Gabon's rainforest wildlife caught on a single trap camera. What an incredible diversity!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2024
  • Description: English / Français / Português / Pусском
    Xavier HUBERT-BRIERRE enjoyed a 30-years career in Gabon at the head of a chain of more than hundred sales outlets across this Central African country, which is as big as the United Kingdom but has a population of only two million, mainly living in its large cities. The role involved travel within remote areas, always accompanied by his wife, Anne-Marie. For thousands of miles on tracks through the rainforest, they rarely encountered wild animals because they are very shy and will lurk in the vegetation when a vehicle approaches. Fortunately, Gabon has 13 national parks. So, they often stopped there at weekends to meet these animals. This infused them with the desire to explore the wildlife further, by setting up motion-sensor camera traps in a mosaic of rainforest, savannah, mangrove forest and wetland vegetation habitats, which offer a surprising variety of wildlife.
    Xavier HUBERT-BRIERRE a fait carrière pendant près de 30 ans au Gabon, où il dirigeait une chaîne de plus d'une centaine de points de vente à travers de ce pays d’Afrique centrale, grand comme le Royaume Uni mais peuplé que de deux millions d’habitants, résidents principalement dans ses grandes villes. Ce travail l'a conduit, toujours accompagné de son épouse, Anne-Marie, dans des régions reculées du Gabon. Pendant des milliers de kilomètres sur des pistes à travers la forêt pluvieuse, ils ne rencontraient que rarement des animaux sauvages car très craintifs, se tapissant dans la végétation à l’approche d’un véhicule. Heureusement le Gabon est doté de 13 parcs nationaux. Ils s’y arrêtaient souvent les week-ends pour rencontrer ces animaux. Cela leur a donné envie d'explorer davantage la faune en installant des pièges à caméra à détecteur de mouvement, dans une mosaïque d'habitats de forêt tropicale, de savane, de forêt de mangrove et de végétation de zone humide, qui offrent une surprenante variété d'animaux sauvages.
    Xavier HUBERT-BRIERRE gozou de uma carreira de 30 anos no Gabão à frente de uma cadeia de mais de cem pontos de venda neste país da África Central, que é tão grande como o Reino Unido mas tem uma população de apenas dois milhões de habitantes, vivendo principalmente nas suas grandes cidades. O papel envolvido é viajar dentro de áreas remotas, sempre acompanhado pela sua esposa, Anne-Marie. Durante milhares de quilómetros em caminhos através da floresta tropical, raramente encontraram animais selvagens porque são muito tímidos e espreitam na vegetação quando um veículo se aproxima. Felizmente, o Gabão tem 13 parques nacionais. Assim, muitas vezes param lá nos fins de semana para se encontrarem com estes animais. Isto infundiu-lhes o desejo de explorar mais a vida selvagem, instalando armadilhas fotográficas com sensores de movimento num mosaico de floresta tropical, savana, manguezal e habitats de vegetação de zonas húmidas, que oferecem uma surpreendente variedade de vida selvagem.
    Ксавье Юбер-Бриерре в течение 30 лет работал в Габоне во главе сети из более чем ста торговых точек по всей этой центральноафриканской стране, которая по площади не уступает Великобритании, но имеет население всего два миллиона человек, проживающих в основном в крупных городах. Эта роль предполагала поездки в отдаленные районы, причем его всегда сопровождала жена Анна-Мария. На протяжении тысяч миль по тропам через тропические леса они редко встречали диких животных, поскольку те очень пугливы и при приближении автомобиля затаиваются в растительности. К счастью, в Габоне есть 13 национальных парков. Поэтому они часто останавливались там по выходным, чтобы встретиться с этими животными. Это вдохновило их на дальнейшее изучение дикой природы: они установили камеры-ловушки с датчиками движения в мозаике тропических лесов, саванн, мангровых лесов и болотной растительности, которые предлагают удивительное разнообразие диких животных.

ความคิดเห็น • 102

  • @BriarRouge
    @BriarRouge 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I’m so overcome by this footage. We’re so lucky be able to view this! Thank you!

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My wife and I are neither scientists nor veterinarians nor primatologists nor photographers. *We wanted to thank Gabon, which has welcomed our family for more than 35 years (in the retail sector), to show on TH-cam the diversity of the fauna of this beautiful country and to make Internet users want to visit it.* Our first videos posted on our TH-cam channel essentially showed wildlife "passing" in front of the lenses of our trap cameras equipped with motion detectors: The passage of an elephant in front of the objective of a trap for about twenty seconds is not particularly interesting. On the other hand, a video of young elephants playing in a river while adults are quenching their thirst is much more enjoyable to watch. Elephant calves have fun during a creek crossing (Gabon jungle). To find such "spots" it is advisable to get further away from the path used by the few 4x4 vehicles of Nyonié, to go deeper into the forest and to walk in the beds of creeks and small rivers. This is not safe, especially when you are old and becoming partially deaf. Fortunately my wife has a very accurate hearing. To progress more easily in the forest, animals use this off-road trail, without vines, bushes, brambles and trees mixed on the ground because of the very numerous tornadoes in this region on the Equator line. We came up with the idea of placing very large mirrors at the end of a long straight line of an off-road track to catch their eyes and "block" them in front of their image. We have also placed other mirrors under trees where numerous animals appreciate the fruits. At other locations in the middle of the forest it would have been very lucky for animals to meet their reflection.
      Our use of mirrors has been of great interest to primatologists, including members of the PSG, not the Paris Saint Germain football club, but the Primate Specialists Group, who have only been able to study self-recognition in a mirror in great apes in laboratories with captive animals or animals born in captivity, used to contact with humans. These animals did not have to search for food, defend their families against other congeners and predators, sometimes imitating humans, and therefore had very different distorted behaviours from primates living in complete freedom with their group or family in a remote area of Gabon's forest. Our cameras have highlighted a very particular behaviour among chimpanzees in the Nyonié region and resulted in a scientific publication, "Reflections in rainforest mirrors facilitate behavioral observations of wild chimpanzees Primates n°58 2017-01". On our two following videos this behavior is filmed: (Rump-Rump Rubbing in Chimpanzees = anti-stress effect? A social behavior ever observed previously) and (scared chimps reassure themselves with pseudo-copulation and rump-to-rump contacts front of mirror).
      This is how, incidentally in wild animals, we discovered and became interested in their self-recognition in our large full length mirrors.
      Keep watching my homemade videos (180 pieces) that I put online on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting explanations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle and share its link with your friends:

  • @ninadsheth8422
    @ninadsheth8422 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The diversity of Gabon ecosystem is amazing thanks for sharing

