For a Lost Soldier Silent Walt

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 เม.ย. 2021
  • I used to think Walt abandoned Jeroen, and we never knew why. I don’t think that any more. HERE’S WHAT I THINK REALLY HAPPENED.. (By the way, subtitles are working, if you click them.))

ความคิดเห็น • 104

  • @dashoverton1963
    @dashoverton1963 2 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    An underrated film that should be more well-known to the public. Well-acted, yet based on a true story between a handsome man and a young boy.

    • @jonwiley2592
      @jonwiley2592 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      The movie is underrated because it depicts a relationship that touches on two hot-button issues in America: homosexuality and man/boy love. A movie that deals with only one such topic would still be controversial, even in the 21st century. But "For a Lost Soldier" mixes a cocktail of both taboo subjects. The movie would never have been made in America. The movie is impossible to find online, either free or pay-per-view.

    • @robertbench5187
      @robertbench5187 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@jonwiley2592 True it literally has a combination of homosexual and intergenerational love story that would be deemed illegal in America especially during the 90s.

    • @jonwiley2592
      @jonwiley2592 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@robertbench5187 so true. Nowadays, the accusation would be that little Jeroen was groomed by the horny degenerate older man.

    • @Pridzoyo
      @Pridzoyo 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Maybe it's good that it's underrated, because people would only complain. It's a very nice and sweet movie.

  • @robertbench5187
    @robertbench5187 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    If you actually think of being in Walt's position it'll make sense on why he can't stay on Netherlands with Jeroen.

    • @diamondrolex
      @diamondrolex 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yes cause he will get problem cause jeroen is underage and walts is soldier.. he will get big problem.. or maybe he will come to jail.. its hard.. and really sad..

  • @nergelorie7272
    @nergelorie7272 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Oh thank you for this.. this makes me want to watch it again

  • @curtisep5885
    @curtisep5885 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Excellent commentary! Really enjoyed this.

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks! Here’s another favorite of mine you might enjoy.

  • @DavidLS1
    @DavidLS1 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Bittersweet coming of age story. Great film.

  • @soakingtexas
    @soakingtexas 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    A well done analysis. Thank you

  • @fritzhund1045
    @fritzhund1045 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    how could anyone try to interfere with this requiting of love? nuts just nuts.

