Thought my husband was the only man like this! Haha! Be happy, sister. He loves and trusts you. Do you know how many women would switch places with you? You messed up!
People always want something they don’t have. You don’t have any drama in your life and you crave for that. Some people have too much drama and want some freedom. You finally understand life is like with a bad person.
All I can say is that she is super lucky. I understand that she just wants him to pursue her more and care about her on a daily matter. At the end no one wears her shoes, so we can’t really judge her for cheating. Honestly she needed to go through that pain to see for herself. It’s sad that she put her husband through so much. If she didn’t go back then I agree her husband deserves better, but in every relationship everyone has to learn from their mistakes. She sure is blessed to marry a man like him. She almost lost a good man.
I believe showing a little bit of jealousy in a relationship is actually a good thing. It means they actually love you. I honestly would think my partner is cheating if they dont show no feelings at all. Not saying we should be controlling of our partner but every relationship needs signs of a little jealousy. Its not normal to just not show any emotions in a relationship.
This lady is not crazy... every one has their own love language, This is what she craves I her marriage, so I understand u sister.. A little jealousy is sexy and makes us woman feel loved and appreciated
So u dont want a nice guy who treats u well, but a jealous guy who beats u up & keeps tabs on ur whereabouts? Niag poj niam dev tsis sawm zoo ces yog koj.
Ntuj aw koj ruam los koj ntse es koj ho ntshaw txiv khib na sim neej no tau txiv khib dhuav siab dhuav ntsws mus tsis tau ib txoj ke twg li zoo li tus noog raug kaw rau hauv lub pob tawb tsuas yog mus ua tau txoj nyuag hauj lwm vim need nyiaj them nuj nqis xwb os ntshe koj tsis sawm zoo ho. Koj twb ntshaw2 kev hlub kev khib nev cas ho tsis yuav koj niag qub kiav roj naw es tseem ho tu moo thiab koj deserve 1 tug txiv zoo li koj niag qub kiav roj 100%
Your situation was simple. Your love language is words of affirmation, that's how you feel love. You actually did not want a jealous husband, but someone to compliment you and say things to you to make you feel secure. Your husband didn't know this, so he didn't think it was a big deal. I'm glad he knows now.
Koj ma yog ib tug poj niam uas nyiam kom tus txiv hai ib los xuab ib nrig xwb os. Cov txiv zoo li ko muaj tsawg ho. Koj nrauj meb lwm tus khaws nkaus mu hlub rau koj ntsiab tiag
Even though her husband is not verbally or physically abusive, he still hurts her deeply when he doesn't acknowledge her in any way or have an opinion when it comes to her. When you love someone, it can be an extremely lonely place to not feel loved and needed in return. Unless you've been there, you wouldn't understand. Obviously she cares about him, she was desperate to get him to react to anything even if it's bad. She was wrong for cheating on him for sure, that's something I would never do to my husband. She failed to understand that is his personality, even as a child. She obviously didn't know her husband that well and should have communicated with him to more. He should have changed for her too. It was just the little things that makes her happy.
Lesson learned for both the husband and wife. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Only where we water it. Glad she was able to learn before it was too late and glad the husband took her back. We all make mistakes. It’s what makes us smarter.
Everyone has their own love language. We need to understand this. To be fulfilled in a relationship/marriage, one should meet each other half way. It shouldn't have been brought out of proportion like this story. The husband shouldn't have needed to get on his knees and beg. She shouldn't have met someone new already. She should have communicated this to strengthen their marriage. If not, talk to her in laws. There were ways to fix this. Everyone wants to be fullfilled in a relationship. But don't destroy something good because of your selfishness.
