She is a singer, artist and youtuber. Her name is Novia Bachmid. She just 20 years old ! She was one of the contestant of Indonesian Idol 2019.She has an amazing voice !
Of course you know that singer, she's Novia Bachmid Uncle, you've made several reactions to her singing Mountain Faozia Cover. Novia Bachmid. She's Amazing 👍👍👍
MAKNA & SIMBOLISME DALAM WONDERLAND ID 2 1. 1:06 dan 2:05 : Mandala/ Emblem dari Surya Majapahit, Majapahit sendiri oleh para pendiri bangsa sebagai arketipe atau bahkan prototipe Indonesia. 2. 1:33 : Novia Bachmid sebagai Putri Penguasa karena personifikasi dari Nusantara dan Indonesia sendiri adalah Wanita. *"....There was a princess.."* (Ibu Pertiwi, Bunda Bumi, Motherland). 3. 2:14 : _"...She spent all her time in the depth of a forest",_ Indonesia dikenal sebagai *Zamrud Katulistiwa.* 4. 2:17 : *"..eight little friend..."* 8 burung kecil dan 1 naga raksasa. dalam Surya Majapahit ada 8 dewa pelindung 8 arah mata angin (Wisnu, Sambu, Iswara, Mahesora, Brahma, Rudra, Mahadewa, Sangkara) dan 1 dewa pelindung di pusat (Siwa). 5. 2:56 dan 9:46 : Lima bulatan bersinar dan Lima tombak bersinar : Representasi Pancasila sebagai ideologi & pelindung bangsa. Seperti kita tahu Pancasila adalah hasil galian filsafat dan budaya turun temurun bangsa Indonesia oleh para pendiri bangsa. Pancasila juga kokoh sebagai dasar negara Indonesia sebagai pelindung berbagai rongrongan pemberontakan dan penjajahan mulai dari DI/TII, PKI '48 dan '65, Permesta/PRRI hingga yang terbaru JI. 6. 3:06 : Alffy Rev di dalam kubah menggunakan piranti yang canggih meskipun diluarnya Novia Bachmid adalah ratu/putri penguasa sebuah hutan. Mungkin terinspirasi dari buku *“Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found"* sebuah buku pseudo-historis mengenai Indonesia sebagai lokasi asli benua atlantis dimana dahulu kala ada peradaban maju dan canggih di Indonesia namun kini tenggelam. Atau bisa merepresentasikan bahwa dari dulu Indonesia sudah maju daripada bangsa lain dalam artian tertentu. Misalkan pendirian Candi Borobudur, nelayan Bugis dan Maluku sudah berlayar hingga Madagaskar dan Pantai Australia pada 8000 SM, pembangunan Candi Gunung Padang pada tahun 10.000 SM, bangunan Megalitikum di Sulawesi. 7. 4:04 : Wayang Gunungan bersinar digunakan dalam pakem wayang Jawa/Sunda/Bali untuk menggambar suatu lanskap, pemandangan atau situasi. 8. 5:24 : Candi Tikus, Trowulan, Jawa Timur adalah situs pemandian keluarga raja, namun juga dianggap tempat penampungan air dan sistem drainase warga. Sebuah penanda kemajuan dan kesejahteraan suatu masyarakat. 9. 6:34 : Kumpulan Rangda dari Bali, perwujudan Dewi Durga dan simbol keburukan. Dalam video ini bagi saya pribadi adalah Reprentasi datangnya bangsa barat dan kolonialisme. 10. 7:31 : *NAGA* Gabungan dari Antaboga dan Garuda, merujuk pada komen terakhir Alffy Rev dalam video Wonderland Indonesia terdahulu, Naga yang ada dalam videonya adalah gabungan dua hewan mitologi yaitu ANTABOGA *(Penguasa Tanah dan Air)* dan GARUDA *(Penguasa Langit).* 11. 