Thanks for sharing! I inherited some of this size muslin and didn’t think that the same folds for the Birdseye half flat worked as well for these. Baby is due in a few weeks, so haven’t tried them yet, but I’ll attempt the airplane and modified origami on baby girl to see how they work!
Thank you for these folds! I love the airplane fold and pad.
Thanks for sharing! I inherited some of this size muslin and didn’t think that the same folds for the Birdseye half flat worked as well for these. Baby is due in a few weeks, so haven’t tried them yet, but I’ll attempt the airplane and modified origami on baby girl to see how they work!
Incredibly helpful, thank you!
Thank you for doing this!
I can't get a good seal around the legs with the modified origami fold. Any tips?
Goodkey or happy anteater variation :)
Thanks that was helpful