Can I Criticise The Saudi Rulers? | Shepherds Bush
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
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Abu Hurraira narrated that The Prophet ﷺ said:
Whoever invites to guidance will be rewarded like those who follow him in guidance are rewarded, and that will not decrease the reward of those who have followed him?
[Collected by Imam Muslim]
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Understanding Khawarij, rulers, and khurooj in Islam:
ماشالله. الله ينفع بك ويحفظك ويرعاك.وجزاك الله خير
Prophet ﷺ said:
"Whoever has advice for the ruler, let him take his hand and give it privately. If he accepts it, then he accepts it. If he rejects it, the duty upon him has been fulfilled."
- Ibn Abi-Asim 1098, Sahih Albani.
Jazakallah khairun
Sahih albani?!! Hahahaha clown 😂😂😂
Imam Shafi'i رحمه الله said:
"To admonish your brother in private is to advise him and improve him. But to admonish him publicly is to disgrace and shame him."
[Hilyah al-Awliyyāh 9/14]
Doesn't apply here
@@MS-Hussain What do you mean by apply here?
@@MS-Hussain You're wrong.
Show other hadiths about the other opinion on advice in puplic
Stop misusing the statements of the Salaf
أحسنت القول يا شيخ بارك الله فيك وعليك وحواليك وجعلك الله مبارك حيث ما حييت
Luv this bro❤
Ask him about Hamas and Taliban, they will openly criticize them and their hypocrisy becomes apparent immediately.
Hamas and talibans are mujaahideen they will not stop
ثبتك الله يا شمسي وعانك الله
جزاكم الله خير وبارك الله فيكم جميعا
وَإِنَّ كَثِيرًۭا لَّيُضِلُّونَ بِأَهْوَآئِهِم بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ ۗ إِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِٱلْمُعْتَدِينَ
An’am 119
ماشالله تبارك الرحمن. شرح ورد وتفسير منطقي وعقلاني نفع الله بك جزاك الله خير
MashaAllah valid points ❤
Assalmoalikum warahmatullahi wabarkathu Jazakallhu khair for a great reminder of sunnah brothers.
Just one request, brothers
"Please add subtitles in all videos it will be easier for all to get information better and understand properly."
Shamsi always on point.
اللهم بارك
BaarakaLLAHU feek... Brother shemsi
may bless you brother shamsi
BarakAllahu feekum
BaraakAllahu fikum
Баракаллаху фикум
Agreed, JZAKh never give up in the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa taala! ∞☮♡
People need to mind their own business and worry about their ourselves and their own household.
I agree but why are you Sunni are so obsessed with us?
Not entirely true. A Muslim should feel the pain of other Muslims around the globe. Minding own business is not Islam. At the same time, I agree that one should correct ones own self before they start correcting others.
@@Ibrahim-fh6kvObsessed? Are you drunk?
The Muslims are inviting you and your people to Islam -Tawheed, *The Oneness Of Allah* ...
ذٰ لِكُمۡ بِاَنَّهٗۤ اِذَا دُعِىَ اللّٰهُ وَحۡدَهٗ كَفَرۡتُمۡ ۚ وَاِنۡ يُّشۡرَكۡ بِهٖ تُؤۡمِنُوۡا ؕ فَالۡحُكۡمُ لِلّٰهِ الۡعَلِىِّ الۡكَبِيۡرِ ﴿40:12﴾
(40:12) (They will be told): “(The cause of your present state is that) when Allah alone was invoked, you disbelieved; and when others instead of Him were invoked, you believed. Today all judgement lies with Allah, the Most High, the All-Great.
Pray to Allah *DIRECTLY* your so called imams can not save you, they could not even save themselves.
@@Ibrahim-fh6kv who are "you"?
@@Ibrahim-fh6kv if u mean shia it’s because u curse the sahaba who are praised in the Quran as the “best of the beleivers” (muhajiroon specifically, muhajiroon= first converts e.g saad, Abu Bakr, Umar, uthman, ali bilal etc) and ur shia claims aren’t backed by the Quran onky by ur shia imam as who never did anything for Islam apart from spreading lies about the sahba who brought the two superpowers (romans and Persians) to their knees and spread Islam from the desserts of arabia to the gates of Constantinople and even to places like india china caucass France but tehy have the guts to CURSE them?
Barakallahoufik for this clear response.
Very true, start with urself
Never mind others
May ALLAH bless brother Shamsi and his team. Aameen!
Please need subtitles can't hear anything because of wind ((
Also I think there's a hyena making noises in the background
@@mohammadiaa multiple hyena’s
Use earphones it worked
I love what you said.
Mashallah Mashallah that is why I love you my brother
Allahu Akbar
وفقكم الله
This video must be spread
I agree but that probably means we cannot criticize abu bakr al Baghdadi
He’s khawariji but I do agree he’s better than these so called traitorous Arab rulers who have betrayed the ummah and sided with kuffar
Where can I see you brother ? I’m 3 hours from london . I am happy to travel but I don’t want to travel all that way Incase you are not there
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
There is need for subtitles, because we don’t know English fluently. At least English subtitles.
