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Chopin: Complete Nocturnes (Luke Faulkner)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
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    Chopin: Complete Nocturnes
    Performed by Luke Faulkner
    0:00:00 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 9: No. 1 in B-Flat Minor. Larghetto
    0:05:47 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 9: No. 2 in E-Flat Major. Andante
    0:10:26 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 9: No. 3 in B Major. Allegretto
    0:17:07 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 15: No. 1 in F Major. Andante cantabile
    0:21:52 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 15: No. 2 in F-Sharp Major. Larghetto
    0:25:28 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 15: No. 3 in G Minor. Lento
    0:30:43 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 27: No. 1 in C-Sharp Minor. Larghetto
    0:36:01 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 27: No. 2 in D-Flat Major. Lento sostenuto
    0:41:23 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 32: No. 1 in B Major. Andante sostenuto
    0:46:31 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 32: No. 2 in A-Flat Major. Lento
    0:51:53 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 37: No. 1 in G Minor. Lento
    0:59:02 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 37: No. 2 in G Major. Andante
    1:05:45 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 48: No. 1 in C Minor. Lento
    1:12:00 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 48: No. 2 in F-Sharp Minor. Andantino
    1:19:38 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 55: No. 1 in F Minor. Andante
    1:24:50 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 55: No. 2 in E-Flat Major. Lento sostenuto
    1:29:57 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 62: No. 1 in B Major. Andante
    1:37:28 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 62: No. 2 in E Major. Lento
    1:43:02 Chopin - Nocturnes, Op. 72: No. 1 in E Minor. Andante
    1:47:10 Chopin - Nocturne In C-Sharp Minor, Op. Posth. Lento con gran espressione
    1:51:06 Chopin - Nocturne in C Minor, Op. Posth. Andante sostenuto
    Frédéric Chopin wrote 21 nocturnes for solo piano between 1827 and 1846. They are generally considered among the finest short solo works for the instrument and hold an important place in contemporary concert repertoire. Although Chopin did not invent the nocturne, he popularized and expanded on it, building on the form developed by Irish composer John Field.
    Chopin's nocturnes carry many similarities with those of Field while at the same time retaining a distinct, unique sound of their own. One aspect of the nocturne that Chopin continued from Field is the use of a song-like melody in the right hand. This is one of the most if not the most important features to the nocturne as a whole. The use of the melody as vocals bestowed a greater emotional depth to the piece, drawing the listener in to a greater extent. Along with the right-hand melody, Chopin continued the use of another nocturne "necessity", that of playing broken chords on the left hand to act as the rhythm under his right-handed "vocal" melody. Another technique used by Field and continued by Chopin was the more extensive use of the pedal. By using the pedal more, the music gains more emotional expression through sustained notes, giving the piece an aura of drama. With these main attributes of the "Field nocturne" Chopin was inspired, and expanded upon them to develop the "Chopin nocturne".
    One of the greatest innovations made by Chopin to the nocturne was his use of a more freely flowing rhythm, a technique based on the classical music style. Also, Chopin further developed the structure of the nocturne, taking inspiration from the Italian and French opera arias, as well as the sonata form. Composer Franz Liszt even insisted that Chopin's nocturnes were influenced by Vincenzo Bellini's bel canto arias, a statement affirmed and echoed by many in the music world. A further innovation of Chopin's was his use of counterpoint to create tension in the nocturnes, a method that even further expanded the dramatic tone and feel of the piece itself. It was mainly through these themes of operatic influence, freer rhythms, and an expansion into more complex structures and melodic playing that Chopin made his mark on the nocturne. Many think of the "Chopin nocturne" as a mix between the form and structure of Field and the sound of Mozart, displaying a classic/romantic-influenced theme within the music.
    (Source: Wikipedia)
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    #chopin #nocturnes

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    @HALIDONMUSIC  3 ปีที่แล้ว +790

    👇 Tracklist below
    ✨ More music by Luke:
    Puccini: Opera Arias for Piano th-cam.com/video/ahrNeKskKzM/w-d-xo.html
    Peaceful Piano th-cam.com/video/J1McJfZepq0/w-d-xo.html
    Calm Piano th-cam.com/video/hQncT4Hswhw/w-d-xo.html
    0:00:00​ Nocturnes, Op. 9: No. 1 in B-flat Minor. Larghetto
    0:05:47​ Nocturnes, Op. 9: No. 2 in E-flat Major. Andante
    0:10:26​ Nocturnes, Op. 9: No. 3 in B Major. Allegretto
    0:17:07​ Nocturnes, Op. 15: No. 1 in F Major. Andante cantabile
    0:21:52​ Nocturnes, Op. 15: No. 2 in F-sharp Major. Larghetto
    0:25:28​ Nocturnes, Op.15: No. 3 in G Minor. Lento
    0:30:43​ Nocturnes, Op. 27: No. 1 in C-sharp Minor. Larghetto
    0:36:01​ Nocturnes, Op. 27: No. 2 in D-flat Major. Lento sostenuto
    0:41:23​ Nocturnes, Op. 32: No. 1 in B Major. Andante sostenuto
    0:46:31​ Nocturnes, Op. 32: No. 2 in A-flat Major. Lento
    0:51:53​ Nocturnes, Op. 37: No. 1 in G Minor. Andante sostenuto
    0:59:02​ Nocturnes, Op. 37: No. 2 in G Major. Andantino
    1:05:45​ Nocturnes, Op. 48: No. 1 in C Minor. Lento
    1:12:00​ Nocturnes, Op. 48: No. 2 in F-sharp Minor. Andantino
    1:19:38​ Nocturnes, Op. 55: No. 1 in F Minor. Andante
    1:24:50​ Nocturnes, Op. 55: No. 2 in E-flat Major. Lento sostenuto
    1:29:57​ Nocturnes, Op. 62: No. 1 in B Major. Andante
    1:37:28​ Nocturnes, Op. 62: No. 2 in E Major. Lento
    1:43:02​ Nocturne in E Minor, Op. Posth. 72, No. 1
    1:47:10​ Nocturne in C-sharp Minor, Op. posth., B. 49. Lento con gran espressione
    1:51:06​ Nocturne in C Minor, Op. posth., B. 108. Andante sostenuto

    • @senjasenja9453
      @senjasenja9453 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5


    • @celiasena3040
      @celiasena3040 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Só, Deus para ter o inspirado, é muita perfeição, muito belo....

    • @tracystevenson8650
      @tracystevenson8650 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8


    • @piotrpaczkowski7890
      @piotrpaczkowski7890 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@tracystevenson8650 to Chopin! Reszta jest milczeniem...

    • @cleitin6652
      @cleitin6652 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Simplismente maravilhosa

  • @LukeFaulkner
    @LukeFaulkner 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5141

    I'm the pianist performing these. Hope you enjoy listening! If you have any questions about playing the Nocturnes, feel free to drop me a message below 😊

    • @fenetreouverte6917
      @fenetreouverte6917 3 ปีที่แล้ว +88

      Bon travail ,merci Luke

    • @catherinebeduer3838
      @catherinebeduer3838 3 ปีที่แล้ว +105

      Great job, Luke. 😊 Which Nocturne do you personally like to play the most? Thanks.

    • @lenecp61
      @lenecp61 3 ปีที่แล้ว +37

      You rock!

    • @erezsolomon3838
      @erezsolomon3838 3 ปีที่แล้ว +52

      Chopin nocturnes are better when you play them

    • @mimid.8346
      @mimid.8346 3 ปีที่แล้ว +37

      You're amazing!

  • @marcoscarneiro9352
    @marcoscarneiro9352 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +284

    I'm a single father and care for my teen boy alone. He's got autism and schizophrenia. Crazy about classical music, he now sleeps well at the sound of Chopin's Nocturnes. It's a safer way to get him to sleep. It feels like an angel of the Lord is playing soft tender compositions beside our beds.

    • @kellylammons203
      @kellylammons203 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

      God bless you and your son. ❤❤❤

    • @lehuonggiang4938
      @lehuonggiang4938 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      God bless you and your son. Hope you pleasant, strong, health, for your son basing on. From a mother of 3 children, Viet Nam.

    • @maryampiroozirad1198
      @maryampiroozirad1198 6 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @julia51929
      @julia51929 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      I am french ,i understand how chopin can( blessed) ? everyone ... i am an autist too . I am such a normal autist. Trying to live in a normal " world" i am between two world, good Luck to your son❤

    • @PeonyRosey
      @PeonyRosey 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      May God bless you and your son 🙏🏽

  • @squeakywhiskers
    @squeakywhiskers 3 ปีที่แล้ว +663

    Chopin was great composer. I honestly don't the sufficiently words to say about him. He's my inspiration for me to fall in love on his music! He's my hero for the music! Me as a 15 year old boy, many of the students in my school don't really listen this type of music, and it's really sad that they are missing the precious piano pieces of Chopin. Currently, I'm learning piano and I dream of one day become a famous world-pianist like Lang Lang! I put my confidence in God for my piano career! I WILL BECOME A FAMOUS PIANIST LIKE LANG LANG AND BRING THE INSPIRATION OF PIANO MUSIC AROUND THE WORLD!!!!! Hope this message really cheers you up! :D

    • @doloresmercajedes1036
      @doloresmercajedes1036 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12


      @HALIDONMUSIC  3 ปีที่แล้ว +76

      Now that's the spirit 👏 we would love to hear you play someday. And who knows? Maybe one day we'll look back on this comment and smile because you've become a world-famous pianist indeed! Always believe in your dreams 🤗

    • @mattee682
      @mattee682 3 ปีที่แล้ว +40

      im 14 years old in your same situation :) WE WILL GET IT!! i love Chopin so much.

