To borrow a saying from the aviation world (relating to pilots): there are old climbers and there are bold climbers. But there are very few old, bold climbers. I find it hard to imagine what drives people like Steck. I admire his dedication to fitness and his profession. I'm sure climbers would tell me climbing is quite safe, with the appropriate use of safety. But climbing an ice wall with no safety as quickly as possible just seems like asking for trouble; for me, an insurmountable imbalance between risk and reward. I'd rather be anonymous and have nothing more challenging than a 24-hour summiting of the UK's three tallest peaks behind me (twice) but still be around to enjoy my 60th birthday next week. But we're all different.
Needless to say, Ueli Steck is (... I don't use "WAS" here) one of the greatest climber. Do you have noticed that the camera stuff are great climber as him?
True solo, Alpine ascent of a mountain. He was the surely the quickest and possibly the best. The only drawback is the safety issue and are the risks worth it, you decide. Personally I believe it’s nice to be acknowledged as the best or fastest, but you need to be alive at the end of your career.
I get your comment but remember he died because of snow movement close to a for him easy summit. This would have happened no matter on rope or not. It was very bad luck how it can happen in Karakorum but had nothing to do with how difficult he used to climb
@@Nangoncrazy Sorry thats been a long time since I researched that. It was either Sherpa seing a windslab moving down from the peak or because of were they found him they deducted Ueli had to loose footage very close to the summit with a very high chance of a windslab getting loose. But sure there is no 100%. Still one man going down with something like this is very often deadly for both mountaneers. Its not a situation were you are safe climbing in a group.
Every era has its "heroes" never forget the cutting of steps! hemp ropes! tweed jackets! there is NO best and any educated and experienced alpinist would know that.
Le bon petit diable vient malheureusement d'en croiser un autre bien mechant ce 30 avril. Il y aura un brin de muguet a ta memoire dans ma rocaille. REP Ueli.
Michel Hugonnot et oui sa ma fais de la peine un type pareil aurai réalisée un tas d exploit (tous les grand alpiniste tel Buhl,Steck... se sont tuer mise à part Messner)
Non! Messner n'ai pas le SEUL "survivant" bien sûr! et TOUS les autres ne se sont pas tués! Chris Bonington a aujourd'hui 83 ans, (pour le 1er qui me vient en tête) Desmaisons est mort, mais d'un cancer, Herzog est mort vieux, Anderl Heckmaier (1ère de la face nord de l'Eiger) est mort à 98 ans! Heinrich Harrer (Eiger avec Heckmaier) est mort a 93 ans, sir Hillary ne s'est pas tué non plus, il est mort à 88ans, Tensing Norgay à 77 etc.
bien évidemment! voulais juste dire que Messner n'est PAS l'exception qui confirme la règle... il y a un tas d'alpinistes à "la retraite" Voilou! amicalement.
I equate this sort of thing to living in a house with 20 loaded guns just lying around, not locked up or covered up in any way. Sooner or later, no matter how careful you might be, there's gonna be an accident.
i think i get more disturbed watching this than i do free solo climbing. maybe it's due to my ignorance? to my mind, climbing on snow and ice like that on such a steep slope is certifiably insane. snow and ice (or rock half covered by it) seems like it should be a much more unpredictable surface - in spite of the equipment he has. how could you possibly have full understanding of what's going on underneath? the possibility of putting a pick or a crampon into a (much) less than optimal spot should be greatly increased, right? especially climbing at the rate he did? can someone comment on this? and in terms of the consequence of a fall, he might as well be free soloing on a huge wall. i mean, for all intents and purposes, it's vertical. you fall, there's no way you're surviving. Steck was amazing. but it doesn't seem so strange to me that he died doing this sort of thing. i mean up until his death he was almost belittling the Himalayas, was he not? the highest and most remote peaks in the world, was a playground for him. bouncing and be-bopping around there like an alien. his talent and fitness, were just otherwordly. yet he was human in the end. i would love to have been able to be in his body - to have been him - just for a short while in say, his solo ascent of the South Face of Annapurna. he must have been terribly focused but i believe he must've taken moments to consider just where he was - the utter majesty and solitude surrounding him. just him and that monumentally massive, high and rugged hunk of stone, snow and ice. i mean, what does that feel like? the true definition of a transcendent experience, i think
No you're right this is even more exposed than Free Solo. The route is always changing because it depends of snow and ice's conditions. I feel that the the footage we have from Ueli climbing is so very little, such a shame imo
I Know Ueli was a great climber, i don´t doubt....but we need guys like him ALIVE, not dead. I Could done that in a safty way....C ón !! Tragedy are allways looking .....he could have done all that using safty procedures....and he didn´t do that...well, we all know what happened ...and it could be prevented. FFS....I loved seeing Ueli doing this kind of stuff and now , i can´t anymore
Who films this shit?? He makes a record but there some guy next to him filming. OR he sets up a camera and does it himself taking time. So does he deduct that?
