joins the horde instantly shipped off to war watch your new leader slaughter thousands of your kin on mainland pandaria your best friend from your homeland is nearly killed a week after joining the horde
@@Leeloo-Foxx and yet somehow your still LOYAL lol. Yeah Pandarens joining the horde is pretty meme worthy. Alright do you want the faction who hasn't discovered plumbing lives in shitholes and one in a literal sewer who decided to instead LIVE in the plumbing? OR do you want to live in grand beautiful cities with plumbing, and proper structure and stonework? It's a shame the blood elf city is so removed from the mainland it's honestly the best one horde has right next to thunder bluff which has the elevator problem.
To be honest Mag'har orc recruitment questline was actually awesome. You arrive to AU Draenor which is synced to Azeroth's current time (BFA events) and then you realize that everything is so messed up its actually awesome. You are in the middle of an all out war between lightbound Draenei zealots and iron horde descendants mag'har orcs + fun fact: the scenario you play in Gorgrond is alpha or beta map which was never released but was used for recruitment of mag'har and a bit changed to fit for what was going on.
The part that pisses me off the most about that questline is how Anachronos said how Garrosh was the best warchief ever in other timelines, but in our timeline he's an asshole that had to be put down. I mean really now? How incredibly flippin convenient that out of "countless potential timelines," our timeline is one where he had to go bad -.-
I've always thought what Sylvanas did to Baine and the Tauren in BFA was extra dirty, because they were the ones that welcomed them in the Horde. I also wonder what it would have been (or would be) like of the Tauren and Night Elves broke from their factions and made a new one, a reclaimation of Kalimdor, perhaps?
@@MrLeemurman If I'm remembering what was said in the books, the Nelves looked down on anyone not a Nelf and it wasn't until Cenarion's teaching druidism that at least the more druidy of the Nelves started to open up a bit with the Tauren.
THANK YOU!!! Thalyrssra happily burning down the tree with INNOCENT people getting burned alive (both humans and Night-Elves) was absolutely INFURIATING!!! Nobody has ever apologized to me for being RIGHT all along! I told them that both the Alliance and the Horde was going to get to the point that BOTH factions were going to get SO ungodly evil and corrupted that they were going to inevitably either decimate Stormwind or Orgrimmar! Everyone laughed at me and told me that I was crazy for thinking that! Well, BFA came, and it summed up everything that I said was going to happen! Granted, it was the poor life tree, but still.......NO EXCUSES!!! There NEEDED to be a neutral faction and it NEEDED to be filled with both Night-Elves and Tauren originally, and then, have the draenie, blood-elves, and every other future race JOIN the neutral faction where PVP was disabled and the neutral faction's questline would be about trying to save the world and saving innocent people from harm against some sort of organized criminal cabal or some sort! And of course, have the original six races of BOTH The Alliance and The Horde be the PVP monsters that were all a bunch of mindless tools pridefully butchering, slaughtering, and massacring each other and maybe even the neutral faction members as well and have their questlines be "Go steal these resources from the opposing faction and the other neutral faction as well and KILL the opposing faction members that are NOT a part of our faction but please, LEAVE. THE. PLAYABLE. NEUTRAL. CHARACTERS. ALONE!!!" or something like that! It CAN work!
Hmm to be fair she literally Say that he Will destroy the source of mana from then, because she don't like it, theyre horrendous and well everything. Lets Say tyrande is not a good diplomat, if she was, thalyssra would help her on that tree 😅
The Nightborne did not necessarily take part of the burning of Teld, but yeah they were part of the faction. During the plotline itself, you are made to feel like the bad guy because you are doing genocide. That entire storyline was really hard, as a Horde player, because you were not just the BAD GUY in the game now, but you were literally a monster beyond even what Garrosh could turn you into. It was also particularly tonedeaf writing because one of the Horde's most attractive premises is proving people who consider you garbage/a monster that you are not only worthy of love and acceptance, but you never needed THEIR acceptance in the first place, that you climbed out of the muck on your own terms. I personally think the Teld burning was a total abortion of good storytelling and was a cheap way to get shock value. That being said, playing the Suramar plotline felt really odd because you (as a player) were basically fighting a rebellion until your faction could arrive. On the Horde side, the Blood Elves were like 'Yeah this shit happened to us before, we totally understand' meanwhile the Night Elves, esp Tyrande just .. wouldn't even address the Nightborne as people. I play mostly Horde so I dont know what the Alliance saw, but Tyrande's envoy during the rebellion were just so awful and mean to the Nightborne that I dont think they had any choice in joining. It was that or rot in the ruins of their city.
I think i remember reading somewhere that ogres were supposed to be in WoW as a horde race but weren't put in because they didn't have any female ogre models or something like that. I don't even know if there are any female ogres in the game, I can't remember ever seeing one
Two of the saddest things. We got vulpera but rexxars clan is unavailable to play and the wild feather are reduced to a cosmetic option for regular dwaves. :/
Every time I watch a video about lore like this it reminds me of that drawing of a horse that's well drawn on the left and slowly turns into scribbles on the right, best representation of wow lore.
I know that Platinum went over only the playable races, but the factions are actually far bigger.^^ The Horde conscists of: - Orcs, remnant Blackrock Orcs (assuming they didn`t all die in SoO), Mag`har Orcs from Outland, Mag`har Orcs from AUDraenor, Stonemaul Ogres, AUDraenor Ogres and Ogron (visible at 20:37 ) - Plains Tauren, Taunka (Bison Tauren from Northrend), Highmountain Tauren (and possibly a Drogbar tribe) - Darkspear Trolls, Raventusk Forest Trolls, Zandalari Trolls, Amani Forest Trolls and Farraki Sand Trolls (they are under Zandalari Stewardship and so basically auto-included, Gurubashi as well, but their number went down quite a bit) and Vulpera (included here to not be alone, since they live on Zandalar as well) - Forsaken Undead and Desolate Undead (those forcibly converted during BfA) - Blood Elves and Nightborne Elves -Bilgewater Cartel Goblins, possibly some Steamwheedle Cartel Goblins loyal to Gazlowe, Nazjatar Gilblins -Huojin Pandaren, possibly Pandaren from Pandaria, Forest Ho-Zen -Drachtyr and Earthen Ambassadors Meanwhile the Alliance conscists of: - Stormwind Humans, Kul Tirans, Stromgarde Humans, Gilneans (both Human and Worgen) - Bronzebeard Dwarves, Frost Dwarves in Northend (Muradin was their leader after all) Wildhammer Dwarves, Dark Iron Dwarves, Earthen Ambassadors - Gnomeregan Gnomes, Mechagon Mechagnomes - Night Elves, High Elven remnants, Shen`dralar Highborne (the reason Night Elves had mages in Cata), Void Elves - Draenei, Outland Kro`kuun/Broken, Lightforged Draenei, Argus Kro`kuun (not quite sure on that one), Eredar defecting from the Legion after Sargeras defeat - Tushui Pandaren, possibly Pandaren from Pandaria, River Jinyu (i forgot the tribes name), An`koar Jinyu from Nazjatar - Drachtyr Ambassadors These are all i am aware of, and this is also under the assumption that the partnerships made were not only temporary. If someone knows sources that contradict a few points on the list, feel free to comment.
I believe the alliance has a clan or two of Furbolgs and Fire Elves that returned to the Alliance. Do the forsaken night elves count as they share an area with death knights and demon hunters in the new night elf home? And there might be a San'layn Elf left in the horde. We can't also forget all of the Scourge forces that joined the Forsaken. And the Wyvern, but I'm pretty sure Blizzard has forgotten all about that.
Okay, I have a major quibble, Nelves and Belves weren't long time enemies. Yes, the Belves were descendants from the Highborne, but the Nelves didn't know they even existed until WC3 where they helped them. Tyrande was even cordial to Kael'thas. There was the one spy in the TBC opening zone, but that was just weird since it pretty much went nowhere.