8:08 sampai 9:17 : Kebakaran Hutan, Representasi rusaknya kondisi Nusantara karena *Penjajahan* dan yang menurut saya paling penting rusaknya mentalitas bangsa Indonesia menjadi mentalitas Inlander. Merujuk Ir. Soekarno dalam buku *"Penjambung Lidah Rakjat"* dan banyak pendiri bangsa lain seperti Muh. Hatta bahwa kerusakan paling fatal dari penjajahan adalah hancurnya mindset, kepercayanaan diri dan kepribadian bangsa Indonesia. 12. 9:43 : Satu Tombak menjadi 5 Tombak untuk mengalahkan NAGA, Bung Karno sering menyebutkan bahwa Pancasila dapat diperas menjadi Trisila (Sosio-nasionalisme, Sosio-demokrasi, Ketuhanan) yang dapat diperas lagi menjadi Ekasila (Gotong Royong). Ekasila (Gotong Royong) inilah awalmula dari kita bisa mengusir penjajah. 13. 11:25 : Meskipun GARUDA sudah bangkit namun kembali Menjadi PATUNG, Merepresentasikan Bahwa Indonesia saat ini masih dalam proses menuju Kejayaan Kembali *(masyarakat Adil Makmur seperti Dahulu Kala),* Menunggu Kembalinya *Sang Putri Untuk Memimpin.* 14. 3:35 : Tari Kecak yang dipadukan dengan lagu Lingsir Wengi. Tari kecak menggambarkan kisah Ramayana dimana barisan Pasukan Wanara yang membantu Raja Ramawijaya (kebenaran) melawan Raja Rahwana (kejahatan). Sedangkan lagu Lingsir Wengi merupakan lagu ciptaan Kanjeng Sunan Kalijaga yang sering dinyanyikan beliau pasca ibadah Sholat Tahajud ditengah malam yang fungsinya menjauhkan dari setan dan marabahaya. Bagi saya sendiri scene ini menggambarkan sang Putri berusaha mendoakan agar negerinya dijauhkan dari malapetaka sekaligus cerminan akulturasi budaya di abad 15-16 M dimana Islam diawal penyebarannya dipadukan dengan kisah yang notabene kental dengan nuansa Hindu. Tambahan info dari saudara2 dikolom komentar: 15. 9:38 : Tombak yang dipegang Alffy Rev itu bukan sembarang tombak, namun itu adalah *TrisulaWeda* Yang melambangkan Benar Lurus Jujur. Tombak atau Pataka ini Merepresentasikan unsur kekuasaan yang ada di Majapahit. Sebetulnya ada 9 Pataka atau 9 unsur kekuasaan/pemerintahan namun mungkin demi menyesuaikan dengan tema serta makna dari video dan konten yang dibawakan, Alffy Rev hanya menampilkan lima saja. 16. 11:42 : Anak kecil yang membaca kitab lusuh yang bernama Ajeng, Menggambarkan Sebagai Putri Pahlawan Nasional Yang Kita Kenal Sebagai “Raden Ajeng Kartini.” Yang disebut sastrawan besar Indonesia, Dan Pramoedya Ananta Toer sebagai pionir emansipasi wanita Indonesia. Beliau gemar membaca buku, mengulas kitab suci dan menulis. 17. 1:57 : *"Langit memanggilnya tanah Nusantara"* Langit merujuk pada Tuhan atau kuasa Semesta, Yang Maha Esa, meskipun panggilan Nusantara adalah buatan manusia, made by human. Namun bertahannya panggilan "Nusantara" sejak jaman moyang hingga detik ini seperti melegitimasi bahwa memang Indonesia sudah ditakdirkan untuk dipanggil/Bernama lain yaitu Nusantara. 18. Judul "The Sacred of Nusantara" menurut saya juga berasal dari "pesanan sponsor" yaitu Kemendikbud untuk lebih mempopulerkan nama calon Ibukota baru yaitu NUSANTARA. Hal itu juga disimbolkan dengan 2 hewan khas Kalimantan yaitu burung Rangkong dan Binturung, penampakan eksotisme hutan, serta gabungan natural dan modern. Tapi itu semua hasil imajinasi dan googling2 kecil saya. Monggo kalau ada yang mau nambahi, menyanggah dan berkomentar.. Secara garis besar, video ini keren dan inspiratif.