Tus niam tsev txhob tus siab nws yooj yig ua neej tshaj li os Yog nws khib 22 es nws ho tsi hkib lawn ces yog nws phem Tab si nws ib txwm ua li no ces tsi yog nws phem nawb Kuv tus muaj tsi zoo li ntawm thiab ib sim neej nws yeej tsi ua tej yam ua nqia tau tias nws hlub yum tab si nws yeej tsi cem yus Nws yuav tau 50 xyoo no nws twb tsi yuav ib qhov khoom li $1los $5.00 duas li nawb Tab yus yuav khoom npaum cas los nws twb tsi hais koj yuav tau daim tiab tshiab los nws twb paub nws twb tsi care txog tab si tsi mag cem li os muaj hmoo tiag li os Tsi tau poob kua muag li os Zoo siab tiag li os Yog koj nplam tug txiv no ces koj yuav khuv xim nawb
Pom tau hais tias peb hmoob lub qhov ncauj mas lam tau lam cem luag tej lub neej. Yus tsis nyob nws qhov chaw ces yus tsis paub os. Nej puas xav txog cov txiv neej es mus deev pes tsawg tus mej cab thiab cov mos mos tag es nej tseem khaws na ? Haha pab tub siab nrog txoj neej neeg tias ua cas yuav los txog txij no mam li sib to taub. Tab sis yog neb txawj sib hlub lawm ces zoo dua qhov ua lig dhau lawm.😅
Your husband loves you enough to give you another chance. The both of you didn’t know each other’s love language and good communication is also one of the foundations of a healthy marriage.
Cas mloog 2 lawm nej cov poj niam mas tsis khib los yus ho tias yog lawv tsis hlub ho hos khib yus lo ho tias khib tsis muaj vij xib vij xws thiab ua cas los ntse yuav tsis zoo li yom qhov zoo ces ib lo ib khau ib lo ib ncaws taw kos nej cov poj tsa tsis tau tob hau hlo mas thiaj haum nej siab xwb yom
Very few guys don’t show jealousy cuz they trust you that you’ll be faithful! I’ve met a few men who aren’t jealous and lawv tso siab lug rau luaj poj luaj sev. Txhob ntshaw tus khib os, nyuaj nyuaj siab li os.
Omg ! You are so lucky to have a husband that is like that. My husband is the opposite. My husband is a very jealously and controlling man. I can't even have friends... I have no freedom at all.😢
Omg! You are so lucky to have a husband like that. You don't want to have a husband who is so jealous and always controls you. I wish I could have a husband like you. Txhob lam ntshaw niag txiv khib khib nawb. Tau tus txiv khib2 mas ua neej lwj siab tshaj plaws. Yus ua dab tsi mus dab tsi los txhaum nws tas nrho. You should be glad you have an understandable husband. Nij hnub no ces qhov kuv dhuav tshaj ces twb yog nws txoj kev khib ntag mas. Twb tseem xav tias xyov yuav yuav los tsis yuav lawm. Cas koj tsem yuav tias tsis khib es yuav nrauj. Neeg tsis sawm zoo tiag2 li os yom 😊
Haha I thought my husband was the only one. Lol. Though I am happy that he is like that because I see my nyabs get beat up just looking at a man. I'm thankful that my husband is not like those abusive husband. I think guys like your and my husband do get jealous, they just hide their feelings really well. Like my husband said "you want to get beat up just like your nyabs? Beat up for no reasons? Cannot talk nor look at other guys?" It made me realized that I do not want that kind of life. I'm thankful just to have an understanding husband.
Ntuj yuas poj hmoob ruam22aw koj khaus dhau hwv lawm es koj tuaj qhia koj txoj kev lwj nceb koj txoj kev khaum nyob rawv ntawm koj lub hauv pliaj tom ntej no thaum koj siav yuav tu ces koj lub nceb yuav lwj ua ntej hos vim koj tus txiv twb pe nias tes rau lub ntuj thiab daim av es nej nco ntsoov li ntawd nawv
Tsis tim koj tu txiv os...Tim koj yog ib niag maum dev xuaj tsis tsim nyog tau ib txoj kev hlub zoo....tu zoo li koj mas phim ncaws taw txhua hnub txhua hmo xwb os
Kuv twb zoo li tus txiv neej no ne, tab sis txhob xav tias yus yuav ua tej yam saib tsis taus tus txiv. Tus poj niam no mas ntxim mus tau cov txiv uas ib los ib ncaws taw mas thiaj li haum nws.
