By the way, I see nothing wrong with those hook sets. In every case, the trout's mouth had closed before the hook was set. I don't think you can do any better than that. Some days the fish just stay on and some days they don't. This was just bad luck, in my opinion anyway !
@@shortcircuit7310 and also thanks for your thoughts on that subject! I’m with you, I think that some days are just bad luck. And most of them were hooked for some seconds anyways. We will never know, but we don’t loose much sleep over it
Cicada fishing in a NZ back country spring creek. Flyfishing at it's best.. Great film work. The slow motion take is fantastic. Makes me want to head on up there asap..
Thank you for the nice comment! We agree. This is truly a fly fishing heaven and we love every second of it. We look forward to try the cicada fly back home in Norway too!
I believe you two produce one of the best Fly Fishing show on Utube. Cannot wait for your next productions. Keep it up and your followers will only grow.
Damn! That means so much for us to hear! I hope we manage to keep the quality up as we move back to Norway and fish for the native species of Scandinavia!
I've watched a lot of fly fishing videos over the last several months mostly because I want to learn (only fly fishing less than a year). I have to say that I enjoy your videos the most. First NZ is such an exotic place to me and captures my imagination. Second the camera work you do is just first rate, and amazing. Especially shots showing the fish take the fly. This is truly professional grade camera work IMO. THANK YOU for taking the time to share your wonderful experiences with others! Please continue to share your NZ experiences.😊
Well thank you for taking the time to give us those compliments! It really warms our hearts, and we will definitely continue! I think the series will end with about 20 episodes, and then we will try to take this whole thing back to Norway! We are so glad you like the films, thanks again
Another awesome episode. Reminds me of the struggles I had had missing takes from my trip to NZ. I summed it up in 4 reasons … 1 bad luck, 2 striking too fast are the logical two … 3 lack of confidence in the pattern causes some fish to think about it and then follow downstream 4 casting short of fish causing them to turn in your direction - this was definitely the case in one miss. So hard to get it alright in the excitement and like you say, some days you don’t miss any. THANKs for all your great work!!!!!
Hi! Thanks a lot for your comment! We agree in everything you state in that comment! Plus a million of other reasons, but you listed the most obvious of them! The fishing pressure (how many times a fish has been caught previously) is also an important factor we think! Thanks a lot for the compliment! Hope you will enjoy the next episodes too!
Totally agree with the fishing pressure factor. I remember fishing getting increasingly difficult through season and into March and needing to use smaller flies and lighter tippet. I recall being lazy on a fly change once and trying a size 12 ....perfectly presented drift but damn near gave the fish a heart attack. it did three circles and then spooked out of the run @@slowrisemedia
Good stuff guys! I frequently travel to the South Island from abroad to fly fish and your videos bring back some magical memories. My all-time favorite is that which you fished in Episodes 5 and 9, but the spring creek you cover in this video is pretty enticing too - I will have to try to find it on my next trip to the South Island!
So cool to hear from you! We agree! It’s one of our favourites too! We just came down from there today, and yesterday we had a great day catching 9 fish! Amazing place. Hope you will find it, it’s a cool little spot
Nice work guys, harking back to episode 7,where you got rained off, listen to the little bird in the background, often known as the Rain bird ,or long tailed cuckoo, 😊
Thanks a lot for the comment! So cool to see and listen to all the new birds down here. Now we start to get a little bit familiar with the different birds but some sounds still amazes us!
Thanks. Now I'm addicted to your excellent videos. I travel from Australia there every year. I recognise some of the places you have been fishing. You both are doing very well. Old saying in Australia about striking.... "one, two, I got you" Strike when you say "you". Best of luck, I will be there for easter, might bump into you on the water.
Thanks a lot! Yes, haha everyone has different sayings for when to strike, that is funny! This was a day we struggled to set the hook! Thanks for the advice! Hope we bump into you somewhere!
Thanks a lot! I was also thought to do that, but over the years I have learned that it’s waaaaay more complicated. Anyways I have still not really figured it out as you see 😅
Beautiful video! Nice work, looking forward to the next one! My local river in Norway is almost fishable now, as the ice is gone 🙂 Usually its pike this time of the year, but soon the browns are out here as well.