Yeah that andovi and jovial the rapper in Wonderland Indonesia 2, and the fun fact is you have been reacting to the them, do you remember channel TH-cam skinnyindonesian24? that is their channel, and you have been react to Pentas Swara Indonesia (the traditional musical performance)
MEANING & SYMBOLISM IN WONDERLAND INDONESIA 2 1. 1:06 and 2:05 : Mandala/Emblem of Surya Majapahit, Majapahit itself by the founders of the nation as an archetype or even a prototype of Indonesia. 2. 1:33 : Novia Bachmid as Princess Ruler because the personification of the archipelago and Indonesia itself is a woman. *"....There was a princess.."* (Mother Earth, Motherland). 3. 2:14 : _"...She spent all her time in the depth of a forest",_ Indonesia is known as *Emerald of the Equator.* 4. 2:17 : *"..eight little friend..."* 8 small birds and 1 giant dragon. In Surya Majapahit there are 8 protective deities, 8 cardinal directions (Vishnu, Sambu, Iswara, Mahesora, Brahma, Rudra, Mahadewa, Sangkara) and 1 protective deity in the center (Shiva). 5. 2:56 dan 9:46 : Five shining spheres and Five shining spears : Representation of Pancasila as the ideology & protector of the nation. As we know, Pancasila is the result of excavating the philosophy and culture of the Indonesian people from generation to generation by the founding fathers of the nation. Pancasila is also firmly established as the basis of the Indonesian state as a protector of various underminings of rebellion and colonialism ranging from DI/TII, PKI '48 and '65, Permesta/PRRI to the latest JI. 6. 3:06 : Alffy Rev inside the dome uses sophisticated equipment even though on the outside Novia Bachmid is the queen/daughter of the ruler of a forest. Maybe it was inspired by the book *“Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found”* a pseudo-historical book about Indonesia as the original location of the Atlantic continent where once upon a time there was an advanced and sophisticated civilization in Indonesia but now it is sinking. Or it can represent that Indonesia has always been advanced. than other nations in a certain sense, for example the establishment of Borobudur Temple, Bugis and Moluccan fishermen who sailed as far as Madagascar and the Australian coast in 8000 BC, the construction of the Gunung Padang Temple in 10,000 BC, and Megalithic buildings in Sulawesi. 7. 4:04 : The shining mountain puppet is used in Javanese/Sundanese/Balinese wayang to draw a landscape, scene or situation. 8. 5:24 : The Rat Temple, Trowulan, East Java is the bathing site for the royal family, but is also considered a water reservoir and drainage system for residents. A marker of progress and prosperity of a society. 9. 6:34 : A collection of Rangda from Bali, the embodiment of Goddess Durga and a symbol of evil. In this video for me personally is a representation of the arrival of the western nation and colonialism. 10. 7:31 : *Dragon* A combination of Antaboga and Garuda, referring to Alffy Rev's last comment in the previous Wonderland Indonesia video, the Dragon in the video is a combination of two mythological animals, namely ANTABOGA *(Ruler of Land and Water)* and GARUDA *(Ruler of Heaven). 11. 8:08 to 9:17 : Forest Fires, Representation of the damaged condition of the archipelago due to *colonialism* and what I think is most important is the destruction of the mentality of the Indonesian people to become an Inlander mentality. Referring to Ir. Soekarno in the book *"The People's Tongue Connector"* and many founders of other nations such as Muh. Hatta said that the most fatal damage from colonialism was the destruction of the mindset, self-confidence and personality of the Indonesian nation. 12. 9:43 : One Spear into 5 Spears to defeat DRAGON, Bung Karno often said that Pancasila could be squeezed into Trisila (Socio-nationalism, Socio-democracy, Divinity) which could be squeezed again into Ekasila (Mutual Cooperation). Ekasila (Mutual Cooperation) is the beginning of us being able to repel the invaders. 13. 11:25 : Even though GARUDA has risen, but has returned to being a STATUE, Representing that Indonesia is currently still in the process of returning to glory *(A Just & Prosperous Society as Once Upon A Time),* Waiting for the Return *The Princess To Lead.* 14. 