If you buy or find damaged luxury goods that have been thrown out and restore them, you could probably make a profit. However depending on a number of factors the amount you'd make might not be worth the time it takes to source the items, restore them and then find buyers.
For me; he restores his own vintage luxury products, but of course he doesn't say that because of his job. If you were doing this job, wouldn't you restore your own products for free ? 😏
Thank you dear for taking us along. Can't wait what the hidupzqueen picked up at Fendi
Amazing job 😍 my old louis vuitton wallet is peeling on the inside... I much prefer the cloth material instead 🤩👍 no more flakes everywhere!
After how many years your wallet start to peeling on the inside?
Best restoration I have ever seen. This is so satisfying!
Amazing! Can I ask which brand and colors you applied on it please...thank you.
Should have steamed the warped wallt back to It's original shape. Thinking about the bent corners?
Dankpods enjoyer loves this song
stunning, very well done - thank you
Congratulations. Did you have a email? I wanna know about procedures and prices. This wallet is exactly like mine.
I found your email in another comment. Don’t worry and thanks.
Hello what kind of leather dye did you use?
Paint is a mixture of dye and pigment.It's our original.
It's amazing job!
Came here from Snapchat
I prefer this one because there’s no commentary!
You are an absolute genius! Do you happen to be based in the UK ?
We are based in Japan. Thank you for watching our videos !
Insider channel taking your video and narrate it. I just came from there
Hi! Do you accept overseas order? Thank you
Yes, please e-mail me. kogi@bagremake.com
Came here from Facebook
It looks nice but could you sell it and make a profit despite all of that work instead of buying a new one?
Every work in our channel is an ordered by customers.
If you buy or find damaged luxury goods that have been thrown out and restore them, you could probably make a profit. However depending on a number of factors the amount you'd make might not be worth the time it takes to source the items, restore them and then find buyers.
Hi can you please sell me some of that paint?
Do you restore your own luxury items?
No, The work is an order from the customer.
For me; he restores his own vintage luxury products, but of course he doesn't say that because of his job. If you were doing this job, wouldn't you restore your own products for free ? 😏
B R A V I S S I M O !!!
omgosh can you restore my lv wallet
I want to send you some wallet that need some repairs
Our address is listed on our homepage. You can also get an estimate through photos, so feel free to do so if you wish. www.bagremake.com/