جزاكم الله خيرا
بارك الله فيكم
When the leader starts to implement all kinds of haram in the Holy land its very difficult to keep quite.
What's more beloved to you, following the Sunnah or venting your anger at the leader and sinning by doing so?
@@hariss8876 not Sunnah to follow kafer
@@hariss8876 even the west governments don’t sponsor singers and parties like what’s happening in my country.
@@hariss8876 when did keeping quite when Muslims are doing something haram become sunnah
Focus on your English before you focus on the leader, if it is that hard for you to keep ‘quite’
من اعان ظالما ليدحض بباطله حقا، فقد برئت منه ذمة الله ورسوله. الراوي: عبد الله بن عباس. المحدث: السيوطي. المصدر: الجامع الصغير. الصفحة او الرقم: 8455. خلاصة حكم المحدث: صحيح
We don't hearn very well my dear cameraman
ﻭَﻣَﻦۡ ﻟَّﻢۡ ﻳَﺤۡﻜُﻢۡ ﺑِﻤَﺎۤ اَﻧۡﺰَﻝَ اﻟﻠّٰﻪُ ﻓَﺎُﻭﻟٰٓﯩِٕﻚَ ﻫُﻢُ اﻟۡﻜٰﻔِﺮُﻭۡﻥَ
اشتقنا لهيئة الأمربالمعروف و النهي عن المنكر في السعودية ، للأسف حالياً لم نعد نرى من يأمر بالمعروف في الأماكن العامة ، ذكرت قصة سمعتها من أحد الأشخاص يقولها عن احد الأخوة السوريين بأن الحكومة السورية كانت تشجع على الغاء الحجاب أو كانوا غير ملزمين البنات بها ثم بدأت ضاهرت التبرّج تزداد وكان أهل الأرياف يقولون أن الأمر لن يأتينا حتى صار التبرج وعدم الالتزام بالحجاب منتشر حتى في الارياف السورية ، للحكومات تأثير كبير على صلاح وفساد المجتمعات وإن شاء الله نرى حكامنا في العالم الإسلامي متبعين للحق وقائمين عليه .
امي لما يصير مسيرات كانت تهرب لانو ما بيخلوها تلبس حجابها.
قال الله تعالى " وما أصابكم من مصيبة فبما كسبت أيديكم ويعفوا عن كثير " ، ولا صلاح للرعية إلا بالصلاح الرعاة ولا تصلح هذه الأمة إلّا بصلاح أوّلها فهذا الذي أصبح حاكما كان طالبا او شخص من الاشخاص العاديين فإذا لم يصلح هذا العبد نفسه ويزكيه فاللوم له ، وإذا أردت أن يحكمنا أحد مثل عمر رضي الله عنه وهارون الرشيد فكن أنت مثل صحابة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فسوف يحكما آنذاك من هو أصلح
هيئة الامر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر موجودة الى الان وتحفظ التوحيد بعد الله .
سابقاً كانوا المحتسبين مجرمين يعتدون على المسلمين بحجة الامر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر
الهيئة موجودة ومازالت تقوم بدورها
“Whoever wants to honor his religion and do good to it should avoid mixing with the ruler or sitting with the followers of desires (heretics, people of bid’ah), for sitting with them is more contagious than scabies.”
Give reference bro
Advice MBS privately:
30 years jail.
So, you're gonna abandon the Quran and the Sunnah, because others are going against it?
مدخلي .. و يقول عن كل من يعترض عليه خوارج ..و هل كان الصحابة الذين اعترضوا و نصحوا الحكام في العلن خوارج ؟ نعوذ بالله
صحيح يا اخ كلهم عقولهم مغسولة و مطبلين عميان
@@mghost8405 انا احب شمسي في امود الدعوه .. لكن لازم يبين للناس الاراء المختلفه ثم يقول ما هو مقتنع فيه .. لازم تبليغ بامانه
They just hate saudi even before mbs 😂
So true bro.
People have been hating on Saudia since the day it was formed.
@@thetruthful1612because bunch of nomadic illegal bedouin rebeled under daddy British and captured the power and still sucking thier feet. That’s y mate we are hating… you might be in thier group so it sounds soooo bad…
If your brother is doing something wrong, it is your right to tell him that he is doing wrong even with his wife
Either you are being paid off truly or there’s something else going on
The Saudis aren’t even a caliphate akhi…
No but they are still Muslim Rulers and they must be obeyed and respected unless they can be removed peacefully.
So are you telling the Saudis when you go to spread their mistakes in public?!
Prophet ﷺ said:
"Whoever has advice for the ruler, let him take his hand and give it privately. If he accepts it, then he accepts it. If he rejects it, the duty upon him has been fulfilled."
- Ibn Abi-Asim 1098, Sahih Albani.
@@Abu_Muneebah it's already in the public.
Shirkistan Shia sufis
Accept first part but im disagreeing on the part that they do hard job by being responsible of millions.they accept to be in that rule shamsi and they know they will be responsible if they know couldn't handle it they should not take it at first
I don’t know have you worked and managed 10 people under you at least ? Be practical
No leader would step down and give up the wealth and power. Unrealistic suggestion. Educate and advise the Rulers towards birr and taqwa. Learn what the Shari'ah has advised up my brother.