Thanks a lot! Hope we get to post the next one sooner Prather than later! Ohh, we know the feeling of the spring! We hope to come back to Norway for some epic pike and Zander fishing! Maybe trout too, but we had a lot of that lately 😅
Thanks a lot! We could absolutely recommend it! It was never really that high on my bucket list, but damn it’s one of the coolest places I have ever been!
Another beautiful video on a perfect day. Love your videos. Looks like you have the river to yourself. Has it been easy to find rivers/lakes with low fishing pressure? Looking forward to the next video.
Hi! Thanks a lot! And that’s an interesting question. The way things work here on nz is mostly that if you are first to the river, you should have the river to yourself. No one should cut in front of you. You can kind of expect to have the next 4-5km of river upstream only for yourself. What a fantastic place right? But we have experienced to have days ruined by fishing behind someone, without knowing it, seeing no fish. Anyways you will always find a river you can have for yourself at almost any day. The problem is the very popular river, and those that are so remote that they need walking. Long walks. It can get messy with many people and choppers and all sorts of things to ruin your day. But we stay away from those places mostly. If you wait 3 episodes you will see us fishing in one of those places
howdy Guys. Man you are catching some fantastic fish. I do have a question. The filming you are taking of fish rising from a distance is amazing. My question is, what camera and lens are you using. Also what editing platform do you use ? Keep up the fantastic work. Cheers FAB Phill
Vi har vært uten wifi og større skjermer enn telefonene våre i noen dager, og mannen ville ikke se om det hadde kommet ny episode før vi kom hjem for da ville han se den. Og det nytter jo ikke å se filmene deres på SÅ liten skjerm 😅 morsom episode, godt å se at det er flere som blir litt sure når man mister fisk, for i følge Kenneth er det sånn man må regne med 😂🙈 Hilsen Kenneth og Marie på Hamar 🥰
Haha, det er så hyggelig å høre! Men ja, vi pleier å dra opp PCen på kveldene i skogen å se på det vi har filmet i løpet av en deg. Hyggelig å høre at dere også har glede av det! Haha, du får hilse å si at vi er enige at man må regne med det, men vi blir sure likevel!
Utrolig flotte filmer og fangster. Gleder meg stadig til nye episoder. Litt nysgjerrig på hvordan dere bor/sover (i bilen, telt, hytte, ..?). Mat bli jo helt "kokt" i bilen, på dagtid. Hvordan fikser dere at maten ikke blir ødelagt? Butikkene er jo sjelden rett rundt hjørnet der nede.
Tusen takk for hyggelig kommentar. Vi sover for det meste i bilen på gratis campingplasser, innimellom telt på lengre turer og moteller/hoteller 1-2 ganger i uka for å redigere film og lade batterier. Vi har blitt veldig enkle i matveien her nede grunnet nettopp temperaturene det blir i bilen/sekken. Det går mye i nudler med egg, hermetisk lapskaus, supper og spaghetti med hermetisk sauser. Vi lager all mat på stormkjøkken så vi må ha ting som ikke tar for mye gass. De dagene vi er innom byer kjøper vi fersk kjøtt og grønnsaker som vi lager samme dag som vi har kjøpt det. Vi har også tatt noe fisk. Ellers blir det å stoppe innom barer/restauranter når man kjører forbi. Til frokost går det i havregrøt og syltetøy, lunsj brødmat med nugatti eller spekepølse. Gulrøtter holder seg godt som snacks i varmen!
What trout, and on dry flies! Regarding setting the hook too early, I have read somewhere they are used to saying: “ God save the Queen” before pulling the line. Maybe it works, maybe not.
Thanks for the comment! Maybe it would be nice to make a video where we always say “god save the queen” before we strike. We are definitely striking sooner then that. Maybe it will turn our luck, we can try!
Thanks a lot for the comment and compliments. It’s from a brand called Arctic Silver. It’s a brand based in Norway, and the whole deal is that the blank (the carbon of the rod) bends inside the handle because most of it is hollow! It gives a quite unique feeling of casting and especially fighting fish. We think it’s quite cool
Thanks a lot! Yes that was a mixture between a cicada and a blow fly. Something I made on the go in episode 2. You should check that episode out and you will se some close ups. It has been working great for us! We have now landed 2 fish over 8lb on that fly!
