Masoretic Text or Septuagint?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 337

  • @texastrojan3343
    @texastrojan3343 4 ปีที่แล้ว +46

    The Jewish Christians did object to the changes to the Hebrew Bible. After the council of Jamnia, multiple Christians and even Jews called them out for tampering. Irenaeus and Justin the Martyr both condemned the alterations in the first century AD. Most people didn’t read Hebrew so nobody could tell that the Hebrew was altered. However, everyone read Greek. They could easily tell that the original Greek translation (LXX) was altered and the new translations were being made into Greek based off of the altered Hebrew text that was made after the council of Jamnia. They raised these issues thoroughly. It’s well documented

    • @texastrojan3343
      @texastrojan3343 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Aliquid Aliter yeah and the Earth is flat and we never landed on the moon. You do realize that is common knowledge you’re saying didn’t happen right? Most of the Jewish and Christian historians at the time write extensively about it.

    • @brianbradford4023
      @brianbradford4023 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      There is no historical evidence that Jamnia ever happened. Right?

    • @Dash_023
      @Dash_023 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Excellent points!

    • @prast7202
      @prast7202 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Rom 3:2 Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.

    • @lukedurham8212
      @lukedurham8212 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@brianbradford4023 you're right it's not a council and never happened

  • @antwuangraham7764
    @antwuangraham7764 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    But is it not true that the Masoretic text which came 1000yrs later is in fact not the Hebrew language that was written and or spoken during the ancient Hebrew times? Was there not a translation that needed to place to copy an ancient dead Hebrew writing to a modern version of the spoken Hebrew language of that time? A Translation on par with going from Hebrew to Greek? I mean the ancient Hebrew bible consisted of about 8000 words where as there are over 100000 words in modern Hebrew. I would assume that a lot of words were doing double duty with more emphasis put gramatical direction and context for meaning and differentiation. If this is the case, then who is to say the Newer Hebrews got it right or got it right more then what the Septuagint did. Also ones biblical understanding and ideology had to change over the course of 1000yrs. This would definitely have some influence on how the old Hebrew was translated. Kind of like our constitution. Wouldn’t you think?

    • @martentrudeau6948
      @martentrudeau6948 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Modern Hebrew is not the same as ancient Hebrew. The Ancient Hebrew didn't have vowels, modern Hebrew does! It has been changed!!!

    • @gerpol81
      @gerpol81 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jesus 100% preserve The Bible Luke 24:44-45, if u want Jesus to open ur mind to understand The Bible dont deny His words and dont deny His name Rev 3:8, worship ONLY Jesus the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD who sit on His throne Rev 4:2, don't doubted Jesus with His proverbs name "father" John 16:25-26 or "yhwh" Exodus 3:14-15 that not exist anymore, if u do then this is your father John 8:44, and u DIE in ur SINS John 8:24, as long as ur not worshipping Jesus u will NEVER understand The Bible and u already been judge John 12:48
      The Bible wrote by 40 more prophet and apostle are inspired by Jesus Himself, so all the apostle in NT DOESNT QUOTE 100% ENTIRELY THE SAME with OT, if EXACTLY THE SAME WORDS that is not inspired, so apostle in NT write The Holy Book without seeing the OT that is the fact of what he expirence with God, ok
      2nd, septuagint is a TRANSLATION to greek, do you think translation gonna be THE SAME as the original? plus at that time Israel under occupation, do you understand this situation???, do you know what the greek goal to translate hebrew Holy Book?, is it just to add collection to their library? or they want to believe in GOD? or they want to alter the history?, or..... THINK, what all u do just like others, like muslim did, etc, BUILDING ur own truth, all human that already fall into sins VERY EASY to build their own TRUTH Romans 10:3
      The Bible is THE TRUTH John 17:17, Jesus is THE TRUTH John 14:6, so The Bible is Jesus Himself, if u doubted The Bible with other books then u doubted Jesus with something else and u already been judge John 12:48
      so todays Bible with total 66 books, no more no less, that u have now is 100% words of God Himself, but if ALL OF U deny it, then ur a NON BELIEVER, at the end u will be judge according to GOOD DEEDS that writen in your books, if u failed to do just 1 time in ur life then u failed, but for Christian will not be judge, bc TRUE Christian believe in The Bible and worship only Jesus, Christian only seeing his name in the book of life and enter Kingdom of God & The Bible will not use to judge anyone because it is a HOLY BOOK (Rev 20:12, Luke 24:44-45)
      repent from doctrine, back to the Bible & worship Jesus THE ONLY ONE TRUE LIVING GOD , if u want to be SAVED, its all up to u, FREE WILL, im just helping, ur choice ur own risk, ok

  • @donaldgoodell7675
    @donaldgoodell7675 4 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Curiously the Hebrew underlay to the Greek Septuaginta LXX was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls-shewing that the LXX was a very careful translation of the Hebrew consonantal vorlagen being used by the Alexandrian translators c. 225 BCE; the protoMasoretic consonantal text seems to have evolved in Babylon c. 150 BCE which was also found side by side in the Qumran caves beginning in c. 1947 CE-so when for example we examine the two versions of the book of Isaiah in Cave 1 (1QIsA & 1QIsB) lying side by side we can see the first follows the protoMasoretic Family but the 2nd copy (1QIsB) is DIFFERENT from the first by 23 consonantal letters per 100 - and follows more closely the Hebrew underlay to the Greek LXX Septuaginta -so we are dealing with at least 2 text families for the book of Isaiah - the protoMasoretic from Babylon and the Hebrew consonantal text used by the Septuagint LXX from Jerusalem -two widely spaced scribal schools; the counting of middle Letters in a column of Hebrew text etc in the transmission of these hand-copied MSS did not begin in earnest until around the 3rd century CE-until then, as Immanuel Tov has stated, scribes were allowed a greater sense of freedom with the text they were copying in terms of spelling, arrangement of clauses, replacement of words and sometimes replacement/addition/omission of entire sentences-less so with the Torah (which also has a 3rd textual family of consonantal Hebrew sources known as the Samaritan Pentateuch from 400 BCE-thus the Torah has a further complicated history for modern textual scholars to grapple next time try to bring out these nuances between the Hebrew consonantal text families - if only for the sake of ‘accuracy’ & try to avoid any hint that there is a single ‘true’ text to these ancient witnesses...

    • @gerpol81
      @gerpol81 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Jesus 100% preserve The Bible Luke 24:44-45, if u want Jesus to open ur mind to understand The Bible dont deny His words and dont deny His name Rev 3:8, worship ONLY Jesus the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD who sit on His throne Rev 4:2, don't doubted Jesus with His proverbs name "father" John 16:25-26 or "yhwh" Exodus 3:14-15 that not exist anymore, if u do then this is your father John 8:44, and u DIE in ur SINS John 8:24, as long as ur not worshipping Jesus u will NEVER understand The Bible and u already been judge John 12:48
      The Bible wrote by 40 more prophet and apostle are inspired by Jesus Himself, so all the apostle in NT DOESNT QUOTE 100% ENTIRELY THE SAME with OT, if EXACTLY THE SAME WORDS that is not inspired, so apostle in NT write The Holy Book without seeing the OT that is the fact of what he expirence with God, ok
      2nd, septuagint is a TRANSLATION to greek, do you think translation gonna be THE SAME as the original? plus at that time Israel under occupation, do you understand this situation???, do you know what the greek goal to translate hebrew Holy Book?, is it just to add collection to their library? or they want to believe in GOD? or they want to alter the history?, or..... THINK, what all u do just like others, like muslim did, etc, BUILDING ur own truth, all human that already fall into sins VERY EASY to build their own TRUTH Romans 10:3
      The Bible is THE TRUTH John 17:17, Jesus is THE TRUTH John 14:6, so The Bible is Jesus Himself, if u doubted The Bible with other books then u doubted Jesus with something else and u already been judge John 12:48
      so todays Bible with total 66 books, no more no less, that u have now is 100% words of God Himself, but if ALL OF U deny it, then ur a NON BELIEVER, at the end u will be judge according to GOOD DEEDS that writen in your books, if u failed to do just 1 time in ur life then u failed, but for Christian will not be judge, bc TRUE Christian believe in The Bible and worship only Jesus, Christian only seeing his name in the book of life and enter Kingdom of God & The Bible will not use to judge anyone because it is a HOLY BOOK (Rev 20:12, Luke 24:44-45)
      repent from doctrine, back to the Bible & worship Jesus THE ONLY ONE TRUE LIVING GOD , if u want to be SAVED, its all up to u, FREE WILL, im just helping, ur choice ur own risk, ok

    • @donaldgoodell7675
      @donaldgoodell7675 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@gerpol81 - the earliest Christians were Jewish Messianists who regarded many books as sacred (‘that which defiles the hands’) that modern ‘Pauline Christians’ do not have as part of their Canonical Bible (ratified c. 480 CE) e.g. The Scroll of the Book of the Words of Henoch 7th from Adam to All the Sons of Light in the Last Days (= 1 Enoch) which was quoted as ‘a holy scripture proof Text’ by the writer of ‘Jude’ (whoever he was) chapter 1:14-17-along with The Assumption of Moses...these books are still regarded as part of ‘the Christian Bible’ by the Aethiopian churches & were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls (written c. 300 BCE - 68 CE) - other books that were part of the earliest Nazorean (non Pauline) Christian canon was The Shepherd of Hermas, The Wisdom of Yeshu Ben Sirach (aka Ecclesiasticus) & the Book of the Divisions of the Torah from the Creation into their Jubilees & Weeks (aka Jubilees) etc. so don’t think you can go around claiming the ‘Bible’ only has 66 books which ‘defile the hands’ - the Dead Sea Scrolls prove that 1st Century Messianists had dozens of other books they regarded as sacred scripture -
      What is worse for literalist fundamentalists is the uncomfortable fact that the unpointed text of the Hebrew Scriptures is ‘pluriform’ in that the later Masoretic Text does NOT match the Hebrew underlay to the Greek LXX Septuaginta (pieces of which were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls) nor does it match the Samaritan Pentateuch very closely in places -as for the New Testament, there are 5,446 Greek manuscripts from c. 135 CE to 1139 CE -no two MSS are exactly alike !!
      So unfortunately as it seems you cannot read Koine Greek or unpointed PaleoHebrew or even Aramaic you are walking around blind without a cane, pal...or as we theologians say, ‘Blessed Are the Ignorant for they Know Not the Manuscript Evidence...’ !!!