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      *Your feedback on my videos encourages us to pursue our overwhelming and somewhat dangerous passion. It is a great reward for my wife Anne-Marie, my friend Michel and me. As you may have noticed we are not comfortably sitting in our armchairs, to publish without any description, pieces of videos copied from the Internet and put end to end. But we maintain our mirrors and numerous cameras traps, to change the SD, batteries, to clean the objectives, to remove the fallen branches in their field of vision, to go up on foot the bed of the marigots to find zones of crossing of animals to install new traps there etc... Drenched by tornadoes, the body covered with insect bites of all kinds (horseflies, gorilla flies, tsetse, black ants, magnan ants etc.) and unfortunately the number of cameras refusing to work increases because of the humidity rate of 95%. Then we do the editing of the videos and write a long description in English which is not our native language (french) and then put them online to show the beauty of Gabonese fauna, talk about poachers, show how elephants who have managed to get away from a wire snare trap, treat the deep cut made by this trap, show how elephants pick mangos, self recognition in mirrors that is not innate both among humans than among primates and other mammals and so on... and answer to numerous comments posted on my channel*
      It's a choice..
      May I suggest you my following video: Gabon rainforest: Which wild animals triggered this trap camera (#201) set up on a creek
      Watch more of my 180 videos published on my channel and read the description attached to each of them. You will find very interesting information about the reactions of the animals in front of my mirrors in the gabonese jungle: Good vision!

  • @1p6t1gms
    @1p6t1gms 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I've subscribed to Ocean Conservation Namibia on TH-cam and who are dedicated to the protection of Namibia's marine wildlife. They upload videos daily of mainly the seal population under stress from man made objects choking (genuinely) the life out of these mammals on Africa's coastline. It is good to see that pollution seems to have not shown its impact in this area on the wildlife. Nice upload.

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      🙏🙏🙏 *I really appreciate when a viewer gives such a label to one of my videos. Merci beaucoup !*
      *May I suggest you some of my homemade-made videos from my channel which have never been recommended by TH-cam and which unfortunately have a very small number of views even though they are very instructive such as:*
      First mud bath of an cute new born elephant with her mom and aunts:
      Fresh Water from Creeks triggers the urge to urinate in wild mammals:
      Can an elephant survive without half of its trunk lost in a poacher's wire snare?
      Before buying ivory jewellery or carved ivory objects:
      and unfortunately there are many others in this case!
      Check out my 180 homemade videos published on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting informations.
      Good vision!

  • @zanepramudji4470
    @zanepramudji4470 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you Xavier and Michel for showing off all of the wonderful wildlife that the world can offer!

  • @AniFam
    @AniFam 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Awesome!! Thank you for sharing this video~👍

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      *_Yours comment is a great moral booster after reading comments calling for the dismantling of these cruel mirrors!_* *Your feedback on my videos encourages us to pursue our overwhelming and somewhat dangerous passion. It is a great reward for my wife Anne-Marie, my friend Michel and me. As you may have noticed we are not comfortably sitting in our armchairs, to publish without any description, pieces of videos copied from the Internet and put end to end. But we maintain our mirrors and numerous cameras traps, to change the SD, batteries, to clean the objectives, to remove the fallen branches in their field of vision, to go up on foot the bed of the marigots to find zones of crossing of animals to install new traps there etc... Drenched by tornadoes, the body covered with insect bites of all kinds (horseflies, gorilla flies, tsetse, black ants, magnan ants etc.) and unfortunately the number of cameras refusing to work increases because of the humidity rate of 95%. Then we do the editing of the videos and write a long description in English which is not our native language (french) and then put them online to show the beauty of Gabonese fauna, talk about poachers, show how elephants who have managed to get away from a wire snare trap, treat the deep cut made by this trap, show how elephants pick mangos, self recognition in mirrors that is not innate both among humans than among primates and other mammals and so on... and answer to numerous comments posted on my channel*
      It's a choice..
      Watch more of my 180 videos published on my channel and read the description attached to each of them. You will find very interesting information about the reactions of the animals in front of my mirrors in the gabonese jungle: Good vision!

  • @randquadrozzi1280
    @randquadrozzi1280 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Great video

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      🙏🙏🙏 *I really appreciate when a viewer gives such a label to my video. Merci beaucoup !*
      *please watch "15 different wild animals photo-trapped at the same location near the Nyonié camp in Gabon"*
      *This is how we came up with the idea of setting up huge mirrors in the Gabonese rainforest: My wife and I are neither scientists nor veterinarians nor primatologists nor photographers. We wanted to thank Gabon, which has welcomed our family for more than 35 years (in the retail sector), to show on TH-cam the diversity of the fauna of this beautiful country and to make Internet users want to visit it.* Our first videos posted on our TH-cam channel essentially showed wildlife "passing" in front of the lenses of our trap cameras equipped with motion detectors: The passage of an elephant in front of the objective of a trap for about twenty seconds is not particularly interesting. On the other hand, a video of young elephants playing in a river while adults are quenching their thirst is much more enjoyable to watch. Elephant calves have fun during a creek crossing (Gabon jungle). To find such "spots" it is advisable to get further away from the path used by the few 4x4 vehicles of Nyonié, to go deeper into the forest and to walk in the beds of creeks and small rivers. This is not safe, especially when you are old and becoming partially deaf. Fortunately my wife has a very accurate hearing. To progress more easily in the forest, animals use this off-road trail, without vines, bushes, brambles and trees mixed on the ground because of the very numerous tornadoes in this region on the Equator line. We came up with the idea of placing very large mirrors at the end of a long straight line of an off-road track to catch their eyes and "block" them in front of their image. We have also placed other mirrors under trees where numerous animals appreciate the fruits. At other locations in the middle of the forest it would have been very lucky for animals to meet their reflection.
      Our use of mirrors has been of great interest to primatologists, including members of the PSG, not the Paris Saint Germain football club, but the Primate Specialists Group, who have only been able to study self-recognition in a mirror in great apes in laboratories with captive animals or animals born in captivity, used to contact with humans. These animals did not have to search for food, defend their families against other congeners and predators, sometimes imitating humans, and therefore had very different distorted behaviours from primates living in complete freedom with their group or family in a remote area of Gabon's forest. Our cameras have highlighted a very particular behaviour among chimpanzees in the Nyonié region and resulted in a scientific publication, "Reflections in rainforest mirrors facilitate behavioral observations of wild chimpanzees Primates n°58 2017-01". On our two following videos this behavior is filmed: (Rump-Rump Rubbing in Chimpanzees = anti-stress effect? A social behavior ever observed previously) and (scared chimps reassure themselves with pseudo-copulation and rump-to-rump contacts front of mirror).
      This is how, incidentally in wild animals, we discovered and became interested in their self-recognition in our large full length mirrors.
      Keep watching my homemade videos (180 pieces) that I put online on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting explanations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle and share its link with your friends:

  • @bassfx1
    @bassfx1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very impressive! I respect all animals, not only wild animals but also farm animals that live in very poor conditions. I became a vegetarian.