    • @asloii_1749
      @asloii_1749 3 ปีที่แล้ว +31

      16 here, chopin is my fav composer

    • @smartytimbit1482
      @smartytimbit1482 3 ปีที่แล้ว +37

      It's wonderful to read this kind of comments from a 15 years old boy! You have wrote something that have touch my heart "I PUT MY CONFIDENCE IN GOD FOR MY PIANO CAREER!" for sure continue with that Spirit and He will help you together with your hard work to achieve your DREAMS. I would have loved to play the piano but when I was young, your age my father couldn't afford to pay for my classes so I had to let it go. But, now I am in my 70's I have the time, I have the piano and what you wrote " I put my confidence...." that never it is to late to learn.

  • @ariontheobaldo5794
    @ariontheobaldo5794 2 ปีที่แล้ว +108

    My father loved piano music and Chopin was one of his favorite musicians. Today I celebrate his arrival into Heaven, with this wonderful music full of spirit of will and hope.

  • @rachmusic9873
    @rachmusic9873 3 ปีที่แล้ว +420

    Close you eyes and let Chopin take you to another place. Sending love to everyone reading this I hope you have great day and make someone smile❤️.

  • @madalsamamgain6779
    @madalsamamgain6779 ปีที่แล้ว +74

    My music taste is all over the place. I love classical music, psychedelic rock, K-pop and blues. However, when I sit down and listen to Chopin something hits me very differently. He is unlike Bach, Mozart, Beethoven or Debussy. He is more heartfelt. Every note of a Chopin piece directly touches the strings of the heart. The whole process is simply magical. It's even more impressive when we sit down and consider the centuries separating us from Chopin. In this manner, we can simply resolve to articulate that Chopin is timeless!

    • @lumywow7857
      @lumywow7857 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      En vous lisant madame j’ai eu pendant quelques instants pensé que j’avais écrit ce post qui est bien sûr le votre. C’est tellement évident pour moi de penser exactement la même chose car j’aime aussi toutes les musiques jusqu’à la Kpop sauffff le rap, a part celui d’Eminem le célèbre rappeur blanc du film 8 miles Et je pense aussi que Chopin est différent des autres. J’adore Chopin. Heureuse d’avoir rencontré quelqu’un qui a absolument les mêmes goûts que moi à la virgule près 😊😊😊 bien à vous

    • @raengel1720
      @raengel1720 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I agree. It's like his music touches the chord of my heart and speaks to it like no other classical music can. There's so much soul and emotions in it that I feel like I'm transported to another space or time! I don't listen to any other classical musician but Chopin. His music calms my heart, body, and soul. ❤

    • @jonig581
      @jonig581 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      soy de argentina, también escucho varios generos, inclusive el power metal, la mayoria bandas filandesas, pero pienso que Dios le dió un don especial a Chopin para volcar en el piano índoles del alma.

    • @hypatiakovalevskayasklodow9195
      @hypatiakovalevskayasklodow9195 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      I agree 100% Chopin’s music has this dose of normalcy and kindness I feel that anyone can connect to. It’s not trying to be too much of anything and that makes it beautiful in its own way

  • @johndavidboggs7655
    @johndavidboggs7655 2 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    I'm 77 years old and I've listened to a lot of pianist play Chopin and my ears tell me that Luke Faulkner is the best

  • @tikkispots7357
    @tikkispots7357 3 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    This music has saved me.I have bad anxiety and I bite my nails to bleed everyday and push people away. Sometimes I would cry myself to sleep or have body image issues. my friend, her name is Rachel, and she told me I should listen to some classic music so I tried. I sat down, anxious to start studying and wanting desperately to take my phone and turn on social media, and put the earphones on. I decided to try Chopin cause I heard about his music from her. As soon as the music started, I was absorbed, calm, I stopped biting my nails and started moving my head to the music without realizing. Within an hour, I was sketching away, making mind maps out of my melancholy notes and drawing pictures for my notes and colouring everything into a bright organized graphic. Even my teacher, who was dissatisfied with me as I barely tried in school, stopped to watch me and smiled warmly. When I realized I made this just because of a classic song, I was bewildered. From that day on I have been listening to classic music everyday.

      @HALIDONMUSIC  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      We are glad to hear classical music and our collections have been helping you calm your anxiety ❤

    • @amjan
      @amjan 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm happy to read that :) Good luck with everything Tikki.

    • @winner7282
      @winner7282 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Dear young person, 3 years later I'm reading your comment and my heart breaks for you but also rejoices because you have found peace in classical music. I do hope that life has treated you kindly and that you're in a more comfortable space surrounded by good friends.❤

    • @leidy8302
      @leidy8302 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Justo el comentario que necesito ❤

    • @agnusdeity
      @agnusdeity 2 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @ИринаСекиринская
    @ИринаСекиринская ปีที่แล้ว +55

    I'm listening to your perfoming the nocturnes while there's another air raid warning in my city which was missiles fired severely three days ago. I don't go to the bomb shelter, and now am just staying at home listening to the wonderful music. If something goes wrong, I prefer to die to Chopin's sounds . Thank you!❤❤❤

      @HALIDONMUSIC  ปีที่แล้ว +13

      We can't even begin to imagine what your situation must feel like, but we're glad that Chopin's music can bring you some comfort and calm. Please be safe!

    • @ИринаСекиринская
      @ИринаСекиринская ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Than you once again.

    • @juliagorrell8412
      @juliagorrell8412 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Stay safe.

  • @nildavittoriavianello547
    @nildavittoriavianello547 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +33

    Ho 86 anni e vivo una grande solitudine. Ma l'anima ritrova forza e vola ascoltando Chopin, eterno, grande, ti graffia e ti consola

    • @AlgoritmoArtStudio
      @AlgoritmoArtStudio 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      não se sinta sozinho, amigo.

    • @ichigorebel2867
      @ichigorebel2867 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @Saya-jo5cc
      @Saya-jo5cc 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Ti auguro di continuare così..💞 Ti mando un bacio affettuoso con Chopin.. 💞💫💞✌(anche qui la solitudine si fa sentire.. ma poi mi dico; meglio soli che mal accompagnati😅😅

  • @jjjlir
    @jjjlir 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    I am an Arab and I listen to this wonderful music that I learned from the famous foreign series "Dexter". All my love to you and your refined taste.

      @HALIDONMUSIC  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Thank you very much for listening, we're happy that Dexter helped you discover Chopin's music!

    • @jaydenjbryant8665
      @jaydenjbryant8665 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I discovered chopin from dexter as well actually😂

    • @VultyreRust
      @VultyreRust หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Dude I found it through dexter too

    • @sunilkumar-iq2oq
      @sunilkumar-iq2oq 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Isn't it haram to listen to music

    • @jjjlir
      @jjjlir 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@sunilkumar-iq2oq I'm not a Muslim

  • @lindsayp.1982
    @lindsayp.1982 16 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    My uncle is a classical
    Musician. His gift served all of our family well.
    ❤ Chopin will always be remembered

      @HALIDONMUSIC  12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      What a wonderful legacy! ❤ Chopin’s music truly has a timeless beauty.

  • @Pi_melody
    @Pi_melody 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    In the lively streets of Paris, Frédéric Chopin, known for his serious demeanor, found himself in an unexpectedly humorous situation. One day, while shopping at a local market, Chopin came across a street performer playing a rather out-of-tune piano. The performer, recognizing Chopin, challenged him to a playful duel.
    With a grin, Chopin accepted, sitting at the rickety instrument. As he began to play, the market-goers gathered around, intrigued. Chopin improvised a lively and comical tune, exaggerating his movements and making funny faces. The crowd erupted in laughter and applause, charmed by seeing the usually reserved composer in such a light-hearted manner.
    The street performer, not to be outdone, joined in with a humorous dance, and soon, the market turned into an impromptu concert hall filled with joy and laughter. Chopin's playful spirit and musical genius had transformed an ordinary day into a memorable, delightful spectacle, reminding everyone of the sheer fun that music could bring.

  • @Sameoldfitup
    @Sameoldfitup 3 ปีที่แล้ว +66

    “Has it ever struck you that life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quick you hardly catch it going?”― Tennessee Williams.

    • @davidkeck6183
      @davidkeck6183 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      and most of our effort is in using those memories to anticipate and shape the future.

    • @elsabracamonte9887
      @elsabracamonte9887 6 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @pantelisvasileiadis2858
      @pantelisvasileiadis2858 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Since you remember those memories in present, aren't they part of your present?