    • @gerpol81
      @gerpol81 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@donaldgoodell7675 im BEYOND your knowledge ur comment FAR from The TRUTH, u just like a 5 years child that need ALOT of milk bc u dont know THE TRUTH Hebrew 5:13, ur act just like muslim & others who said the Bible corrupted, their human book is better, childish 😂, all human that already fall into sins are VERY EASY to build their own truth Roman 10:3
      What u can do is just interpreting, bc ur mind still LOCKED, it's prove that The Bible is not ur Holy Book, i give a again THE TRUTH : Jesus when become human, He NEVER LEARN any scriptures bc He is the one who told all prophet to write it, including the apostle, all inspired and choosed by Jesus himself (John 7:14-16, Mat 23:34, 2 Tim 3:16), u never know this right, ok
      U doubted The Bible with other books, u doubted Jesus with something else, as long as u believe to the doctrine, Jesus will NEVER open ur mind to understand The Bible, Rev 3:8, Luk 24:45
      Understand this : The Bible is THE ONLY ONE HOLY BOOK in this world Luke 24:44-45, JESUS 100% PRESEVE THE BIBLE
      Ok, now show me contradictions in todays Bible? Or show me that all apostles and desciples in NT reading any human LIAR books such as septuagint, etc?
      My weapon only the android Bible to face any theological LIAR 😁, if ur a TRUTH SEEKER, u understand my comment from 1st one, but since ur a child u dont get THE TRUTH, LOCKED, ok LIAR... Go ahead give me some enlightment...

    • @donaldgoodell7675
      @donaldgoodell7675 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@gerpol81 - I imagine by your rudimentary knowledge of the English language that you must be very young - you certainly need to go back to school & learn to read & write English properly - then you should take an unpointed PaleoHebrew course and a Koine Greek course so you can examine the documentary evidence for yourself up close & personal - at the moment your jejune comments are just a little ignorant boy flailing his arms for attention - you should be asham’d to post such childish nonsense on an adult discussion thread that chooses not to believe in fairy tales like talking snakes or talking donkeys or copper beaten sky domes or virgin births or vegetation that was ‘created’ before suns, moons &’s time you grew up & learn’d what a hard fact the moment you’re still in the nursery filling your head with stupid claims that have ZERO documentary support - unless of course you dare to try & shew some to me !

  • @willcd
    @willcd ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I'm looking for a video that answers this question, but I can't find one. And the question is this: when the Masoretic text and the Dead Sea Scrolls differ, why do you choose to go with the Masoretic text?

    • @approvedofGod
      @approvedofGod 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It was covered here. The Masoretic text is superior and exact Hebrew text. The Dead Sea Scrolls contain different texts, some reliable and some not.

    • @puma7171
      @puma7171 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The masoretic text probably sticks closer to the original language, since it's all hebrew, but the LXX probably sticks closer to the content.

  • @sophiabergner7191
    @sophiabergner7191 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    If Jesus used the Septuagint why do we use masoretic text? Also wondering if it’s verified that every Septuagint has the apocrypha attached to it when Jesus was using it?

    • @johngeverett
      @johngeverett 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Jesus didn't use the Septuagint. He spoke Aramaic, not Greek. The Apostles and the other New Testament writers appear to have quoted frequently from the Septuagint. Since they wrote in Greek, it would make sense that they would use that Greek translation.

    • @fredgillespie5855
      @fredgillespie5855 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@johngeverett - Jesus also quoted from the Septuagint - or from the uncorrupted pre-Masoretic text.

  • @hectorino9351
    @hectorino9351 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    The Greek-Jews and Greeks of the time of Christ had the Old-Greek or the Septuagint translation of the Scriptures. Jesus never warned anyone to stay away from those Scriptures; in fact, the Septuagint was the Scriptures in use at the time of the the apostles ministries among the Greeks.

    • @cL-bf2ug
      @cL-bf2ug 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Plus Jesus and Paul quoted from the Septuagint.

  • @MrConsto
    @MrConsto 4 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    In simple language the masoretic text is corrupted given the LXX has corroborating writings from numerous other writings having been written from older copies of the Hebrew Tanakh, whereas the MT stands alone without any other corroborating writings.
    Sorry but you are gullibly wrong and have no substantiating evidence to validate the MT. You yourself quote Josephus who himself quotes the genealogies from the LXX whereas the MT is off by several hundred years. And like Josephus there are several other antiquity writers however there is no other text that corroborates the numbers of the MT genealogies.
    Why would Jesus-hating Jews change their scriptures that show He aligned with all the prophecies and the timing of Daniel’s prophecy for the coming messiah? Maybe because they felt guilty for rejecting their own messiah? And because they were dirty, corrupt liars and murderers?

    • @AustinRead1996
      @AustinRead1996 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I know, suprising (or maybe unsurprising) that this guy would just blatantly mislead people with this video. Why would the Jews change the text…. Hmm I can’t think of any reason at all lol

  • @guitaoist
    @guitaoist 4 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    dang, I guess you should let Jesus know that he quoted Isaiah 61:1 incorrectly in Luke 4:18, I'm sure he'll consider your corrections.

    • @raymack8767
      @raymack8767 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      God hasn't hid His word as the Greek NewTestament has been with us since the time of the Apostles, and the LXX has been with us for over 2,250+ years, the oldest surviving ones are from AD 350 (plus the Dead Sea Scroll portions of 300-100 BC to 70 AD) whereas the oldest surviving Masoretic Texts are only from around AD 1,000.
      There are over 400 instances where the Square Hebrew and LXX within the Dead Sea Scrolls agree against the Masoretic Text. And mamy instances where the vastly older Paleo Hebrew and the Square Hebrew agree against the Masoretic Text.
      The MT actually left out a whole line of text from a Psalm that the Square Hebrew and LXX preserved. The so-called masters of vowel memorization thus not only forgot vowels but consonants, in another place in the Psalms the Masoretes put in the wrong word whereas the Square Hebrew and LXX preserved the true word, and in one place in Isaiah the block-headed Masoretes left out consonants.
      Even several of the Paleo Hebrew portions within the DSS don't agree with the MT. When all 3 are against the MT, the MT is finished: "By the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established.
      The LXX for 1 and 2 Samuel are backed up in 3 Dead Sea Scrolls against the MT.

    • @messianic_scam
      @messianic_scam 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      not true dates

    • @raymack8767
      @raymack8767 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@messianic_scam Your mere asserion isn't proof

    • @raymack8767
      @raymack8767 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      The chronology of Genesis 11 and the year of the flood of the Paleo Hebrew and the Septuagint line up against the MT. Shem is not Melchizedek:
      ▪︎Literary sources before 100 AD that agree with the LXX: 2 Esdras, Josephus and Philo (30/70 AD) did not use the Septuagint to come to their conclusion that lines up with the Septuagint, etc.
      ▪︎Eupolemus, the Jewish 2nd century BC historian's chronology, comes close to aligning with the Paleo Hebrew and Septuagint and not the MT.
      ▪︎Jewish Demetrius the Chronicler's (3rd century BC) chronology comes very close to the Paleo Hebrew and Septuagint and against the MT.
      *Justin Martyr said the Jews in his time period were altering their scriptures.*

    • @raymack8767
      @raymack8767 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@messianic_scam Continued...Paleo Hebrew, used from the 12th to 6th century BC (around 2,000 years older than the MT), gave way to Square Hebrew (around 1,300 years older than the MT), which then eventually gave way to Greek, as evidenced by the Septuagint, which is around 1,000 years than the MT. The Septuagint predates Christianity, used when Greek became the lingua franca, and its use in synagogues by Jews around the Mediterranean was substantial.

  • @scott4119
    @scott4119 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    1) Jerome said that about the various Latin manuscript versions not the LXX. 2) There were early Christians who recognized the Scriptures having been altered in some areas: St. Justin Martyr. 3) Most of the NT quotes from the LXX, though sometimes from the proto-Masoretic, so both are necessary to be familiar with. 4) What denomination are you - LCMS?

    • @estebanvan4864
      @estebanvan4864 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      a tip : you can watch series at flixzone. Me and my gf have been using them for watching loads of movies these days.

    • @cooperjacob4548
      @cooperjacob4548 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Esteban Van definitely, been watching on Flixzone} for years myself :D

    • @gerpol81
      @gerpol81 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Jesus 100% preserve The Bible Luke 24:44-45, if u want Jesus to open ur mind to understand The Bible dont deny His words and dont deny His name Rev 3:8, worship ONLY Jesus the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD who sit on His throne Rev 4:2, don't doubted Jesus with His proverbs name "father" John 16:25-26 or "yhwh" Exodus 3:14-15 that not exist anymore, if u do then this is your father John 8:44, and u DIE in ur SINS John 8:24, as long as ur not worshipping Jesus u will NEVER understand The Bible and u already been judge John 12:48
      The Bible wrote by 40 more prophet and apostle are inspired by Jesus Himself, so all the apostle in NT DOESNT QUOTE 100% ENTIRELY THE SAME with OT, if EXACTLY THE SAME WORDS that is not inspired, so apostle in NT write The Holy Book without seeing the OT that is the fact of what he expirence with God, ok
      2nd, septuagint is a TRANSLATION to greek, do you think translation gonna be THE SAME as the original? plus at that time Israel under occupation, do you understand this situation???, do you know what the greek goal to translate hebrew Holy Book?, is it just to add collection to their library? or they want to believe in GOD? or they want to alter the history?, or..... THINK, what all u do just like others, like muslim did, etc, BUILDING ur own truth, all human that already fall into sins VERY EASY to build their own TRUTH Romans 10:3
      The Bible is THE TRUTH John 17:17, Jesus is THE TRUTH John 14:6, so The Bible is Jesus Himself, if u doubted The Bible with other books then u doubted Jesus with something else and u already been judge John 12:48
      so todays Bible with total 66 books, no more no less, that u have now is 100% words of God Himself, but if ALL OF U deny it, then ur a NON BELIEVER, at the end u will be judge according to GOOD DEEDS that writen in your books, if u failed to do just 1 time in ur life then u failed, but for Christian will not be judge, bc TRUE Christian believe in The Bible and worship only Jesus, Christian only seeing his name in the book of life and enter Kingdom of God & The Bible will not use to judge anyone because it is a HOLY BOOK (Rev 20:12, Luke 24:44-45)
      repent from doctrine, back to the Bible & worship Jesus THE ONLY ONE TRUE LIVING GOD , if u want to be SAVED, its all up to u, FREE WILL, im just helping, ur choice ur own risk, ok

    • @tudormardare66
      @tudormardare66 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@gerpol81 The Protestant Bibles are all corrupted. The only version which is uncorrupted is the Greek Text of the Orthodox Church.
      It is because Protestants are heretics, and for that they will suffer eternal torment, unless they convert to the Orthodox Church.