  • @randquadrozzi5850
    @randquadrozzi5850 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Glad to see your back with a new video.It's been awhile so I was worried something was wrong.

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Because of the pandemic my wife and I stayed in France. Fortunately the memory cards of my cameras can travel without any problem between Gabon and our home in Cannes and so our friend Michel continued to maintain our cameras and mirrors and he regularly sent us these cards. Thank you my loyal subscriber.

    • @randquadrozzi5850
      @randquadrozzi5850 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@XHB06400CANNES just glad to hear everyone is ok.

  • @kaybee8205
    @kaybee8205 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Wow. A lot of these animals I have never seen before, and probably never would have.
    I happened to click on one of your mirror videos and I'm glad I did. Your videos are fascinating.
    Please ignore the haters. People will always find something to complain about. Clearly you're not harming these animals and you're educating people like me on the other side of the globe. Thank you, I'll be watching your videos and can't wait to see what you post in the future!

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      *_Your comment is a great moral booster after reading comments calling for the dismantling of these cruel mirrors!_* *Your feedback on my videos encourages us to pursue our overwhelming and somewhat dangerous passion. It is a great reward for my wife Anne-Marie, my friend Michel and me. As you may have noticed we are not comfortably sitting in our armchairs, to publish without any description, pieces of videos copied from the Internet and put end to end. But we maintain our mirrors and numerous cameras traps, to change the SD, batteries, to clean the objectives, to remove the fallen branches in their field of vision, to go up on foot the bed of the marigots to find zones of crossing of animals to install new traps there etc... Drenched by tornadoes, the body covered with insect bites of all kinds (horseflies, gorilla flies, tsetse, black ants, magnan ants etc.) and unfortunately the number of cameras refusing to work increases because of the humidity rate of 95%. Then we do the editing of the videos and write a long description in English which is not our native language (french) and then put them online to show the beauty of Gabonese fauna, talk about poachers, show how elephants who have managed to get away from a wire snare trap, treat the deep cut made by this trap, show how elephants pick mangos, self recognition in mirrors that is not innate both among humans than among primates and other mammals and so on... and answer to numerous comments posted on my channel*
      It's a choice..
      *_Your comment is a great moral booster after reading comments calling for the dismantling of these cruel mirrors!_* *Your feedback on my videos encourages us to pursue our overwhelming and somewhat dangerous passion. It is a great reward for my wife Anne-Marie, my friend Michel and me. As you may have noticed we are not comfortably sitting in our armchairs, to publish without any description, pieces of videos copied from the Internet and put end to end. But we maintain our mirrors and numerous cameras traps, to change the SD, batteries, to clean the objectives, to remove the fallen branches in their field of vision, to go up on foot the bed of the marigots to find zones of crossing of animals to install new traps there etc... Drenched by tornadoes, the body covered with insect bites of all kinds (horseflies, gorilla flies, tsetse, black ants, magnan ants etc.) and unfortunately the number of cameras refusing to work increases because of the humidity rate of 95%. Then we do the editing of the videos and write a long description in English which is not our native language (french) and then put them online to show the beauty of Gabonese fauna, talk about poachers, show how elephants who have managed to get away from a wire snare trap, treat the deep cut made by this trap, show how elephants pick mangos, self recognition in mirrors that is not innate both among humans than among primates and other mammals and so on... and answer to numerous comments posted on my channel*
      It's a choice..
      *This is how we came up with the idea of setting up huge mirrors in the Gabonese rainforest:* My wife and I are neither scientists nor veterinarians nor primatologists nor photographers. *We wanted to thank Gabon, which has welcomed our family for more than 35 years (in the retail sector), to show on TH-cam the diversity of the fauna of this beautiful country and to make Internet users want to visit it.* Our first videos posted on our TH-cam channel essentially showed wildlife "passing" in front of the lenses of our trap cameras equipped with motion detectors: The passage of an elephant in front of the objective of a trap for about twenty seconds is not particularly interesting. On the other hand, a video of young elephants playing in a river while adults are quenching their thirst is much more enjoyable to watch. Elephant calves have fun during a creek crossing (Gabon jungle). To find such "spots" it is advisable to get further away from the path used by the few 4x4 vehicles of Nyonié, to go deeper into the forest and to walk in the beds of creeks and small rivers. This is not safe, especially when you are old and becoming partially deaf. Fortunately my wife has a very accurate hearing. To progress more easily in the forest, animals use this off-road trail, without vines, bushes, brambles and trees mixed on the ground because of the very numerous tornadoes in this region on the Equator line. We came up with the idea of placing very large mirrors at the end of a long straight line of an off-road track to catch their eyes and "block" them in front of their image. We have also placed other mirrors under trees where numerous animals appreciate the fruits. At other locations in the middle of the forest it would have been very lucky for animals to meet their reflection.
      Our use of mirrors has been of great interest to primatologists, including members of the PSG, not the Paris Saint Germain football club, but the Primate Specialists Group, who have only been able to study self-recognition in a mirror in great apes in laboratories with captive animals or animals born in captivity, used to contact with humans. These animals did not have to search for food, defend their families against other congeners and predators, sometimes imitating humans, and therefore had very different distorted behaviours from primates living in complete freedom with their group or family in a remote area of Gabon's forest. Our cameras have highlighted a very particular behaviour among chimpanzees in the Nyonié region and resulted in a scientific publication, "Reflections in rainforest mirrors facilitate behavioral observations of wild chimpanzees Primates n°58 2017-01". On our two following videos this behavior is filmed: (Rump-Rump Rubbing in Chimpanzees = anti-stress effect? A social behavior ever observed previously) and (scared chimps reassure themselves with pseudo-copulation and rump-to-rump contacts front of mirror).
      This is how, incidentally in wild animals, we discovered and became interested in their self-recognition in our large full length mirrors.
      Keep watching my homemade videos (180 pieces) that I put online on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting explanations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle and share its link with your friends:

    • @kaybee8205
      @kaybee8205 ปีที่แล้ว

      I can not even imagine how brave you all must be to walk through those forests on foot.
      And I hope you don't dismantle your mirrors. They're not cruel, in my opinion. What's cruel is taking these creatures away and putting them in cages. Here, they are free to examine the mirrors, to touch them if they want or to run away if they are afraid. I see nothing cruel about it at all. If anything the mirror seems to offer them a little entertainment and it offers a little entertainment and education to us as we watch them react to it. It's a win win.