3:35 : Kecak dance combined with the song Lingsir Wengi. The Kecak dance depicts the story of the Ramayana where the Wanara Troops help King Ramawijaya (truth) against King Ravana (evil). While the song Lingsir Wengi is a song created by Kanjeng Sunan Kalijaga which he often sings after the midnight prayer, whose function is to keep away from demons and danger. For me, this scene depicts the Princess trying to pray for her country to be kept away from disaster as well as a reflection of cultural acculturation in the 15-16th century AD where Islam at the beginning of its spread was combined with a story that incidentally was thick with Hindu nuances. Additional info from you in the comments: 15. 9:38 : The spear that Alffy Rev is holding is not just any spear, but it is the *Trisula Veda* which symbolizes Truth and Honesty. This spear or pataka represents the element of power in Majapahit. Actually there are 9 Patakas or 9 elements of power/government but maybe in order to adjust to the theme and meaning of the video and content that is delivered, Alffy Rev only displays five. 16. 11:42 : A little girl who reads a shabby book named Ajeng, describes her as the daughter of a national hero who we know as "Raden Ajeng Kartini." The so-called great Indonesian writer, And Pramoedya Ananta Toer as a pioneer of the emancipation of Indonesian women. He likes reading books, reviewing scriptures and writing. 17. 1:57 : *"The sky calls it the land of the Nusantara (Archipelago)"* The sky refers to God or the power of the Universe, the Almighty, even though the call for Nusantara is man-made, made by human. However, the persistence of the call "Nusantara" since the time of the ancestors until this moment seems to legitimize that Indonesia is indeed destined to be called by another name, namely Nusantara. 18. The title "The Sacred of the Nusantara" in my opinion also comes from the "sponsorship order" namely the Ministry of Education and Culture to further popularize the name of the candidate for the new capital, namely NUSANTARA. It is also symbolized by 2 typical animals of Borneo, namely the hornbill and the Binturung, the exotic appearance of the forest, as well as a combination of natural and modern. But it's all the result of my imagination and a little googling. Please if anyone wants to add, refute and comment.. Overall, this video is cool and inspiring.
Bro D, pls kindly you do react to video " Jember fashion show / local fashion show with beautiful creation art, original Indonesian tradition costume. I am sure you Will be wonder how the intelegensi / divine idea manifested. 🙏🇮🇩 Love from Indonesian ❤️❤️❤️
I always enjoy your posts! New release!ONE OK ROCK ! 「Let Me Let You Go 」Live documentary Video ( Official site) You can see the state of the music fes in Japan the other day. So Cool !
Dear Mister, Actually surely don't know how much u enjoyed the Alffy Rev's 'Wonderland Indonesia-2' video. But, just assuming u were, perhaps u'd care enough to check out the Alffy Rev himself telling how the video process was executed. Just released couple hours ago on his channel.. Keep on reacting, Mister. You're one of not-so-many reactors I always enjoy. Regards from [soon be over] Capital City of Indonesia..
She is a singer, artist and youtuber. Her name is Novia Bachmid. She just 20 years old ! She was one of the contestant of Indonesian Idol 2019.She has an amazing voice !
thats is medley song from every culture in indonesia and u know uncle d every part of the song is deferent language...😄
Welcome to indonesia...LOVE...from indonesia...
Alfy rev the genius and duper amazing
Of course you know that singer, she's Novia Bachmid Uncle, you've made several reactions to her singing Mountain Faozia Cover.
Novia Bachmid. She's Amazing 👍👍👍
Novia Bachmid , yes I cant forget her eyes.....does she do any singles?
@@ReactionsbyD maybe u can check it out ; Novia Bachmid " Before Night Fals " ( OMV )
She's Novia Bachmid who sang in Indonesia is WONDERLAND 1
It worth the money seeing the performance live👀👍
❤️ your reaction 👍🏻
Just clicked subscription button because I'm Indonesian. Welcome to our wonderland, sir! Hope you enjoy the shows..!
tell your friends tell your friends! lololol, so seriously, thanks and check the Indonesia PLAY LIST :)
1. 1:06 dan 2:05 :
Mandala/ Emblem dari Surya Majapahit, Majapahit sendiri oleh para pendiri bangsa sebagai arketipe atau bahkan prototipe Indonesia.
2. 1:33 :
Novia Bachmid sebagai Putri Penguasa karena personifikasi dari Nusantara dan Indonesia sendiri adalah Wanita. *"....There was a princess.."* (Ibu Pertiwi, Bunda Bumi, Motherland).