My wife would not appreciate teasing after missing some fish. You have a patient lady friend... ;-) Question: Do you think that you missed some fish because you set the hook too early? I'm almost exclusively a nymph fisherman and set the hook as soon as I detect a strike. As I understand, it's a little different fishing with dry flies. Aside from that, I've been enjoying your videos and I'm quite envious of the places you fish--not to mention the amazing fish you hook.
Thanks a lot for the comment! Haha, she is patient as hell! But she have become an as good flyfisher as me in many ways, so she deserves some teasing I think ;) about the striking. When I fish with nymphs I always strike as fast as I detect a bite, always like you. But yes when fishing dries it’s different. I always wait a little until the fish is on the way down. I have a very capable dry fly fishing friend from norway. He is 55 years old and have done hardcore dryfly fishing his whole life. He likes to strike as fast as possible after the fish closes its mouth. To be honest I don’t know the best technique. And I think it makes it more difficult fishing for fish that have been fished for before. Normally I do a lot of fishing in Norway, in places no one really go to fish, and the ones who do never do catch and release. In these places I can hook like 50/50 fish. It’s crazy. So I think it’s hard to draw any conclusions on what’s right or wrong
@@slowrisemedia Thank you for your thoughtful response. This Summer I intend to spend some months fishing in Montana and will also do some dry fly fishing. I'll try to pay attention what works in order to improve my success rate. Continued good luck to the both of you, and kind regards.
I hope you take this advice in good grace. You strike too soon! Large NZ trout take a long time to turn and go back down after taking your fly. If you strike too soon, you simply pull the fly out of it's mouth. The British have a saying. When the trout takes your fly, say to yourself "God save the King" before striking. Try it. I'm sure you will get better results.
Thanks a lot for the comment and the good advice! Myself I was though exactly what you are saying, and I have sort of lived by that for a long time, maybe I like to strike a little faster but not much. But it’s an interesting topic and something that have gained my interest after the close up slow motion cameras made onto fly fishing. All of a sudden I’m not so sure if waiting so long is beneficial, but I wouldn’t say strictly what’s wrong or right. We will definitely take your advice, and the best thing to do is to try a little bit different techniques to learn I think! What I often see tho, on fish that get a lot of time with the fly in its mouth is that it starts to “chew” on it. It understands that something is wrong. I think if the trout has understood that something is wrong it’s too late to strike. And when the fish understands when something is wrong is highly individual! Some fish understand the second it touches the leader, some fish take seconds, and some fish understand before it even open its mouth 🤷
I'm not a good example either. Today I lost a fish by striking too soon. A fish I had not seen swallowed the fly a good couple of metres ahead of the one I was targeting and got such a surprise all I succeeded in doing was snatching the fly from its mouth :^(
Great movies, I agere with other comments/indications here about striking to fast. What do You Think yourselves? Would be great to hear your thoughts on it?
Thanks for the comment! To be honest I think it’s difficult, and I don’t know to be honest. If I study slow motion rises (and I have filmed over 100 the last months), the trout closes it’s mouth when the head is still over the water. So can you really be too fast? I don’t know honestly. But I know one thing, and that is that it’s very dependent on the fishing pressure. Educated fish spits the fly way faster. Often they don’t even take the fly because they understand something is wrong the last split second, but for the fisherman it might seem like a take. And if they take, they open their mouth again super quickly. In this video however we have so many fish that is hooked a couple of seconds before they get off. That could maybe be due to a fly with bad hooking capability, or a dull hook or just pure coincidence. Give me 10 more years of experience and maybe I will have a better answer 🤷
@@slowrisemedia thanks. Agree, it’s more complicated. I think it also adds complexity when it follows the fly downstream and takes it from behind or comes 90 degrees from the side. Anyway, super Cool to follow Your journey, impressing scenes and I know it’s a lot of work behind:-) keep it up 👍😃Looking forward to go back to NZ.