There were night elves actively sabotaging the blood elves' rebuilding efforts in Eversong and a whole army of Sentinels in the Ghostlands. It makes a lot of sense if a long standing theory stating the draenei starting zone and story taking place before the blood elven starting zone and story is true, as they'd see the blood elves working with demons and actively tried to end the draenei as a race.
if its not a night elf, they are enemies. like 95% of the night elves are uber racist towards other races, especially elves. not surprised the other elves view them as an enemy
The forests trolls were a part of the horde in the second war (Warcraft 2), but separated after. Thrall mentions it in one of the missions of WC3.The Darkspear trolls are a seperate tribe entirely. Some animosity between Blood Elves and Trolls do make sense, but the Darkspear never interacted with elves before Warcraft 3.
Forest trolls are the green Amani guys, who are not part of the Horde technically. I think some made pacts with the Zandalari and MAY be working with the Horde now through them, but if there are any, it's not a lot.
"In the previous third war, the blood elves briefly joined the Alliance soldiers who were incredibly unreliable and left them for dead" Yeah, it's because of a certain grand marshal who believed that the only good non-human is a dead non-human. I still believe that that guy was singlehandedly responsible for basically convincing the belves to join the horde. I mean sure, they might not have the best of starts with the nelves had they joined the alliance but I'm sure they can figure things out
By the time the blood elves were already negotiating with the Horde very few if any even knew what Garithos had done to Kael'thas, he had nothing to do with them joining the Horde.
I find the Vulpera to fit the Horde the most out of the allied races (I'm not counting the mag'har and highmountain because they are literally orcs and taurens. They are separate factions rather than new races). The reason is because the Vulpera are a nomadic people without a home living in the shadow of a greater empire that would see them enslaved or killed. It's very similar to how the Horde started in Azeroth. It would be pretty easy to make great lore to introduce them into the Horde. They just didn't.
It should be noted that both Forsaken and Blood Elves have (or at least had in the previous expansions) Neutral reputation with the rest of the Horde at the start, while Friendly with each other. The small detail I think is quite important. Besides, Vulpera joined the Horde because 7th Legion of the Alliance went full HANS! on them with their purge squad.
Yes, and if I recall correctly while doing their missions to gain them as a allied race, they wanted the world (but mainly the horde) to see them more then the small cute fox people, but as a powerful enough faction, for the horde to accept them, thanks to the horde players actions.
I don't know if it's just me, but it feels like the Earthen ambassadors would eventually find the Alliance more suited for their race while the Dracthyr find the Horde better for them. Meanwhile, the Vulpera feel like they should be a Neutral but Horde-leaning race while the Pandaren are Neutral but Alliance-leaning.
TLDR. Factions for dracthyr are well hinted to or explained in the dracthyr starting quests for evokers unlike how poorly off noted the pandaren are. Aka. how to do a neutral faction race a how not to I disagree. I think the dracthyr are a perfect neutral race for both factions. If you do the quests in the creche you see clearly why scale commander emberthal, cinder thresh and azurlos (or whatever his name is) and sarkareth chose their path. It's actually set up far better than the pandarens trite reasons. Cinderthresh and Azure whatever are from different military units within the command of emberthal. The blue lead are a defense/wall squad, the red are a rush/combat squad. The green lead is their medic team, and sarkareth is their Intel/recon squad (at least under commander emberthal). Other than the green they all adhere loyalty to their ideals as their trained squadron assigned even in their path to the factions they do or don't join. Scale commander cinderthresh is the leader of the dracthyr and the green medic dragon is her second in command. The red joins the horde under beliefs of brash and rush action. The blue is lead by their culture of stoic defense. Sarkareth (leader of the sundered flame dracthyr) would not abandon Neltharions legacy even if it spiraled him into death and death for his people. Weirdly enough there's a silent faction of bronze dracthyr that is hinted at in theldrazzus that aligned themselves with chromie and the time warders.
A lot of Allied races couldve been neutral due to their circumstances, like HM Tauren were blessed by Cenarius so they had more reasons to be allied with Nelfs than the chaotic horde.
Platinum is right though. The Vulpera are an industry plant, there was very little if any reason for them to join either faction let alone be playable.
The Alliance actively attacked the Vulpera to stop them from making trades with the Zandalari, who also only joined the Horde because the Alliance invaded their city, stole their treasures, defiled their shrines and killed their king in an effort to stop them from joining the Horde
I love how Classic/TBC/WOTLK-era WoW depicts the relationship between the Horde's races through the reputation system; Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren start off Friendly to each other while being Neutral to the Forsaken and Blood Elves, while the Forsaken and Blood Elves are friendly to each other because of the former helped the latter in its time of need. (not to mention Sylvanas has ancestral ties to both)
People dog the peace between the fractions but it doesn’t make total sense how they would still be fighting. Even after all of the times they’ve worked together. It’s almost like the newer races should just be considered neutral races.
Literally every time they start fighting one another some cosmic threat takes advantages and tries to genocide everyone requiring the two factions to join sides to save the world. Over and over again. People actually taking the hint and growing the fuck about is just basic character delevopment.
In some ways yes it doesn't make sense but the player base has been raised on this factional warfare between the two factions. So its not really going to go away. At all. Not to mention the PVP crowds need that rivalry to continue.
those people need to realize both groups can exist, just because the majority of the factions are at peace doesnt mean a smaller group in said factions have to like it. blizzard has wrote stories like that before, the worgen were going out of their way to kill the forsaken despite the horde and alliance being in a truce to focus on the legion for example
The night elves are the ancient enemies of blood elves? Were was this when they were helping each other during the Nightelf campaign in Frozen Throne??
yeah, in fact it was the opposite - blood elves are high elves, and those are descendants of the highborne night elves that allied themselves with the rest of the brethren instead of Azshara because Azshara was sniffing salts and summoning demons like a dummy she and the other highborne are. they only got slightly hostile towards the end because night elf leaders wanted to get rid of people using arcana to prevent more summonings of demons, while that faction of highborne was like "fat chance we will go peacefully to jail, not like us jailed will help with anything" and yeeted themselves to another continent now that the world got shattered due to the war. they didnt exactly have too much beef after that.
@@SorarikoMotonethey wouldn’t stop using arcane magic after the Sundering, which was how the Legion found Azeroth in the first place. So the Nelves exiled them and they went to the eastern kingdom where they allied with the humans against the trolls.
It's such a shame they kind of lost sight of explaining why races join the factions, I never thought of it but seeing how there's really nothing for Dracthyr and Earthen is disappointing; I'd prefer more faction exclusive races again and less neutral to both sides.
I love how earthen players are technically members of the neutral Nation of Dorn and only for practical purposes work exclusively with Alliance or Horde.
Been a Sylvanas hater from day one, and getting a recount on the lore confirms that, yes the undead where full of bullshit from the start and Vol Jin was right all along
Honestly the Blood Elves made their bed and then complained when they had to lay in it. They sent no aid to Lordaeron while it was being ravaged by the Scourge, and then have the gall to claim that the Alliance betrayed *them* when the few survivors of Lordaeron would rather focus on their own lands and survival instead of helping a so-called ally that blatantly ignored them in their darkest hour. What, Grand Marshal Garithos was racist against Elves? Well, all things considered I think he had pretty damn good reasons to be.
technically, Lordaeron was not "ravaged by the scourge" it had internal affairs issues until it all suddenly blew up to where Lordaeron ceased to have a pulse. Had the scourge done Lordaeron in a traditional manner, it could have been so very different...
Nah, Arthas literally slay the high commands in a treason making a complete Mess out of nowhere and Saying they didnt sent help? Do i need to remind You the units from Warcraft 3 and how they are get in the campaing? Or Jaina saying: "Ah the help of the elves is always good"? Seccond war? Well alleria being a hero to the alliance don't work too.
Lordaeron literally collapsed in a day due to Arthas' betrayal, and the High Elves were literally the ones investigating the plague alongside the Kirin Tor while the Lordaeron elites just ignored it But regardless of that, the Blood Elves still elected to help the Alliance during its campaign in Dalaran and was punished for it
One day the murlocs will be a playable race and they will finally take up its long deserved moment of being one of Azeroths mightiest champion's and stalwart defenders!