Sadly, many women like her were taught at a young age that love = jealousy, control, and abuse. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
A little bit of jealousy is normal when you love some one. How can someone not be jealous at all? Not being jealous at all does show that the person doesnt care. Those who have never experienced it will never understand. For us as humans it's hard to understand something that we've never experienced
Ib tug txiv cas mus lawm tsheej ob week ho g hu nriav li ne los. Qhov tiag ces koj rov qab mus yuav koj tus txiv zoo dua vim nws xav tias tso koj ywj siab xwb tus txiv lus tsawb yeej coj li nuav nawb es nws twb kam hloov siab ces rov yuav yog qhov zoo dua os. Vim laj nriav tau ib tug zoo txiv thiab os.😂❤
I understand you because that's was like describing my husband, too. However, I witnessed other couples, and unlike you, I learned to appreciate my husband for who he is vs. the other husbands my sisters and friends had. The grass isn't greener on the other side. Be patient, learn, and guide each other and give time for your marriage to grow. It is the best route because dating and marriage life is slightly different. You only have 1 child and obviously this happened. It clearly just showed that u think you're pretty and hot so u did it to yourself.
Vim hais tias koj tsi tau mag ntau es koj yuav mus nrhiav qws ov koj yog tug neeg tsi sawm zoo ces yog koj ntag los mas mag tsi mag pom nub qub ya lawm puas yog 😂😂😂
Thaum ub kuv tus husband qub tsis kim tsis care li ko thiab tseem plaum plaum kawg ! Tom qab wb lub neej tawg tag nim no kuv yuav tau ib tug txiv mas khib ciaj khib tuag li lau maa mob hlwb tiag lau! Tau tus txiv tsis khib tsis care li ko mas nws tsis romantic thiab npwb npwb tsis paub pojniam txoj kev ntshaw thiab xav tau xwb os..
Noah txiv ko ces zoo li kuv niag thiab os ntshe nws ua neej nrog nam liab qab lawm xwb os,, kv los dhuav kawg li thaum yus tsis quav ntsej nws lawm ces nws ho tias yus nim txawv2 tshe yog tham hluas nraug lawm thiab dhuav tiag li os👿👿
Khib thiab care= control Tsis khib tsis care= freedom You got your taste what you want a Khib person. You owe him double love. He will be smarter now too. You may be a person who like to be control.
oh cas kv hu ua hnub thiab kv niag txiv es tsis khib kv lis tias sis yg yus mus 1 txoj kev 6 -7 xuab los tsis hu seb yus txog los tsis txog li es xyov puas hlub yus li as
Koj yog ib tug poj niam siab me heev yog li na, koj Yeej paub tia thaum koj date nws los nws Yeej zoo li ne ua cas koj hos yuav nws mas es thaum yuav tau lawm los nws Yeej zoo li tabsi tus zoo li ntawv zoo tshaj tus khib khib koj mas hmoov zoo kawg lawm os koj mas ua tshaum rau koj tus txiv 10000% lawm os poj hmoob siab me.
Luag tej laus hais tias ib tug zaum tsaws qhia tsis cuag li yus rov qhia no ces yog li no mas koj tab tom yuav luag ntsib qhov luag khib3 qhov no yog qhov koj ntshaw2 ntag hos
Nej cov poj niam no na, tau tus txiv tsis khib kiag li los nej nrhiav teeb meem ib zoo. Nej tau tus txiv es khib dhau lawm es niam hnub cem thiab rho qws rau nej los nej hais tias phem dhau lawm ces nej yuav tsis tau lawm thiab. Yog ua cas? Tos lawm hais tias dev tsis sawm tso. Neeg tsis sawm zoo ces yog nej ntag lauj.
Poj hmoob ruam aw sim neej no muaj moo tshaj plaws koj thiaj tau tus txiv zoo li no nws tsis txawj ua zoo rau koj los nws yuav tsis mus hais zoo rau lwm tus thiab ho tiam no ces koj yeej yuav tsis tau ib tug zoo222222 li no ntxiv lawm
I myself like this kinda men. Mine 2 cent, He trust you enough and he knows that you wouldn't do anything stupid. That's his love language. You wouldn't want someone who is a freak, won't let you go anywhere, soo controlling, and beat you up because someone talk to you including women he thinks you gossip or talk bad about something. Just be happy. You deserve someone like your BF.
Tsis khib doesn’t mean the person doesn’t care. Be faithful to your spouse whether he goes or not. Jealousy usually is an issue. You’re not a good wife cheated while you’re still married. karma hit you. Your lucky other men will not take you back. Glad he took you back.