    • @Montchelo
      @Montchelo 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @bradforddrake8633
    @bradforddrake8633 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Chopin is my #1 composer..his music is from another universe! He had cystic fibrosis and died at 39. My sister Nancy had multiple sclerosis and died from liver cancer. I wish GOD would soon create a new universe with no disease and no death.

    • @JaredMichael-in5ss
      @JaredMichael-in5ss 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I am sorry to hear about your loss, I am sure that has been hard to bear. Death can bring a whole host of emotions and they feel like waves as they hit us at different times, and in different ways. You mentioned above, "God creating a new universe with no disease and no death”, what a comforting and blissful thought! Im curious, what are your thoughts about God?

  • @dbharcadia2
    @dbharcadia2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Luke, I'm a retired string teacher and I enjoy your playing. To me Chopin is in a class of artistry all to himself. His genius transcends the romantic period he lived in. Thank you for the recording.

  • @bettemc
    @bettemc 2 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    Thank you for your beautiful healing music. My grandmother was a concert pianist in London and as a little girl I would listen to her play Chopin. So when I was grieving the death of my husband of 56 years I found your beautiful music. Thank you so much for being here for me ❤

    • @christinezein6286
      @christinezein6286 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      My husband died 4 weeks ago. This music is so healing...buon natale, merry Christmas from northern Germany ...❤

  • @brianalvarez855
    @brianalvarez855 2 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    Can I just say these are some of the most beautiful pieces of art created by a human being. Absolutely timeless

    • @John-k9n8f
      @John-k9n8f ปีที่แล้ว +1

      We're not all human although we may appear to be so

  • @wisamalotba3033
    @wisamalotba3033 3 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    I can't believe that these kinda classical music is now kinda underrated! you guys need to be appreciating every second of Chopins nocturnes! really! he is outstanding

    • @mattee682
      @mattee682 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      exactly!! im 13 years old, and all my generation listens to that pop or trap music!!

    • @petitor_veritatis1936
      @petitor_veritatis1936 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      With myself, you’re already preaching to the choir. I’ve loved him all of my life, 46 years.

    • @attilanemeth8914
      @attilanemeth8914 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      …whoever you are, wherever you are. Let your soul absorb every small piece to get energized. Energy for your soul keeps you balanced to act in a human manner. That’s what Chopin’s music means for me, at least.

    • @deadloader1922
      @deadloader1922 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      If you're interested in something else to inspire you. Listen to Claude Debussy - Clair De Lune. Hope this helps!

  • @moba1969
    @moba1969 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    Chopin's delicate and beautiful nocturnes always comfort me.

  • @tse0123
    @tse0123 3 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    A feeling of dear memories of the past, with both the joy of the memories but also the sadness of their nostalgia... Chopin knows sadness well enough to encode it so smoothly to his music....

  • @hannastaszak1684
    @hannastaszak1684 3 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    Chopin to najpiękniejsza spuścizna dla ludzkości.

  • @Stopitpls
    @Stopitpls 3 ปีที่แล้ว +372

    I really like how Chopin’s music is associated with Van Gogh’s paintings, both contain overwhelming sadness and prosperity at times

    • @remigiuscaesar8307
      @remigiuscaesar8307 3 ปีที่แล้ว +43

      Your profile picture displays those emotions perfectly lol

    • @javkhlantuvshinjargal4404
      @javkhlantuvshinjargal4404 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @kimberleygomez7331
      @kimberleygomez7331 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yes! 🙌Giving off the same energy

    • @nghiavan8952
      @nghiavan8952 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Chopin and Van Gogh are very similar.

    • @magi7401
      @magi7401 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      He was sad because he lost his country , his home . Chopin emigrated from Poland which was occupied than by Russia and Prussia . Besides his music is based on Polish folk music and it sounds this melancholic way .

  • @ViolinAround
    @ViolinAround 3 ปีที่แล้ว +84

    Nothing speaks to my soul like the yearning of a Chopin Nocturne! We all thank you so much Chopin, Luke and Halidon Music for your hard work on this 🙏🙌🏻🎶

    • @jakew520
      @jakew520 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      no thanks for Chopin?

      @HALIDONMUSIC  3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Glad you enjoyed Luke's renditions of the Nocturnes. And of course, we're incredibly grateful to Chopin for the countless hours of bliss we've spent listening to his compositions 🥰

    • @ViolinAround
      @ViolinAround 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@jakew520 thanks for that! I've edited of course the glaring omission :o

  • @wagnersouza5495
    @wagnersouza5495 3 ปีที่แล้ว +69

    Ouvi pela primeira vez aos 5 anos de idade, hoje sou um senhor de mais de 60 e que levarei Chopin comigo pelo que me sobra neste planeta. Levarei tambem os Rolling stones, os Beatles Jackson do Pandeiro, Cartola, Caetano, gil e tantos outros. Vivi a vida, escutei e escuto ainda o que se ha de melhor neste planeta!

    • @luscao8444
      @luscao8444 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Muita saúde e anos de vida pra você ainda, Wagner! Espero um dia chegar a essa idade e ter vivido muito bem!

  • @noxnivis7402
    @noxnivis7402 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Szopen, wielki polak i niezwykły artysta 🇵🇱❤️ ciągle tutaj wracam, aby zrelaksować się przy jego muzyce.
    Mam też taką swoją małą tradycje, że 11 listopada jego melodie grają mi przez cały dzień 🥰

    • @MsNicole8888
      @MsNicole8888 หลายเดือนก่อน

      His father is French

  • @wildmanmike100
    @wildmanmike100 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    With Chopin, Life simply becomes meditation.

  • @teresadasilva4450
    @teresadasilva4450 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My dear Luke, forget the "dear" as You are flying too high in an ethereal and transcendental World while performing these Chopin Nocturnes, that I hardly dare to interrupt You. I wish I could not be interrupted in my sleep and beautiful dreams while listening to you until my battery goes flat ...
    Thank you, dear Luke, for giving so much...

  • @bdkzvr
    @bdkzvr 3 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Боже мой! Почему сейчас нет таких дарований или их очень мало? Это можно слушать бесконечно, как чистит душу,от грязи, как заново родилась,спасибо за возможность слушать шедевры классики

  • @selenenegrette2912
    @selenenegrette2912 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I also felt absolutely in love with classical music after listening to Chopin. His music stopped me on my tracks and opened the door for beauty, dreaminess and emotional expression. As a teenager, my brother used to tease me saying that I was the only teenager going to bed listening to classical music! I’m 65 years old now and still feel the blessing and healing to the ❤ that his music brings to those who listen to it!

  • @jacquesmorris28
    @jacquesmorris28 3 ปีที่แล้ว +87

    Chopin Nocturnes summon hidden emotions and feelings that is really hard to put into words.

  • @zuzannawisniewska4464
    @zuzannawisniewska4464 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    It's hard to find these words and I don't want to say anything. I want to listen forever.Thanks to this composer and this pianist. I love this music and Chopin ❤ ..... from Texas

  • @hannastaszak1684
    @hannastaszak1684 3 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Piękno muzyki Fryderyka Chopina to fenomen graniczący z cudem.

  • @MagdalenaM93
    @MagdalenaM93 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I close my eyes and I can see Poland at its finest. The longing and love for homeland are in every note.

  • @kangaroo525
    @kangaroo525 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Absolute poetry, so much emotion in the music. Chopin never grows old

  • @carolspencer4202
    @carolspencer4202 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Luke Faulkner...you are brilliant....Thank you so much....wish me and my sister's could come to your concert!