Love your narration. I hope Blizzard should hire you someday. I bet no one else can do better justice to the role of Narrative Director than you... It would be great if you can advocate for Haronir as an Allied race, besides Ogers, Nagas and Vykruls as Allied races as well 🙏🏼
It was still kinda baffling in wc3 Frozen Throne, Tyrande when they landed in lorderon with Maiev and Malfurion WILLINGLY were like “oh let’s help the blood elves, they are so sad and the high elves (that went with jaina to kalimdor) did help us against the demons.” Even Maiev was like “wtf no why would we do this.” The moment kaelthas met them he was very courteous with the night elf and the entire mission where the night elf and blood elf shared base to fight against Illidan and his nagas is still very epic but lorewise it made no sense for them to be working together. (Oh I forgot we even save a humans Paladin to help us…..) Come Legion Tyrande barely gave the night born a chance before going full racist and “mAgIC bAD!!!!!”
thats cuz both factions didnt really have that much beef beyond high/blood elves being high on magic, and after so many years and given the situation at hand, i doubt they had any reason to fight with kael. wow also has definitely character assassinated tyrande quite a bit - case in point: night elf mages from dire maul that SHE has allowed. and yet somehow against nightborne. and yet ISNT against void elfs, even tho they are way, way worse.
The blood elves did ally with the alliance and even got aid from the night elves. The blood elves withdrew from the Alliance due to one specific human called Othmar Garithos. Originally they got offered aid by Lady Vashj. The reason they joined the Horde was that because the forsaken convinced them the night elven spies were just that and had mal intent, which doesn't explain why there are druids trying to heal their land. In addition Sylvanas threatened to withdraw her troops if the blood elves didn't do as she told them...
Honestly the awkward thing with the Nightborne and Highmountain Tauren wasn't them joining the Horde, so much as the fact that the next expansion was BfA so they immediately went from "aligning with the culturally compatible side" to "murdering the other one despite having worked with them" very quick, same issue as the Pandaren really. Also lore-wise you have to wonder, are the 'core' races of the Horde even a majority of it anymore? Like the canonical populations of the Orcs were limited to those who joined Thrall across the sea, the entirety of Orcs+Trolls fit into one stolen fleet back in WC3 bolstered only a little by reconnecting with other clans (Frostwolves in Alterac, Orcs over in Outland). Tauren weren't an urbanised race. Forsaken are unclear as they were limited to the breakaway part of the scourge, and only started really upping their numbers in cata, but have been seemingly devastated since. Belves had to deal with the 90% Scourge death rate, followed by the split between those who stayed with the Alliance as High Elves (see: Vereesa), those that stuck with Kael, and the ones that we actually play as. Goblins as well were only one Cartel. I believe one of the noncanon RPG books implied that the Horde was outpopulated by Stormwind City alone. Meanwhile the newer members have low-pop races (Pandaren are a tiny fraction of their race, ditto Earthen. Dracthyr are really low-pop in general as are Vulpera and the Mag'har is limited to those who escaped the alt-timeline) but also the great big cities of Suramar and Dazar'alor who between them probably outpopulate the entire original Horde. Just something to wonder about since it's never really brought up. And feels odd that its never really acknowledged.
"Are the 'core' races of the Horde even a majority of it anymore?" Don't think too hard about it, Horde population numbers entered last season Game of Thrones tier of silliness when the Horde launched a multiple continent spanning war in Cataclysm and was actually WINNING engagements. Those boats that Thrall used to deliver the Orcs to Kalimdor were clearly built with Dr Who tech.
11:16 oh, let me remind that during the war against the Scourge in Lordaeron elves did almost nothing. And in the second war they were helping merely better. Because of that Garritos was so untrustworthy. If the elves realized the danger that was coming from the Lordaeron and gave full support to the dying kingdom, Kel'Thalas would have been save. Also, imagine some old second war human veteran in Stormwind hearing the news about elves joining the Horde. The elves whose Kingdom he was protecting from the orcs and trolls, WITHOUT the help of elves
blizzard had the choice of ogres or goblins during cata, they chose goblins since female goblins already existed but female ogres didnt. it makes sense to focus on the option that would take less resources to produce
I think it would have made more sense, from a lore perspective, if the Forsaken and Night Elves stayed their own factions. The Night Elves didn't like the Horde _or_ the Alliance in Warcraft III, and the reason why no one would be willing to ally with the Forsaken should be obvious: per their own lore, they want to kill all living things and raise them up for an undead empire.
Recently came back to the game after quitting during Cataclysm. Have been working my way through all the expac stories in order and having a blast. I was really bummed on finding out the nightborn had joined the horde, after everything you did to help them 😥. Really loved doing the story line, then you find out it was all for nothing. Got a cool mount out of it though 😃
Thanks for the video Platinum! Are you planning to make a full video about the Dracthyr next? It feels like you could make another video entirely as to how the lore should be fixed for the new races.
The OG horde is always interesting to me, they technically shouldn't exist as they are united from an alien force from another plane. Their meddling saved the trolls that join, the tauren, gave the Forsaken a proper front to repel the alliance, and saved the blood elves from being eventually wiped out by the scourge once arthas woke back up. What's more interesting is Thrall literally planted the seeds that would aid the alliance in stopping the lich king. The plane w/o the horde would likely of been overrun by the lich king's undead if the burning legion hadn't overran them first.
I think it makes a lot of sense for the Nightborne to join the Horde and is also quite well explained. Beside the cultural ties the Nightborne also have quite similar problems with mana addiction as the Blood Elves. So both races have a way bigger understanding of eachother than Nightborne have with the Night Elves and the Nightborne can benefit more of the Blood Elves experiences with the Sunwell, than they could of the Druidic ways of the Night Elves.
it sucks that the allied races are basically purely cosmetic. what really gets me is the nightborne though, after being holed up in their city for millennia youd think the first thing theyd want to do is go out and explore the world. not immediately join a faction war that they have nothing to do with. it would be so cool to be out in the open world, any expansion zone and maybe have a daily quest nightborne npc randomly spawn and you get to review old lore with them to teach them. pretty much every allied race shouldve stayed neutral. not every single thing has to be playable, man. kinda same with night elves, they shouldve stayed their own faction. its not like they were endangered and had to join the alliance out of necessity as far as i know. they were one of the few single race factions that held up pretty well on their own, still had a pretty decent kingdom/empire? going. but even back then they already started condensing the playable races into purely horde and alliance for gameplay reasons.
11:28 Which is super funny because in WC3 Maiev and Tyrande helped Kael'thas, and yesTyrande knew who Kael was since she was there when Malfurion exiled Dath'remar (Kael'thas ancestor)
Kinda wished you talk a little about the zandalari recruitement quest where Queen Talanji meets other zandalari trolls who opposed the alliance with the horde claiming it was through them that their previous king died. She even survive an assassination attempt by a worshipper of Shadra who dies in the attempt and in their last breath, they said it was unfair that the other loas could live and thrive when their loa died (also through horde action). It's not much but it gives nuance that not all Zandalari agrees with the horde and not all Zandalari love their queen. Zandalari politics is not as unified as people think.
Decadence began with the goblins, factions don't matter today, and i really miss the faction identity we had in classic, with specific races and classes for each faction, plus some rich lore behind them, not just furry people wanting furry thing in the game.
goblins literally were part of the horde faction, tho. since warcraft times, even. its actually more surprising they made goblins neutral in wow till now, in all honesty.
@@summer_hater68 Have you seen the classic goblin models? They were uncanny valley with their obvious grins compared to the more modern goblin models. I mean there isn't much to add in how they were added. although some do work with the horde. The Goblins are ultimately the true neutral race in Azeroth.
To be fair, the Horde mainly lost due to Gul’dan and crew leaving at the most crucial moment. Considering Gul’dan was about to take Silvermoon, but at last minute decided to carry out his plan of betrayal.
why pandaren stayed with the horde after garosh crashing out is because they are close friends with the trolls and taurens, even in MoP they had a bias for those 2 races over the orcs, and they also had a distrust with the forsaken.