well luck is always involved on the mountains. but talking of 50 50 is just purely insulting. he did stuff others cant do in 2 weeks, mainly because of hard training, perfect preparation and sheer will. and so many people arent acknowledging this out of pure jealousy that he was out there enjoying is life to the fullest and you only sit in front of your screen watching yt vids. he did stuff in 40 years other dont do in 1000ys. so he lived more than 99% of all you.
Dominik Stucki dem etwas holprigen english entnehme ich dass Sie auch Schweizer sind, deswegen schreibe ich in Deutsch. Ueli Steck war ein Freund und ich verfolgte seine Bergsteigerkarriere seit Beginn. Unbestritten sind seine aussergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten sich am Limit zu bewegen. Mehrere male hatte er in den vergangenen Jahren mit nur noch viel Glück die kritischen Situationen überstanden. Dies insbesondere beim Speedklettern und ungesichert. Irgendwann war das Glück dann leider aufgebraucht. R.I.P Ueli Steck Gemäss einer Statistik sind an der Arnapurna (oder dem K2, da bin ich nicht mehr sicher) auf 168 erfolgreiche Gipfelbesteigungen leider mehr als 70 Todesopfer zu beklagen. Hier stimmt leider das mit den 50 50 fast 😢
johnbaehler69 ihrem etwas holprigen deutsch entnehme ich dass sie wohl schweizer sind. drum machi iz so witer. es gheit nid umd chance odr glück (wiemes wott nenne) ar annapurna. es gheit drum dass dr anger dr steck eifach nume verunglimpft mit 50 50. wes nämlech so wär wärer scho bi sire freesolo excalibur route umcho. er het mängisch xeit mi cha nid immer so witermache schüsch wirdme nid aut. und ide berge isch immer es gwüsses risiko im spiel, aber dr steck het für sini extremi herangehenswiis viu erreicht und het sache gmacht wome vorher nid für müglech hät ghaute. sini leistigs so z verunglimpfe wirdi vo somne internet pirat nid akzeptiere. leider hesch du di comment o scho mau mitemne drischiiss müesse afah + erwähne wie du sini karriere verfougsch etc. eifach schaad wie d spezies mönsch im internet (=maske) sis wahre gsicht zeigt. ah und für dim niveau witerhim tröi zblibe: ha mitem steck mehrmaus gschnurret ar tanksteu thun nord, drbi leider einisch nid auzu lang vor sire letschte reis -.- rip ueli u dir e schöne tag
Ueli was a person that belongs to another category, unquestioned amazing unique. RIP Swiss Machine
The only sports idol I ever had. Not only one of the greatest alpinists ever but a humble human. RIP Ueli. You still inspire me 😥
Thank you for the thrill ride Ueli. Rest in peace.
R.I.P., My Dear.
Lucio - from Switzerland
The Swiss Machine …… great man. RIP Ueli.
Best alpinist now and forever
My super idol forever.
R.I.P mon ami tu étais un des plus grands!
Ein wilder hund 0aber mit Hirn und kontition und sehr schnell
To borrow a saying from the aviation world (relating to pilots): there are old climbers and there are bold climbers. But there are very few old, bold climbers.
I find it hard to imagine what drives people like Steck. I admire his dedication to fitness and his profession. I'm sure climbers would tell me climbing is quite safe, with the appropriate use of safety. But climbing an ice wall with no safety as quickly as possible just seems like asking for trouble; for me, an insurmountable imbalance between risk and reward. I'd rather be anonymous and have nothing more challenging than a 24-hour summiting of the UK's three tallest peaks behind me (twice) but still be around to enjoy my 60th birthday next week. But we're all different.
See my comment above, written before reading yours. I am 100% in agreement.
And good god, three peaks is already 1000% more risk than I would ever want to consider.
R.I.P. a great strong man Ueli Steck.