Hnub ci aw koj niam neb ob niam tub ko mas tsis yog noj mov ua tswv yim laus neb mas tseem 2 noj mov au quav nkau 2 xwb os yom yog kuv mas muaj nrauj kiag xwb kuv ne ke 2 li cov poj niam zoo li koj mas tsis yog poj niam tab cuab tab yig ho yog poj niam xyob txhiaj ces yog kiag koj ntag
I was wrong. You are definitely a niam dev.
Thought my husband was the only man like this! Haha! Be happy, sister. He loves and trusts you. Do you know how many women would switch places with you? You messed up!
People always want something they don’t have. You don’t have any drama in your life and you crave for that. Some people have too much drama and want some freedom. You finally understand life is like with a bad person.
I always wanted a husband like yours, and i got one, and i love him so much. I don't like jealousy guy, never ever in my life.
All I can say is that she is super lucky. I understand that she just wants him to pursue her more and care about her on a daily matter. At the end no one wears her shoes, so we can’t really judge her for cheating. Honestly she needed to go through that pain to see for herself. It’s sad that she put her husband through so much. If she didn’t go back then I agree her husband deserves better, but in every relationship everyone has to learn from their mistakes. She sure is blessed to marry a man like him. She almost lost a good man.
I believe showing a little bit of jealousy in a relationship is actually a good thing. It means they actually love you. I honestly would think my partner is cheating if they dont show no feelings at all. Not saying we should be controlling of our partner but every relationship needs signs of a little jealousy. Its not normal to just not show any emotions in a relationship.
This lady is not crazy... every one has their own love language,
This is what she craves I her marriage, so I understand u sister..
A little jealousy is sexy and makes us woman feel loved and appreciated
So u dont want a nice guy who treats u well, but a jealous guy who beats u up & keeps tabs on ur whereabouts? Niag poj niam dev tsis sawm zoo ces yog koj.
Ntuj aw koj ruam los koj ntse es koj ho ntshaw txiv khib na sim neej no tau txiv khib dhuav siab dhuav ntsws mus tsis tau ib txoj ke twg li zoo li tus noog raug kaw rau hauv lub pob tawb tsuas yog mus ua tau txoj nyuag hauj lwm vim need nyiaj them nuj nqis xwb os ntshe koj tsis sawm zoo ho. Koj twb ntshaw2 kev hlub kev khib nev cas ho tsis yuav koj niag qub kiav roj naw es tseem ho tu moo thiab koj deserve 1 tug txiv zoo li koj niag qub kiav roj 100%
Lady you are lucky your husband take you back
You are lucky your husband is nice
You got the best husband my husband is just like your we last 40 years still going
Your situation was simple. Your love language is words of affirmation, that's how you feel love. You actually did not want a jealous husband, but someone to compliment you and say things to you to make you feel secure. Your husband didn't know this, so he didn't think it was a big deal. I'm glad he knows now.
Pojniam tsis sawm zoo, ces yog tus nov tiag.
This person is just crazy ❤❤❤❤
This person right here is the definition of "poj niam tsis sawm zoo" 👌
This lady loves a husband that can do such hlub + khib + ntaus/ncaws all together.
Poj Hmoob koj mas hmoov zoo tshaj plaws thiaj rov qab tau lub Pov haum kws muaj Nuj nqi os
Bad communication xwb. He is a keeper. Don’t ever let him go.You will regret it.
Koj ma yog ib tug poj niam uas nyiam kom tus txiv hai ib los xuab ib nrig xwb os. Cov txiv zoo li ko muaj tsawg ho. Koj nrauj meb lwm tus khaws nkaus mu hlub rau koj ntsiab tiag
Alot of women want a husband like her and give them freedom. This woman almost lose a good husband.
Be happy u have such an open minded husband.
You are one lucky woman. Most men are like your boyfriend. Good that your husband took you back.
Even though her husband is not verbally or physically abusive, he still hurts her deeply when he doesn't acknowledge her in any way or have an opinion when it comes to her. When you love someone, it can be an extremely lonely place to not feel loved and needed in return. Unless you've been there, you wouldn't understand. Obviously she cares about him, she was desperate to get him to react to anything even if it's bad. She was wrong for cheating on him for sure, that's something I would never do to my husband. She failed to understand that is his personality, even as a child. She obviously didn't know her husband that well and should have communicated with him to more. He should have changed for her too. It was just the little things that makes her happy.