Honestly I like Horde for being more proactive rather then reactive. The Horde, even the Second Horde under Doomhammer sought out allies in alien land, the trolls. While the Alience banded together to repel the Horde, High elves even refused to fully commit until Doomhammer visited Elwyn forest with his Amani friends and a lot of axes and torches. And after Doomahammers defeat the Aliance started fracturing almost immiedately. The Horde exists as a gathering of outcasts, a force to carve out thier place in the world and even if Aliance never existed the Horde would. The Aliance on the other hand would never exist or would greatly be reduced if the Horde vanished or never existed at all. The Horde exists on it's own, the Aliance exist because of the Horde.
We all know why the 'Undead *HUMANS'* joined the Horde. And that is because Blizz wanted one faction of the two having at least one city on each content. For "mirroring balance reasons" or whatever nonsense. This is what I always thought and I will continue to do so, even if they _"would"_ come up with another reason. If we look closely, a lot of the reasons why many races joined some faction did not make sense. + The Scarlet Crusade. They were just the excuse to fight Human Paladins & Priests as an Alliance player. Their overblown fanatism is void of any logic and I doubt that some stupid Nazhrezim could brainwash the entire would-be Scarlet Crusade, instead of a few key leaders. + Bloodelfs, aka whiney edgy Elfs ( _back then, or still today? Dunno don't care._ ) They joined the Horde because Blizzard was worried the Horde had an uneven count of players and many e-coomer gamer liked the super slim bodys of the female bloodelf. Blizz admitted they were worried about server queue's and wanted to even out the playercount. + Same with the Worgen. In a they were the counter-play to the Bloodelfs. With the Bloodelfs the Horde became a bit like the Alliance. With the wild, ferocious vibes of the Worgen however the Alliance became a bit more like the Horde. * = Which also marks the beginning of the blurring of borders from both factions and what made both of them unique in vastly different esthetics that worked. =* + No Highelfs for countless years even though the fan's yearned for and then a disrespectful color-adjacent with the Voidelfs. + "Arcane Nightelves", aka Nightborn to the Horde, just to make the Horde more like the Alliance once again and blur the lines. Also the beginning of w°ke and the blurring of ever more lines of beings with defining traits, even genders. WoW enters cr°nge territory from here on out. *_Conclusion:_* ° Undeads faction choice makes no sense. Everything is better than green muscle freaks, two-legged cows and trolls. At least the Alliance is still Human. ° Belfs faction choice makes no sense. The Horde murdered 9/10th of the HIGHELVEN population in the war that ensued when the Horde first fought the Alliance. They are *THE* mortal enemy but one nasty human General who disliked Highelfs makes them loath all of the Alliance now? Nonsensical. ° Worgen choice makes sense in the lore, but their wild esthetics make no sense and have nothing lost in the Alliance. _"Eff off"_ you recycled enemy species. ° Nightborn kinda make sense but again their esthetics are wrong once again. Why even bother to still have both factions at this point? Their whole existence has become a farce now.
I have started using slap chop to paint quicker because I feel like I have limited time for painting, but it’s not giving me the same feeling. Someone you didn’t mention- the feeling of having to put painted mini in storage where they won’t get seen. It is sort of stalling my painting too because I don’t want to move stuff out of my display cabinets in to boxes to make room for the new…
I always wondered why the Forsaken joined the Horde. Tbh they could had being a 3rd faction and instead they should had added Goblins or Ogres in Classic.
I still think the Vulpera should've joined the Alliance. Both horde and alliance aids the Vulpera, pretty sure Sylvanas mentions they'd make for good target practice or something, and they're just too damn wholesome, how does it make sense that they join the Horde of all factions? Could've atleast done a Pandaren and have them split between.
23:24 Welp. This is what Blizzard will have to do in the end. And they did it to themselves. Catering to the normie made it to where you saying it's awkward won't matter. In the end, we will most likely see worgens in the horde and blood elves in the alliance.
If Blizzard cared, they could've easily made a relevant Pandaren or Vulpera npc in the new content that talked about what the Horde represents for them and why they're still around.
The Darkspear tribe was NOT the first trolls to join the Horde. But they may have been the only one to follow the Orcs to Kalimdor ... is this ever mentioned in the games?
Yes. Because they are the only tribe that followed the Horde to Kalimdor, they were the only tribe to join the Horde fully until the forest trolls of the Revantusk Tribe joined the Horde in Cata after being allies of the Horde since Vanilla.
Horde as a whole is one of the best well written story factions within the game. It's sad that after BFA and so on the Horde is kind of just there for the story instead of being about them along side the alliance against big major threats. Not using other horde characters at the start of War Within was a major mistake on Blizzard's end with the writing so far in the later expansions. Hoping someday we get to see more races that fits well with the horde like the Gnolls, Ogres, San'layn, Mok'thanal Orcs, and etc. Also horde finally doing something in the story would be great too.
Recently found you after getting back into Classic, loving your vids dude
His Videos are the BEST Lore Videos!
Ragnaros better be prepared for the Saberfart guild 🙏
Adam Sandler, what are you doing here??
Saberspark is gunna make a Worgen or Vulpera if they ever play retail
Imagine being a pandaren who just joined the Horde. Must have a wonderful and completely not regretful experience.
joins the horde
instantly shipped off to war
watch your new leader slaughter thousands of your kin on mainland pandaria
your best friend from your homeland is nearly killed a week after joining the horde
@@Leeloo-Foxx and yet somehow your still LOYAL lol. Yeah Pandarens joining the horde is pretty meme worthy. Alright do you want the faction who hasn't discovered plumbing lives in shitholes and one in a literal sewer who decided to instead LIVE in the plumbing? OR do you want to live in grand beautiful cities with plumbing, and proper structure and stonework? It's a shame the blood elf city is so removed from the mainland it's honestly the best one horde has right next to thunder bluff which has the elevator problem.
To be honest Mag'har orc recruitment questline was actually awesome. You arrive to AU Draenor which is synced to Azeroth's current time (BFA events) and then you realize that everything is so messed up its actually awesome. You are in the middle of an all out war between lightbound Draenei zealots and iron horde descendants mag'har orcs + fun fact: the scenario you play in Gorgrond is alpha or beta map which was never released but was used for recruitment of mag'har and a bit changed to fit for what was going on.
The part that pisses me off the most about that questline is how Anachronos said how Garrosh was the best warchief ever in other timelines, but in our timeline he's an asshole that had to be put down. I mean really now? How incredibly flippin convenient that out of "countless potential timelines," our timeline is one where he had to go bad -.-
I've always thought what Sylvanas did to Baine and the Tauren in BFA was extra dirty, because they were the ones that welcomed them in the Horde.
I also wonder what it would have been (or would be) like of the Tauren and Night Elves broke from their factions and made a new one, a reclaimation of Kalimdor, perhaps?
But this also makes me question why the NE and Tauren were not allies before, considering they have similar beliefs of praising nature.
I think platinum explained that also and it's something along the lines of night elves thinking that the taurens are too savage or something like that
BFA being bfa
@@MrLeemurman they fought each other in wc3 too
@@MrLeemurman If I'm remembering what was said in the books, the Nelves looked down on anyone not a Nelf and it wasn't until Cenarion's teaching druidism that at least the more druidy of the Nelves started to open up a bit with the Tauren.
Thalyssra "How can you not trust me, Tyrande?"
Some months later
Thalyssra "Lets burn down that tree"
You don't get it, Tyrande once made a smarmy face at her and said a couple of mean things about the Nightbourne
THANK YOU!!! Thalyrssra happily burning down the tree with INNOCENT people getting burned alive (both humans and Night-Elves) was absolutely INFURIATING!!! Nobody has ever apologized to me for being RIGHT all along! I told them that both the Alliance and the Horde was going to get to the point that BOTH factions were going to get SO ungodly evil and corrupted that they were going to inevitably either decimate Stormwind or Orgrimmar! Everyone laughed at me and told me that I was crazy for thinking that! Well, BFA came, and it summed up everything that I said was going to happen! Granted, it was the poor life tree, but still.......NO EXCUSES!!! There NEEDED to be a neutral faction and it NEEDED to be filled with both Night-Elves and Tauren originally, and then, have the draenie, blood-elves, and every other future race JOIN the neutral faction where PVP was disabled and the neutral faction's questline would be about trying to save the world and saving innocent people from harm against some sort of organized criminal cabal or some sort! And of course, have the original six races of BOTH The Alliance and The Horde be the PVP monsters that were all a bunch of mindless tools pridefully butchering, slaughtering, and massacring each other and maybe even the neutral faction members as well and have their questlines be "Go steal these resources from the opposing faction and the other neutral faction as well and KILL the opposing faction members that are NOT a part of our faction but please, LEAVE. THE. PLAYABLE. NEUTRAL. CHARACTERS. ALONE!!!" or something like that! It CAN work!