@@terjeberget9141 that’s for sure! When they come straight downstream after the fly makes it more complicated! Maybe then it’s better to wait some seconds for it to turn upstream before the strike. To be honest it’s so difficult to tell a rule for every situation. Thanks a lot for the nice feedback! All the time is so worth it when reading all these comments 🙌 and we love to watch up close slow motion rising trout!
This is the most interesting problem with dry fly fishing, not so much with sub surface takes. I think that something puts the fish off as it takes the fly and it can just close its mouth on the fly without expelling water through the gills. So the fly is expelled as the mouth closes. Try closing your fingers on a floating fly. Difficult. Some of your takes looked good though. Some bad luck. Where I fish ,Ireland, in high Summer the flys have to be right size and tippet very light 7X. Otherwise very few hookups . Not much help in NZ I know, but I have landed tricky fish in the Mataura on 6X and glass rod.
Hi! No absolutely not, we have no problem with that. The handle is hollow inside, so the rod flexes inside the handle. It gives the rod an unique feeling. The action of the rod seems slower, even with the modern high responsive carbon. But it doesn’t really feel like a glass rod either. I don’t know how to explain it the best, maybe “smooth” is the right word. And fighting fish on them is really nice, since it dampens the runs and shakes more! It’s something that’s hard to describe, it kind of needs to be felt. We both like them a ton!
But is it so bad? When we fish good popular rivers we are way more discreet. But this is a not so good river, and with plenty of fish. Maybe it can get some people off the beaten track? New Zealand has houndreds of rivers, it would be so much better if people spread out a little in rivers like this, because it’s not a good river in New Zealand standards when it comes to size of fish
my comment was more about the quality of ur film making and the promotion of NZ as a destination. Ur filming is superb and ur fishing skills are amazing.
Amazing video as always. Looks like NZ is the place too go for trout :D
@@fredrikflyfishing thanks a lot! Yeah nz is an amazing trout destination
Loving the dry fly eats in slow motion. Great filming.
We love them too, it’s incredible to see it both live and also capture them with the camera😁 Thank you for the comment!
These guys are making the best fly fishing videos in the world right now
Damn, what a compliment! It makes us so glad to hear! Thanks a lot
By the way, I see nothing wrong with those hook sets. In every case, the trout's mouth had closed before the hook was set. I don't think you can do any better than that. Some days the fish just stay on and some days they don't. This was just bad luck, in my opinion anyway !
@@shortcircuit7310 and also thanks for your thoughts on that subject! I’m with you, I think that some days are just bad luck. And most of them were hooked for some seconds anyways. We will never know, but we don’t loose much sleep over it
Hi I will miss your NZ videos. Your time in NZ must be coming to an end- was 12 weeks the length of your stay?
@@jamesdunlop5796 yes our stay is coming to and end. We stay the full visa, 12 weeks. But we have many more episodes to be published!
Beautiful work (and editing). Thank you for sharing your adventures, and the wonderful scenery.
Comments like this makes us so happy, so thank you for supporting us. We’re glad you like what we’re doing😊
Cicada fishing in a NZ back country spring creek. Flyfishing at it's best.. Great film work. The slow motion take is fantastic. Makes me want to head on up there asap..
Thank you for the nice comment!
We agree. This is truly a fly fishing heaven and we love every second of it. We look forward to try the cicada fly back home in Norway too!
I believe you two produce one of the best Fly Fishing show on Utube. Cannot wait for your next productions. Keep it up and your followers will only grow.
Damn! That means so much for us to hear! I hope we manage to keep the quality up as we move back to Norway and fish for the native species of Scandinavia!
another great one you guys. I fished that stream 7 years a go and it was magic. thanx for taking me back there
Thanks a lot! We had a great time! 2 weeks later we went back and it was way less fish to be found. Strange… but such a lovely place!
Incredible video - the slow motion eats with the long lens are an absolute pleasure to watch
Thanks a lot! I fully agree! After one day of filming I can lay in the tent or car watching them over and over! I really love those takes!
