If the Sec -1 last until end of THEIR turn, like with the BT17 Renamon inheritable, then Magnamon X is affected by it unless it finds another way to activate its immunity.
Just like @kingburb4544 said! I think there is no card that says that you can't target it with effects. If that was the case then you would not be able to give sec minus to it 😄
What’s the Sakuya decklist?
You can find the list after the game
@@securitycheck anyway to get a clearer list? I'm new to the game and I don't know many of the cards based on the photos
Here you go:
1 Sakuyamon: Maid Mode BT10-041
4 Renamon BT17-031
2 Kyubimon BT17-032
4 Taomon BT17-035
1 Rika Nonaka BT17-085
4 Wizardmon BT18-036
4 Viximon EX2-003
4 Renamon EX2-019
1 Kyubimon EX2-021
3 Taomon EX2-023
3 Sakuyamon EX2-024
3 Rika Nonaka EX2-060
2 High-Speed Plug-In D EX2-068
2 Digivolution Plug-In S EX2-070
1 Youkomon EX4-026
1 ShineGreymon: Ruin Mode EX4-074
2 Renamon (X Antibody) EX8-031
3 Sakuyamon (X Antibody) EX8-037
4 Yellow Scramble LM-029
2 Pause Plug-In P P-095
2 Physical Training P-105
1 Reload Plug-In Q P-146
@@securitycheck thank you so much! Gonna try this at my LGS tmrw :]
still not use to magnamon x, you can give it sec - 1 even though it cant be targeted? maybe a stupid question XD
If the Sec -1 last until end of THEIR turn, like with the BT17 Renamon inheritable, then Magnamon X is affected by it unless it finds another way to activate its immunity.
Just like @kingburb4544 said! I think there is no card that says that you can't target it with effects. If that was the case then you would not be able to give sec minus to it 😄