Blood elves and Nightborne didn't take part in burning the tree, if I am correct, it was mainly orcs/trolls/undead
Hmm to be fair she literally Say that he Will destroy the source of mana from then, because she don't like it, theyre horrendous and well everything. Lets Say tyrande is not a good diplomat, if she was, thalyssra would help her on that tree 😅
The Nightborne did not necessarily take part of the burning of Teld, but yeah they were part of the faction. During the plotline itself, you are made to feel like the bad guy because you are doing genocide. That entire storyline was really hard, as a Horde player, because you were not just the BAD GUY in the game now, but you were literally a monster beyond even what Garrosh could turn you into. It was also particularly tonedeaf writing because one of the Horde's most attractive premises is proving people who consider you garbage/a monster that you are not only worthy of love and acceptance, but you never needed THEIR acceptance in the first place, that you climbed out of the muck on your own terms. I personally think the Teld burning was a total abortion of good storytelling and was a cheap way to get shock value.
That being said, playing the Suramar plotline felt really odd because you (as a player) were basically fighting a rebellion until your faction could arrive. On the Horde side, the Blood Elves were like 'Yeah this shit happened to us before, we totally understand' meanwhile the Night Elves, esp Tyrande just .. wouldn't even address the Nightborne as people. I play mostly Horde so I dont know what the Alliance saw, but Tyrande's envoy during the rebellion were just so awful and mean to the Nightborne that I dont think they had any choice in joining. It was that or rot in the ruins of their city.
Okay but where's the ogres that Rexxar added at the end of warcraft III the frozen throne 's bonus campaign?
they are in dustwalow marsh
I remember this but i think it's disappointing players can't be a ogre.@@jasosik
Unfortunately for budget restraints, The Tauren took all the budget for "Big" races.
I think i remember reading somewhere that ogres were supposed to be in WoW as a horde race but weren't put in because they didn't have any female ogre models or something like that. I don't even know if there are any female ogres in the game, I can't remember ever seeing one
Two of the saddest things. We got vulpera but rexxars clan is unavailable to play and the wild feather are reduced to a cosmetic option for regular dwaves. :/
Every time I watch a video about lore like this it reminds me of that drawing of a horse that's well drawn on the left and slowly turns into scribbles on the right, best representation of wow lore.
Babe wake up, a new Platinum WoW video just dropped.
I know that Platinum went over only the playable races, but the factions are actually far bigger.^^
The Horde conscists of:
- Orcs, remnant Blackrock Orcs (assuming they didn`t all die in SoO), Mag`har Orcs from Outland, Mag`har Orcs from AUDraenor, Stonemaul Ogres, AUDraenor Ogres and Ogron (visible at 20:37 )
- Plains Tauren, Taunka (Bison Tauren from Northrend), Highmountain Tauren (and possibly a Drogbar tribe)
- Darkspear Trolls, Raventusk Forest Trolls, Zandalari Trolls, Amani Forest Trolls and Farraki Sand Trolls (they are under Zandalari Stewardship and so basically auto-included, Gurubashi as well, but their number went down quite a bit) and Vulpera (included here to not be alone, since they live on Zandalar as well)
- Forsaken Undead and Desolate Undead (those forcibly converted during BfA)
- Blood Elves and Nightborne Elves
-Bilgewater Cartel Goblins, possibly some Steamwheedle Cartel Goblins loyal to Gazlowe, Nazjatar Gilblins
-Huojin Pandaren, possibly Pandaren from Pandaria, Forest Ho-Zen
-Drachtyr and Earthen Ambassadors
Meanwhile the Alliance conscists of:
- Stormwind Humans, Kul Tirans, Stromgarde Humans, Gilneans (both Human and Worgen)
- Bronzebeard Dwarves, Frost Dwarves in Northend (Muradin was their leader after all) Wildhammer Dwarves, Dark Iron Dwarves, Earthen Ambassadors
- Gnomeregan Gnomes, Mechagon Mechagnomes
- Night Elves, High Elven remnants, Shen`dralar Highborne (the reason Night Elves had mages in Cata), Void Elves
- Draenei, Outland Kro`kuun/Broken, Lightforged Draenei, Argus Kro`kuun (not quite sure on that one), Eredar defecting from the Legion after Sargeras defeat
- Tushui Pandaren, possibly Pandaren from Pandaria, River Jinyu (i forgot the tribes name), An`koar Jinyu from Nazjatar
- Drachtyr Ambassadors
These are all i am aware of, and this is also under the assumption that the partnerships made were not only temporary. If someone knows sources that contradict a few points on the list, feel free to comment.
I believe the alliance has a clan or two of Furbolgs and Fire Elves that returned to the Alliance. Do the forsaken night elves count as they share an area with death knights and demon hunters in the new night elf home? And there might be a San'layn Elf left in the horde. We can't also forget all of the Scourge forces that joined the Forsaken. And the Wyvern, but I'm pretty sure Blizzard has forgotten all about that.
you forgot some of the desolate undead stayed in the alliance but otherwise got everything right
Okay, I have a major quibble, Nelves and Belves weren't long time enemies. Yes, the Belves were descendants from the Highborne, but the Nelves didn't know they even existed until WC3 where they helped them. Tyrande was even cordial to Kael'thas.
There was the one spy in the TBC opening zone, but that was just weird since it pretty much went nowhere.
There were night elves actively sabotaging the blood elves' rebuilding efforts in Eversong and a whole army of Sentinels in the Ghostlands.
It makes a lot of sense if a long standing theory stating the draenei starting zone and story taking place before the blood elven starting zone and story is true, as they'd see the blood elves working with demons and actively tried to end the draenei as a race.
@ When I played through the Belf starting zone I didn't remember an entire army, just a spy or two.
But that theory would explain a lot of things.
@@ReikaLady but it's not a "theory" at all, it's a fact
@@ReikaLady they're in the Ghostlands, there's an entire island occupied by Sentinels as the areas where the mooncrystals were held.
if its not a night elf, they are enemies. like 95% of the night elves are uber racist towards other races, especially elves. not surprised the other elves view them as an enemy
Are you gonna do one for the alliance too? this was great!
Glad someone else thought this. Even if the Horde may be more compelling, it may as well be prudent to see both sides of the story.
Would love to see it
The forest troll joining the same faction as the blood elves will never not be insane to me
The forests trolls were a part of the horde in the second war (Warcraft 2), but separated after. Thrall mentions it in one of the missions of WC3.The Darkspear trolls are a seperate tribe entirely. Some animosity between Blood Elves and Trolls do make sense, but the Darkspear never interacted with elves before Warcraft 3.
They werent forest trolls, they were jungle trolls and its NOT a minor difference. We fought the forest trolls same expansion we got the blood elves.
Forest trolls are the green Amani guys, who are not part of the Horde technically. I think some made pacts with the Zandalari and MAY be working with the Horde now through them, but if there are any, it's not a lot.
I think he meant the Raventusk trolls in the Interlands, which are part of the horde since before vanilla
Darkspear are not forest trolls tho. nice headcannon
"In the previous third war, the blood elves briefly joined the Alliance soldiers who were incredibly unreliable and left them for dead"
Yeah, it's because of a certain grand marshal who believed that the only good non-human is a dead non-human. I still believe that that guy was singlehandedly responsible for basically convincing the belves to join the horde. I mean sure, they might not have the best of starts with the nelves had they joined the alliance but I'm sure they can figure things out
The Night Elves even helped them out, Tyrande was just bitchy about it. (aka being herself)
@@Masterwar15 And she had good reason for it too. Considering all the stuff the Nightborne got up to both in WotA and Legion.