3. 2:14 :
_"...She spent all her time in the depth of a forest",_ Indonesia dikenal sebagai *Zamrud Katulistiwa.*
4. 2:17 :
*"..eight little friend..."* 8 burung kecil dan 1 naga raksasa. dalam Surya Majapahit ada 8 dewa pelindung 8 arah mata angin (Wisnu, Sambu, Iswara, Mahesora, Brahma, Rudra, Mahadewa, Sangkara) dan 1 dewa pelindung di pusat (Siwa).
5. 2:56 dan 9:46 :
Lima bulatan bersinar dan Lima tombak bersinar :
Representasi Pancasila sebagai ideologi & pelindung bangsa. Seperti kita tahu Pancasila adalah hasil galian filsafat dan budaya turun temurun bangsa Indonesia oleh para pendiri bangsa. Pancasila juga kokoh sebagai dasar negara Indonesia sebagai pelindung berbagai rongrongan pemberontakan dan penjajahan mulai dari DI/TII, PKI '48 dan '65, Permesta/PRRI hingga yang terbaru JI.
6. 3:06 :
Alffy Rev di dalam kubah menggunakan piranti yang canggih meskipun diluarnya Novia Bachmid adalah ratu/putri penguasa sebuah hutan. Mungkin terinspirasi dari buku *“Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found"* sebuah buku pseudo-historis mengenai Indonesia sebagai lokasi asli benua atlantis dimana dahulu kala ada peradaban maju dan canggih di Indonesia namun kini tenggelam. Atau bisa merepresentasikan bahwa dari dulu Indonesia sudah maju daripada bangsa lain dalam artian tertentu. Misalkan pendirian Candi Borobudur, nelayan Bugis dan Maluku sudah berlayar hingga Madagaskar dan Pantai Australia pada 8000 SM, pembangunan Candi Gunung Padang pada tahun 10.000 SM, bangunan Megalitikum di Sulawesi.
7. 4:04 :
Wayang Gunungan bersinar digunakan dalam pakem wayang Jawa/Sunda/Bali untuk menggambar suatu lanskap, pemandangan atau situasi.
8. 5:24 :
Candi Tikus, Trowulan, Jawa Timur adalah situs pemandian keluarga raja, namun juga dianggap tempat penampungan air dan sistem drainase warga. Sebuah penanda kemajuan dan kesejahteraan suatu masyarakat.
9. 6:34 :
Kumpulan Rangda dari Bali, perwujudan Dewi Durga dan simbol keburukan. Dalam video ini bagi saya pribadi adalah Reprentasi datangnya bangsa barat dan kolonialisme.
10. 7:31 :
*NAGA* Gabungan dari Antaboga dan Garuda, merujuk pada komen terakhir Alffy Rev dalam video Wonderland Indonesia terdahulu, Naga yang ada dalam videonya adalah gabungan dua hewan mitologi yaitu ANTABOGA *(Penguasa Tanah dan Air)* dan GARUDA *(Penguasa Langit).*
11. 8:08 sampai 9:17 :
Kebakaran Hutan, Representasi rusaknya kondisi Nusantara karena *Penjajahan* dan yang menurut saya paling penting rusaknya mentalitas bangsa Indonesia menjadi mentalitas Inlander. Merujuk Ir. Soekarno dalam buku *"Penjambung Lidah Rakjat"* dan banyak pendiri bangsa lain seperti Muh. Hatta bahwa kerusakan paling fatal dari penjajahan adalah hancurnya mindset, kepercayanaan diri dan kepribadian bangsa Indonesia.
12. 9:43 :
Satu Tombak menjadi 5 Tombak untuk mengalahkan NAGA, Bung Karno sering menyebutkan bahwa Pancasila dapat diperas menjadi Trisila (Sosio-nasionalisme, Sosio-demokrasi, Ketuhanan) yang dapat diperas lagi menjadi Ekasila (Gotong Royong). Ekasila (Gotong Royong) inilah awalmula dari kita bisa mengusir penjajah.