  • @OutdoorsWithNoNo
    @OutdoorsWithNoNo ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you so much for providing these special videos and views inside the rain forest, we are all very thankful for what you do.

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you for your support: Keep watching my 180 other homemade videos on the channel and don't forget to read the attached description each time. You will learn very important information:

    • @OutdoorsWithNoNo
      @OutdoorsWithNoNo ปีที่แล้ว

      @@XHB06400CANNES okay I will!

  • @jimmyfortrue3741
    @jimmyfortrue3741 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great to see you again... Thanks.

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I share this pleasure to be back with Jimmy, my loyal subscriber, and to receive his thanks for my new video uploaded today!

  • @picasso7721
    @picasso7721 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for telling what they are. That was beautiful. I also love the bird sounds and the night sounds, excellent job.

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      🙏🙏🙏🙏 *I appreciate the rating you gave to my work and your comments about the day and night sounds of the jungle in my video. Please do not forget to read the description attached to each of our 180 videos published on our channel

  • @tarakdas4282
    @tarakdas4282 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ohhh I love this. So many animals. Helps me keep in touch with nature! Thank you Mr Xavier and thank you Michel.
    God bless you and ur families for sharimg this footage. (I have watched many of your mirror videos too!)

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks to you, regular viewer of my channel!
      *Did you watch these two videos with some animals or birds, not caught by my trap camera in the video I just published?* *Gabon rainforest: Which wild animals triggered this trap camera (**#201**) set up on a creek* *15 different wild animals photo-trapped at the same location near the Nyonié camp in Gabon*
      Please do not forget to read the description attached to each of our 180 videos published on our channel

  • @IamwhoIam333
    @IamwhoIam333 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Truly amazing. I am so happy to see such a variety of animals

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      *In this video 17 different species of mammals triggered this camera as well as 1 species of gallinaceous bird, black guinea fowl. These are not all the species of mammals and birds present in this remote region of the Gabonese forest where we set our traps. Watch my recommended videos to discover more:* Gabon rainforest: Which wild animals triggered this trap camera (#201) set up on a creek 15 different wild animals photo-trapped at the same location near the Nyonié camp in Gabon Eaters of waterlilies: Buffalo, Elephant, Sitatunga - mangeurs de nénuphars - comedores de nenúfares
      Check out more of my 180 homemade videos from my channel and don't forget to read the description attached to each of them, you will find very interesting information. Good vision!

    • @IamwhoIam333
      @IamwhoIam333 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@XHB06400CANNES thank you and I loved how you identified the animals. Life is truly amazing isn't it.

  • @tinkmarshino
    @tinkmarshino 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    WOW that giant squirrel would scare the heck out of our western and eastern grey squirrels out here.. It has been a while since you shared some of your video's I hope you, your wife and the team are doing ok! We had a real rough start to the year my wife was very very sick but we are coming around now.. Thanks again for sharing your wonderful work Xavier.. Be at peace my friend

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      🙏🙏🙏I thank my loyal subscriber for checking on us: My wife and I are well. Best of healing to your wife. Meilleurs voeux de santé de Cannes !

  • @allaroundme5557
    @allaroundme5557 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    3:32 i've never heared of this animal.. so beautiful ❤️ thank you so much for your videos and greetings from germany

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      *Grüße aus Frankreich*
      *I appreciate it when I receive thanks for one of my little-viewed videos! Allow me, to recommend you, some of my 180 other home-made videos from my channel that have a very small number of views even though they are very instructive such as:*
      Baby elephant sleeps standing up glued to mom so as not to be left out when the night walk restarts? First mud bath of an cute new born elephant with her mom and aunts:
      Fresh Water from Creeks triggers the urge to urinate in wild mammals:
      In Gabon front of trap cameras, elephants crossing Ndouni River
      Eaters of waterlilies: Buffalo, Elephant, Sitatunga:
      Can an elephant survive without half of its trunk lost in a poacher's wire snare?
      Before buying ivory jewellery or carved ivory objects:
      and unfortunately there are many others in this case!
      Keep watching the numerous videos that I put online on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting informations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle :
      Good vision!

    • @-hamadahamdy
      @-hamadahamdy ปีที่แล้ว

      @@XHB06400CANNES D'accord Monsieur . Que pensez-vous de l'annulation de la décision de suppression de ma chaîne en échange de l'insertion de l'adresse de votre chaîne dans la description de ma chaîne ?

  • @livefree810
    @livefree810 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  ปีที่แล้ว

      *_Comment like yours is a great moral booster after reading comments calling for the dismantling of these" cruel mirrors"!_*
      Keep watching the numerous videos that I put online on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting informations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle :
      May I invite you to watch especially my videos which, unfortunately, have a very small number of views and are very informative like:
      Baby elephant sleeps standing up glued to mom so as not to be left out when the night walk restarts?
      Amazing Antelope - The Water chevrotain dive and swim beneath the water surface
      First mud bath of an cute new born elephant with her mom and aunts:
      How do elephants pick mangoes if the branches of the mango trees are too high?
      Fresh Water from Creeks triggers the urge to urinate in wild mammals:
      In Gabon front of trap cameras, elephants crossing Ndouni River
      Eaters of waterlilies: Buffalo, Elephant, Sitatunga:
      Can an elephant survive without half of its trunk lost in a poacher's wire snare?
      Before buying ivory jewellery or carved ivory objects:
      and unfortunately there are many others in this case!
      Good vision!

  • @CRN-68
    @CRN-68 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    This is greatly educational ! Well done !

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      🙏🙏🙏 *I appreciate the rating you gave to my video.*
      May I invite you to watch especially my videos which, unfortunately, have a very small number of views and are very informative like:
      Baby elephant sleeps standing up glued to mom so as not to be left out when the night walk restarts?
      First mud bath of an cute new born elephant with her mom and aunts:
      Baby gorilla is in mirror training class: Mom's coming to pick him up:
      Elephants calves playing in heavy rain in the Gabon jungle:
      A calf elephant thinks its reflection in the mirror would be a young cow or a young calf: cute react
      For a baby elephant it is not easy to move through the jungle (Gabon):
      In Gabon front of trap cameras, elephants crossing Ndouni River:
      and unfortunately there are many others in this case!
      Two Silverback Gorillas Fight in the Jungle - Animals Reactions in Huge Mirrors dirtied by a Leopard
      Check out some of my other 180 homemade videos posted on my channel and don't forget to read the description attached to each one; you will learn some very interesting information about how animals react to my mirrors in the jungle Good vision! Thank you again.