  • @kerry-anne39
    @kerry-anne39 3 ปีที่แล้ว +87

    Bless all you beautiful strangers listening to this beautiful music💕

    • @mariandelafuentegalan2193
      @mariandelafuentegalan2193 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      &ff***&&*&d&&&dd&&&&&dd&&d&&&&*dd&ffdd*d&dd*d&d&ddf&d&fd&&d&&d&&&dddddf&fdd&dd&&&&&dd&&&dddd&*fdddddddddd&&d&f&*d&&ddrddddddddddd**ddfddfd&*d&ddddd&dddddddddddddddfddfdfd&ddfdfdd&dddddd&ddddddddddfddddd&dddfddd&ddddfdrddddd&dddfdffdddddddddrd&f*ddddfdddddfddd&ddfddd&drddddfdddrd&&ddd&d*d&fdddddfddddddddfdrddddddddddddddfddddddddddddfdffddddddddddfdffffffdddffddddddddd&dfdddddfdddddrddfddddddfdddddffddfddddddddddddd&dddddddddfdddddddfdd*rfddddddddddddddffdddfdddfddrd&dfffddddddd&fddddfdddfddfddfdddddddddf&fddddddddffdrdddf&ddd&ddddddfdffdddfdd&ddffddddfddddddfddddddddddddddddddddfdfdrd*dfddddd&ffdd*fdddd&dd&dddfd&ddfddddddddfddddfddd&ddf&ddfddddddfdddffffffddd&ddddddfd&ffddddd*&&dff&dddddrddfffddfdf&fd&&dddddf&d&fdddddddfdddddf&dfdddddddfddddd&ddddfd&ddfdfd&fddddddfdfddddddddddddfd&d&fddf&ffdddddfddddddffffddddddddddddfddd&ffdfffdd&dffddddfff*ddf&d&ddd*ddddd&dddd&fdfddd&&fdfdfddddr&dddffddddd&d&fddfd&ddfddfddffd&ddffddddddd*dfd&dffddffddfdff*ddd*fdfdfdfdfddddfdfddfdddfdfdddfddddd&ddfffdffdfdfdddddffdfddddfdddffdrdddddrdddddfdfdfdfdddddffddddd*dddfdddfddfdfdddddf*ddddddfd&dddddd&ddddffdffdddf&&fddd*dfdfdfddfdd&dfdddddfdd&ddrdddd&ddddddd&dddd&dfdfddddfdfddfdfdddd*dfddfffdf&dfdddddfddf&&&fdddddddffffd&ddddfddfddf*d&ddfddfdddfddfddddddfffddfdd&dfff*fdd&ddfdddfdfddddfdddddfdffffddddfdddddffdffdddddddfdr&ddddd*dddfddd*ffdfddtfddfddddddffddtffdfddffd&f&ddfdfdddffdddfdfddddfddfdfdddfd*dddfdddfddfddfdddffdfddffddfdfdddfddfdfdddfdd&ffdddddddffffdfddfddddfffdddddddddddfftdftdfdfddrdddffff&ddftdd&dfdd&dddfddddrdddfddf*d*dfftdfffdfd&dddfdddddrfdftdfddffddfdfrdfddfdf*fdddd&*dfddddtdddddd&fdf&ffrdddfdffdfddrddfd&fddddfdffdfdtdddddfddffffdddfddfdddddt*reddened dddfd*fdfdddddddddddd&fdft&f&dtdffdddfdffdddffdffddffdfdddddfdddfdfdddddfdtdtdddfdrddffddfdtdfdrftdffffdtfddfrddtfdftddd&r dddftfddrfddddfffdddftddttfddfdddfddfdddddfddffdtddfffddfdddtfdffdtddddddfdftf*d d ff*dddrttfddddfdfdfdfdddrdftdffdfdfdddfdfffdfffffdddffftfdddddfddddddfddfddtfdtddfdddffrdddfddrdfddffdfdfffddddftfddddddddddddtdfdtfdfdfdtfdfdfdffdddrfdffdfdtddfdfftddtdffdddddfdfdddddddfddffdffdfdddftddddddtdfddddrf&tddtftfdfdddffftddfffddddrdfdffffddfdrffddfddtdtdtdddddffdddffdddfdddddfdfdddddrdfdrdffddtddfffdffftdfddtftfdftddfdtffdddffdtddfddftdfdtdfddtfdftdfdffffdftdddfftdfdffdrdrddrdrtdtrdttddddrddfttdddddffdfffdfdtddddddrdtfdfdtdddtdfdffdddddffddtdfdrddfdfdfdddftffdfftfddddtddfdddrtdttdddtfftdfddftdtttddttfddddddtdtdddftddtfddrdtddddftdfdfdtrdtdddfdtdddfffttdfttddrtdrddftddrtftrtdtdddfddddtffdrrtfddrdtdrdddtfffdtftdftdrdtdddfddfdtdrddddffdrdrttfdfdtdttdrdddrrdfttttddddtffdddtfffdrtfddddddddftddtdrddffdtfdddrdrdfddrdtddfdtfftddtddddffrfddddffddddddfdtdfddfdddtftfdfffdrfttfftddrdfftrdddfffdddfddfttfffdfffdfdfrdttfttrddfdtrdfdtddtfdddfddtrrfdddrdddddddftttddfrfttrfftdfddfdddddfddtdtdddfddddtrdddddddddddtrfddttddfttrdttrdttddtddddddfddtdfdfdddfddtdddtdrdddrttrrdftddtrtfdrttftdrtdfdfrrddfttddttdtdddffdffdfffrffdfttrdrttdddttfddrdtftdrdfttdtddddtddddtrtdtttrfdtrtdffrrtdttddffddtdftdfttftdfftdrddtfrrtdttddtdddfttdttdtftdtddfdfddffddtdddddtddrddrttdddtdfdrdftdfddddtfftrfttddtffddtttrrftdtftttdttt

    • @mariandelafuentegalan2193
      @mariandelafuentegalan2193 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      &ff***&&*&d&&&dd&&&&&dd&&d&&&&*dd&ffdd*d&dd*d&d&ddf&d&fd&&d&&d&&&dddddf&fdd&dd&&&&&dd&&&dddd&*fdddddddddd&&d&f&*d&&ddrddddddddddd**ddfddfd&*d&ddddd&dddddddddddddddfddfdfd&ddfdfdd&dddddd&ddddddddddfddddd&dddfddd&ddddfdrddddd&dddfdffdddddddddrd&f*ddddfdddddfddd&ddfddd&drddddfdddrd&&ddd&d*d&fdddddfddddddddfdrddddddddddddddfddddddddddddfdffddddddddddfdffffffdddffddddddddd&dfdddddfdddddrddfddddddfdddddffddfddddddddddddd&dddddddddfdddddddfdd*rfddddddddddddddffdddfdddfddrd&dfffddddddd&fddddfdddfddfddfdddddddddf&fddddddddffdrdddf&ddd&ddddddfdffdddfdd&ddffddddfddddddfddddddddddddddddddddfdfdrd*dfddddd&ffdd*fdddd&dd&dddfd&ddfddddddddfddddfddd&ddf&ddfddddddfdddffffffddd&ddddddfd&ffddddd*&&dff&dddddrddfffddfdf&fd&&dddddf&d&fdddddddfdddddf&dfdddddddfddddd&ddddfd&ddfdfd&fddddddfdfddddddddddddfd&d&fddf&ffdddddfddddddffffddddddddddddfddd&ffdfffdd&dffddddfff*ddf&d&ddd*ddddd&dddd&fdfddd&&fdfdfddddr&dddffddddd&d&fddfd&ddfddfddffd&ddffddddddd*dfd&dffddffddfdff*ddd*fdfdfdfdfddddfdfddfdddfdfdddfddddd&ddfffdffdfdfdddddffdfddddfdddffdrdddddrdddddfdfdfdfdddddffddddd*dddfdddfddfdfdddddf*ddddddfd&dddddd&ddddffdffdddf&&fddd*dfdfdfddfdd&dfdddddfdd&ddrdddd&ddddddd&dddd&dfdfddddfdfddfdfdddd*dfddfffdf&dfdddddfddf&&&fdddddddffffd&ddddfddfddf*d&ddfddfdddfddfddddddfffddfdd&dfff*fdd&ddfdddfdfddddfdddddfdffffddddfdddddffdffdddddddfdr&ddddd*dddfddd*ffdfddtfddfddddddffddtffdfddffd&f&ddfdfdddffdddfdfddddfddfdfdddfd*dddfdddfddfddfdddffdfddffddfdfdddfddfdfdddfdd&ffdddddddffffdfddfddddfffdddddddddddfftdftdfdfddrdddffff&ddftdd&dfdd&dddfddddrdddfddf*d*dfftdfffdfd&dddfdddddrfdftdfddffddfdfrdfddfdf*fdddd&*dfddddtdddddd&fdf&ffrdddfdffdfddrddfd&fddddfdffdfdtdddddfddffffdddfddfdddddt*reddened dddfd*fdfdddddddddddd&fdft&f&dtdffdddfdffdddffdffddffdfdddddfdddfdfdddddfdtdtdddfdrddffddfdtdfdrftdffffdtfddfrddtfdftddd&r dddftfddrfddddfffdddftddttfddfdddfddfdddddfddffdtddfffddfdddtfdffdtddddddfdftf*d d ff*dddrttfddddfdfdfdfdddrdftdffdfdfdddfdfffdfffffdddffftfdddddfddddddfddfddtfdtddfdddffrdddfddrdfddffdfdfffddddftfddddddddddddtdfdtfdfdfdtfdfdfdffdddrfdffdfdtddfdfftddtdffdddddfdfdddddddfddffdffdfdddftddddddtdfddddrf&tddtftfdfdddffftddfffddddrdfdffffddfdrffddfddtdtdtdddddffdddffdddfdddddfdfdddddrdfdrdffddtddfffdffftdfddtftfdftddfdtffdddffdtddfddftdfdtdfddtfdftdfdffffdftdddfftdfdffdrdrddrdrtdtrdttddddrddfttdddddffdfffdfdtddddddrdtfdfdtdddtdfdffdddddffddtdfdrddfdfdfdddftffdfftfddddtddfdddrtdttdddtfftdfddftdtttddttfddddddtdtdddftddtfddrdtddddftdfdfdtrdtdddfdtdddfffttdfttddrtdrddftddrtftrtdtdddfddddtffdrrtfddrdtdrdddtfffdtftdftdrdtdddfddfdtdrddddffdrdrttfdfdtdttdrdddrrdfttttddddtffdddtfffdrtfddddddddftddtdrddffdtfdddrdrdfddrdtddfdtfftddtddddffrfddddffddddddfdtdfddfdddtftfdfffdrfttfftddrdfftrdddfffdddfddfttfffdfffdfdfrdttfttrddfdtrdfdtddtfdddfddtrrfdddrdddddddftttddfrfttrfftdfddfdddddfddtdtdddfddddtrdddddddddddtrfddttddfttrdttrdttddtddddddfddtdfdfdddfddtdddtdrdddrttrrdftddtrtfdrttftdrtdfdfrrddfttddttdtdddffdffdfffrffdfttrdrttdddttfddrdtftdrdfttdtddddtddddtrtdtttrfdtrtdffrrtdttddffddtdftdfttftdfftdrddtfrrtdttddtdddfttdttdtftdtddfdfddffddtdddddtddrddrttdddtdfdrdftdfddddtfftrfttddtffddtttrrftdtftttdttt