I've watched a lot of fly fishing videos over the last several months mostly because I want to learn (only fly fishing less than a year). I have to say that I enjoy your videos the most. First NZ is such an exotic place to me and captures my imagination. Second the camera work you do is just first rate, and amazing. Especially shots showing the fish take the fly. This is truly professional grade camera work IMO. THANK YOU for taking the time to share your wonderful experiences with others! Please continue to share your NZ experiences.😊
Well thank you for taking the time to give us those compliments! It really warms our hearts, and we will definitely continue! I think the series will end with about 20 episodes, and then we will try to take this whole thing back to Norway! We are so glad you like the films, thanks again
Enjoying this content a lot from my office in the UK. Can’t wait for some dry fly action in the summer.
Thanks a lot for the comment! It’s not long until now I hope!
Thank you for these moments. Beautiful takes perfectly filmed
Thank you so much for the nice comment! That means a lot to us!
Another awesome episode. Reminds me of the struggles I had had missing takes from my trip to NZ. I summed it up in 4 reasons … 1 bad luck, 2 striking too fast are the logical two … 3 lack of confidence in the pattern causes some fish to think about it and then follow downstream 4 casting short of fish causing them to turn in your direction - this was definitely the case in one miss. So hard to get it alright in the excitement and like you say, some days you don’t miss any. THANKs for all
your great work!!!!!
Hi! Thanks a lot for your comment! We agree in everything you state in that comment! Plus a million of other reasons, but you listed the most obvious of them! The fishing pressure (how many times a fish has been caught previously) is also an important factor we think! Thanks a lot for the compliment! Hope you will enjoy the next episodes too!
Totally agree with the fishing pressure factor. I remember fishing getting increasingly difficult through season and into March and needing to use smaller flies and lighter tippet. I recall being lazy on a fly change once and trying a size 12 ....perfectly presented drift but damn near gave the fish a heart attack. it did three circles and then spooked out of the run @@slowrisemedia
Your videos are stunning, thanks for all your work.
Cheers Mike
Very Nice, you two are oviously getting more comfortable on the camera.
Good to hear, we’re feeling it’s becoming more natural too😊 Thank you for your comment!
Yummy yummy ! Swiss toasts that don't exist in Switzerland 😅 Nice episode ! I'm looking forward for the next one 😊
Haha, some sort of Swiss seeds that we never understand what really is. But they taste great! Thanks a lot!
Good stuff guys! I frequently travel to the South Island from abroad to fly fish and your videos bring back some magical memories. My all-time favorite is that which you fished in Episodes 5 and 9, but the spring creek you cover in this video is pretty enticing too - I will have to try to find it on my next trip to the South Island!
So cool to hear from you! We agree! It’s one of our favourites too! We just came down from there today, and yesterday we had a great day catching 9 fish! Amazing place. Hope you will find it, it’s a cool little spot
Nice work guys, harking back to episode 7,where you got rained off, listen to the little bird in the background, often known as the Rain bird ,or long tailed cuckoo, 😊
Thanks a lot for the comment! So cool to see and listen to all the new birds down here. Now we start to get a little bit familiar with the different birds but some sounds still amazes us!
Thanks. Now I'm addicted to your excellent videos. I travel from Australia there every year. I recognise some of the places you have been fishing. You both are doing very well. Old saying in Australia about striking.... "one, two, I got you" Strike when you say "you". Best of luck, I will be there for easter, might bump into you on the water.
Thanks a lot! Yes, haha everyone has different sayings for when to strike, that is funny! This was a day we struggled to set the hook! Thanks for the advice! Hope we bump into you somewhere!
Loving these films.
Brings back some very happy memories of NZ. Thanks for sharing your adventures!
Thanks a lot for watching and commenting! We love to make these films too!
Love these videos. Best overall of any I see. Keep them coming.
Thanks a lot! It means a lot to us ☺️ we will definitely keep them coming, and they will get better!
Great episode. Enjoyed it a lot.
Thanks a lot Alex! Glad to hear you did!
Thanks a lot Alex! Glad to hear you did!
Another entertaining video. I'm no expert but have been taught to say "god save the king" then strike on a dry fly take. Seems to work!
Thanks a lot! I was also thought to do that, but over the years I have learned that it’s waaaaay more complicated. Anyways I have still not really figured it out as you see 😅
Beste filmer av fluefiske jeg har sett på lange tider! Excellent work! Looking forward for the next episodes!