    • @christopherdebattista6350
      @christopherdebattista6350 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@tudormardare66 Jesus came to save us from sin and be like Him. That is why He promised to give us the Holy Spirit. So that who desire to leave a life of sin could be molded in His image (A new creation). No church denomination will save you, only Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour and High Priest! Many Christians in China are not orthodox and they are meeting in underground churches, worshipping the Lord, spreading the Gospel and risking their lives for the gospel. So therefore by your reasoning they are going to hell for ever because they're not orthodox. Leave denominationalism and focus on Jesus Christ only and His teachings. Shalom.

  • @sarw9294
    @sarw9294 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    So much great info!! Thank you very much!

  • @jmam9325
    @jmam9325 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    What’s your take on Isaiah 53 that some argue that the LXX is more accurate then the Mesoratic. Arguing that God would never crush the son?

  • @EricRamz
    @EricRamz 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Don’t the Dead Sea scrolls match closer with the Septuagint though?

  • @sophiabergner7191
    @sophiabergner7191 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Hey there. Just wondering, are the differences in the LXX and masoretic significant where it would change doctrine or anything? Or is it mostly minor differences such as spelling and sentence structure, placement of text etc. ? This is giving me so much anxiety on what Bible to trust 😭

    • @kevinsaint20
      @kevinsaint20 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      It seems the changes appear minor if you wish to have a simple understanding of the Bible, it’s events, and parables. However, if you wish to receive truth from the Bible, the differences do matter quite a lot. Take this into account:
      When comparing the times the OT was quoted in the NT, LXX and Masoretic text differ 80% of the time. Of those 80% that differed, 90% of the time, the NT writers followed LXX. Jesus also quoted from the LXX 90+% of the time.
      Some will say that this is purely because LXX was what was available at the time but you’re telling me that God in the flesh knowingly quotes from a wrong translation? Seems unlikely to me.

    • @simondesanta5774
      @simondesanta5774 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kevinsaint20 jebus read from a Hebrew Scroll in the "nt"

    • @optres
      @optres 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The years are changed as well, which hampers to a point, the coming of Christ, the 70 of Daniel.
      Trust God, no need to feel anxious, the gate is small and narrow the way and few that find it.
      Christianity is a life long journey and treasure hunt.

    • @allwillberevealed777
      @allwillberevealed777 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Christianity is a greko-roman religion that has nothing to do with the Bible. I don't know why people consider it an Abrahamic religion when it is clearly not.

    • @GizmoFromPizmo
      @GizmoFromPizmo ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@simondesanta5774 - I don't know. Does Isaiah 61 say "bind up the brokenhearted" or "heal"? The LXX says "heal" but the changed Masoretic says, "bind up". Luke quotes Jesus reading Isaiah 61 where it uses the word "heal" but if you look it up in the Masoretic Text, they use the word s "bind up". Jesus said that "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears." (Luke 4:21)
      Was Jesus reading out of the corrupted Masoretic Text? If so then why didn't He read it correctly and use the words the Masoretic used? Healing was a major component of Jesus' ministry and in this same context, he talks about it later when he says, "Physician heal thyself."
      Jesus and the apostles used the Greek Old Testament because it was a much more common source that was available in the synagogues.

  • @Jerônimo_de_Estridão
    @Jerônimo_de_Estridão 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Pointing to the Massoretic as "The Hebrew Text", is arbitrary, one of the "protestant dogmas". People, Check this:
    Jerome didn't said that about the LXX, but the Vetus Latina! Even Jerome's Vulgate reflect a hebrew that is different from the massoretic, so as the Peshitta.
    Errors creep in the massoretic text too.

    • @gerpol81
      @gerpol81 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Jesus 100% preserve The Bible Luke 24:44-45, if u want Jesus to open ur mind to understand The Bible dont deny His words and dont deny His name Rev 3:8, worship ONLY Jesus the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD who sit on His throne Rev 4:2, don't doubted Jesus with His proverbs name "father" John 16:25-26 or "yhwh" Exodus 3:14-15 that not exist anymore, if u do then this is your father John 8:44, and u DIE in ur SINS John 8:24, as long as ur not worshipping Jesus u will NEVER understand The Bible and u already been judge John 12:48
      The Bible wrote by 40 more prophet and apostle are inspired by Jesus Himself, so all the apostle in NT DOESNT QUOTE 100% ENTIRELY THE SAME with OT, if EXACTLY THE SAME WORDS that is not inspired, so apostle in NT write The Holy Book without seeing the OT that is the fact of what he expirence with God, ok
      2nd, septuagint is a TRANSLATION to greek, do you think translation gonna be THE SAME as the original? plus at that time Israel under occupation, do you understand this situation???, do you know what the greek goal to translate hebrew Holy Book?, is it just to add collection to their library? or they want to believe in GOD? or they want to alter the history?, or..... THINK, what all u do just like others, like muslim did, etc, BUILDING ur own truth, all human that already fall into sins VERY EASY to build their own TRUTH Romans 10:3
      The Bible is THE TRUTH John 17:17, Jesus is THE TRUTH John 14:6, so The Bible is Jesus Himself, if u doubted The Bible with other books then u doubted Jesus with something else and u already been judge John 12:48
      so todays Bible with total 66 books, no more no less, that u have now is 100% words of God Himself, but if ALL OF U deny it, then ur a NON BELIEVER, at the end u will be judge according to GOOD DEEDS that writen in your books, if u failed to do just 1 time in ur life then u failed, but for Christian will not be judge, bc TRUE Christian believe in The Bible and worship only Jesus, Christian only seeing his name in the book of life and enter Kingdom of God & The Bible will not use to judge anyone because it is a HOLY BOOK (Rev 20:12, Luke 24:44-45)
      repent from doctrine, back to the Bible & worship Jesus THE ONLY ONE TRUE LIVING GOD , if u want to be SAVED, its all up to u, FREE WILL, im just helping, ur choice ur own risk, ok

    • @tudormardare66
      @tudormardare66 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Because that guy is a Protestant pastor, he's not above lying.

  • @ambassadorforjesus1973
    @ambassadorforjesus1973 4 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    This cannot be true. The Talmud was an addition to the book and was created and written by the Jews. Sacred to them huh? They also don’t teach Isaiah 53, why?

    • @AskThePastor
      @AskThePastor  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      You'll have to be more specific as to what you're talking about. I don't recall mentioning the Talmud in the video.

    • @ambassadorforjesus1973
      @ambassadorforjesus1973 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ask The Pastor Well you said it’s highly unlikely that they would tamper with the Word of God.

    • @AskThePastor
      @AskThePastor  4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The talmud was not an addition to the scripture though. Both additions of it were a separate body of literature.

    • @ambassadorforjesus1973
      @ambassadorforjesus1973 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Ask The Pastor That’s not what I mean. They have twisted and contorted the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Talmud, so why wouldn’t they do the same in the Bible? They believe they have more power than God himself.

    • @ambassadorforjesus1973
      @ambassadorforjesus1973 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ask The Pastor The point is, they are very likely and capable.

  • @fivevs1
    @fivevs1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Biblical textual criticism is a fascinating topic and is rabbit hole you can spend a life researching. We just don't have the originals. Thankfully over centuries of copying that the vast differences are spelling errors and not dogmatic issues. Coincidence? 😉

    • @TedBruckner
      @TedBruckner 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Masoretic Text Exodus 6:3 And I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, by the name of God Almighty [אֵל שַׁדַּי El Shaddai], but by my name LORD / יְהוָ֔ה was I not known to them.
      Masoretic Text Genesis 15:7 And he said to him [Abram], I am the LORD / יְהוָ֔ה that brought you out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give you this land to inherit it.

      Masoretic Text Genesis 28:13 And behold the Lord stood above it, and said [to Jacob], I am the LORD / יְהוָ֔ה God of your father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon you lay
      The Septuagint doesn't make this mistake. Face it it ain't spelling errors. Send me an email and iI will only send you "The Chart of Verses to Compare the Masoretic Text to the Septuagint" by me Ted Bruckner and you'll be stoked if you love King Yeshua / Jesus.
      God Bless.

    • @gerpol81
      @gerpol81 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jesus 100% preserve The Bible Luke 24:44-45, if u want Jesus to open ur mind to understand The Bible dont deny His words and dont deny His name Rev 3:8, worship ONLY Jesus the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD who sit on His throne Rev 4:2, don't doubted Jesus with His proverbs name "father" John 16:25-26 or "yhwh" Exodus 3:14-15 that not exist anymore, if u do then this is your father John 8:44, and u DIE in ur SINS John 8:24, as long as ur not worshipping Jesus u will NEVER understand The Bible and u already been judge John 12:48
      The Bible wrote by 40 more prophet and apostle are inspired by Jesus Himself, so all the apostle in NT DOESNT QUOTE 100% ENTIRELY THE SAME with OT, if EXACTLY THE SAME WORDS that is not inspired, so apostle in NT write The Holy Book without seeing the OT that is the fact of what he expirence with God, ok
      2nd, septuagint is a TRANSLATION to greek, do you think translation gonna be THE SAME as the original? plus at that time Israel under occupation, do you understand this situation???, do you know what the greek goal to translate hebrew Holy Book?, is it just to add collection to their library? or they want to believe in GOD? or they want to alter the history?, or..... THINK, what all u do just like others, like muslim did, etc, BUILDING ur own truth, all human that already fall into sins VERY EASY to build their own TRUTH Romans 10:3
      The Bible is THE TRUTH John 17:17, Jesus is THE TRUTH John 14:6, so The Bible is Jesus Himself, if u doubted The Bible with other books then u doubted Jesus with something else and u already been judge John 12:48
      so todays Bible with total 66 books, no more no less, that u have now is 100% words of God Himself, but if ALL OF U deny it, then ur a NON BELIEVER, at the end u will be judge according to GOOD DEEDS that writen in your books, if u failed to do just 1 time in ur life then u failed, but for Christian will not be judge, bc TRUE Christian believe in The Bible and worship only Jesus, Christian only seeing his name in the book of life and enter Kingdom of God & The Bible will not use to judge anyone because it is a HOLY BOOK (Rev 20:12, Luke 24:44-45)
      repent from doctrine, back to the Bible & worship Jesus THE ONLY ONE TRUE LIVING GOD , if u want to be SAVED, its all up to u, FREE WILL, im just helping, ur choice ur own risk, ok

  • @markmountjoy3636
    @markmountjoy3636 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    It appears to me that your inclination is biased against a translation clearly preferred by Jesus and the Apostles. Not good!