Khawarij always try to misguide ppl .. May ALLAH save us from them ameen
Not the best audio
i don't get it, if we no-one talks about it how will people know what is happening there and how will people condemn it? Not talking about the haram and ills they are doing is just like condoning it imo
When you study Islam, you'll understand the halal and haram. Islam will teach you how to live your life including how to deal with rulers as well.
Account the rulers. This is the Sunnah. These rulers are colonial puppets and this guy is just another jahil
How is this the sunnah?
No you dont need to be free of sins to advice.
Rulers do sin publicly and do corruption. Why it’s not allowed to criticize?
What does the Shari'ah say about criticising the Muslim rulers or how to advise them?
There is 2 opinions about that .. many say u can speak
You can criticized but first make your self better than him ,
It should not be like
You are taking the drugs and telling others to not buy pills includes little drug
Hope you understand
You advise him directly, talking about him and criticizing behind his back in the masjid and with random people bring no benefit and its against the sunnah
Always talking about khuruuj.... no one said khuruuj
What was the question of the second guy?
Was better it was silent. smh
He was asking if yasir qadhi is a kafir
About Yasud Qadhi, whether its okay calling ham kafir.
Is yassir qahdi Muslim
He asked him if Yasser Qadhi is a Muslim or not. Shamsi told him, “Do not call him a kafer i don’t know .”
And he said that Yasser qadhi himself is skeptical about his religion, so how do they allow him to give lectures to Muslims ...
Dont jugde others let every one happy
Telling the masses to stay sedate because you're on a pay cheque. Fear Allah's wrath.
Your username is based on a show with clear shirk in it
How can you not point at rulers mistakes but you point at other muslims mistakes. You talk about other fiqh and tell bad about them. Why?
I have never heard this, when he talk bad about fiqh, what is evidence?
You mean Shia
@@iimaanabdulle467 I didn't know he was shia. Correct term is Rafidhi.
@@ExtremeShez Rafida majosi
But all shia they are majosi shirkistaan you have to know akhih and they dont respect Ummul Mumineen as) and Sahaba as). Raafida Shia same root they all do Taqiya. Plz research) JazakAllah
He never spoke bad about any fiqh.
Yes u can. They not our rulers. They are puppets of US
Shirkistan rusian puppets
Back biting your brothers. Well done.
Yawn. How mid 2000s of you.
@ExtremeShez are they brothers lmao
Its not about haram anymore it’s about Kufr which are establishing in our country’s … what a useless point brother
Focus about shirkistaan
@@southernrealist5789 Indeed u said the truth BarakAllah akhih
@@iimaanabdulle467 you’re one of the reasons, why we as Muslim ummah in this situation
@@SmokinJoe702 yes true brother. these people really don't understand how much syria, libya, egypt have improved since revolting. Everyone there after rebellion started praying 5 times and kufr was wiped out.
stop critisizing chinese government even tho they're torturing muslims?
Its muslim rulers not kaafirs,calm down
learn to read brother it will set you free
There is difference between a kafir ruler and a muslim ruler. Even if he is a kafir, like bishar al-asad, you obey, look Syria today, what was better for the Syrians before or after the war? Give you the honor to answer.
People never learn.
May Allah protect and aid the Syrians, Saudis, Palestinies, and the Muslims around the world. Amen.
@@ndhikaatube i'm very ignorant but i think i can read what's your point?
Dum dum argument.
Your society will pass through a period when cunning and crafty intriguers will be favoured by status, when profligates will be considered as well-bred, well-behaved and elegant elites of the society, when just and honest persons will be considered as weaklings, when charity will be considered as a loss to wealth and property, when support and help to each other will be considered as favour and benevolence and when prayers and worship to Allah will be taken up for the sake of show to gain popularity and higher status, at such times regimes will be run under the advice of women and the youngsters will be the rulers and counselors of the State.
@@younes2822 🤡
I thought you dissed the king
لابس اساور وسلاسل ويتكلم عن ارض الحرمين 🤡
I can't see anyone wearing bracelets or chans, may I missed it. Can you elaborate?
@@realitymedia4370 min 2:14 guy with red thobe
@@theone1656 JazakAllahu khayr akhi.
يا جاهل الكمال ليس شرط في النصح كلنا نخطئ لو كان الكمال شرط اذا ولا واحد فينا يقدر يأمر بالمعروف و ينهى عن المنكر
Scholars for dollars. And this guy is not even a scholar
You know that the guy, in the white dress, standing quietly and listening to the conversation is a police informant, right?
how do u know bro
@@suheyb5090 All Muslim gatherings are monitored, whether it is salat Jumu'ah, or a basic dawah table on a street corner. And it is not your Joe cop who carries the job. Like the Zionists do in Occupied Palestine, informants come from within.
You have proof?
@@timeread3099 You do not need to believe me. Just continue to live in your world of la la land.
He is a well known salafi brother.
Stop assuming wrong about someone.
Disagree 💯