Its about midnight, just finished fixing it up and its all working fine, thanks to you. Frankly, I've spent more time looking for solution, than doing an actual work. Appreciate what you are doing. Thank you
Thank you for the video. Had the same issue today, boiler was making a gurgling noise. And was giving an ea 227 code. Took off the front case and saw it was full of gunk, took off the condenser trap and cleaned it. Put it back on and I've got hot water and heating again!
Always EA227 with the.. I ERP.. models and it's the same spot on the breather port of the trap...or worst case scenario the condense is tee's into the same sink waste outlet and its clogged with fatty food deposits😅 Again Great video and good little tips for us heating Engineers out there..
Its about midnight, just finished fixing it up and its all working fine, thanks to you. Frankly, I've spent more time looking for solution, than doing an actual work. Appreciate what you are doing.
Thank you
Very good explanation,,,and some great tips I never thought of trying,,,, well done you,,,,👍👌
Thank you for the video. Had the same issue today, boiler was making a gurgling noise. And was giving an ea 227 code.
Took off the front case and saw it was full of gunk, took off the condenser trap and cleaned it.
Put it back on and I've got hot water and heating again!
Always EA227 with the.. I ERP.. models and it's the same spot on the breather port of the trap...or worst case scenario the condense is tee's into the same sink waste outlet and its clogged with fatty food deposits😅
Again Great video and good little tips for us heating Engineers out there..
I need to get one of those syringes. That’s a good little trick
Always learning in this game
Good stuff
Nice simple fix. Probably the result of a visual service as opposed to a proper service
Nice one mate
That’s gonna block the main drain mate.😂