How long have you been doing it this way, for me it’s nerve wracking I don’t have the patience I would like too cause that’s why I bought the laser sculpfun 9s to see if I could cut balsa wood and make a plane but I didn’t know it was so hard to do
There is defiantly a learning curve. I didn't ever build very many things by hand before but, now that I'm getting a little better with this laser I find that I am a little more inspired to tackle more complicated projects. I would suggest that you take a lot of notes as you work and then you can go back and adjust if something doesn't work right. I am the most impatient person on this planet but stubbornly kept working at it until now I can have a plane ready to cut out in about an hour of work in Lightburn. I started with just cutting ribs and bulkheads. Everything else I continued to do by hand. (which I really hate ) Start small and fairly easy. Maybe something out of Outerzones CAD plans of PDF vector section. Those will work straight away in Lightburn. Thank you so much for checking out my vids..hopefully they will help you build your favorite aircraft.
How long have you been doing it this way, for me it’s nerve wracking I don’t have the patience I would like too cause that’s why I bought the laser sculpfun 9s to see if I could cut balsa wood and make a plane but I didn’t know it was so hard to do
There is defiantly a learning curve. I didn't ever build very many things by hand before but, now that I'm getting a little better with this laser I find that I am a little more inspired to tackle more complicated projects. I would suggest that you take a lot of notes as you work and then you can go back and adjust if something doesn't work right. I am the most impatient person on this planet but stubbornly kept working at it until now I can have a plane ready to cut out in about an hour of work in Lightburn. I started with just cutting ribs and bulkheads. Everything else I continued to do by hand. (which I really hate ) Start small and fairly easy. Maybe something out of Outerzones CAD plans of PDF vector section. Those will work straight away in Lightburn.
Thank you so much for checking out my vids..hopefully they will help you build your favorite aircraft.