13. 11:25 :
Meskipun GARUDA sudah bangkit namun kembali Menjadi PATUNG, Merepresentasikan Bahwa Indonesia saat ini masih dalam proses menuju Kejayaan Kembali *(masyarakat Adil Makmur seperti Dahulu Kala),* Menunggu Kembalinya
*Sang Putri Untuk Memimpin.*
14. 3:35 :
Tari Kecak yang dipadukan dengan lagu Lingsir Wengi. Tari kecak menggambarkan kisah Ramayana dimana barisan Pasukan Wanara yang membantu Raja Ramawijaya (kebenaran) melawan Raja Rahwana (kejahatan). Sedangkan lagu Lingsir Wengi merupakan lagu ciptaan Kanjeng Sunan Kalijaga yang sering dinyanyikan beliau pasca ibadah Sholat Tahajud ditengah malam yang fungsinya menjauhkan dari setan dan marabahaya. Bagi saya sendiri scene ini menggambarkan sang Putri berusaha mendoakan agar negerinya dijauhkan dari malapetaka sekaligus cerminan akulturasi budaya di abad 15-16 M dimana Islam diawal penyebarannya dipadukan dengan kisah yang notabene kental dengan nuansa Hindu.
Tambahan info dari saudara2 dikolom komentar:
15. 9:38 :
Tombak yang dipegang Alffy Rev itu bukan sembarang tombak, namun itu adalah *TrisulaWeda* Yang melambangkan Benar Lurus Jujur. Tombak atau Pataka ini Merepresentasikan unsur kekuasaan yang ada di Majapahit. Sebetulnya ada 9 Pataka atau 9 unsur kekuasaan/pemerintahan namun mungkin demi menyesuaikan dengan tema serta makna dari video dan konten yang dibawakan, Alffy Rev hanya menampilkan lima saja.
16. 11:42 :
Anak kecil yang membaca kitab lusuh yang bernama Ajeng, Menggambarkan Sebagai Putri Pahlawan Nasional Yang Kita Kenal Sebagai “Raden Ajeng Kartini.” Yang disebut sastrawan besar Indonesia, Dan Pramoedya Ananta Toer sebagai pionir emansipasi wanita Indonesia. Beliau gemar membaca buku, mengulas kitab suci dan menulis.
17. 1:57 :
*"Langit memanggilnya tanah Nusantara"* Langit merujuk pada Tuhan atau kuasa Semesta, Yang Maha Esa, meskipun panggilan Nusantara adalah buatan manusia, made by human. Namun bertahannya panggilan "Nusantara" sejak jaman moyang hingga detik ini seperti melegitimasi bahwa memang Indonesia sudah ditakdirkan untuk dipanggil/Bernama lain yaitu Nusantara.
18. Judul "The Sacred of Nusantara" menurut saya juga berasal dari "pesanan sponsor" yaitu Kemendikbud untuk lebih mempopulerkan nama calon Ibukota baru yaitu NUSANTARA. Hal itu juga disimbolkan dengan 2 hewan khas Kalimantan yaitu burung Rangkong dan Binturung, penampakan eksotisme hutan, serta gabungan natural dan modern.
Tapi itu semua hasil imajinasi dan googling2 kecil saya. Monggo kalau ada yang mau nambahi, menyanggah dan berkomentar..
Secara garis besar, video ini keren dan inspiratif.
For indo (modern music n culture) this channel wah , wah , TOP deeehh , keep healthy to react by D n God bless , ok terima kasih
Gretting from nusantara
I always wait for your reaction to Heriss Skuyy and Randy Dongseu, both of them already upload they new video.... thankyou.
On 5:40 body all was goosebumb ..oh.... Full magical was growd. This the allien & fairy from another planet.thanks bro....hppy nice day🙏👌
Salute n respect to this (React by D) channel .., clever , smart deep comment n react , stay healty n God bless to you
Do you Remember Novia Bachmid?
Yes this is her..🎤
And other singers are Shanna Shannon
Come to Indonesia 🇮🇩
Great performance🔥❤️🇮🇩
Yeah that andovi and jovial the rapper in Wonderland Indonesia 2, and the fun fact is you have been reacting to the them, do you remember channel TH-cam skinnyindonesian24? that is their channel, and you have been react to Pentas Swara Indonesia (the traditional musical performance)
Novia's voice is EPIC ❤❤❤
She's NOVIA BACHMID mannn 😜💯⚡⚡
1. 1:06 and 2:05 :
Mandala/Emblem of Surya Majapahit, Majapahit itself by the founders of the nation as an archetype or even a prototype of Indonesia.
2. 1:33 :
Novia Bachmid as Princess Ruler because the personification of the archipelago and Indonesia itself is a woman. *"....There was a princess.."* (Mother Earth, Motherland).