Lesson learned for both the husband and wife. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Only where we water it. Glad she was able to learn before it was too late and glad the husband took her back. We all make mistakes. It’s what makes us smarter.
Everyone has their own love language. We need to understand this. To be fulfilled in a relationship/marriage, one should meet each other half way. It shouldn't have been brought out of proportion like this story. The husband shouldn't have needed to get on his knees and beg. She shouldn't have met someone new already. She should have communicated this to strengthen their marriage. If not, talk to her in laws. There were ways to fix this. Everyone wants to be fullfilled in a relationship. But don't destroy something good because of your selfishness.
Koj twb xav xav tau cov txiv neej khib khib koj no nev, txiv neej khib khib yus ces ntaus ntaus yus los mas me ntxhais aw, cov txiv tsis khib yus ces luag thiaj tsis cem yus los mas. Tsis yog lawv tsis hlub yus na. Lawv cia yus nyob kev kaj siab xwb los tseem tsis nyiam thiab. Tsis zoo rau qhov koj twb mus deev deev hluas nraug lawm koj mam rov qab los pab hlub koj tus txiv Kuam xwb os.
Tus niam tsev txhob tus siab nws yooj yig ua neej tshaj li os
Yog nws khib 22 es nws ho tsi hkib lawn ces yog nws phem
Tab si nws ib txwm ua li no ces tsi yog nws phem nawb
Kuv tus muaj tsi zoo li ntawm thiab ib sim neej nws yeej tsi ua tej yam ua nqia tau tias nws hlub yum tab si nws yeej tsi cem yus
Nws yuav tau 50 xyoo no nws twb tsi yuav ib qhov khoom li $1los $5.00 duas li nawb
Tab yus yuav khoom npaum cas los nws twb tsi hais koj yuav tau daim tiab tshiab los nws twb paub nws twb tsi care txog tab si tsi mag cem li os muaj hmoo tiag li os
Tsi tau poob kua muag li os
Zoo siab tiag li os
Yog koj nplam tug txiv no ces koj yuav khuv xim nawb
Tus poj niam no xav tau lub nrig thiab txais taw los hlub nws xwb os.
Pom tau hais tias peb hmoob lub qhov ncauj mas lam tau lam cem luag tej lub neej. Yus tsis nyob nws qhov chaw ces yus tsis paub os. Nej puas xav txog cov txiv neej es mus deev pes tsawg tus mej cab thiab cov mos mos tag es nej tseem khaws na ? Haha pab tub siab nrog txoj neej neeg tias ua cas yuav los txog txij no mam li sib to taub. Tab sis yog neb txawj sib hlub lawm ces zoo dua qhov ua lig dhau lawm.😅
Ua cas koj tus hluas nraug tseem tsis ua kom koj fos ntais thiaj li tsim nyog qhov mus deev hluas
Koj muaj hmoo kawg koj daim nqaij muaj rau tus to hlub lawm kuv ces muab koj dov kauj vab ua lub good bye li nancy hais lawm lauj!
Your husband loves you enough to give you another chance. The both of you didn’t know each other’s love language and good communication is also one of the foundations of a healthy marriage.
Cas mloog 2 lawm nej cov poj niam mas tsis khib los yus ho tias yog lawv tsis hlub ho hos khib yus lo ho tias khib tsis muaj vij xib vij xws thiab ua cas los ntse yuav tsis zoo li yom qhov zoo ces ib lo ib khau ib lo ib ncaws taw kos nej cov poj tsa tsis tau tob hau hlo mas thiaj haum nej siab xwb yom
Poj niam siab dev, mus yuav kiag es Koj thiaj paub thiab kawm tiav ib qib maj
Niag poj niam Liam quas neeg ko cas tseem muaj ntsej muag los qhia teb chaws kom paub koj lub siab phem lim hiam thiab nas
Very few guys don’t show jealousy cuz they trust you that you’ll be faithful! I’ve met a few men who aren’t jealous and lawv tso siab lug rau luaj poj luaj sev. Txhob ntshaw tus khib os, nyuaj nyuaj siab li os.
Wow and here I am wishing my husband was like yours!!! I need my freedom! 😆😆😆😆
Tsis khib me2 li es xyov puas yog hlub li thiab os, HOS COV KHIB CIAJ KHIB TUAG MAS HO DANGEROUS THIAB OV.