  • @Paranormalin416
    @Paranormalin416 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    *long, but pls read*
    When I watched this movie, it broke me. So many people don’t get it, all they see is the sexual aspect, and accused it of being a movie glorifying pedophilia, when nothing could be further from the truth, IT’S A LOVE STORY!. People don’t understand the nature of the relationship they shared, combined with the Incredibles stress of the time period in question, not to mention the insane amount of homophobia that existed during that time. THIS MOVIE NEARLY KILLED ME! I see this movie, and I see myself when I was the boys age, because when I was his age, I fell in love with somebody very close to me. He was about the same age as the soldier in this movie, but in this case, he was a sailor, a very very distant family member that frequented my house, under the guise of visiting my parents, but the real truth was, I had fallen head over heels in love with him, and he with me. (I knew I was gay since I was a small boy). I was a blonde haired blue-eyed boy, head over heals in love with a jet black haired, green eyed, 22 year old sailor with rippling muscles, on leave for 6 months. I lived in Toronto, his family was from the East Coast, so he stayed at my house when he was on leave. He was there for the entire six months, both my parents worked full-time, and it was summer vacation, it was a summer I will never forget. The way that we fell in love, the playfulness, the joy, and the happiness that we brought to each other mirrors exactly what’s in this movie. Without any exaggeration, I can tell you that this movie is an identical clone of what happened to me at that age, and when he had to go back when his leave was finished, I nearly committed suicide, because I couldn’t stand to be apart from him. I knew it was illegal, he knew it too, but neither of us cared. I know that because we talked about it, and even though it can be considered a horrific stigma in society, it was a dream come true for both of us, because I was the one that initiated it. He was a perfect gentleman, at first rejecting my advances, but eventually he just gave in, in the most beautiful way. One morning I woke up and he was sitting on my bed, before I could say anything, he kissed me on the lips, the rest? Well, you can figure it out, but it was a day I will never forget, the beginning of the most passionate love affair I have ever had in my entire life. I’m now 54, I have yet to find that depth of love again, and I doubt very much that I ever will, but those feelings remain so powerful, hidden deep within my psyche, I can never let it go. When this movie came out, I had no idea what it was about, because, if I did, I never would’ve seen it. Reason being, I did more than burst into tears, I had a nervous break down in the theater. They had to call the paramedics, that’s how powerful the love that we shared was. The only difference is he did say goodbye, I knew from the very beginning that he had to go back in six months time. But, once you’re deeply in love, all logic goes out the window. The worst part was, I could not stop crying after he left, I have never felt so alone in my entire life, and I couldn’t tell anybody why. I knew if I did, he would be arrested and put in jail, I would never let that happen. Of course eventually, we both went on with our lives, and by the time I saw him again, it was 10 years later, I was already with my ex-husband, that I loved deeply (we were together 20 years, until I caught him cheating). He was still single, and I was so tempted to go back to him, because my love for him will never ever fade. But, I couldn’t be that cruel to my husband, although, a part of me still regrets not getting back together with him after he was out of the Navy, and we were both legal adults. I did tell my husband all about him, and he was fine with it, because I explained it from a place of love. A few years after that, he was in a terrible car, accident, and sadly passed away from it. It happened back home in the East Coast where he was living with his family. I don’t think I have ever cried that much in my life, and all my ex-husband could do was hold me (he was understanding, b/c as I later discovered, he had 3 other boyfriends from day one!). I will never ever truly get over him, and even though he’s gone, I told him that no matter what, I would always love him as deeply as I did when we were together for that six months, and I do, and will forever. I don’t believe in keeping secrets. Unfortunately, when I was young, I had to keep that secret, because I never wanted to lose his love. The day he died, I had a horrible nightmare (I didn’t know he was dead yet), he and I were together on a sinking ship, he drowned, and I survived, the next day my mom tells me he died in a car crash…I was absolutely devastated! I honestly believe he knew I’d be crushed, so he came to me in my dreams to say goodbye. My last memory of that dream was him being ripped from my arms, by an invisible force neither of us could see. Both of us screaming and crying as he was pulled beneath the waves. I woke up in tears, not understanding why I was dreaming that out of the blue. I was happily married, my husband knew that, but because First loves are so incredibly powerful, particularly in this situation, that part of my heart will never mend, ever! Now that I’m single and alone, if I allow those moments to consume me, I literally become suicidal, it’s happened several times already. In my delusional mind, I keep thinking that if I die, I can be with him again. Sounds crazy I know, but if you could feel the bond that we shared, it was almost as though we were just one person, and when separated, we were only half of a person, desperately wanting that other half back at any cost. That’s the only way I can describe it. He’s buried just outside of Halifax, I’ve been to his grave more times than I care to admit, and each time I go, I walk away, wanting to slit my throat, because I can’t bear to live in a world where he doesn’t exist anymore. This is the perfect example of art imitating life, only nobody knew about it except me and him. After he passed away, I only hoped he would forgive me for not dumping my cheating ex (I didn’t know he was cheating then) and getting back with him, and for all those times I would contact him when he was on active duty, begging him to come home and quit the Navy, not realizing he couldn’t. His name was Charlie, the most loving, caring soul I have ever met in my entire life. I loved Charlie with all my soul, his life was cut far too short, and I wish to God he was still with me at my side, I keep thinking, if I would’ve dumped my ex, and went back with him, he would have moved here, and that car accident never would’ve happened. Right now my emotions are getting the better of me, I can’t think straight, so I have to stop talking. I can’t see my screen through my tears, I can only pray that when my time comes, Charlie will be there waiting for me, so we can hold each other once again, and this time we will NEVER have to let go😰😰😰😰😰😰