3. 2:14 :
_"...She spent all her time in the depth of a forest",_ Indonesia is known as *Emerald of the Equator.*
4. 2:17 :
*"..eight little friend..."* 8 small birds and 1 giant dragon. In Surya Majapahit there are 8 protective deities, 8 cardinal directions (Vishnu, Sambu, Iswara, Mahesora, Brahma, Rudra, Mahadewa, Sangkara) and 1 protective deity in the center (Shiva).
5. 2:56 dan 9:46 :
Five shining spheres and Five shining spears :
Representation of Pancasila as the ideology & protector of the nation. As we know, Pancasila is the result of excavating the philosophy and culture of the Indonesian people from generation to generation by the founding fathers of the nation. Pancasila is also firmly established as the basis of the Indonesian state as a protector of various underminings of rebellion and colonialism ranging from DI/TII, PKI '48 and '65, Permesta/PRRI to the latest JI.
6. 3:06 :
Alffy Rev inside the dome uses sophisticated equipment even though on the outside Novia Bachmid is the queen/daughter of the ruler of a forest. Maybe it was inspired by the book *“Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found”* a pseudo-historical book about Indonesia as the original location of the Atlantic continent where once upon a time there was an advanced and sophisticated civilization in Indonesia but now it is sinking. Or it can represent that Indonesia has always been advanced. than other nations in a certain sense, for example the establishment of Borobudur Temple, Bugis and Moluccan fishermen who sailed as far as Madagascar and the Australian coast in 8000 BC, the construction of the Gunung Padang Temple in 10,000 BC, and Megalithic buildings in Sulawesi.
7. 4:04 :
The shining mountain puppet is used in Javanese/Sundanese/Balinese wayang to draw a landscape, scene or situation.
8. 5:24 :
The Rat Temple, Trowulan, East Java is the bathing site for the royal family, but is also considered a water reservoir and drainage system for residents. A marker of progress and prosperity of a society.
9. 6:34 :
A collection of Rangda from Bali, the embodiment of Goddess Durga and a symbol of evil. In this video for me personally is a representation of the arrival of the western nation and colonialism.
10. 7:31 :
*Dragon* A combination of Antaboga and Garuda, referring to Alffy Rev's last comment in the previous Wonderland Indonesia video, the Dragon in the video is a combination of two mythological animals, namely ANTABOGA *(Ruler of Land and Water)* and GARUDA *(Ruler of Heaven).
11. 8:08 to 9:17 :
Forest Fires, Representation of the damaged condition of the archipelago due to *colonialism* and what I think is most important is the destruction of the mentality of the Indonesian people to become an Inlander mentality. Referring to Ir. Soekarno in the book *"The People's Tongue Connector"* and many founders of other nations such as Muh. Hatta said that the most fatal damage from colonialism was the destruction of the mindset, self-confidence and personality of the Indonesian nation.
12. 9:43 :
One Spear into 5 Spears to defeat DRAGON, Bung Karno often said that Pancasila could be squeezed into Trisila (Socio-nationalism, Socio-democracy, Divinity) which could be squeezed again into Ekasila (Mutual Cooperation). Ekasila (Mutual Cooperation) is the beginning of us being able to repel the invaders.
13. 11:25 :
Even though GARUDA has risen, but has returned to being a STATUE, Representing that Indonesia is currently still in the process of returning to glory *(A Just & Prosperous Society as Once Upon A Time),* Waiting for the Return *The Princess To Lead.*
14. 3:35 :
Kecak dance combined with the song Lingsir Wengi. The Kecak dance depicts the story of the Ramayana where the Wanara Troops help King Ramawijaya (truth) against King Ravana (evil). While the song Lingsir Wengi is a song created by Kanjeng Sunan Kalijaga which he often sings after the midnight prayer, whose function is to keep away from demons and danger. For me, this scene depicts the Princess trying to pray for her country to be kept away from disaster as well as a reflection of cultural acculturation in the 15-16th century AD where Islam at the beginning of its spread was combined with a story that incidentally was thick with Hindu nuances.