    • @AskThePastor
      @AskThePastor  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Of course they used the LXX. They wrote in Greek.

    • @markmountjoy3636
      @markmountjoy3636 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AskThePastor Please forgive me if I understood your review wrongly. Maybe I heard what I wanted to hear. I thought I was hearing you hedge on whether or not the LXX should have priority in the Christian world over any other source since it was apparently the majority text in its use by our Lord and the holy Apostles. This was what I felt the takeaway was from your review. Was I mistaken?

    • @TedBruckner
      @TedBruckner 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@markmountjoy3636Brother Mark, if you compare Matt. 12:20 to Isa. 42:4 ; Acts 15.17 to Amos 9:12 ; Hebrews 10:5 to Psalm 40:6 ; Romans 15:12 to Isa. 11:10 you’ll see the best New Testament evidence that the Pharisee scribes/rabbis’ current Hebrew text (named “Masoretic”) is falsified and mutilated.
      Fact: The New Testament has approximately 250 direct quotations of Old Testament verses. Ninety percent of the quotations agree with the Septuagint but the majority disagree with the Masoretic Text.
      Fact: the Dead Sea scrolls and the Samaritan Pentateuch agree more with the Greek translation of the Seventy/”Septuagint” interpreters than they do with the Masoretic Text.
      Please email me at hilohouserepairs at gmail . com
      and I’ll send you the best chart available of (New Testament-quoted and unquoted) verses for comparison, very refined; included before and afterwards is some key history and facts; and recommendations (and warnings) on Editions of the Septuagint; included is info which will put to rest the “Politically Correct” Roman Catholic, Protestant/Evangelical, Jewish, Academic narrative about the Dead Sea scrolls having “substantial evidence supporting the Masoretic Text. God Bless.

    • @nicholascarter8370
      @nicholascarter8370 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ted thank you I've been studying this any more info?

    • @user-vg8ez9cu6u
      @user-vg8ez9cu6u 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TedBruckner what do you recommend for New Testament in English. Which is closest in your opinion to the original maniscripts?

  • @dianathomas2674
    @dianathomas2674 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you so much. Truly. I was not aware of proof of a Hebrew version of the Septuagint, apart from the dead sea scrolls, the tetragramaton in paleo Hebrew and lingual evidence. When it comes to the Hebrews' loyalty to scripture, I find it highly questionable. Isn't disobedience the reoccurring theme throughout the whole Bible? Even today the writings of man are preferred over sacred scripture, man made customs obeyed over God ordained ones, and fiercely protected by the rabbis. Why did Jesus criticize the scribes a alongside the Pharisees? Why did He had to protest the man made customs of ritual, unbiblical washing of hands and certain customs concerning the Holy Sabbath?

    • @gileadtenn
      @gileadtenn ปีที่แล้ว

      Correction: you mean the "Jews".. not the "Hebrews". The Master YaHUsHua criticized the Pharisees because they placed their traditions in higher regard than the Torah. It is well known that the masoretic sect did indeed tamper. The masorites were Jews - not necessarily Hebrews. There is a huge difference. Judaism is a religion based on the traditions of men. A true Hebrew was primarily a descendant of Abraham AND one who kept Covenant with The Most High YaHUaH and thus, followed The Way.

    • @JudoMateo
      @JudoMateo ปีที่แล้ว

      @@gileadtennJew was the common term for Hebrews in Jesus time, hence Christ’s common use of it, they we’re definitely Hebrew because he mentioned their pride in being the “seed of Abraham”, and the Pharisees were looked up to by people from all of the surviving tribes of Israel since the return from the Babylonian captivity or before. Why do you believe there’s some distinction between Jews and Hebrews?

    • @gileadtenn
      @gileadtenn ปีที่แล้ว

      @JudoMateo it is true. For at least a century, they have tried to blur the lines between the terms "jew" and "Hebrew."
      I'm sure you're aware that Abraham was not a Jew. He was Hebrew. Indeed, his great-great-grandson was Judah/Yehudah, and all of his progeny were Yehudim... some indeed became Jews because they adopted the traditions of men (Judaism) because of political aspirations and influences after the usurping of The Temple by the Maccabees.
      YaHUaH wants His children to walk in The Way... not to fall under the trappings of any religion 💯

    @COSMOS_AND_SUPER_ULTRA_MIND 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Write here a quick, very clear answer to the question for absolutely everyone:
    In Bethlehem did Mary give birth as a virgin or did Mary give birth not as a virgin?

  • @optres
    @optres 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    If I’m not mistaken there was various Hebrew texts as well, there wasn’t one standard Hebrew text until the masoretic text.
    And yes, the Religious of that era reverenced the word so much that they crucified it. I would not put it beyond them to change scriptures for their purposes of rejecting the messiah.
    I’m not saying it happened, but I wouldn’t put it past them.

  • @jorgenath1454
    @jorgenath1454 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    If it's about the time. It was written according to the hellinistic calendar. That is why the time is different.

  • @cubedpotatoeshd2479
    @cubedpotatoeshd2479 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    4:48 When the argument is that they went back and vandalized scripture, you reply "Deuteronomy says not to alter Scripture"
    This is faulty logic. If they were to vandalize scripture, then they would inheritly not respect what the scripture says or prohibits.

  • @Rueuhy
    @Rueuhy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So ... portions of old testament, written in Aramaic, were translated into Hebrew and then into Greek and finally into English. One example of this is Daniel 2:4 to Daniel 7:28. In ch. 3, the OG LXX states in the 18th year King Nebuchadnezzar (spelled differently in the Brenton and other Septuagint translations) made his image. In most translations of the Mesoretic texts there is no date specifying what year of his reign the image was given (completed or dedicated). I tend to agree more with the timing of this (his 18th year of his reign) because of the fall of Jerusalem after their final rebellion against Nebuchadnezzar in 587 B.C.. Any thoughts on this anyone? I'm starting to look at the LXX more and more but mostly read the ESV. I do check out many other Meseretic based translations but it's like a fog being lifted since exploring the LXX.

  • @mhangayenzeve1759
    @mhangayenzeve1759 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Surprisingly it was claimed that Ptolemy II gathered over 70 elders from all 12 tribes when the judah was the only tribe left

  • @reeferfranklin
    @reeferfranklin ปีที่แล้ว

    The Masoretic Text also has clear errors too, for example the height of Goliath, which is why we also have to defer to the wording of the Dead Sea Scrolls whenever we have it and the Masoretic & Septuagint differ, correct?

  • @mikelopez8564
    @mikelopez8564 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This video is wanting in so many ways. Jack Chick fans will love the pastor’s analysis.
    In Acts 17 we read about the Bereans searching the scriptures “. As members of the diaspora, those scriptures they were using were the Alexandrian aka Septuagint canon.
    Modern scholars, especially since discoveries at Qumran (the Dead Sea Scrolls), acknowledge 85 percent of New Testament references to the Old Testament are from the Septuagint.
    Most, if not all, scholars avoid accusing Jews of omitting or changing OT scripture, especially regarding Messianic prophesies fulfilled in Jesus Christ, but is there evidence the MT was altered? Hell yes. Isaiah 7:14 LXX says a virgin will conceive, but the MT says a young woman will conceive. Mark tells us (MK 1:23) a virgin, in agreement with the LXX.

  • @theokaraman
    @theokaraman 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Is Masoretic Text written in ancient Hebrew? I had the impression that it is also a translation to a more modern version of Hebrew.

    • @AskThePastor
      @AskThePastor  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Modern Hebrew is modern. MT is written in classical Hebrew

    • @LiberatedMind1
      @LiberatedMind1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AskThePastor Its a translation of translations many times over, and no longer reflects the original Hebrew.

    • @AskThePastor
      @AskThePastor  4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@LiberatedMind1 How can it be a translation if its in the same language as that from which it was copied?

    • @LiberatedMind1
      @LiberatedMind1 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AskThePastor I should’ve said transcription. Each time a script is copied there is room for error, especially with ancient Hebrew and its similarly spelt words.

    • @AskThePastor
      @AskThePastor  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Gotcha. And yes, copying errors do happen, which is why the Masoretes invented the Masora to account for textual differences they encountered.

  • @JayEhm1517
    @JayEhm1517 ปีที่แล้ว

    Helpful video, thanks.

  • @robertovazquez8512
    @robertovazquez8512 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wonder why we use the Masoretic instead of the septuagint LXX. The one quoted in the New Testament is the LXX

  • @Shevock
    @Shevock 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Another obvious error is the Masoretic text has Goliath at 14 feet tall, and the Septuagint has him at 6'6"

  • @malloyneil40
    @malloyneil40 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I can prove you wrong on this subject so simply it's kind of sad. Flavius Josephus and many others recount the genealogies of Noah and his sons. That dating matches perfectly with the LXX and is very different from the Masoretic text. The texts found in the dead sea scrolls match the LXX much more accurately than the Masoretic text also. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. History agrees with the LXX not the Masoretic text.

    • @camsteremail
      @camsteremail 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I’ll go one step further and say those the old test as it’s called by the LLX would actually be considered scripture it had the beginning, middle and ending. Later on they come with an entirely new book that should’ve never been added the entire New Testament was plagiarized. Salvation was always in the Old Testament or the Tanach as it stands.

  • @MrTJA777
    @MrTJA777 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can be come to the conclusion that the LXX is just a transalation and we are free to do what we please with the text and the quoted verse from Deuteronomy is not applicable?

  • @joehinojosa24
    @joehinojosa24 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Not one jot ( yod) or tittle (cross bar) RIGHT?

  • @Brian_L_A
    @Brian_L_A 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Perhaps you should take a look at the actual Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia which is used for modern Bibles and you will see that virtually every page has textual variation notes.
    We must be diligent and to extract the greatest amount of accuracy for the Old Testament we need a careful analysis of ALL ancient sources.

  • @djpodesta
    @djpodesta 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’ll choose the LXX where it lines up with the DSS and Josephus as far as historicity goes.
    As for the rest, moral teaching doesn’t need to be dated.

  • @Kzam19-ux8wg
    @Kzam19-ux8wg 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Saajid Lipham looks alike?

  • @Rueuhy
    @Rueuhy 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is the second time I've watched this. The letters between Augustine to Jerome, arguing for notations in the alterations made to the texts used predominately at that time (much of the quotes in new testament books of the old testament reflect Septuagint texts) weren't mentioned and Jerome's translation wasn't accepted by many for centuries. Jerome also lived in Jerisalem and was influenced by Jews in his translation. Also not noted is the verification of many LXX texts, as well as many of the Masoretic texts with the dead sea scrolls - only the verification of Masoretic. I believe Christ quoted from the Septuagint texts as well. When the authors of the new testament quote the old testament, why are the words different from the Masoretic old testament if this was the true Hebrew?