    • @mariandelafuentegalan2193
      @mariandelafuentegalan2193 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      &ff***&&*&d&&&dd&&&&&dd&&d&&&&*dd&ffdd*d&dd*d&d&ddf&d&fd&&d&&d&&&dddddf&fdd&dd&&&&&dd&&&dddd&*fdddddddddd&&d&f&*d&&ddrddddddddddd**ddfddfd&*d&ddddd&dddddddddddddddfddfdfd&ddfdfdd&dddddd&ddddddddddfddddd&dddfddd&ddddfdrddddd&dddfdffdddddddddrd&f*ddddfdddddfddd&ddfddd&drddddfdddrd&&ddd&d*d&fdddddfddddddddfdrddddddddddddddfddddddddddddfdffddddddddddfdffffffdddffddddddddd&dfdddddfdddddrddfddddddfdddddffddfddddddddddddd&dddddddddfdddddddfdd*rfddddddddddddddffdddfdddfddrd&dfffddddddd&fddddfdddfddfddfdddddddddf&fddddddddffdrdddf&ddd&ddddddfdffdddfdd&ddffddddfddddddfddddddddddddddddddddfdfdrd*dfddddd&ffdd*fdddd&dd&dddfd&ddfddddddddfddddfddd&ddf&ddfddddddfdddffffffddd&ddddddfd&ffddddd*&&dff&dddddrddfffddfdf&fd&&dddddf&d&fdddddddfdddddf&dfdddddddfddddd&ddddfd&ddfdfd&fddddddfdfddddddddddddfd&d&fddf&ffdddddfddddddffffddddddddddddfddd&ffdfffdd&dffddddfff*ddf&d&ddd*ddddd&dddd&fdfddd&&fdfdfddddr&dddffddddd&d&fddfd&ddfddfddffd&ddffddddddd*dfd&dffddffddfdff*ddd*fdfdfdfdfddddfdfddfdddfdfdddfddddd&ddfffdffdfdfdddddffdfddddfdddffdrdddddrdddddfdfdfdfdddddffddddd*dddfdddfddfdfdddddf*ddddddfd&dddddd&ddddffdffdddf&&fddd*dfdfdfddfdd&dfdddddfdd&ddrdddd&ddddddd&dddd&dfdfddddfdfddfdfdddd*dfddfffdf&dfdddddfddf&&&fdddddddffffd&ddddfddfddf*d&ddfddfdddfddfddddddfffddfdd&dfff*fdd&ddfdddfdfddddfdddddfdffffddddfdddddffdffdddddddfdr&ddddd*dddfddd*ffdfddtfddfddddddffddtffdfddffd&f&ddfdfdddffdddfdfddddfddfdfdddfd*dddfdddfddfddfdddffdfddffddfdfdddfddfdfdddfdd&ffdddddddffffdfddfddddfffdddddddddddfftdftdfdfddrdddffff&ddftdd&dfdd&dddfddddrdddfddf*d*dfftdfffdfd&dddfdddddrfdftdfddffddfdfrdfddfdf*fdddd&*dfddddtdddddd&fdf&ffrdddfdffdfddrddfd&fddddfdffdfdtdddddfddffffdddfddfdddddt*reddened dddfd*fdfdddddddddddd&fdft&f&dtdffdddfdffdddffdffddffdfdddddfdddfdfdddddfdtdtdddfdrddffddfdtdfdrftdffffdtfddfrddtfdftddd&r dddftfddrfddddfffdddftddttfddfdddfddfdddddfddffdtddfffddfdddtfdffdtddddddfdftf*d d ff*dddrttfddddfdfdfdfdddrdftdffdfdfdddfdfffdfffffdddffftfdddddfddddddfddfddtfdtddfdddffrdddfddrdfddffdfdfffddddftfddddddddddddtdfdtfdfdfdtfdfdfdffdddrfdffdfdtddfdfftddtdffdddddfdfdddddddfddffdffdfdddftddddddtdfddddrf&tddtftfdfdddffftddfffddddrdfdffffddfdrffddfddtdtdtdddddffdddffdddfdddddfdfdddddrdfdrdffddtddfffdffftdfddtftfdftddfdtffdddffdtddfddftdfdtdfddtfdftdfdffffdftdddfftdfdffdrdrddrdrtdtrdttddddrddfttdddddffdfffdfdtddddddrdtfdfdtdddtdfdffdddddffddtdfdrddfdfdfdddftffdfftfddddtddfdddrtdttdddtfftdfddftdtttddttfddddddtdtdddftddtfddrdtddddftdfdfdtrdtdddfdtdddfffttdfttddrtdrddftddrtftrtdtdddfddddtffdrrtfddrdtdrdddtfffdtftdftdrdtdddfddfdtdrddddffdrdrttfdfdtdttdrdddrrdfttttddddtffdddtfffdrtfddddddddftddtdrddffdtfdddrdrdfddrdtddfdtfftddtddddffrfddddffddddddfdtdfddfdddtftfdfffdrfttfftddrdfftrdddfffdddfddfttfffdfffdfdfrdttfttrddfdtrdfdtddtfdddfddtrrfdddrdddddddftttddfrfttrfftdfddfdddddfddtdtdddfddddtrdddddddddddtrfddttddfttrdttrdttddtddddddfddtdfdfdddfddtdddtdrdddrttrrdftddtrtfdrttftdrtdfdfrrddfttddttdtdddffdffdfffrffdfttrdrttdddttfddrdtftdrdfttdtddddtddddtrtdtttrfdtrtdffrrtdttddffddtdftdfttftdfftdrddtfrrtdttddtdddfttdttdtftdtddfdfddffddtdddddtddrddrttdddtdfdrdftdfddddtfftrfttddtffddtttrrftdtftttdttt