  • @lecastoraplumes9655
    @lecastoraplumes9655 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Tout d'abord merci pour votre fabuleux travail et de nous l'avoir partagé.
    J'imagine le temps qssé pour cette vidéo doit être énorme, choisir l'emplacement, attendre de nombreuses heures pour enregistrer + le montage de la vidéo, franchement bravo !!
    Merci beaucoup.
    À bientôt

  • @Life_42
    @Life_42 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lovely videos!

  • @FabricioSerranocastillo
    @FabricioSerranocastillo 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Working exelent congratulations.

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      🙏🙏🙏 *I appreciate the rating you gave to my video.*
      May I invite you to watch especially my videos which, unfortunately, have a very small number of views and are very informative like:
      Baby elephant sleeps standing up glued to mom so as not to be left out when the night walk restarts?
      First mud bath of an cute new born elephant with her mom and aunts:
      Baby gorilla is in mirror training class: Mom's coming to pick him up:
      Elephants calves playing in heavy rain in the Gabon jungle:
      A calf elephant thinks its reflection in the mirror would be a young cow or a young calf: cute react
      For a baby elephant it is not easy to move through the jungle (Gabon):
      In Gabon front of trap cameras, elephants crossing Ndouni River:
      and unfortunately there are many others in this case!
      Two Silverback Gorillas Fight in the Jungle - Animals Reactions in Huge Mirrors dirtied by a Leopard
      Check out some of my other 180 homemade videos posted on my channel and don't forget to read the description attached to each one; you will learn some very interesting information about how animals react to my mirrors in the jungle Good vision! Thank you again.

  • @MarcusJean13
    @MarcusJean13 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Génial, merci :)

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      🙏🙏🙏 *J'apprécie vraiment quand un internaute donne une telle appréciation à une de mes vidéos. Merci beaucoup !*

  • @livefree810
    @livefree810 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  ปีที่แล้ว

      *Your feedback on my videos encourages us to pursue our overwhelming and somewhat dangerous passion. It is a great reward for my wife Anne-Marie, my friend Michel and me. As you may have noticed we are not comfortably sitting in our armchairs, to publish without any description, pieces of videos copied from the Internet and put end to end. But we maintain our mirrors and numerous cameras traps, to change the SD, batteries, to clean the objectives, to remove the fallen branches in their field of vision, to go up on foot the bed of the marigots to find zones of crossing of animals to install new traps there etc... Drenched by tornadoes, the body covered with insect bites of all kinds (horseflies, gorilla flies, tsetse, black ants, magnan ants etc.) and unfortunately the number of cameras refusing to work increases because of the humidity rate of 95%. Then we do the editing of the videos and write a long description in English which is not our native language (french) and then put them online to show the beauty of Gabonese fauna, talk about poachers, show how elephants who have managed to get away from a wire snare trap, treat the deep cut made by this trap, show how elephants pick mangos, self recognition in mirrors that is not innate both among humans than among primates and other mammals and so on... and answer to numerous comments posted on my channel*
      It's a choice..
      Watch more of my 180 videos published on my channel and read the description attached to each of them. You will find very interesting information about the reactions of the animals in front of my mirrors in the gabonese jungle: Good vision!

  • @Leonardo-or1ll
    @Leonardo-or1ll 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Pretty amazing that not too long ago we shared the land with these beasts as hunter-gatherers.

  • @aguma2067
    @aguma2067 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mi respeto y admiración por todos los que hacéis posible este maravilloso trabajo

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      tu comentario sobre mi vídeo nos anima a perseguir nuestra abrumadora y algo peligrosa pasión. Es una gran recompensa para mi esposa Anne-Marie, mi amigo Michel y yo. No estamos cómodamente sentados en nuestros sillones, para publicar sin ninguna descripción, pedazos de videos copiados de Internet. Pero mantenemos nuestros espejos y numerosas cámaras trampa, cambiar el SD, baterías, limpiar los objetivos, quitar las ramas caídas en su campo de visión, subir a pie el lecho de los marigotas para encontrar zonas de paso de animales para instalar allí nuevas trampas etc... Empapado por los tornados, el cuerpo cubierto de picaduras de insectos de todo tipo (tábanos, gorilas, tsetsé, hormigas negras, hormigas magnánicas etc.) y desgraciadamente el número de cámaras que se niegan a trabajar aumenta debido a la tasa de humedad del 95%. Luego hacemos la edición de los videos y escribimos una larga descripción en inglés que no es nuestra lengua materna y los ponemos en línea para mostrar la belleza de la fauna gabonesa, hablar de los cazadores furtivos, mostrar cómo los elefantes que han logrado escapar de una trampa de alambre, tratar el corte profundo hecho por esta trampa, mostrar cómo los elefantes recogen mangos, el reconocimiento de sí mismos en los espejos que no es innato tanto entre los humanos como entre los primates y otros mamíferos y así sucesivamente...
      Es una elección...
      Puedo sugerirles algunos de mis 180 videos caseros de mi canal que nunca han sido recomendados por TH-cam y que desafortunadamente tienen un número muy pequeño de vistas aunque son muy instructivos como:
      Un leopardo macho y una leoparda usan demasiado un espejo para sus SMS. El gorila desaprueba
      baila con saltos intimidatorios entre chimpancés frente a los espejos colocados en su selva (Gabón)
      un joven macho de sitatunga (antílope que habita en los pantanos) cruza el arroyo en dos saltos - la selva de Gabón
      Las garrapatas chupasangre a menudo infestan la piel de los elefantes causando una intensa picazón. ¿Cómo se deshacen de ellas?
      En la selva, un espejo debe ser reemplazado a menudo
      ¿Cómo recogen los elefantes los mangos si las ramas de los árboles de mango son demasiado altas?
      y desafortunadamente hay muchos otros en este caso!
      Por favor, lea la descripción adjunta a mi vídeo así como a los otros 180 vídeos de mi canal
      Si no entiendes el inglés y no el francés, puedes usar un software de traducción gratuito como:
      ¡Buena visión!

  • @dimorahon
    @dimorahon 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Similiar to Indonesia animals life. ❤

  • @HippiePajon
    @HippiePajon ปีที่แล้ว

    So cool. Thank you for this work

  • @makyhsmakyhs6766
    @makyhsmakyhs6766 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hello xavier :
    where have you been all that long time did you leave Gabon , best wishes for you all !