  • @gtgodbear6320
    @gtgodbear6320 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If you get some scriptures wrong that doesn't mean you're going to damnation. Just learn to have unconditional love for The LORD. Believe that God sacrificed HIMSELF through Jesus for our sins and work to turn away from sin. Then repent after falling victim to temptation.

  • @anthonywhitney634
    @anthonywhitney634 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi ATP!! Here's a question out of left field, but you seem to have some knowledge in this field so here goes. Someone I know recently posted something on FB, to the effect that our OT translations are biased towards a orthodox view of the Gospel. This is backed up by quoting Jeremiah 17:9 from a Septuagint bible translation, and showing how it's different to most modern bible translations. The Brenton Septuagint version states: "The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man, and who can know him?" compared to say the NIV: "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" Some context to this, this person has taken to a kind of Universalist type belief, and is listening to all sorts of internet heretics. In this instance it's Brad Jersak.

    • @AskThePastor
      @AskThePastor  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      The LXX read ing is different from the Hebrew as you pointed out. The point is the same though that man cannot understand his own heart. John chrysostom uses it (the LXX translation) such in his 29th homily on St Matthew. Describes don't realize they are thinking evil in their hearts towards Christ. What I imagine is going on is a different textual tradition between the LXX and the MT. I don't think that the meanings contradict though.

    • @texastrojan3343
      @texastrojan3343 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Ask The Pastor ummm, one is saying the heart is sinful and beyond cure and the other isn’t saying that at all. I would argue the translations have strikingly different meanings. But that’s just me

    • @martentrudeau6948
      @martentrudeau6948 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@texastrojan3343 ~ Modern Hebrew is not the same as ancient Hebrew. The Ancient Hebrew didn't have vowels, modern Hebrew does! It has been changed!!!

    • @SolitaireZeta
      @SolitaireZeta 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@texastrojan3343 Keep in mind that the ending of Psalm 64 v.6 is literally translated as "For the inward heart and mind of a man are deep" (or unsearchable, mysterious, etc.) In context, Psalm 64 is a Psalm of David in which he is praying for deliverance from enemies. Verses 1-6 in particular, deal with David describing his enemies as being consumed with the devising of evil plans, schemes, cunning well-conceived plots, traps, snares, hurtful words, etc. It is also mentioned that the evil men conniving against David think to themselves thoughts such as "Who can see us? Who can search out our crimes?"
      In a similar fashion, the verses in Jeremiah 17 leading up to verse 9, describe God's anger and coming judgement against the sinful and rebellious Israelites, as well contrasting the overall fate of the wicked versus the righteous. In verse 10 of Jeremiah 17, God outright states "I the Lord search the mind and try the heart, to give to every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings." A sharp contrast to the arrogant evildoers who loftily assume in Psalm 64:5b-6a "Who can see us? Who can search out our crimes?"
      Elsewhere, 'amoq', the Hebrew word for deep/mysterious etc., is used in either a literal or metaphorical way to describe depth (i.e. a deep pit, deep waters, deeper or not deeper than skin, etc.) In Ecclesiastes 7, however, particularly in verses 23-29, Solomon tries to make sense of man's folly and wickedness with his wisdom, but finds it to be too deep for him. v.23- 25: "All this I have tested by wisdom; I said, “I will be wise”; but it was far from me. That which is, is far off, and deep, very deep; who can find it out? I turned my mind to know and to search out and to seek wisdom and the sum of things, and to know the wickedness of folly and the foolishness which is madness." v.29: "Behold, this alone I found, that God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes."
      In short, considering the context of Psalm 64, Jeremiah 17, and Ecclesiastes 7, the use of 'amoq' in these verses seems to be an idiomatic expression specifically relating to the chaotic and nonsensical depths of man's depravity, rather than mere mystery or unknowableness.

    • @19nineteenthirteen19
      @19nineteenthirteen19 ปีที่แล้ว

      NIV- nearly inspired version 😉 That's a Chuck Missler joke...

  • @sidjoosin6549
    @sidjoosin6549 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Septuagint is translation to Greek, Masoretic is translation to Hebrew.
    Stop. Translation? Yes translation from Aramaic to Hebrew - language of Jews ( "Aramaic is language of Israel, Hebrew is language of Jews" (c)Joseph Flavius, levite 1 century AD)
    Hold on. Hebrew wasn't language of Moses, David, Jesus? They weren't Jews? And from 12 disciples not even 1 was Jew? And they rejected Talmud, which partly Hebrew partly Aramaic? thats why early christians saw Masoretic as crime against God's Holy Word? thats why Jesus "speaks to Jews", or come to "land of Jews"?
    Kind of. I don't know how it happens that so many in the West fell to this mistake, that not even 1 text where any Israilite, from Jacob to Jesus's disciples, claimed to be Jew/Hebrew or named so or spoke Jewish/Hebrew language.

    • @juliamaria3561
      @juliamaria3561 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Was the Old Testament written in Aramaic?

    • @sidjoosin6549
      @sidjoosin6549 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@juliamaria3561 yes, it is called Samaritian Torah.
      Also New Testament, at least 4 gospels (John, Mark, Luke, Mattew) - they also written not in Greek, nor in Hebrew but Aramaic. Script on the other hand is cursive in New Testament manuscripts - letters not mandatory separated so it looks like Arabic.

    • @sidjoosin6549
      @sidjoosin6549 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@juliamaria3561 it takes courage to say such bold statements but it is true, so must be said - Samaritan, Syriac, Chaldean, Aramaic, Arabic is the same language without any difference except pronunciation like British and American.
      And strikingly Emerald Tablet of Hermes (Enoch/Idris) written in same language which is language of any Revelation

    • @hermannsteinacher7620
      @hermannsteinacher7620 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @hermannsteinacher7620
      @hermannsteinacher7620 ปีที่แล้ว

      The Tanach was written in Hebrew. @@juliamaria3561

  • @todddavidmoore
    @todddavidmoore 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Methuselah firstborn age & LXX: NETS, Codex Alexandrinus & Theophilus =167; SAAS, Josephus, Demetrius & LAB =187, MT =187, SP =67

    • @wyattsteel411
      @wyattsteel411 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I think Demetrius, Josephus, and the MT are right on this one.

    • @todddavidmoore
      @todddavidmoore 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@wyattsteel411 Demetrius & LAB and LXX_Cottonianus.

    • @raymack8767
      @raymack8767 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ▪︎ The chronology of Genesis 11 and the year of the flood of the Paleo Hebrew and the Septuagint line up against the MT. Shem is not Melchizedek:
      ▪︎Literary sources before 100 AD that agree with the LXX: 2 Esdras, Josephus and Philo (30/70 AD) did not use the Septuagint to come to their conclusion that lines up with the Septuagint, etc.
      ▪︎Eupolemus, the Jewish 2nd century BC historian's chronology, comes close to aligning with the Paleo Hebrew and Septuagint and not the MT.
      ▪︎Jewish Demetrius the Chronicler's (3rd century BC) chronology comes very close to the Paleo Hebrew and Septuagint and against the MT.
      *Justin Martyr said the Jews in his time period were altering their scriptures.*

  • @felixgilberto25
    @felixgilberto25 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don’t believe the Septuagint is superior because it’s older I believe it’s superior because Jesus and the apostles quoted from it.

    • @jordantsak7683
      @jordantsak7683 ปีที่แล้ว

      Actually, the writers of the Gospels. The original oral language of what we read was in aramaic. But, still the quotes of the 70 is trustworthy as they were made by the Holy Spirit.

  • @barryjtaft
    @barryjtaft 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In a synagogue in the 1st century, one could only read the Hebrew scrolls or the Targum (a translation of the Hebrew Bible into Aramaic). Greek was forbidden. Recall that Antiochus Epiphanes desecrated the Solomon’s temple circa 170 BC. Thus, the need for Herod to build the 2nd temple. The Jews of the 1st century despised the Greeks, for that and other reasons.
    The only evidence for a BC Septuagint is the letter of Aristeas, which no one believers but everyone quotes. It is a fantastic tale (read fantasy). There is no reference to a Septuagint prior to 50 AD (+/-). If you trace all the reference to a BC Septuagint, you will find that each and every on them references the Letter of Aristeas in one form or another. So, the only witness to a BC Septuagint is the Letter of Aristeas (LOA)
    If one believes the LOA, one has to believe also that the 10 northern tribes of Israel were not dispersed to four winds after 721 BC. From this diaspora they never returned. Rather you have to believe that they were still in Israel in 285 BC, since the LOA claims that 12 scribes from each of the 12 tribes of Israel were assembled in Egypt. Incidentally, a land to which the Jews were forbidden ever to return to. Deuteronomy 28:68.
    Only the Levites were to handle the scriptures (with the exception of the King who had to make a copy for himself). So, one has to add to that belief that 72 scribes (not Levites) defiled themselves among the Greeks and defied the scriptures and God’s wishes in order to handle the scriptures as well as going to a land to which they were forbidden ever to return.
    More so, add to that belief, that 72 scribes, each without a copy of the Hebrew scriptures, translated them from memory into Greek in 72 days and every single word was identical all the while being locked up in 72 chambers on the isle of Pharos without any collaboration between them. And by the way, why is it called LXX "The 70"?
    And may I say ”Incidentally” again?
    Incidentally, the Pharos light house was not built until 280 BC, 3 years after the blessed event. A minor point.
    To sum up, we are to believe that God inspired the work of 72 (not 70) disobedient, non-Levitical scribes who rendered 72 identical copies of the Hebrew scriptures from memory into Greek. Really?
    Incidentally, the LOA section 176 also says that the whole scroll was written in gold. Really? Where is it? You’d think that someone would have a vested interest in preserving such a priceless document. Where is it? It doesn’t exist!
    Finally, If you were to get a copy of the Septuagint, you would find that it is nothing more than the Old Testament portions of the codex Alexandrinus, the codex Sinaiticus and the codex Vaticanus, along with the Apocrypha.
    If you believe that Jesus quoted from the Septuagint, you have to also believe that Jesus endorsed the Apocrypha.
    Including purgatory!

  • @jrobinclayton
    @jrobinclayton 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    you refer to the origins of the LXX as "Legend". Jesus and NT writers quote the LXX most frequently meaning they learned from the LXX not the MT. Further, Jesus would not have misrepresented His own word. My personal belief is that the world has been duped into using a Bible with a corrupted timeline and this needs correcting. I am interested in learning more about which text is accurate. If anyone could offer concrete supporting evidence please share where to find.