Så utrolig hyggelig å høre! Godt vi kan bidra med gode fiskefilmer, veldig hyggelig. More is coming!
Excellent. As always!
Thanks a lot for the support, as always 🙌
Superb video a pleasure to watch❤👌🛋
Thanks a lot!
I love that it’s the whole journey..
Thanks a lot!
Beautiful video! Nice work, looking forward to the next one! My local river in Norway is almost fishable now, as the ice is gone 🙂 Usually its pike this time of the year, but soon the browns are out here as well.
Thanks a lot! Hope we get to post the next one sooner Prather than later! Ohh, we know the feeling of the spring! We hope to come back to Norway for some epic pike and Zander fishing! Maybe trout too, but we had a lot of that lately 😅
Nice work 🖤
Thank you! Appreciate the feedback 🙌🏼
Absolutely brilliant, just subbed. Cork City Ireland
Thanks a lot! Great to hear! Hope you will like the next episode! We got some really cool situations coming up!
Tusen takk for perfekt underholdning til morrakaffen! 👍😀
Bare hyggelig, og takk selv for tilbakemeldingen!
best compliments from Lithuania
Thanks a lot!
Nice video! I want to go there myself😍
Thanks a lot! We could absolutely recommend it! It was never really that high on my bucket list, but damn it’s one of the coolest places I have ever been!
Another beautiful video on a perfect day. Love your videos. Looks like you have the river to yourself. Has it been easy to find rivers/lakes with low fishing pressure? Looking forward to the next video.
Hi! Thanks a lot! And that’s an interesting question. The way things work here on nz is mostly that if you are first to the river, you should have the river to yourself. No one should cut in front of you. You can kind of expect to have the next 4-5km of river upstream only for yourself. What a fantastic place right? But we have experienced to have days ruined by fishing behind someone, without knowing it, seeing no fish. Anyways you will always find a river you can have for yourself at almost any day. The problem is the very popular river, and those that are so remote that they need walking. Long walks. It can get messy with many people and choppers and all sorts of things to ruin your day. But we stay away from those places mostly. If you wait 3 episodes you will see us fishing in one of those places
Thank you!
Awesome work!
Thanks a lot!
howdy Guys. Man you are catching some fantastic fish. I do have a question. The filming you are taking of fish rising from a distance is amazing. My question is, what camera and lens are you using. Also what editing platform do you use ?
Keep up the fantastic work. Cheers FAB Phill
Thanks a lot for the nice words. We are using a Panasonic lumix gh6 camera with a lumix vario 100-300mm lens and Final Cut Pro for editing
Vi har vært uten wifi og større skjermer enn telefonene våre i noen dager, og mannen ville ikke se om det hadde kommet ny episode før vi kom hjem for da ville han se den. Og det nytter jo ikke å se filmene deres på SÅ liten skjerm 😅 morsom episode, godt å se at det er flere som blir litt sure når man mister fisk, for i følge Kenneth er det sånn man må regne med 😂🙈 Hilsen Kenneth og Marie på Hamar 🥰
Haha, det er så hyggelig å høre! Men ja, vi pleier å dra opp PCen på kveldene i skogen å se på det vi har filmet i løpet av en deg. Hyggelig å høre at dere også har glede av det! Haha, du får hilse å si at vi er enige at man må regne med det, men vi blir sure likevel!
Beautiful! Wondering about weather as you mentioned the cold temperatures, what time of year was this filmed?
This is now something like 2 weeks ago. Maybe a little more. Mid South Island. It was really cold that day…
Utrolig flotte filmer og fangster. Gleder meg stadig til nye episoder. Litt nysgjerrig på hvordan dere bor/sover (i bilen, telt, hytte, ..?). Mat bli jo helt "kokt" i bilen, på dagtid. Hvordan fikser dere at maten ikke blir ødelagt? Butikkene er jo sjelden rett rundt hjørnet der nede.