*Bold & Proud*
best of the best
RIP Ueli Steck
Needless to say, Ueli Steck is (... I don't use "WAS" here) one of the greatest climber.
Do you have noticed that the camera stuff are great climber as him?
How did they climb the same speed as him with all the gear?
@@eli_manguala probably repelled from above, with two crews
The alpine climbing master at work. Barvo barvo .well done..
Cool, calculated and a-lot-a-balls! R.I.P.
бля.. мы плачем...Ули, ты останешься с нами.......
climbing vertical...alone and with NO safety net, no ropes...insane...Mt. Nuptse showed him, WHO is the master....RIP
Alone? Then who filmed it?
True solo, Alpine ascent of a mountain. He was the surely the quickest and possibly the best. The only drawback is the safety issue and are the risks worth it, you decide. Personally I believe it’s nice to be acknowledged as the best or fastest, but you need to be alive at the end of your career.
I get your comment but remember he died because of snow movement close to a for him easy summit. This would have happened no matter on rope or not. It was very bad luck how it can happen in Karakorum but had nothing to do with how difficult he used to climb
@@listrahtes where you get that from? Snow movement. I looked bit into his sad passing but didn't find anything about how the accident happened
@@Nangoncrazy Sorry thats been a long time since I researched that. It was either Sherpa seing a windslab moving down from the peak or because of were they found him they deducted Ueli had to loose footage very close to the summit with a very high chance of a windslab getting loose. But sure there is no 100%. Still one man going down with something like this is very often deadly for both mountaneers. Its not a situation were you are safe climbing in a group.
@@listrahtes alright. Thanks for your quick answer :)
Every era has its "heroes" never forget the cutting of steps! hemp ropes! tweed jackets! there is NO best and any educated and experienced alpinist would know that.
Ce petit diable est fantastique. Pourvu qu'il ne lui arrive rien de facheux. Bravo Ueli
He died with his boots on.
Le bon petit diable vient malheureusement d'en croiser un autre bien mechant ce 30 avril. Il y aura un brin de muguet a ta memoire dans ma rocaille. REP Ueli.
Michel Hugonnot et oui sa ma fais de la peine un type pareil aurai réalisée un tas d exploit (tous les grand alpiniste tel Buhl,Steck... se sont tuer mise à part Messner)
Non! Messner n'ai pas le SEUL "survivant" bien sûr! et TOUS les autres ne se sont pas tués! Chris Bonington a aujourd'hui 83 ans, (pour le 1er qui me vient en tête) Desmaisons est mort, mais d'un cancer, Herzog est mort vieux, Anderl Heckmaier (1ère de la face nord de l'Eiger) est mort à 98 ans! Heinrich Harrer (Eiger avec Heckmaier) est mort a 93 ans, sir Hillary ne s'est pas tué non plus, il est mort à 88ans, Tensing Norgay à 77 etc.
Philippe Halm il y a des exception comme Walter Bonnati mais un paquet se sont tuer
bien évidemment! voulais juste dire que Messner n'est PAS l'exception qui confirme la règle... il y a un tas d'alpinistes à "la retraite" Voilou! amicalement.
Philippe Halm oui c est vrai mais un tas son mort
Легендарный обладатель 2- х золотых ледорубов.
um im not seeing safety ropes. please tell me this wasnt free solo
21 century climbing ..
I equate this sort of thing to living in a house with 20 loaded guns just lying around, not locked up or covered up in any way.
Sooner or later, no matter how careful you might be, there's gonna be an accident.
Thats some next level stufd
This guy could go at some speed...R I P
so there was an easy way down?
troppa sfida alle montagne....😥
Jadna ti majka, što ovo radiš?!