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Sometimes real people suffer agonies of separation that are just beyond the comprehension of their brethren. I think Rudi Van Dantzig was one such victim. Perhaps you are another.
      A dear friend of mine came home from work one day, only to be told by a waiting policeman that his wife was dead. She had stopped her car in the middle of a high bridge, walked to the railing and jumped to her death.
      No one in the family (including their three youngsters) had the slightest inclination that anything was amiss. My friend was a strong person (indeed, a professional pilot), but it left him shattered. It was months after the funeral before he would try to recover.
      I had a personal friend, a professional lady psychologist, who I talked to about my friend. She said if I could get him to call her, she would try to help.
      At that point he still wasn’t talking to me or anyone else, so I wrote him a letter. I told him I thought she could really help, and gave him the phone number. He did not reply. Indeed, I didn’t hear from him for three months.
      He finally called. He said “Your friend saved my life. Thank you.” This is a true story. It’s all I can offer you.

    • @Paranormalin416
      @Paranormalin416 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@timsit9666 thank you so much for sharing that, I know how your friend feels, even though my situation happened so long ago, I still see a psychiatrist to help me cope, as well as monitor the three different meds to treat my PTSD, chronic anxiety and chronic depression I am on and have been on for years. I think, obviously, this is just something I have no choice but to learn how to live with, because I can’t change the past. Normally most people just mourn, and then slowly put it behind them, and move on, but much like your friend, this was different, much different than any other situation I have ever been in. Despite years of therapy and medication, just saying his name can cause me to start tearing up. My doctor told me that it’s not that uncommon, and that I have but two choices. To either allow it to consume me, or to continue with the therapy, medications, and try to move on with my life, and that’s exactly what I’m trying so hard to do. However, each time I tell that story, it takes a tiny bit of the crushing sorrow off my shoulders. To be honest, I don’t know why, but reaching out to complete strangers often yields some wonderful results and even friendships. Shared traumatic events can allow strangers to become fast friends, I’ve been very fortunate in that regard, having met many people in similar situations like your friend. If ever he or you, or anyone else that you know, needs to talk to somebody who’s been there, I’m here. Again, thank you so very much for your kind words, and, of course, my deepest sympathies to your friend and his family, God bless.

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  ปีที่แล้ว

      I hope I’m not sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong, but I spend a good bit of time on youtube. Many of the videos are positive and, well, they just make me feel good. I’d like to recommend one, called Hidden Kisses.
      It is actually French, made simply to be shown on TV, but it became so popular they finally pressed it as a DVD. The dialog is French (you’re in the vicinity of Halifax, right?) so maybe you can understand the language. But in any case the English subtitles are excellent.
      I took the liberty of making comments to HK. You’ll be able to read them below the video if you care to. Hope you enjoy.

    • @edwardc4610
      @edwardc4610 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I saw this movie. It shocked me. But it also made me think. I guess that’s the point of a good movie.

    • @Paranormalin416
      @Paranormalin416 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@edwardc4610 exactly my friend.

  • @robertbench5187
    @robertbench5187 3 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    But I wish they changed the ending in the movie and make it a happier ending where Walt brought Jeroen to Canada for them to lived together and love each other.

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      So, is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
      Rudi said he loved Walt and knew Walt loved him.
      Kerbosch labored over his movie to demonstrate that love..
      Where does it all leave us? Back to the original question, I suppose.

    • @dashoverton1963
      @dashoverton1963 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I agree. It’s an underrated movie. What makes this film wonderful is that the relationship between the man and the boy is understated and classy, not overt and crude. It’s based on a true story, but yes, it would’ve been nice if the ending was happy.

    • @SEBASTIAN-vr1oz
      @SEBASTIAN-vr1oz 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@timsit9666 dang those words. But yeah, it's better to have felt love, it'll just hurt you, and maybe your future you. The ending was kinda painful though. No last goodbye, nothing, just nought. Living his life unfulfilled is a hell.

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sebastian, did you see my last reply on the other FALS video?

    • @SEBASTIAN-vr1oz
      @SEBASTIAN-vr1oz 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@timsit9666 was it the email thing???