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Because of the pandemic my wife and I stayed in France. Fortunately the memory cards of my cameras can travel without any problem between Gabon and our home in Cannes and so our friend Michel continued to maintain our cameras and mirrors and he regularly sent us these cards.

    • @makyhsmakyhs6766
      @makyhsmakyhs6766 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@XHB06400CANNES best wishes for you and your wife , take care of your self , covied 19 is still active 🌹🙂

    • @VADemon
      @VADemon 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@XHB06400CANNES Thank you and thanks to Michel!

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      *Thanks to this very early and faithful viewer of our channel!*
      *I will pass on your thanks to Michel.*
      *Do you remember your first comment on our channel? It was 7 years ago:!*
      *_Your videos were mentioned/aired on a russian TV channel! Just letting you know :)_*

    • @makyhsmakyhs6766
      @makyhsmakyhs6766 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks dr. Xavier I wish you and your wife and the staff more success and prosper carrier in your important project , and the seven year of my subscribtion to the channel passed quickly like the winter winds .

  • @Advocatefortruth82
    @Advocatefortruth82 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @geraldofabianoartes3074
    @geraldofabianoartes3074 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lindo demais parabens. Grande abraço Brasil

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      *Pensamentos amigos de Cannes*
      Os vossos comentários encorajam-nos a continuar a nossa paixão transbordante e algo perigosa. Siga os novos vídeos que são publicados no meu canal:
      Por favor, leia a descrição, em inglês e francês, anexada a este vídeo, bem como a cada um dos 180 vídeos do meu canal. Você vai encontrar informações muito interessantes sobre os animais filmados por nossas câmeras de captura na selva gabonesa.
      Se você não fala inglês ou francês, você pode usar software de tradução livre como o
      Continue assistindo aos outros vídeos no meu canal Permitam-me que vos convide a assistir especialmente àqueles que, infelizmente, têm um número muito pequeno de opiniões e são muito informativas, como por exemplo:
      Primeiro banho de lama de um bonito elefante recém-nascido com sua mãe e tias:
      A água doce dos riachos desencadeia a vontade de urinar em mamíferos selvagens:
      Comedores de nenúfairs: Búfalo, Elefante, Sitatunga:
      Pode um elefante sobreviver sem metade da sua tromba perdida na armadilha do arame de um caçador furtivo?
      Antes de comprar jóias de marfim ou objetos de marfim esculpidos:
      e infelizmente há muitos outros neste caso!
      Boa visão!

  • @laninaquelehuelelabocaacos2433
    @laninaquelehuelelabocaacos2433 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Después de haber pasado, con mi mujer, muchas horas en la selva gabonesa manteniendo nuestros espejos y nuestras numerosas trampas fotográficas, empapados por las tormentas, con el cuerpo cubierto de picaduras de insectos de todo tipo (tsetsé, hormigas negras, etc.), su apreciación de nuestro canal nos anima a seguir con esta pasión un tanto peligrosa. Por tu parte, sigue viendo los nuevos vídeos que pongo en línea en mi canal. Lea la descripción, en inglés y luego en francés, que se adjunta a cada uno de mis vídeos publicados en mi canal de TH-cam y conocerá información muy interesante sobre las reacciones de los animales a nuestros espejos en esta selva en XHB06400CANNES /videos
      Si no habla inglés o francés, puede utilizar este práctico programa de traducción. Es gratis:

  • @Tiklu
    @Tiklu 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      *_Yours shortcomment is a great moral booster after reading comments calling for the dismantling of these cruel mirrors!_* *Your feedback on my videos encourages us to pursue our overwhelming and somewhat dangerous passion. It is a great reward for my wife Anne-Marie, my friend Michel and me. As you may have noticed we are not comfortably sitting in our armchairs, to publish without any description, pieces of videos copied from the Internet and put end to end. But we maintain our mirrors and numerous cameras traps, to change the SD, batteries, to clean the objectives, to remove the fallen branches in their field of vision, to go up on foot the bed of the marigots to find zones of crossing of animals to install new traps there etc... Drenched by tornadoes, the body covered with insect bites of all kinds (horseflies, gorilla flies, tsetse, black ants, magnan ants etc.) and unfortunately the number of cameras refusing to work increases because of the humidity rate of 95%. Then we do the editing of the videos and write a long description in English which is not our native language (french) and then put them online to show the beauty of Gabonese fauna, talk about poachers, show how elephants who have managed to get away from a wire snare trap, treat the deep cut made by this trap, show how elephants pick mangos, self recognition in mirrors that is not innate both among humans than among primates and other mammals and so on... and answer to numerous comments posted on my channel*
      It's a choice..
      *May I suggest you some of my homemade-made videos from my channel which have never been recommended by TH-cam and which unfortunately have a very small number of views even though they are very instructive such as:*
      First mud bath of an cute new born elephant with her mom and aunts:
      Fresh Water from Creeks triggers the urge to urinate in wild mammals:
      Can an elephant survive without half of its trunk lost in a poacher's wire snare?
      Before buying ivory jewellery or carved ivory objects:
      and unfortunately there are many others in this case!
      Check out my 180 homemade videos published on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting informations.
      Good vision!

    • @Tiklu
      @Tiklu 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@XHB06400CANNES Sir, your work is very noble. This is like a documentation of Animal Behaviour, that is very raw and truest of form. Also, this, in my humble opinion, shall curb poaching on a great scale. It is obvious that there will be several who disagree with the metal mirrors, or such. This is part of the human behaviour. For every work done, there will be a naysayer. I suggest you continue this invaluable piece of work. For this, is important for understanding animal behaviour from a very true picture, without any external manipulation. I have been following your channel for quite some years. And the reason is because of the kind of work your team and you deliver.

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Tiklu 🙏🙏🙏 *I really appreciate it when a viewer thanks me for my reply to his/her comment. Merci beaucoup ! May I suggest you:* Gabon rainforest: Which wild animals triggered this trap camera (#201) set up on a creek 15 different wild animals photo-trapped at the same location near the Nyonié camp in Gabon Eaters of waterlilies: Buffalo, Elephant, Sitatunga - mangeurs de nénuphars - comedores de nenúfares Bad surprises when collecting SD cards of camera traps stayed for 5 months in the jungle (Gabon)
      Nice watching !

  • @UFO-h1o
    @UFO-h1o 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Make your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile.😊

  • @MrBielCanal
    @MrBielCanal ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Friend, please request the removal of the copyright notice, I apologize for using your content and not giving the credits, I promise this will never happen again, please help me please!