Maum dev no kawm tiav lawm lau
Definitely poj niam dev. Feel sorry for the husband
Lawv cov laus ib txwm hais tias. Dev g sawm tsau tib neeg g sawm zoo. Ces yog tus niam tsev no. Tsis muaj leej twg yuav zoo tshaj koj tug txiv no lawm os.
Omg ! You are so lucky to have a husband that is like that. My husband is the opposite. My husband is a very jealously and controlling man. I can't even have friends... I have no freedom at all.😢
Girl. I rather have a non jealous husband than a jealous husband. 😂😂
Omg! You are so lucky to have a husband like that. You don't want to have a husband who is so jealous and always controls you. I wish I could have a husband like you. Txhob lam ntshaw niag txiv khib khib nawb. Tau tus txiv khib2 mas ua neej lwj siab tshaj plaws. Yus ua dab tsi mus dab tsi los txhaum nws tas nrho. You should be glad you have an understandable husband. Nij hnub no ces qhov kuv dhuav tshaj ces twb yog nws txoj kev khib ntag mas. Twb tseem xav tias xyov yuav yuav los tsis yuav lawm. Cas koj tsem yuav tias tsis khib es yuav nrauj. Neeg tsis sawm zoo tiag2 li os yom 😊
Haha I thought my husband was the only one. Lol. Though I am happy that he is like that because I see my nyabs get beat up just looking at a man. I'm thankful that my husband is not like those abusive husband.
I think guys like your and my husband do get jealous, they just hide their feelings really well. Like my husband said "you want to get beat up just like your nyabs? Beat up for no reasons? Cannot talk nor look at other guys?" It made me realized that I do not want that kind of life. I'm thankful just to have an understanding husband.
lwm hnub ma ntuj yuav muab koj rau txim loj heev vim koj siab tsis cajncees kuam lawm thiab kuam txawm tsis pom los lub ntuj pom nawb
I understand you. 😅
I sure don’t want a husband like him or a very jealous one. I prefer one in between because I would love my husband to still show me affection too
Ntuj yuas poj hmoob ruam22aw koj khaus dhau hwv lawm es koj tuaj qhia koj txoj kev lwj nceb koj txoj kev khaum nyob rawv ntawm koj lub hauv pliaj tom ntej no thaum koj siav yuav tu ces koj lub nceb yuav lwj ua ntej hos vim koj tus txiv twb pe nias tes rau lub ntuj thiab daim av es nej nco ntsoov li ntawd nawv
Stay single, but sleep with both of them it's better for you...
My husband is like this too he don't care what I wear or do.. in grateful for that.
Niag pog meb cab lau aw kj ce phim tus tsim ko xb o ho kj tus me txiv zoo ua txiv tsev zoo ce cia nw mu rau tus poj niam hlu tiag xb o
Koj tseem tsis tau mag tsim txaus es koj thiaj li muaj muaj plhu ne 😂😂
My goodness! Tus niam hluas aw...koj xav yuav tus txiv khib2 thiab ntaus2 koj lod?
Koj tus txiv ntxim yog ib tug muaj lub siab loj siab dav heev, thiab nws twb hlub2 koj es thiaj tsis pub koj mus ua hauj lwm ib hnub li.
Koj tshuav rab qws thiab lub ncaws taw tsis tau mag, koj rov mus mag tag ces siab nqig lawm, qhov tseeb koj xav rov mus deev koj cov qub hluas nraug es koj lam hais tias koj tus txiv tsis khib koj xwb
Tsis tim koj tu txiv os...Tim koj yog ib niag maum dev xuaj tsis tsim nyog tau ib txoj kev hlub zoo....tu zoo li koj mas phim ncaws taw txhua hnub txhua hmo xwb os
POJNIAM Siab Phem.
You are unbelievable!
Kuv twb zoo li tus txiv neej no ne, tab sis txhob xav tias yus yuav ua tej yam saib tsis taus tus txiv. Tus poj niam no mas ntxim mus tau cov txiv uas ib los ib ncaws taw mas thiaj li haum nws.
Sadly, many women like her were taught at a young age that love = jealousy, control, and abuse.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Tus txiv tsis khib tsis carev yig tus zoo dua os... cov khib2 ces lawv control yus dhau lawm os viv ncaus aw...