By the time the blood elves were already negotiating with the Horde very few if any even knew what Garithos had done to Kael'thas, he had nothing to do with them joining the Horde.
Funny thing garithos was old leader of alliance of lordaeron, when alliance of storwind is a completly different one... but player always forget.
I find the Vulpera to fit the Horde the most out of the allied races (I'm not counting the mag'har and highmountain because they are literally orcs and taurens. They are separate factions rather than new races). The reason is because the Vulpera are a nomadic people without a home living in the shadow of a greater empire that would see them enslaved or killed. It's very similar to how the Horde started in Azeroth. It would be pretty easy to make great lore to introduce them into the Horde. They just didn't.
It should be noted that both Forsaken and Blood Elves have (or at least had in the previous expansions) Neutral reputation with the rest of the Horde at the start, while Friendly with each other.
The small detail I think is quite important.
Besides, Vulpera joined the Horde because 7th Legion of the Alliance went full HANS! on them with their purge squad.
Yes, and if I recall correctly while doing their missions to gain them as a allied race, they wanted the world (but mainly the horde) to see them more then the small cute fox people, but as a powerful enough faction, for the horde to accept them, thanks to the horde players actions.
"Tauren Tauren" cracked me up lmao
What if it was PURPLE got me
The alliance's si7 also tried to have all the vulpera killed for existing basicly. A trait the alliance loves to play every time a new race is found.
I don't know if it's just me, but it feels like the Earthen ambassadors would eventually find the Alliance more suited for their race while the Dracthyr find the Horde better for them. Meanwhile, the Vulpera feel like they should be a Neutral but Horde-leaning race while the Pandaren are Neutral but Alliance-leaning.
TLDR. Factions for dracthyr are well hinted to or explained in the dracthyr starting quests for evokers unlike how poorly off noted the pandaren are. Aka. how to do a neutral faction race a how not to
I disagree. I think the dracthyr are a perfect neutral race for both factions. If you do the quests in the creche you see clearly why scale commander emberthal, cinder thresh and azurlos (or whatever his name is) and sarkareth chose their path. It's actually set up far better than the pandarens trite reasons. Cinderthresh and Azure whatever are from different military units within the command of emberthal. The blue lead are a defense/wall squad, the red are a rush/combat squad. The green lead is their medic team, and sarkareth is their Intel/recon squad (at least under commander emberthal). Other than the green they all adhere loyalty to their ideals as their trained squadron assigned even in their path to the factions they do or don't join. Scale commander cinderthresh is the leader of the dracthyr and the green medic dragon is her second in command. The red joins the horde under beliefs of brash and rush action. The blue is lead by their culture of stoic defense. Sarkareth (leader of the sundered flame dracthyr) would not abandon Neltharions legacy even if it spiraled him into death and death for his people. Weirdly enough there's a silent faction of bronze dracthyr that is hinted at in theldrazzus that aligned themselves with chromie and the time warders.
A lot of Allied races couldve been neutral due to their circumstances, like HM Tauren were blessed by Cenarius so they had more reasons to be allied with Nelfs than the chaotic horde.
Platinum is right though. The Vulpera are an industry plant, there was very little if any reason for them to join either faction let alone be playable.
The Alliance actively attacked the Vulpera to stop them from making trades with the Zandalari, who also only joined the Horde because the Alliance invaded their city, stole their treasures, defiled their shrines and killed their king in an effort to stop them from joining the Horde
I love how Classic/TBC/WOTLK-era WoW depicts the relationship between the Horde's races through the reputation system; Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren start off Friendly to each other while being Neutral to the Forsaken and Blood Elves, while the Forsaken and Blood Elves are friendly to each other because of the former helped the latter in its time of need. (not to mention Sylvanas has ancestral ties to both)
People dog the peace between the fractions but it doesn’t make total sense how they would still be fighting. Even after all of the times they’ve worked together. It’s almost like the newer races should just be considered neutral races.
Literally every time they start fighting one another some cosmic threat takes advantages and tries to genocide everyone requiring the two factions to join sides to save the world. Over and over again. People actually taking the hint and growing the fuck about is just basic character delevopment.
In some ways yes it doesn't make sense but the player base has been raised on this factional warfare between the two factions. So its not really going to go away. At all. Not to mention the PVP crowds need that rivalry to continue.
those people need to realize both groups can exist, just because the majority of the factions are at peace doesnt mean a smaller group in said factions have to like it. blizzard has wrote stories like that before, the worgen were going out of their way to kill the forsaken despite the horde and alliance being in a truce to focus on the legion for example
always a good day when platinum wow uploads
Dose this mean you’ll do a video on alliance members next.
The night elves are the ancient enemies of blood elves? Were was this when they were helping each other during the Nightelf campaign in Frozen Throne??
yeah, in fact it was the opposite - blood elves are high elves, and those are descendants of the highborne night elves that allied themselves with the rest of the brethren instead of Azshara because Azshara was sniffing salts and summoning demons like a dummy she and the other highborne are. they only got slightly hostile towards the end because night elf leaders wanted to get rid of people using arcana to prevent more summonings of demons, while that faction of highborne was like "fat chance we will go peacefully to jail, not like us jailed will help with anything" and yeeted themselves to another continent now that the world got shattered due to the war. they didnt exactly have too much beef after that.
@@SorarikoMotonethey wouldn’t stop using arcane magic after the Sundering, which was how the Legion found Azeroth in the first place. So the Nelves exiled them and they went to the eastern kingdom where they allied with the humans against the trolls.
It's such a shame they kind of lost sight of explaining why races join the factions, I never thought of it but seeing how there's really nothing for Dracthyr and Earthen is disappointing; I'd prefer more faction exclusive races again and less neutral to both sides.
I love how earthen players are technically members of the neutral Nation of Dorn and only for practical purposes work exclusively with Alliance or Horde.
Been a Sylvanas hater from day one, and getting a recount on the lore confirms that, yes the undead where full of bullshit from the start and Vol Jin was right all along
Blame Mue'zela in convincing Vol'jin to make Sylvanis warchielf under the guise of Bwonsamdi
blizzard even dropped whole sandwitches instead of breadcrumbs with that introductory duskwood/swamp of sorrows quest for horde
WoW has 3 pillars: the characters, the political subtext/faction divide, and the world/universe.
Your method of story telling never fails to entertain me. Can't wait for the alliance one
Just when days were starting to look dark going forward, Platinum uploads a video.
Honestly the Blood Elves made their bed and then complained when they had to lay in it. They sent no aid to Lordaeron while it was being ravaged by the Scourge, and then have the gall to claim that the Alliance betrayed *them* when the few survivors of Lordaeron would rather focus on their own lands and survival instead of helping a so-called ally that blatantly ignored them in their darkest hour.
What, Grand Marshal Garithos was racist against Elves? Well, all things considered I think he had pretty damn good reasons to be.
technically, Lordaeron was not "ravaged by the scourge" it had internal affairs issues until it all suddenly blew up to where Lordaeron ceased to have a pulse. Had the scourge done Lordaeron in a traditional manner, it could have been so very different...
Nah, Arthas literally slay the high commands in a treason making a complete Mess out of nowhere and Saying they didnt sent help?
Do i need to remind You the units from Warcraft 3 and how they are get in the campaing? Or Jaina saying:
"Ah the help of the elves is always good"?
Seccond war? Well alleria being a hero to the alliance don't work too.
Lordaeron literally collapsed in a day due to Arthas' betrayal, and the High Elves were literally the ones investigating the plague alongside the Kirin Tor while the Lordaeron elites just ignored it
But regardless of that, the Blood Elves still elected to help the Alliance during its campaign in Dalaran and was punished for it
I love you PlatinumWow, don't stop making videos
I'm glad you keep making videos man
Love your vids. Would love to see an alternate timeline storytelling that is original to the lore of warcraft.
One day the murlocs will be a playable race and they will finally take up its long deserved moment of being one of Azeroths mightiest champion's and stalwart defenders!
Azeroth is troll planet.
Over 25 minutes of Platinum WoW content, about the Horde?! Hell yeah let's go!