    • @kyled4112
      @kyled4112 ปีที่แล้ว

      😂 don't steal

  • @AegleCreations
    @AegleCreations 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hello. Is there anyway to contact you, please?

  • @renator.alvesmorbeckalvesm7258
    @renator.alvesmorbeckalvesm7258 ปีที่แล้ว

    Boa noite shows Barra do Garças MT

  • @odizzle4393
    @odizzle4393 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Whoa that is a huge rat 🐁 I've never seen... awesome at state fair there is a rooster that is atleast 5'11 my height over that I'm sure.i could not look it in the eyes after I found out it was real...this thing is massive and mean

    • @jimmers5624
      @jimmers5624 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      No rooster is 5 feet what are U talking about

  • @Tomthestarhartnell
    @Tomthestarhartnell ปีที่แล้ว

    They should have a season of survivor out there

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  ปีที่แล้ว

  • @odizzle4393
    @odizzle4393 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi I always wondered why does some apes monkeys what have you.alp do not have tails but are clearly of the tree's???

  • @marcoliviermoctarngamamba9725
    @marcoliviermoctarngamamba9725 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Avez vous des images de femelle léopard avec ces petits au Gabon

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Oui mes pièges ont filmé à de nombreuses reprises des mamans léopard avec leur petit. J'ai mis le mot "petit" au singulier car rarement dans cette région, elles n'ont plus d'un enfant par portée ou bien il y a t'il de nombreux décès lors des premiers jours : Regardez ces vidéos de la même mère (identification prouvée) avec un enfant femelle et trois ans plus tard avec un enfant de sexe mâle, observant leur réaction face à leur reflet, dans nos grands miroirs :
      Dans cette vidéo que je viens de publier, la caméra a eu l'occasion de filmer une mère léopard mais sa détection très tardive au moment où elle sortait du champ de vision, est donc inutilisable et ensuite ses deux enfants se sautant dessus en courant, scène de quelques dizaines de dixièmes de secondes, trop courte pour être insérée également dans la présente vidéo.
      Regardez les autres vidéos de la chaine parmi lesquelles 34 contiennent des léopards
      N'oubliez pas après la vision d'une vidéo, de lire la description jointe en anglais puis en français pour en apprendre plus sur le contenu regardé.

  • @zime2006
    @zime2006 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    bring back the mirror

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      *Please explain "bring back the mirror" in another way because the translation of my software don't allows me to understand it: remove our mirrors or install new ones?*
      Keep watching my videos (180 pieces) that I put online on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting explanations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle :

  • @PoshLifeforME
    @PoshLifeforME 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Go Michel

  • @zgeorgedelydda8954
    @zgeorgedelydda8954 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Franchement vos travaux sont à inscrire au patrimoine mondial.
    Ce genre de vidéo vaut 1000 fois une visite dans un zoo pour tout un tas de raison assez compréhensibles, la valeur d'authenticité des comportements observés et l'appréciation des milieux naturels principalement, mais le fait que cela évite tant que faire ce peut l'enfermement de certains animaux pour qui l'assistance humaine n'est pas un impératif pour la pérennité de leurs espèces.

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  ปีที่แล้ว

      Quel éloge !
      Sur ma chaine je publie de nombreuses vidéos de réactions d'animaux face à nos miroirs.
      *D'où nous est venue l'idée des miroirs ?* Mon épouse et moi sommes, ni photographes professionnels, ni scientifiques, ni vétérinaires. Nous voulions remercier le Gabon, nous ayant accueilli pendant plus de 35 ans dans le secteur de la grande distribution, en montrant sur TH-cam la diversité de la faune de ce beau pays et donner envie aux internautes de le visiter. Nos premières vidéos diffusées sur notre chaîne TH-cam montraient essentiellement des animaux sauvages "passant" devant les objectifs de nos caméras pièges équipées de détecteurs de mouvement : La marche d'un éléphant devant l'objectif d'un piège pendant une vingtaine de secondes n'est pas particulièrement intéressante. Par contre une vidéo de jeunes éléphants jouant dans une rivière pendant que les adultes étanchent leur soif est beaucoup plus agréable à regarder :
      *Pour trouver de tels "spots", il convient de s'éloigner du sentier emprunté par les quelques véhicules 4x4 de Nyonié (camp à 30 km de notre zone de piégeage), pour s'enfoncer plus profondément dans la forêt et remonter les rivières en marchant dans leur lit. Cela n’est pas sans danger surtout lorsque l’on est âgé.* Pour progresser plus facilement dans la forêt, les animaux utilisent le sentier des tout-terrains, sans lianes, sans buissons, sans ronces et sans arbres entremêlés au sol, suite aux très nombreuses tornades dans cette région à cheval sur la ligne de l’équateur. Alors, Il nous est venu l’idée de placer de très grands miroirs au bout d’une longue ligne droite afin d’attirer leur curiosité et de les « bloquer » devant leur reflet. Nous avons également placé d’autres miroirs sous des arbres dont nombreux animaux apprécient les fruits. A d’autres emplacements au milieu de la forêt, il eut fallu beaucoup de chance pour que les animaux croisent leur reflet !
      Notre utilisation des miroirs a suscité un grand intérêt chez les primatologues, notamment les membres du PSG, non pas le club de football du Paris Saint Germain, mais le Primate Specialist Group (Groupe des spécialistes de primates), qui n'avaient étudié la reconnaissance de soi dans un miroir chez les grands singes que dans des laboratoires avec des animaux captifs ou nés en captivité, habitués au contact avec l'homme. Ces animaux, imitant parfois l'homme, n'avaient pas à chercher de nourriture, à défendre leur famille contre d'autres congénères et prédateurs, avaient donc des comportements déformés, très différents de ceux des primates vivant en toute liberté avec leur groupe ou leur famille dans une zone reculée de la forêt gabonaise. Nos caméras ont mis en évidence un comportement très particulier chez les chimpanzés de la région de Nyonié et cela ont donné lieu à une publication scientifique, "Reflections in rainforest mirrors facilitate behavioral observations of wild chimpanzees Primates n°58 2017-01". Ce comportement est filmé sur nos trois vidéos suivantes : (Frottement de la croupe chez les chimpanzés = effet anti-stress ? Un comportement social jamais observé auparavant) (des chimpanzés effrayés se rassurent avec des contacts de pseudo-copulation et de rump-to-rump devant le miroir) (Chimpanzees front of a Mirror in the Gabon Jungle Grooming Power displays Copulation, Grooming again)
      Regardez nos autres vidéos de la chaine et n'oubliez pas à chaque fois de lire la description qui y est jointe après celle en anglais. Vous y apprendrez des informations très importantes.