    • @dadaolujare6940
      @dadaolujare6940 ปีที่แล้ว

      You can try this:

  • @craigluchin4585
    @craigluchin4585 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    2 Cor. 2:17, "For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ." Jesus said in, Mat 23:34, "Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:" Scribes were sent until today to keep the true "word of God", the King Jame Bible.

    • @AskThePastor
      @AskThePastor  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      So what about English translations before KJV?

    • @wyattsteel411
      @wyattsteel411 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      What did the Apostles use? Not the KJV lol

    • @craigluchin4585
      @craigluchin4585 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@wyattsteel411 The Apostles used the Old Testament. They wrote the New Testament you ignorant wretch. And yes, the KJB was there, it was called the Peshitta bible, same text, same words, only in the Syrian language. Duh!

    • @wyattsteel411
      @wyattsteel411 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@craigluchin4585 chill out dude, “ignorant wretch” lmao, really shows how much /you/ try and adhere to Christ’s lifestyle. I know the Apostles wrote the New Testament; I was making a jest.
      Can you prove the Apostles used and wrote in Syriac, beyond Middle-Eastern tradition? I think it’s fairly obvious they wrote in Greek and used Greek/Hebrew.

    • @TedBruckner
      @TedBruckner 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@craigluchin4585 You, sir, are in danger of hell fire for calling Wyatt "you ignorant wretch" don't you know? Read Matthew 5:22b.

  • @chrischicoine18
    @chrischicoine18 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    And based on the truth that Jesus quoted the LXX

  • @uncreatedlogos
    @uncreatedlogos 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How Jews rewrote the Bible can be seen in the Psalm 22:16 for example.
    Both the Septuagint and the Dead Sea Scrolls proclaim Christ was pierced in his hands and feet. However the MT changes one letter and it's the talk about a Lion that doesn't make grammatically sense. (Maybe it does, I'm no scholar, but the way I read it didn't make sense)

  • @jamesballew5001
    @jamesballew5001 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have heard that there are two versions of the septuagint, one being the Alexandrian that puts Methuselah's death at 6 years before the flood and the vatican version puts his death after the flood. This was the question i asked on a video about the pyramids in regards to the flood. In regards to genealogies and shem dieing after Abraham what are your thoughts? I am trying to find out if the septuagint is worth getting and if so is it more factually reliable than the kjv

    • @nicholascarter8370
      @nicholascarter8370 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Shem was not melchizedek, melchizedek was Jesus/YESHUA Himself

    • @messianic_scam
      @messianic_scam 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@nicholascarter8370 😂

    • @gerpol81
      @gerpol81 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jesus 100% preserve The Bible Luke 24:44-45, if u want Jesus to open ur mind to understand The Bible dont deny His words and dont deny His name Rev 3:8, worship ONLY Jesus the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD who sit on His throne Rev 4:2, don't doubted Jesus with His proverbs name "father" John 16:25-26 or "yhwh" Exodus 3:14-15 that not exist anymore, if u do then this is your father John 8:44, and u DIE in ur SINS John 8:24, as long as ur not worshipping Jesus u will NEVER understand The Bible and u already been judge John 12:48
      The Bible wrote by 40 more prophet and apostle are inspired by Jesus Himself, so all the apostle in NT DOESNT QUOTES 100% ENTIRELY THE SAME with OT, if EXACTLY THE SAME WORDS that is not inspired, so apostle in NT write The Holy Book without seeing the OT that is the fact of what he expirence with God, ok
      2nd, septuagint is a TRANSLATION to greek, do you think translation gonna be THE SAME as the original? plus at that time Israel under occupation, do you understand this situation???, do you know what the greek goal to translate hebrew Holy Book?, is it just to add collection to their library? or they want to believe in GOD? or they want to alter the history?, or..... THINK, what all u do just like others, like muslim did, etc, BUILDING ur own truth, all human that already fall into sins VERY EASY to build their own TRUTH Romans 10:3
      The Bible is THE TRUTH John 17:17, Jesus is THE TRUTH John 14:6, so The Bible is Jesus Himself, if u doubted The Bible with other books then u doubted Jesus with something else and u already been judge John 12:48
      so todays Bible with total 66 books, no more no less, that u have now is 100% words of God Himself, but if ALL OF U deny it, then ur a NON BELIEVER, at the end u will be judge according to GOOD DEEDS that writen in your books, if u failed to do just 1 time in ur life then u failed, but for Christian will not be judge, bc TRUE Christian believe in The Bible and worship only Jesus, Christian only seeing his name in the book of life and enter Kingdom of God & The Bible will not use to judge anyone because it is a HOLY BOOK (Rev 20:12, Luke 24:44-45)
      repent from doctrine, back to the Bible & worship Jesus THE ONLY ONE TRUE LIVING GOD , if u want to be SAVED, its all up to u, FREE WILL, im just helping, ur choice ur own risk, ok

    • @Christ_is_Lord_
      @Christ_is_Lord_ ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nicholascarter8370 incorrect. Read Hebrews carefully. Makes obvious distinction between Melchizedek and Christ.

    • @Christ_is_Lord_
      @Christ_is_Lord_ ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Methuselah died the year the Flood happened. His name literally is a prophecy; “His death shall bring”. KJV gets it right, no contest.

  • @uncreatedlogos
    @uncreatedlogos 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If they should not have added Texts to the bible then why do we have the deuterocanon/apocrypha? It doesn't make sense. Both the Septuagint as well as the MT were written by Jews. Why do we have Psalm 151?

  • @barryjtaft
    @barryjtaft 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    No ancient writer on the subject agrees on which Ptolemy it was.

  • @jordantsak7683
    @jordantsak7683 ปีที่แล้ว

    The answer is ''critical text'', in greek and in hebrew. But, we trust more the greek one, as it was used in the NT and in the evangelization of the then known world, a greek speaking world.

  • @chrischicoine18
    @chrischicoine18 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Didn’t Josephus praise the Septuagint?

    • @footsoldier1188
      @footsoldier1188 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He was against the deuterocanon, and said the “Greeks” have “extra books that contradict each other.” Keep in mind tho, he was a Jew

    • @liesunplugged
      @liesunplugged ปีที่แล้ว

      Josephus was the one that wrote the New Testament piso family

  • @American_Orthodox
    @American_Orthodox ปีที่แล้ว

    Jewish official cannon wasn’t established until the 2-4 century AD with the post-second temple Judaism biblical cannon becoming more standardized at different dates for different Christian sects like Ethiopia, Latin, Greek, and Armenian. The so-called Deuterocannon or Apocrypha has more relevance than is quoted in the New Testament. The biblical timeline lines up far more squarely with the Septuagint so do certain old testament quotes by Jesus favor the Septuagint. So goes for the Masoretic as all of these are the original because the Masoretic text was composed in the 900s earliest possible 600s. Remember the denominational and sectional biases. On the Deuterocannon many Jewish scripts had these texts in them before the 2-4 post-second temple reform which has some Jesus and messiah prophecy which is why it was removed. Protestants deleted church history after Peter and Paul without regard to the stories in the tradition of the spread the of the word by those who were at Pentecost and who were taught by the disciples at least know the history so we can objectively find the most unadulterated source.

  • @kyledefranco6720
    @kyledefranco6720 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    3:00 Erasmus thought that his 200-year old copies were ancient. How do we know Jerome didn't make the same mistake with whatever Hebrew Old Testaments he was looking at?

    • @tudormardare66
      @tudormardare66 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He probably borrowed a corrupt version from the Jews.

  • @al_ns4930
    @al_ns4930 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ..I would say that Paul is the key to all the possible confusions and alleged alterations and corruptions in the Bible!! it is impossible for a man of his status and position to make such a radical turn in his life based on some fabrication and lies if someone thinks that Christianity is suspicious!! God chose him on purpose and involved him in all the described events!! if anyone even doubts the poor and irrelevant apostles when it comes to Paul, no one has an excuse!!! and it is no coincidence that Paul wrote the very essence and explanations of Christianity and connected them with the Old Testament!! I personally think that the King James Bible is the most accurate version and that the year 1611 is significant and specific in many ways!!I personally think that the King James Bible is the most accurate version and that the year 1611 is significant and specific in many ways, and besides, when it comes to translators, Jesus himself warned us while he was among us about what we can expect, although I do not claim that anyone changed anything on purpose !!...and I read somewhere before, although I'm not sure where, that the Masoretes were fanatics regarding the relationship with the text and copying, so I can believe that too! cheers ATP..

  • @jimford1256
    @jimford1256 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What about the 6th-7th century redaction of the Ancient Hebrew texts, scrolls and traditions by King Josiah, which completely reworked and created a new story that was not in the original writings. This was done by Josiah to command belief in monotheism. Prior to that the Hebrews were a polytheistic people. In the redaction, words were given other meanings, words were changed, or taken out. Verses were added to support monotheism and erase what was originally stated. The word Elohim was replaced with God. Elohim in the original language was a plural masculine not a singular. This was done to hide the meaning of verses such as Deut. 32:8 as well as others. So todays bibles either Hebrew or Christian as we know them only go back to the time of Josiah. This once again was done for monotheism as well as bringing all the worship to Yahweh to the Temple in Jerusalem and giving the King a religious power as well as great wealth to him and the High priests. It amazes me that todays scholars, priests, rabbis don't ever mention this redaction. The reason is if they did the original story of Hebrew texts and scrolls would become known to the everyday people and this would completely challenge today's organized religions. To know about this is only a matter of research. And to look into the much earlier Sumerian and Babylonian history and you will see how the Old Testament in a lot of it's stories are simply a rewrite of stories of Babylon and Sumerian origins over a thousand years before the Hebrew writings. Look at the Genesis flood narrative and compare with the Epic of Gilgamesh, or the creations stories. Doing Textual Criticism between the Old Testament and ancient Babylon and Sumerian writings will in many cases blow your mind. These developments are just new discoveries from the passed 150 years and especially the last 70 years as the writings of Sumerian and Babylon cuneiform tablets have been unearthed.

  • @prast7202
    @prast7202 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Rom 3:2 Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.

  • @LL-fi4rr
    @LL-fi4rr 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I appreciate you taking the time to make this video. The biggest issue I can find in the LXX is Isaiah chapter 42. The LXX I can find clearly states Jacob is the chosen one, yet Matthew in chapter 12 actually follows the Masoretic text and leaves out Jacob's name. To me that creates a very big issue in trusting the LXX because it actually voids prophecies that are fulfilled in the NT!

