your forehead.” (Deuteronomy 11:18) This meant, not that the Israelites were to mark their literal hands and foreheads, but that God’s words would guide all their actions and thoughts. Likewise, rather than being something literal such as a 666 tattoo, the mark of the beast symbolically identifies those who let the political system rule their lives. Those with the mark of the beast place themselves in opposition to God.-Revelation 14:9, 10; 19:19-21.
so in other words, trying to infer that a contemporary riddle somehow applies to your life 1,700 years later makes you feel special.
@@timq6224 unfortunately these people are the reason we seriously should reconsider universal suffragge
@@Xormac2 -- I lean more toward euthanasia...
I knew they would add up the roulette table
On a clock, 10 minutes after 6:56 is 7:06. 706 is an area code in Georgia, "the devil went down ta Georgia" I digress.
This video is 666 seconds long
Daniel K Just looked that up O.O you're right...
Daniel K 665*
Swagger Jacker Mine says 11:06/666 seconds
Zaphod_Beeblebrox Whoa, how is that possible? On mine the video is 11:05 long. Weird.
Swagger Jacker TH-cam used to skip over the second last second of all the videos and people started making a fuss about it in the comments. So just to be dicks youtube decided to remove that little thing making videos one second shorter but it has had some weird side effects.
Awkwardly, when I dial "MOM" on my cell phone, the display is initially "666".
+Nathaniel Prawdzik You should gtfo of that house!
Who knew that the famous twitch meme was 20 in Greek.
Zachery Nicoson It's a letter and only used as a number in special occasions
Lol kappa
LuMoNoX kappa nu
My grandfather was buried on 6-06-2006.....was a ordained preacher ,cussed daily, but I loved him with all my ❤
6*6+6=42, i.e the answer to life the universe and everything
11*60 = 660
+5 = 665
Damn it.
On some devices the time differs from 1 to 2 seconds..
For me its 666 seconds
I'm saying this 4 years later :/
@@kaaiplayspiano7200 Never too late...
KaaiPlaysPiano yeah me too and my phone says it’s 11:06 seconds
so does that mean the -1/12 is a triangle number because it is all the numbers added together?
lol, no.
Taco Cat My knowledge of -1/12, as meager as it may be, would lead me to believe it is a triangle number in essence. The only problem is that it would never form a triangle.
Ethan Forrest Only if you stretch the definition of the zeta.
No, triangle numbers are always positive integers. Also the sum of all integers is not actually -1/12 in any common number systems.
0:51 I left alone, my mind was blank. I needed time to think, to get the memories from my mind.
Me too 🤔🤔🤔
As a Hebrew speaker, it was fascinating. And pretty accurate (including the way you had drawn the letters) even though Hebrew isn't your first language.
And I guess Greek either :)..
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*The True Forgotten Comment*
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Impressive. A mathematician and a Greek / hebrew scholar. Loved it
I'm from Israel, so I've been speaking Hebrew my whole life. Hebrew is a renewed language. It is an ancienct language that has died, and been revived almost 3 thousand years after its death. Ancient Hebrew does indeed use letters for numbers, and still today, we use letters for grades (first grade would be called grade A) as well as other various things, but we have adopted the international mathematical symbols, for obvious practical reasons. I just wanted to clarify that, just in case anyone had developed the wrong impression.
people will always find theories to fit the 'fact'. nice video guys, thank you. I'm going through a particularly rough time with recognising that I may have ADHD and this has actually helped. got to stop watching negative and conspiracy videos on TH-cam
If you're looking at conspiracies in TH-cam, you've not been looking in the right place. It's a scary world out there, but the evil always leaves traces.
I have quite an interesting story with the number 666, every time I would encounter it randomly (like in TH-cam views, or other places you would usually see 3-digit numbers) something bad would happen to me in a personal way, like my parents would get mad at me because my forgotten homework from a month ago would randomly come up to my parents, and I would get into big trouble. Sometimes, I’d lose my homework that I clearly passed. Sometimes my phone would get taken away from me, but for some reason, the number 666 would always come up before it happens. Back then, i just looked at the number going like “oh no it’s the scaryyy number!” In a sarcastic sense, but now i just feel like it’s trying to warn me about my homework or something
The Devil tries his ways in spiritual ways. Don't worry. Believe in Valeria💓💖⭕🌌🌞🏝💪
@@freedomispreciouspriceless nah I think it was just my fault for not doing my homework
@@freedomispreciouspriceless Freakazoid Alert!
I like this story lol @@epicpulsor25
Most people know this from the Bib.....Iron Maiden.
So how will all this help someone(me) cheat at roulette?
Be the roulette owner.
Every evangelical end times Christian needs to watch this. The rapture has caused untold harm to generation of children growing up in fear.
Six! Six Six! The Number of the Beast! \m/
One thing about the 666 Riddle of Revelation and it calculating up to Nero Caesar is that he never ordered the mark of 666 to be branded upon the forehead or hand. Plus Caesar is a title like President, so that really wasn't his name. And they never gathered to war against Christ Jesus in the Valley of Megiddo for the War of Armageddon yet. You did get the number correct though... didn't YOU?
666 or the number of the beast is not the number of Satan. The beast, is actually a representation of human government. He even read it was a man's number, not the Devils number. So saying 666 is illuminati is actually correct in a way.
Sure because Nero was illuminati
The illuminati Gorverns the world World
616 is the number of the beast tho
today this video is 6 years, 6 months and 6 days old
Nero played on his fiddle while Rome burned.
Except the fiddle hadn't been invented by that time. 8-\
carmium There are other means to the word 'fiddled'. ;)
Well, what else would he have been fid- o-oh! 8-O
I believe it was a Lyre
No. Just no.
I'm here in April 2020 cos someone posted a comment somewhere that it was the number of corona virus !
Does anyone else comment and sort of think peoplei in the past will read it ?
Oh the confusion !
I'm here. Waiting as well
6 66
That is what you want
@@mrpoop123 and go to my channel.
@@DiaryofaGrimReaper 'Corona' means 'crown' in Spanish (and latin), so all kings are evil, i guess.
@@juanausensi499 I am aware.
Wait revelation 30? it only goes up to 22...
I need a deeper dive in these topics.