i think i get more disturbed watching this than i do free solo climbing. maybe it's due to my ignorance? to my mind, climbing on snow and ice like that on such a steep slope is certifiably insane. snow and ice (or rock half covered by it) seems like it should be a much more unpredictable surface - in spite of the equipment he has. how could you possibly have full understanding of what's going on underneath? the possibility of putting a pick or a crampon into a (much) less than optimal spot should be greatly increased, right? especially climbing at the rate he did? can someone comment on this? and in terms of the consequence of a fall, he might as well be free soloing on a huge wall. i mean, for all intents and purposes, it's vertical. you fall, there's no way you're surviving. Steck was amazing. but it doesn't seem so strange to me that he died doing this sort of thing. i mean up until his death he was almost belittling the Himalayas, was he not? the highest and most remote peaks in the world, was a playground for him. bouncing and be-bopping around there like an alien. his talent and fitness, were just otherwordly. yet he was human in the end. i would love to have been able to be in his body - to have been him - just for a short while in say, his solo ascent of the South Face of Annapurna. he must have been terribly focused but i believe he must've taken moments to consider just where he was - the utter majesty and solitude surrounding him. just him and that monumentally massive, high and rugged hunk of stone, snow and ice. i mean, what does that feel like? the true definition of a transcendent experience, i think
No you're right this is even more exposed than Free Solo. The route is always changing because it depends of snow and ice's conditions. I feel that the the footage we have from Ueli climbing is so very little, such a shame imo
How was it possible to take this motion?
Did he or do they feel fear.
I Know Ueli was a great climber, i don´t doubt....but we need guys like him ALIVE, not dead.
I Could done that in a safty way....C ón !!
Tragedy are allways looking .....he could have done all that using safty procedures....and he didn´t do that...well, we all know what happened ...and it could be prevented.
FFS....I loved seeing Ueli doing this kind of stuff and now , i can´t anymore
R. I. P.
pardonne moi
Who films this shit?? He makes a record but there some guy next to him filming. OR he sets up a camera and does it himself taking time. So does he deduct that?
A lot of skills and a lot of luck. So its 50 50 if you reach the top or falling down.
Very true and for Ueli, the luck ran out.... RIP Ueli
well luck is always involved on the mountains. but talking of 50 50 is just purely insulting. he did stuff others cant do in 2 weeks, mainly because of hard training, perfect preparation and sheer will. and so many people arent acknowledging this out of pure jealousy that he was out there enjoying is life to the fullest and you only sit in front of your screen watching yt vids. he did stuff in 40 years other dont do in 1000ys. so he lived more than 99% of all you.
Dominik Stucki dem etwas holprigen english entnehme ich dass Sie auch Schweizer sind, deswegen schreibe ich in Deutsch. Ueli Steck war ein Freund und ich verfolgte seine Bergsteigerkarriere seit Beginn. Unbestritten sind seine aussergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten sich am Limit zu bewegen. Mehrere male hatte er in den vergangenen Jahren mit nur noch viel Glück die kritischen Situationen überstanden. Dies insbesondere beim Speedklettern und ungesichert. Irgendwann war das Glück dann leider aufgebraucht. R.I.P Ueli Steck
Gemäss einer Statistik sind an der Arnapurna (oder dem K2, da bin ich nicht mehr sicher) auf 168 erfolgreiche Gipfelbesteigungen leider mehr als 70 Todesopfer zu beklagen. Hier stimmt leider das mit den 50 50 fast 😢
johnbaehler69 ihrem etwas holprigen deutsch entnehme ich dass sie wohl schweizer sind. drum machi iz so witer. es gheit nid umd chance odr glück (wiemes wott nenne) ar annapurna. es gheit drum dass dr anger dr steck eifach nume verunglimpft mit 50 50. wes nämlech so wär wärer scho bi sire freesolo excalibur route umcho. er het mängisch xeit mi cha nid immer so witermache schüsch wirdme nid aut. und ide berge isch immer es gwüsses risiko im spiel, aber dr steck het für sini extremi herangehenswiis viu erreicht und het sache gmacht wome vorher nid für müglech hät ghaute. sini leistigs so z verunglimpfe wirdi vo somne internet pirat nid akzeptiere. leider hesch du di comment o scho mau mitemne drischiiss müesse afah + erwähne wie du sini karriere verfougsch etc. eifach schaad wie d spezies mönsch im internet (=maske) sis wahre gsicht zeigt. ah und für dim niveau witerhim tröi zblibe: ha mitem steck mehrmaus gschnurret ar tanksteu thun nord, drbi leider einisch nid auzu lang vor sire letschte reis -.- rip ueli u dir e schöne tag
Dominik Stucki Ihr Kommentar spottet jeder Beschreibung und ich werde nicht mehr weiter darauf eingehen.
P zu
Ce l'hai fatta nel 2017 a lasciarci la pelle. PIRLAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
The stingy felony fortunately point because sandwich descriptively wish until a chilly ostrich. limping, tested triangle
check your translation software
@@calldwnthesky6495 I often see these. They WAY are too poor for any software translation to English. I suspect these are essentially coded messages.