  • @martentrudeau6948
    @martentrudeau6948 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The book of Jonah reads different in the Brenton Septuagint from the KJV Masoretic text.
    THE SIGN OF JONAH, Matthew 12:38-40 KJV; ~ ”Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying (to Jesus), Master, we would see a sign from thee. But he (Jesus) answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matthew 12:38-40
    Jesus quotes from the Septuagint!!!
    Jonah 2:1-11 Septuagint; “Now the Lord had commanded a great whale to swallow up Jonas: and Jonas was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights. And Jonas prayed to the Lord his God out of the belly of the whale, and said, I cried in my affliction to the Lord my God, and he hearkened to me, even to my cry out of the belly of hell: thou heardest my voice. Thou didst cast me into the depths of the heart of the sea, and the floods compassed me: all thy billows and thy waves have passed upon me. And I said, I am cast out of thy presence: shall I indeed look again toward thy holy temple? Water was poured around me to the soul: the lowest deep compassed me, my head went down to the clefts of the mountains; I went down into the earth, whose bars are the everlasting barriers: yet, O Lord my God, let my ruined life be restored. When my soul was failing me, I remembered the Lord; and may my prayer come to thee into thy holy temple. They that observe vanities and lies have forsaken their own mercy. But I will sacrifice to thee with the voice of praise and thanksgiving: all that I have vowed I will pay to thee, the Lord of my salvation. And the whale was commanded by the Lord, and it cast up Jonas on the dry land.”
    These verses lose and/or change meaning in the Masoretic text, KJV.
    Jonah 1:17 & 2:1-10 KJV: “Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. Then Jonah prayed unto the LORD his God out of the fish's belly, And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the LORD, and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice. For thou hadst cast me into the deep, in the midst of the seas; and the floods compassed me about: all thy billows and thy waves passed over me. Then I said, I am cast out of thy sight; yet I will look again toward thy holy temple. The waters compassed me about, even to the soul: the depth closed me round about, the weeds were wrapped about my head. I went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the earth with her bars was about me for ever: yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption, O LORD my God. When my soul fainted within me I remembered the LORD: and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple. They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy. But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the LORD. And the LORD spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land.
    The records of the British Admiralty testify that James Bartley, a British whaler who was swalllowed by a whale and survived 15 hours in its belly, in February, 1891, this is his an amazing tale. ~

    • @TedBruckner
      @TedBruckner 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      thanks for the great share. That passage isn't the only to suffer at the hands of [John 8:44] scribes the Master warned to beware of : far from it those rabbis really did a numBer on "their" Scripture.

    • @martentrudeau6948
      @martentrudeau6948 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TedBruckner ~ Todays Talmudic Jews have a different god, than the God of the Old Testament bible. Jesus called these people hypocrites.
      "But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;
      And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your (Talmudic) tradition." Matthew 15:5-6.
      God's original commandment: "Honour thy father and thy mother, that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest live long on the good land, which the Lord thy God gives to thee." Exodus 20:12. Brenton Septuagint.

    • @TedBruckner
      @TedBruckner 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@martentrudeau6948 yes, true. i would like to send you the 3 great charts of verses for comparison i made.

  • @LanceLovett
    @LanceLovett 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for the information. I think you probably have realized some of your dates are not correct.

  • @SibleySteve
    @SibleySteve 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I could not disagree more. The first century rabbis were also the last Pharisees. Our ancient apostolic faith is totally dependent on Codex Vaticanus, Alexandrinus, Sinaiticus, and the deuterocanonical writings contained in these codices. Your very Protestant arguments are quite old, I am a Protestant and have heard them my whole life, and they are not even employed by the best scholars anymore. Your faith is 16th century, but the ancient Christian faith goes back to the Hellenized Levant of the first 5 centuries. To understand the background of the Gospel, you need to use the LXX.

  • @BvVb2099
    @BvVb2099 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I might disappoint you a bit initially, but please read my entire post and you will see that we have actually reached the same conclusion...
    The Western Bible is based on The Masoretic text, about 1000 years old. But the OLDEST Bible (Old Testament) is fact based on The Paleo Hebrew text, some 2500 years older !
    Septuagint is actually based as well on The Paleo Hebrew text.
    And the oldest and most accurate text of The New Testament is Aramaic-based, - not Greek !
    But there are a few finer points that we need to make.
    * First, however useful it is for us today, Lord Jesus, Paul, and the rest of the New Testament writers would have NEVER quoted from the Septuagint - never ever !
    There is not even a shred of evidence of that happening.
    * Second, the authentic Septuagint burned down in a fire at Ptolemy's library in Alexandria.
    * Third, luckily, a copy of The LXX managed to go to the Greek world, before the fire.
    * Fourth, The Greeks "sanitized" it quite a bit, and that is why we have some strange additions to it that do not add up at all as Scripture.
    However, and to our HUGE advantage, there are many instances where in The Septuagint many passages remained intact.
    * Fifth, and most important, The ORIGINAL Septuagint was translated from the ORIGINAL PALEO HEBREW TEXT, penned down in the PALEO HEBREW SCRIPT, which, as I mentioned above, is some 2500 years older than the Masoretic Text, not to mention that The MT was somewhat "sanitized" as well by the Judean scribes.
    But ALL the Old Testament quotations of Lord Jesus, Paul and the rest of NT writers are in perfect concordance with the records of The LXX, the only reason being because it was translated from scrolls a lot older and much closer to authenticity than the Masoretic Text.
    I am not familiar with the Ethiopian, Armenian and a few others - Versions of The Bible, but I think they also follow the more ancient Paleo HEBREW Text and not the Masoretic.
    I am working on a new revision of The Bible and I am making full use of both the records of The Paleo Hebrew, AND the Aramaic Version of The new Testament and a great difference will be seen. Yes, it will look strange at first, But I am sure the honest believers will love it. It is now in a "beta" stage, I will probably be ready by the yearend, but if you want it right now, I can send it to you. Please send me a message at nairelavataoldotcom, (please note that you have to decode my address - TH-cam will not accept to send and address in clear !) - subject: 2024 Beta Digital Bible - and an electronic copy is yours for the asking.
    But the final copy will be ready by the New Year.
    And it will be absolutely free.

    Choicest Blessings !
    My, I did not know that we have "Notifications" !!! Yes, I agree that I cannot "prove" that Paul did not quote from The Septuagint, but NEITHER can we prove that he did ! I am counting on the Aramaic, the Khabouris codex, and I do not find one trace of anything coming from a Greek document that Paul, Lord Jesus and the Gospel writers would have quoted from the LXX.
    I mean, com'on, at least by mistake we should see a "Theos", or Kirios, or anything of the sort - all we see is Alha (ELOHIM), Maran (LORD) and many authentic Aramaic words preserved even in the Greek manuscripts !
    When Lord Jesus stood up to read from Isaias, - did He use "The Septuagint" ? Hardly. He read from a scroll, perhaps Hebrew or Aramaic. YES- we no longer have any original Paleo Hebrew documents, but we have a pretty poor version of a translation from Paleo Hebrew - The LXX.
    I haven't had a chance to check couple of other ancient translations of The Hebrew Bible (OT) but at least I am told that we have among the Dead Sea Scrolls many fragments that confirm that THERE WAS SUCH A THING LIKE PALEO HEBREW, - THEY EVEN SHOWED A FRAGMENT TRANSCRIBED INTO THE SQUARE SCRIPT, PENNED AT THE TIME OF MIGRATING TO THE ASHURY SCRIPT, AND THE FRAGMENT CONTAINED THE NAME OF THE "I AM", WHICH WAS (the only word) preserved in the Paleo Hebrew - script quite different from the rest of the square script -, even though the entire fragment was penned in the (square) Ashuri !
    That ought to tell us something...

  • @Descoob
    @Descoob ปีที่แล้ว

    It’s Mesorah not Missoura

  • @destroyermelody
    @destroyermelody 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There where no "Hebrew" in Jerome's time!

  • @anthonybennett5335
    @anthonybennett5335 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I enjoyed this presentation. It was clearly and concisely summarised in just 10 minutes yet packed in a lot of detail. I come from the premise that Alexandrians corrupted the text of the Septuagint, for one reason or another. Your well-informed presentation helps me to cement this view. Thanks! I may come back to your channel another day

    • @messianic_scam
      @messianic_scam 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      septuagint was already corrupted manuscript

  • @motorola1543
    @motorola1543 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice video

  • @jordanbey870
    @jordanbey870 ปีที่แล้ว

    People need to stop believing in these texts...

  • @christdiedforoursins8985
    @christdiedforoursins8985 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There are scriptural differences in the masoretic text I have encountered them when doing evangelism, Jesus is the word of God they mistreated him

    • @christdiedforoursins8985
      @christdiedforoursins8985 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@messianic_scam you have a very strange sense of humour.may Jesus face shine upon you may he give you peace

    • @gerpol81
      @gerpol81 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jesus 100% preserve The Bible Luke 24:44-45, if u want Jesus to open ur mind to understand The Bible dont deny His words and dont deny His name Rev 3:8, worship ONLY Jesus the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD who sit on His throne Rev 4:2, don't doubted Jesus with His proverbs name "father" John 16:25-26 or "yhwh" Exodus 3:14-15 that not exist anymore, if u do then this is your father John 8:44, and u DIE in ur SINS John 8:24, as long as ur not worshipping Jesus u will NEVER understand The Bible and u already been judge John 12:48
      The Bible wrote by 40 more prophet and apostle are inspired by Jesus Himself, so all the apostle in NT DOESNT QUOTE 100% ENTIRELY THE SAME with OT, if EXACTLY THE SAME WORDS that is not inspired, so apostle in NT write The Holy Book without seeing the OT that is the fact of what he expirence with God, ok
      2nd, septuagint is a TRANSLATION to greek, do you think translation gonna be THE SAME as the original? plus at that time Israel under occupation, do you understand this situation???, do you know what the greek goal to translate hebrew Holy Book?, is it just to add collection to their library? or they want to believe in GOD? or they want to alter the history?, or..... THINK, what all u do just like others, like muslim did, etc, BUILDING ur own truth, all human that already fall into sins VERY EASY to build their own TRUTH Romans 10:3
      The Bible is THE TRUTH John 17:17, Jesus is THE TRUTH John 14:6, so The Bible is Jesus Himself, if u doubted The Bible with other books then u doubted Jesus with something else and u already been judge John 12:48
      so todays Bible with total 66 books, no more no less, that u have now is 100% words of God Himself, but if ALL OF U deny it, then ur a NON BELIEVER, at the end u will be judge according to GOOD DEEDS that writen in your books, if u failed to do just 1 time in ur life then u failed, but for Christian will not be judge, bc TRUE Christian believe in The Bible and worship only Jesus, Christian only seeing his name in the book of life and enter Kingdom of God & The Bible will not use to judge anyone because it is a HOLY BOOK (Rev 20:12, Luke 24:44-45)
      repent from doctrine, back to the Bible & worship Jesus THE ONLY ONE TRUE LIVING GOD , if u want to be SAVED, its all up to u, FREE WILL, im just helping, ur choice ur own risk, ok

