"Gin" is just a shortened version of engine. It was actually called the cotton engine at first. Interesting how "Ginning" has become an entirely new word with its own meaning.
Most don't they don't give a f about our people as long as they keep hiring illigals they pay them low salery and if they complain well Guess what back to México u go i swear i used to hate how we always got treated for being Brown
"Gin" is just a shortened version of engine. It was actually called the cotton engine at first. Interesting how "Ginning" has become an entirely new word with its own meaning.
iv figured all these machine vids out. this is what humanity will be working on during the war. well the ones that ain't killed outright anyways.
How much money is required for the geneing factory
It'd be interesting to see what happens to the tons of cotton seeds which are ginned out. Boxed up and made into cottonseed oil, I guess.
that lady has a nice buttt
they are fed to dairy cows for the most part
@@fivekeepersala Good to know. Thanks. :-)
Some are cleaned and treated to plant ,some are used for livestock feed. You usually sell the seed to the gin in exchange for gunning and hauling.
That is a nice gin. I worked back in the '70s at an old Murray gin that on a good day ginned 10 bales an hour!
@28Linkan S How in the HELL is that a lecture? Seems like it is a one sentence statement
What is the difference between ginning and linting??
After the USDA inspects the cotton sample do they send it back?
Tudo muito organizado, porem faltou o os operários esta usando os epi's
Which company can giv us setup for cottan seed seperation plant
Buen video saludos desde wilmington de 👍
would have been nice to explain what the hell was going on
God, I hope those folks working in that plant had ear protection.
How match cost the ful line protection
Most don't they don't give a f about our people as long as they keep hiring illigals they pay them low salery and if they complain well Guess what back to México u go i swear i used to hate how we always got treated for being Brown
Very Excllent work
How did they gets the seeds out before the gin?
And picked the seeds and the nasty stuff out
What manufacturer of press?
Lummus Savannah class I helped put a Samuel P361 strapper on it some years back I understand they have replaced the press since then
It looks like that truck is taking a giant white poop.
no offense taken!
Very nice 9557786863 I am oparetar name Manoj kumar
-_- Im black...