Love your narration. I hope Blizzard should hire you someday. I bet no one else can do better justice to the role of Narrative Director than you... It would be great if you can advocate for Haronir as an Allied race, besides Ogers, Nagas and Vykruls as Allied races as well 🙏🏼
It was still kinda baffling in wc3 Frozen Throne, Tyrande when they landed in lorderon with Maiev and Malfurion WILLINGLY were like “oh let’s help the blood elves, they are so sad and the high elves (that went with jaina to kalimdor) did help us against the demons.” Even Maiev was like “wtf no why would we do this.”
The moment kaelthas met them he was very courteous with the night elf and the entire mission where the night elf and blood elf shared base to fight against Illidan and his nagas is still very epic but lorewise it made no sense for them to be working together. (Oh I forgot we even save a humans Paladin to help us…..)
Come Legion Tyrande barely gave the night born a chance before going full racist and “mAgIC bAD!!!!!”
thats cuz both factions didnt really have that much beef beyond high/blood elves being high on magic, and after so many years and given the situation at hand, i doubt they had any reason to fight with kael. wow also has definitely character assassinated tyrande quite a bit - case in point: night elf mages from dire maul that SHE has allowed. and yet somehow against nightborne. and yet ISNT against void elfs, even tho they are way, way worse.
Tyrande whisperwind was also high on Elune.
Dude, you're the best. Always thankful for your content.
The blood elves did ally with the alliance and even got aid from the night elves. The blood elves withdrew from the Alliance due to one specific human called Othmar Garithos. Originally they got offered aid by Lady Vashj. The reason they joined the Horde was that because the forsaken convinced them the night elven spies were just that and had mal intent, which doesn't explain why there are druids trying to heal their land. In addition Sylvanas threatened to withdraw her troops if the blood elves didn't do as she told them...
Honestly the awkward thing with the Nightborne and Highmountain Tauren wasn't them joining the Horde, so much as the fact that the next expansion was BfA so they immediately went from "aligning with the culturally compatible side" to "murdering the other one despite having worked with them" very quick, same issue as the Pandaren really.
Also lore-wise you have to wonder, are the 'core' races of the Horde even a majority of it anymore?
Like the canonical populations of the Orcs were limited to those who joined Thrall across the sea, the entirety of Orcs+Trolls fit into one stolen fleet back in WC3 bolstered only a little by reconnecting with other clans (Frostwolves in Alterac, Orcs over in Outland). Tauren weren't an urbanised race. Forsaken are unclear as they were limited to the breakaway part of the scourge, and only started really upping their numbers in cata, but have been seemingly devastated since. Belves had to deal with the 90% Scourge death rate, followed by the split between those who stayed with the Alliance as High Elves (see: Vereesa), those that stuck with Kael, and the ones that we actually play as. Goblins as well were only one Cartel. I believe one of the noncanon RPG books implied that the Horde was outpopulated by Stormwind City alone.
Meanwhile the newer members have low-pop races (Pandaren are a tiny fraction of their race, ditto Earthen. Dracthyr are really low-pop in general as are Vulpera and the Mag'har is limited to those who escaped the alt-timeline) but also the great big cities of Suramar and Dazar'alor who between them probably outpopulate the entire original Horde.
Just something to wonder about since it's never really brought up. And feels odd that its never really acknowledged.
"Are the 'core' races of the Horde even a majority of it anymore?"
Don't think too hard about it, Horde population numbers entered last season Game of Thrones tier of silliness when the Horde launched a multiple continent spanning war in Cataclysm and was actually WINNING engagements.
Those boats that Thrall used to deliver the Orcs to Kalimdor were clearly built with Dr Who tech.
Realy nice video. I liked everything about it. KEEP UP!
11:16 oh, let me remind that during the war against the Scourge in Lordaeron elves did almost nothing. And in the second war they were helping merely better. Because of that Garritos was so untrustworthy. If the elves realized the danger that was coming from the Lordaeron and gave full support to the dying kingdom, Kel'Thalas would have been save.
Also, imagine some old second war human veteran in Stormwind hearing the news about elves joining the Horde. The elves whose Kingdom he was protecting from the orcs and trolls, WITHOUT the help of elves
Orcs in warcraft, orks in warhammer
Mandatory *WAAAAAAGH*
I am surprised Ogres are still not part of the Horde. I for one would love to play a two-headed Ogre shaman as part of the Horde.
They are, just not playable.
yeah, weird how you did not acknowledge how ogres have been a part of the Horde since vanilla
blizzard had the choice of ogres or goblins during cata, they chose goblins since female goblins already existed but female ogres didnt. it makes sense to focus on the option that would take less resources to produce
I think it would have made more sense, from a lore perspective, if the Forsaken and Night Elves stayed their own factions. The Night Elves didn't like the Horde _or_ the Alliance in Warcraft III, and the reason why no one would be willing to ally with the Forsaken should be obvious: per their own lore, they want to kill all living things and raise them up for an undead empire.
Wake up babe, Platinum just dropped a new video ❤️
Always a pleasure to see @PlatinumWoW, good job, my friend.
Now we want to see "Why did they join the Alliance?".
Thrall and Carine were my favourite characters in all of Warcraft.
Shame how they got treated by writing.
New Platinum WoW video! yay!
Recently came back to the game after quitting during Cataclysm. Have been working my way through all the expac stories in order and having a blast. I was really bummed on finding out the nightborn had joined the horde, after everything you did to help them 😥. Really loved doing the story line, then you find out it was all for nothing. Got a cool mount out of it though 😃
Thanks for the video Platinum!
Are you planning to make a full video about the Dracthyr next?
It feels like you could make another video entirely as to how the lore should be fixed for the new races.
I've always liked that so much of Horde races are just "the Alliance didn't want them so they went with the runner up group."
Calling Trolls a fringe race is one hell of a bait.
Now we need the alliance version and I hope that would be made and also amazing video 👍
how the centaur got born is still funny^^
The OG horde is always interesting to me, they technically shouldn't exist as they are united from an alien force from another plane. Their meddling saved the trolls that join, the tauren, gave the Forsaken a proper front to repel the alliance, and saved the blood elves from being eventually wiped out by the scourge once arthas woke back up. What's more interesting is Thrall literally planted the seeds that would aid the alliance in stopping the lich king. The plane w/o the horde would likely of been overrun by the lich king's undead if the burning legion hadn't overran them first.
I think it makes a lot of sense for the Nightborne to join the Horde and is also quite well explained. Beside the cultural ties the Nightborne also have quite similar problems with mana addiction as the Blood Elves. So both races have a way bigger understanding of eachother than Nightborne have with the Night Elves and the Nightborne can benefit more of the Blood Elves experiences with the Sunwell, than they could of the Druidic ways of the Night Elves.
You forgot Ji Firepaw's most important character development during BFA: He wanted to punch a dinosaur!
Rexxar's Campaign is SSSSOOOOOO f*king good dude, now i gotta go play it again.
it sucks that the allied races are basically purely cosmetic. what really gets me is the nightborne though, after being holed up in their city for millennia youd think the first thing theyd want to do is go out and explore the world. not immediately join a faction war that they have nothing to do with. it would be so cool to be out in the open world, any expansion zone and maybe have a daily quest nightborne npc randomly spawn and you get to review old lore with them to teach them. pretty much every allied race shouldve stayed neutral. not every single thing has to be playable, man.
kinda same with night elves, they shouldve stayed their own faction. its not like they were endangered and had to join the alliance out of necessity as far as i know. they were one of the few single race factions that held up pretty well on their own, still had a pretty decent kingdom/empire? going. but even back then they already started condensing the playable races into purely horde and alliance for gameplay reasons.
Thanks for the video. Very nice explained
One of my favorite TH-cam channels.❤
Great video man. Can you do one for the alliance side? That would be rad.
11:28 Which is super funny because in WC3 Maiev and Tyrande helped Kael'thas, and yesTyrande knew who Kael was since she was there when Malfurion exiled Dath'remar (Kael'thas ancestor)
WoW could have been so much cooler if it had more factions
elf : because H2 need paladin class and a beautifull class.