    • @messianic_scam
      @messianic_scam 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      stop doing evangelism it's messianic and evil

    • @gerpol81
      @gerpol81 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@messianic_scam as long as u dont want to go back to the Bible, ur the son of satan, u belong to ur father John 8:44, ur act prove human has fall into sins, u rejected the Bible, ur not saved, u deny His words and u deny Jesus, u r already been judge John 12:48, it is up to u, FREE WILL, im just giving THE TRUTH, when ur life ends in this world u will be put down here, in the deepest part of the land with ur father as u WANTED, Rev 12:9
      U doubted The Bible with other books, u doubted Jesus with something else, u will NEVER understand The Bible, NEVER, Luk 24:44-45, Rev 3:8

    • @christdiedforoursins8985
      @christdiedforoursins8985 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@messianic_scam Jesus commanded his disciples to go into all the world and preach the good news Jesus is the Messiah ,your comment is obviously not well thought through

  • @craigluchin4585
    @craigluchin4585 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    There are two Masoretic texts, Ben Asher and Ben Jacob, one false, one true. The Ben Asher is the false one.

    • @TedBruckner
      @TedBruckner 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The differences between the Ben Asher and Ben JacobMasoretic texts are miniscule. For God’s sake, compare Matt. 12:20 to Isa. 42:4 ; Acts 15.17 to Amos 9:12 ; Hebrews 10:5 to Psalm 40:6 ; Romans 15:12 to Isa. 11:10 and you’ll see the best New Testament evidence that the Pharisee scribes/rabbis’ current Hebrew text (named “Masoretic”) is falsified and mutilated.
      Fact: The New Testament has approximately 250 direct quotations of Old Testament verses. Ninety percent of the quotations agree with the Septuagint but the majority disagree with the Masoretic Text.
      Fact: the Dead Sea scrolls and the Samaritan Pentateuch agree more with the Greek translation of the Seventy/”Septuagint” interpreters than they do with the Masoretic Text.
      Please email me at hilohouserepairs at gmail . com
      and I’ll send you the best chart available of (New Testament-quoted and unquoted) verses for comparison, very refined; included before and afterwards is some key history and facts; and recommendations (and warnings) on Editions of the Septuagint; included is info which will put to rest the “Politically Correct” Roman Catholic, Protestant/Evangelical, Jewish, Academic narrative about the Dead Sea scrolls having “substantial evidence supporting the Masoretic Text. God Bless.

    • @gerpol81
      @gerpol81 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jesus 100% preserve The Bible Luke 24:44-45, if u want Jesus to open ur mind to understand The Bible dont deny His words and dont deny His name Rev 3:8, worship ONLY Jesus the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD who sit on His throne Rev 4:2, don't doubted Jesus with His proverbs name "father" John 16:25-26 or "yhwh" Exodus 3:14-15 that not exist anymore, if u do then this is your father John 8:44, and u DIE in ur SINS John 8:24, as long as ur not worshipping Jesus u will NEVER understand The Bible and u already been judge John 12:48
      The Bible wrote by 40 more prophet and apostle are inspired by Jesus Himself, so all the apostle in NT DOESNT QUOTE 100% ENTIRELY THE SAME with OT, if EXACTLY THE SAME WORDS that is not inspired, so apostle in NT write The Holy Book without seeing the OT that is the fact of what he expirence with God, ok
      2nd, septuagint is a TRANSLATION to greek, do you think translation gonna be THE SAME as the original? plus at that time Israel under occupation, do you understand this situation???, do you know what the greek goal to translate hebrew Holy Book?, is it just to add collection to their library? or they want to believe in GOD? or they want to alter the history?, or..... THINK, what all u do just like others, like muslim did, etc, BUILDING ur own truth, all human that already fall into sins VERY EASY to build their own TRUTH Romans 10:3
      The Bible is THE TRUTH John 17:17, Jesus is THE TRUTH John 14:6, so The Bible is Jesus Himself, if u doubted The Bible with other books then u doubted Jesus with something else and u already been judge John 12:48
      so todays Bible with total 66 books, no more no less, that u have now is 100% words of God Himself, but if ALL OF U deny it, then ur a NON BELIEVER, at the end u will be judge according to GOOD DEEDS that writen in your books, if u failed to do just 1 time in ur life then u failed, but for Christian will not be judge, bc TRUE Christian believe in The Bible and worship only Jesus, Christian only seeing his name in the book of life and enter Kingdom of God & The Bible will not use to judge anyone because it is a HOLY BOOK (Rev 20:12, Luke 24:44-45)
      repent from doctrine, back to the Bible & worship Jesus THE ONLY ONE TRUE LIVING GOD , if u want to be SAVED, its all up to u, FREE WILL, im just helping, ur choice ur own risk, ok

    • @craigluchin4585
      @craigluchin4585 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@gerpol81 My 7 year old knows this, and you didn't even understand the statement in true biblical terms. Typical, I write a short true text - you answer with a long and BORING answer.

    • @craigluchin4585
      @craigluchin4585 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TedBruckner Ha! what have you been smokin'? You're a Jesuit!

    • @gerpol81
      @gerpol81 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@craigluchin4585 show me, to face childish LIAR like u, Hebrew 5:13, im just using android Bible that is my only weapon, THE ONLY ONE HOLY BOOK in this world Luke 24:44-45, as long as u deny His words and His name u will NEVER understand The Holy Book, NEVER, even it is in english language, u will NEVER understand The Bible, u deny His words, u already been judge John 12:48, ur choice, ur own risk, ok

  • @King_James_Only
    @King_James_Only ปีที่แล้ว

    *Hello **#Eric*

  • @jordanbey870
    @jordanbey870 ปีที่แล้ว

    Gnostic texts...period..

  • @TedBruckner
    @TedBruckner 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Acts 7:14 directly quotes Scripture (KJV) “Then sent Joseph, and called his father Jacob to him, and all his kindred, threescore and fifteen souls.” (Thrice twenty; sixty and fifteen = 75.)
    The seventy-five souls in the Septuagint (Greek Old Testament) Genesis 46:27 and Exodus 1:5 and Dead Sea Scroll 4Q1 (dated to 100 BC) Exodus 1:5 trump the seventy souls in the Septuagint Deuteronomy 10:22 and Masoretic Text Deuteronomy 10:22 and Exodus 1:5 because the list of names of the souls in the Masoretic Text Genesis 46 left out Manasseh and Ephraim, Joseph's two sons were born to him in Egypt prior to his father, Jacob, arriving in Egypt (Genesis 41:50-52) as well as their sons.
    The Septuagint Genesis 46:20b:
    … “[even] Manasses and Ephraim. And there were sons born to Manasses, which the Syrian concubine bore to him, even Machir. And Machir begot Galaad. And the sons of Ephraim, the brother of Manasses; Sutalaam, and Taam. And the sons of Sutalaam; Edom.”
    Interestingly, the list of names in Genesis 46 are interspersed with numerical sub-totals; and in the Greek Old Testament the sub-totals are: 33 + 16 + 18 + 7 (which add up to seventy-five) but in the Masoretic text sub-totals are 33 + 16 + 14 + 7 (which add up to seventy-one) yet the Masoretic text says seventy souls. Perhaps that’s just a case of what appears to have been an accepted rounding-down of numbers, as is the case with the traditional name of the Greek Old Testament: there were seventy-two interpreters but it’s referred to as the Edition of the Seventy, (Latin. Septuagint.)

  • @tudormardare66
    @tudormardare66 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This guy is clearly lying. It was the Latin recensions of the LXX that were corrupted, not the original Greek LXX.
    The Majority Text/Byzantine Text, has been well preserved over the 2000 years, and was reproduced countless times. It is in fact the most common version of the LXX and of the New Testament. The manuscripts from Mount Athos and the Patriarchal Text preserve it very clearly.
    Being a Protestant pastor, therefore a heretic, he's not above lying.

    • @TedBruckner
      @TedBruckner 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Tudor, brother, the oldest extant manuscript of the Seventy [circa 350 AD] and the other manuscripts, (all of these are in Greek), all of them are the revised text(s) produced by Christians which doesn't bother me, a beleever. Though, like Augustine, i am curious how the original manuscripts read, that is how the pre-revised text(s) read, after reading Justin Martyr's writing (Dialogue with Trypho, 71-73) about the ways the rabbis falsified and mutilated their Hebrew text; he quoted quite a bunch of verses, most of which are not how the revised Seventy reads.

    • @tudormardare66
      @tudormardare66 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TedBruckner Some papyri are still available from the 1st century BC.
      Also, some of the Dead Sea Scrolls have Greek writings too.
      Don't forget about the quotes in St. Clement's Epistles, also about the other early Apostolic Father's works, which cite scripture (I recommend reading the actual Greek texts, not the translations, which can be bent in a way to have two different versions, even though the content remains the same).
      I actually took a course on the Dead Sea Scrolls at the University, and translated the Hebrew there quite often. The text is definitely closer, or almost the same as the Greek Septuagint.
      Even the Samaritan Pentateuch is less corrupt than the Rabbinic Jewish recensions.
      The only notable difference was that of what the Jews had to construct an altar on Mount Gerizim, and not on the Temple Mount. Our Lord Jesus Christ solved the issue perfectly: He said salvation does indeed come from Judah (Christ being from the tribe of Judah) and that they pray to the God Which they don't know, but that there will be time when they will not pray on either Jerusalem or Mount Gerizim, but in Spirit and in Truth.

  • @kenzystarr3115
    @kenzystarr3115 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    So you can explain all this in detail to the t. But you still say the name jesus christ knowing thats not his true name. He had a hebrew name. Also Christianity is a pagan religion. Christmas is not scriptural nor easter. Actually easter is in the bible but means passover. Seminary training is nothing but lies lies lies. But you teach lies of course. Wow.

    • @jordantsak7683
      @jordantsak7683 ปีที่แล้ว

      According to your full of mistakes and hate ''logic'' if someone is called in greek Alexandros and his american friends call him Alexander they do not use his real name. You follow the same full of errors and hate ''logic'' speaking about Christmas and Easter. Bonjour.