Great Show!! Good to see you guys having real fun on the road. USA is a big’ place lots of great adventures to be had. Thank you very much for showing us the progression of the H&M trail system. It’s on my bucket list 😎
I love seeing these trips to different places but would like to see more trips close to home, Ontario ! Overall guys love the show and magazine look forward to the pop up I get each week when you up load new episode ! 🤟
It's a TV show. LOL!! Besides, I thought it was great!! Loved the diverse view of West Virginia from a SxS. Maybe, you should stick to the individual videos of just reviews...because Dirt Trax TV offers that for just a quick video.
You guys should come to northwest Wisconsin! The amount of atv trails is awesome in bayfield county alone. You can get to many communities and explore lake superior
I had an '07 Suzuki Eiger 400 4x4. It was the most reliable workhorse I could have asked for. In low range it was a beast. If that's all you're looking for, the King Quad will do just fine, but if you're serious about performance it just doesn't stack up. 7" of travel? 25" cheapo tires? cable actuated single rear disk brake? 722cc single? They've been building the same machine for 15 years and it shows. Polaris and Canned Ham are in another league.
Good choice of side by sides to take on your trip. I noticed I don't see any Polaris models. Looks like the area is welcoming riders with open arms to keep them striving. Luke I hate to bring it up but how much weight have you lost? You are looking more fit. Those snowmobiles this year will have a different feel now I bet. Happy trails guys.
You all should do split channels, have one for reviews/spot lights on ATV news, and other spotlighting places you ride. Smaller segments create more interest for different demographics
This was one your episodes I've liked the least (I've watched all on TH-cam). You seem to do a couple H-M episodes each season, let's see somewhere new. There are so many great places to ride, show us more variety. Also, this H-M session had very little of actual trail footage. Most of it was non ATV related content, I'm not watching here to see people zip line. I did like the previous H-M episode this year that showed more trail riding and history alongside the trails, but this was waaay to much non-ATV content to keep me interested in watching.
New York has millions of acres of state owned property! Yet not 1 foot of state trails and any town that is pro off-road is never helped! Been paying registration on my wheelers for over 30 years. Funny way back when they even hit you up for the reg and trail fund. Every year they would send the trail fund back to ya. That went on for years , such a joke! Sad...
It’s sad that they will not take the engine from one of the small street bikes and revamp for there atv. Singe Cylinder engines don’t have the torque that the market is looking for. That’s why Can am and Polaris have taken over the market. Even most riding lawnmowers have even went to a V-Twins. This was yesterday equipment it’s not impressive at all the power is not there. It will not sale. Honda needs to make a vtwin or parallel vtwin also.
Hatfield McCoy in 3 weeks! F that kingquad tho, literally no one excited about that... Suzuki is quickly becoming irrelevant in offroad, no SXS and only a mediocre sport utility ATV.. 😴
Suzuki has become irrelevant. This ATV appears to be a good machine, but doesn't exactly stand out against the competition, just kind of blends in. With no side by side or sport quad offerings, i just don't see them gaining any market share. Only Suzuki loyalists will buy this. Not knocking Suzuki loyalists at all, but it seems the other builders are doing a lot more to attract new customers.
I grew up there. Graduated from Pineville in 1989. Very homesick right now haha. Thanks guys! Yet another great video
This brought back memories of Whitewater rafting on the new river. Awesome Experience!
Just spent a week out there myself beautiful country awesome trails! We will definitely go back!
A very green and lush area. Beautiful.
I just spent a week at pinnacle ATV lodge in cabin 4. The owners was great. Loved the trails.
Lets see more atv reviews , to many side by sides , sportsman 850 vs outlander 850 would be great to see
Great episode guys, thanx for the ride.
Very good episode. Looking forward to taking family and friends the trails in West Virginia!
Great Show!! Good to see you guys having real fun on the road. USA is a big’ place lots of great adventures to be had. Thank you very much for showing us the progression of the H&M trail system. It’s on my bucket list 😎
It looks a little like British Columbia. thanks for showing us that....
I love seeing these trips to different places but would like to see more trips close to home, Ontario ! Overall guys love the show and magazine look forward to the pop up I get each week when you up load new episode ! 🤟
i eat at Ole Jose's every time we ride to pineville. that ACP is so good.