Koj yuav luag plag os yom.
Yog koj tau ib tus txiv khib2 ma koj thiaj mam paub tia dab teb muaj tiag dhuav siab sim neej 😂
Koj tsis tau ntsib tus tsis hlub koj nawb. Tus tsis hlub koj ma nyiaj los lawv cai luag mus qhov twg tsheej week los luag yeej tsis hu ib los rau koj hos koj mus qhov twg los luag yeej tsis hu koj. Luag tau dabtsi noj los luag yeej noj luag koj nyob ntawv los luag yeej tsis puv koj noj. Thawm twg luag tsis xav noj lawm luag ma nug tias koj puas noj xwb. Koj mob los luag yeej tsis k koj. Ib hnub koj tsis tau mov noj tsis tau dej haus los luag yeej tsis k koj. Luag yeej tsis nhriav tshuaj rau koj noj. Luag yeej tham hluas nkauj luag yeej siab tsis taus koj. Luag yeej tias yog leej twg nyiam ntshaw koj yuav koj ces nws nrog koj zoo siab. Luag yeej tsis quav ntsej li hos. Tus zoo li no thiaj yog tus tsis hlub koj os sister.
At least he doesn't cheat. You lucky. Mine husband never jealous and care about me like yours but he cheated. 😢
A little bit of jealousy is normal when you love some one. How can someone not be jealous at all? Not being jealous at all does show that the person doesnt care. Those who have never experienced it will never understand. For us as humans it's hard to understand something that we've never experienced
Ib tug txiv cas mus lawm tsheej ob week ho g hu nriav li ne los. Qhov tiag ces koj rov qab mus yuav koj tus txiv zoo dua vim nws xav tias tso koj ywj siab xwb tus txiv lus tsawb yeej coj li nuav nawb es nws twb kam hloov siab ces rov yuav yog qhov zoo dua os. Vim laj nriav tau ib tug zoo txiv thiab os.😂❤
Tus txiv tsis khib zoo dua os! Kuv nyiam tus tsis khib!
I understand you because that's was like describing my husband, too. However, I witnessed other couples, and unlike you, I learned to appreciate my husband for who he is vs. the other husbands my sisters and friends had. The grass isn't greener on the other side. Be patient, learn, and guide each other and give time for your marriage to grow. It is the best route because dating and marriage life is slightly different. You only have 1 child and obviously this happened. It clearly just showed that u think you're pretty and hot so u did it to yourself.
Vim hais tias koj tsi tau mag ntau es koj yuav mus nrhiav qws ov koj yog tug neeg tsi sawm zoo ces yog koj ntag los mas mag tsi mag pom nub qub ya lawm puas yog 😂😂😂
You don't deserve your husband back. Koj tsim nyog yuav Koj tus Hluas Nraug xwb, the one who give you black eye and say I love you.
Thaum ub kuv tus husband qub tsis kim tsis care li ko thiab tseem plaum plaum kawg ! Tom qab wb lub neej tawg tag nim no kuv yuav tau ib tug txiv mas khib ciaj khib tuag li lau maa mob hlwb tiag lau! Tau tus txiv tsis khib tsis care li ko mas nws tsis romantic thiab npwb npwb tsis paub pojniam txoj kev ntshaw thiab xav tau xwb os..
Noah txiv ko ces zoo li kuv niag thiab os ntshe nws ua neej nrog nam liab qab lawm xwb os,, kv los dhuav kawg li thaum yus tsis quav ntsej nws lawm ces nws ho tias yus nim txawv2 tshe yog tham hluas nraug lawm thiab dhuav tiag li os👿👿
Khib thiab care= control
Tsis khib tsis care= freedom
You got your taste what you want a Khib person. You owe him double love. He will be smarter now too. You may be a person who like to be control.
You deserve the guy that treated you bad! Your husband should not have taken a cheater like you back!
oh cas kv hu ua hnub thiab kv niag txiv es tsis khib kv lis tias sis yg yus mus 1 txoj kev 6 -7 xuab los tsis hu seb yus txog los tsis txog li es xyov puas hlub yus li as
To this woman. You need to go watch the movie Gone girl
Koj yog ib tug poj niam siab me heev yog li na, koj Yeej paub tia thaum koj date nws los nws Yeej zoo li ne ua cas koj hos yuav nws mas es thaum yuav tau lawm los nws Yeej zoo li tabsi tus zoo li ntawv zoo tshaj tus khib khib koj mas hmoov zoo kawg lawm os koj mas ua tshaum rau koj tus txiv 10000% lawm os poj hmoob siab me.