  • @davidwright8432
    @davidwright8432 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I've heard of this movie, but never seen it. Now I understand the brief clips I have seen! Very many thanks. Me? I could have been either of them.

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      David, sometimes I just don’t get a person’s drift. Do you mean that you still haven’t seen the movie, even though you’ve seen a lot of the clips? TH-cam recently took down their only full-length version, but there is another one with English subtitles on Russian video:
      This Russian version is weird. It was recorded at half speed (no doubt to evade legal issues). So to see it properly you must place your cursor inside the video window,
      1 click the gear icon just below the picture
      2 click Speed
      3 click “2x”
      4 click the Play button (maybe unnecessary)
      Also, I have posted a narrated (in English) version of the story (;15 min) that might be all you want to see.
      As for being either one of them, you sound like an honest man.

    • @victoriavalt2772
      @victoriavalt2772 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@timsit9666 thank you so much for sharing the site to watch the film. I have been searching for websites that have it but nothing came up. (except those that says they don't have the movie because their still updating it). I find you very knowledgeable regarding this film and I'm really thankful that you share what you know to other people. Thank you so much! Now I'll spend my weekend delightfully by watching this movie.

  • @tomrusso9158
    @tomrusso9158 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Beautiful film ! The scene between 1:04:00 and 1:05:00 (in the full movie) is truly breathtaking. Exactly what happened to be when i was 14.

  • @adolfoaguirre5368
    @adolfoaguirre5368 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Es la película con temática gay más linda que he visto. Una hermosa historia de amor ❤ que ahora en nuestros tiempos podemos cumplirla porque somos libres en expresar nuestros deseos y preferencia a quien amar. Seamos felices, porque el tiempo es corto y estoy seguro que Dios ama a toda su creación. Recomendable. Gracias por subirla. Tuve que verla en idioma portugués porque no la encontré en español latino. Por favor quiero verla y escucharla en mi español latino. Gracias por esta linda película!!!!!! Felicitaciones!!!! Adolfo Arturo Aguirre Pereira de Copiapó Chile. Saludos a todo el mundo!!!!!.

  • @Brians-here
    @Brians-here ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Such a beautiful relationship

  • @randalllake2785
    @randalllake2785 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    A fine film

  • @user-ws1gt7mj1f
    @user-ws1gt7mj1f 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I really like the videos you've made so far about your opinion and theories about the movie and I think you should read the book since the movie is based on the book written by Rudi Van Dantzig and you'll get a much better idea of what Jeroen thinks of Walt and what really happend between Rudi van Dantzig and Walt Cook I think you would really enjoy reading the book it's truly a masterpiece but having read the book myself I can tell you that the story that Rudi tells in the book is pretty different to what they show on the movie, however I still think the movie is a beautiful love story, also in real life the actor Andrew Kelley who plays Walt in the movie is currently a ballet teacher working in the United States

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      lopke, thank you for your thoughtful comments. I’m greatly impressed that you have read the book and are familiar with Andrew Kelley. I was bitten by the “For a Lost Soldier” bug some time ago -- I guess it bit you, too.
      Please go back to my original FALS video
      and read some of the comments (and conversations) particularly with Wright Gregson, David Rose and Adam Powell. If you care to add to those conversations, please do, but post your new comments on this “Silent Walt” video so they will be easier to find.
      I'm very happy to make your acquaintance.

  • @barryfield1859
    @barryfield1859 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    A good movie.

  • @myfirstmylast9051
    @myfirstmylast9051 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Jeroen grew up to be the actor Jeroen Krabbe (who in one of his many movies, did a great job playing the bad guy who murdered Richard Kimble's wife in the 'The Fugitive'). This is a terrific romantic movie, which I liked better than the book. Jeroen's father was a farmer in the movie, if I remember it correctly, but according to Wikipedia, his father was a well-known painter. I wonder which one is true, or if it's just that my memory is faulty.

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Jeroen's foster father, Heit, was an eel fisherman, not a farmer.

