monohybrid cross and dihybrid cross | punnett square | NMDCAT 2021

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    Dihybrid and Dihybrid Cross
    After thoroughly studying each trait separately , Mendel decided to study the inheritance
    of two simultaneously , e.g., seed shape and seed colour. Seed shape could be round
    or wrinkled. Similarly , seed colour could be yellow or green. He crossed true breeding
    round and yellow seed plants with true breeding wrinkled and green seed plants . All F1
    dihybrid were round and yellow seeded due to dominance. Then he made a dihybrid
    cross by allowing self-fertilization among F1 dihybrids. The results was quite surprising.
    Seeds produced as F2 progeny were ot only in the two parental combination i.e.,
    round yellow and wrinkled green, but also in two new phenotypic combination
    i.e., round green and wrinkled yellow. A clear cut 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio was found
    in F2. Appearance of these new recombinant phenotypes of F2 indicated that some
    sort of shuling of alleles had occurred during gemete formation. Mendel inferred
    the mechanism of this shuling as independent assortment of alleles into gametes.
    He concluded that the alleles for seed shape and colour were not bound to remain in
    parental combination forever, i.e., ‘R’ with ‘Y’ and ‘r’ with ‘y’ ;rather these were free to
    assort independently . R could go with Y or y in any gamete with equal change.
    Similarly, r could go with y or Y in any gamete with equal probability. Four types of
    gametes, i.e., RY, Ry, rY and ry were formed in equal number in a perfect ratio of 1:1
    : 1:1. When these gametes randomly fertilized each other, a 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio
    was produced among F2 progeny (Fig 22.6).
    Mendel formulated Law of Independent Assortment : “When two contrasting pairs of
    traits are followed in the same cross, their alleles assort independently into gametes.”
    Alleles of one pair inherit independently of alleles of the other pair. The distribution of
    alleles of one trait into gametes has no inluence on the distribution of alleles of the
    other trait. Thus the chance for a plant to be round or wrinkled is independent of its
    chance of being yellow or green.

    Gregor Johann Mendel (1822 - 1884) laid the foundation of classical genetics by
    formulating two laws of heredity; law of segregation and law of independent assortment.
    He was a priest. He performed series of breeding experiments on garden pea, Pisum
    sativum in his monastery garden for eleven years (1854 - 1865). Pisum sativum was
    easy to cultivate and it grew well in his garden. Its lowers were hermaphrodite. It was
    normally self-fertilizing, but could also be cross-fertilized. As the time gap between
    generations was short, Mendel could raise many generations of pea within a short time.
    Pea had many sharply distinct traits. Each trait had two clear cut alternative forms or
    varieties; e.g., seed shape had a round or wrinkled phenotype, plant height was either
    tall or short, seed colour could be yellow or green. Mendel called them contrasting pair
    of a trait. He focussed on seven such pairs
    After establishing 14 pure - breeding lines of seven characters, he cross-fertilized
    plants that difered in one character only. The ofspring of such a cross were called
    monohybrids. He cross-fertilized a true breeding round-seeded male plant with a true
    breeding wrinkled-seeded female plant
    He called it irst parental generation (Pi). Their ofspring were called Fi or irst ilial
    generation. All Fi ofspring were round like one of the parents. Wrinkled phenotype did
    not appear at all. Round dominated wrinkled. Its dominance was complete because no
    ofspring intermediate between parents was found. He called the trait that appeared
    in F, as dominant; while the trait,
    which was masked, as recessive.
    Then Mendel allowed self-
    fertilization among F| monohybrids
    to raise F2 progeny. As a result of
    monohybrid cross 3A of F2 were
    round and lA wrinkled.
    breeding wrinkled-seeded female plant
    Then Mendel allowed self-
    fertilization among F| monohybrids
    to raise F2 progeny. As a result of
    monohybrid cross 3A of F2 were
    round and lA wrinkled.
    Mendel got similar results and
    the same 3:1 ratio in ofspring of
    monohybrid crosses for all the
    seven contrasting pairs of traits.
    Mendel proceeded a step ahead.
    He self- fertilized F2 plants to raise
    F3. He noted that 1/3 of F2 round
    produced only round, while 2/3
    of F2 round produced both round
    and wrinkled in . 3:1 ratio; but F1
    wrinkled produced only wrinkled.
    He concluded that 1/3 of F2
    rounds were true-breeding like Pi
    round, and 2/3 of F2 rounds were
    monohybrids like Fj round.

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