    • @mariandelafuentegalan2193
      @mariandelafuentegalan2193 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      &ff***&&*&d&&&dd&&&&&dd&&d&&&&*dd&ffdd*d&dd*d&d&ddf&d&fd&&d&&d&&&dddddf&fdd&dd&&&&&dd&&&dddd&*fdddddddddd&&d&f&*d&&ddrddddddddddd**ddfddfd&*d&ddddd&dddddddddddddddfddfdfd&ddfdfdd&dddddd&ddddddddddfddddd&dddfddd&ddddfdrddddd&dddfdffdddddddddrd&f*ddddfdddddfddd&ddfddd&drddddfdddrd&&ddd&d*d&fdddddfddddddddfdrddddddddddddddfddddddddddddfdffddddddddddfdffffffdddffddddddddd&dfdddddfdddddrddfddddddfdddddffddfddddddddddddd&dddddddddfdddddddfdd*rfddddddddddddddffdddfdddfddrd&dfffddddddd&fddddfdddfddfddfdddddddddf&fddddddddffdrdddf&ddd&ddddddfdffdddfdd&ddffddddfddddddfddddddddddddddddddddfdfdrd*dfddddd&ffdd*fdddd&dd&dddfd&ddfddddddddfddddfddd&ddf&ddfddddddfdddffffffddd&ddddddfd&ffddddd*&&dff&dddddrddfffddfdf&fd&&dddddf&d&fdddddddfdddddf&dfdddddddfddddd&ddddfd&ddfdfd&fddddddfdfddddddddddddfd&d&fddf&ffdddddfddddddffffddddddddddddfddd&ffdfffdd&dffddddfff*ddf&d&ddd*ddddd&dddd&fdfddd&&fdfdfddddr&dddffddddd&d&fddfd&ddfddfddffd&ddffddddddd*dfd&dffddffddfdff*ddd*fdfdfdfdfddddfdfddfdddfdfdddfddddd&ddfffdffdfdfdddddffdfddddfdddffdrdddddrdddddfdfdfdfdddddffddddd*dddfdddfddfdfdddddf*ddddddfd&dddddd&ddddffdffdddf&&fddd*dfdfdfddfdd&dfdddddfdd&ddrdddd&ddddddd&dddd&dfdfddddfdfddfdfdddd*dfddfffdf&dfdddddfddf&&&fdddddddffffd&ddddfddfddf*d&ddfddfdddfddfddddddfffddfdd&dfff*fdd&ddfdddfdfddddfdddddfdffffddddfdddddffdffdddddddfdr&ddddd*dddfddd*ffdfddtfddfddddddffddtffdfddffd&f&ddfdfdddffdddfdfddddfddfdfdddfd*dddfdddfddfddfdddffdfddffddfdfdddfddfdfdddfdd&ffdddddddffffdfddfddddfffdddddddddddfftdftdfdfddrdddffff&ddftdd&dfdd&dddfddddrdddfddf*d*dfftdfffdfd&dddfdddddrfdftdfddffddfdfrdfddfdf*fdddd&*dfddddtdddddd&fdf&ffrdddfdffdfddrddfd&fddddfdffdfdtdddddfddffffdddfddfdddddt*reddened dddfd*fdfdddddddddddd&fdft&f&dtdffdddfdffdddffdffddffdfdddddfdddfdfdddddfdtdtdddfdrddffddfdtdfdrftdffffdtfddfrddtfdftddd&r dddftfddrfddddfffdddftddttfddfdddfddfdddddfddffdtddfffddfdddtfdffdtddddddfdftf*d d ff*dddrttfddddfdfdfdfdddrdftdffdfdfdddfdfffdfffffdddffftfdddddfddddddfddfddtfdtddfdddffrdddfddrdfddffdfdfffddddftfddddddddddddtdfdtfdfdfdtfdfdfdffdddrfdffdfdtddfdfftddtdffdddddfdfdddddddfddffdffdfdddftddddddtdfddddrf&tddtftfdfdddffftddfffddddrdfdffffddfdrffddfddtdtdtdddddffdddffdddfdddddfdfdddddrdfdrdffddtddfffdffftdfddtftfdftddfdtffdddffdtddfddftdfdtdfddtfdftdfdffffdftdddfftdfdffdrdrddrdrtdtrdttddddrddfttdddddffdfffdfdtddddddrdtfdfdtdddtdfdffdddddffddtdfdrddfdfdfdddftffdfftfddddtddfdddrtdttdddtfftdfddftdtttddttfddddddtdtdddftddtfddrdtddddftdfdfdtrdtdddfdtdddfffttdfttddrtdrddftddrtftrtdtdddfddddtffdrrtfddrdtdrdddtfffdtftdftdrdtdddfddfdtdrddddffdrdrttfdfdtdttdrdddrrdfttttddddtffdddtfffdrtfddddddddftddtdrddffdtfdddrdrdfddrdtddfdtfftddtddddffrfddddffddddddfdtdfddfdddtftfdfffdrfttfftddrdfftrdddfffdddfddfttfffdfffdfdfrdttfttrddfdtrdfdtddtfdddfddtrrfdddrdddddddftttddfrfttrfftdfddfdddddfddtdtdddfddddtrdddddddddddtrfddttddfttrdttrdttddtddddddfddtdfdfdddfddtdddtdrdddrttrrdftddtrtfdrttftdrtdfdfrrddfttddttdtdddffdffdfffrffdfttrdrttdddttfddrdtftdrdfttdtddddtddddtrtdtttrfdtrtdffrrtdttddffddtdftdfttftdfftdrddtfrrtdttddtdddfttdttdtftdtddfdfddffddtdddddtddrddrttdddtdfdrdftdfddddtfftrfttddtffddtttrrftdtftttdttt

    • @mariandelafuentegalan2193
      @mariandelafuentegalan2193 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      &ff***&&*&d&&&dd&&&&&dd&&d&&&&*dd&ffdd*d&dd*d&d&ddf&d&fd&&d&&d&&&dddddf&fdd&dd&&&&&dd&&&dddd&*fdddddddddd&&d&f&*d&&ddrddddddddddd**ddfddfd&*d&ddddd&dddddddddddddddfddfdfd&ddfdfdd&dddddd&ddddddddddfddddd&dddfddd&ddddfdrddddd&dddfdffdddddddddrd&f*ddddfdddddfddd&ddfddd&drddddfdddrd&&ddd&d*d&fdddddfddddddddfdrddddddddddddddfddddddddddddfdffddddddddddfdffffffdddffddddddddd&dfdddddfdddddrddfddddddfdddddffddfddddddddddddd&dddddddddfdddddddfdd*rfddddddddddddddffdddfdddfddrd&dfffddddddd&fddddfdddfddfddfdddddddddf&fddddddddffdrdddf&ddd&ddddddfdffdddfdd&ddffddddfddddddfddddddddddddddddddddfdfdrd*dfddddd&ffdd*fdddd&dd&dddfd&ddfddddddddfddddfddd&ddf&ddfddddddfdddffffffddd&ddddddfd&ffddddd*&&dff&dddddrddfffddfdf&fd&&dddddf&d&fdddddddfdddddf&dfdddddddfddddd&ddddfd&ddfdfd&fddddddfdfddddddddddddfd&d&fddf&ffdddddfddddddffffddddddddddddfddd&ffdfffdd&dffddddfff*ddf&d&ddd*ddddd&dddd&fdfddd&&fdfdfddddr&dddffddddd&d&fddfd&ddfddfddffd&ddffddddddd*dfd&dffddffddfdff*ddd*fdfdfdfdfddddfdfddfdddfdfdddfddddd&ddfffdffdfdfdddddffdfddddfdddffdrdddddrdddddfdfdfdfdddddffddddd*dddfdddfddfdfdddddf*ddddddfd&dddddd&ddddffdffdddf&&fddd*dfdfdfddfdd&dfdddddfdd&ddrdddd&ddddddd&dddd&dfdfddddfdfddfdfdddd*dfddfffdf&dfdddddfddf&&&fdddddddffffd&ddddfddfddf*d&ddfddfdddfddfddddddfffddfdd&dfff*fdd&ddfdddfdfddddfdddddfdffffddddfdddddffdffdddddddfdr&ddddd*dddfddd*ffdfddtfddfddddddffddtffdfddffd&f&ddfdfdddffdddfdfddddfddfdfdddfd*dddfdddfddfddfdddffdfddffddfdfdddfddfdfdddfdd&ffdddddddffffdfddfddddfffdddddddddddfftdftdfdfddrdddffff&ddftdd&dfdd&dddfddddrdddfddf*d*dfftdfffdfd&dddfdddddrfdftdfddffddfdfrdfddfdf*fdddd&*dfddddtdddddd&fdf&ffrdddfdffdfddrddfd&fddddfdffdfdtdddddfddffffdddfddfdddddt*reddened dddfd*fdfdddddddddddd&fdft&f&dtdffdddfdffdddffdffddffdfdddddfdddfdfdddddfdtdtdddfdrddffddfdtdfdrftdffffdtfddfrddtfdftddd&r dddftfddrfddddfffdddftddttfddfdddfddfdddddfddffdtddfffddfdddtfdffdtddddddfdftf*d d ff*dddrttfddddfdfdfdfdddrdftdffdfdfdddfdfffdfffffdddffftfdddddfddddddfddfddtfdtddfdddffrdddfddrdfddffdfdfffddddftfddddddddddddtdfdtfdfdfdtfdfdfdffdddrfdffdfdtddfdfftddtdffdddddfdfdddddddfddffdffdfdddftddddddtdfddddrf&tddtftfdfdddffftddfffddddrdfdffffddfdrffddfddtdtdtdddddffdddffdddfdddddfdfdddddrdfdrdffddtddfffdffftdfddtftfdftddfdtffdddffdtddfddftdfdtdfddtfdftdfdffffdftdddfftdfdffdrdrddrdrtdtrdttddddrddfttdddddffdfffdfdtddddddrdtfdfdtdddtdfdffdddddffddtdfdrddfdfdfdddftffdfftfddddtddfdddrtdttdddtfftdfddftdtttddttfddddddtdtdddftddtfddrdtddddftdfdfdtrdtdddfdtdddfffttdfttddrtdrddftddrtftrtdtdddfddddtffdrrtfddrdtdrdddtfffdtftdftdrdtdddfddfdtdrddddffdrdrttfdfdtdttdrdddrrdfttttddddtffdddtfffdrtfddddddddftddtdrddffdtfdddrdrdfddrdtddfdtfftddtddddffrfddddffddddddfdtdfddfdddtftfdfffdrfttfftddrdfftrdddfffdddfddfttfffdfffdfdfrdttfttrddfdtrdfdtddtfdddfddtrrfdddrdddddddftttddfrfttrfftdfddfdddddfddtdtdddfddddtrdddddddddddtrfddttddfttrdttrdttddtddddddfddtdfdfdddfddtdddtdrdddrttrrdftddtrtfdrttftdrtdfdfrrddfttddttdtdddffdffdfffrffdfttrdrttdddttfddrdtftdrdfttdtddddtddddtrtdtttrfdtrtdffrrtdttddffddtdftdfttftdfftdrddtfrrtdttddtdddfttdttdtftdtddfdfddffddtdddddtddrddrttdddtdfdrdftdfddddtfftrfttddtffddtttrrftdtftttdttt

  • @fredericchopin3092
    @fredericchopin3092 3 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    I know you would think me crazy for sharing\saying this thing to everyone. I just kept sighing when saying this.Every time I hear these pieces , I would cry. I am one of the supporters of Chopin, and I wish every one would think Chopin is great because Chopin’s music could weave story into people’s heart (at least mine he did). These pieces is about a man of a lot of sadness, you can hear when he is sad (which occurs the most) , or when things are just okay (occurs some times) , or when he is filled with happiness (which occurs only one-two times in a piece). Sometimes, I just wish he is still alive or could live longer. It is really unfair for such a great pianist Chopin dying at such a young age, but who knows, I am not god, I can’t revive Chopin . So I decided to ask my mum about it, she just simply said that if I play his songs\pieces nicely, maybe I could be less sad. I today say to Chopin in front of everyone “RIP Chopin, the greatest pianist ever(in my opinion)” I wish every one who read this a good year (but it’s not due to this COVID-19 period, thank you for listening
    To: Chopin
    From: Chen Yuchen one of your supporters
    Date: 24 August 2021

    • @9sunsjuddleponk
      @9sunsjuddleponk 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Chopin gave his life to his music, for all he is concerned he is his music. Chopin will never die as long as he stays in the hearts of the living. Chopin would humbly suffer another life in flesh for us, just to give us music once more. He taught us that no amount of suffering could dull the light of hope, for every discordant part in your life: there will come a resolution that will overpower the suspense and sadness.
      To: Chen Yuchen
      From: Your wish

    • @Echeverrony
      @Echeverrony 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      where did you learn english? Are you chopin?