  • @akhiryugo6361
    @akhiryugo6361 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Wtf. The way you put it makes it more sorrowful 😢

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Yes, I know and sadly agree. Love and loss is bad enough, but if it happens in circumstances as isolated and precarious as FALS, it is doubly agonizing -- there is no shoulder to cry on.
      Jeroen carried the pain stoically for 35 years. Then, without warning, the dog tags and Walt’s serial number appear. Jeroen’s very existence is catapulted into confusion and turmoil.
      Should he search for the serial number? If he finds Walt, how will time have changed him? Isn’t it likely that Walt’s love for Jeroen would have faded? Maybe another has taken its place. Maybe Walt lies dead, buried in Dutch soil 100 km from Laaksum. In the long run, maybe its just better to leave it be.
      But maybe, just maybe, Walt, too, still agonizes for his one and only lover.
      Love and loss becomes love and perilous urgency.
      I think the movie For a Lost Soldier is a masterpiece.

  • @dudley6620
    @dudley6620 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I love this movie 😎😎😎😎😎

    • @user-mk2dr8ky1l
      @user-mk2dr8ky1l ปีที่แล้ว

      What is the name of this movie

    • @rvqay
      @rvqay 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@user-mk2dr8ky1lfor a lost soldier

  • @LMays-cu2hp
    @LMays-cu2hp 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The movie was very nice..

    • @rosaitzelfloreslopez226
      @rosaitzelfloreslopez226 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Disculpa por dónde la viste es que la quiero ver😔

    • @LMays-cu2hp
      @LMays-cu2hp 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@rosaitzelfloreslopez226 Thank you.

  • @greentombdive
    @greentombdive 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jereon is pounced Yeah Rune with a soft end to both syllables

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      On the DVD of For a Lost Soldier (at about :44 min.) Jeroen and Walt are riding in the jeep. Walt introduces himself, then asks “What’s your name?”
      This is actual dialog, not footnotes or overdubbing. Walt is speaking English, Jeroen is speaking Dutch.
      The boy replies “Jeroen”, but Walt misunderstands and calls him Jerome. The boy immediately corrects Walt, in a much louder voice, and this time Walt gets it and repeats it properly. This was the pronunciation I used in my video.
      One must remember that these videos are viewed worldwide, and different cultures use different pronunciations. That’s why when you hear a foreigner try to speak your language, they always seem to have a weird accent.

  • @Pridzoyo
    @Pridzoyo 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This film was really sad. Great movie with good acting and the boy really seemed like he enjoyed his time acting. This film is awesome, but too sad for me to watch it again.

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It may grow on you, Pridzoyo. Yes, it’s sad, but what comes through is that love can grow in the human heart. That’s both precious and priceless.

    • @Pridzoyo
      @Pridzoyo 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@timsit9666 True and I really like the film. I thought the actors did a really good job, especially the boy was good. The ending just makes me sad. The unconventional love between the boy and the soldier was portrayed well. I also think it's sad that people don't want to give this film a chance because it's controversial...It's art. Your video is great by the way. They also don't make beautiful films like this anymore or I don't know any.

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Pridzoyo Thanks for the compliment. I came across a new (2022) film recently, and I think it’s wonderful, called “Close”. It’s a 100% Belgian product, written and directed by Lukas Dhont. It won a Grand Prix at Cannes and came in second in the Oscars Foreign films.
      Oddly, they only made it into a Region 2 DVD (European players). Amazon sells the R2 DVD but also sells it streaming. I bought streaming on Amazon Prime for $8 and I’ve watched it with friends and family many times.
      I like how you talk about For A Lost Soldier. I think you might find Close to be a very beautiful movie and a very challenging look into the human heart.

  • @laankebygg3685
    @laankebygg3685 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Thank you for your wonderful synopsis. There are two questions here. Was this unrequited love or reciprocated love? Each in its way can hurt as much as the other when, or if it ends. Whichever love it was it need not have been a sexual love. Most people look upon love to include sex. Not so! Platonic love, for instance, is a type of love in which sexual desire or romantic features are non-existent or have been suppressed or sublimated, but it means more than simple friendship. It rises through levels and closeness to the pure beauty that love can show and be. The part of 11-year-old Jeroen was excellently played by Maarten Smit at the age of 14. He was the perfect actor to play this part.