Tusen takk for hyggelig kommentar. Vi sover for det meste i bilen på gratis campingplasser, innimellom telt på lengre turer og moteller/hoteller 1-2 ganger i uka for å redigere film og lade batterier. Vi har blitt veldig enkle i matveien her nede grunnet nettopp temperaturene det blir i bilen/sekken. Det går mye i nudler med egg, hermetisk lapskaus, supper og spaghetti med hermetisk sauser. Vi lager all mat på stormkjøkken så vi må ha ting som ikke tar for mye gass. De dagene vi er innom byer kjøper vi fersk kjøtt og grønnsaker som vi lager samme dag som vi har kjøpt det. Vi har også tatt noe fisk. Ellers blir det å stoppe innom barer/restauranter når man kjører forbi. Til frokost går det i havregrøt og syltetøy, lunsj brødmat med nugatti eller spekepølse. Gulrøtter holder seg godt som snacks i varmen!
What trout, and on dry flies!
Regarding setting the hook too early, I have read somewhere they are used to saying: “ God save the Queen” before pulling the line. Maybe it works, maybe not.
Thanks for the comment! Maybe it would be nice to make a video where we always say “god save the queen” before we strike. We are definitely striking sooner then that. Maybe it will turn our luck, we can try!
What Rods are you both using? I have never seen that handle before. Love your videos.❤🎉
Thanks a lot for the comment and compliments. It’s from a brand called Arctic Silver. It’s a brand based in Norway, and the whole deal is that the blank (the carbon of the rod) bends inside the handle because most of it is hollow! It gives a quite unique feeling of casting and especially fighting fish. We think it’s quite cool
Very nice 👌
Thanks a lot!
very nice video guys, could i ask what fly was it ?
Thanks a lot! Yes that was a mixture between a cicada and a blow fly. Something I made on the go in episode 2. You should check that episode out and you will se some close ups. It has been working great for us! We have now landed 2 fish over 8lb on that fly!
My wife would not appreciate teasing after missing some fish. You have a patient lady friend... ;-) Question: Do you think that you missed some fish because you set the hook too early? I'm almost exclusively a nymph fisherman and set the hook as soon as I detect a strike. As I understand, it's a little different fishing with dry flies. Aside from that, I've been enjoying your videos and I'm quite envious of the places you fish--not to mention the amazing fish you hook.
Thanks a lot for the comment! Haha, she is patient as hell! But she have become an as good flyfisher as me in many ways, so she deserves some teasing I think ;) about the striking. When I fish with nymphs I always strike as fast as I detect a bite, always like you. But yes when fishing dries it’s different. I always wait a little until the fish is on the way down. I have a very capable dry fly fishing friend from norway. He is 55 years old and have done hardcore dryfly fishing his whole life. He likes to strike as fast as possible after the fish closes its mouth. To be honest I don’t know the best technique. And I think it makes it more difficult fishing for fish that have been fished for before. Normally I do a lot of fishing in Norway, in places no one really go to fish, and the ones who do never do catch and release. In these places I can hook like 50/50 fish. It’s crazy. So I think it’s hard to draw any conclusions on what’s right or wrong
@@slowrisemedia Thank you for your thoughtful response. This Summer I intend to spend some months fishing in Montana and will also do some dry fly fishing. I'll try to pay attention what works in order to improve my success rate. Continued good luck to the both of you, and kind regards.
@@schmoonkie thanks a lot! And good luck on that project!
I hope you take this advice in good grace. You strike too soon! Large NZ trout take a long time to turn and go back down after taking your fly. If you strike too soon, you simply pull the fly out of it's mouth. The British have a saying. When the trout takes your fly, say to yourself "God save the King" before striking. Try it. I'm sure you will get better results.