  • @TheTraumadito
    @TheTraumadito 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    La naturaleza es tan maravillosa y fascinante por la ptm , me mato

  • @rachelgholston7926
    @rachelgholston7926 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘄𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝘂𝗽 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗮 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘂𝗽 𝗵𝘂𝗴𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗿𝗿𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗮𝗯𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁: My wife and I are neither scientists nor veterinarians nor primatologists nor photographers. *We wanted to thank Gabon, which has welcomed our family for more than 35 years (in the retail sector), to show on TH-cam the diversity of the fauna of this beautiful country and to make Internet users want to visit it.* If this video shows the diversity of the fauna of this beautiful country these passages in front of the lense of our trap camera equipped with motion detectors for about five seconds are not particularly interesting. On the other hand, a video of young elephants playing in a river while adults are quenching their thirst is much more enjoyable to watch. Elephant calves have fun during a creek crossing (Gabon jungle). To find such "spots" it is advisable to get further away from the path used by the few 4x4 vehicles of Nyonié, to go deeper into the forest and to walk in the beds of creeks and small rivers. This is not safe, especially when you are old and becoming partially deaf. Fortunately my wife has a very accurate hearing. To progress more easily in the forest, animals use this off-road trail, without vines, bushes, brambles and trees mixed on the ground because of the very numerous tornadoes in this region on the Equator line. We came up with the idea of placing very large mirrors at the end of a long straight line of an off-road track to catch their eyes and "block" them in front of their image. We have also placed other mirrors under trees where numerous animals appreciate the fruits. At other locations in the middle of the forest it would have been very lucky for animals to meet their reflection.
      Our use of mirrors has been of great interest to primatologists, including members of the PSG, not the Paris Saint Germain football club, but the Primate Specialists Group, who have only been able to study self-recognition in a mirror in great apes in laboratories with captive animals or animals born in captivity, used to contact with humans. These animals did not have to search for food, defend their families against other congeners and predators, sometimes imitating humans, and therefore had very different distorted behaviours from primates living in complete freedom with their group or family in a remote area of Gabon's forest. Our cameras have highlighted a very particular behaviour among chimpanzees in the Nyonié region and resulted in a scientific publication, "Reflections in rainforest mirrors facilitate behavioral observations of wild chimpanzees Primates n°58 2017-01". On our two following videos this behavior is filmed: (Rump-Rump Rubbing in Chimpanzees = anti-stress effect? A social behavior ever observed previously) and (scared chimps reassure themselves with pseudo-copulation and rump-to-rump contacts front of mirror).
      This is how, incidentally in wild animals, we discovered and became interested in their self-recognition in our large full length mirrors.
      Keep watching my homemade videos (180 pieces) that I put online on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting explanations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle and share its link with your friends:

  • @impaugjuldivmax
    @impaugjuldivmax 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    why is that buffalo walks alone in the forest among leopards?

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Two possibilities concerning this buffalo which appears alone on the screen:
      - This male has been chased away from the herd by young males of childbearing age
      - the other members of the herd did not pass in front of this camera.
      *In my trapping area, the main carnivore (except for poachers who avoid going there because of the presence of more than 70 trap cameras **** ) is the leopard. It is a solitary animal that does not hunt in a troop. It avoids attacking solitary male elephants as well as families with children because of their power of reaction in case of attack. It avoids attacking a calf in a herd of forest buffalo because of their aggressiveness. He avoids attacking monkeys (mandrills) and great apes (gorillas and chimpanzees) because of their cohesion and moreover he does not climb trees well. Moreover the flesh of these mammals is not very tasty except for the buffalo calf. The leopard appreciates small game such as small antelopes (blue duikers), porcupines and especially palm rats.*
      *It should be noted that chimpanzees, frugivores, insectivorous and herbivores occasionally eat small monkeys such as the putty-nosed monkey (Cercopithecus nictitans).*
      *Thus there is a kind of statuquo between elephants, gorillas, chimpanzees, buffaloes and leopards that avoid meeting each other, all the more so because in this forest 'there is no competition for food, fruits and stems as marantaceae, being numerous in all seasons.* Thank you for watching more of my 180 videos posted on my channel and read the description attached to each one. You will find very interesting information on the animals' reactions to my mirrors in the jungle:

  • @Happy-rd8sq
    @Happy-rd8sq ปีที่แล้ว

    Judge not lest ye be judged. What goes around comes around...

  • @Mysterestalkshow
    @Mysterestalkshow 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bonjour! Je souhaite vous contacter mais je ne trouve pas d'autres moyens en dehors de mon commentaire ici. Les liens pour me contacter sont en description de ma chaîne. Merci

    • @cekilechef648
      @cekilechef648 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Il n'aime pas la langue française. Il préfère promouvoir l'anglais

    • @Mysterestalkshow
      @Mysterestalkshow 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Je parle les deux 😉

  • @MrBielCanal
    @MrBielCanal ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ami je vous prie de demander la suppression de l'avis de droit d'auteur, ma chaîne ne peut plus faire grève, je m'excuse d'utiliser votre contenu et de ne pas vous donner les crédits, je vous promets que cela ne se reproduira plus jamais, aidez-moi s'il vous plaît !

  • @vkvk7113
    @vkvk7113 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Much better without that stupid mirror

    • @XHB06400CANNES
      @XHB06400CANNES  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      With my mirrors I break the monotony of the daily life of some animals in this remote area of the rain forest:
      They are not imprisoned for life in pens or cages with the distraction of watching visitors standing behind their fences or bars, eating the food they have neither picked nor hunted as Harambe, born in captivity and dead 17 years later, still captive , killed by a bullet in his enclosure. They are not tied as dogs with leashes, locked as dog or cats in flats especially with dressing rooms equipped with a large mirror!
      Look how happy these young gorillas are in front of these great mirrors!
      Look at how their father's reaction (this silverback), has evolved near the mirrors his family is looking at
      Please do not forget to read the description attached to each of our 180 videos published on our channel

    • @vkvk7113
      @vkvk7113 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@XHB06400CANNES Shut up !!! You are not a scientist or a researcher. You are a fool that exploits these animals for your own gain. I will continue to report you and make sure your videos are de-monetized as long as see mirrors in your videos

    • @bitcoin-lj3ri
      @bitcoin-lj3ri ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@vkvk7113 weirdo..

  • @thecurlycatastrophe8427
    @thecurlycatastrophe8427 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    @Xavier HUBERT-BRIERRE Do you have an email and/or website I can reach out to you on?