    • @guadalupegonzalez9132
      @guadalupegonzalez9132 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      May all mighty God…help you.
      Wishing you the best!!! 🎉😊

    • @gearoidmacruari2292
      @gearoidmacruari2292 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      What a beautiful, heartwarming comment 😊

  • @krystynawitulska9771
    @krystynawitulska9771 3 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    ☀️Lubię ten spokój myśli biegnący po klawszach... uwielbiam ten szept w akordach... uwielbiam tą tajemnicę za dźwiękiem... kocham tą prawdę w każdej nucie ☀️

  • @avrahammelamed9388
    @avrahammelamed9388 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I love this collection
    Whenever I cannot sleep, I play it quietly and wake up happily in the morning

  • @margueritebartley7298
    @margueritebartley7298 3 ปีที่แล้ว +41

    Beautifully expressive. I can feel the emotion of the music. Thank you. My mother was also a classical pianist. My father a cellist. Marguerite.

      @HALIDONMUSIC  3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Ooh, did they ever play together? How wonderful to grow up surrounded by music! 🤗

    • @andreasmunch2148
      @andreasmunch2148 3 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @mariacristinaduffau3678
      @mariacristinaduffau3678 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mi mamá siempre tocaba melodías de Chopin. Me encanta pero siento mucha nostalgia. Igual todos los días lo escucho.

  •  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I play this when I’m going to sleep. It helps my mind focus on the music and forget about any issues. It’s so peaceful and relaxing. Thank you.

  • @relaxingmusicnet5611
    @relaxingmusicnet5611 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Music is beauty and creativity, stillness and calm, prosperity and harmony, and an inner cure for the soul

  • @sharyncohen4004
    @sharyncohen4004 3 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    This music is very relaxing, and soothing especially right for these times.

  • @nevonoa2109
    @nevonoa2109 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Thank you for this beautiful music so I pray that you all have a blessed night and sleep with Jesus amen and hallelujah so I say to my fellow people you all have blessed month of June and I love you all

    • @rayane6571
      @rayane6571 7 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @МилаХорош
    @МилаХорош 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Спасибо! Очень красивая музыка! трогает душу и хочется летать,! Темп оживленный! Выразительно!

  • @ИнгилинаГелашвили
    @ИнгилинаГелашвили 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Лирично, тонко, нежно! Преаосхлдно! Благодарю!

  • @murphy-clark3057
    @murphy-clark3057 3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Beautiful playing Mr Faulkner. Thank you!

    • @tomjamrose283
      @tomjamrose283 ปีที่แล้ว

      Indeed beautifully played thank you

  • @Levonm1953
    @Levonm1953 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    OH ,LUKE !!!! Thank you so much! Absolute joy !!!! Dynamics, articulations , quality of sounds from velvet whisper to silver bells!!!! Bravo!!!!!

  • @veronicaliu2483
    @veronicaliu2483 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    There's something about Chopin's music (mainly his nocturnes) that just makes you think. It's so beautiful, yet melancholy. I cannot listen to his nocturnes while working, or I will find myself caught up in the melodies. It's something that's just really beautiful to me, and I would like to someday be able to play them. I hope everyone is relaxed and happy today :)

    • @emely1810
      @emely1810 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree❤️👏🏼

  • @LuciferMorningstar-zu1ud
    @LuciferMorningstar-zu1ud 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Absolutely brilliant. Such melancholic beauty. You play Chopin perfectly.

      @HALIDONMUSIC  24 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      We're delighted to hear that you enjoy Luke Faulkner's interpretation of Chopin's Nocturnes, thank you very much for listening! You can find more of Luke's works here on TH-cam and on Spotify if you'd like :)

    • @lennon992
      @lennon992 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

      You tell to Luke Faulkner

  • @johndavidboggs7655
    @johndavidboggs7655 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Luke Faulkner he loves Chopin I can tell by the passion in his playing

  • @HelenGochenour
    @HelenGochenour 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Chopin rocks, and this pianist rendered his music superbly! Thanks.

  • @manuelaolivera5320
    @manuelaolivera5320 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Maravilloso Chopin,música celestial, acaricia el Alma! Gracias al intérprete, genial!

  • @zuzannawisniewska4464
    @zuzannawisniewska4464 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    " I curse the moment I left the country ....In the living room I pretend to be calm, and when I return I thunder on the piano ....I return, play , cry , laugh, go to sleep, blow out the candle and always dream of the country ...Everything I have seen abroad so far seems ....unbearable and makes me only sigh for home , for those blissful moments that I did not know how to appreciate .... It seems to me that it is a dream, that it is an intoxication, that I am ...and I dream of what I hear ..... " ------- F. CHOPIN

  • @scottduke4967
    @scottduke4967 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    First time i have listened to Chopin .. it's wonderful... reading the Jane Hawk series by Dean Koontz. She is listening to the Nocturnes, and now, so am i.

      @HALIDONMUSIC  หลายเดือนก่อน

      We're thrilled that the book you're reading made you want to give Chopin's Nocturnes a listen and even more that you like them! If you'd like to hear more of his works we recommend this playlist as well: th-cam.com/video/Jn09UdSb3aA/w-d-xo.html

  • @teresadasilva4450
    @teresadasilva4450 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    To both Halidon and Luke Faulkner, the Comment of that young person and listener about his love for Chopin and the sadness of knowing that most Youth neglect classical music replacing such Treasures by Ugly Heavy Metal 'brutalizing' thus their soul and spirit is appalling!!
    On the other hand, how grateful blissful and full of sentiment are your brilliant piano compositions, Luke.
    You deserve our appreciation for your continuous hard work. Teresa.

  • @испания-24
    @испания-24 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Божественно красивая музыка. Один из любимых мной композиторов. Для знакомства с Шопеном, помимо прослушивания его произведений, рекомендую прочитать книгу Фаины Оржеховской "Шопен". Интересная судьба, любовь к Жорж Санд.

  • @chanemma7047
    @chanemma7047 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Such a well played piece. Chopin is the most talented pianist and composer i’d ever seen

  • @asloii_1749
    @asloii_1749 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I've only heard Rubinstein's versions of these, and while he is probably my favorite pianist, it's great to hear these nocturnes in a new light.

    • @sylviafarese9546
      @sylviafarese9546 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I'm always ending to listen Chopin
      I love His nocturnes and when Arturo Rubinstein
      plays them I like more

    • @christinechen2407
      @christinechen2407 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sylviafarese9546 I agree. Maybe there's something about the recording. But Rubenstein's rendition sits well with me a bit better.

    • @OldCricket1981
      @OldCricket1981 7 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @silviozuleta4033
    @silviozuleta4033 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    tengo 1 año y 6 meses de nacido, no pude escribir antes aqui porque no tenia fuerza suficiente en mis manos asi que ahora que puedo le saqué el celular a mi mamá mientras duerme
    espero que no se enoje en fin, amo esta musica porque se parece a la que escuchan en el cielo cuando vivia allá, el señor con barba que brilla me dijo que aqui le dicen música clasica alla en el cielo solo le dicen música. me apena ver a mi futura generacion y jovenes adolescentes que ya no escuchen esta musica perdidos por la que escuchan sus padres y sus abuelos pero tengo esperanza que todos la escuchen como en el cielo .

  • @carmenvelasco3563
    @carmenvelasco3563 3 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Interpretación realmente bella. Es mi relax y me recreo de las noches antes d quedar dormida. Buenas y bonitas noches. Dulces sueños. ❤

  • @jessrichardmoransee5468
    @jessrichardmoransee5468 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    we enjoy peaceful classical piano music evening nocturns were played reminding of soft gentle quiet thoughts, well played thanks

  • @glodibel777
    @glodibel777 3 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    За что я люблю музыку Шопена,? наверное, за то, что она вселяет в меня спокойствие..