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      It’s very nice to hear from someone who takes the movie seriously. I’m happy to discuss it with you.
      *There are two questions here. Was this unrequited love or reciprocated love? *
      For me, it was absolutely reciprocated love. The horrible war that brought them together also tore them apart. But for those few short weeks in between they each became the most important person in the world to each other.
      Why does anybody love? The Big Bang, atoms, stars, molecules, organisms, mankind.... None of us understand Why It Happened, but what we do see are human beings. And as those human beings struggle to eke out their lives, what guides them?
      At the risk of foolish vanity, I will answer: Love. Beginning at birth, it is the love of the parents that supports the life of the child. At maturity, it is the spontaneous reaction of the heart that responds to another being. At death, it is the realization that others have loved you that eases the pain.
      We are creatures of emotion. None of us know whom we will love. But when it comes (and if it comes) our lives are changed forever.
      So it was with Jeroen. So it was with Walt.
      That’s the story I saw.

    • @laankebygg3685
      @laankebygg3685 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@timsit9666 I thank you for your reply. It was wonderful to read, as most truths from the heart are. I don't think I had mentioned seeing the full movie some time ago and it had brought tears to my eyes at the time. Your synopsis did have the same affect. Thank you once more.❤

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@laankebygg3685 I confess that I took the liberty of visiting your youtube channel. A Viking in Australia...? I didn’t realize the Norman Conquest got that far south 🙂
      In your first comment, you wrote, “The part of 11-year-old Jeroen was excellently played by Maarten Smit at the age of 14.” I have not encountered many people that pick up on such details. It is my pleasure to talk with such people. In all honesty, that is why I make my videos -- that is, in the hope of exploring the depth of some wonderful stories.
      Would you care to become a pen pal? Maybe it’s called an epal these days, no matter. If so, you can email me at ---deleted---
      I’ll leave this posted for a few days, and cancel it if I don’t get a reply.

    • @laankebygg3685
      @laankebygg3685 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      will reply in a few minutes. 🙂@@timsit9666

  • @minhacontaize
    @minhacontaize 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    To me, the dramatic separation is more for artistic effect. I mean, would it really be that hard for adult Jeroen to search for Walt on the internet? How many canadian Walts were serving in the Netherlands in 1945? I´ve seen videos of old lovers reuniting 50 years after the war. The thing is: it´s not that Jeroen could have found Walt, but he preferred to forget him.

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      German forces in the Netherlands surrendered in May, 1945. Canadian soldiers who were in Friesland at that time were quickly ordered forward into Germany proper, to help defeat the rest of Hitler’s wehrmacht. That included Walt.
      In Van Dantzig’s book, Jeroen was 11 years old.
      In Kerbosch’s movie, actor Maarten Smit was 14 (although Jeroen’s age is never mentioned in the movie. Not once.)
      As the movie opens, we see Walt attempting to choreograph a ballet celebrating the 35th anniversary of the liberation. That makes it 1980 or so. It is interrupted for Walt to attend Heit’s funeral.
      For what it’s worth, the Internet -- the World Wide Web -- was established in 1983,. Google search didn’t show up until 1998.
      Dates are important, but so are motives. Usually underlying motives are the whole point of a story, factual or fictitious. Writers have always been extraordinarily skilled in suggesting motives with words, but when movies came along a new domain in communication opened: the human face.
      Maarten Smit and Andrew Kelley did what few actors have ever done. They told the story with absolutely honest facial language. I’m tempted to say that the chemistry between them was unique, except that I know that love is not unique.
      At the end of the video, Walt says, “I never heard Heit ask for that picture.” Jeroen replies, “I heard, but I wanted to forget it.”
      My take is that he means that he wants to forget Heit, because he believes that Heit must have found the dog tags at the same time he found the sunglasses.
      Take a quick look at the video. The shot only lasts a couple seconds (12:55), but look at Jeroen’s face as he looks back at Heit. Instead of a look of gratitude for taking him in during the starvation in Amsterdam, Jeroen’s expression is troubled. He doesn’t wave or say “Bye” or “I’ll send you the picture”. I think Jeroen’s only thought is that by hiding the dog tags, Heit has betrayed him.
      Of course the book and the movie are two separate works of art, but Van Dantzig himself collaborated with Director Kerbosch on the filming of the movie. Kerbosch said that Van Dantzig never quit loving Walt. FWIW, the movie was made in 1992.

