What's the maximum tier level for each upgrade type? Currently I'm on 4-2 on main cannon and I have 0-9 on health, 0-6 on magnet and 0-3 on wing cannons. Been 4 days since I started playing.
There's an update due wed/thu that will add a further level to upgrades - see PeterID's post in toucharcade forum - but at the moment it is: Health: 3-10 Main Cannon: 4-10 Wing Cannons: 3-10 Magnet: 2-10 Missiles: 2-10 Lasers, Energy Shield, Bomb: 2-10
TheReventadorChannel You don't do anything - it happens automatically. I'm not sure they even have to be playing - it could be Sky Force selects one of your friends at random and gives you a card from them...?
What's the maximum tier level for each upgrade type? Currently I'm on 4-2 on main cannon and I have 0-9 on health, 0-6 on magnet and 0-3 on wing cannons. Been 4 days since I started playing.
There's an update due wed/thu that will add a further level to upgrades - see PeterID's post in toucharcade forum - but at the moment it is:
Health: 3-10
Main Cannon: 4-10
Wing Cannons: 3-10
Magnet: 2-10
Missiles: 2-10
Lasers, Energy Shield, Bomb: 2-10
+JoyMaker Thanks. And how can I send cards to friends? I got one from you...
TheReventadorChannel You don't do anything - it happens automatically. I'm not sure they even have to be playing - it could be Sky Force selects one of your friends at random and gives you a card from them...?
I completed all the levels :D
At insane level! :) - I'm getting there...
+JoyMaker all least I'm the first one who complete this game (maybe)