    • @mariabertapazchas4510
      @mariabertapazchas4510 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      A mi también me da tranquilidad cokonosa...gracias por tu comentario, también doy gracias a Chopin por su talento y a los Señores de TH-cam POR SELECIONARLA PARA NOSOTROS.

  • @MetanetSixaliyeva
    @MetanetSixaliyeva 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Ruhum dincəlir, sanki mavi səmada quş kimi pərvaz edir .Əsrarəngiz musiqi əsrlərdən süzülüb gəlir,növbəti əsrlərə yol alır.❤

  • @herminegranger9721
    @herminegranger9721 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I think, that Chopin was one of the greatest artists in Music History! Thank you very much for the Video! 😍

      @HALIDONMUSIC  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      We can't help but agree with you! His legacy will remain eternal 💙 Glad you enjoy the compilation, thanks for listening!

    @CAROLINA_INAA 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Sólo puedo echar toda mi tristeza afuera y sentir que una energía de calma me envuelve❤ muchas gracias

  • @PaolaandreaGutierrez-jj3ex
    @PaolaandreaGutierrez-jj3ex 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    Chopin I love You

  • @teresadasilva4450
    @teresadasilva4450 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi dearest Luke, I was delighted to have my sauna enjoying your splendid Nocturnes. Thank you. Love from me.

  • @OmerHai10
    @OmerHai10 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    Listening to this on 2025, Timeless masterpieces 🎼

  • @MrWilliamDom
    @MrWilliamDom 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Pretendia ninar minha filha com essa canção, mas acabei ficando plenamente impressionado com o sentimento desses acordes, a singeleza e pureza que me tocou profundamente. Que maneiro! Isso é música, aquela que fala aos nossos corações... Obrigado, Chopin...

    • @uteackermann8340
      @uteackermann8340 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes i agree. But have a look at this one from Anastasia Huppmann

    • @MrWilliamDom
      @MrWilliamDom 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@uteackermann8340 thanks!

  • @reyhanhemmatfari5888
    @reyhanhemmatfari5888 3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Forever Chopin ! ♡

  • @ozanikdweed7888
    @ozanikdweed7888 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    😊in the early morning i hearing for Bach and also am live in Vienna the greatest city of Europe , such magical emotions

  • @catherinebeduer3838
    @catherinebeduer3838 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Oh, how my week is off to a good start !! 🤩🙏💖🎶🎹🎶💖✨ What a great pleasure and happiness to listen to Chopin's Complete Nocturnes with Luke Faulkner ❣❣ 🙏😍❤🌞 Congratulations and thank you so much, Luke and friends HalidonMusic. 💕💕🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹😊🌹❤😊🌹❤

      @HALIDONMUSIC  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      We're ecstatic to finally be able to share these with you! Thank you for listening and enjoying, Catherine. It's always a pleasure to hear from you. ❤️

    • @catherinebeduer3838
      @catherinebeduer3838 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      😀 Thank you so much, Friends HalidonMusic for your kind message 🤩❤ Have a good afternoon ❣

  • @SlimyLotusKing
    @SlimyLotusKing 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I'm so glad this video started with the piece it did, one of my favorites whose melody and timing always seem to put me in a contemplative mood. 😌

  • @erpollock
    @erpollock 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Such beauty and sensitivity of touch. Thank you, Luke.

  • @twentytwenty4272
    @twentytwenty4272 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love this. I cannot express enough how grateful I am for this sublime performance and interpretations of Chopin. Keep your lovely art coming. Peace!

      @HALIDONMUSIC  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for your lovely words, it means a lot to know that you appreciate Luke Faulkner's interpretation of Chopin's works. If you'd like to hear more by him you can give him a follow on Spotify 😊

  • @alessiopustorino85
    @alessiopustorino85 3 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I love Chopin. Thank you for this compilation.

  • @BarringtonMorrentana
    @BarringtonMorrentana 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thank you Luke for such an amazing inspirational masterpiece of Art

  • @CharlesShogun
    @CharlesShogun 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Mesmo eu sendo um cara novo adoro ouvir Chopin. ... ❤❤❤ brasil na área

    • @ederpereira9657
      @ederpereira9657 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Aprendi a ouvir Chopin com minha amiga e ambientalista Maria Cristina W. Vieira que tenho muito apreço, o tocar das músicas nos aclara as ideias e nos ajuda a refletir, pensar, pra onde vamos e o que vamos fazer quando chegar no nosso destino !!! Chopin é isso, uma abertura para reflexão !!!

    • @monicaschwarz8529
      @monicaschwarz8529 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Estou ouvindo pela primeira vez e está sendo uma experiência maravilhosa!!!! ❤❤

  • @karenaspinall5817
    @karenaspinall5817 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    from Karen: most healing and calming for my heart - play it every evening - thank you for your many hours of practice and your spirit. I love to play the piano. It is joy to my soul.

  • @mirakor1
    @mirakor1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    I love it so much. Since I know all of them by heart I can feel you play with the heart. Real pleasure. Thanks a lot.

      @HALIDONMUSIC  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      We agree, Luke's interpretation of Chopin is always magical 💖✨ if you'd like another Chopin full immersion, may we interest you in our most recent compilation? We'd love to hear what you think of it 🙏 th-cam.com/video/4fezP875xOQ/w-d-xo.html

  • @LucyWohler-w6c
    @LucyWohler-w6c 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Chopin sending he's tristesse and his magic love, thanks lovely Chopin ❤

  • @inmyTempo
    @inmyTempo 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Es increíble la capacidad mental y emocional que tiene el ser humano. Y tan solo pensar que en el ambiente que se crió Chopin fue sin tecnología alguna. ¿En qué se habrá inspirado para crear estas bellas obras?

    • @linaahmad2798
      @linaahmad2798 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      انها الروح تلك الطاقة الابدية السرمدية التي لاتفنى هي من تعطينا والموسيقا وحدها من تذكر هذه الروح بعالم الحب الذي اتينا منه نخن كبشر وعائدون الى ذلك الوطن الابدي ...الجنه هيي موطننا الاصلي نحن هنا للتجربة

    • @susyaguero8968
      @susyaguero8968 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@linaahmad2798 qué hermoso comentario y tan cierto ...según mi opinión tb 🧡

  • @michaelhasch9825
    @michaelhasch9825 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    beautyfully! Thx to Chopin, his love and Mr. Faulkner for this great performance!

  • @mariainesandradealcantara9979
    @mariainesandradealcantara9979 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Ninguém cuidou melhor do piano que Chopin! !!!!!!!!!💖💖💖💖💖

  • @kencrotty3984
    @kencrotty3984 ปีที่แล้ว

    Beautiful, clear crisp sound! I think it was Schumann who averred that "The job of the artist is to bring light into the dark hearts of men;' Chopin certainly did (does) that, with finesse, and scintillating brilliance!

  • @katekelly1
    @katekelly1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    You're absolutely marvelous, and the quality of this recording is awesome, too!!! Thank you.

  • @ЕленаАнанчикова
    @ЕленаАнанчикова 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Мой самый любимый композитор ❤ спасибо Мирозданию за него ❤

  • @rosemarypereira5660
    @rosemarypereira5660 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    You are a magnificent pianist. I love to hear you play!

      @HALIDONMUSIC  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for listening to our of collection of Nocturnes, Rosemary 🌹 If you enjoy the way Luke Faulkner plays we just have to recommend you this compilation of calm piano pieces as well: th-cam.com/video/hQncT4Hswhw/w-d-xo.html

  • @jamfamlam
    @jamfamlam 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Chopin’s music produces fresh air if you listen to it.

  • @annauwuu
    @annauwuu 3 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Chopin is really a genius !

    • @doaftcc
      @doaftcc ปีที่แล้ว

      That he was!

  • @ilyaded
    @ilyaded 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    No words needed, just sit and listen. Thank you!

  • @mariaribeiro408
    @mariaribeiro408 3 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    A música de Chopin,me traz paz interior, com Deus e o universo inteiro.

  • @Saya-jo5cc
    @Saya-jo5cc 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Bravissimo 💫
    Bellissimo ⚘🌿⚘ I like 🦋🌼💐🌺 Chopin.............
    Take your time and enjoy..........

  • @carmelita7348
    @carmelita7348 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Absolutely beautiful and serene. Thank you Luke.

  • @aracelifarley-f7l
    @aracelifarley-f7l ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Absolutely beautiful and serene. Thank you Luke.. This music is very relaxing, and soothing especially right for these times..

  • @victorjuarez5935
    @victorjuarez5935 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    La Música es el Lenguage del AMOR pero no cualquier música hablo de estas Obras de Arte, Mucho por Chopin!!!

  • @ЛюдмилаНикитина-к8н
    @ЛюдмилаНикитина-к8н 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Яв музыке дилетант,но вданный момент Шопен меня умиротворяет ,лирично,нежно.Я оттаиваю ,душа отдыхает.Благодарю!

      @HALIDONMUSIC  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      В этом и заключается вся прелесть музыки: не нужно быть знатоком, чтобы оценить ее, проникнуться ею или почувствовать ее благотворное влияние на вас 😊