    • @minhacontaize
      @minhacontaize 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@timsit9666 I can think of a thousand ways Jeroen could have tried to contact Walt. In the book, he even knows his full name. Having said that, after reading the book, i´ve lost most of my enchantment for the story. Walt clearely had sex with Jerome against Jerome´s will.

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@minhacontaize I judge the movie on its own merits. Yes, I have read the book also, and like you I believe book Walt was a sexual predator. In other comments I have explained that I simply don’t understand why book Jeroen put up with him.
      But that’s beside the point. My video is about the movie screenwritten and directed by Roeland Kerbosch. Not the book.
      I have tried not to conflate the movie with the book. I guess the book spoiled the movie for you, but apparently that happened to many others, too. That’s too bad.

    • @runforthehills707
      @runforthehills707 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don't think Jeroen was forgetting Walt, perhaps he just wanted to be left with his happy memories. I think Walt felt the same way

  • @josemoran2552
    @josemoran2552 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hermosa película tiene que pasarla completa y en castellano

  • @brunocecillon3679
    @brunocecillon3679 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Un film émouvant des personnages incroyables une histoire d'amour

  • @James-st9fy
    @James-st9fy 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I found this movie then halfway through this video i remembered this had happened to me but a little different. Sometimes i stand like how he was in that field and get asked what are you thinking, I ponder on my choices in life and think what should I have done different?

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      James, American author Allen Saunders famously wrote “Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.” Every one of us has felt what you describe, at one time or another. What we do about it is what makes each of us unique.
      Education and science are helpful, but I believe that in the end, it is our emotions that make our decisions. Is that bad? I don’t know.
      May I suggest a movie? It’s a 2022 Belgian movie about two 13 year old boys who grow up together, and struggle to fit into their world. It’s called “Close”, and to the best of my knowledge it is only available in the U.S. via streaming (on several streaming services) Yes, it costs a few dollars to watch, but it’s profound.
      Paramount + offers a free trail. Here’s a trailer, if you’re interested

  • @mgatawo
    @mgatawo 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @evelioramoncavenaghi2434
    @evelioramoncavenaghi2434 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    que bueno si pudiera leerla en castellano

  • @Fit4LifeSDG
    @Fit4LifeSDG 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I wouldn’t mind if this was a A little bit older actor playing the role of this child. But this is a child playing the role he is too young to be participating in this movie. Like the movie with Brooke Shields baby doll these children shouldn’t be playing these roles. The hero figure is seducing a child that’s disgusting. Both of these moves should be banned.

  • @kaashi2025
    @kaashi2025 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Where can I watch full movie and I love to read book too ? Please tell me

    • @timsit9666
      @timsit9666  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      full movie (Indo subtitles)
      You may read the book on line free, without downloading. But you have to join the group if you want to download it. They may charge to download, I’m not sure.

    • @lifestyletips6139
      @lifestyletips6139 ปีที่แล้ว

      This movie is on youtube... U can search it now

  • @vickiveer3597
    @vickiveer3597 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Walt could have written a farewell letter for Jerome to read when he grew up

    • @Anonymous-wi6ig
      @Anonymous-wi6ig ปีที่แล้ว +5

      In the book he left him nothing for the obvious reason that he knew what he did to Jeroen was illegal

    • @animeshroy4542
      @animeshroy4542 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yes. I read the book. It's quite different from the movie as depicted. Here, the director deals the situation with more sensitivity, i.e loveable, endurable. But in the story, according to my perspective it's nothing but a pedophilia.
      I love the movie much more

  • @alessandrocarmonelli
    @alessandrocarmonelli ปีที่แล้ว