Thanks a lot for the comment and the good advice! Myself I was though exactly what you are saying, and I have sort of lived by that for a long time, maybe I like to strike a little faster but not much. But it’s an interesting topic and something that have gained my interest after the close up slow motion cameras made onto fly fishing. All of a sudden I’m not so sure if waiting so long is beneficial, but I wouldn’t say strictly what’s wrong or right. We will definitely take your advice, and the best thing to do is to try a little bit different techniques to learn I think! What I often see tho, on fish that get a lot of time with the fly in its mouth is that it starts to “chew” on it. It understands that something is wrong. I think if the trout has understood that something is wrong it’s too late to strike. And when the fish understands when something is wrong is highly individual! Some fish understand the second it touches the leader, some fish take seconds, and some fish understand before it even open its mouth 🤷
I'm not a good example either. Today I lost a fish by striking too soon. A fish I had not seen swallowed the fly a good couple of metres ahead of the one I was targeting and got such a surprise all I succeeded in doing was snatching the fly from its mouth
I guess it happens to all of us yes! But it’s very frustrating when it happens 8 times in a day. But every day is different, sometimes we hook 10/10 🤷
Some days they stick & some days they just don't, my last trip all eats stuck but previous trip dropped 8 in a row 🤦♂️
That’s very much my attitude to the whole thing too! Yesterday we caught 9 out of 11! Way better results. It’s a lot randomness in fishing 😅
@@slowrisemedia yeh no two days are ever the same, trout can be dicks haha🤣
Great movies, I agere with other comments/indications here about striking to fast. What do You Think yourselves? Would be great to hear your thoughts on it?
Thanks for the comment! To be honest I think it’s difficult, and I don’t know to be honest. If I study slow motion rises (and I have filmed over 100 the last months), the trout closes it’s mouth when the head is still over the water. So can you really be too fast? I don’t know honestly. But I know one thing, and that is that it’s very dependent on the fishing pressure. Educated fish spits the fly way faster. Often they don’t even take the fly because they understand something is wrong the last split second, but for the fisherman it might seem like a take. And if they take, they open their mouth again super quickly. In this video however we have so many fish that is hooked a couple of seconds before they get off. That could maybe be due to a fly with bad hooking capability, or a dull hook or just pure coincidence. Give me 10 more years of experience and maybe I will have a better answer 🤷
@@slowrisemedia thanks. Agree, it’s more complicated. I think it also adds complexity when it follows the fly downstream and takes it from behind or comes 90 degrees from the side. Anyway, super Cool to follow Your journey, impressing scenes and I know it’s a lot of work behind:-) keep it up 👍😃Looking forward to go back to NZ.
@@terjeberget9141 that’s for sure! When they come straight downstream after the fly makes it more complicated! Maybe then it’s better to wait some seconds for it to turn upstream before the strike. To be honest it’s so difficult to tell a rule for every situation. Thanks a lot for the nice feedback! All the time is so worth it when reading all these comments 🙌 and we love to watch up close slow motion rising trout!
This is the most interesting problem with dry fly fishing, not so much with sub surface takes. I think that something puts the fish off as it takes the fly and it can just close its mouth on the fly without expelling water through the gills. So the fly is expelled as the mouth closes. Try closing your fingers on a floating fly. Difficult. Some of your takes looked good though. Some bad luck.
Where I fish ,Ireland, in high Summer the flys have to be right size and tippet very light 7X. Otherwise very few hookups . Not much help in NZ I know, but I have landed tricky fish in the Mataura on 6X and glass rod.
Ps love your videos.
Re lost flsh..... you're striking slightly too early. With dry flies you need to wait 2 seconds until the fish turns down.
Thanks a lot for the comment and advice!
Tell us about those fly rods; neither of you would seem to qualify as having tendinitis…advantages to the carbon handle and design? Thank you
Hi! No absolutely not, we have no problem with that. The handle is hollow inside, so the rod flexes inside the handle. It gives the rod an unique feeling. The action of the rod seems slower, even with the modern high responsive carbon. But it doesn’t really feel like a glass rod either. I don’t know how to explain it the best, maybe “smooth” is the right word. And fighting fish on them is really nice, since it dampens the runs and shakes more! It’s something that’s hard to describe, it kind of needs to be felt. We both like them a ton!
Count to 3 before you strike or say god save the King 😂
We will definitely try to say that!
ur going to create a stampede
But is it so bad? When we fish good popular rivers we are way more discreet. But this is a not so good river, and with plenty of fish. Maybe it can get some people off the beaten track? New Zealand has houndreds of rivers, it would be so much better if people spread out a little in rivers like this, because it’s not a good river in New Zealand standards when it comes to size of fish
my comment was more about the quality of ur film making and the promotion of NZ as a destination. Ur filming is superb and ur fishing skills are amazing.