Khib ciaj khi.b tuag yuav mag khoo lawm.. Attention * Avoid * cov neeg khib ciaj khib tuag nawb😅😅😅😅
Luag tej laus hais tias ib tug zaum tsaws qhia tsis cuag li yus rov qhia no ces yog li no mas koj tab tom yuav luag ntsib qhov luag khib3 qhov no yog qhov koj ntshaw2 ntag hos
Nej cov poj niam no na, tau tus txiv tsis khib kiag li los nej nrhiav teeb meem ib zoo. Nej tau tus txiv es khib dhau lawm es niam hnub cem thiab rho qws rau nej los nej hais tias phem dhau lawm ces nej yuav tsis tau lawm thiab. Yog ua cas? Tos lawm hais tias dev tsis sawm tso. Neeg tsis sawm zoo ces yog nej ntag lauj.
You both had different love languages.
Poj hmoob ruam aw sim neej no muaj moo tshaj plaws koj thiaj tau tus txiv zoo li no nws tsis txawj ua zoo rau koj los nws yuav tsis mus hais zoo rau lwm tus thiab ho tiam no ces koj yeej yuav tsis tau ib tug zoo222222 li no ntxiv lawm
Poj niam tsis sawm zoo. Tau tus txiv zoo es tseem tsis zoo siab thiab. Koj ces ntawv noj ntawv haus twb yuav luag tag 😂
Ua cas kuam tsis muab koj nrauj kiag es koj mus yuav kiag koj tus hluas nraug es mag ntaus thiab khib koj hnub txhua hmo seb koj puas coj koj zaj neej neeg tuaj piav saum no ne.
Kj ce ntxim cov txiv neej khib2 muab kj ncaw txhua hnu xb o pog liam aw
Maum dev liam khaus pim! Koj tus txiv raum dhaus lawm thiaj li yuav koj xwb os. Yog kuv ces koj mag recycle lawm 😅😂
Ah h h h h h h, rau kuv mas,
yog kuv paub thiab hnov nws
hais tias nws twg tham tau
hluas nraug li ntawd lawm tiag
ces. Tas rau lolus nws hais
ntawd xaus kiag xwb ces. Kuv
nto phiv rau nws txoj kev qias
neeg ntawd thiab sawv kev mus
tsev tamsim ntawd ceev li ceev
lawm xwb tsam nws ho lam
caum kuv qab thiab.
This lady is crazy some of us women wish we have a husband like yours if I was your husband I wouldn’t take u back….
Kuv tus txiv coj li koj tus thiab os sister.
I myself like this kinda men. Mine 2 cent, He trust you enough and he knows that you wouldn't do anything stupid. That's his love language. You wouldn't want someone who is a freak, won't let you go anywhere, soo controlling, and beat you up because someone talk to you including women he thinks you gossip or talk bad about something. Just be happy. You deserve someone like your BF.
Tsis khib doesn’t mean the person doesn’t care. Be faithful to your spouse whether he goes or not. Jealousy usually is an issue. You’re not a good wife cheated while you’re still married. karma hit you. Your lucky other men will not take you back. Glad he took you back.
Ua cas ib pliag yog nkauj hnub ib pliag yog hnub ci na 😂😂😂😅
Hahaha koj xav nrhiav kev tuag tiag tiag os. Tau zoo nyob tsis nyob twj ywm.
Tej no ces yog vim sd.txoj kev ruam nkaus xwbm
Hnub ci aw koj niam neb ob niam tub ko mas tsis yog noj mov ua tswv yim laus neb mas tseem 2 noj mov au quav nkau 2 xwb os yom yog kuv mas muaj nrauj kiag xwb kuv ne ke 2 li cov poj niam zoo li koj mas tsis yog poj niam tab cuab tab yig ho yog poj niam xyob txhiaj ces yog kiag koj ntag
Koj tu txiv zoo li kuv tus thiab kev Liam mas