Country road, take me home to the place I belong WEST VIRGINIA
Gabe Noseworthy mountain momma
I live 10 minutes away from ole Jose love Wyoming county west Virginia
Good stuff.
WOW I feel like i watched 20 minutes of commercial before the first ATV review.
it's called Dirt Trax Television not Dirt Trax we only do atv reviews.
It's a TV show. LOL!! Besides, I thought it was great!! Loved the diverse view of West Virginia from a SxS. Maybe, you should stick to the individual videos of just reviews...because Dirt Trax TV offers that for just a quick video.
I liked the adventure things u guys did but i wish i saw more of what i came here to see atvs and side by sides
Great content keep up the great work👍👍👍
You guys should come to northwest Wisconsin! The amount of atv trails is awesome in bayfield county alone. You can get to many communities and explore lake superior
I had an '07 Suzuki Eiger 400 4x4. It was the most reliable workhorse I could have asked for. In low range it was a beast. If that's all you're looking for, the King Quad will do just fine, but if you're serious about performance it just doesn't stack up. 7" of travel? 25" cheapo tires? cable actuated single rear disk brake? 722cc single? They've been building the same machine for 15 years and it shows. Polaris and Canned Ham are in another league.
How about a review of the Mahindra Roxor.
Good choice of side by sides to take on your trip. I noticed I don't see any Polaris models. Looks like the area is welcoming riders with open arms to keep them striving. Luke I hate to bring it up but how much weight have you lost? You are looking more fit. Those snowmobiles this year will have a different feel now I bet. Happy trails guys.
I got a like new 1999 600 Grizzly you can do a review on.
You all should do split channels, have one for reviews/spot lights on ATV news, and other spotlighting places you ride. Smaller segments create more interest for different demographics
Do Like You guys Did with the mud bike but with a side-by-side take an older model and make it competitive with the newer models
This was one your episodes I've liked the least (I've watched all on TH-cam). You seem to do a couple H-M episodes each season, let's see somewhere new. There are so many great places to ride, show us more variety. Also, this H-M session had very little of actual trail footage. Most of it was non ATV related content, I'm not watching here to see people zip line. I did like the previous H-M episode this year that showed more trail riding and history alongside the trails, but this was waaay to much non-ATV content to keep me interested in watching.
New York has millions of acres of state owned property! Yet not 1 foot of state trails and any town that is pro off-road is never helped! Been paying registration on my wheelers for over 30 years. Funny way back when they even hit you up for the reg and trail fund. Every year they would send the trail fund back to ya. That went on for years , such a joke! Sad...
Sorry to hear that. I was just out in up state NY last fall for the first time it was beautiful.
West Virginia isn't suffering because of the economy or EPA regulations. Its suffering because Coal is more expensive than natural gas.
EPA regulations made it more expensive
8 years of Obama killed West Virginia and Kentucky
It’s sad that they will not take the engine from one of the small street bikes and revamp for there atv. Singe Cylinder engines don’t have the torque that the market is looking for. That’s why Can am and Polaris have taken over the market. Even most riding lawnmowers have even went to a V-Twins. This was yesterday equipment it’s not impressive at all the power is not there. It will not sale. Honda needs to make a vtwin or parallel vtwin also.
Now I know why you won't show any other manufacturers cuz who pays for the show completely biased and one-sided
I’m sorry but driving around on pavement is not wheeling. Can do that with a car.
Hatfield McCoy in 3 weeks! F that kingquad tho, literally no one excited about that... Suzuki is quickly becoming irrelevant in offroad, no SXS and only a mediocre sport utility ATV.. 😴
Suzuki has become irrelevant. This ATV appears to be a good machine, but doesn't exactly stand out against the competition, just kind of blends in. With no side by side or sport quad offerings, i just don't see them gaining any market share. Only Suzuki loyalists will buy this. Not knocking Suzuki loyalists at all, but it seems the other builders are doing a lot more to attract new customers.
For long time I was a "Suzuki loyalists " but now I am a "Yamaha loyalists " Yamaha Needs a 850 or 1000 atv.