Additional info from you in the comments:
15. 9:38 :
The spear that Alffy Rev is holding is not just any spear, but it is the *Trisula Veda* which symbolizes Truth and Honesty. This spear or pataka represents the element of power in Majapahit. Actually there are 9 Patakas or 9 elements of power/government but maybe in order to adjust to the theme and meaning of the video and content that is delivered, Alffy Rev only displays five.
16. 11:42 :
A little girl who reads a shabby book named Ajeng, describes her as the daughter of a national hero who we know as "Raden Ajeng Kartini." The so-called great Indonesian writer, And Pramoedya Ananta Toer as a pioneer of the emancipation of Indonesian women. He likes reading books, reviewing scriptures and writing.
17. 1:57 :
*"The sky calls it the land of the Nusantara (Archipelago)"* The sky refers to God or the power of the Universe, the Almighty, even though the call for Nusantara is man-made, made by human. However, the persistence of the call "Nusantara" since the time of the ancestors until this moment seems to legitimize that Indonesia is indeed destined to be called by another name, namely Nusantara.
18. The title "The Sacred of the Nusantara" in my opinion also comes from the "sponsorship order" namely the Ministry of Education and Culture to further popularize the name of the candidate for the new capital, namely NUSANTARA. It is also symbolized by 2 typical animals of Borneo, namely the hornbill and the Binturung, the exotic appearance of the forest, as well as a combination of natural and modern.
But it's all the result of my imagination and a little googling. Please if anyone wants to add, refute and comment..
Overall, this video is cool and inspiring.
I appreciate you, because your reaction video is best. You so give big appreciate for Alffy Rev and his video. Thank you sir
he deserves it! he is amazing
Terima kasih ❤
Yes she do a lot of cover.. i suggested you to see her video on Indonesian idol show (Novia bachmid - dessert rose) 🙏
Jowo bosss
Mantap... 👍👍👍
6:55 That's Novia. You reacted on her videos already.
Btw..Heriss' new video is out. Hope you'll get the laugh from it.
I like the character of your channel who doesn't always react to videos from Indonesia per upload
Bro D, pls kindly you do react to video " Jember fashion show / local fashion show with beautiful creation art, original Indonesian tradition costume. I am sure you Will be wonder how the intelegensi / divine idea manifested.
Love from Indonesian ❤️❤️❤️
you should react to her performance at audition of the voice indonesia
keyword: Novia Bachmid - Titanium the Voice Indonesia
She was sing Bahasa and alot of local language ( also local folk songs)
Heriss skuy is back uncle😁
and Uncle is ready for him! "you feel me"? 😆
Hariss skuy latest reaction uncle....
What do u expect from 27 year man bro..the singer is Novia Bachmid from Wonderland Indonesia 1 👍😁
Heriss Skuyy please sir 😀
tomorrow :)
Open pleace quickly...DangDut-5 Indosiar Eby From NTB "Mengejar Badai" N Farel Prayoga n ALfaro Kendang CiLik SATRU 2 u musth verry be glad it....
Mr. D… Have you ever made a reaction of “Rich Brian & Warren Hue : Getcho man”?
🇮🇩 from Collierville, TN 🇺🇸
I have not, but now I will lol
Thank you… 🙏🏻
They are Indonesian singers. And now they live im California.
Please react also to lyodra, andi rianto - sang dewi thanks you sir 🙏🙏
all the artist in here are the same as in oficial video
Novia bachmid
Please react to young talented singer Farel Prayoga : Satru 2. (music one). Thank you uncle D.🙏
please also translate what you say MR.D🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I did bro - check CC on that one.
@@ReactionsbyD I pressed the CC button but no Indonesian translation MR.D🙏🙏🙏🙏
I always enjoy your posts!
New release!ONE OK ROCK !
「Let Me Let You Go 」Live documentary Video ( Official site)
You can see the state of the music fes in Japan the other day. So Cool !
Dear Mister,
Actually surely don't know how much u enjoyed the Alffy Rev's 'Wonderland Indonesia-2' video.
But, just assuming u were, perhaps u'd care enough to check out the Alffy Rev himself telling how the video process was executed.
Just released couple hours ago on his channel..
Keep on reacting, Mister.
You're one of not-so-many reactors I always enjoy.
Regards from [soon be over] Capital City of Indonesia..
"mantap features" you know how to put it, Sir. nice 😭😂✌️