Fox guys : bands of furries in blizzards
12:45 Ragnaros! Certified first patron of the Horde in their quest for recruitment!
Fantastic video, I hope to see one like it for my boys in blue ^^
So Hamuul is responsible for ruining the Horde. Good to know.
Kinda wished you talk a little about the zandalari recruitement quest where Queen Talanji meets other zandalari trolls who opposed the alliance with the horde claiming it was through them that their previous king died. She even survive an assassination attempt by a worshipper of Shadra who dies in the attempt and in their last breath, they said it was unfair that the other loas could live and thrive when their loa died (also through horde action). It's not much but it gives nuance that not all Zandalari agrees with the horde and not all Zandalari love their queen. Zandalari politics is not as unified as people think.
Decadence began with the goblins, factions don't matter today, and i really miss the faction identity we had in classic, with specific races and classes for each faction, plus some rich lore behind them, not just furry people wanting furry thing in the game.
goblins literally were part of the horde faction, tho. since warcraft times, even. its actually more surprising they made goblins neutral in wow till now, in all honesty.
@@SorarikoMotone my problem with them its mostly the way they were added in WoW, really disliked the lore behind, plus they are ugly asf.
@@summer_hater68 Have you seen the classic goblin models? They were uncanny valley with their obvious grins compared to the more modern goblin models. I mean there isn't much to add in how they were added. although some do work with the horde. The Goblins are ultimately the true neutral race in Azeroth.
Hellscream, never a more fitting name for that guy...
To be fair, the Horde mainly lost due to Gul’dan and crew leaving at the most crucial moment.
Considering Gul’dan was about to take Silvermoon, but at last minute decided to carry out his plan of betrayal.
I’ve been waiting to get my platinumwow video fix
In the end I was waiting for him to say “Except vulperas *insert joke here*”.
why pandaren stayed with the horde after garosh crashing out is because they are close friends with the trolls and taurens, even in MoP they had a bias for those 2 races over the orcs, and they also had a distrust with the forsaken.
You make great videos
Honestly I like Horde for being more proactive rather then reactive. The Horde, even the Second Horde under Doomhammer sought out allies in alien land, the trolls. While the Alience banded together to repel the Horde, High elves even refused to fully commit until Doomhammer visited Elwyn forest with his Amani friends and a lot of axes and torches. And after Doomahammers defeat the Aliance started fracturing almost immiedately.
The Horde exists as a gathering of outcasts, a force to carve out thier place in the world and even if Aliance never existed the Horde would. The Aliance on the other hand would never exist or would greatly be reduced if the Horde vanished or never existed at all.
The Horde exists on it's own, the Aliance exist because of the Horde.
I love how the undead and blood elves fit in the Horde even though they seem like they don’t.
That was a long and convoluted way of just saying that their writers are just ass at their jobs, now.
We all know why the 'Undead *HUMANS'* joined the Horde. And that is because Blizz wanted one faction of the two having at least one city on each content.
For "mirroring balance reasons" or whatever nonsense. This is what I always thought and I will continue to do so, even if they _"would"_ come up with another reason.
If we look closely, a lot of the reasons why many races joined some faction did not make sense.
+ The Scarlet Crusade.
They were just the excuse to fight Human Paladins & Priests as an Alliance player. Their overblown fanatism is void of any logic and I doubt that some stupid Nazhrezim could brainwash the entire would-be Scarlet Crusade, instead of a few key leaders.
+ Bloodelfs, aka whiney edgy Elfs ( _back then, or still today? Dunno don't care._ )
They joined the Horde because Blizzard was worried the Horde had an uneven count of players and many e-coomer gamer liked the super slim bodys of the female bloodelf.
Blizz admitted they were worried about server queue's and wanted to even out the playercount.
+ Same with the Worgen. In a they were the counter-play to the Bloodelfs. With the Bloodelfs the Horde became a bit like the Alliance. With the wild, ferocious vibes of the Worgen however the Alliance became a bit more like the Horde.
* = Which also marks the beginning of the blurring of borders from both factions and what made both of them unique in vastly different esthetics that worked. =*
+ No Highelfs for countless years
even though the fan's yearned for and then a disrespectful color-adjacent with the Voidelfs.
+ "Arcane Nightelves", aka Nightborn to the Horde,
just to make the Horde more like the Alliance once again and blur the lines. Also the beginning of w°ke and the blurring of ever more lines of beings with defining traits, even genders. WoW enters cr°nge territory from here on out.
° Undeads faction choice makes no sense.
Everything is better than green muscle freaks, two-legged cows and trolls. At least the Alliance is still Human.
° Belfs faction choice makes no sense.
The Horde murdered 9/10th of the HIGHELVEN population in the war that ensued when the Horde first fought the Alliance. They are *THE* mortal enemy but one nasty human General who disliked Highelfs makes them loath all of the Alliance now? Nonsensical.
° Worgen choice makes sense in the lore,
but their wild esthetics make no sense and have nothing lost in the Alliance. _"Eff off"_ you recycled enemy species.
° Nightborn kinda make sense but again their esthetics are wrong once again.
Why even bother to still have both factions at this point?
Their whole existence has become a farce now.
I have started using slap chop to paint quicker because I feel like I have limited time for painting, but it’s not giving me the same feeling. Someone you didn’t mention- the feeling of having to put painted mini in storage where they won’t get seen. It is sort of stalling my painting too because I don’t want to move stuff out of my display cabinets in to boxes to make room for the new…
The Lore and the War are what made it so good
I always wondered why the Forsaken joined the Horde. Tbh they could had being a 3rd faction and instead they should had added Goblins or Ogres in Classic.
It was 2004, no one really thought of making three factions.
LET'S GOOOO, new Platinum video
Azhara got some BIG mana potions dawg
I still think the Vulpera should've joined the Alliance.
Both horde and alliance aids the Vulpera, pretty sure Sylvanas mentions they'd make for good target practice or something, and they're just too damn wholesome, how does it make sense that they join the Horde of all factions? Could've atleast done a Pandaren and have them split between.
I think they should return to whichever fan fiction they were pulled from
Because the MMORPG changed focus to be about 2 factions instead of four. That's it.
23:24 Welp. This is what Blizzard will have to do in the end. And they did it to themselves. Catering to the normie made it to where you saying it's awkward won't matter. In the end, we will most likely see worgens in the horde and blood elves in the alliance.
How would you explain the Worgen joining the horde? Is Gilneas even involved in this?
Darkspear music is the best
I'll have you know I care plenty about my Vulperas lore and story....but yeah , I also just kinda wanted the cute fox race.
Such a shame we never got a Sethrak allied race, but I still wish for em to add them in the year of the serpent.
They are missing a huge banger opportunity if they don't have an xpac where a light portal opens up and yrel shows up and chooses violence
I wanted a video about the blood elves joining the Horde for so long.
If Blizzard cared, they could've easily made a relevant Pandaren or Vulpera npc in the new content that talked about what the Horde represents for them and why they're still around.
Still waiting for my Centaur, Tuskarr and Quilboar races, instead we get dwarves for the horde....
Tuskarr are pretty limited though. Mostly just warriors and hunters.
New platinum wow video LFGGGGG
Ya'll ever see the point and click adventure for Thrall?
The Darkspear tribe was NOT the first trolls to join the Horde.
But they may have been the only one to follow the Orcs to Kalimdor ... is this ever mentioned in the games?
Yes. Because they are the only tribe that followed the Horde to Kalimdor, they were the only tribe to join the Horde fully until the forest trolls of the Revantusk Tribe joined the Horde in Cata after being allies of the Horde since Vanilla.
Great video, I hope this means you'll be doing one for our boys in blue too!
Horde as a whole is one of the best well written story factions within the game. It's sad that after BFA and so on the Horde is kind of just there for the story instead of being about them along side the alliance against big major threats. Not using other horde characters at the start of War Within was a major mistake on Blizzard's end with the writing so far in the later expansions. Hoping someday we get to see more races that fits well with the horde like the Gnolls, Ogres, San'layn, Mok'thanal Orcs, and etc. Also horde finally doing something in the story would be great too.