We used to have a 2 bar that was piston powered and also a motor powered 2 bar after that but decided that for our recent tournament we would go without one so we could have a fast Intake. We decided that we would rebuild to hook though so that we can build a wall stake mechanism easier as we can use 1 motor for a hook intake. The 2 bar worked well when we had it but we preferred intake speed over having wall stake capability. Hope this explained
clean 🔥🔥
Appreciate it!
How do you plan on getting wall stakes
We used to have a 2 bar that was piston powered and also a motor powered 2 bar after that but decided that for our recent tournament we would go without one so we could have a fast Intake. We decided that we would rebuild to hook though so that we can build a wall stake mechanism easier as we can use 1 motor for a hook intake. The 2 bar worked well when we had it but we preferred intake speed over having wall stake capability. Hope this explained